nietzsche quotes in german with translationwendy chavarriaga gil escobar

- Live like, when you die, you will wish to have lived. // If you bring love to that moment--not discouragement--you will find the strength is there. What is bad? , A Joseph Campbell Companion: Reflections on the Art of Living, The Archaeology of Knowledge and The Discourse on Language, Human, All Too Human: A Book for Free Spirits. In reality, however, it is quite otherwise with you: while you pretend to read with rapture the canon of your law in Nature, you want something quite the contrary, you extraordinary stage-players and self-deluders! You murdered Rathenau. The term contradicts itself: whatever can be common always has little value. But there is also always some reason in madness." -Friedrich Nietzsche. Any disaster you can survive is an improvement in your character, your stature, and your life. THUS SPAKE ZARATHUSTRA. Spencer Sunshine writes: There were many things that drew anarchists to Nietzsche: his hatred of the state; his disgust for the mindless social behavior of 'herds'; his anti-Christianity; his distrust of the effect of both the market and the State on cultural production; his desire for an 'overman' that is, for a new human who was to be neither master nor slave; his praise of the ecstatic and creative self, with the artist as his prototype, who could say, 'Yes' to the self-creation of a new world on the basis of nothing; and his forwarding of the 'transvaluation of values' as source of change, as opposed to a Marxist conception of class struggle and the dialectic of a linear history. Is it plausible for constructed languages to be used to affect thought and control or mold people towards desired outcomes? This, little man, is what you have done with Christianity, with the doctrine of sovereign people, with socialism, with everything you touch. English Translation: It's a German necessity to speak badly of the government over a beer. Another beautiful German quote about the importance of living fully in the moment and being aware of everything that is going on around us, from Michael Ende. This action nearly kills Zarathustra, for example, and most human beings cannot avoid other-worldliness because they really are sick, not because of any choice they made. Why should you make a principle out of what you yourselves are, and must be? try { And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. var isRetina = window.devicePixelRatio >= 2; // retina display In 1888, Nietzsche wrote "Aus der Kriegsschule des Lebens.Was mich nicht umbringt, macht mich strker," which can be translated as "Out of life's school of warwhat doesn't kill me, makes me stronger." It appears in his book of aphorisms, Twilight of the Idols, and no further explanation follows. But Nietzsche taught us that to live is to suffer. Friedrich Nietzsche, The Antichrist, What is good? Lebe, wie du, wenn du stirbst, wunschen wirst, gelebt zu haben. 101 Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes on Love, Truth, and Morality . Both are a gentle admonishment against envy, and the perils of always thinking about what other people have instead of enjoying what you yourself have. - Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy! [CDATA[ He was interested in the enhancement of individual and cultural health, and believed in life, creativity, power, and the realities of the world we live in, rather than those situated in a world beyond. } Please check your email address / username and password and try again. }()); return null; Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil, What is done out of love always takes place beyond good and evil. Friedrich Nietzsche, The Gay Science, We are always in our own company. ', The mother of excess is not joy but joylessness., It has gradually become clear to me what every great philosophy up till now has consisted of namely, the confession of its originator, and a species of involuntary and unconscious autobiography; and moreover that the moral (or immoral) purpose in every philosophy has constituted the true vital germ out of which the entire plant has always grown., But I need solitude--which is to say, recovery, return to myself, the breath of a free, light, playful air., What then is truth? Bent is the path of eternity., What is good? Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Looking for something? 13 Most Beautiful German Quotes (& The Inspiring Figures Behind Them), greatest German literary figures of the modern era. }("apstag", window, document, "script", "//"); Friedrich Nietzsche Roots, Tree, Heaven 182 Copy quote The higher we soar the smaller we appear to those who cannot fly. What a privilege! However this is about Nietzsche, I think one source for the quote is. In 1896, Alexander Tille made the first English translation of Thus Spoke Zarathustra, rendering bermensch as "Beyond-Man". As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist. The snake which cannot cast its skin has to die. Don't seek an easy life, seek strength. It is difficult to find the man to whom you can be., Sei mir gegrt, mein Sauerkraut, holdselig sind deine Gerche. Heinrich Heine, German poet and essayist, Translation: Greetings my sauerkraut, sweet are your smells., Es ist ein Brauch von Alters her, wer Sorgen hat, hat auch Likr. Wilhelm Busch, German humorist, Translation: It is a tradition (or practice) from time immemorial, whoever has worries (or cares) has liquor., Wussten Sie schon, dass der Walfisch das kleinste lebende Sugetier sein knnte, wenn er nur nicht so gro wre? Loriot, Translation: Did you know that the whale could be the smallest living mammal if it were not so big?. a native German-speaking online tutor about these quotes. } else { If there is one quote in the list of most beautiful German quotes that is easily recognizable even to non-German speakers, it would probably be this quote from the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. for(var i=0; i

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