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She played a major role in the creation of Dianetics, which evolved into the religious movement Scientology. However, their marriage was deeply troubled; Hubbard was responsible for a prolonged campaign of domestic violence against her and kidnapped both her and her infant daughter. He had Dick de Mille reciting this sort of thing day and night to her. The Hubbards lived at a house on Tatum Boulevard (now 5501 North 44th Street)[10] on the slopes of Camelback Mountain in Phoenix for the remainder of 1954. Starcasm Staff March 30, 2015 L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology In the HBO documentary Going Clea r that aired Sunday night it was revealed that according to Scientology founder L. Ron. By this time the Foundation had filed for bankruptcy, and Hubbard's erstwhile backer, Don Purcell, was left to deal with its substantial debts. The Hubbards returned to the United States in November when their visa expired and moved into an apartment in Philadelphia. During his interview with him, he got Lafayette to refer to Hubbard's wife Mary Sue Hubbard as Mary, before informing him that Hubbard used to call her Suzy. She recalled that "I got up and left the house in the night and walked on the ice of the lake because I was terrified." [47], Klowden recalled later that "he was very down in the dumps about his wife. He and Mary Sue moved initially to Daytona Beach, Florida in August 1975. "[6] Three weeks later, on September 24, 1952, she gave birth to her first child, Diana Meredith de Wolfe Hubbard. [2] She was the granddaughter of Russian emigrant Malacon Kosadamanov (later Nelson) who emigrated to Sweden. If she could not break it up by making social engagements with key personnel she, and her gang, would go out to a bar and keep calling in asking for certain people to come to the telephone. [38] The raids were in response to the federal government's discovery that the Church of Scientology had been carrying out a secret and highly illegal "dirty tricks" campaign against government agencies, individuals, and institutions deemed to be enemies of Scientology. Before starting his church in 1954, L. Ron Hubbard earned his living as a pulp fiction writer, churning out story after story across numerous genres. I doubt that she would face what you have with me or support me as well. The attach did not act on the request; having asked the FBI for background information, he was told that Hubbard had been interviewed but the "agent conducting interview considered Hubbard to be [a] mental case. [18] Hubbard and Northrup left for Florida towards the end of April, Hubbard taking with him $10,000 drawn from the Allied Enterprises account to fund the purchase of the partnership's first yacht. That's what he was really worried about, that she would reveal during the case that she was only relaying his orders. When he talked about his first wife, the picture he put out of himself was of this poor wounded fellow coming home from the war and being abandoned by his wife and family because he would be a drain on them. [76], A Scientology spokesman informed the press that she had been left "a very generous provision" in her husband's will,[77] though the details were kept secret. "[59] On April 19, as Barbara Klowden recorded in her journal, Hubbard telephoned her from Wichita and told her "he was not legally married. My Will is all changed. [19], Germer informed Crowley, who wrote back to opine: "It seems to me on the information of our brethren in California that Parsons has got an illumination in which he has lost all his personal independence. [59] Hubbard fled to Havana, Cuba, where he wrote a letter to Northrup: I have been in the Cuban military hospital and I am being transferred to the United States next week as a classified scientist immune from interference of all kinds. The O.T.O. [38] Northrup became Hubbard's personal auditor (Dianetic counselor)[39] and was hailed by him as one of the first Dianetic "Clears". By August 1978, 11 senior Scientology officials and agents, including Mary Sue Hubbard, wife of the founder, were charged in connection with an alleged conspiracy to spy on the government. In this same year, Hubbard launched a new religion based on two books he had written, Dianetics: The Evolution of a Science, and Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health. members, Northrup's usurpation of Helen's role led to conflict between the two sisters. "[90], After the documentary-maker Alex Gibney directed the film Going Clear, based on Wright's book of the same name and citing Northrup's words about Hubbard, the Church published a video calling Northrup a "failed gold digger" and "self admitted perjurer" who was responsible for "a get-rich-quick scheme [concocted] by the woman and her publicity