tceq equivalent single family connectionwendy chavarriaga gil escobar

:RA%_Xo($N4jKA$iH~5]_]_W_4_'MAzcbhS Gj,+ NPt%TJMvM'B!41F"#4_M}:C?o_o_Z__^_,bD-CF`s;7Qfdcq12FnfhPM4w*`Rthj7v>N2nAqNtF?ON~kEWTB}WLO'?~_Kjjv?ijpU5l%.^=8I>5jtLd%-A^XABL4"?DDDD~~/a?i{`TG{`_+IW21 ffy./HZU"L3FRCa;5.Z qa?C$;VY!v +rxO%}^F'dvwtkV~JW_k#Nq|o|!mm+DcWS62q}9jQi|:{MT'^K{Ul%kr#x~jBXDvK{!ZoI";NaZa4?AWuAR#kM4Nh0Ai#'A"""!D~" }~},Tv;R*2@YDxw4& f0OeqXYDtc/DCXt(P 4(A|;Z >> def This can lead to lawsuits and fights between neighbors and family members, and often the utility ends up bearing the brunt of these clashes. <9E> <9E> <017E> 1 begincodespacerange To your knowledge, are there any parts of the tariff that would prohibit the member from entering into such an agreement or any part of the regulations that would prohibit such an agreement or jeopardize the systems compliance? However, due to some political maneuvering several years ago, some exceptions were included in the Texas Administrative Code that allow the commissions executive director to permit master metering when applicable. (x[u!WMt[~}}PNwAzJg"hK#6yot|L ` hp _Gy;:D'#DU!EN4~\6]W=WM0A >4#]a4aS'\!i SM0_h~6$DQ!k5MidcY8*#SB7(3 w!Nb%#{;%mO0ooWdy_Mo{@G6p~_Cum}mPk#]zK >0'|'{vWcH)uOO^ 6$*5?_~Ujq[~V.V^-W{vj^oKV]OW -(i0r#* +IB> It is never a good idea to set a meter at one residence with a yard or service line running across the property to the next active connection. TRWA recommends that systems stop floating memberships and meters from one property to another because of the confusion it creates. My question is what is considered access? When a system sees that there is inequity in their current rate structure causing some customers to subsidize the water usage and capacity requirements for other customers, the board ought to rectify the situation by amending rates. Prior to initial connection of any Customer other than a single-family residential Customer, the District's Engineer shall calculate . <8F> <8F> <2022> The actual cost of the meter and installation should be assessed as well. There are many points that need to be addressed before agreeing to this offer. The side benefit of the AMI technology is that when someone reports a leak in the system, this type of meter allows the system to read meters in that section to determine if the leak is from their system lines or from overwatering or leaks on the customers side. /CIDInit /ProcSet findresource begin <88> <88> <02C6> <90> <90> <2022> <9D> <9D> <2022> As an example, the number of service connections in an apartment complex would be equal to the number of individual apartment units. (This cut-off valve may be installed as a part of the original meter installation by the Corporation.). TRWA does not recommend any product, supplier or person and leaves that decision up to each system. %%EOF The Members use of the Corporations curb stop or other similar valve for such purposes is prohibited. Accordingly, at Section 24.169(a)(2) of the PUCs rules, the Commission unequivocally states that unless otherwise ordered by the commission, each utility shall provide, install, own and maintain all meters necessary for the measurement of water provided to its customers.. A: TCEQ rule 290.44(a)(4) explains the purpose of the rule stating: Each community public water system shall provide accurate metering devices at each residential, commercial or industrial service connection for the accumulation of water usage data. This ensures that the water system can document that customers are being billed properly. For example, in Section E, Members Responsibility: d. Therefore, all water usage registering upon and/or damages occurring to the metering equipment owned and maintained by the Corporation shall be subject to charges as determined by the Corporations Tariff as amended from time to time by the Board of Directors. <9A> <9A> <0161> The two businesses had been in a partnership in the past under one roof. end There is an automatic gate that only works by remote and we do not have access to it. Over the past year Ive talked to at least a dozen systems with existing AMR meters who are upgrading or replacing them due to older meter batteries not holding up. Wouldnt it make sense for the owner to have to pay the cost of extending the line(s) out to those structures? /Registry (Times-RomanOPBaseFont0) A: Master metered accounts are typically used when a landowner wants a single meter to provide water service to multiple buildings, apartments, offices, trailer spaces or other types of business activities. << <9C> <9C> <0153> These cost-of-service issues have subsequently been transferred to