our lady of compassion feast daywendy chavarriaga gil escobar

You formed His lips, to teach us. 2. Mary, My Mother, I rejoice with you in the joyful expectation of your little Son. You were born into the world in the humble city of Nazareth. God destined you to be a Mother of Mercy, a Refuge of Sinners and an Advocate of the Afflicted, and you fulfill these offices perfectly. Mary, My Mother, your divine maternity is such a sublime privilege that no creature, not even you yourself, can understand it fully. Your eyes are the eyes of a good Mother, ever watchful to notice the need of your children, just as you looked out for the young couple at the marriage feast of Cana. You are all-powerful because your divine Son instantly fulfills all your desires in order to honor you. He had to crown the gift of His love with the grand gift of you, His Mother. Great must have been the childlike reverence and respect with which you watched over your every action and which preserved you from ever displeasing the Divine Wisdom. What must have been your anguish when you looked at the sacred body of Jesus as the long nails were being driven into His hands and feet! 3. Mary, My Mother, I wish to recall this triumph and to share in your greatness and glory. 3. In your six apparitions at Fatima you made repeated demands for penance and reparation. As formerly the shepherds and the magi found Jesus close to you, so now may all sinners, unbelievers and pagans find Jesus through you, His Mother. It marks seven particularly sorrowful events in Mary's life, focussing on her experience of them - whereas on the actual days, the focus is on Jesus experience. Jesus is our life and you have given Him to us. You died as you had lived, entirely detached from the things of the world, you died in the most perfect peace and in the certainty of eternal glory. We do not find you in Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, when your divine Son was received with so much honor by the people. Help them to become worthy of this blessing through their own prayers and good example. She humbly exclaimed, "How have I deserved this happiness that the Mother of my Lord should come to me?" From the moment you said, "Be it done to me according to thy word," the Father in heaven made Jesus and you, as it were, a redemptive pair; you, of course, have always been dependent on Him. Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows, Feast Day February 27. You have commanded that your precepts. All rights reserved. Truly then, you are entitled to be called our Mediatrix. . This love for you was the source of great joy in the hearts of the saints. I have saved my soul.". 2. When He had finished the work of our Redemption by His labors, suffering and death, the Eternal Word, clothed in our nature, entered into His glory and was seated on the right hand of the Eternal Father. Your union with Joseph was ordained in the designs of God for the education of Jesus. Jesus purchased me at the cost of His own life, and you offered that life to God for me. Mary, My Mother, you are Queen also because your are Co-Redemptrix. Wicked lust, the source and occasion of sin, flowing directly from original Sill and inclining to evil, drags me along in spite of myselfalthough always voluntarilyto personal sins, sins that I know only too well are my own. By Christmas of that year, an adobe structure was built atop Tepeyac Hill in honor of our Blessed Mother, Our Lady of Guadalupe, and it was dedicated on December 26, 1531, the feast of St. Stephen the Martyr. A woman, the tree, and death symbolize our defeat. Many parishes, in addition to having a special feast day Mass, also host a reception or party in honor of the day. Being the new Eve who was to be the Mother of the new Adam you were, by the eternal decree of God and by the merits of Christ, withdrawn from the general law of original sin. In your heart and life the Eucharist took the place of His former presence in the flesh. This was your spiritual Motherhood. Jesus was a Son to you and a sword to you: a Son on your breast, a sword in your heart. Your divine maternity is great also because this privilege is the reason for your other privilegesyour Immaculate Conception, miraculous virginity, fullness of grace, Assumption and the spiritual maternity of all mankind. For from the moment when Jesus told you to see Him, in John, you saw Jesus in all Christians. With your foot you crushed the head of the serpent and conquered evil with goodness. Liturgical feast Our Lady of Compassion. You love me with a Heart human like my owna Heart that can understand my sorrows and problems since you experienced all that I must bear; a Heart that can sympathize with me and befriend me in my hour of need. That date was not chosen by accident, but because it is the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. Your protection never ceases, your intercession brings hope and life. Today we celebrate our Lady of Sorrows. By your love of God and of His