avengers fanfiction peter flincheswendy chavarriaga gil escobar

Peter whimpered. Maybe whatever Parker had done-- however hed killed those people-- meant that they were trying to protect Peter from him. "Oh my God, guys, go to your rooms or something." You dont have the scar., The wait, Peter turns to Steve and Tony, I have a "You do know that I've been doing this for a while, right? Tony demands, trying to hide his growing panic. Sam forgot what it felt like to be helpless. Peter peers up at the slightly daunting building. ", By the opposite corner of the room, Mr. Rhodes interjects, obviously trying to regain some semblance of control in the conversation. "Excuse you, I'm a teenager!" Not anymore. Maybe whatever Parker had done-- however hed killed those people-- meant that they were trying to protect Peter from. Ben and May had both been worried, no matter how much they tried and failed to hide it from Peter. There was a war an-". Even injured, one could tell by his body posture that he was ready for a fight. "Child," Harley teased making Peter whined, hand to his chest as if he was insulted. His mask covers his face, shielding his expression. But even that isnt enough to keep his attention for long, for what really stands out to Peter is the large silver scar that runs across the left side of Parkers face, from just above his eyebrowbisecting itonly to glance over his eyelid and slice deep into his cheek, before ending at the corner of his mouth. The door clicks shut, leaving the Avengers to think in silence. Currently, Peter was lamenting his bad luck - stupid parker luck! "No offense, Mr. Rogers, but in today's battle, I, as Spider-man, incurred the least damages, saved the people that the destruction you caused would have hurt, evacuated the people from the building you decided to destroy with no warning. How does a man keep a lasagna in the oven for three hours and Parker was like a big brother to Mo. A gleam enters Mr. Stark's eyes, hard and unyielding. Literally nothing could be held back. "I get the feeling that as long as we're still under house arrest, it's going to be just as boring as it was in prison. Imagine what it's like to live in Queens with enhanced senses like mine. "Peter, Peter! "Aww," coos Natasha. From the looks of things, the Tony and Steve of Happy rolled out of the driveway and Peter turned towards the rearview window, watching as Tony went back into the house. He keeps his voice low. WebPeter let his face fall and looked out the opposite window, away from the cabin. Peter whimpered. - So, you coming or what?". ", "Again, it's better than there. You could take my suit; you could take the fancy equipment but you cant take away Spider-man. He made that clear to Mr. Stark from the get-go. Before Peter gets the chance to spiral any further, theres another knock on the door before the keypad goes off and the doors slide open-- lifting his head up from the bed to see Sam and Steve standing there. He has no way of knowing if thats even the case, not if the diverging paths of the Mays of these two worlds were any indication. WebPeter leaned on the counter as he glanced at every inch of the restaurant, gnawing on the inside of his cheek. Peter peers up at the slightly daunting building. + Until he left hydra. Happy's irritated voice snaps him from his awestruck daze. We all got a little bit of Peter in ourselves, too. The ones who do their crimes with no remorse. Two?" "Which makes you still a child, Peter. "Peter, Peter! Chapter 5 Peter will help Tony. "You're back earlier than you usually are. You're still a minor so it counts," he said and the younger whined even more. Mature Peter Parker Avengers find out Peter is young and does NOT like it Peter rips them a new one Kind of an introspection but not really set after Civil War but before IW Spider-Man Identity Reveal Identity Reveal Cross-Posted on FanFiction.Net Cross-Posted on Wattpad Language: English Series: You have reached the maximum potential a human is able to achieve but I, on the other hand, surpass your potential entirely because my DNA has mutated to become a spider. He was covered in them, some were from patrol and some were from growing up in hydra. He didn't need them figuring out Peter's secret identity, not now. "He has lost so many important people in his life, so he is afraid to love again. And second, that Parker knows exactly what it is. It's Peter's. Happy rolled out of the driveway and Peter turned towards the rearview window, watching as Tony went back into the house. What I see is someone with the power to kill and holds no remorse for his actions. Reaching his floor, he peeks into his bedroom window. Who is this? was besides the point, he thinks as Sam opens the door to his room-- Sam pressing in a code that Peter didnt quite catch in full. In case you didn't read the tags properly, this IS NOT steve rogers or team cap friendly. He watches as the quinjet lands, only for the main hull door to open and several men in military gear to exit. Defensive, Peter tilted his chin up and said, "I'm nearly 16." Hes getting better at seeing the code theyre inputting, their hands not nearly as guarded in covering the keypad the longer hes with him. WebPeter Parker Meets the Avengers The Avengers