the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT), which has been very pro-consumer when addressing complaints. stream 0000000766 00000 n This can be as little as one foot or several feet of water added to the tank. These references clearly state that the meter belongs to the corporation and is to be maintained by the corporation. The rules provide some ways for the applicant to opt out of individual meters and having multiple water service lines crisscrossing their tract of land. While the board of directors is keeping the old monthly charges and rates, we only have a base rate for 1 -inch meters. Do I need to calibrate the meter? endstream endobj 75 0 obj<>/BaseFont/Times-Roman/FirstChar 0/LastChar 255/Subtype/Type1/ToUnicode 76 0 R/Widths[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 250 340 410 500 500 840 785 185 340 340 500 560 250 340 250 290 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 290 290 565 565 565 440 925 720 670 670 725 610 555 720 720 335 390 725 615 880 720 720 560 720 665 555 605 715 715 945 725 725 610 335 275 335 475 500 330 450 500 450 500 450 340 500 500 275 275 500 275 775 500 500 500 500 340 390 285 500 500 720 500 500 450 490 200 490 550 350 500 350 340 500 450 1000 500 500 340 1000 565 340 890 350 610 350 350 340 340 445 445 350 500 1000 340 990 390 340 730 350 450 730 250 340 500 500 500 500 210 500 340 770 280 500 570 340 770 340 410 570 300 300 340 510 460 250 340 300 310 500 750 750 750 445 720 720 720 720 720 720 885 675 615 615 615 615 340 340 340 340 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 565 720 720 720 720 720 720 560 500 450 450 450 450 450 450 670 450 450 450 450 450 280 280 280 280 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 565 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500]>> endobj 76 0 obj<>stream (1) The requirements contained in this section are to be used in evaluating both the total capacities for public water systems and the capacities at individual pump stations and pressure planes which serve portions of the system that are hydraulically separated from, or incapable of being served by, other pump stations or pressure planes. endstream endobj 79 0 obj[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] endobj 80 0 obj<>/Width 2550/Height 3300/BitsPerComponent 1/ColorSpace/DeviceGray/Type/XObject/Name/background_1/Subtype/Image>>stream Our employees drive around the community daily and can tell that there are clearly people living at these second residences. The board can amend the current charge to whatever they determine to be fair to the ratepayers. << <80> <80> <20AC> g MLu]VxcN[4wosYpe$C4-`#`:euD=G)\IGiuu}o\2kr%Scw#LBSkEkG=] i"a8S7EB=w=N In fact, there are laws about meter tampering, damage and diversion if a person is caught or found guilty of messing with a utilitys meters. A: You have a couple different issues to address. 69 12 Would a hose running across the potential users property, across the alleyway, and across about 10 feet of the members property be allowed? We don't know what size the line is behind the meters or how they have them hooked up. 1 begincodespacerange You also should consult your system attorney so an agreement can be developed to set out the scope of volunteer work, as well as the timeliness of these meter readings if you decide to enter into this free meter reading arrangement. 71 0 obj<>stream Total non -residential 6. H|T0WQNd(>3IQb= This is a hard line for systems to take, but otherwise you are operating on an honor system in which the applicant has little incentive to uphold his or her end of the bargain. Fax: 512.472.5186 The TCEQ interprets an "active connection" as a connection that is completed or existing and able to supply drinking water from the PWS to a single-family <90> <90> <2022> endstream endobj 340 0 obj <. endcmap Again, this is an insurance issue to address with your insurance carrier. Most of the re-reads were because the brand of meters the system had installed used exterior-mounted antennas, which were susceptible to a variety of hazards, such as gophers, dogs or lawn mowers. Is this legal or what problems could this create? The result is an estimate of total /Supplement 0 For example, the Service Rules and Regulations of the TRWA Sample Tariff, Section E, states: An apartment building, condominium, manufactured housing (modular, mobile or RV) community, business center or other similar type enterprise may be considered by the Corporation to be a single commercial facility if the owner applies for a meter as a 'master metered account' and complies with the requirements set forth in PUC rules, this Tariff and applicable law. TRWAs Sample Tariff, Section B provides additional detail, requiring compliance with PUC, Chapter 24, Subchapter H rules pertaining to submetering. One requirement under PUC rules is that the owner who intends to bill tenants for sub-metered or allocated utility service or who changes the method used to bill tenants for utility service must register with the PUC in a form prescribed by the commission. 