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[16] One student hiding under a classroom desk was shot and injured by a bullet that penetrated a wall. He introduced me to another hero from that day, Coy Ferreira, a father who scooped up a terrified child from the playgrounds open space, away from the spray of gunfire and into the safety of his daughters classroom. Entrance to Danny Elliott and Diane Steeles home. A school custodian and the teachers put it into action. Neal then fired eight rounds into a Ford F-250 occupied by a woman and her son, who was headed to school. Yikes!! Elliott was Sanders best friend, so it was emotionally difficult for Sanders to speak about Elliott as he shared some background. News media reported others who were shot by Neal as he drove to the school, such as Tiffany Nai Phommathep, shot four times in the shoulder while driving in her truck with her children passengers, some of whom were also injured by Neals bullets. He created a photo book of his dogs especially for the children at St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital, where he donated several copies. . Sanders said that encounter started a feud, and that over time, bad blood boiled. What did Disney actually lose from its Florida battle with DeSantis? But they still have to rip all my teeth out, and then I have to do a bone graft.. (Elijah Nouvelage / AFP / Getty Images) Rancho Tehama Elementary School was targeted by a gunman on Tuesday. Did this really in fact happen?' Sanders said thatthe night Neal murdered his wife Neal called the pizza place where his wife worked and said that if management didnt let his wife come home, hed come down and kill everyone in the place. A bullet hole is seen in an exterior wall at the Rancho Tehama Elementary School on Nov. 15, 2017. The Tehama County Sheriffs Office identified the five people killed by Rancho Tehama shooter Kevin Neal. At one point during his shooting spree, Neal rammed through the locked gates at Rancho Tehama Elementary School, before classes began. But months before that, Hailey Poland had survived a vicious attack at his hands and worried that things . Sissy Feitelberg with grandson Gage Elliott, who was orphaned at the age of 7 in the November 2017 shooting. . 2 men found drugged after leaving NYC gay bars were killed, medical examiner says, Gunman kills four people in Northern California rampage, Ukraine says it's ready if Russia tries to invade again from Belarus. Lobdell shuns talk of her heroism that day in favor of words like "training" and "instinct. Kevin Janson Neal and his wife lived at the end of the road, at the bottom of a ravine, in a battered baby-blue trailer home with a front yard full of broken-down cars . Some people might find bitter comfort knowing that one name is permanently off the list: Kevin Janson Neal. Its definitely affected Gage, and it will for the rest of his life.. [13][19] Nearly 100 rounds of ammunition were fired into the school. Ive never had them. Kevin Janson Neal has been identified as the suspect who opened fire at Rancho Tehama School in Northern California, part of a widespread attack that left four people dead. There is only one way in, and one way out, and thats via Rancho Tehama Road. Two of the shots hit the 6-year-old boy in his chest and leg. Police in Northern California say the gunman in a deadly shooting rampage was feuding with his neighbors. Phommathep said he is certain Kevin Neal drove to Rancho Tehama Elementary School to kill Gage. The attack killed four people and left nearly 12 more injured. The front yard where Tehama County, Calif., gunman Kevin Janson Neal lived with his wife, Barbara. [9][18][20] One of the injured students, six-year-old Alejandro Hernandez, was the youngest victim; he was shot in the chest and leg, had to be airlifted to UC Davis, and required multiple surgeries. I met one man who lives in a hill-top home surrounded by beautiful vistas. [7] Recorded video shows Neal going into a field behind the school and firing into the air, apparently in frustration at being locked out of the classrooms. Woods Sr. doesnt like to complain. In reply to R.V. [7] His neighbors, 38-year-old Danny Elliott and 68-year-old Diana Steele with whom he had had previous conflicts, were his first two killings on November 14. Kevin Janson Neal: 43, of Corning was arrested Tuesday in the 6900 block of . He was arrested and jailed in Tehama County, but Neal made a $160,000 bail and was freed, allowing him to return . Kevin Jason Neal, the 44-year-old