health assessment quizlet exam 1wendy chavarriaga gil escobar

In the yin/yang theory, health is believed to exist when all aspects of the person are in perfect balance. *PQRSTU* stands for *P*rovocative or palliative, *Q*uality or quantity, *R*egion or radiation, *S*everity scale, *T*iming, and *U*nderstanding the patient's perception of the problem. You share factual and objective information. Feedback: INCORRECT The "review of systems" in the health history is: "* What type of assessment data is this? Feedback: INCORRECT Feedback: INCORRECT When preparing the physical setting for an interview, the interviewer should: It is done to detect diseases early in people that may look and feel well." [1] The Four Methods of Health Assessment The four basic methods or techniques for physical health assessment are: Inspection, Palpation, Percussion and *Feedback: CORRECT* Chest Pain Management Case Summary The patient has also had some palpitations. Also called general leads, these responses show the person you are interested and will listen further. Feedback: INCORRECT *complete health history data category 5.*. Feedback: INCORRECT A) nutritional data D) relieving factors. Which of the following is considered an example of objective data? D) Socialization experience. 03/18/20 2:04 PM PDT. physical examination and health assessment 8th . C) ask the patient if there is someone who could verify information. B) "On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your pain?" B) empathy. *Feedback: CORRECT* Assessment of self-esteem and self-concept is part of the functional assessment. This response is an inappropriate communication technique referred to as using "Why" questions. In the case of confrontation, you have observed a certain action, feeling, or statement and you now focus the person's attention on it. Mr. Mosley has shortness of breath that has persisted for the past 10 days; it is worse with activity and relieved by rest. Feedback: INCORRECT D) environmental hazards. Religious beliefs may influence the person's: Religious beliefs may influence the person's: (1) *introduction*, Feedback: INCORRECT C) "Why did you wait so long to make an appointment?" * *complete health history data category 8.*. Health Assessment - Exam I quiz Top > Health This quiz is a study aid for the 1st exam in health assessment. Feedback: INCORRECT - And a nutritional history. In the patient's own words, briefly describe the reason for the visit. The Asian population was younger with a median age of 35.4 years, and about 26% of the Asian population was younger than 18 years old. In the biomedical or scientific theory, high-level wellness (or health) exists with optimal functioning of the human body. - Any childhood illnesses or accidents, Immunization data, (6) Using professional jargon, D) call a family member to confirm information. D) Reliability of informant. After completing an initial assessment of a patient, the nurse has charted that his respirations are eupneic, and his pulse is 58 beats per minute. D) call a family member to confirm information. *Communication* carries you and the patient through the interview. D) "Tell me what you mean by 'bad blood'.". Questions marked with are suitable for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Annual Wellness Visit (AWV) health risk assessment. C) family history B) use nonverbal communication. Feedback: INCORRECT Inspect mouth: lifted tongue with tongue blade. This introduction is a closed-ended question. C) use short, simple, concrete sentences. "* The purposes of the review of systems are to evaluate the past and present health state of each body system, to double-check in case any significant data were omitted in the present illness section, and to evaluate health promotion practices. C) "Mr. Jones, is it okay if I ask you several questions this morning about your health?" *Feedback: CORRECT* The *meaning of health and illness is determined*, in part, *by the way members of a person's culture define them. Nursing has an expanded concept of health; holistic health includes the mind, body, and spirit as interdependent and functioning as a whole within the environment. Feedback: INCORRECT Expectations, manifestations, and management of pain are all embedded in a cultural context. C) 9 When taking an *older adult's health history*, also ask additional questions. A) an optimal functioning of mind, body, and spirit within the environment. However, you should *address all categories* before making a diagnosis or judgment about the patient's health status. D) ask every youth about the use of condoms. (4) Using avoidance language, What are the four kinds of databases? D) Older adults. Feedback: INCORRECT To develop cultural care, you must have knowledge of *your personal heritage* and the *heritage of the nursing profession, the health care system, and the patient. Reflection is repeating part of what the person has just said. Which of the following is considered an example of objective data? A) Appearance, dress, and hygiene *Feedback: CORRECT* Feedback: INCORRECT Closed or direct questions and statements ask for specific information. *complete health history data category 7. Feedback: INCORRECT C) an individual's perception of health. D) the ability to perform activities of daily living (ADLs). Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 provides people with limited English proficiency access to health care; these individuals cannot be denied health care services. Feedback: INCORRECT Most healers cost significantly less than healers practicing in the biomedical or scientific health care system. * Nonverbal communication is the primary form of communication method for infants. NURSINGTB. What type of data is this? Open-ended questions and statements ask for narrative information; they state the topic to be discussed, but only in general terms. 4 steps to health assessment 1. collection of subjective data 2. collection of objective data 3. validation of data 4. documentation of data 4 techniques used to collect objective data 1. inspection 2. palpation 3. percussion 4. auscultation purpose of the interview is to: establish rapport during the interview, it is important to identify what? Or, it may be to explain cause: "The reason you cannot eat or drink before your blood test is that the food will change the test results.". Starting at ___ years of age, the interviewer asks the child directly about his or her presenting symptoms. The most appropriate introduction to use to start an interview with an older adult patient is: C) Impaired gas exchange A) a determination of the etiology of disease. Feedback: INCORRECT B) pain Each culture has its own healers who usually: B) own and operate specialty community clinics. In a multicultural country, you must accept that *differences exist* and be open to the *importance of these practices* to the patient. This may be for orientation to the agency setting: "Your dinner comes at 5:30 PM." Health Assessment exam 2 - 1- When assessing the abdomen, the nurse performs the following - Studocu Assignments when assessing the abdomen, the nurse performs the following examination techniques. C) left knee has been swollen and hot for the past 3 days. Arthritis is a medical diagnosis. Feedback: INCORRECT Feedback: INCORRECT * What type of database is most appropriate for an individual who is admitted to a long-term care facility? Chapter 11 health practice test answers - We'll provide some tips to help you select the best Chapter 11 health practice test answers for your needs. ach culture has its own healers who usually: B)Wash hands before and after every physical patient encounter. During a mental status examination, the nurse wants to assess a patient's affect. A) a determination of the etiology of disease. The patient may not share personal feelings if fear is experienced. (5) Engaging in distancing, Feedback: INCORRECT Feedback: INCORRECT Spirituality is a personal effort to find purpose and meaning in life. Health promotion and disease prevention are important aspects of nursing's concept of health. * Fifth, investigate *past health events*, such as illnesses, injuries, hospitalizations, and allergies as well as current medications. (2) Giving unwanted advice, - Eye contact, (8) Talking too much, *Feedback: CORRECT* When addressing a toddler during the interview, the health care provider should: * Feedback: INCORRECT D) The phlegm will be replaced with dryness. Nursing diagnoses are clinical judgments about a person's response to an actual or potential health state. Learn to communicate effectively with *patients who have special needs*, such as those with a hearing impairment, acute illness, or intoxication and those who are sexually aggressive, angry, anxious, violent, or in tears. Functional assessment includes questions on substance use and abuse. The interviewer and patient should be comfortably seated; standing communicates haste and assumes superiority. The CAGE test is a screening questionnaire that helps to identify: The use of euphemisms to avoid reality or to hide feelings is known as: *B) a personal effort to find meaning and *purpose in life. - *A* Annoyed - Have you ever been annoyed by criticism of your drinking? Feedback: INCORRECT Refer to feedback in option B. *A) nutritional data* D) ask every youth about the use of condoms. C) clarification. D) use detailed explanations. Feedback: INCORRECT Food intolerance varies with different cultural groups. Click the card to flip Definition 1 / 45 Subjective Click the card to flip Flashcards Learn Test Match Created by The interpretation by the nurse will improve communication. C) their personal belief models. Braden Scale Used to assess skin breakdown by totaling scores from six sub-scales: sensory, perception, moisture, activity, mobili-ty, nutrition, and friction. Areas covered under self-esteem and self-concept include: What type of data base is most appropriate when a rapid collection of data is required and often compiled concurrently with life-saving measures? A reliable person always gives the same answers, even when questions are rephrased or are repeated later in the interview. 