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According to the rising sign meaning, once they get to know you, they might come to admire your courage and confidence. Id imagine that the Geminis in question would be Rohini Nakshatra in Vedic astrology, which is described by astrologers asbabylike and wanting to experience bliss all the time much like babies do. SAGITTARIUS: Clumsy grace is this signs most noticeable physical trait. Every other sign combination will be a team player.12th house - Stelliums in the twelfth house are behind the scenes type people. The sign the stellium is in will show the type of home base the individual is seeking out. A face that is constantly grinning is a sign, as well as eyes that naturally smile or smize. What is a rising sign? Maybe laterSign me up Age 10-30 is a good range. It is how others first perceive you, and how you present yourself to the world. "For an independent and freedom . They will often naturally speak very fast. They wont flaunt their emotions all out in the open but they usually speak in extreme language or even with a certain severity. They areusually slim without curves. Libra: Prominent forehead and nose, sharply drawn and compressed mouth. CANCER: Their most prominent feature is a round face. This is one of the more complicated houses to find a stellium, because there are many factors at play here. They have an easy going eccentricity and a bohemian appearance. Its not that Western placements are untrue, but my theory is that Western is showing us the physical world since it is showing us the sky as it is from Earth, but Vedic is showing us the non-physical. Their hair is usually curly and may be dark brown. These folks are the most social in the zodiac, and are always on the go. Generally have red or sandy blonde hair. Their hair is thick and shiny, usually wavy and tends to be in darker shades of blonde or lighter shades of brown. A Virgo stellium will show someone who seeks out perfectionism and organization through their home and family. Rising Sign & Appearance An idea common to many schools of astrology is that the sign rising on the eastern horizon at the time of birth imparts it's qualities to the physical appearance, as well as making it's mark on personality. Your decan has a huge influence on your ascendant, it show's the co-planetary ruler of your chart, as well as changes some of your features too. capricorn Their hair is fair, often dark and smooth. There is something childlike about them because they are so spontaneous, courageous, and frank. Taurus: Solidly built and usually of average height. They may get involved with art. They have a message and they want to get it out to the world. http://mysticlivingtoday.com/view_page.php?ID=920. They may be a little out of touch with traditional reality, and take to daydreaming and mental exploration. Often these individuals do better in a less rigid schooling environment, and may do a lot of studying on their own. Libraascending The sign of justice ruled by sweet Venus, Libra risings are pleasant to be around, fair, and naturally attractive to others. There is a sweet and sympathetic face that often looks ready to listen to all of your troubles. They may be fat. Their height tends from medium to high. They can be obsessed by their own appearance, seeing flaws that no one else does, and they go to lengths to hide them. Above stated are the general common points which are basic traits of rising sign /ascendant . libra Generally, they have well-proportioned features and pleasant expressions, even when theyre not in a pleasant mood. 10th house -Having a stellium in the tenth house will give you a solid foundation on which to stand. Regardless, there is a clear restlessness or high-strung energy that is present. Their hair tends toward naturally curly or wavy. Ive noticed Sagittarius risings often dont show up to social events either for mysterious reasons- they wont really explain why or itll seem mysterious in nature but they wont show up, and people tend to miss them/worry about them because of it. Libra risings are also often very quiet, but I think this one depends. 5th house -Theatrical dramatics are present in those with fifth house stelliums. Possible birthmarks or other scars on the face or head. Frequently they can look somewhat fragile, but surprise you with their physical strength. They have a casual and relaxed personality as individuals. usually gives dreamy facial traits (really large round or bulging eyes, often light colored, nice shaped often thick eyebrows, delicate skin, arched forehead, big or flat nose, wide mouth, etc.). The skin and hair is usually dark. "Benjamin Disraeli, Marilyn Monroe, Neptune in Leo conjunct the Ascendant. On the opposing end, someone with a Virgo stellium in the fifth house would express themselves a bit more subtly, and would work very hard on their individual creative contributions. Look at the sign the stellium is in! They love to be the center of attention, and