avengers fanfiction team hates peterwendy chavarriaga gil escobar

I wonder if this is some kind of scheme to kidnap me or something.. Tony just needs to finish his Intro to sociology paper, god knows why he needs this class for a engineering degree, but when he comes across an empty gas station at four in the morning (nobody ever said his life decisions werent dysfunctional as fuck) and finds a kid left there by his parents, it kick starts a little part of him he thought he had left behind with his father when he went to college. Peter laid back down on his bed and sighed. Featuring: Trans Peter Parker, actual dad Tony Stark, Bestest Friends Ned and MJ, and a whole lot of love and affection. it contained the promised calcium chloride and a pack of Reeses. The Avengers seem to like Harley more than Peter. ), (Part 2 of I think his name was Peter?, can be read as stand-alone). (Im not a girl, Im a boy. Strong enough that he definitely knew that James was just standing there, staring like a creep for those however-many seconds that it took to put two-and-two together. It probably wasnt Happy. Peter swung the door open and stalked in, completely ignoring everyone in the room. NOTE: There is kidnapping and captivity in this fic, but the main focus is the aftermath. I know he wasnt in control. Mays boyfriend begins verbally and physically abusing Peter. Born with glowing green eyes. Each one more difficult than the last. Featuring flashbacks to prominent moments regarding their relationships with the genius, Tony's people are going to do whatever it takes - words, threats, demonstrations, power plays, legal traps, even poetry - to let Rogers and the rest of the criminal bunch know that they aren't playing around any more. Tony isnt so sure. The server behind the counter raised her eyebrows. A collection of one shots revolving around Tony Stark having a fatherly relationship with Peter Parker. Chapter 1 FRIDAY, trace this call, I want whoever-. he watches them with the others, and suddenly remembers. Apparently every Tom, Dick and Harry has access to Tony workshop - except for Steve. The world stopped, if only for moment, when Tony Stark left, all eyes, all cameras following that flying doughnut into the sky. Tony had always found the aftermath of violence the most harrowing. Peter Parker learns two new things in the beginning of January, and its that teenagers with the powers of a spider can, indeed, get sick, and that Tony Stark should never be allowed in the kitchen ever again. Peter gets a concussion and shows up at the Tower, confused as hell. Just Tony and Stephen parenting Peter or something like that? Surprisingly, Tony was having a good day, a very good one. do ya have any fics where peter cries because someone is being mean to him? avengers fanfiction peter hurt on patroldaniel casey ellie casey. The Avengers Find Out Peter Parker is Spider-Man Post-Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Steve Rogers Feels Peter Parker Calls Tony Stark "Dad" Spider Man stumbles into the tower with a serious wound looking for Tony, only to find himself face to face with Captain America and the Black Widow, who aren't supposed to be there. Later, when Peter was older, he would look back on his childhood of tumult and chaos and think that there had never been anything like it. In which Peter and Tony get to know each other gradually over a series of incidents, communicate far less awkwardly by message than in person, there are pigs, a field trip with spears, Peter lurks, Tony invents, they worry about each other and everything is sweet and nothing hurts. mays abusive boyfriend rec list Some of these will be AUs, Ships (mostly Peggysous), etc. God, what he would do to let anyone remember. He was in his room, homework scattered all over his desk, the dim light set at a level comfortable for his enhanced vision. (Maybe this time for the better? ily, thanks for asking and your lovely words x, endgame thanks! His kid needed sleep. Mr Stark was probably too busy to notice when he got a message. (Namely, iron fists that don't stop to think about who they're hurting.). It doesnt mean that it hurts any less when you feel your father figure slipping through your fingers. Youre top of our year, Peter. You can almost hear Neds eye roll as he talks over Peter. There will be a note at the beginning of the snippet. Three years have passed since that night on the Statue of Liberty. Tony finally likes kids because of an incredibly intelligent 8 year old with a funny laugh. Hes a really good guy. Sorry kid, he was just messing with you, I dont have time for this. Best rankings your favorite dorky spider guy in a multitude of 5+1 one shots. Ongoing. child abuse been ranked maybe he gets berated by an adult like steve, etc. If you'd like to send me one, my username is @loubuttons. This