who went on a shooting rampage in Rancho Tehama last month, died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. Hencratt is named among the defendants, which include Assistant Sheriff Phil Johnston, Tehama County Sheriff's Office, Tehama County, the estate of Neal and the Rancho Tehama Association. So they didn't have the evidence to search his home? Ferreira did say that when Miss Nelson called 911, she got a busy signal. Tensions escalated. According to Elliotts stepbrother David (who requested we not publish his last name or photo), the gate was open, making it easy for Neal to get onto their property. [9][17] A six-year-old student was also injured by a gunshot to the chest. "On every occasion we responded, asking 'did you actually see him firing a gun?' James Woods Sr., 47, at a park in Rancho Tehama Reserve. The stolen truck was ultimately rammed by two law enforcement officers, one from the Corning Police Department, who responded from the city of Corning to assist the sheriff's office, and a Tehama County Sheriff's deputy. At least one unregistered semi-automatic ghost rifle and two borrowed semi-automatic pistols were used. They show up in people's psyches, or behind closed doors. [5][18][25][26][27][28] The victims included two students at Rancho Tehama Elementary School and Michelle McFadyen's husband. Like Gage, Sanders son also was at Rancho Tehama Elementary when Neal arrived after shooting multiple people on his way from Bobcat Lane. That disparity echoes researchers findings that the higher the body count, the more the media attention, and the greater the outpouring of assistance, said James Densley, a sociologist and criminal justice professor at Metropolitan State University in Minnesota. Woods Jr. first filed for state victim compensation this year. Contribute to chinapedia/wikipedia.en development by creating an account on GitHub. Scheide. He is a 2007 Pulitzer Prize finalist in feature photography for images of Central Americans risking life and limb as they jump aboard the trains from southern Mexico bound for the United States and a 2005 Pulitzer Prize finalist in breaking news photography for team coverage of hurricanes. RANCHO TEHAMA RESERVE, Calif. He heard his daughters teacher, Miss Nelson, yelling loudly for all the kids to get inside NOW! By then it was about 7:58 to 7:59 a.m. The smaller ones often received far less. She's used to the echo of gunfire in this rural community. For many years Steve DuBois has enjoyed taking photos of his dogs in interesting and unusual places. As Sanders tried to reach Neal, Neal ran to the stolen truck, firing the whole time at Sanders. So I walked over to get a picture. [20] A passerby, unaware of the shootings, stopped his car and asked Neal if he was okay; Neal shot and wounded him, stole his car, and continued the rampage, killing another person. Authorities have identified the man behind Tuesday's shooting spree in Rancho Tehama . Wythe lives in a small camper trailer next to Bruehls place. I talked with many people that day. [14][17], After fleeing the school, Neal crashed the pickup truck into another vehicle and fired at the two occupants as they tried to flee; the female driver was killed, and her husband was wounded in the legs. Sanders was then handcuffed and put into a squad car. Hes lived for several years now in a dilapidated mobile home by the airstrip. But before everyone could get inside, Neal crashed the truck into one of the schools side gates thats always kept locked. He was promptly arrested because officers had heard that Sanders was at the school. He was 7 years old. Source: Tehama County Sheriff. Hmm! Gage never again saw fellow students who hid under their desks while Neal fired clip after clip at the school, including a 6-year-old who survived being shot in the chest by a bullet that traveled through a classroom wall. Sanders said he told told both Gilsan and Neal that he could mind his own business if theyd take it inside, but he couldnt watch a man beating a woman without trying to stop it. Elijah Nouvelage /AFP/Getty Images [11] They were taken to Enloe Medical Center in Chico, Saint Elizabeth Community Hospital in Red Bluff,[33] Mercy Medical Center in Redding, or UC Davis Medical Center in Davis for treatment. Sarah Lobdell is the secretary at Rancho Tehama Elementary School. Yes it did.". ANI. He turned in one registered handgun to a vendor. He praised his staff. [4][25][26][27][28] Two handguns and another AR-15-type rifle were recovered near his body. Tehama County