they exude charisma and a passion for life. As soon as you do that, theyll forgive you, but they will deem you as someone who they should be wary around- and of course theyll bottle up their emotions about it. Whatever sign the stellium is in will show us what they are trying to express and how they go about it. More than the average person, these people become very different once they are familiar with you. For a Scorpio rising, love is forever. But, they act as if they have these important things they have to teach people. However, if this sign is betrayed, the sting . button nose, great skin, the eyes are often dark and rounded, long lashes, delicate bone structure, etc.). The Decans of Aquarius. They are usually tall and lean. The ascendant changes zodiac signs about every two hours. The Cancer Appearance. They often have dreamy, lightly shaded eyes, naturally straight and lightly shaded hair with finely-chiseled, attractive facial features, and lovely profiles. usually gives great, regular facial traits (well defined long and narrow nose, long face usually heart shaped, heart shaped lips, defined cupids bow, soft eyes, facial dimples, etc.). A Libra stellium in the second house will find security through partnership, whereas a Capricorn stellium will find security through money or career. They have long arms and legs. The ascendant sign also rules your first house of the self in your birth. Pisces Rising Appearance The Pisces rising people are one of the most beautiful in the zodiac. SCORPIO: This intense rising sign is really is all about the eyes. But, there is usually a moment when the illusion shatters. ARIES RISING: 0-959 Aries / 10-1959 Leo / 20-2959 Sagittarius. Mar 26, 2017. Definitely relating to how Pisces will often become Aquarius in Vedic. Their duality is obvious and they can speak of themselves in 3rd person or like a detached observer. Women may have big breast. Their hair is dark and thin. A Libra stellium would indicate success through partnership. astrology observations usually gives strong, feline-like facial traits (thick and long aquilineor flat nose, thick proeminent eyebrows, almond shaped eyes warmed colored, cat like look, wide forehead, wide face, large mouth with thin lips, etc). Mars rising brings a martial aspect, also an increased physicality of . A lot of talks can revolve around memories and nostalgia. They are usually tall and slim. Youll notice little to no reaction if you try to pressure them to think a certain way or make them feel judged. The all-or-nothing attitude is obvious and this emerges in a way that makes them take their behavior up to an 11: incredibly sweet, intensely brooding, relentlessly funny, or savagely sarcastic. SCORPIO risings- like maself- are very very almost dangerously deep thinkers. Capricorn:Capricornascending Theres something about them that you cant miss- could relate to how in Vedic, most of the Virgo risings will be Leos. Their facial features are slim. Virgo: AQUARIUS risings, Ive noticed are really good at knowing how to get a rise out of people and also knowing EXACTLY how people are going to react to what theyll say or do. They probably wont need to be introduced by their friend when meeting you. I don't have an opinion on what Beyonce's Rising sign may be, . Mental Tendencies of the Sagittarius Rising Sign This may sound contradictory, but its really not. Whats a Moon Sign and How Do I Find Mine? In any case, there is a sense of them cutting through the bullshit and being real, as well as calling out someone else for some offense. [NOTE: Asc signs can be modified in their physiology by the Sun sign, any 1st house planets, and by any planet within 1.5* of parallel the Asc or within 3-4* of longitude -of a correct, verified chart. The sign the stellium is in will indicate what image the person wants to show others. With Capricorn rising, you think that you will not get anything you want. Their response to compliments can be quite dramatic, either through being wildly flattered and amused or going to great lengths to deny it, which is really just them fishing for more flattery. They may have a tendency toward pain in the back, neck, and sometimes the shoulder area, although the shoulders themselves tend to be strong and broad. Look for a face that is sober, strongly observant and critical, to the point where you undeniably feel judged. As we take on a body, we become an individual and our unique charts are formed. They can be very caring but their attention span isnt very long so their sympathies can be kinda blunt in nature. I'm using sidereal rising signs not tropical. Sex is a transcendental experience and there is enormous potential for sexual gratification with this sign. PISCES risings - aww man, I love you guys These people know how to charm others and to convey the image they want into the world. Their skin tends to be sensitive, sometimes subject to rashes, outbreaks, or easy bruising. For example, someone with Capricorn rising with Saturn in Gemini