is for everyone who so elegantly told me to yeet canon into the trash. He wasn't interested in salvation. Um, whatd you say? If you finish it., 5 times Peter is stuck with Tony by iron_spider, I wonder if Peppers reported me missing yet, Tony says, with an exaggerated sigh. Peter Parker is dead, now it's time for something worse to rise from his grave and take revenge for the death of Peter Parker, while making new allies and stopping extra-terrestrial threats. That's the only reason right? When Steve breaks into Stark Industries expecting reconciliation Tony is left completely unimpressed. ily, thanks for asking and for your lovely words x. Peter Parker & Tony Stark Characters: Peter Parker Tony Stark Additional Tags: Fluff Getting to Know Each Other Mentor/Protg Peter Parker's Field Trip to Stark Industries No spoilers past Spiderman: Homecoming Language: English Collections: love of marvel Stats: Published: 2019-05-17 Completed: 2019-08-25 Words: 12545 Chapters: 6/6 Comments: 129 Work Search: They miscalculated.And now?Now Iron Man is out for revenge.The smart people will stay on his good side. After all, how could something designed to be so inhuman possibly be treated with any form of respect? And who will pay the price? His team consisted of himself, Steve, Bucky, Sam, and Thor, and they had officially dubbed themselves: 'We Only Came For The Chocolate'. "I'm late!" Peter cried as he jumped out of bed. All four have distinct plans, and even more distinct destinies. I think the rides just broken, Peter says. He had met with the kid at the end of the morning, they had Italian for lunch, they had tinkered in the lab in the afternoon. In the next one there will be a lot of Stucky-ness as a thanks to my lovely beta! A series of fics set post Civil War. He's never had a concept of "home" having moved constantly from base to base. Still nothing by midnight, when he forced himself to go to bed. This tag belongs to the Unsorted Tag Category. They left him for dead. Peter Parker's Field Trip to Stark Industries. Subsiding back down to his pillow with a laughing huff, he brought the phone up and squinted at the bright screen. Peter Parker, orphelin plac dans une famille d'accueil depuis plusieurs annes, apprend que :1) Son pre est en vie ;2) Son pre a accept de l'accueillir chez lui ;3) Son pre est TONY STARK ;4) IL VA VIVRE AVEC TONY STARK.A partir de cet instant, sa vie prend un tournant inattendu.Tony Stark peut en dire autant : ce n'est pas non plus vident d'apprendre, du jour au lendemain, qu'un ado de quatorze ans partage son patrimoine gntique, ainsi qu'un got immodr pour le risque (comme l'en tmoigne cet trange pyjama bleu et rouge que Peter cache dans sa valise). hey, do you have any trans peter + irondad and avengers? Chapter 4 He has a life-time of hate, of love, of sorrow and damn if he ain't gonna use it. oh crap.. Im gonna turn off the ask box in the morning for a bit so I can get caught up with what I have. Tony is done. or or;Febuwhump alternate Prompt 8(Found footage). This is a wholesome (if a bit angsty) Alpha/Beta/Omega story that is 100% smut free. Inspired by @AnaFandom on AO3, and some superb prompts from @PeggysousoverSteggy from Tumblr. The kid is cute anyway, and hes smart as hell. Tony slowly stopped wheezing and met the kid's eyes. (or: five times Team Cap screwed up + one time they did okay), Prompt: One of the Avengers accidentally hurts Peter and Tony is furious, so not only is Peter badly hurt but another member of the team is stricken with serious guilt.. Because youre not supposed to wear it for more than eight hours, and if you put it on as soon as you woke up like usual, it would be at least twelve hours. Breaking up and leaving me without an acceptable reason is very irresponsible and heartless of you Ava Welters has always wondered who her soulmates were she started to give up all of her friends ha "Aiden" I shake my head, eyes fixed anywhere but the gorgeous man next to me. He hadnt planned on punching Captain America. take it out of him, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction "Pepper," Steve muttered, a single breathless word, just when he didn't think he could feel more light-headed. Still, Tony knew his the kid was brilliant. Work Search: Everything that could possibly go wrong in his life went wrong in the worst way possible, almost every time. He wasnt going to shoot the kid obviously (and yes, kid, because there was no way a full-fledged adult had that much of a high-pitched voice). Peter gets hit by a de-aging weapon and turns into a two-year-old, and must rely on Tony (who thinks he has no idea how to take care of a child) and others until he can be returned to normal, if that's even possible. Its funny, a few months ago Tony would have gladly snapped at Cap. 5 times Stephens hands would shake, +1 time they didnt. "JARVIS, the avengers floor please." Phil requested calmly, completely unbothered with Peter's stare. Aka the Avengers and Harley pull up and shit goes down. Series of unrelated pieces in which Peter Parker meets the Avengers (or Rhodey or Ant-Man or someone like that). But not everything is as easy as it seems. He would have yelled, screamed, he even would have thrown in a punch or two. His hair was a mess of curls and his movements were sluggish. - 29/01/23, +1 of "five times peter's background seems sketchy". You might as well just. Please read the FAQ before sending an ask. These are my tumblr prompts! 