sheriff's deputies responded 21 times in the past year to calls involving a Northern California man who had been quarreling with neighbors before he shot and killed five people last . Kevin Jansen Neal, 43, was charged with assault in January . Gunman Kevin Janson Neal is believed to have spent six minutes shooting into the school before driving off to continue his shooting spree. Connor Sheets is an investigative and enterprise reporter at the Los Angeles Times. Three of the children were treated and released at the scene, two were treated and released from a hospital and one remains hospitalized. And we still have that sense of 'we can't believe this really happened. He was riding in a car with his son when Kevin Janson Neal opened fire. The shooting in Rancho Tehama simply couldnt compete. Tehama County Sheriff's Department. A collection of painted stones left at the memorial. According to the Sacramento Bee, the Ranch Tehama shooter who murdered four and wounded another ten people in a northern California shooting spree was Kevin Janson Neal.And he was no stranger to the local law enforcement community. Rich Pedroncelli/AP "And she has these night terrors, she wakes up yelling things. The police confirm they got, on average, three complaint calls a month for nearly a year about Neal's behavior and gunfire. Jessie Sanders has lived in Rancho Tehama Reserve since he was 5. The injured included six adults and six children. Police believe the gunman, Kevin Neal, was likely targeting the neighbor's son, a kindergartner at the school and anyone else who got in his way. After Neal sped off in the truck, Sanders raced from the school and across the airport runway to his moms place. I just went to a peaceful place and I just think 'I just died,'" he says. "Hopefully if they get anything else like this again they'll look at it a little closer," he says. The kids will return to school on Mon., Nov. 27, after Thanksgiving break. Cell phone photo of officers arresting Jessie Sanders, and having him strip down. They say he chose random targets and stole two vehicles during the rampage. She finally received aid from an assistant deputy sheriff who called for an ambulance. She was about to ask him if he needed a ride when the siblings heard heavy gunfire. That if some individual wants to storm some building, that I can't control that. As she drove away, she heard something a gunshot or a firecracker. Forty-three percent of the town's residents fall below the federal poverty level. Yes it did. GitHub export from English Wikipedia. The restraining order expired in September, but was renewed before the shootings. The retired contractor didn't want his full name used. One of Neal's neighbors later claimed that Neal was targeting the seven-year-old son of the neighbor he killed earlier. Its the kind of place where most drivers wave to other drivers, even to me, a stranger in their town. [40], Due to the shooting spree, Rancho Tehama Elementary School was closed earlier than planned for the Thanksgiving holiday break[5] and reopened on November 27. Neal was outside, beating his wife Barbara Gilsan. District Attorney Gregg Cohen told The Bee that Neal is currently being prosecuted by his office for assault with a deadly weapon and a stabbing that had occurred . He also had been shot by deputies just a hundred yards up the road from Mike K.'s house. The shooting incident took place near the Rancho Tehama Elementary school when some parents were dropping off their children. "He pretty much stopped me and shot at me three times through his windshield," Gonzales said. Among the injured was a 6-year-old boy, shot while inside his classroom. Danny Elliott and Diana Steele were killed five years after Gages mother died in an accident, said Sissy Feitelberg, Gages maternal grandmother. (Elijah Nouvelage / AFP / Getty Images) By Alene Tchekmedyian Staff Writer As I drove throughout Rancho Tehama, I stopped and talked with random people like David, the step-brother to Danny Elliott; step-son of Diana Steele, both of whom were killed. It's hard for us to talk to her about it. [1][8] His motive remains unclear. As with so many mass shootings across the U.S., because the death toll was comparatively low, Rancho Tehamas was little more than another blip on the slaughter radar, forgotten by many within months. During the killing spree, he killed neighbors and then motorists in his path before attacking an elementary school, wounding children therein. It's not clear why the wounded have received