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You are able to swallow amazingly big quantities of food, probably in order to replenish the huge energy used up during your sports feats or your thundering fits of anger! The air and the fire element are combined in the Scorpio sun with Gemini rising, and thus will possibly trigger energetic spring tides, due to the passion and profundity of the Scorpio sun and the mental agility and curiosity of the Gemini rising. Capricorn rising: Prominent cheekbones and heavier brow bone + eyebrows. They are of slim build and of average to tall height, with a supple, slender, and nervous musculature. Air sign ascendants often have long limbs. You give all of your attention to what is happening in the here and now. They can be hard to pin down, a little detached but are ready conversationalists that adapts to any social group. I'm 28 but people often think I'm in my late teens or early 20s. You live in the moment, and want to do everything at once. A Gemini ascendant has a vibrant and easygoing demeanour, which attracts individuals from all walks of life. The ascendant rising sign is the zodiac sign that was sitting in your ascendant house (1st house in Vedic astrology) at the exact precise time you were born. Check your full birth certificate. The ascendant sign is often referred to as the "first impression" sign because. These women have flawless skins and slim smoking bodies. How people see and perceive you, and your general outlook on life. If you perform an experiment on the members of your entourage, you can observe that, from a statistic point of view, the Ascendant is more representative and that the Sun sign comes next. As a result, Hallyday's physique is much more a blend of Gemini and Leo, with the strength of a most harmonious Mars in the 8th House, than a representation of Virgo. Even though they may not perfectly match your outward appearance, if your Ascendant, or to a lesser extent, your Sun, is in Taurus, you might take on the following characteristics: Physically speaking, Taurus people often have a harmonious face, quite thick features with full sensual lips. Here is a selection of thousand of horoscopes having the Sun in Libra. The influence of the Gemini ascendant can be inspiring for the Virgo sun and helps to live out their creativity. Their favourite colours are green and brown. hello, could u do gemini rising appearance? Your ruling planet Jupiter is synonymous with excess. Their favourite colours are all the hues of red, orange, and indigo. However, owing to your tormented nature your propensity to take risks, you are prone to numerous more or less severe accidents. The Gemini Ascendant is also called the Gemini Rising Sign in your horoscope. They lead a very active social life and maintaining that lifestyle is important to them. You ought to learn to remain Zen under all circumstances, for this little effort would enable you to save so much time. The physical attributes of Gemini ascendants is characterized by a tall stature with a slender, athletic build and they generally do not have a rigid or inflexible body. Gemini season begins on May 21, a day that ushers in the heat and electricity of summer. The Ascendant (or rising sign) is often considered the mask one wears when meeting others. Gemini ascendants are good at multitasking and they do not entertain a single career option. Most of their health issues stem from mental stress and extreme mental exhaustion hence any activity to calm their senses or nerves is beneficial to them. A well-defined Cupid's bow and/or lips are a signature of this placement. Men born under Gemini ascendant live for the moment and for enjoyment, but they want everyone to be happy. Their clothes are always stylish, rather classical, of fine quality and good taste, and meant to last a long time. Your health is usually good, but the lack of physical exercise may prove harmful. The look is of course showy, often enhanced with jewellery and adornments. She loves variety when it comes to her relationship and this keeps her energized and happy. Like any element of a star or birth chart, this doesn't have any impact on someone's appearance. Example : French Olympic judoka champion David Douillet. Love and Romance: Gemini Ascendant people are happiest when with someone who allows them to be free and feeds their excitement. posted October 16, 2016 08:06 PM. Therefore, food is the main area you need to watch. In general they have a characteristic slim figure with a slender and long countenance and a svelte nose and chin area. These individuals could also take timely breaks from their normal routine and rejuvenate themselves. Aquarius rising is highly independent and wont chase or compromise for Gemini, which keeps your short attention span engaged. Capricorn rules the skin, the bones, and the knees. When it comes to matters of health, a Gemini