starved lawyer to try to shake down Mr. Hubbard for money and take over the Hubbard Dianetics Foundation after Dianetics soared to the top of national bestseller lists. [73], A month later, in the English High Court of Justice, Mr Justice Latey declared in a case in which Scientology was a prominent issue that "Mr Hubbard is a charlatan and worse, as are his wife, Mary Sue Hubbard, and the clique at the top privy to the cult's activities. Sharp chin, broad forehead, rather Slavic. [76], The writer Christopher Evans has noted that "So painful do the memories of these incidents appear to be that L. Ron has more than once denied that he was ever married to Sarah [sic] Northrup at all. According to the Church of Scientology, the reason for the trip was that "amid the constant violence of the turncoat Don J. Purcell of Wichita and his suits which attempted to seize Scientology, Mary Sue became ill and to save her life, Ron took her to England where several Dianetic groups had asked him to form an organization. L. Ron Hubbard started beating his wife during summer 1946. I remember he said to me I was the only person he knew who would set up a white silk tent for him. . On July 13, 1981, a matter of weeks after we had uncovered what was going on, and with no advance warning to the GO, a coordinated series of CMO missions were sent out concurrently to take over the GO. About Harry Ross Hubbard. An explorer, a mystic, a bestselling author, a nuclear physicist . [44] Klowden recalled that Northrup "was very hostile to me. [86] In June 1986 the Church of Scientology and Alexis agreed a financial settlement under which she was compelled not to write or speak on the subject of L. Ron Hubbard and her relationship to him. He told me how he had met Northrup. Mary Sue Hubbard was still asserting her authority over the GO from her position as Controller. She became involved in Hubbard's Dianetics in 1951, while still a student at the University of Texas at Austin, becoming a Dianetics auditor. She was Hubbard's personal auditor and along with Hubbard, one of the seven members of the Dianetics Foundation's Board of Directors. [33] She later recalled: "I would often entertain him with plots so he could write. In 1984 she acted as an "intervenor" in the Church of Scientology of California's lawsuit against Gerry Armstrong. According to his public relations assistant, Barbara Klowden, Hubbard became increasingly paranoid and authoritarian due to "political and organizational problems with people grabbing for power. I went back several times later to make sure that she wasn't going to rat on him. Alternative_Effort 7 mo. . Mary Sue was grief-stricken, though she later attempted to persuade friends that Quentin had died from encephalitis. She made a striking impression on the other lodgers; George Pendle describes her as "feisty and untamed, proud and self-willed, she stood five foot nine, had a lithe body and blond hair, and was extremely candid. I was rather surprised when we were driving back to LA on Sunday evening, he stopped at a florist to buy some flowers for his wife. [75], Many years later, another of his followers, Virginia Downsborough, recalled that during the mid-1960s he "talked a lot about Sara Northrup and seemed to want to make sure that I knew he had never married her. en.wikipedia.org 48K 1.5K 1.5K comments Best Add a Comment SoylentPersons 4 yr. ago Did she then get disappeared like David Miscavige's wife? [35] Hubbard told his friend Forrest J. Ackerman that he had acquired a Dictaphone machine which Northrup was "beating out her wits on" transcribing not only fiction but his book on the "cause and cure of nervous tension". He had worked as an archivist for the Church of Scientology, gathering source material for a planned biography of L. Ron Hubbard. She began a relationship with L. Ron Hubbard, whom she met through the O.T.O., in 1945. He persuaded Northrup to pose as an old friend writing in support of his appeals; in one letter, she claimed untruthfully to have "known Lafayette Ronald Hubbard for many years" and described his supposed pre-war state of health. "[72], After divorcing Hubbard, Northrup married Miles Hollister and bought a house in Malibu, California. View Gallery. or so the stories go. [37] She gave birth on March 8, 1950 to a daughter, Alexis Valerie. They used to have fierce husband and wife domestic arguments. The flagship of the Scientology fleet was the 3,280-ton vessel HMSRoyal Scotsman accidentally renamed the Royal Scotman due to a clerical error,[23] a former cattle ferry on the Irish Sea run.