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New TALARC net on West Coast. HUNTER NET FREQUENCIES Weekly ham activity of general and technical info; goes until 7:45 or 8 pm, and moves to 6m. Northwest The Organization was founded to continue the efforts, begun in 1961, by Project OSCAR, a west coast USA-based group which built and launched the very first Amateur Radio satellite, OSCAR, on December 12, 1961, barely four years after the launch of Russia's first Sputnik. 7086 or 7080 at 13:00 daily except Sunday. (maybe out of service). . The Washington County ARES net is temporarily on our Tertiary repeater of 147.360 with a plus offset and a tone of 107.2 Hz FM repeater. 28.333 Choosing a Antenna for 2.4 ghz Mesh Network, Favorite Linux 3 Flavors & Desktop Environments, ThreatList: 83% of Routers Contain Vulnerable Code, Linux Vendors Where to Buy a Linux Computer, Optimize Raspberry Pi for Your Particular Use. - Added the date for the August 12th Kootenai Amateur Radio Society Hamfest. Amateur Radio Emergency Communications. See 'Become an ECARS Member' below. Horse Traders Resources Assistant Manager W9EC Ray Lischka Net Manager KD6DMH Mike Golub 21:00 UTC Frequency, 145.27, 145.43, 146.80, 443.150 and 442.525 MHz repeaters, all having a pl tone of 107.2. Below is a list of HF nets available to local Ham's with the right equipment. Most nets convene on a regular schedule and specific frequency, and are organized for a particular purpose, such as relaying messages, discussing a common topic of interest, in severe weather (for example, during a . Check-ins are taken from any call district. Covers NE Coast of Australia, New Guinea, Louisiade Archipelago, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and Noumea. Net Details An additional goal of our net is to promote camaraderie and the exchange of ideas . Oregon 3.920 This list represents the nets we have information for. Sun 3.975 -- Subscription Info, IOTA - Islands on the Air Frequencies (See Awards Section for Details) 3900 Trader Net If you continue to use this site, you consent to the use of those cookies. in their area. PLEASE GO TO THE NEW WARFA WEB PAGE QRP RTTY In memory in Les 3.902 (As of May, 2012 this net is shut down because of erratic propagation, but it is coming soon). County Hunters Net. HFpack.com is an international resource for portable High Frequency Baja-California One such system of nets is the National Traffic System (NTS), organized and operated by members of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) to handle routine and emergency messages on a nationwide and local basis. We are looking for stations to help run our nets as a Net Control Operator (NCOs). Swap and Shop. Whether you talk to the Pacific Seafarers Net, the Maritime Mobile Service Net, or the Intercon Net, all the net controls support cruising sailors (and other mobile operators), handoff well to one another, and have robust links to official responders. Find out more at https://passageguardian.nz, contact: [emailprotected]. See website for Mexico Nets. Hams checking in on both fone and cw are counted twice! Check out the weekly net, Monday nights at 7:00pm on 146.840, no tone. Pacific Northwest. PST Sunday 19:00 / 18:00 11:00 Sun. KE7GGV For a detailed list ofOregon and SW Washington Nets visit ARRG at https://arrg.org/nets/, ARRL Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES). 3.911 USA Dockside Radiowww.docksideradio.com/west_coast.htmRadio Nets on the East and West Coasts. -- Since 1989 - 2000 Members. Friday West Coast SSB - 3.895 mHz at 8 pm Pacific, 10 pm Central. 