Ascendant may have issues related to their hands or fingers. She likes being complemented and flattered. Here is a selection of thousand of horoscopes having the Sun in Aquarius. Hence their women will have a difficult time trusting them as they believe that a Gemini ascendant man will cheat on them or will not be loyal to them as a husband. In the bedroom, Gemini men are adventurous and curious and want to try new things. Their concern is practicality and not aesthetics, which they pay no attention to. You tend to open your sails and go with the wind rather than dig your oars in and try and pull in a specific direction when the tide is against you. This is one of the signs that can allow a person to appear younger than their actual age. This can make you seem flaky and inconsistent, but while the ship may have a meandering course, you are still the ship. Your health is very good because you are rather slim and mobile and not too interested in food, which constitutes the very frequent cause of many problems. Here is a selection of thousand of horoscopes having the Ascendant in Sagittarius. You dont dwell on the past and can even have a tendency to just exclude memories that you dont like. They are always in cares, but not in one direction; They prefer to keep in mind several ways, at night to reject nine out of ten, choosing the right one through intuition. On the other hand, you are generally picky and demanding regarding the quality and the variety of what you eat. Even though they may not perfectly match your outward appearance, if your Ascendant, or to a lesser extent, your Sun, is in Cancer, you might take on the following characteristics: Physically speaking, Cancer people have round-shaped features and tend to become stout when they reach their thirties. Often they have pointed chins and straight noses. You are always overexcited, full of nervousness, and you may suffer from overwork and insomnia. If theyre just casually dating, you can expect Gemini Risings to have multiple partners, and in the end, they will pick the one who is the most interesting to them. The Ascendant, which is Latin for "rising" or "of the rising", is the zodiac sign that was rising over the eastern horizon at the moment of a person's birth. Taurus Sun Gemini Rising Love. This all that is required to make you happy. The Gemini Rising Personality is reviewed and analyzed in this special report. Gemini risings can have fun in any situation, whether its a small get-together or a large party. The danger of becoming overweight is looming despite your activities which fortunately use up a big part of your intake. You find everything interesting and fascinating. By nature, they are quite secretive and prefer a serious, even sober, look which contrasts all the more strongly with their essence which is sheer concealed power. You are particularly resistant, actually, the most resistant sign of the Zodiac with Capricorn, and you always recover remarkably well. We will also explore the compatibility [] Their arms and legs are typically long and slender as well. In today. Your mind is in a state of perpetual alert, and therefore, burnout or nervousness problems may affect you. A Gemini ascendant has a tall stature, a slim, athletic frame, and is not rigid or inflexible. One of the downside to their personality is their inability to control their temperament. They are not able to settle down with just anyone though. It's your rising sign that differentiates you from others born on the same day. They give a lot of importance to their financial security and also this is a serious cause of concern for them. Perhaps it is most aptly thought of as the automatic responses to one's environment. A Gemini ascendant woman is a complete package. Indeed, your nature is so nonconformist and original that you seem to give your eating habits a cyclic pattern. They are very energetic and have quick reflexes. People probably want to tell you about all of their problems and expect that you will not only understand, but empathize. Appearance Gemini energy is extremely excitable, frenetic and swift. Here is a selection of thousand of horoscopes having the Sun in Pisces. Furthermore, Mercury, ruler of the Ascendant, is also in Gemini, his own sign. There is no distinctive mark for this sign which loathes being noticed. They are doe-eyed and may even look Elven. Even though they may not perfectly match your outward appearance, if your Ascendant, or to a lesser extent, your Sun, is in Gemini, you might take on the following characteristics: Physically speaking, Gemini people have sparkling eyes and expressive mobile traits which are nice and well-defined. You know that different situations demand different things and that you can get the most out of situations if you go with the flow. A Gemini ascendant native has a dynamic and easy going personality and it is this attribute which makes them