Are Good Bros The Avengers Need a Hug Team as Family There are many characters but I didn't wanna tag a bunch Trans Peter Parker trans peter doesn't really come up he just is Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence Post-Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Tony Stark Has A Heart Peter Parker is a Mess "What's your name?". Sam after escaping the Raft. as well as Peter wonders how much of that has to do with the late hour or with half of the universe being dead-- just one of the many things that Peter is desperate to know more about and yet recognizes that hes not gonna be getting any answers about anytime soon. Peter nods in confirmation. Peter thinks to himself, fingers tapping against his chest-- thinking of all the possibilities of what he could do and finding that he cant figure out a good way out of any of them. When he sees the people taking him in are his childhood hero's, he started to think it couldn't be so bad. They glance around, faces taking on similar looks of confusion and caution as they realize that everyone who should be in the room is already in the room. ", "Me, on the other hand? Its a sign that Peter knows from his own Steve that theres something he disagrees with, some kind of argument that Steve had decidedly lost-- something that Peter You could work onwhatever you need to work on at your time there too," May offers, gesturing down at his suit, which Peter didn't even remember he was wearing. Something passes between them then, Peter uncertain where the thoughts are coming from even as he knows with absolute clarity that they are the truth. WebPeter Parker & Tony Stark Peter Parker Tony Stark Steve Rogers Irondad spiderson Peter calls Tony Dad peter faints Movie Night Embarrassed Peter Happy Tony Stark Parent Tony Stark Peter calls Tony Dad in front of the Avengers. The first digit was a 6 but Sam was quick to hide his hand for the rest-- the doors sliding open as Peter took a tentative step in. Bucky visibly falters, adjusting the grip on the gun. WebPeter tried really hard. Clint was clenching and unclenching his fists. He can't miss out on patrol and laze around like the rest of them. It glints like mercury in the sunlight when Parker glances up without hesitation, right at Peter. Peter's face turns pink. He glances down at his watch. Webavengers fanfiction peter flinches. Enhanced healing or not, a dark bruise would surely be visible there for at least a day or two. Yes he got to hug her in the mornings which was enough to barely hold him over. Youre my dad, not my boss, Morgan says in a tone thats so painfully Pepper that it makes Peter laugh, sobering up when she directs her question directly to him, Who are you? Today had been a stressful day. Until it was. Peter blinks, fumbling for words. WebPeter takes a deep breath, and makes his way over to Mr. Stark's lab. ", Sighing, Peter looked to the ceiling, muttering unheard 'Lord, give me patience because if you give me strength, I will become a murderer.' The breakdancing robots were trickier than one would expect. She can monitor anything he does off of YouTube, anyway. You could stop discrediting and questioning my ability just because of my age, thanks. He opens the fridge door and pulls out a cup of apple sauce and a spoon, and begins heading off to a glass room with all of the blinds pulled, presumably his workspace. that they stayed a vocal minority by working with the government and communities alike. "The evils I face may not be as big or as alien as the ones you do but they still are terrifying. He'll be gone in less than a month.". Normally, he was fine with putting up with them for a few hours, but Peter had a bad day today and he really didn't want to be dealing with their condescension after helping them out this afternoon. Peter wonders briefly what they're fore, before they stop in front of one of the doors, with his name in small block letters on the door. Peter flinched hard, then awoke with a start and jumped on the ceiling. "You're too young. He is also afraid to lose you.". Don't answer that. Peter thought he looked not unlike a gaping fish. "That was so awesome!" He was back in his room. Or at least, Sam trails off, looking suddenly grim. Anti-mutant activists were a fringe group in his world, not enough that he had to be scared but it was always a threat-- the Tony and Steve in his world working together to make. He was awake, but not alone. You dont have couches where youre from? Steve asks as Sam moves to the kitchen and starts pulling out some standard breakfast fare from the cabinets and fridge. Tony's not sure whether to punch him or hug him. Tony, there are so many rooms on the other floors, so why this one?". Hes not the same.. "Stop that, Wanda. , Peter thinks, much was We just, Steve clicks his tongue, an action that reminds him of Swinging to the top of a small apartment building, Peter rips the mask off of his head. Peter isnt about to turn down an opportunity to fight alongside Tony Freaking Stark, but he also isnt going to let his hero know that his recruit is a fifteen-year-old homeless dropout. Of course I want to meet the Avengers, are you kidding me? 1 He used to think everyone had scars and they did. Out of the corner of his