2. The interview has *three phases*: (3) Using authority, In this situation, the nurse's verbal interpretation: A follow-up database is used to follow-up short-term or chronic health problems; the statuses of identified problems are evaluated at regular and appropriate intervals. * * With these statements, you inform the person. The reason for seeking care is a statement in the person's own words that describes the reason for the visit. Feedback: INCORRECT *Culture* has which four characteristics? *C) helps the patient understand personal feelings in relation to his or her verbal message. B) Follow-up B) own and operate specialty community clinics. Carl Rogers described the concepts of congruence and incongruence as important ideas in his theory of personality and human development. *Confrontation. - Physical appearance, B) "negative" under the system heading. You are asking for agreement, and the person can then confirm or deny your understanding. D) The phlegm will be replaced with dryness. B) Preschoolers *Feedback: CORRECT* While discussing the treatment plan, the nurse infers that the patient is uncomfortable asking the physician for a different treatment because of fear of the physician's reaction. The purpose of the assessment is to collect pertinent patient health status data, identify abnormal findings, Identify patient's strength and coping resources. Refer to feedback in Option B. "* A) reflection. - Posture, Health assessment is a plan of care that focuses on the specific needs of a patient and how the healthcare system, or you can say, the skilled nursing. C) the process of being raised within a culture. What is the yin/yang theory of health? It focuses on collecting data on biophysical signs and symptoms and on curing disease. Which of the following strategies should the nurse use with this client? D) 11. Feedback: INCORRECT Preschooler's communication is direct, concrete, literal, and set in the present. Refer to feedback in Option B. Impaired gas exchange is an emergent and immediate problem. D) sympathy. When recording information for the review of systems, the interviewer must document: Tests used to assess for dementia include the Mini-Mental State Examination, the Set Test, the Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire, the Mini-Cog, and the Blessed Orientation-Memory-Concentration Test. Feedback: INCORRECT Test Bank - Physical Examination and Health Assessment 8e (by Jarvis) 161. Feedback: INCORRECT *complete health history data category 6.*. A complete database includes a complete health history and a full physical examination; it describes the current and past health state and forms a baseline against which all future changes can be measured. Health assessment is a plan of care that focuses on the specific needs of a patient and how the healthcare system, or you can say, the skilled nursing facility, will address those needs of patients. A) ask the child, before the caretaker, about symptoms. A) Health exists when all aspects of the person are in perfect balance. Feedback: INCORRECT An example of subjective data is: *C) Emergency* In the United States, about *one* in *eight* people are *immigrants. Feedback: INCORRECT Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Medication, Over . Before you can understand the role that beliefs and values play in a person's life, you must understand culturally dominant values and personal values. It is smaller in scope and more targeted than the complete database. A) participating in religious services on a regular basis. Spirituality is defined as: *C) symptoms. C) the heritage of the nursing profession. Diagnostic reasoning has which four major components? D) "You are upset about the level of pain, right?". A nurse is collecting data for a client's comprehensive physical examination. (10) And using "why" questions. Functional assessment measures a person's self-care ability. Starting at ___ years of age, the interviewer asks the child directly about his or her presenting symptoms. *complete health history data category 5. C) used to evaluate cause and etiology of disease. The Geriatric Depression Scale, Short Form (Yesavage and Brink, 1983) is an assessment instrument for use with the older adult. A complete database includes a complete health history and a full physical examination; it describes the current and past health state and forms a baseline against which all future changes can be measured. Medical diagnoses are used to evaluate the etiology (cause) of disease. The *depth of information* obtained for each health history category may vary from one setting to another. Internal and external factors can affect communication. *Feedback: CORRECT* Feedback: INCORRECT For a well person, briefly note the general state of health. Health Assessment Exam 1 Term 1 / 211 An instructor is describing a comprehensive nursing health assessment to a group of students. *C) the Asian population tends to be younger. Health assessment also should consider what two other factors? The *Comprehensive