interesting and attractive to people from different walks of life. Your Higher Journey is bursting with free guides and articles on Astrology, Numerology and more to help you decode your destiny, discover what was written in the stars at your birth and how it affects your personality and your life. Besides, you can hardly take big meals. Even though they may not perfectly match your outward appearance, if your Ascendant, or to a lesser extent, your Sun, is in Virgo, you might take on the following characteristics: Physically speaking, Virgo people look serious, discreet, rather preppy and elegant. Libra's favourite colours are all the hues of blue and red. A Gemini ascendant wonderfully softens the characteristics of a sun in Capricorn, Scorpio, or any of the signs that give introversion and strictness in character. Your potential weak point is the intestines, which are ruled by your sign. You give a little bit of attention to all the different things that interest you, but dont often give yourself the time and space to become deeply acquainted and expert. The Gemini Ascendant natives are tall and sleek in their appearance. People under the Gemini Zodiac need their space due to their intense work regime that usually is the root cause of their stress and nervous breakdown. These . Gemini ascendant women are incredibly charming and engaging. Since you use up a great deal of energy, your food must be rich and energy-giving: proteins, meat, rice, pasta, dried fruits, etc. They can also be harshly critical to their family members if they do not act or live in accordance to their level or standards. The Ascendant shows our natural defenses and how we. In the long run, you may undergo drawbacks, which are the consequence of your intense lifestyle, in the areas of physical expenditure, sexuality, or food. Gemini ascendants would also make good actors and politicians. Their mind especially is vigorous and fertile. They can see that you are intelligent as well, but probably think you are a bit flaky and unreliable. are ideally suited for jobs which would require these skills, such as writers, journalists, reporters, teachers or professors. When you are Gemini ascendant, people tend to think of you as talkative, interesting, and happy; the kind of person that they would like to spend time with. People born under Gemini rising always feel very present because they live in the moment. Gemini ascendant traits can have key aspects to your life. Gemini Ascendants are typically very calm and cordial individuals, but keep in mind Gemini is represented by the twins, meaning there is duality in their personality. Due to Gemini Ascendants wide range of interests, you may see that showcased around their house. Let's get back to our Taurus Sun with a Scorpio Ascendant example. Their knowledge and charm could only work for them if they learn to control their mood swings. Gemini rising women are looking for love, and while they find it again and again, finding a person that can keep them engaged and stimulated in the long-term is their biggest challenge. The face is square with clear-cut features, penetrating and magnetic eyes, and well-defined sensual lips. Your appetite is quite moderate, and in some cases, you do not feel hungry at all. Because of this, they may suffer from chronic anxiety or nervous breakdowns. The facial expression is nice with a shade of seriousness. The following foodstuffs are good for you: beetroot, garlic, ginseng, onion, parsley, potato, rice, royal jelly, green vegetables and mixed salads, watercress, and wheat germ. Gemini Rising sign. Your health is usually good thanks to your great energy and stamina. Gemini ascendant people are amiable, talkative, open, intelligent and active. Copyright 2019 - 2022 YourHigherJourney Part Of SoftwareBox Solutions Ltd. Reg No: 12205095, Networking And Socialization Is Their Specialty, The Physical Appearance Of Gemini Ascendant, Love And Relationships For Gemini Ascendant, Pisces Sun Leo Moon - The Eccentric Leader, Leo Mans Jealous & Possessive Nature Explained, Gemini Scorpio Friendship A Combination of Opposites, Leo Ascendant - Bright, Glowing, and Radiant Charmers, Aquarius Sun Capricorn Moon: Ambassadors of Progressive Change, Aquarius Sun Libra Moon: The Eccentric Diplomatic Progressive, Leo Sun Virgo Moon: A Passionate Yet Reserved Personality, Pisces Sun Cancer Moon: A Deeply Divine Combination, Libra Sun Gemini Moon: Building Connections and Being Charming, Gemini Sun Sagittarius Moon: The Rebel, The Fool, The Inspired, Angel Number 6161: A Sign of Compassion for Self & Others, Angel Number 8003: A Bright Future Awaits You, Angel Number 824: You Are On The Right Path. Their cool exterior also makes them attractive as they dont make a big fuss about unfavorable situations going on in their life. Their look may be either eccentric or serious. One month they may be into abstract art and