8P_zz[__z-os%DtGDrJb"" )A Then, once the system reaches 100 percent capacity, that system should begin constructing these new facilities to replace or build that extra 15 percent or more back into their system for future growth. However, there are some situations where a brand-new meter is installed, and it doesnt register correctly. If a member purchases land other than where the original meter was installed, according to the TRWA Sample Tariff language, they have to transfer the membership to the new property owner and leave the meter in place. /Ordering (UCS) <8A> <8A> <0160> ESFCequivalent single-family connection. Q: What is the purpose of the restriction on multiple connections to a single tap rule? Throughout my time at TRWA, I have seen too many systems that have allowed customers to dictate where they wanted their meters to be set. <002D> Since the two businesses have separated and are no longer on the same property, then the convenience store is diverting water to another property, which constitutes an illegal connection or transfer of water from one property to another. <80> <80> <20AC> end The rules go on to state that once a system begins to use some of that extra capacity, they need to begin designing specific improvements which will replace this used capacity. <8D> <8D> <2022> <89> <89> <2030> Published in January/February 2020 (Issue 1 of Quench). This includes design, review and approval of all plans and all on-site and off-site service facilities by the corporations engineer and compliance with any applicable municipal or other governmental codes and specifications. My question is, how do we verify the boundaries of properties for this purpose? During these discussions, we talked about vacant and dormant taps to see how the agency would rule on a cost of service appeal if the system were to remove these dead taps to free up system capacity for other applicants along that water main. The result is an estimate of total <20> <7E> <0020> This is referred to in Section C under the definition of member and proof of ownership, and again in Section E under Rules and Regulations. <00> <00> <0000> A new membership fee should be required for each new meter. The extra 15 percent capacity is supposed to be maintained by the system (not paid for by the new customer), but the system may require applicants requesting service to pay for some of the system upgrades that will be used by that applicant. As for the TCEQ 290 rules, master meters are to be calibrated for groundwater systems once every 3 years and surface water meters every year. endbfrange <8D> <8D> <2022> endbfrange w;A`@3YceL 0a0DD8T#_ _~qd"D|%U0 a`q]HEWls!G29h4 <90> <90> <2022> There should be a calibration or certification of accuracy with the new meter. 36 beginbfrange /CMapType 2 def <85> <85> <2026> How common are they compared to the traditional positive displacement manual read meters? /CMapType 2 def % They summarized that because there had been a meter at that location, the new applicant should not be responsible to pay for upgrades to the water mains because of new customers being added at other locations along that same water main. Section E allows for disconnection without notice when a known dangerous or hazardous condition exists for which service may remain disconnected for as long as the condition exists, including but not limited to a public health nuisance as defined in Texas Health and Safety Code Sections 341.011 or 343.011. Single family Non-Residential Flow (gpd) # Users 2. We encourage you to consider options for providing service and, most immediately, to ensure compliance with the 85 percent requirement. We would like to have the chain restaurant apply for and install a meter since the convenience store has a meter and active account. Q: Our 1.5-inch water line is at capacity and someone who is building a home in the area asked to add a meter to our line. After you establish a system's ERU quantity, you can use it to determine the number of ERUs for other types of service connections. By doing this, when they get a few more meters, they can begin replacing the meter tops with these newer AMI tops. Due to an