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Six months later, everything would changefor everyone. This is not the first time I have had suicide thoughts. Her mouth covered with a breathing apparatus and several machines attached to her, in an effort to monitor her condition. Immediately following that flip, Mathews said, DeMarco asked if she was recording their conversation. As he drove he received a text message from Jessica's phone. What! Jessica Boynton was just 19 years old when she was found inside a locked closet with a gunshot wound to her head. She alleged that many of Lesters belongings remained in Boyntons residence. She's having suicidal thoughts," he says calmly to the dispatcher. Jessica, on a few occasions, hit and slapped him, he tells the GBI. But this wasn't the end of Jessica's story, rather a new beginningbut not the one she was hoping for. Tyler, the 8-month-old baby, is the result of a relationship Jessica had with a mechanic while she and Matthew were temporarily separated. I don't know if it's just his job or what, but like I said I don't think he would intentionally hurt me.. Warner Bros. Entertainment | Jessica has given Will every piece of evidence in her case, including that divorce diary. Jessica's husband and high school sweetheart is Griffin Police Officer Matthew Boynton. ", "There are two theories in this case, the first is that she shot herself and on the way to the ground she accidentally fired the gun a second time. That bullet ends up toward the top left of the closet. Listen. He hears a baby crying as he carefully steps into the bedroom where a dark brown crib is situated. When asked if Boyntons arrest has led him to believe that case should be reopened, Yates said, No. It could have a negative effect on them, but those things have to be dealt with on a case by case basis. The court ruled in his favor, giving him custody, and granting Jessica once-weeklysupervised visitation. Jones shouts as he travels deeper insidehis weapon drawn. The shooting occurred on the evening of April 14, 2016. Just one minute later, Matthewcalls 911, reaching Spalding County dispatch. Crime Watch Daily's security team tracked the email address, only to find it was from an anonymous server. He drove back to the apartment, he tells Jones, but it was too late. As part of that case, Lt. Karen Yancy, who leads the GPD Criminal Investigation Division, spoke with Boynton and on Jan. 5, reported, On Dec. 19, 2016, I spoke with Matthew Boynton about these items. Stay out, Matt, one the officers advises his fellow officer. Statements from Jessica Boynton and Matthew Boynton are logged into evidence, said a statement written by Yancy March 13. He said that she was so distraught that she was doubled over, and he said that she stood, closed the door in his face and then at that point he went ahead and left.". A lot of times, what happens, especially if theyre involved in something very serious, they throw in the towel before it can go through the citys process of termination.. Jones approaches Matthew to find out what happened. She said there were too many errors and discrepancies for her to have sent it. Yates said, Yes, but that doesnt overcome the civil side of it whether it was or was not marital property, and even if it was, it would have been a misdemeanor as opposed to the two felonies.. According to Sanders, these items were obtained from a woman who contacted him and claimed to be Boyntons girlfriend. He assigns another officer to standby at the door until the rest of the apartment is cleared. I left a message with the lady that answered for her to call me. She's moaning.. Ive seen no evidence to indicate that would be necessary, but that does not preclude the GBI or anybody else from doing it if they choose. BROTHERHOOD does not mean coverup or being above the law. We're going to be doing that to do touch DNA on the gun, and um, and why we're doing that is obviously one to corroborate everything that's what believed happened, and that way it also, it also eliminates the possibility of her family saying, you had something involved in this, or whatever, the GBI agent said to him. She remembered an instance when Matthew asked her grab his gun. Courthouse Annex, Solomon Street, Griffin, Six-year-old fire victim will give life to others through organ donation, Cause of fatal Saturday morning fire determined, https://the-grip.net/2016/10/18/gbi-completes-boynton-investigation-requested-by-gpd/, https://www.11alive.com/article/news/investigations/trigger-over-and-out/85-8ab82530-da07-492b-9a3c-c20d5e7f50b3, GPD Chief fabricated, released record identifying Will Sanders as Matthew Boyntons father The Grip. I f***ing love her. Once the investigation was closed, reporter and publisher, Sheila Mathews, investigated the shooting for her newspaper, The Grip. There's little if any visible blood spatter inside the closet. Griffin Police officer Matthew Boynton was cleared in his wife's shooting, but his interrogation still cost him his job. Henderson said in the letter, that he did not believe that Jessica's head injury was the result of a gunshot wound, and furthermore, questioned how she got the injury at all. Here's where things get blurry. She spoke to the GBI, from her hospital bed. [I miss] getting to see them every day and getting to watch them grow more and more into the boys and men that they're going to be someday, Jessica said sobbing. "That's the way we're gonna play this game, Sheila. She loved me. He cautiously went into the residence to try to make sure that the children were OK. That's the last thing the 19-year-old remembers. At that time, the city of Griffin reported the investigation was ongoing and was not expected to be completed for another month to six weeks. It's one of their owna police-issued .40-caliber Glock. What did Matthew do that he needed covering up? "I would want to know how he did it and how does he live with himself every day knowing that he did something like this," said Jessica. I just came up the stairs, two rounds," Boynton says on the recorded call. And neither is Will Sanders, the truck driver spearheading the drive to get justice for Jessica. Unfortunately, the only person who may be able to answer that question is Jessica, and she was in a coma. Jessica is also slinging allegations at Matthew's brothers in blue