so little thus far. Shortly before the shooting started, Sanders sister Tina had just dropped her son off at Rancho Tehama Elementary School. Shooter Kevin Neal threatened out loud that he was going to kill Danny Elliott and then go to the elementary school to kill Elliott's 7-year-old son, said Johnny Phommathep, a neighbor who li I also got to meet Jessie Allen Sanders, the man whos been called a hero that day at the elementary school for putting himself in danger to help save lives. Also in that classroom was Elliotts young son. Since January 31, 2018, ghost guns required a serial number in the state. Sarah Lobdell is the secretary at Rancho Tehama Elementary School. [29] Ghost guns are currently legal to manufacture in California, but the terms of Neal's restraining order made it illegal for him to possess them, or any other guns. [9][35] His mother had reportedly noticed a decline in his mental health since 2016. Sheriff investigators work at the Rancho Tehama Elementary School campus in Rancho Tehama Reserve in Corning, Calif. On Tuesday, Nov.14, 2017. [38] The two handguns that Neal possessed during his shooting rampage were not registered to him. They were the second and third people shot to death by Neal, who lived in a light-blue mobile home barely 100 yards from their property. TEHAMA COUNTY, Calif. (KCRA) The Tehama County assistant sheriff announced Wednesday morning that six people, including the gunman, were killed in a shooting rampage through a small Northern . A man reported that his truck was stolen and his roommate was shot and . Help from family and a few thousand dollars from his Go Fund Me page are all that have helped them get by. Uncle Chuck Bruehl pets his dog, Sammy, as friend Johnny Wythe looks on. Meanwhile, directly across the road from the schools gate through which Neal had just crashed, lived friends and neighbors Johnny Wythe and Uncle Chuck Bruehl. One of them.". Unknown then to the school, Neal already had shot and killed his wife and two of his neighbors before driving to the school that morning loaded with ammo and several semi-automatic weapons. Sanders recalled a pivotal incident. "I feel like they and the sheriff's office were setting me up for failure.". He was fed through a gastrointestinal tube. Dykes also showed where Michelle Iris McFadyen was killed on the side of the road. It is being reported that Kevin Janson Neal, the suspect in the case of the horrific Rancho Tehama School shooting is the same man who was arrested earlier this year for an assault against an elderly person that resulted in likely "great bodily injury." The mother of the gunman who killed four people during a shooting rampage in Northern California said he called her a day earlier and told . Finally, someone informed the officers theyd arrested the wrong guy; that Sanders was the hero from the school, which sorted everything out. [11] In total, deputies were called to Neal's Bobcat Lane home 21 times for various reasons in 2016 and 2017. Those who were killed and wounded ranged in age from 6 to 68. Officers then opened fire and killed him. On one level, it looks like all is mostly back to normal in the small, rural community of Rancho Tehama in Northern California. A short time later, a patrol car rammed the suspect's vehicle. Sanders said he and Neal made eye contact, and realized they knew each other. But just below the surface it's clear people here are still grappling with the aftermath of a local man's murderous rampage nearly three months ago that killed five and wounded 12 others. Photos by Steve DuBois.). According to Tehama County Assistant Sheriff Phil Johnston, the wife of 44-year-old Neal was found under the floorboards of his home as part of Continue reading Body Of Rancho Tehama Shooter Kevin . Get up to speed with our Essential California newsletter, sent six days a week. Another, to help with hospital bills for a 34-year-old Rancho Tehama father who was shot in the leg, brought in less than $5,000. After a couple of more tries Nelson finally got through and was told 911 was getting a lot of calls. (Gary Coronado / Los Angeles Times) Gage Elliott became an orphan on Nov. 14, 2017. This Jan. 31, 2017 photo provided by the Tehama County Sheriff's Office shows Kevin Janson Neal, who authorities have identified as the gunman behind a rampage in Northern California. Neal saw the custodian and started firing at him, but Neals gun jammed. May 21, 2021. [18][8] A woman was also shot when she attempted to distract Neal from the school. Tina said that in her gut she knew the location of the gunfire. Lobdell's fast action likely averted a massacre. 