will have mixed Capricorn/Gemini (or Saturnine/Mercurial) facial characteristics. . For more info about what a stellium is see my post here. They think about things in a big picture way, and enjoy projects that allow them and their friends to work together to make changes in the world. Discover more posts about rising-sign. Posted by Wayman Stewart to visit his new site click here. You are the combination of your, extra (when i say extra, i mean REAL EXTRA, they really take their times finding the right style and the best way to express themselves, especially being ruled by mars), come off as impatient, that look that says, can have babie faces but with strong features, they look like they dont take shit from anyone, very unique way of walking and posture, since aries rules the head, head up baby, ruled by venus they exuberate natural beauty, usually very well dressed, and always with the best clothes (fabrics that have a luxurious tone to it, even if it is a simple scarf), looks like they take a slow and steady approach to life, can really enjoy going to different restaurants and trying different foods, they have well defined senses, can have a beautiful way of speaking and presenting themselves, they all have that witty aura with dry looking eyes as if they were thinking, their eyes and minds hold soo many information and you can see that by just looking at them, their fashion style is a secondary vocal away to tell something about their personality, theres REALLY A LOT of celebrities with gemini rising, being a mutable sign, out of the four mutables, gemini is the most expressive one, the one that sets the tone where it goes, you never now what to expect from them, can usually really enjoy tattoos, piercings, their fashion sense can go a million different aways, there is just nothing that a gemini rising cant be, very warm and emotional smiles, like a mother smiling for the first time to their child, beautiful big eyes with a watery feeling to it, at first they look shy and in their own space, can come off as highly sensitive in a negative or positive way, their fashion style is usually soft, with particular styles of clothing, they dont tend to speak with their hands, they are usually very still, calm, and perceptible to those around, touchy but not soo touchy if they dont feel like youre going to like it, can be shy in the start and apologize for everything, comes off as very expressive, specially their faces and reactions, they shine and receive attetion even when they are not trying, theyperceive themselves as if they HAVE to be someone in life, they are always in control of their body, they know what they are doing, also in control of their expressions, a dramatic look in their eyes, they know you are looking at them, confident but sometimes can be very insecure so they put even more weight to their public persona, beautiful hairs (a lot of leo risings love to touch their hairs in a very natural way ???? They do also behave like immovable objects. They seek out connection wherever they go, and while it may not always be a romantic partner they are trying to find, they still are looking for a partner in anything they do. It is also important to remember that astrology and rulership . The ones in their twenties and younger have a hard time lightheartedly laughing at themselves. They will be very obviously appreciative of your humor. The most common trait is asking a lot of variations of are you alright? On first impression, a shyness or reticence can be obvious. They will be more vocal about their need to create. Although theyre generally goofy, silly, or carefree, they are surprisingly wise and enlightening, as well. It's as significant as your sun and moon signs because everything else your birth . They are usually optimistic, gregarious and a bit wacky or unusual. So, they may be most personable or accessible in professional settings when theyre expected to be. Small noses with a prominent tip, round chin, and fair complexion. So though they are workaholics, that doesnt necessarily mean they are spending all their time on their actual career and ignoring their families too. On the other end, a Capricorn stellium in the seventh would try to connect through more serious matters or would network for their career or education. These were just little descriptions of how a person of a certain ascendant could look like. They also love to wax philosophical, so there will be many recurring talks about the journey and how much theyve grown as a person. Taurus rules the throat and neck, so taurus risings will often have noticeable neck areas- either thick and bull-like or long and graceful. A Libra stellium could show growth through partnership. Prominent forehead with thick eyebrows that accentuate the bridge of the nose. gemini But, there is still something irresistibly warm and lovable about them. In any case, they are intent on getting you to think more and see things from another angle (often theirs). It's uncommon to find