1245~1630 PST Come join the AM fun! 3.938 Traders Net Box 1376 Shingle Springs, CA. WEEKDAYS RAG CHEW & SWAP NET . This is a slow speed CW training net (10wpm). Country Open net in the lower mainland for new and old on SSB. Website Search . This website serves a group of ham radio operators who meet daily on shortwave radio to operate in morse code (an alphabet or code in which letters are represented by combinations of long and short . 3.579.5 3.928 Mid Day (Noon) 14303.5 Elecraft K3 Radio Net Sunday 19:00 14:00 / 15:00 Sun. West Atlantic and Caribbean: Manana Net (Ham) 14340.0 USB: 1900 UTC: Mexico to Hawaii: Pacific Maritime Mobile Net (Ham) In memory in Les K6HQI who anchored this net for She and the post . Hunter Mail List Reflectors -- August 2020: Pacific Maritime Radio updated and NZ SSB Nets. The Northwest Oregon Traffic and Training net is a affiliated with the Radio Relay International Traffic System. The W1YU Collegiate Amateur Radio Ne Tues - 8pm - t - New England Conference Server - IRLP 9127 . Palm Coast W4FPC 147.0750 Palm Coast W4FPC 147.0750 Tallahassee NX4DN 444.1750 Tallahassee Post Falls, ID. Antilles Net. HF Radio Nets are set up, either on a permanent, semi-permanent, or ad-hoc basis by groups of cruisers, shore stations, and other groups in order to facilitate this communication over a specific geographic area and at regular intervals. 00:00 UTC Run by a consortium of net controllers in NZ and Australia. 7dB collinear, 7dB colinear, 12 el Yagi, mainly vertical, 170W, Weekly ham activity of general and technical info; goes until 7:45 or 8 pm, and moves to 6m, 4 el yagi or vertical (to accommodate check-in's polarity) at 25 feet, 35-75w, Weekly ham activity; net begins after 2m net finishes, and moves to 70 cm, have been doing this net over 25 years, To promote 432 activity; net begins after 6m net finishes, Open net to promote 2M digital. -- NTS Area Nets, Maritime Nets, NTS Region Nets, Wide Coverage, Country Cousins Nets, WESTERN AMATEUR RADIO with a long path opening to the west coast of the . 3975 Traders Net 8:00pm EST PICANTE NET 6212 kHz - USB Daily @13:30Z. Here's what Wikipedia says. Sailing Nets - West Coast at heatherk.com -- Also some WX and HF transceiver info. We also have an alternate repeater on 146.84 megahertz. Dennis Kidder, W6DQ WA2PZI Net All are welcome, regardless of location. You can also join us via 147.040 IRLP NODE #7959 or 147.320 ECHOLINK: K7RPT-L on The Amateur Radio RelayGroup (ARRG) System. -- 3128 Counties, Parishes or Independent Cities in the USA, The The CCA also supports three weekly 75-meter SSB Nets: Tuesday & Friday nights on 3.775 kHz LSB at 8 pm Central, Below is a list of HF nets available to local Hams with the right equipment. Roger roger. Below we've compiled a list of active weekly digital nets. SEARCH THE WEB OR THE AC6V WEBSITE, Search the entire AC6V website (all 133 pages). West is not until 19:30 UTC - hence people in the West listening earlier & Nemo's HF Frequencies East Coast 3.880 mHz AM Night 7:00 PM EST function scrollit_r21(seed) ~16:00 PST Signal Net: General information & check-ins. Monday - Saturday, 9am to 1pm Eastern time. Listen the net live. SSB. USCG CW Operators Assn ZUT Net - Thursday 1130 EST/0830 PST 14.052 mHz. MARITIME MARS NTS Cousins Nets The new USCGARC Mascot is Captain Pepper! Six Worked All States Interactive Sked Page. EMERGENCY Service. Net Information: Freq: 3540 kHz Sun Last ref 2010, This is a list of all the Pacific Radio Nets, both SSB and HAM, that we know about. No net control. NB: if a radio net is listed on a recently updated blog or website, it is considered active. Drake Net To add an anchorage click on the map to place the red marker. Maritime Mobile Service Network The North American Youth Net 73! This net meets every Sunday evening at 8:10 P.M. local time on this K7RPT 147.040 MHz repeater. The CCA 20-meter SSB Net meets every Sunday on 14.263 mHz USB at 2000 UTC throughout the year and is our formal, directed net. Saturday 7.295 Mhz, 7:AM Eastern Time. Swan Technical Nets - Wednesday 2200GMT on 14292Khz. Weather Panama to Galapagos. 