9 of 42 10 of 42 Boarded up windows at the Rancho Tehama Elementary School in the small community of Rancho Tehama, shot out by Kevin Janson Neal, 43 , as seen on Wednesday Nov. 15, 2017, in . Gunman Kevin Janson Neal is believed to have spent six minutes shooting into the school before driving off to continue his shooting spree. I've got my antennas up all the time. He said that as Neal emptied a magazine, in a matter of seconds, he could set the rifle over a magazine on the vest and the gun was reloaded. He was killed during a shoot-out with police. Gage never spent another night in that house on Bobcat Lane where he once played in the yard with his father. Jessie said it was the type of experience people talk about when theyre dying. On November 1314, 2017, a series of shootings occurred in Rancho Tehama, an unincorporated community in Tehama County, California, U.S. As the truck came to a stop Neal fired at the officers, who exchanged heavy gunfire with him. He fired repeatedly at the locked-down doors, windows and walls. [3] The community lies amidst rolling hills of oak and pine trees with views of Mount Shasta and Lassen Peak. The attack in Rancho Tehama, . A gunmans deadly rampage through rural Rancho Tehama on Tuesday was stopped when police rammed his vehicle and exchanged shots in a fierce gun battle, authorities said. The result is multiple stories, many of them second- and even third-hand; some of them conflicting. Among . Today, the Rancho Tehama community still hurts. I did get some clarification on the tragedy, but not on all the victims. David, Elliotts stepbrother, said that his fatherless step-nephew is now living with the boys maternal grandmother. Sanders later surmised that when officers saw him, they erroneously thought he may have been a second shooter. School officials heard gunshots and made a critical decision to lock it down. That was a big mistake.". The Tehama County Sheriff's Office identified the five people killed by Rancho Tehama shooter Kevin Neal. Tehama County Assistant Sheriff Phil Johnston said that the body of Kevin Janson Neal's wife was found under the floor in their home and her murder is "what started this whole event." Armed with at least three guns and a ballistic vest, the shooter began his rampage just before 8 a.m., killing two of his neighbors. Sheriffs officials said Neal, 44, probably killed her the day before the mass shooting. Steve says his dogs have been his photographic inspiration and motivation, but sometimes he tries his hand at nature shots, such as the photos he captured of the north states 2017 flooding, published here on A News Rancho Tehama Reserve, where five people were killed and 14 others wounded in a shooting in November 2017. The shooting finally ended after what authorities described as a 45-minute rampage through Rancho Tehama, a quiet reserve about 120 miles northwest of downtown Sacramento. Its the kind of place where the crack of gunfire is normal, with the assumption that its probably just harmless target practice. "[The board] promised lots and lots of good stuff, but it turns out they are not really covering all those things and no real help coming from them," he says. What Im reporting here today is what I saw and heard during my visit. Jose shared some good news: His nephew was recently released from the hospital. No one, Johnston says, seemed to see Neal shooting a weapon. (Tehama County Sheriff via AP) Asked about Sanders actions that morning, Rancho Tehama residents speak of his selflessness, bravery and kindness. In using the term, "domestic terrorist," I am . It was Elliotts father who broke the news of his sons death to Sanders. The gunman, identified by the Sacramento Bee and members of the Rancho Tehama, as Kevin Janson Neal, 44, shot both inside and outside Rancho Tehama Elementary School, Johnston said. One student was wounded and others were injured by broken glass. He stepped out and fired randomly at the rooms around him. Sandra Wells's 5-year-old daughter is happily back at school. hide caption. As Ferreira told this part of the story, he was so overcome with emotion that I didnt feel comfortable asking more about what happened in the storage room. And it paid for all the funerals other than the shooters, he said. Like many here, Wilson fully understands that the department is tasked with covering an large, rural county with limited resources. The 35-year-old tree trimmer