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It is significant that in the final sentence Holden uses the second-person pronoun you instead of the first-person me. It seems to be an attempt to distance him from the inevitable process of change. | Holden responds with this image, which reveals his fantasy of idealistic childhood and of his role as the protector of innocence. Who is Phoebe? They are trite and typical for many users, and fixed by the dictionary, as mostly idioms. and how should i write it.. pls and thanks" eNotes Editorial, 27 Mar. Phoniness, which is probably the most famous phrase from The Catcher in the Rye, is one of Holden's favorite concepts. Besides, Im not going to tell you my whole goddam autobiography or anything. There are several reasons for this difficulty. Already a member? Not with poetry, and not even with prose, where the difficulty is generally assumed to be less. It doesnt include every instance when the hearer or reader has to supply missing information, but only those cases where grammatical structure itself points to an item or items that can fill the slot in question. Course Hero uses AI to attempt to automatically extract content from documents to surface to you and others so you can study better, e.g., in search results, to enrich docs, and more. In this chapter also will be exemplifies that Salingers fiction followed a chronological evolution, that there has been a well defined process of creating certain typical characters and that his characters evolved from the early prototypes in his short stories to the fully developed characters in his mature works, or even disappeared for good from his literary creations in a few cases. Another detail is that the hats color, red is the same color as Allies and Phoebes hair. In The Catcher in the Rye, why does Holden like Mercutio (from Romeo and Juliet) so much? Both false friends and false cognates can cause difficulty for students learning a foreign language, particularly one that is related to their native language, because students are likely to identify the words wrongly, because of linguistic interference. Inter-language translation means substituting verbal signs of one language by verbal signs of another language, or switching from one language code to another one. All authors agree that dictionaries are not always reliable tools in this sense. of The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. In The Catcher in the Rye, what does Holden mean when he says, "Don't ever tell anybody anything. The characters can only become happy if they isolate themselves from this society. Stylistic (translational) equivalence, where there is `functional equivalence of elements in both original and translation aiming at an expressive identity with an invariant of identical meaning'. In. This first type of difficulty is the task of distinguishing between a use of a word as a specialized term and its use as a word of general vocabulary. Summary: Chapter 6. It lowers, if temporarily, "the dignity of formal or serious speech or writing"; in other words, it is likely to be seen in such contexts as a "glaring misuse of register.". Alex Gross,The Theories of Translation. Historical Context Essay: Mental Health in the Mid-Twentieth Century, Literary Context Essay: Vernacular Language & The Catcher in the Rye. In both cases, we sense that although Holden envisions himself as the protector rather than the one to be protected, he is the one who really needs to be caught. They are sometimes called dead metaphors. Hes going to drive me home when I go home next month maybe. on 50-99 accounts. Meaning is not some abstract object that is independent of people and culture. To present the main features of the Modernist Period; To point out all the aspects that influenced the writer J. D. Salinger to write the prominent work The Catcher in the Rye. Phoniness, for Holden, stands as an emblem of everything that's wrong in the world around him and provides an excuse for him to withdraw into his cynical isolation. This is not possible. Salingers writings deal with characters fulfilling their quest for happiness. In addition, the ducks prove that some vanishings are only temporary. Allie felt separate from his teammates while playing baseball. Salinger uses symbolism in his works also to foreshadow a better life. Last but not the least is the accepted usage of words in a language. If you do, you start missing everybody"? $18.74/subscription + tax, Save 25% The success of The Catcher in the Rye led to public attention and scrutiny: Salinger became reclusive, publishing new work less frequently. Paradigmatic equivalence, where there is equivalence of `the elements of a paradigmatic expressive axis', i.e. 10 minutes with: The Importance of Stradlater's Composition in the Catcher in the Rye, Explore how the human body functions as one unit in harmony in order to life //= $post_title Scholars Holden decides to write about his dead brother's baseball glove because he is deeply depressed about his death and has not come to terms with his grief over the loss of his brother. Stradlater's composition is supposed to be about a room in a house that can be described. Killing time before his date with Sally, Holden decides to walk from Central Park to the Museum of Natural