6. He isn't usually like this, he's just super tired, so tomorrow, you'll probably see him when he's a literal angel. When Peter Parker had decided to step into his life, Tony hadn't pushed him away. Tony went to grab the kid's arm when the kid moved again. adults are mean to peter rec list - #1 in jimin But a select few know the truth. The classic Peter Parkers Field Trip to Stark Industries fic with a twist. OR { She wasn't looking for redemption. So he accepted his place and did everything he could in order to prove that he can be useful. Because there was Iron lad. Quickly, Peter rang him back. Male omegas are so rare most people dont think that they exist. He rolled his eyes, and the Avengers quickly began to divide themselves into two groups. avengers fanfiction peter hurt on patrol "It's time to start anewrebuild the Avengers with new people. thanks for anything! Peter's homelife isn't the best, but hey, at least he has a slightly irresponsible college kid to depend on, "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.". I dont blame him, really, I dont. He opened the file, his brows furrowing. dont forget to comment and leave kudos. So he accepted his place and did everything he could in order to prove that he can be useful. He's refrained from telling Tony, worried he'll look stupid in the eyes of his mentor, who's been through much worse than being depressed. do you know any good trans!peter fics? I knew that. He hesitated for another moment, then saved the number as TS. Chapter 6. what, you dont subscribe to shit chocolate wrapped around peanuty goodness? Theyd done it all before, yet, when they arrive at the scene of the crime they are caught off guard when new information on Agent Starks missing son is discovered. For one, he was no longer the only kid in Tony Starks life. I mean) Im A Man by lost_in_a_sea_of_fandoms and ssssssssssssssssssspiderboi. God, this is going to kill him, isnt it? Continuation I have written with permission of a fantastic story written by Wix. A tale as old as time. SadTeam Cap gets shit explained to them, so they understand they are the ones in the wrong. You know whats in the Frittata Challenge, right?, Peter nodded, and recited, Six pounds of scrambled eggs, sausage, pepperoni, and hash browns., Thousands of people have attempted the challenge, Harley added, but ninety-five percent failed., The woman eyed them for a moment and nodded. Is it too late to save the Red Weaver? So theres that. Please consider turning it on! I promise you that. Sat there in the cot whilst SHIELD poked and prodded at every part of his body, he could do nothing except think. Tony asked. Itd be fine. Flips it open. Until he doesn't. Hes fine. Hey! Of course Peter did not do that and denies it but Tony is convinced that the formula he and Bruce made couldn't possibly be a failure because they're super smart and talented know-it-all grown-ups and Peter is just a kid so of course Tony then accuses Peter of lying and blames him for The Avengers almost losing. Couldnt really keep taking stuff from school. In which Steve has far too much in common with Howard for comfort. 2. No way was he gonna come down from that anytime soon (lies). He pointed an accusing finger at Tony, but um, not the pointer finger "Jeez kid, slow your roll," Tony chuckled, he heard the sharp intake of breath from Cap. He slept through the whole night, no nightmares, no insomnia. There's a boss level bad guy. Hey babes! He couldnt help but curse it now, as everything went black. Each one leaving them with the question of whether or not theyll be able to survive the next hit. Ironstrange and Supremefamily Stories by EwanMcGregorIsMyHomeboy12 series, A Parental Introduction by meshkol (ashernorton). endgame fix it tony/stephen Or: Peter's alone in the apartment when he discovers an enemy Spider-Man can't defeat: a global pandemic. by Webtrinsic. Harley took over being Spider-Man as the 'Golden Spider'. rec lists. In fact, there was now a 5-year-old daughter and an adopted 21-year-old kid from Rosehill, Tennessee. Peter Parker's life was at a point where he was content. Tony decided to ignore it. did that make any sense at all? So I was wondering if