is now unemployed and, for now, unable to work because of his wounds. Kevin Janson Neal mugshot. Here's when they take effect", "Tehama County shooting update: Gunman's wife found dead", "Shooting rampage in California highlights "ghost guns" and their dangers", "Tehama County certifies final June election results",, Barbara Ann Glisan (aka Gilsan), 38 (Neal's wife, shot at their home), Danny Lee Elliott, 38 (Neal's neighbor, shot at home), Diana Lee Steele, 68 (Elliott's mother, shot at home), Joseph Edward McHugh III, 56 (unknown location), Michelle Iris McFadyen, 55 (killed in vehicle crash), Tiffany Nai Phommathep, 31 (shot in vehicle), John Phommathep Jr., 10 (Tiffany's son, shot in vehicle), Jake Phommathep, 6 (Tiffany's son, shot in vehicle), Jessie Allen Sanders, 39 (shot near elementary school), Francisco Gudino Cardenas (shot in vehicle), Alejandro Hernandez, 6 (shot at elementary school), Troy Lee McFadyen, 59 (Michelle McFadyen's husband, shot near vehicle), This page was last edited on 20 February 2023, at 05:56. He loves that the kids enjoy seeing his dogs photographed in unusual ways. [6][7][8], The next day Neal went on a shooting rampage, first killing a man and a woman, both neighbors with whom he had an ongoing feud over their suspected methamphetamine dealing. 2017 . He has not, and he will not, talk about his father. Neal, 44, had been out on bail after being charged with stabbing a neighbor when he went on a 45-minute shooting spree Tuesday in the rural community of Rancho Tehama Reserve, about 130 miles . He'd made threats. The damaged school gate has been replaced. David said Neal then hid behind some trees and shot Elliott and Steele when the pair came outside. The bigger ones, including the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history, received lots of coverage by us and other media during and after the attack. [1][37] Police said that, despite this, he illegally manufactured the guns he used in the shootings. He was 7 years old. The sound startled her, but she couldnt identify it, so she wasnt worried. "I just told [police] to tell my wife and son I love them and I just faded away. This angered Sanders. Rancho Tehama Reserve. Alex Murdaugh sentenced to life in prison for murders of wife and son, Biden had cancerous skin lesion removed last month, doctor says, White supremacist and Holocaust denier Nick Fuentes kicked out of CPAC, Tom Sizemore, actor known for "Saving Private Ryan" and "Heat," dies at 61, Biden team readies new advisory panel ahead of expected reelection bid, At least 10 dead after winter storm slams South, Midwest, House Democrats unhappy with White House handling of D.C.'s new criminal code. I spoke with Jim, the husband of Sara, the quick-thinking school secretary who put the school on lockdown. (Rancho Tehama lacks a police or sheriffs department, and, for that matter, a medical facility.). When the gunshots subsided Wythe got up, only to fall back to the floor when the shooting resumed. The five killed by Neal were 38-year-old Barbara Ann Gilsan (Neals wife), 38-year-old Danny Lee Elliott, and his mother 68-year-old Diana Steel (Neals neighbors, two doors down), 56-year-old Joseph Edward McHugh III (Neals next-door neighbor), and 55-year-old Michelle Iris McFadyen. They said were waiting to be approved still, Woods Sr. said as he watched his son play with his own young children at a riverside park in Rancho Tehama one hot afternoon last month. I mean really. Sanders seemed like an open guy who talks as if he has a positive outlook on life. In part because of the limited media attention, people who were shot or lost loved ones that day say there has not been enough support available to help rebuild their lives. Police killed the suspected shooter, Kevin Janson Neal. "The quick action of those school officials. "Every. "There was absolutely no question, no hesitation and I do believe that that also helped," she says. But Wells says her kindergartner is not really the same since she had to run and crouch in fear as the crackle of gunfire echoed. Wythe said he was in his camper with Sammy, Bruehls dog, when he heard gunshots, something he said is common in this region, and not usually a cause for alarm. [32] He was held on US$160,000 bail, which was posted by his mother with a bail bond. [12], At the Rancho Tehama Elementary School, Sarah Lobdell, the school's secretary, heard the gunfire near the school and quickly ordered the school to go on lockdown.

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