adopted sons, you aided the Apostles in the spread of Christ's Kingdom on earth. We beg you for a burning charity for God to imitate the works of Christ. Today I am filled with joy at the thought that we are united with those first clients of yours, and in union with them we greet you, saying: O beauty of Carmel, glory of Libanus, purest of lilies, mystical rose in the flowering garden of the Church. Mary, Mother of God, you are the new Eve. Mary, My Mother, your little life held a mystery immeasurably deeper than that of any other human life, since no mind could measure the distance that lay between the chosen Maiden who was not only the servant of the Lord but also His true Mother, and the rest of mankind who were His servants and no more. Filled with motherly compassion, you appealed to Jesus in behalf of your friends. There is no more intimate bodily union than that of mother and child, for they are one life, one heart-beat sustaining the life of both. What greater wonder could the world behold, than a woman become the Mother of God, and a God clothed in human flesh? The divine maternity itself, more than any particular privilege, is a mark of God's unequalled love for you. As you cradled the new-born Savior and nourished and cared for Him, so at Pentecost you cradled the new-born Church, watched over its frail, delicate body and fostered and nourished it with motherly care. How much more precious you were than any chalice of richest gold. Jesus gave me your own dear self, His dearest possession, whom He loved so much that He, in a sense, exhausted His power to exalt you above all other creatures. But God has willed that you should be exempted from this general rule because, by an entirely singular privilege, you completely overcame sin by your Immaculate Conception. Jesus is in me, too, through sanctifying grace, I bear within me the supernatural image of the Divine Sonship. For days before the feast, people crowd around the basilica for blessings of the religious images they have brought, and . Wednesday, devoted to our Lady, is a day of reflection and spiritual orientation; Friday emphasizes conversion and penance; Saturday, a preview of Easter, marked the renewal of our baptismal covenant. You presented Him in sacrifice to the Father as your God and the Son of Man, as your offering and the offering of humanity for the redemption of the world. Mary, My Mother, what joy for you never to have been, even for a single instant, in the state of enmity toward God! He became Sovereign Master of the universe and Supreme Judge of the living and the dead. 2. Intercede for us that we may win the victory over evil and that we may live and reign with Jesus, your Son. As we have received through you the Universal Source of Grace Jesus your Son, so we still continue to receive, by your intercession, the various actual graces suited to our state and calling in Christ. You are the holiest of women, the Virgin-Mother thrice holy, because you are holy of the Father, holy of the Son, holy of the Holy Spirit of Love. Isaias called you a Virgin; "Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and His name shall be Emmanuel." Responsorial Psalm Ps 119:1-2, 4-5, 7-8. You spoke in behalf of our human nature and by your consent you sealed forever the union between our human nature and the Son of God. Though you did not pay even the smallest part of our debt, you cooperated in His work by the entire union of your will with His. Mary, My Mother, I realize that I have not always corresponded faithfully with these graces. I need not see you appear, as you did to so many others. May your name be the last sound that escapes my lips upon this earth and the first I breathe in heaven. Mary, My Mother, at my baptism you gave me life at the moment when sanctifying grace was infused into my soul at the baptismal font. God inflamed no other heart, after that of the Heart of His Son, with His love so much as yours. Mary, My Mother, your power as Mother of Divine Providence is indeed as great as your compassion and willingness to help. You are the Mother of the Son of God. It is your Son who abides with me in the tabernacle as the best Friend I have in this world, who offers Himself to the Father for me as the Victim of Calvary at Holy Mass, who gives Himself to me as Food in Holy Communion. He bestowed marvelous privileges upon you and loved you more than all other creatures together. Yet more powerfully still than even your exalted merits does the Precious Blood render God merciful to the sinner, for all comes to us through the Passion and death of Christ, your Son. Mary, My Mother, your apparition at Guadalupe as the Immaculate Conception is your only recorded appearance in North America. In 1668 the feast in honor of the Seven Dolors was set for the Sunday after September 14, the Feast of the Holy Cross. continue our lady of sorrows feast day. Your Immaculate Conception permitted you to love God from the first instant of your existence; your virginity led you to