[24]. In reality, Hubbard had made an unsuccessful request for assistance from the US military attach to Havana. Scores of GO staff responded, locking the missionaires out of their premises and were intending to hire armed guards to bar access by me and the other Church officials who had ousted them. This, plus her absolute control of the GO, made it difficult for the Church missionaires [Sea Org staff dispatched to achieve a target or specific goal] to get anything done. When she ran off with another man Ron followed them and they locked him in a hotel room and pushed drugs up his nose, but he managed to escape and went to Cuba. L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers Of The Future; Tuesday Trash And Trouble ~ The Friday Night Mystery Club by Joanna Campbell Slan; The Adventures Of Winston The Pig: Meet Winston ~ Guest Post And Giveaway; No Small Murder ~ A Mini-Meadows Mystery by Lena Gregory; Invocation: Days Of Iron & Clay by Aileen Erin ~ Cover Reveal And Giveaway; categories She was part of a free love colony in Pasadena. Granada's reporter commented: "What Hubbard said happens to be untrue. Despite her shock and humiliation, she felt compelled to return to Hubbard. The grand jury named Hubbard as an unindicted co-conspirator; the seized Guardian Office. Mary Sue Hubbard (Ron's wife and mother to four of his children) and some other leading Guardians Office personnel were imprisoned as a result. Excerpts from the interview were published in Corydon's 1987 book, L. Ron Hubbard: Messiah or Madman?. As far as I know, all his policies and doctrines were race-neutral, which is a big deal for someone from the 1940s. [58] She subsequently changed her mind, believing that she had been tricked, and wrote to her husband to complain but received no response. The Ole Doc Methuselah series was done that way. How many girls is a man entitled to in one lifetime, anyway? Hubbard was struggling with illness in 1980 and he was living in San Luis Obisbo . She turned up destitute and pregnant. After the British Sunday Times newspaper published an expos of Hubbard's membership of the O.T.O. "[63], The divorce writ prompted a deluge of bad publicity for Hubbard and elicited an unexpected letter to Northrup from his first wife, Polly, who wrote: "If I can help in any way I'd like toYou must get Alexis in your custodyRon is not normal. Hubbard's financial troubles were reflected in his attempts to persuade the Veterans Administration to increase his pension award on the grounds of a variety of ailments which he said were preventing him finding a job. . . Jack Parsons was also an avid student and practitioner of the occult. To Hubbard, her sadness was nothing more than an annoyance. In 1952, Mary Sue and Ron were married. They lived there incognito for a few months before moving into an apartment in Dunedin on the west coast of Florida, a few miles north of the town of Clearwater where a Scientology front company had bought the old Fort Harrison Hotel to serve as Scientology's new headquarters. He went to live at the house and investigated the black magic rites and the general situation and found them very bad. I have not at any time believed otherwise than that L. Ron Hubbard is a fine and brilliant man. The raids of July 1977 were the result.[49]. A bitter dispute broke out between the men over the ownership of the Foundation's remaining assets, with Hubbard resigning to start a rival "Hubbard College" on the other side of Wichita. In the UK alone, it issued hundreds of writs against the media for publishing negative reports on Scientology. L. Ron Hubbard's daughter the one he wanted to disappear surfaces online By Tony Ortega, February 6, 2017 . I believe she is under duress, that they have something on her and I believe that under a grilling she would talk and turn state's evidence.[66]. Russell Miller notes: They were indeed an unlikely couple a flamboyant, fast-talking extrovert entrepreneur in his forties and a quiet, intense young woman twenty years his junior from a small town in Texas. '"[50], Despite her conviction, Mary Sue remained in her post as Controller of the Guardian's Office (GO). He sought to explain it to his followers as being the result of his victimization by his ex-wife. folders or files" to obtain information for purposes of intimidation and or harassment is repugnant. [41] The Dianetics Foundation was making a huge amount of money, but problems were already evident: money was pouring out as fast as it was coming in, due to lax financial management and Hubbard's own free spending. "[71] She was so desperate to leave by the time she got to the airport that she left behind her daughter's clothes and her own suitcase and one of Alexis's shoes fell off as she dashed to the plane. Several ships were purchased to serve as the quarters of the newly created "Sea Org". My wife Sara."