at the Griffin Police Department, and Matthew's grandfather Sheriff Wendell Beam. It's the journal where she's been keeping detailed notes about divorcing Matthew. Lester recovered from the shooting but doesn't remember any of it. "He didn't know if her intent was to kill their child, kill him and then commit suicide," said Sheila. Officer Adam Trammel reports to a non-emergency call from the Boynton residence at Ashford Place on Ashford Way, in Griffin, Ga. There's so many useless words thrown in there, then there's so many words left out, she said. "He tried to kill her.". Her shoulder-length, blonde hair is saturated in red. Haha I'm sorry I didn't think about that lol he sends to her after receiving a text from her--moments following his text from his wife. They turn her over from her stomach to her back. That bastard is so guilty every time they show the door knob and any badge that doesnt know that shouldnt have one. The quiet is broken when the baby begins to mumble from the other room. What Sanders found most alarming was the time frame Matthew Boynton says he heard those two gunshots. "He told 911 that he was so worried and he was trying to get back to the house as fast as possible. Am I recording it? It sounded like a gunshot. Police investigate further and find a gun underneath Jessicas limp body. "You know, you're trying to match up times of where he is getting these text messages or how he's responding to them, that he has to be in the kitchen. Just days after running into Officer Boynton, I received a threatening email that reads in part: "Are You An Intelligent Enough Investigative Journalist To Know When You Are Being Conned or Do You Have To Be Spoon Fed? It appears she's been shot in the head. A lot of times its two or three or more days, Yates said. And, the first officer on scene, as recorded by body cam footage, was not interviewed by the GBI for months after the incident. She grabs his arm with her left hand, while her other arm falls to the ground. He reads another text from his girlfriend, while driving 90 mph. Eventually, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation concluded what they believe happened inside that closet; Matthew Boynton was never charged with any connection in harming his wife. He's a truck driver. They'd met in high school when Jessica was 15 and Matthew was 16. Listen. And that's all I needed, so I was on cloud nine.". They're saying it was self-inflicted, she said. 'We're not going to do this in Georgia anymore' | Prosecutor fighting to stop animal abuse, NASCAR star Chase Elliott hurts leg in snowboarding accident, Forecast | Cooler air moving in for the weekend, Metro Atlanta, north Georgia hit with widespread damage after storms produce powerful winds, calls 911, reaching Spalding County dispatch. Just one minute later, Matthewcalls 911, reaching Spalding County dispatch. It was determined that he knowingly provided a false statement relating to the property in question and his possession of (it), Natale said in a release.l Center. Man, look, she's still breathing. Emphasis on evidence. I didn't bring any other ones with me. giving him custody, and granting Jessica once-weekly. So I'm trying to hurry and get back home just to make sure that nothing's going to happen to them.. Then, a moment of hope from the 19-year-old mother: She's still breathing. "She was actually happy, she was thrilled because she finally got that closure that she needed," says the neighbor. The neighbor says Jessica came over to her apartment with the kids, clearly upset about the fight. GRIFFIN, Georgia, April 15, 2016: Police are breathlessly racing to save a life. Womens clothing items and an orthodontic retainer turned in to the Griffin Police Department by Will Sanders has been established to have belonged to Jessica Lester, the former wife of Matthew Boynton. When facts are wrong, evidence altered to fit theories and threats made, how does the GBI remain the last word on the case? provided images. It was actually from him. A text messages is sent to his phone from Jessica's phone. I know eventually the chief would eventually like to get his officer back as well as his service weapon back as well, so we're going to try to expedite this as fast as possible, and when I mean expedite you know, within the next few weeks to a month, the agent said. Officer Robert Brian Jones shouts, as he travels deeper inside the two-bedroom apartmenthis weapon drawn. Just minutes after Jessica is airlifted to an Atlanta trauma center, Sheriff Beam asks deputies to deliver the devastating news to Jessica's family that she's dead of an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound. "They did not. His flashlights beam reveals a smiling family of four. Terms of Use | But it's what those body cameras don't record that's raising eyebrows. She wants to give her new employers the right impression, since tomorrow is her first day at a chiropractor's office. Her condition.. Somewhere in proximity to his arrest. Around 9 o'clock on the night of Thursday, April 14, 2016, Matthew Boynton calls a lieutenant on duty and reports Jessica is hitting him again. How does Jessica explain the "suicide text" sent from her phone less than 10 minutes before her husband Matthew called 911 in a panic? I know that we got into an argument, but that's about all," she said, not remembering much of what had happened on April 15. And the second bullet went up at 25-degree upward angle 1'10 off the floor. Guthrie calls Matthew and they chat for two minutes. [] of this document: BREAKING NEWS: GPD Officer Matthew Boynton arrested, charged with two feloniesM Matthew Boynton: The evidence and investigation that led to his arrest Matthew Boynton criminal []. The 20-year-old says he's heading to Waffle House for a late night food run with on-duty cop and best. Crime Watch Daily investigates what really happened to Jessica Boynton, something even Jessica herself wants to know. I finally had the evidence that I needed that Matthew was cheating on me. Matthew loved being part of the brotherhood. This couldn't happen man. Two shots have been fired from her husbands service weapon. Excessive force. With his gun raised, holding it out and in front of him with both hands, Jones passes by a framed portrait hung on the wall.

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