vow an undivided love to Him, your fullness of grace made you capable of loving Him with the most intense love possible. You would not be completely happy in heaven if you did not know the interests of those souls redeemed at the cost of so much pain to Jesus and you. He promised that my prayers would be heard when He said, "Ask, and it shall be given you" (Matt. You brought me forth spiritually to a new life of grace. Whoever abides in this Church will bring forth much salutary fruit; whereas they who willingly separate themselves from it must wither away spiritually. He is Son of man by His birth, in time, in the bosom of a woman. The Divine Son gave you a mother's heart, in which, as in a sanctuary, He wished to dwell. He could not make you divine by nature, but He has made you inseparable from Jesus in the salvation of souls through the grace which He has so abundantly poured out upon you because of the Divine Motherhood. I ask this with special earnestness from you who are the Health of the Sick. You brought forth Jesus, your First-born, without pain; but in giving birth to your second-born, what agony did you not have to endure? From the cross Jesus gave you to me to be my Mother, and I was entrusted to your care as your child. A blessed feast of OUR LADY of the MIRACULOUS MEDAL to you. Faith tells me that the fall of man was the effect of the malice and envy of the devil, who sought in this way to be revenged upon the Creator for having cast him out of paradise in punishment for his rebellion. They see Jesus Christ in you, the treasure-house of all their blessings. When His side was opened with a lance, a sword of anguish also pierced your Heart. This is your role of universal Dispenser of all graces. Pray for us Christians who sigh to you in this vale of tears so that we may be comforted, enlightened, strengthened, guided, and finally saved! Your own extraordinary grace and merit, your own wondrous privileges give to your prayer an irresistible force and power. 2. And yet, in the whole work of the redemption, your Son wanted to associate you with Himself. I cannot have Jesus for my Brother if I do not have you for my Mother. Mary, Mother of God, your dear parents, St. Joachim and St. Anne, rejoiced at your birth. The Annunciation Of The Blessed Virgin Mary. Only after many years of fervent prayers did God reward them. But by the greater light you possessed for recognizing the infinite greatness and goodness of God, you recognized also your own littleness, and, therefore, you humbled yourself more than all others: you ever had before your eyes the majesty of God against your nothingness as His creature. You did not have to wait until the end of time for the resurrection of your body. Jesus continues ceaselessly to pray for us, offering for us to His heavenly Father His infinite merits and atonement, and causing the floods of grace to descend upon us to save us. You did not go to a distance, but drew nearer to the crossthe hard bed on which Jesus had to die. In you, and of your substance, was this day formed His adorable Body. The bodies of even the just are corrupted after death, and only on the last day will they be joined, each to its own glorious soul. God reserves to Himself the dispensing of justice to all creatures. In His infancy Jesus depended upon your loving care, and in death when He was abandoned by all, even by His Father, He still had your heart. After the Ascension you found the past under another form; the consecrated Bread the Apostle John placed on your lips was Jesus, who was formed from your own flesh and with whom your body was again united. Mother Mary - Our Lady of Compassion - Feast Day. Joseph could rest assured and marry you, his betrothed bride. Mary, My Mother, help me to imitate your sinlessness by keeping my soul free from every willful sin by the faithful observance of God's commandments. From that time forward until His Ascension into Heaven, you were the constant adorer of the Word-made-Flesh in all the mysteries of His earthly life. We do not attribute to you the power of producing supernatural grace, even though you are the Mother of God, for this power belongs to God alone. It was you who nourished and prepared the holy Victim who was offered to the Eternal Father in expiation of our sins. How God has loved you by making you His Mother! I consecrate myself entirely to your Immaculate Heart. Your ardent faith and intense love pierced that thin veil which separated you from your loving Son. As the devil goes about seeking whom he may devour, you go about seeking whom you may save. Mary, My Mother, you always lived under the divine influence of the Holy Spirit and in the closest possible union with Him. This thought wonderfully strengthens my confidence in you, Help of Christians. Jesus proclaimed your motherhood from the cross by entrusting you to John and John to you when He said, "Woman behold thy sonSon, behold thy Mother.". This humility was richly rewarded. For the first time after four