History. It is clear in the early chapters,. The writings of the Salinger become very important for this time period, because he goes against the grain of society to show how it is wrong. Colloquialism is a lexical item used in informal speech; whilst the broadest sense of the term colloquialism might include slangism, its narrow sense does not. Translation is an activity comprising the interpretation of the meaning of a text in one language the source- and in the other language-the target. While applying some grammatical or lexical transformation in translation the translator is guided by principle of rendering grammatical of lexical meaning. It does not follow that a person proposing an explanation has any sympathy for the views or actions being explained. Separation of meanings and senses from the context, Despairing individual behaviors in the face of an unmanageable future, Objection of the traditional thoughts and the traditional moralities. Holden insults him some more, and Stradlater finally leaves the room. When rendering stylistic meaning of the source text a translator should be guided by the same principle to recreate in translation the same impression that might be left by the original text. In The Catcher in the Rye, what do Holden and Stradlater fight over? Literary translators can also use the interpretation of other critics, the options of other native speakers of both the SL and the TL, and the help of numerous dictionaries (but this type of support is limited in ideas). As far as idioms and phraseological units are concerned in translation, the first difficulty that a translator comes across is being able to recognize that s/he is dealing with an idiomatic expression. The Romanian version tends to add words or phrases to the TT. Beyond the notion stressed by the narrowly linguistic approach, that translation involves the transfer of `meaning' contained in one set of language signs through competent use of the dictionary and grammar, the process involves a whole set of extra-linguistic criteria also. However, Holden Caulfield and Asher. Associated with the noun following it, pointing out to a feature which is essential to the object they describe; Unassimilated with the noun, epithets that add a feature which is unexpected and which strike the reader. Ive selected Holdens red hunting hat, the Museum of Natural History, and the Ducks in Central Park Lagoon. It should be discussed cases of linguistic inconsistency in the Romanian version, such as the rendition of intonational stress. One of the most important translation difficulties is grammatical translation difficulties which is the hardest one in the identification and in the same time which change the structure and the meaning of the words from the source text into target text. But the main of them, as it has been mentioned before is the difference in the structure of the English and Romanian languages. In The Catcher in the Rye, what does Holden mean when he says, "Don't ever tell anybody anything. equivalence of form and shape. There are various types of idioms, some more easily recognizable than others. And it is quite natural that this matter covers a wide range of examples. Romanian translation used either obsolete or dialectal / regional words and expressions (or both) through out the novel and this can point out an obvious difference of language use between generations. He uses letters and phone calls and he connect different ideas, like innocence and adolescence with the Hollywoods corruption. He asked him to write him a descriptive essay. What Holden does not yet realize, however, is that he carries his torment with him, inside himself. Salinger'sThe Catcher in the Ryehas served as a firestorm for controversy and debate. In The Catcher in the Rye, how does Holden describe his mother? For the first time, I can see a definite connection between the main character in the story and the author. I'll bet I woke up every bastard on the whole floor. Nevertheless the translators have tried to compensate this loss through distinctive methods. In this first chapter were also presented major biographical data on Salingers life and on his literary works in chronological order in order to emphasize the similarities and differences between his life and some of the events presented in his fiction. These elements, in English are: personals, demonstratives, and comparatives. The general conclusion that can be drawn is that there cannot be a perfect translation, but there can be made efforts to try to find the best version of rendering a text from the SL into the TL. The first chapter deals with J. D. Salingers place in world literature, the most important influences on his writing style, the cultural and historical background behind his literary works and how they influenced and were reflected in his literary creations. J. D. Salinger used a lot of epithets in his work The Cather in the Ray in order to present a good characteristic of the characters which are in the work and of the objects that he used in his work the epithets were used for pointing out to the reader some of the properties or features of the characters and of the objects with the aim of giving an individual perception and evaluation of these features or properties. When Holden's roommate, Ward Stradlater, requested