eye, Wanda nods mutely. For as long as I had known, I wanted nothing more than to kill you with my own hands because of what you took from mefrom us. ____________________ ____________________ Clint sighs. world were doing. "That's because I am 17." Katniss, Can you cover me? Code for, I'll find another way to avoid this question later. +. WebPeter Peter "Peter!" "I thought you didn't take interns. But you all have to realize that your actions have consequences. War and Peace You save the world. Sams voice is odd, slightly strained as Peter walks beside him-- trying to think of what he could say to potentially pry more information out of him. You're still a minor so it counts," he said and the younger whined even more. Sam's gentle smile became a knowing smirk. "Don't lose it. knows means that its something that he can push on. 10 blocks away, I can hear a baby sniffling. He shoos Peter off to his workspace before taking off after her. But all the secrecy just makes Peter even more curious, wishing more than anything that he could see May and get more answers but also not wanting to use up a favor he may need from the two Avengers later by pushing to meet her. Precious Peter Parker Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure Parent Tony Stark stressed Tony Stark Bulletproof Suits Fluff Tony Stark-centric Post-Spider-Man: Homecoming Pre-Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie) My first fic!! On top of this, hes trying to keep on a brave his face for his pops, maintain his grades at university, and fulfill his duty as Spider-Man on the side. "Are you sick? Steve Rogers had that face on. I thought you liked my cooking, Wilson, Steve says as Peter walks forward, Peter smiling as the two flank him on either side. Language: English Words: 705 Chapters: 1/1 9 Kudos: 872 Bookmarks: 45 Hits: 20136 Wanda watches wordlessly as the billionaire disappears behind the doorframe. Sam studies him for a moment as he finishes patching him up, Peter wondering for a beat if hed really fallen for it or if he was just letting him play the part as Sam carefully replies, Its more complicated than that., Doesnt sound all that complicated, Peter says with an honest huff as Sam starts to clean himself up, putting away the tools hed used as Peter continues, Sounds like I snapped and murdered a bunch of people., Sam winces at that, Peter going with his gut as he presses forward, Had to be kind of shitty if you all believed I did it., This whole thing started when I stared into the lifeless eyes of my uncle. WebPeter didnt go to Manhattan very oftenusually only to visit the Avengers Tower whenever he received an invitation, which wasnt often. Im saying that Id rather Come on, Mo. He learned all about the oxidation of aldehydes and ketones ages ago when he was lonely and had nothing to do. You said shes being taken care of but her apartment was empty, Peter says, Steve nodding as he smiles-- even if Peter can tell that it doesnt reach his eyes. Peter nods in confirmation. ", Over the phone, the Iron Man thrusters could be faintly heard. A small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. You understand, Steve says, Peter mulling over his options as he nods. Though, Peter supposes, they wouldn't be able to fully grasp the magnitude of his words without seeing it for themselves. Web"N-no I'm fi-" Peter then gasped, as the pressure in his chest was increasing fast. Its different than the one back at home, but not by much-- wishing he had access to FRIDAY or Karen or if he was really honest Ned, missing his guy in the chair and the enthusiasm he would have about the kind of shit show Peters found himself in. Scowling, Peter brushes a hand through his chocolate brown hair trying to stop himself from walking out. Not when Peter couldnt say in complete honesty that he would know what he would do if he ever found him. But still, it gets lonely on occasion. Hes wearing what looks like a blue prisoners outfit, and soft-soled shoes without laces. Couches? Steve rubs his chin, looking weary despite the fact its not even noon. this "You're a war veteran. Tony watches helplessly as Wanda peers into the carefully-buried past of Peter Parker, one that Tony himself hasn't even delved that deep into out of respect for his protg. WebPeter flinches violently, his hand releasing said arm with a jerk, as if burned. + Until he left hydra. Web"N-no I'm fi-" Peter then gasped, as the pressure in his chest was increasing fast. So they strike a deal. If you don't want me to, then I don't have t", "No!" Natasha's hand slowly uncurls, and she releases her grip on the hem. Peter leans heavily onto her. His sharp vision had no problem identifying who was knelt in front of him, the manic look, the strewn hair, the suit that cost more than everything Peter owned combined. Or: Peter Parker gives the Rogues a wake-up call on actions and consequences and what it truly means to be a hero. Mental and physical pain. WebPeter's breath hitches and his eyes fly open as he feels someone lift the bottom of his shirt. "What the hell are you talking about?" I know your stomach mustve been eating you out from the inside. "Hi, Aunt May," Peter greets tiredly. The evils you see are scary. WebPeter was always very open to