[74]. As part of a wider strategy codenamed Operation Snow White, the GO succeeded in infiltrating a Scientologist into the IRS to steal files about the government's litigation strategy against Scientology. [deleted] 6 yr. ago. IAS Patrons, Impact #53 (1994), pp. "[83], He said that Northrup had been a Nazi spy during the war and accused her and Hollister of using the divorce case to seize control of Dianetics: "They obtained considerable newspaper publicity, none of it true, and employed the highest priced divorce attorney in the US to sue me for divorce and get the foundation in Los Angeles in settlement. Illustration by Pat Barrett. I may live a long time and again I may not. TIL L Ron Hubbard's first wife once discovered two love letters the Scientology founder had written, to two different women, in the couple's outgoing mail. [71] In June 1984, Judge Paul G. Breckenridge ruled against the Church and Mary Sue Hubbard, criticizing her credibility as a witness: LRH's wife, Mary Sue Hubbard is also plaintiff herein. [57] In May 1981, he met with Mary Sue to tell her that her position as Controller of the Guardian's Office was untenable. Alexis will get a fortune unless she goes to you as she would then get nothing. This body was responsible for overseeing each of the seven organizational subdivisions of the Church of Scientology. Interviews with Barbara Klowden, "Scientology Photoshopping: Erasing L. Ron Hubbard's second wife from 'The RON Series', "Interviews with "Barbara Kaye", Los Angeles, July 28 & August 21, 1986", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Sara_Northrup_Hollister&oldid=1133607437, This page was last edited on 14 January 2023, at 17:19. A Wikimdia Commons tartalmaz L. Ron Hubbard tmj mdiallomnyokat. Despite this, she still "felt so guilty about the fact that he was so psychologically damaged. [29], The Hubbards moved ashore in March 1972 after three years traveling aboard their ship from port to port in the Mediterranean. Sara Northrup Hubbard, 2nd wife of L. Ron Hubbard Hubbard's strange writings did seem to imbue him with a special kind of confidence and belief in his own abilities, which for many seemed like supernatural powers. Share it! The final version of Dianetics was written at Bay Head, New Jersey in a cottage which the science fiction editor John W. Campbell had found for the Hubbards. The Hubbards moved back to London in February 1959, settling for a while in Golders Green. It appears that originally they never secretly intended to bring this boat around to the California coast to sell at a profit, as they told Jack, but rather to have a good time on it on the east coast. . She recalled that "with or without an argument, there'd be an upsurge of violence. Your character is superior. [2] Parsons' interest in the occult led in 1939 to him and Helen joining the Pasadena branch of the Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.). She and Hubbard eloped, taking with them a substantial amount of Parsons' life savings and marrying bigamously a year later while Hubbard was still married to his first wife, Margaret Grubb. Hubbard spread allegations that she was a Communist secret agent and repeatedly denounced her to the FBI. [72] When the case came to trial in May 1984, she told the Superior Court of Los Angeles County that she had been "mentally raped" and "emotionally distressed" knowing that others had seen the documents. Fur coats, Lincoln cars and a young man without any concept of honor so far turned the head of the woman who had been associated with me that on discovery of her affairs, she and these others, hungry for money and power, sought to take over and control all of Dianetics. Her body was cremated two days later and her ashes were scattered at sea off the California coast,[2] where L. Ron Hubbard's ashes had similarly been scattered in January 1986. "All guns were now manned with great attention as it was supposed that the sub was trying to surface. My right side is paralyzed and getting more so. [32] Northrup had no idea of Hubbard's first marriage or why people were treating her so strangely until his son L. Ron Hubbard Jr. told her that his parents were still married. [68] The original sentence of five years imprisonment was not carried out, and the court ordered a study of her claimed medical problems, before eventually replacing her sentence with a four-year term of imprisonment, with parole set at 40 months. [42] Northrup recalled that "he used to Worried about the chances of his own prosecution or being served with lawsuits, Hubbard slipped away into hiding. In 1960, Leni Riefenstahl and L. Ron Hubbard briefly collaborated on a screenplay that was to be a remake of her popular 1932 film directing debut, Das blaue Licht ('The Blue Light'). "[79] Hubbard also gave a new explanation of why he had been involved with Jack Parsons and the O.T.O. But I am 13 years older than she. Meanwhile, Ron and Betty have bought a boat for themselves in Miami for about $10,000 and are living the life of Riley, while Brother John