7 fold blessing of abrahamwendy chavarriaga gil escobar

9.First Paragraph. Abundant Life Crusades It is better for God to make our name great than for us to seek it out ourselves. , Abraham was living in Haran, in present-day Turkey, when he received a directive from God to break with his family and embark on a journey whose destination he could only guess at:. ) rather than cut as in the previous covenant with YHVH. Nevertheless, in both passages the word to cut is still used with reference to humanity in the Noah passage that all flesh will never again be cut off by the flood (Genesis 9:11) and in this passage that an uncircumcised person will be cut off from its people (Genesis 12:1). A sign also accompanies both covenants - in the covenant with Noah a rainbow and in this covenant circumcision. Conclusion 10 For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them. The Seven-fold Promise of God April 11, 2012 God's promise to Abram when he was still in Ur of the Chaldeesbefore he left his homeland, his family, his comfort zone and traveled to Canaan by way of Haran: * The L ORD would make him a great nationIsrael and the Jews are that great nation. Not everything pleasurable is beneficial and not everything beneficial is pleasurable. Your journey will be both. Comment of the Amar Nkei quoted by Artscroll Series.The Sapirstein Edition. C. He wants us to have life and more abundantly. it is because of God's promise not me.VII. Though childless, Abram was promised a progeny. Scripture tells us that the blessing Abraham received from God is for you too. The first blessing is Genesis 12:1 unto a land that I will shew thee: These sources are of interest not necessarily because of their accuracy, but because they all indicate that they were prepared to consider other locations for Ur other than southern Mesopotamia. On the other hand, these commentaries were all written when Ur was no longer inhabited and it is possible that they were unaware of this citys existence. However, there are other good reasons to consider a southern Mesopotamian Ur of the Chaldees as being unlikely. Southern Mesopotamia is the habitation of the descendants of Ham, whereas the descendants of Shem lived in present day Turkey, Iran, and Northern Iraq. According to Genesis 10:22-31, the five sons of Shem were Elam, Asshur, Arphaxad, Lud and Aram. Abraham was one of the descendants of Arphaxad (Genesis 11:12-25) Josephus suggests that these five sons gave rise to the nations of Elam, Assyria, Chaldea, Lydia and Levantine. An Ur of the Chaldeans in southern Mesopotamia also leads to a very obvious contradiction in the Biblical text. While in Haran, Abraham is told to leave your birthplace (moladtecho). Also, when requesting his servant Eliezer to take a wife for his son Isaac, he tells him to go to Haran to my land and my birthplace (moladeti) shall you go and take a wife for my son, for Isaac (Genesis 24:4). But earlier his birthplace (moladato) is referred to as Ur of the Chaldeans.43 Also, in the Covenant between the Pieces, God takes responsibility for taking Abraham from Ur Kasdim: And he said: I am YKVK Who brought you out of Ur Kasdim to give you this land to inherit. (Genesis 15:7). 7. 4:21-24. of the land as well as the power and authority over the family. IV. . blessing introduces a new name for God, encompassing a new aspect of His being El Shadai. Subscribe to our newsletter and be notified when we publish a new blog post. But this did not limit the possibilities. As the YKVK aspect of God says to Joshua: At long last, Abraham is told by Elokim that he will have a son through Sarah and she also will give rise to. Original post 6/4/2018 These things speak,and exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Tony 15 Brethren, I speak after the manner of men; Though it be but a man's covenant, yet if it be confirmed, no man disannulleth, or addeth thereto. During the second covenant that God establishes with Abraham involving circumcision, God introduces Himself with the words: (Genesis 17:1) The Bible is telling us here that Abraham embodies the attributes of God and he is to walk before God as His representative to the world. How by the power in us, which is Discipleship Lessons from the Life of Jacob Jacob travels to Goshen in Egypt. 5. (LogOut/ The blessings promised to Israel in Deuteronomy 28:1-38are more than seven but are very conditional so they are called a covenant.The bible is made up of about 7000 promises and more than a third of them are conditional.If you do this, then i will do that..,The other once promised inDeuteronomy 30:1-10,2 Samuel 7:10-16 and Jeremiah 31:31-40are less conditional but of course, God promise it to his people. God made the promise to Abraham and Abraham responded with faith and obedience. III. 0000017974 00000 n In Christ, we receive the spiritual blessing of justification, just as Abraham did: If you belong to Christ, then you are Abrahams seed, and heirs according to the promise (Galatians 3:29).There are some teachers in the Word of Faith movement who claim the blessing of Abraham for themselves, in all of its detail. , Another promise of God is that you [Abraham] shall be the father of a multitude of nations (Genesis 17:4) , Who are these nations? The answer is by no means clear from the text. Many commentators assume they are to be the descendants of Isaac and that the Bible is talking exclusively about the Jewish people.43 However,these nations could also be the nations that Abraham will father. He has already fathered Ishmael. The reader will learn shortly that he is to father Isaac. When Sarah dies, Abraham will father children from a second wife Katurah. These and the offspring of Ishmael will leave Canaan to go southwards into the Arabian Peninsula. The offspring of Isaac will remain in Canaan, but a branch of this family will go eastwards to form the nation of Edom. As I signed the book I was reminded of the Holy Spirit that Jesus has signed the Book of Life for me with His own precious blood. 