a Libra that doesn't catch your eye with their natural beauty . You may notice how much they change or light up when talking about family or their mother. Rising sign and appearance As I'm sure most of you know, our appearance is supposed to be strongly influenced by our rising sign (putting genetics aside). usually givesgentle, delicate facial traits ( petite delicate nose, clear and bright eyes, delicate and symmetrical lips, teeth like pearls, wide forehead, narrow V shaped chin etc.). These people tend to have strong bone structure, and often powerful-looking physiques. Just because someone has a fifth house stellium does not automatically mean they are an artistic, theater-type person. .VIRGO risings have such a distinct energy! Your rising sign governs your physical appearance, your mannerisms and the overall way you project yourself. AQUARIUS RISING The uniqueness of those with this placement is most noticeable. They have a beautiful large breast with long limbs compared to the trunk. Anyone with a Capricorn stellium in the 4th house will have an opposition of energy, and will tend to reject the idea of nostalgic, Cancerian values that typically comes with a fourth house stellium. The playfulness is also very striking. The Ascendant is the zodiac sign that is rising over the eastern horizon at the moment of your birth. Teeth are noticeable for being either a dentists dream in the good way or a dentists dream in the bad way. They may jitter a bit or shake their legs, but even if theyre not actually moving, theres a sense of energy, simply waiting to explode. Square faces and short necks. rising signs dominant planets and signs, planets in your first house). It's the lens you see the world through and describes how others perceive you when they first meet you. There are distinct moments where youll feel them resisting or cautiously approaching the subject or answer. Your rising sign governs your physical appearance, your mannerisms and the overall way you project yourself. ARIES RISINGThere is just something really upfront about this person. A lot of the Scorpio risings who relate to that are probably Swati in Vedic astrology- Swati struggles with this because Swati is the ultimate middle Nakshatra, so it is always attuned to the hidden world andspace inbetween. GEMINI: Gemini risings are the kind of people whose faces are an open book, you can often tell what theyre feeling just by the look on their face. This will be a major goal in the natives life. They have such a quiet authority and power and can be very dainty in their mannerisms and everything. So while Leo Cancer romances might not be a match made in heaven personality wise, their Ascendant physical traits could create an undeniable attraction. Their way of speaking is very steady, without many modulations or variations, though not exactly monotone. usually gives hypnotic facial traits (magnetic deep dark almond shaped eyes, fixed look, roman or concave nose, proeminent eyewbrows, long lashes, etc.) Your rising signaffects 50-60% of your look. Cancerascending Also naturally slim and agile, and even if there is weight gain, they just seem like they should be tall and thin, even when theyre not. Theyre not exactly. CAPRICORN RISING There is a strong focus on results and it makes them seem to be so realistic. The first decan is between 0-10 degrees. This is will cover their break downs and subinfluences. But, they can also be wildly expressive. An Aries stellium, for instance, might be driven to be even more independent, and would perhaps excel in an arena that would bring the native fame. The expansive energy of Jupiter will make it difficult for the person to teach or share their knowledge; instead they will continually be seeking information, not feeling like they are ready to communicate. Their height tends to be average and their body is strong with regular legs. This will create that oppositional energy Ive mentioned above, and will result in someone whose ambitions are focused on their family. Are us cancers the least attractive water sign. They are lean and their body is flat. Always with earthy, rich purpose. best hair of the rising signs, stunning lips and smiles, intense eyes, kinda perfect tbh Attracted to/attracts fire risings, libra, scorpio, pisces risings Taurus rising Lovely necks and collar bones, tired eyes, odd shaped noses and rough around the edges, but this just adds to their sex appeal Magnetic and mysterious, sensual and compelling is their natural gift. The Decans of Scorpio. They may have interest in the occult or stranger sides of spirituality. They could be involved in protests, or working to make changes in the community. LIBRA RISING These individuals arent the types to stand out that much. Their face is often quite chilly, sometimes downright bored, but can suddenly light up with mischief and curiosity. I feel like she should have an Aqua or Pisces Rising (or maybe Uranus or Neptune Rising.). but in some circumstances it is understandable. In