the others. ", May swallows. And since Sam and I arent exactly on Ross good side, it wasnt a hard decision who was going. For fuck's sake, Tony really needs to give her a talk about privacy. Affixed around his neck is what appears to be a slim collar with a red dot of light that pulses every few seconds. ", "You may think robberies aren't scary, but you don't see it the way I do; the way normal people do. WebAvengers Team; Michelle Jones; Additional Tags: Angst with a Happy Ending; Multiverse Shenanigans; Peter Parker is a Little Shit; Protective Tony Stark; BAMF Peter Parker; Hurt Peter Parker; defenestrating canon as per usual; Comic Book Science; Peter Parker Needs a Hug (both of them do) alt title - Peter Parker: 2 Fast 2 Furious Show it to anyone who asks." "I suspect that your aunt will be expecting you home at around this time.". Bucky moves forward, whipping Natasha's gun out of the holster at her protest and Clint grabs a large knife from one of the kitchen drawers as a boy rounds the corner, breaking off abruptly with a choked noise. He could barely get any air in his lungs. He tried to ignore Flash calling him Penis, he tried to ignore the fact that he knew every single thing that was being taught to him and could do the work in his sleep, but he mostly ignored his PTSD from watching both Ben and May die in front of him, as well as dying himself. Tony cupped his cheeks, forcefully turning his head towards him. Your question is complicated and something that you, Tony says, turning her head away from Peter and back towards the hallway, dont need to worry about., Come on, Tony, Steve pleads, Tony flashing a look at Steve, it cant hurt. 10. Feedback is appreciated and welcome! "Besides, it would be nice to have someone around my age here as well.". "Stop bullying me! his This is where you're staying for the next month." WebPeter Peter "Peter!" Morgan doesnt make another appearance either, which Peter cant help but feel is related. Aside from Tony, Mr. Barnes and Mr. Rhodes, they all treat him as someone lesser, always talking with a condescending lilt in their voices. He's just a kid." "If anyone asks you who you are, you're a new intern working for Tony." "Do you want to talk about it?". Tony cupped his cheeks, forcefully turning his head towards him. It's okay." And here" Happy hands him an identification card with Peter's face and name on it. Look at me kiddo. 4. Can spiders even get sick? Stay away from her!" "Well, that's, uh. If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. Steve, true to his word had come by early-- a little too early in Peters mind-- for some breakfast. I even know how to cook them, believe it or not., That was my next question, Sam says appreciatively, handing over the utensil before going back to his bacon. He can't come and go as he pleased like Ms. Romanoff. Captain America: Civil War aka Avengers 2.5 3. Damn 7. What--, Well thats enough interdimensional bonding for me, Tony says, wrapping his arm around Morgan before pointedly looking at Steve. It was quite a fight to get him to stay with another family, but he gave up eventually. WebPeter Parker & Tony Stark Peter Parker Tony Stark Steve Rogers Irondad spiderson Peter calls Tony Dad peter faints Movie Night Embarrassed Peter Happy Tony Stark Parent Tony Stark Peter calls Tony Dad in front of the Avengers. His avoiding eye contact with both Steve and Bucky doesn't go unnoticed by anyone. physically gone or if he was in some kind of coma somewhere. Well, well see if theres anything else we can bring in to you. "What the hell is going on out here? Peter's thoughts went back to today's battle. His breathing became fast and short. Peter is locked in at night, which he doesnt complain about even if it bugs him. Chapter 7 ", Wanda tilts her head. Its a long story.. ", "This floor can only be accessed by people with a high-status badge." + Until he left hydra. "Mr. Rogers, you have enhanced senses just like I do. It takes just a tiny taste of superpowers for Peter to decide he doesnt want to put up with his horrible foster father anymorethe streets are infinitely more appealing. Peter was on the lab table just sitting down while all the Avengers stared at him with concern. The destruction you cause without care can actually affect others. Time to earn your keep, Little Pete.. He had to get out of this room, get his hands on a computer or a tablet-- maybe get the chance to see May if hes lucky. Its for the best., Peter wants to protest, but as hes done countless times the last few days, he instead bites his tongue and doesnt pushknowing the big bay of east-facing windows would give him a good view anyway. You lied to us, Mr. Tony and Rhodey are heading to the Raft, Steve explains, sitting down at the counter with a sigh and starting to butter the stack of toast Sam had made. WebPeter Parker Meets the Avengers The Avengers Are Good Bros The Avengers Need a Hug Team as Family There are many characters but I didn't wanna tag a bunch Trans Peter Parker trans peter doesn't really come up he just is Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence Post-Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Tony Stark Has A Heart Peter Parker is a Mess Clearly, the Peter here-- Parker as they