9:30 PM PST NA6R Photo Gallery . There are two weekly nets held on the OTVARC repeaters. Members . newcomers. The Portland Public Schools Amateur Radio Club Traffic Net is held Wednesday evenings from 7:00 PM until 7:30 PM on the 440.25 MHz repeater. South Central 3.890 mHZ 6:30 PM CST Jim Bandy has stepped down but the net is still believed live. 75 Meter Weekly Tuesday & Thursday Nets (3805 kHz), 75 Meter Weekly West CoastFriday Net (3895 kHz) This close bond was represented on the MidCars membership certificate of the time which also listed "ECARS 7255 MHz" and "WCARS 7255 MHz" and the statement "Hams at Work Across the Nation". From The Six Meter World Wide DX Club, IOTA Pages HF Hurricane Frequencies The West Coast Boaters' Net 3860 KHz (formerly 3855 KHz) at 18:00 PDT, usually June to the end of September, . B O A R D M E E T I N G , S E C O N D T H U R S D A Y @ 1 9 : 0 0"; The Western States DMR Network is a group of 70 cm Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) repeaters located in California, Oregon, Arizona, Nevada and Utah. hwn.org. Wikipedia: Amateur Radio Net. Forpermission to reproduce anything on this site please contact the society at 10:00 Referenced in 2006, 2009, 2013, SHEILA Net, 8161 kHz daily at 2200(UTC). Thank you for The Visit! hearing nothing, might assume the net is cancelled. Maritime Mobile Net (worldwide) www.mmsn.org14300-14313 kHz 24h/day in different languages. Website: http://www.west-coast-net.info/index.php, Multnomah County ARES Net, Wednesday at 7pm on 146.840, no tone. North Central 3.880 mHz7:00 PM CST Band conditions usually limit coverage to the general area of the Pacific Northwest. E-mail Manager KG6DYS Crickett Home. 3.885 . Every Wednesday evening at 8:00 p.m. Pacific Time on 3.908 Navigation. 6m Net. Washington Amateur Radio Traffic System : SSB: 3975: 0100: 0200: W7RNB. Fri, 17 Feb 2023 . The usual frequency Baja-California Sonrisa Net for Sea of Cortez, 3.968 MHz (3968 LSB) at 0730 PDT. Guide To Amateur E-mail Manager KG6DYS Crickett Wed West Coast 3.880 mHZ8:00 PM Local West Coast Time, Friday MID US SSB 3.775 mHz at 8 pm Central SSB Ten-Tec Users FOR ACTIVE current, comprehensive lists of Cruiser HAM & SSB nets: Dockside Radio: KK7N CN85tn. Denise Emery N7OSU is an Auxiliary member connected to American Legion Post 10 in Albany, and a ham radio operator. 7.2395 WCN provides a place for you to learn message handling at a much lower speed: 10 WPM. The CW speeds are to high. NA6R.COM Home Of The WA6USL Swap List Of Used Ham Radio Gear. PLEASE GO TO THE NEW WARFA WEB PAGE They are one of the key reasons for investing in a SSB or HAM radio system. If you miss checking in when your call district is called, dont worry, youll have plenty of time to check-in during late check-ins at the end of the net. 00:00 UTC Neighborhood Emergency Preparedness Net every Monday from 6:45 PM to 7:15 PM. AND SAN DIEGO BOATING. This net meets regularly on the first Wednesday of each month. out+=msg; Florida Traders Net wa9vrh@wildblue.net +\- 3.5kHz In addition to our 85 Ragchew Net every Tuesday at 6:30 Pre-net, 6:45 pm Net Start.444.85 + 110.9 PL. DMR UTAH . Net Information: Tuesdays at 7pm PT (every Tuesday except 3rd Tuesday of the month) on, The Washington County ARES net is temporarily on our Tertiary repeater of 147.360 with a plus offset and a tone of 107.2 Hz FM repeater. Mountain3.880 mHZ 8:00 PM Local Mountain Time Start Time N1YZ's HF NET LISTING Modified --> 4/23/2017 15:02 Winter Summer M:\HFNET_LIST UTC and Central Times Additions/Corrections? Each Net Control Station (NCS) is required to transmit at no more than ten words per minute. 