thousand years God in His Wisdom and power and love, created again a human being in that state in which He had created our first parents. When the Holy Spirit descended, you received the richest outpouring of His graces. Mary, My Mother, I beg you to aid me in being watchful over myself, guarding my exterior and interior senses, avoiding all outward haste and inward passion, trying to make a virtuous action of everything I do, and by talking to God frequently in prayer. You will be inspired by the overflow of love for Our Lady. Mary, My Mother, your Heart is the masterpiece of the Holy Trinity. When the Angel Gabriel came as a messenger from God, it was not only to ask your consent to become the Mother of the Son of God, but also to treat with you of the salvation of the human race, of the birth of the Savior of the world, of the regeneration of mankind and the setting up of an everlasting kingdom. Take my cold heart; put it into your own and inflame it with a fire of love like your own. It was your duty to represent the whole of mankind and to offer those acts of adoration faith, hatred of sin, love and prayer, which were due from those who shared in this sacrifice. In God there are no disappointments, no false promises. For if I have any ability, any worth or goodness, the glory is not mine, but God's. Satan is more humiliated at seeing himself under the heel of the lowliest of creatures than at feeling himself crushed by God's almighty arm. No other saint exerts such universal influence in the affair of our salvation as you do. Your Son won a treasure of grace for us by the life and death He offered up to the heavenly Father. Your great lover, Saint Bernard, along with many other saints and writers, reminds me: "Through you, Mary, heaven has been filled; through you hell has beheld itself robbed of an army of souls, in a word, through you eternal life was imparted to multitudes of wretched ones, who had made themselves unworthy of it." Rule over us by the queenly power of your love that the Kingdom of your Sonthe Kingdom of Truth and Life, Holiness and Grace, Justice, Love and Peacemay come upon earth. Mary, My Mother, your first presentation to God, made by the hands of your parents, was an offering most acceptable in His sight. Mary, My Mother, I am happy to be your child. Mary, Mother of God, you are our true Mother because you have given us supernatural life. All that I am or have. However, my sick soul is entitled to more vigilant care, for Jesus reminded me, "What does it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, but suffer the loss of his own soul" (Matt. For at the moment the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the infant in my womb leaped for joy. I share in this joy. At Nazareth, you knew that by saying Yes or No to Gabriel, you would be giving us life or leaving us in spiritual death. I am in need of forgiveness of sin, of strength in temptation. You are the spotless tabernacle, the earthly resting-place prepared for the Son of God, hence the Church pays loving respect to your Immaculate Heart. You suffered in your soul what Jesus suffered in His body, and in union with Him you offered yourself as a victim for our sins. 1. You treasured up all the words spoken by the holy angels concerning your divine Son, as well as those pronounced by the prophetess Anna and by holy Simeon when you presented your Son in the temple, and you prudently pondered them in your heart. The first feast of Our Lady of Silence will be celebrated on Sunday, August 1, in Avezzano, in the. Help me to overcome the enemies of my salvation and to persevere to the end in the friendship of God. Your heart sank each time He fell beneath its weight. 2. Mary, My Mother, give me a rich share in the graces merited for me by your Son. 1. You saw His virginal flesh torn open again when the soldiers pitilessly stripped Him of His garments. You did not shrink from the disgrace of being recognized as the Mother of one condemned to die a shameful death. The feast of Our Lady of Sorrows is celebrated on September 15 and is dedicated to honoring the spiritual martyrdom of Mary. Feast, October 7 (Novena, Sept. 28-Oct. 6). Mary, My Mother, help me to take your requests at Fatima to heart. Mother Mary - Our Lady of Compassion September 15th Feast Day Liturgical Color: White The feast day of Our Lady of Compassion is every 15th of September. 