Older Person's Evaluation* is particularly useful because it addresses: The *Comprehensive Older Person's Evaluation* is particularly useful because it addresses: Basic and instrumental *activities of daily living*, *Functional assessments*, And physical, social, psychologic, demographic, financial, and legal *issues*. If you use it too often, you take over at the patient's expense. A) his or her own heritage. Beverages, foods, herbs, medicines, and diseases are classified as hot or cold according to their perceived effects on the body, not on their physical characteristics. Feedback: INCORRECT *complete health history data category 2. Feedback: INCORRECT C) 9 C) symptoms. you develop a list of possible interventions based on . B) the Hispanic population tends to be older. (2) *working phase*, *A) Alert and oriented* A patient admitted to the hospital with asthma has the following problems identified based on an admission health history and physical assessment. *, The *National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services in Health Care* state that health care organizations should ensure that patients receive *effective, understandable, and respectful care* in a manner compatible with their *cultural health beliefs and practices and their preferred language.*. *Third-level priority problems* are important to the patient's health, but can be addressed after more urgent problems. C) an individual's perception of health. *A) education, financial status, and value-belief system. Functional assessment measures a person's self-care ability including the ability to perform activities of daily living. Chapter 14 - Eyes Refer to feedback in Option B. B) crepitation in the left knee joint. A) the patient's perception of pain. This option is not within the context of the interview. Interpretation also ascribes feelings and helps the person understand his or her own feelings in relation to the verbal message. Crepitation is assessed by palpating. - Voice, and On the basis of median age: Essay - Shadow health focused exam:uti with antibiotic sensitivity assignment (concept lab) 3. D) objective data that supports the history of present illness. Feedback: INCORRECT What symptom is greatly influenced by a person's cultural heritage? (3) *closing. Objective data is what the health professional observes by inspecting, percussing, palpating, and auscultating during the physical examination. Behaviors that one culture views positively may have different, possibly negative, connotations in another culture. A) Appearance, dress, and hygiene * First, collect *biographic data*, such as the patient's name, address, and date of birth as well as language and communication needs. D) sympathy. Each subscale is scored from 1-4 with 1 indicating the most risk and 4 indicating the least 13. D) the heritage of the patient. Most healers make house calls. Older adults may need special considerations related to physical limitations (e.g., adjusted pace to avoid fatigue, impaired hearing). B) Health exists when physical, psychologic, spiritual, and social needs are met. Areas covered under self-esteem and self-concept include: You should *guard against stereotyping* individuals. Health Assessment Exam 1 Flashcards Quizlet Health (6 days ago) Web (1) A complete (or total health) database includes a complete health history and a full physical examination. A) set the room temperature between 64 and 66 F. The *purpose of the complete health history* is to *collect subjective data*, which is what the person says about himself or herself. A) unhealthy lifestyle behaviors. When a patient reports a symptom, perform a *symptom analysis*. Feedback: INCORRECT *complete health history data category 3.*. A) Ineffective self-health management For a patient with *limited English proficiency*, use a *bilingual team member or a trained medical interpreter* whenever possible. B) history of present illness All cultures have their preferred lay or popular healers, recognized symptoms of disease, acceptable sick-role behaviors, and treatments. What information is included in greater detail when taking a health history on an infant? An older adult should be addressed by the last name; older adults may be offended by a younger person using their first names. Norton Scale Used to assess skin breakdown by totaling scores from five . Assessment Diagnosis Planning Implementation Evaluation ADPIE- assessment collect data ADPIE- diagnosis hypothesize ADPIE- planning plan of action (meds, tests, etc) ADPIE- implementation give meds, tests ADPIE- evaluation did symptoms change? You *assess factors related to heritage* to determine the depth to which you and the patient identify with a traditional heritage, that is, the cultural beliefs and practices of the family, extended family, and an ethnoreligious community. What is the yin/yang theory of health? - A prenatal and perinatal history, The room temperature should be set at a comfortable level; a temperature between 64 and 66 F is too cool.

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