Mr Stark has any more missions for me? It was unavoidable that they would argue eventually. Peter Parker, the 15-year-old behind the mask, is missing, taken after a patrol gone wrong. When the formerly outlawed Avengers return to the new Avengers Headquarters they meet Tony's intern, Peter, and slowly they start to figure him out. Oh god, Peter thought when he saw them. But it's not the same, and everyone that Tony has befriended or saved all have the common need to make sure that they understand that. Or:Peter goes missing. His stomach started to burble with dangerous acid. 25 Feb/23. S.H.I.E.L.D. Us, a few other trapped members of the general public, and a handful of animatronic pirates. Repeating themselves., You cant keep the ground from shaking (no matter how hard you try) by SparrowFlight246. Aka, the fic where Peter self-isolates with Tony and the rest of the Avengers in Stark Tower, gets incredibly bored, and makes a Twitter. The Guardians of the Galaxy and Captain Marvel are barely holding back the invaders attacking Earth. "You're all mine; the hair, the lips, the body, it's all mine." That was a stupid thing to say. He jerked a bit before flopping his head to look at Tony. So theyre coming back to New York? Peter asks, and Tony gives him a look. Which you know, would not be good at all since you just back from Spider-Man-ing. Peter returned to the Avengers tower from school to see all of the Avengers minus Rhodey and Thor waiting for Peter. When Loki starts taking out Tony's ex-teammates as a courting gift to him, Tony can't but be oddly fascinated. He hated himself as soon as he pressed send. The One Where Peter is Bucky's Weakness by jinxquickfoot. He considered a moment and hit delete before sending. How could he, after his identity got revealed? I swear one day youll give me a heart attack, Happys sulking because you never message him anymore, But, you know, send him something about your class, I think she thinks itll make me stay home more, Maybe if youre really good one day Ill let you have a goldfish, Uh, hi Mr Stark. So he got out of his oh so comfy bed and trudged to the living quarters, ignoring the feeling of something going wrong. Tony Stark sends more than a message to just Pepper, and not all of them are nice. Something about him makes Peter feel nervous, but he makes May happy. Everything Comes Back To You: Chapter 6: Trope: Argument by losingmymindtonight. After a quick check to see May wasnt going to burst in, he quickly unfolded the top to find several tubs and bottles of chemicals inside. ily, thanks for asking x, Peter Parkers Top Surgery Support Group by stardustandswimmingpools series. I could be wrong though, so Im sorry if I am. It's one of those "Peter meets Avengers for the first time" fics. For some reason, this became a lot more poetic and introspective than Id planned. Iron Dad Bingo #20- Trope: Peter meeting the Avengers, There will be a deduction on the landing by JustReallyTired. Of all the things Tony had expected from today, sitting around a table with the recently pardoned Avengers as they eat pizza and try to pretend nothing even happened in Germany was not it. Eventually his aunt yelled that dinner was ready, and he sighed and slipped the phone in his pocket. Tony asked. Why would they spare him a second thought? Tony is at a dead fucking end, and he can't keep doing it by himself. Did MJ actually die? In which being trans post-spider bite is harder than it sounds. He hit the number with his thumb before he could think better of it, and the phone switched to the dialing screen. "Something shattered inside him. After watching her father die in the Battle with Thanos, watching almost everyone she knew and loved die save Stephen Strange and herself, she knew what she had to do. Id like to get it back open by the time far from home comes out but I started an internship last week so I dont have as much time as I did (2 rec lists a day is probably not going to be a common thing anymore). Warning: In chapter 4 the Avengers storm a high school, triggering a lock down. May brings home her new boyfriend. Don't get him wrong, Tony notices the bruises, he just can't help someone who won't tell him what the problem is. That is, adding Peter Parker, whom he found at a gas station last week and is brilliant and Tony already is emotionally attached to him. Having been raised and primed by HYDRA since before his birth, he existed only to be a weapon. It doesn't exactly go how Steve expected it to. https://archiveofourown.org/series/1113255, Okay, that answers that question so we need butter, sugar, vanilla extract, flour can you grab the flour? he asked Peter, pointing. Avengers Team/Peter Parker Peter Parker Steve Rogers James "Bucky" Barnes Tony Stark Natasha Romanov (Marvel) Sam Wilson (Marvel) Clint Barton Bruce Banner Thor (Marvel) May Parker (Spider-Man) Thaddeus Ross Pack Dynamics Pack Bonding Pack Family Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics Alpha Steve Rogers Omega Bucky Barnes Beta Bruce Banner Beta Clint Barton While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. i recently found your account and am in love. These (sort of?) Or in which Peter uses FRIDAY's system to have a conversation with Ned about AP History while he's sneaking into his super secret snack stash in the kitchen. Peter who was Tonys kid, - In all but blood hed said when James had asked, after Tony had spent approximately twenty-three minutes whining about how the kid was going to give him grey hairs - Peter who was Spider-man, Peter who was staying the week at the Avengers Compound because his aunt was at some nursing conference in Washington. He hasn't told May just how bad it is, not wanting to worry her anymore than he already has with him being Spider-Man and all. Hey! What will happen when the Avengers find one of those "test subjects" that were considered a success? It has been four years since a family took root from the chance meeting of Peter and Tony. Hed been discussing changes to his web formula with Karen, and when he mentioned it to Ned they came up with a suggestion that he thought might be really interesting. Like, at all. Stopped someone who was maybe going to mug someone, . (Peter gets whammied by alien magic, and Tony pays the price). Some are Tony's POV, some are Peter's but they all share the same themes and timeline. Nick Fury knew this of course, hes known the boy and seen him work when he was fifteen. this fic is 70 percent fluff and humor- but when it gets dark it gets DARK. rec lists. Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, General Audiences, Teen And Up Audiences, Not Rated, General Audiences, Teen And Up Audiences, Mature, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply, Major Character Death, by the time the monsters move out we owe them nothing, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, hold my hand (i can hear the ghost calling), when it feels like the world's gone mad (dark stories), Captain America: Civil War (Movie) - Fandom, past Pepper Potts/Tony Stark - Relationship, Not Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie) Compliant, Friday & Karen (Spider-Man: Homecoming) & Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, The stars are behind him (and they are ready to fight), Post-Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie), They Still Fucked Up and They Have to Live with It, Tony Stark Has Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and a huge fan of the writer I'm gifting this to, I'm not vehemently anti-team cap but I can have my bitter moments, Christine Everhart is a good friend and journalist, like they start out deluded and then I take it wildly off course, Fics in which Tony will not be pushed around, James "Bucky" Barnes/James "Rhodey" Rhodes, James "Bucky" Barnes/James "Rhodey" Rhodes/Tony Stark, im sorry everyone but most importantly buck, Peter Parker & James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark, Pepper Potts Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Alternate Universe - Renegotiated Sokovia Accords, it gets better as we progress through the story. Unless that person was unimportant, of course, but this- it didnt seem like that. Asks for rec lists and lost fics are.closed! Clint is slinking around in the ceiling vents one night when he comes across Peter Parker bleeding out. His eyes widened. OR Tony gets Rogue Avengers pardoned, and a lot of this is from Peters point of view because this is taking a toll on Tony, i cant seem to get a grip, no matter how i live with it by psikeval. When Carter starts abusing him, he begins to feel crushed by the weight of it all. OR: Instead of Peter being wiped from everybody's minds after Spider Man:No Way Home, he gets sent to a Post-Endgame everybody lives alternative universe. Please consider turning it on! When Tony finally tells Peter why theyve been neglecting him, Peter has a full on panic attack combined with an asthma attack. Tony wheezed harder, knowing what he was quoting. Did Ned actually die? Thanks! dont be suspicious @avg-si-internI recognize that the council has made a decision, dont be suspicious: @avg-si-internbut given that its a stupid ass decision Ive elected to ignore it. But when the Rogues get tired of never catching Tony alone and decide to ambush him, Peter finds that he can't hold his tongue. Peter stared down at the phone, a shot of adrenaline making his fingers tremble. i feel like very few of these are surprises bc ive included most of them on other rec lists? If you finish it you get a t-shirt and your photo on the wall.

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