have their home covered in different paintings, and the next month they could decide they want a minimalist home and re-decorate all together. They have pretty angular eyes. Therefore, there is a possibility that you undergo some small "repairs". Active in conducts and delivery and that too in motion, have broad forehead and skull. An astrological insight on Vishomttari Shani Mahadasha, Taurus Ascendant Characteristics and Basic Traits, Sagittarius Ascendant Characteristics, Personality And Traits Of Sagittarius Rising Sign. They usually have a liberal point of view and are helpful when it is needed. Whatever they decide to do it must hold some meaning or purpose to their lives. Gemini rising has a narrower head that is often longer than normal. In one-to-one relationships, Gemini rising people often seek a certain amount of personal freedom and space. A conservative person is not the right choice for her. You dont consider yourself to be the center of the universe and for other people to accommodate you. Their look gives an impression of fineness and swiftness, with a seemingly controlled yet laid-back style. Here is a selection of thousand of horoscopes having the Sun in Leo. You tend to think that all things are ephemeral, so you dont let yourself get overly preoccupied with the long term. But they are sensitive enough to know when their partner is enjoying themselves and when they are uncomfortable, so there are rarely any problems. Even though they may not perfectly match your outward appearance, if your Ascendant, or to a lesser extent, your Sun, is in Capricorn, you might take on the following characteristics: Physically speaking, Capricorn people are quite slender, bony, and of small to average height. They are highly self-conscious about their physical appearance, always wanting to look fit, strong, and lean . Here is a selection of thousand of horoscopes having the Ascendant in Libra. This can include personality, behavior, compatibility with other signs, and even your appearance. They are blessed with a good, retentive memory. In social gatherings conversations with a Gemini ascendant can be engaging and interesting which is entirely due to their wit and overall knowledge of things around them. This has a mere statistical value since differences stemming from the natal chart's peculiarities bring about the varied features which are present in all of us, thank God! Your ascendant is essentially how others view you and can even have an influence on your outward appearance and style. Their favourite colours are white and black. Anxiety sets in for the Gemini rising whenever they surround themselves with people who cant match their need for deep, intellectual conversation. The Gemini rising physical appearance is usually short but sleek. You are a great listener, and you are also open and happy to share your own experiences. Is there any site you can pay to get your time of birth. Their hair tends toward naturally curly or wavy. Their arms and legs are typically long and slender as well. these people are gifted with a dynamic and outgoing personality, Is Gemini Man Jealous When In Love (5 Obvious Signs To Discover), Gemini Emotional Problems: Top 4 Things You Need to Know, Gemini and Sagittarius Sexually: When These Two Signs in Bed, What Does Gemini Look Like (a Glimpse at Their Appearance), When a Gemini Woman Ignores You (with 4 Common Reasons), Gemini Man In Bed (With Top 9 Secrets To Attract Him), What Does Gemini Man Like In A Woman (6 Secrets EXPOSED). Knowing what time the sunrise happened on the day a person was born . In short, Gemini persons are exceptionally expressive in hands, feet, eyes and tongue. She is of a relaxed temperament with a positive outlook in life. the lessons that need to be learned are either easy and related to mutual . Other Taureans and Gemini's, Virgos, Capricorns, Pisces, Cancer's, Libra's, Aquarius, Aries, Leo all work well too! They live a fast-paced life, so you may catch Gemini Ascendants talking fast, walking fast, and eating fast. Moreover, you are particularly sensitive to high and low temperatures, and it is particularly recommended that you take all the necessary precautions in order to avoid colds and bronchitis. Not much for fixed routines, the Gemini Ascendant needs a career that allows for travel, challenges, and that lets them exercise their many skills. As a final result, you eat more often than you reasonably should. Gemini sign in 1st house gives one good height with very attractive features like nose and lips. In addition, your extreme sensitivity and your mood swings may play tricks on you in the long run and cause stomach pains, anguish, and tears. Even though they may not perfectly match your outward appearance, if your Ascendant, or to a lesser extent, your Sun, is in Leo, you might take on the following characteristics: Physically speaking, Leo people have strong