1. Nachmanides commentary to the Torah on Genesis 12:9. Based on Bereishis Raba 40:6, he shows that Abrahams visit to Egypt has many similarities to the Egyptian exile. He also mentions in his Introduction to the book of Exodus that all the events in the lives of [the Patriachs] are illustrations to allude to and to foretell all that would come upon [their offspring] in the future., 3.Mishnah Torah, Laws of Idol Worship 1:3. , 31.There is a view in the Talmud (Babylonian Talmud, Nedarim 32a) that Abrahams question was improper and because of this the Egyptian servitude ensued. Lead us to our spouse.B. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2023 - UCKG HelpCentre is a UK charity (1043985). B. 12.Midrash Raba 39:11. Examples given by the midrash are a person who wanted to buy a cow from Abraham would be blessed even before the value of the cow had been assessed. Abraham would pray for a barren woman and the woman would conceive. However, there are other suggestions from the commentators. Rashi for example, following a midrash, suggests that Abraham will have the power of blessing in his hands. But what of the fate of the Israelites in Egypt? Why do they deserve to be oppressed and enslaved? Very soon Abraham will jump to the defense of the inhabitants of Sodom. Why does he not do so for his own descendants? Abraham possesses but a single unilateral covenant with God and has no obligations on his part other than to transverse the land. He is fulfilling his part of the bargain. Why then do the Israelites deserve to be treated so badly in Egypt?. When we put on the spiritual armor, doesn't the amount of equipment equal seven, too? Circumcision is to be not only a sign of a covenant between Me and you, but an aspect of the covenant itself. A Jew who is not circumcised denies that he is part of the mission of the Jewish people - .. that soul shall be cut off from its people; he has broken My covenant.(Genesis 17:14). There is discussion among Jewish commentators as to the symbolic meaning of circumcision. Most agree that it is a means of distinguishing the Jewish people from the rest of humanity.46 Clearly, it is not an overt symbol, but every Jew knows that he has the circumcision engraved in his flesh and that his connection to God has been signed in a blood ceremony. He is now marked for the mission statement of the Jewish people to stand before God as His representative to the world to promote justice and righteousness. Post Views: 96. A further discovery of Abraham, possibly while still in Mesopotamia, is that God is the absolute measure of justice and righteousness, and as such is the model for all of human ethics. There is a Rabbinic tradition that Malchizedek is to be identified with Shem, the son of Noah (TB Nedarim 32b, Midrash Tehillim 76:3, Targum Yonasan, and Rashi to 14:18). Nevertheless, the question still stands. To understand the principles discovered by Abraham, all of which will form the underpinnings of Judaism, a good starting point is an analysis of the seven blessings bestowed upon Abraham by God. The two covenants are , as in the previous covenant with YHVH. Nevertheless, in both passages the word to, is still used with reference to humanity in the Noah passage that , (Genesis 9:11) and in this passage that an uncircumcised person will . Abraham believed God and it was accounted to him for righteousness. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Others see a seven-fold blessing of Abraham as:1) I will make you into a great nation, 2) I will bless you, 3) I will make your name great,4) you will be a blessing, 5) I will bless those who bless you, 6) whoever curses you I will curse, and 7) all peoples on earth will be blessed through you. This promised land is described later in Genesis. What To Do While Waiting For Breakthrough, MAKING GOD FAMOUS: Honouring God As Apostle Paul. The Blessing Of Abraham Is Salvific. is explained by many Jewish interpreters as being derived from the two Hebrew words , which mean that and sufficient. People Listen In Different Wayscan You Reach All Of Them? The faith of Abraham led to his justification, and that is the blessing of Abraham that we share today. name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: - 3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and By the end of the negotiations, God will agree that if ten righteous people can be found in the city of Sodom, He will save the city., (Genesis 18:33) The negotiations had come to an end with the implication that ten righteous people were not to be found in these cities and that justice was indeed being pursued. I don't use Facebook, was basically thrown off about 8 years ago for posting content that spread hate (simply posted photos