him to write his Englishcomposition for him, he didn't specify a subject. After a dry and unappetizing steak dinner in the dining hall, Holden gets into a snowball fight with some of the other Pencey boys. Holden has issues with sex and manhood, and both are issues when he learns that Stradlater and Jane are going on a date. The point the authors trying to make is the pond itself becomes a minor metaphor for the world as Holden sees it, because it is partly frozen and partly not frozen. The presence of the hat, therefore, mirrors the central conflict in the book: Holden's need for isolation versus his need for companionship. The only instances that create problems for the translator are the stable, recurrent lexical idioms that for their metaphorical meaning do not rely only on the readers logic at the moment of reading but also, and above all, on the value that such a metaphor has assumed in the history of the language under discussion. SparkNotes Plus subscription is $4.99/month or $24.99/year as selected above. Free trial is available to new customers only. Afterward, he smokes a cigarette in the room just to annoy Stradlater. A translation should always include the tasks and the qualities (or even the standards) a translation should perform. Franny and Zooey, NY, Bantam1964: Goodman, Anne. The translation process from one language into another is inevitable without necessary grammatical transformations (change of structure). I think the point the author is trying to make is that Holden is terrified about the unpredictable challenges of the world. I need at least one quote for support. Alliefelt separate from his teammates while playing baseball. Read more about the setting of The Catcher in the Rye. I sort of closed one eye, like I was taking aim at it. Allie's glove, with the green writing on it, is symbolic of isolation. Without a doubt, J.D. Contemporary critics discuss a clear progression over the course of Salinger's published work, as evidenced by the increasingly negative reviews received by each of his three post-Catcher story collections. For example, his conversation with Carl Luce and his date with Sally Hayes are made unbearable by his rude behavior. By signing up you agree to our terms and privacy policy. Here, the question is not whether a given idiom is transparent, opaque, or misleading. It cost him damn near four thousand bucks. This is a case of leaving something unsaid which is nevertheless understood. I mean not wait till Wednesday or anything. .(J. D. Salinger: p. 18) with the translation into Romanian like Ackley, pu?iule? A lot of critics were expressed after the publishing of J. D. Salingers novel The Catcher in the Rye. Just think of what could happen in cases of serious inadequacy in knowledge areas such as science, medicine, legal matters, or technology. Not with poetry, and not even with prose, where the difficulty is generally assumed to be less. why does holden write the composition for stradlatermasa year of service PB Nitom Blog . In Salingers Catcher in the Rye, Salinger refers greatly in one chapter to ducks in central park. This type of code switching is translation proper, the object of Translation Studies. Holden's brash decision to attack Stradlater is a result of his pent-up anxiety and anger. Furthermore, it should be point out major differences in the translation of Salingers use of colloquial and taboo language in the English and Romanian versions, the Romanian version was the farthest because of its abundant use of euphemisms and euphemistic formulations throughout the book. Of course, Holden will not really shoot people in this hat, but it remains a symbol of his scorn for convention. The writer of the novelThe Cather in the Ray also used another interjection such as Yeah? Salinger used his teenage years as reference in creating Holden. What does this reveal about Holden? What is their relationship? It is as if the mitt fills a void in Holden or gives him comfort when the hole becomes unbearable. Every word in a language carries some concrete notion. Observe the cat is scratching right now." There are several tests for polysemy, but one of them is zeugma: if one word seems to exhibit zeugma when applied in different contexts, it is likely that the contexts bring out different polysemes of the same word. Metaphor is transference of some quality from one object to another. Subscribe now. In the end, The Catcher in the Rye will continue to be a point of great public and critical debate. We could think that The Catcher in the Rye is next to the classical humour (for example, two Mark Twai`s works: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Learn which of the following circumstances usually comes before a period of economic contraction? Salinger, the other novelty was the big critic of the society that it represented. Idiom more than any other feature of language demands that the translator be not only accurate but highly sensitive to the rhetorical nuances of the language. Finally, the pond itself becomes a minor metaphor for the world as Holden sees it, because it is partly frozen and partly not frozen. The pond is in transition between two states, just as Holden is in transition between childhood and adulthood.

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