3. Mary, Mother of God, in the Kingdom of Heaven you are continually employed in deeds of kindness and mercy, therefore you are truly the Mother of Divine Providence. God sent Gabriel, one of His glorious archangels, to deliver the most important message in the history of mankind, announcing the coming of the Savior of the world and the selection of you to be His Mother. May your holy marriage be an inspiration to Christian husbands and wives so that they may always live in sincere love and peace and be obedient to the commandments of God. There before the tabernacle you relived in memory all the happy and sorrowful events of your life with Jesus. As Christ was pleased to be comforted by an angel, so was it necessary that you should be encouraged by one. Mary, Mother of God, the joyful mysteries of your Holy Rosary remind me of the mysteries in which the Word was made flesh and you, the inviolate Virgin and Mother, performed your maternal duties with holy joy. This Body, given to us at Christmas and immolated on Good Friday, was flesh of your flesh, bone of your bone. At your prayer Jesus changed the water into wine in Cana. you. Help me to love God with my whole mindso that my mind may be habitually occupied with God and that I may value His good pleasure above everything elseabove my convenience, above all earthly treasures, above all knowledge and friendship, above health and life. You are the woman, the new Eve; the wood of the Cross is the new tree of life, the death of Jesus, the new Adam, takes away the sting of the death of Adam. On Feb. 11, 2020, I was ordained a bishop and installed as the fifth bishop of the Diocese of Gary. I will not be discouraged, but rather go with confidence to you, the throne of grace. It is through you that I am able to eat the Bread of Heaven even every day. In 2017/18, the most recent full school year, 4.8% of half-day . I cannot secure my salvation without these graces, for it is the grace of God which gives me light and strength to do good deeds. But I want to be loved by you even more; hence, give me an ever growing love for you. Infirmities of the body are nature's warning voice concerning the approach of death, which I cannot finally escape. Joseph was a virgin for your sake, that a Virgin Son might be born of a virginal marriage. Your intimate union with your Divine Son is the reason for your power with Him. I look to you, Mother of Mercy. Teach me to bear my cross patiently in imitation of Jesus and you so that in this way I may prove how much I really love you. By offering your Divine Son on Calvary you brought me forth to a life of grace and thus became my spiritual Mother. By this title I understand: (1) upon your mediation and intercession depends the distribution of the riches of the treasury which Jesus acquired for the salvation of men; (2) consequently, no grace comes to all of us as a body or to any of us in particular which you have not asked for in our behalf; (3) according to the order of things established by God, you have become, under Jesus Christ, after Jesus Christ, and through Jesus Christfrom whom you can never be separatedthe source and principle for us of all supernatural life. Note: This prayer was approved and enriched with an indulgence of five hundred days by Pope Pius X at all audience held on August 18, 1908, and was included in the official edition of approved indulgenced prayers (1950). Mary, My Mother, I rejoice with you that you are so privileged, so exalted as to become the worthy Mother of God. By His almighty power He would form the body of the Savior of the world, and the Divine Son would unite it to Himself forever. Mary, Mother of God, you are my Mother of Perpetual Help because of your love for me. But all heaven rejoiced at your birth, because you were destined one day to bring the Savior into the world; you were to become God's Mother and the Queen of heaven and earth. Fill their hearts with the virtues of joyous zeal for God and for souls and a warm love for divine learning. With the Father you, too, can say: "This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.". But that my devotion may be pleasing to you, help me to maintain my soul and body in the spotlessness of your purity, help me to try as best I can to walk in your footsteps, humbly seeking to be like you. Later in the public life of Jesus, you sought no attention. May I remember always your sorrows on Calvary, through which you begot us to God and became the co-redemptrix of our race. Mary, Mother of God, I consecrate myself to your Immaculate Heart. You have found uncreated grace, that is, God Himself became your Son; and with that grace you have found and obtained every created good. At the very instant of your conception your mind was filled with the light of God, and your will was entirely conformed to the divine will. From all eternity God chose you to be His Mother, and in time He adorned you with every spiritual charm. Teach me to admire your virtues that I maybe constantly reminded to imitate them and become like you. Your will was one with His, faithful to your promise made at the Incarnation. The presentation of the Child Jesus in the temple was like the Offertory, for you offered to the Heavenly Father this "material" for the sacrificethe body and blood of your little Son. The part that you have played in the spread of the Church and in its struggles and triumphs, clearly shows the Divine Plan in your regard. I wish to do penance by giving up sin and amending my life, by asking pardon and making reparation to the Heart of Jesus and to your Immaculate Heart, so grievously offended by our sins. GLADE PARK, Colorado (Catholic Online) - The feast dedicated to "Our Lady of the Rosary" was instituted by Pope Pius V. It was to commemorate the anniversary of the defeat of the Turkish fleet at the battle of Lepanto on the first Sunday in October 1571. The Assumption Of The Blessed Virgin Mary. Mary, Mother of God, you are the Mother of mankind and therefore the Help of Christians, the all-powerful suppliant. 