features, a wide forehead, a thick and fair hair, often blond or red, and a quite large aquiline nose. In spite of your tendency to have accidents and all sorts of incidents due to your intense activity, you are very tough. There's no way you can guess their age: they look much younger than they actually are! Gemini Ascendants are people who arent opposed to polyamory or keeping things open within their relationship. Gemini Rising Female Appearance Thin bodies and small features, Gemini Ascendant women are youthful looking regardless of age. You are always questioning and learning, and you seem young and alive no matter what your chronological age -- your mind is always alert, curious, flexible, and open to new experiences. It is his relentless charm and love for life that initially attracts his lover or partner. Let's find out what is Gemini rising sign. A Gemini ascendant also loves to splurge, likes to spend on friends and family but is quite thrifty when he/she needs to spend it on other things in life. You must start to be careful about what you eat as early as possible since, as the saying goes, prevention is better than cure You tremendously enjoy good dishes in rich gravy, and creamy desserts or ice creams, and therefore, you must be vigilant! So, you can undersell yourself. Think of the rising sign as the "cover" of your personal book. Mercury is the ruler of Gemini and this lends its chemical attribute to Gemini ascendants. In this article, we deal with the physical appearance, health, and dietary habits which are associated with the Ascendant or the Sun sign. Their look is jovial, and their attire is casual but always in line with their generous nature and the context. This doesnt mean that you are overly humble, but you certainly arent self-entitled. Capricorn is also known as a Cardinal sign, which implies a need to take action. In social situations, they are seen as engaging and interesting because of their diverse knowledge. Gemini ascendant men can seem like your typical playboy without a care in the world. Physical Appearance For Gemini Ascendant Gemini Ascendant people have sparkling eyes and expressive mobile traits which are nice and well-defined. You need simple, light, and varied foods with many vegetables and mixed salads, and not necessarily a lot of meat since you have no intense physical activity. Log in. He is attracted to women who are strong, responsible and does not bombard him with questions all the time. Here is a selection of thousand of horoscopes having the Sun in Scorpio. Having duality in mind more often uncertain or wavering mind. A Gemini ascendant male will be a sincere lover or husband later in his life when he himself is convinced of his womans love for him. Venus is also the lord of houses 5th & 12th to Gemini. There is more to this universe than what we can see & touch. The Rising Sign or the Ascendant is what defines how you present yourself to the world, including your looks. Your lack of appetite is not really innate. Cancer rising is reliable in the midst of adversity. Gemini Ascendants are capable and knowledgeable, and they enjoy the company of people who are on a similar wavelength. There is something aerial and elvish about you. Read this personality profile and discover the truth about Gemini ascendant. Gemini rising appearance This sign is so unstable and changeable that any planet present close to the ascendant can strongly alter a person's appearance. A person needs to at least know which hour they were born within to calculate their rising sign. Actually, more than food, it is the setting, the decor, and the people with whom you share your meal that mean the most to you. As children, natives born with a Gemini Ascendant are often labeled as the intellectual, inquisitive, and perhaps odd child. Can you tell someone's sign by their physical appearance? His lover or wife will have a difficult time comprehending life from his point of view. Venus is the ruler of the Libra ascendant. During the first part of your life, your level of energy is very high. The opposite sex has ample reasons to feel insecure around a Gemini ascendant male. Psychosomatic disorders affecting the intestines may constitute another weak point which is all the more active because you refrain from expressing your emotions throughout your life. However, you must be aware that in the long run, in your fifties, you may suffer from weight problems. Since our rising signs have such an influence in the way we present ourselves, it also plays a role in our outward appearance. You are compatible in your attitude to relationships, in that it only works for as long as you are both enjoying yourselves. Their look is marked by neutrality, sobriety, and ordinariness. You also have an inner glow, which tends to shine through in your clear and healthy-looking complexion.

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