of Islamic thugs murdering innocent civilians) . , This difference in territorial borders is a reflection of the ideas that the names for God Elokim and YKVK are promoting. Lead us to our church.C. A seat on Christ's throne (see . A different explanation is provided by Cassuto who proposes that this name is used in the Bible within the context of fertility. Alternatively, there will blessing to all who come in contact with Abraham.. might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. Actually it is 6 (number of man) pieces of armor the Saints don in Ephesians 6:10-18. Eph 3:20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly 4. (Genesis 17:1), The name El Shedai is explained by many Jewish interpreters as being derived from the two Hebrew words She and dai, which mean that and sufficient. I. "I will make you exceedingly fruitful": This speaks of ABUNDANCE. The Good News for, The just shall live by faith. Question Guess who they forgot to invite to the festivities? 0000010222 00000 n Psalm 41 Blessing #1: God wants to deliver you, even in times of trouble. thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. He knows what we have need of before we know ourselves. ? States the midrash: from Noah to you there were ten generations, and I never spoke with any one of them except for you. , The Bible is also setting up here the parameters by which the relationship between God and the Jewish people will proceed in the future. For most nations children come naturally. This is how the world works. The birth of Isaac is unnatural. The Bible does not call it this in plain terms, but describes it as a Abraham laughing in wonderment and his son being called Isaac from the same word to laugh. Postmenopausal women do not have children. God blessed Abraham financially so that Abraham could be a blessing. Through Isaac the twins are born . 0000022390 00000 n Genesis 14:18-20 tells us the story of the first tithe in the Bible: Then Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine; he was the priest of God Most High. God also provided no opening for Abraham to negotiate about the justice of His decree as He would later do for Sodom.. Rashi, on the basis of Bereishis Rabba 39:1 and Sanhedrin 99b comments on the phrase , 18. 51. God's seven blessing to Abraham God's masterplan for a utopian society - righteousness, justice, and the way of God "Possessing" the land for the burial of Sarah Isaac and Ishmael - a story yet incomplete The moral and religious conflict between Judaism and Islam THE BINDING OF ISAAC-THE NON-EVENT THAT CHANGED THE WORLD He promised to curse those who curse Abraham. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Now when Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to Abram and said to him, "I am God Almighty; Walk before Me, and be blameless. It shall be a holy convocation for you." Leviticus 23: 27 In a follow-up to his blockbuster book, Seven Blessings of the Passover, Steve Munsey explores the significance of the ancient Hebrew commemoration. %PDF-1.3 % The borders of the land of Canaan are defined in more detail in Numbers chapter 34, while the more extensive borders are mentioned again in Exodus 23:29-31 and in the book of Deuteronomy (7:22, 11:22-24, 19:8-9). This was not due to any kind of merit on Abrahams part. God also rewarded him with the promised son born to him in his old age. Israels contribution to this contract, circumcision, is detailed in verses 9 to 14. Cancel, Thank you for these sermon outlines they are helpful, but they must never take the place of our own study as we prepare our own talks, I made this video and wrote this article regarding why God called out Abraham and blessed him. Abraham falls on his face in subjugation, and laughs to himself in wonderment (although not in disbelief). Sarah is well passed the age of giving birth to children. Abraham suggests that Ishmael be chosen instead - to which Elokim replies: Indeed Sarah your wife shall bear you a son;and you shall call his name Isaac;and I will establish My covenant with him for an everlasting covenant for his offspring after him. As for Ishmael, I have heard you;behold, I have blessed him, and I will make him fruitful, and I will multiply him exceedingly;he will beget twelve princes, and I will make him into a great nation. But My covenant I will establish with Isaac, whom Sarah will bear to you at this set time the next year. ' This is part of what it means to be bound to God. The blessing given to Adam and Eve was contaminated by Satan's deception and now again reactivated to Abraham who would become the father of Jews and Gentiles in Christ. , 12.Midrash Raba 39:11. Examples given by the midrash are a person who wanted to buy a cow from Abraham would be blessed even before the value of the cow had been assessed. Abraham would pray for a barren woman and the woman would conceive. However, there are other suggestions from the commentators. Rashi for example, following a midrash, suggests that Abraham will have the power of blessing in his hands. . Hoffman notes that in ancient Arabic the word raham means a multitude and suggests that although this word is not currently used in Hebrew it may once have been part of the Jewish lexicon. PRAYER OF THE DAY God of covenant, you promised Abraham land, descendants, and blessing Many prosperity preachers interpret the Abrahamic blessing