3. You had a Heart of love from which in the course of time was to be formed the Sacred Heart of the loving Christ. How often has mortal sin, destroying in me the beautiful image of the Blessed Trinity, brought death to my soul, delivered me to God's wrath and condemned me to everlasting hell-fire! Help me to share actively in Holy Mass by sharing in your spirit. It is the ideal and providential moment to entrust . You really had the right to offer Jesus to His Heavenly Father in this mystery. How earnestly, too, you want to help us in all our needs! Though a creature, you gave birth to the Creator. I feel this threefold inclination to evil. I also believe that grace is a free gift of God, and I have no claim to it except as a member of His holy Church, which is the mystical body of Christ. To the Holy Spirit you offer the possibility of giving a new existence to the Son and of making this Son live in the hearts of the faithful through the power of His grace. R. (1b) Blessed are they who follow the law of the Lord! 2. 67, 36). Never did you yield to the least imperfection, let alone sin. To the Church suffering you bring consolation, relief, deliverance, to the Church militant you offer aid, confidence, victory. Forming with your Divine Son one spiritual body, we experience the rage of Satan until the end of time. The prayers of the saints avail only in a limited way. Apart from your cooperation no grace descends to earth. In your apparitions at Fatima you revealed that it is in the designs of the Divine Mercy to cure the world through your Heart. If you receive me under your care, I shall fear nothing because devotion to you is an unfailing sign of salvation. You are the first apostle of your children not only because you are the most perfect of mothers, but especially because you are our spiritual Mother. Let me never esteem worldly wisdom so highly as to pay but little attention to the principles of that wisdom which is from heaven and which alone can make me truly wise and happy. I beg you to make me strong enough to bear my trials for the love of God so that I may become like you in suffering. If I put my trust in you, I shall be saved. May looking upon your Immaculate Heart inspire confidence in me which will make me more eager to grow in holiness. Mary, Mother of God, you are called Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament because you are associated in a special way with the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. Confidence fills my soul, for you were raised to this glory not for your own advantage only, but for that of your children also, in order to make us feel the effects of your powerful protection and intercession. I was false to God's trust; I refused to obey my Maker. Mary, My Mother, I unite myself with you in the spirit in which you offered yourself as a sacrifice of love during your lifetime. But Jesus was constantly sanctifying you, His loving Mother, transforming you ever more and more into Himself by wondrous graces of knowledge of the mystery of the Incarnation, and by graces of love which united you to Him. When He changed the water to wine, He did your bidding as God, since as man He could not perform miracles. Your Heart is pure and spotless because sanctified beyond all other hearts by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, making it worthy to be the dwelling-place of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. 3. Your holiness was due to this Spirit of Love, to Whose guidance you abandoned yourself. In heaven all your subjects are crowned by the King of kings, and they pay homage to you. Pray for more lay apostles, who in every walk of life will defend the rights of God, proclaim His Truth and preach His holy Will by word and example. You are the Glory of Jerusalem; you are the Joy of Israel; you are the Honor of our people. Sanctify them first, so that they may then more effectively sanctify others. He was endowed by God with all a father's tenderness and love for Him who was confided to him as his Child. How consistent with the infinite tenderness of God that His Christ, the Immortal Child, should be conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit in the body of a young virgin and that a virgin should bear a Child to redeem the world. The word compassion derives from the Latin roots cum and patior which means "to suffer with." No one could have had a closer approach to God than you, for it is impossible for any creature to be closer to God's Son than His own Mother.

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