called him-- was accused of. First, that something big and ominousmaybe even sinisteris going on here. The difference is you save the world, I save the person.". Whats wrong with her?, Peter watches as Steves firmness turns into sorrow, a gentle expression on his face that Peters only seen With May always working to pay the bills he spends his nights alone. From inside the car, he can only make out the bottom of the massive 'A' that's plastered against the top of the Tower. Oh yeah, definitely, Peter says with a smile as they lead him towards the common room, the hallway opening up towards a room that looks almost like a college living space-- a kitchen on the right hand side and couches in the middle. It's not Captain America's name the people call out when they get robbed or a woman gets raped, or children get lost. Youre telling me youve read through all of those already?. Is it so complicated that Ill never be able to leave this room at all? "He's a special case. gotta save my questions for the things Ill actually get answers for, Sorry, Steve finally says after Peters made some headway into the food, Peter looking up at him and seeing a grimace on his face as he moves the desk chair to sit down. For the other guy? Peter says, further delineating himself from the other Peter in an act that he hopes will endear some trust with this Steve. 7.3K 155. by StarkStevePeter. She steps forward with every sentence, and Tony doesn't realize that he's backing away from her as she approaches. You're still a minor so it counts," he said and the younger whined even more. 8. When he sees the people taking him in are his childhood hero's, he started to think it couldn't be so bad. Mature Peter Parker Avengers find out Peter is young and does NOT like it Peter rips them a new one Kind of an introspection but not really set after Civil War but before IW Spider-Man Identity Reveal Identity Reveal Cross-Posted on FanFiction.Net Cross-Posted on Wattpad Language: English Series: May nods. The three of them all stand up at once and start heading toward the door when Steve suddenly turns around, halting Peter in his tracks. "Hey, Peter. WebPeter tried really hard. Things go down just about as you'd expect. He pauses in front of the automatic glass doors. ", "T-Tony Stark?" Peter ran through it in circles, just as he ran through various plans in his head-- the question of how long he would end up staying in this world was the one who was the source of most of their medical problems. Many things happen at once in the same few seconds. Precious Peter Parker Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure Parent Tony Stark stressed Tony Stark Bulletproof Suits Fluff Tony Stark-centric Post-Spider-Man: Homecoming Pre-Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie) My first fic!! Of course I want to meet the Avengers, are you kidding me? WebPeter's shoulders were hunched up to his ears, and he would occasionally flinch, pulling them up higher, as his head spun to stare at something that caught his attention. At least he had Ned and Mj to help, but Ned is out of town for a wedding and Mj only offers a hug when in private. May Even Loki and Thor knew everything about him. Something was definitely wrong. WebPeter let his face fall and looked out the opposite window, away from the cabin. Wanda looked like what he was trying to say finally dawned on her. You actually came close tonight. WebPeter was adopted by Tony Stark by age 14. WebAttached. "You told us the child is only an intern. "Who are you?". "Hey everyone." Peter stares up at the ceiling, one hand under his head and another resting across his midsection fingers lightly tapping as he thinks. You signed up for the military when you were 15, right? ", Locking eyes with Steve, he continued. Captain America: Civil War aka Avengers 2.5 3. He tried to ignore Flash calling him Penis, he tried to ignore the fact that he knew every single thing that was being taught to him and could do the work in his sleep, but he mostly ignored his PTSD from watching both Ben and May die in front of him, as well as dying himself. Parking in one of the open areas beside the building, he turns around in his seat to look at Peter, who's sitting in the back row. Come on, its this way.. I wouldnt be able to save the people.". teenager, Peter says, trying very hard to not think of his MJ and of the knowledge that Parkers MJ was dead. His gambit works, not missing the way both Sam and Steves eyes fall as Peter says, You probably want to cuff me, right?, Steve goes to open his mouth before Sam says, No, were-- were not doing that., Peter inwardly takes the win, forcing his features to remain neutral as Sam says, Lets go, Little Pete. Do you know what that means, Mr. Theres way more thats going on here, things that Peter needs to figure out. That had always been his alibi, anyway. I saw him die for me, right within reach. Maybe it had something to do with his parents refusing to buy him a new car which Peter kind of felt bad for or how Peter answered a question that Flash got wrong. I still want to meet them! Or: After May leaves for a business trip, Peter finds himself living at the Avengers Tower for a month.

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