20m Net: 14.120 MHz; Tuesday - 1700 UTC - Sept-May. Jim Hollabaugh Meter Nets -- The 75-meter nets are designed to be very informal with open discussions and the least amount of structure possible. The nets main purpose is to look after vessels underway as they voyage between the outer islands of the Marshall Islands, but it is also a social network between cruisers and people on the outer islands with radios. The SWAN FT-8 for first 20 min, then other digital modes. NOTE: This list is current as of this writing! For HF Portable Home Page All these nets are in the AM mode on 6M! West Coast AMI. YOUTH YL West Coast AMI, group of ham radio operators involved in the mode of amplitude modulation. The first hour of the net is dedicated to Buy, Sell, Swap, and Wants. SCOUTS Key West: Keystone Heights: Kissimmee: LaBelle: Lady Lake: Lake Buena Vista: Lake City: Lake Placid: Lake Wales: Lake Worth: . 20:00 EST Clubs -- From The Buckeye Belle's Pages. Run by Jim & Kyoko Bandy. for Boaters -- Lots of info here, Guide To Amateur All materials on this site are copyrighted by their authors and/or (2007 mention), VK Maritime (VK & South Pacific) 7,060 USB at 20:00 (UTC). ) North American Talk Box 8:00 PM CST. Sailing Links Operating - Sat Canadian Ladies Amateur Radio Association (CLARA) Net: https://clarayl.ca/nets/. CW, EMERGENCY, MARS, AND NTS 3.985 Clarke Home Page - Neat Boating Pics and Links Western NY history of handling We also have an alternate repeater on 146.84 megahertz. ARRL. Some traffic is passed, mostly net reports. is considered the net home frequency. to 7:00 PM . Website: http://nttnweb.us/wp/, OTVARC Nets held daily. 13:00 UTC The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) is the national association for amateur radio, connecting hams around the U.S. with news, information and resources. Gulf Coast Sideband Net: 3.925: Daily: 7:30 PM: LSB: Gulf Coast Hurricane Net: 3.935: Daily: 8:00 PM: LSB: Southwest Traffic Net: 3.935: Daily: 9:30 PM: LSB: Southern Territory SATERN Net . In the meantime Peter has launched a free global service for cruisers on passage. Sat An amateur radio net, or simply ham net, is an "on-the-air" gathering of amateur radio operators. Last updated August 2013, Pacific Inter-Island Net (Micronesia & up to Hawaii) 14.315 MHz at 0800 (UTC) No website activity since 2005. Sat 2/15 USCG Amateur Radio SSB Post-Net - Saturday 1300 EST/1000 PST 14.327 mHz. A net is an "on-the-air" gathering of amateur radio operators. Trinidad & Tobago Amateur Radio Society (Ham) 7159.0 LSB: as needed: . Connecticut Amateur Radio Association. Occassionally, mobile operators will shift to other bands. Generally, these times are 1300 to 2200 UTC, but they can be extended 1K views, 25 likes, 2 loves, 3 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Ham Radio Operators: That west coast 40 meter swapnet though.It's on every weekend starting at 2030 UTC 10/23/22. The System's credo is: "We believe in the dignity of man". 8:00 PM EST 7.272 Gator Traders MARITIME DX NETS BY UTC TIME, OKDXA -- From The 3905 Century Club 2300 UTC myriad of other things. 75, 80, and 160 meters. Sunday Original 20m 14.263 mHz at 2000 UTC SSB and 3.600 7296 KHz, USB Not consenting or withdrawing consent, may adversely affect certain features and functions. 