is living at Rock Bottom, and I mean Rock Bottom. Or whatever. He moved in with me about two months ago, and although Betty and I are still friendly, she has transferred her sexual affection to Ron. Center of most turbulence in our organization. I want her always. His misfortunes had been caused by "a woman known as Sara Elizabeth Northrup . She was a sole signatory to the Church of Scientology's trust accounts and was also a director of the Operation Transport Corporation (OTC), a company established in 1968 that served as a conduit for cash transfers from the Church of Scientology to L. Ron Hubbard personally; it was characterized by US Tax Court as a "sham corporation" whose role was the enrichment of the Hubbards. Born as Henry August Wilson, adopted by James W. Hubbard and Philena Jane Potter Hubbard, who changed his name to Harry Ross Hubbard. Hubbard face was washed to polish the skin, put the hair and dressed his body in expensive suit, tucked under the collar silk scarf and to heighten the effect, put a stack of neatly arranged entourage books.Hubbard lit around the floodlights, and four-point system of Hollywood lighting, already guaranteed a quality image. Here I am in Miami pursuing the children of my folly; they cannot move without going to jail. [18] Not long afterwards Hubbard bought Saint Hill Manor at Saint Hill Green, near East Grinstead, West Sussex. Northrup played a significant role in the development of Dianetics, Hubbard's "modern science of mental health", between 1948 and 1951. In the summer of 1972, Hubbard ordered that around $2 million in cash be transferred from OTC bank accounts in Switzerland to the Apollo, where it was stored for the next three years in a locked file cabinet to which Mary Sue Hubbard had the only set of keys. . Hubbard had a personal steward, as did Mary Sue and the Hubbard children, who all had their own cabins. [34], The Scientology fleet was finally disbanded in 1975, when Hubbard decided to move ashore and establish a "land base" in Florida. But Dianetics will last 10,000 years for the Army and Navy have it now. Sorted by date as received from FBI archives. From our brother's account he has given away both his girl and his money. On one occasion, while Northrup was pregnant, Hubbard kicked her several times in the stomach in an apparent though unsuccessful attempt to induce an abortion. She was credited with helping to coin the word "Scientology". There is no other reason for this statement than my own wish to make atonement for the damage I may have done. Why is he lying about this? Margaret "Polly" Grubb (1933-1947) Sara Northrup Hollister (1946-1951) [43] She left Wichita as soon as Alexis was returned to her. [51] She stated that she was "not interested in revenge; I'm interested in the truth. My wits never gave way under all you did and let them do but my body didn't stand up. member, wrote to Karl Germer to explain the situation: As you may know by this time, Brother John signed a partnership agreement with this Ron and Betty whereby all money earned by the three for life is equally divided between the three. She soon began an affair with Hubbard, who had just been divorced from his second wife Sara, and moved in with him within only a few weeks of arriving in Wichita. That is the amazing part about it. [22] On November 22, 1966, the Hubbard Explorational Company Limited was formed with Hubbard and Mary Sue as directors Hubbard being described as expedition supervisor and Mary Sue as company secretary. Quentin was Hubbard's fourth child - his second son - to his third wife, Mary Sue Hubbard. This work took a variety of forms, including public relations, legal actions, and the gathering of "intelligence" on perceived enemies. . One of his aides, David Mayo, was dispatched by Hubbard to suggest that Mary Sue might consider a divorce. We were talking about guns and she said to me that I was the type to use a Saturday night special" (a very cheap "junk gun"). L. Ron Hubbard (1911 - 1986), often referred to by his initials, LRH, was an American author and the founder of the Church of Scientology. Miscavige provided a first-hand account of these events, in an affidavit submitted in a case heard in 1994 in California, Church of Scientology International vs. Steven Fishman and Uwe Geertz. The boat was soon sold to ease the couple's shortage of cash. "[50] Hubbard enlisted de Mille and another Dianeticist, Dave Williams, in an attempt to convince her to stay with him. "[14] Cyril Vosper, one of the Saint Hill staff at the time, noted the differing impressions left by the Hubbards: "I always had great warmth and admiration for Ron he was a remarkable individual, a constant source of new information and ideas but I thought Mary Sue was an exceedingly nasty person.

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