as prospering in material and financial abundance. Some Word of Faith teachers see a three-fold blessing of Abraham available to Christians today: a material, financial blessing; a physical blessing; and a spiritual blessing. Both Abrahams question and Gods answer are linked by the word to. Gen.15:6 Please check your browser settings or contact your system administrator. The Egyptian Exodus and Canaanite conquest - facts or fiction? How will you fall when you see Jesus face to face. It also follows that just as the fate of the Amorites in Canaan is to be based on moral grounds, all the more so will the fate of the Jewish people in Canaan. More plausible is that this exile was Gods immutable decree. He also decreed that it be in the form of servitude and oppression. In this instance, Abraham was not to be privy to the details of Gods justice. There was nothing therefore to discuss. In this sermon outline we list only seven of the blessings given to or through Abraham. And in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed." Nevertheless, the issue is a difficult one. In the conclusion of our 4-part series on this covenant . , This very much points to the future, since the promulgation of the Jewish people is also destined to be unnatural. Even in situations of physical and/or spiritual bondage, the Jewish people will have children. This is not how the world naturally functions. People who are oppressed become extinct. And they certainly do not flourish. Yet the exact opposite happens to the Jewish people. Even after a catastrophic holocaust they rise again. The world will never run out of Jews. This is part of the Elokim-directed covenant. I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you. Jacob bought land from the ruler of Shechem when he returned from Paddan-Aram and also built an altar there. Under its trees, Jacob buried the alien gods still in the possession of his family. He was in a faithful and long-lasting marriage with Sarah; he was very rich in livestock, in silver and in gold (Genesis 13:2); through faith, he was given more children than he could have imagined; he lived a long life, free from sicknesses, and had a solid relationship with God. A passionate preacher & a prolific writer. Powered by, Badges | Fruitfulness is self-replicating abundance produced without undue strain but rather by the blessing of God. These sources are of interest not necessarily because of their accuracy, but because they all indicate that they were prepared to consider other locations for Ur other than southern Mesopotamia. On the other hand, these commentaries were all written when Ur was no longer inhabited and it is possible that they were unaware of this citys existence. However, there are other good reasons to consider a southern Mesopotamian Ur of the Chaldees as being unlikely. Southern Mesopotamia is the habitation of the descendants of Ham, whereas the descendants of Shem lived in present day Turkey, Iran, and Northern Iraq. According to Genesis 10:22-31, the five sons of Shem were Elam, Asshur, Arphaxad, Lud and Aram. Abraham was one of the descendants of Arphaxad (Genesis 11:12-25) Josephus suggests that these five sons gave rise to the nations of Elam, Assyria, Chaldea, Lydia and Levantine. An Ur of the Chaldeans in southern Mesopotamia also leads to a very obvious contradiction in the Biblical text. While in Haran, Abraham is told to leave, ). Also, when requesting his servant Eliezer to take a wife for his son Isaac, he tells him to go to Haran , Also, in the Covenant between the Pieces, God takes responsibility for taking Abraham from Ur Kasdim: , (Genesis 15:7). KJV This Blog is written in accordance with 2 Timothy 4:2-3 KJV and 1 Corinthians 5:12-13 KJV Note: I love Israel and the Jews. Have there been circumcised Jews in the world for most of the almost 4,000 years since Abraham came to Canaan? This is undoubtedly the case. Did Abraham did become the spiritual father of a multitude of nations (Genesis 17:5) in effect of a good proportion of the world? It is difficult to argue otherwise. Do the former tribes of Israel currently have jurisdiction over much of the former land of Canaan? This is also incontrovertible. Genesis 12:2 and make thy name great. Kings go to war to capture territory or defend what they already have. Notice what was said of Abraham in the latter part of his life: Now Abraham was old, well advanced in age; and the LORD had blessed Abraham in all things.. Vol 1 Bereishis/ Genesis. , And Elokim said to Abraham: 'As for Sarai thy wife, do not call her name Sarai, for Sarah is her name. I will bless her, and I will also give her a son through her; I will bless her, and she shall give rise to nations; kings of peoples will be from her. 0000001469 00000 n "You shall be the father of many nations": This speaks of CREATIVE ABILITY. also accompanies both covenants - in the covenant with Noah a rainbow and in this covenant circumcision. B. Answer Jesus Christ, His Name appears nowhere, Dear Dr. Eugene Kim, References: a. Dr. Gene Kim video serving God https://youtu.be/LV6j0rB0yos See his comments to Andrew Sheets b. Dr. Gene Kim Teaching video on Trinity c. Dr. Gene Kim Teaching video on 501c3 conspiracy I earnestly pray you receive this opportunity to correct your errant ways. what are the 7 blessings of abraham.

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