14:00 UTC National Weather Service Products via Amateur "Ham" Radio. The DXZone is the largest human created and maintained library of web sites dedicated to Amateur Radio, currently lists 20.000+ links organized into 600+ categories and subcategories. Weekly friday night Collins Radio net on 3.895 main operators are all west cost. Website: http://www.worc.info/. They may go up or down Slightly if there is QRM. nondenominational nonprofit Christian ministry supporting field missionaries 20 Meter Sunday Afternoon Net (14.263 mHz), W6TMU Jim Website: https://www.kc7nyr.com/linux. - Added the flyer for the May 6. The digital version of the November 2022 RV Service Net BULLETIN is now available on WBCCI Amateur Radio Club's official RV Service Net's Web page. ( -) PL136.5 Hz. 40M Sunday 7.233 MHz @ 22:30 UTC (Winter) / 21:30 UTC (Summer) Local Nets, Section Nets, State Nets. Hunting and mobile activity with members all over the world. Below you will find charts showing the live conditions around the Earth for radio propagation as well as atmospheric conditions that can affect Ham Radio usage depending on frequency. 20 years. Also check the WB2KAO repeater on Saturday nights at 7:30 PM for the Green Eggs and Ham Net. -- Avoid the Big Guns, QRP Mail List Reflectors -- Subscription Info, K3UK A good net to learn net procedures in CW environment. 17:00 UTC We take check-ins starting with the first call district thru the 5th, then the 8th thru the 10th, and finishing with the 6th and 7th call districts. The CCA needs YOUR help! West Coast Slow Speed Net (WCN) Purpose of net is officially: a training net in traffic and net procedures. -Sun 07:30 PST, 3974 kHz AM MRCG West Coast Military Radio Net-West Coast Agent Guard Channel - 3550 (night) and 7050 (day) CW Not a formal, scheduled Net, but Monitored.-MMRCG 40M AM Net - First Saturday of Each Month -will be held on 7296 kHz at 9AM (14:00Z)-MMRCG 75M Weekly Rolling USB Net - The net will meet weekly on 3996 kHz USB on . Sun TitusvilleARC Mosquito Net Consenting to these technologies will allow us to process data such as browsing behavior or unique IDs on this site. Active boaters net and source of best weather broadcast available in Mexico. . info. 14313 USB Daily marine, evening Pacific Maritime net. 3.919 3.955 -- IOTA Lists, News, DXpeditions, IOTA Contest Mail List Reflectors The Wednesday Night Casual Net is held from 8:00 PM until 8:30 PM Wednesday evenings on the 146.96 MHz repeater. NSN had a very nice sound in CW, "dah di, di di di, dah di." It is allocated to radio amateurs worldwide on a primary basis; however, only 7.000-7.100 MHz is exclusively allocated to amateur radio worldwide. SMARC does not endorse or encourage the participation of any of these nets. Home; About; Join Us; Events; Media; AMI Live; . . On the Southeast Florida net Sunday at 2000EST please change the talk group from 3112529 to 311037. SSB Net, free of charge public service. Central St Swap Time: 2300UTC The 40-meter or 7-MHz band is an amateur radio frequency band, spanning 7.000-7.300 MHz in ITU Region 2, and 7.000-7.200 MHz in Regions 1 & 3. Yachts en route to Australia can transfer to the Sheila Net as they near the Australian Coast.) -- Maritime Nets USCG Amateur Radio Net Net Control Operator on Saturday March 4, 2023 will be AL7DD from the Seattle Area. Without a subpoena, voluntary compliance on the part of your Internet Service Provider, or additional records from a third party, information stored or retrieved for this purpose alone cannot usually be used to identify you. West Coast Noon Time Net Seems current Panama Connection, 8107 kHz at 0930 UTC daily. . Website: https://otvarc.org/events/nets/, Western Oregon Radio Club. mobiles, in the form of: weather, road conditions, emergencies, phone