the latter case, it gets expressed as aggressive extroversion or toughness that obviously act as a cover for something else. How do they go about sharing their message? You've to know that there's more in your natal chart that affects your appearance (e.g. Aquariusascending The "what do you do" question can cause them to really light up and become engaged. vedic astrology The ascendant sign also rules your first house of the self in your birth. In astrology, it is known as your rising sign. A Taurus stellium here will show a person who wants a stable home with nice things in it, or possibly in nature. It more speaks of the way they do the things they do - with a big, all-their-heart-in-it gesture. The ascendant has a distinct impact on the appearance, both physically and in the intangible. aquarius This face will generally sport a straight, well-shaped nose reaching up to seemingly prominent eyebrows, like a T-shape. They will normally be very graceful when walking, and facial structure will be more rounded. GEMINI (Im using a Dove because they are messengers just like Gemini) risings are super playful and easy to get along with, they make you feel comfortable and at home in conversation like youve known each other for years. Rising Signs by Appearance CONTENT TAKEN FROM: http://mysticlivingtoday.com/view_page.php?ID=920 "Your ascendant will often designate how you look, and if you have any particularly strong dominants or large planets very close to your sun, they will also have an influence on your physique. Also, they make an impression as being very simple, in a good way. Aquarius: Via rising sign+ physical appearance Aries: Taller than average, spindly body, elongated face and neck. There is something very unperturbed about them, as if they have their own special form of peace or pleasure that no one else can ruin. Sometimes, they are compulsive talkers, saying whatever pops in their head in an almost stream of consciousness style. Taurus rising / Taurus ascendant. They will stand and move like trained royalty. Venus trine Ascendant. SAGITTARIUS RISING A strong sense of adventure is ever-present. They may have a flair that shows up in their career, or perhaps they are occupied with their children. LEO risings Ive noticed are very in their regal energy and confidence all the time not really taking things too seriously and more focused on just living an awesome life, but when personal things or things related to family or the heart come up even slightly, they get VERY fierce and something in them just seems to rise from within them. It could also be that they give very simple responses to whatever youre saying, to the point that it pares down the discussion to the basics. Theyre frequently broad through both hips and shoulders males and females alike with strong, shapely legs. Those with sixth house stelliums will find a way to juggle everything. In any case, you will find that his descriptions for these really pinpoint the demeanor and mannerisms rather focus on the physical attributes which is very refreshing!!! Even when they are mean or in a bad mood, they either express it quietly or they feel immediately bad after it. I hope this quick guide will be helpful in giving the basics! They may have small, pretty hands and feet. often described as your basic personality/identity. Overall, all people with second house stelliums are focused in the material realm, and many like nice possessions, a well-kept house, and being in touch with their bodies through art, sports or dance. The thing is that they do it in the sweetest or most reasonable way and you may feel silly for trying to sway them. They really emphasize going against conventional thought, whether its your ideas or peoples on a large scale, and can get you to see something in a new way. These rising signs may lean forward when conversing with you, getting physically closer to engage emotional closeness. Women have nice small breast. First, the presence of outer planets can completely change the interpretation. Alterations to the normal patterns will only be partial and happen when the ruler of the correct Ascendant sign is conjunct or parallel a planet of differing element; when planets of a differing element are in the first house (such as Taurus rising with Sun in Gemini in 1st house); when there is a heavy concentration of planets in a differing element, especially if angular, but of the house that is not the native house of the sign on the Ascendant. I know that there is soooo much more into the ascendant/rising and the first house, but in this posts I'll focus only in the more superficial part/side of how your rising sign is seen by others, manifested, how they look appearance and energy wise! When you do so, you apologize for the truth. In fact, not being funny will really, really lose them. Aries risings are known for having athletic builds, childlike faces, square jaws, and distinct facial features.

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