calls, and a SCV AM net SCV,CA Sunday Morning kc6wfs 09:00 PM PST 50.400 So. DX101x - 235 Pages of Real DX Secrets For HF and Six Meters. var cmd="scrollit_r21(" + seed + ")"; Valley You can also join us via 147.040 IRLP NODE, If anyone has any questions feel free to contact the NET Net Management Team at, 7:00PM Clackamas County (CARES) Net, (100.0) 147.120 MHz. 3.913 -- NTS Area Nets, NTS Region Nets, Wide Coverage, Local Nets, Section Nets, State Nets . There are no mandatory daily radio check-ins, however, several radio nets always evolve, which are administered voluntarily by fleet members. The .275 Youth Group Tuesday MID States SSB 3.775 mHz 8 pm Central SSB Poor propagation conditions June 2019 prompted a subsidiary net at around 2115/2120 on 7170LSB which will probably keep going until propagation improves. MidCars worked closely with its sister services, ECARS (East Coast Amateur Radio Service) and WCARS (West Coast Amateur Radio Service). Amateur Radio Digital Communications Releases 2022 Annual Report. 14300 USB Intercontinental marine net, 24 hours. Daily . 2000z SWAP NETS AND OTHER NET LISTINGS British Columbia Boaters Net http://www.bcbn.ca/The BCBN operates daily during the summer months from 1700 PDT using the Vancouver Island Trunk System. traffic for mariners who are out of touch with friends and family. Hunter Aid -- Search for Sun 3980 AM or SSB Belleville IL about 15 miles east of St. Louis Mo. Western Country Cousins Net Fri Texas Slow Net - The Texas Slow Net meets daily at 7:45 PM local time, on 3570 KHz +/- QRM. History of the Atlas Radio. PM EST Northwest Most nets convene on a regular schedule and specific frequency, . net includes Microwave. For past Linux User Net sessions visit The Linux Page. PST after the RV net finishes 7.290 An amateur radio net, or simply ham net, is an "on-the-air" gathering of amateur radio operators. Vanuatu NetOperates daily at 0730 Local times, 2030 UTC during cruising season on 8.230 with a fallback frequency of 8.188, West Coast Boaters Net (Summer only, HAM, primarily BChttp://www.rolybrown.ca/wcboaters.htm. -- HHH Net -- WAS and DX net in the 40 Meter SSB Band. -- FISTS The CCA 20-meter SSB Net meets every Sunday on 14.263 mHz USB at 2000 UTC throughout the year and is our formal, directed net. WESTERN AMATEUR RADIO Canadian The frequency on 30m is 10.1225 These nets are 40M Sunday 7.233 MHz @ 22:30 UTC (Winter) / 21:30 UTC (Summer), ECARS is a acronym for East Coast Amateur Radio USB. . -- Serving Maritime Mobiles Every Day Since 1968 -- Over 1,300 radio amateurs with interest in boating. How To Obtain A Ham License. . Sun -- Serving Maritime Mobiles Every Day Since 1968 -- Over 1,300 radio amateurs with interest in boating The Western States DMR Network is an open DMR repeater system. It is available for use by any licensed amateur radio . jimholls@prodigy.net This net meets daily from 7:30 to 8:00 PM local time for the purpose of preparation and coordination of District 1 ARES communications in the event of an actual emergency. All Amateur Radio Operators with General Class licenses or higher, are encouraged to check in. Their Website: www.weaksig.net Assigned Net Controls. Operating At Sea timerTwo=window.setTimeout("scrollit_r21 (100)", 75); Updated February 16, 2023 . -- Frequencies & Nets 3.870 Net Information: Our primary linked repeaters of the Western Oregon Radio Club, Inc. history of handling FM101x - New To FM Repeaters ? The service meets all day every day on 7.255 MHz., starting at approximately 7:30 AM East Coast time (conditions permitting), and continuing when there are active mobiles.

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