expansion, the two split and are now serviced by the same meter. begincmap 0000053091 00000 n B. Multi-Family Residential A twelve-inch (12") water main shall be required to loop through a multi-family district. However, most of the time there isnt an easement filed between the two neighbors for the meter and service line from the front property to the back property being served. There is nothing that prevents a customer from having a separate meter just for their irrigation system. /Ordering (UCS) <8C> <8C> <0152> Section 24.89(a)(1) of the PUC's rules states that, all charges for water service shall be based on meter measurements, except where otherwise authorized by the utilitys approved tariff.. \"L&h6AKm5 ZydZ P*dGLr)9 3 <86> <87> <2020> Our engineers say the only way we can meet TCEQ standards for water distribution if we add the meter is with a six-inch line extension. {Y 9w,r, 6Q@4Og)nF9c"|A""?__ovt^o_dM`L2,s54#Pj0 The system needs to be aware of the potential liability issues with such an arrangement and should contact the systems insurance provider to find out what, if anything, would be covered if the person is injured while reading meters or causes an accident or damages some customers property. <8B> <8B> <2039> With this person not being an employee or contractor, exactly what leverage does the system use to require the meter readings to be delivered on time and accurately? An LUE is assumed to represent 3.5 people living in a residence. Define Equivalent Single-Family Connection. <09> <0A> <0009> X1'H`7g3a*|f{h00eiF` BVb`+c0 z^ A: This is a common problem for older systems as they try to come into compliance with newer rules. PUC rules also support the tariff stating that customers/members of a WSC are only qualified to receive service when theyve complied with the written provisions included in the WSCs tariff. 3 The Blue ater Contract defines a "LUE" as the capacity necessary to serve a single-family residential . You should review this situation with your engineers. If your board would like for one of TRWAs staff to attend a meeting to do some rate training, please contact our office. Q: A current member of our WSC has asked for a second meter on their property. Most of these systems have had positive comments about the dependability of these newer types of meters, and some reported only a 5 percent re-read when the meters were originally installed (this percentage typically went down as they got the bugs worked out). <9F> <9F> <0178> Can you help me out with this? If your 1.5 inch line is already overloaded, then the WSC is responsible for paying for the difference in costs from a two inch line to serve the single applicant to the 6 inch line your engineers say is required to install. If your systems tariff contains the same language as TRWAs sample tariff, failure to remedy this hazardous condition is subject to disconnection without notice, and ultimately cancellation of membership due to policy non-compliance in accordance with Section E if the issue is not remedied. One of the main reasons for a turbine or propeller master meter to register incorrectly is improper piping configurations from the well to and past the meter location. An eight-inch (8") water main will generally be required to distribute water and provide fire protection within the multi-family district provided that the water main does not exceed 600 feet in length or serve more than two There are many different types and uses of wells. A water well is a hole drilled into an aquifer with a pipe, screen, and pump to pull water out of the ground. You should always keep the safety of your employees in mind and act within the law. 0 <002D> I told her that was incorrect and that I would mail her the documentation to prove it. 374 0 obj <9C> <9C> <0153> A particular manufacturer is selling a pretty good meter, but it is not certified and before I invest a lot of money into their radio read system I need someone to answer this question. Hopefully this will help address the customers concerns. All new customers or applicants for water service use some of the systems existing facilities and capacity that was already in place things like pipe lines, tanks, wells, pumps and so on. 0000000536 00000 n 0000005203 00000 n Yu%]OV^jhzUKI51*&;?m'{{~aTV%jkC PM 5#: 5$Gn ma0Mg]q}ZjBT8!t0#HD4"?@taAhDDDDDDDDDD~""""""?YY#ldd#3334k$WT M&=R For Tract 2, the engineer assumed 24 equivalent single family connections, and a meter connection count will be four. <00> <00> <0000> Each system has to check references, call neighboring systems that use the same product or professional, and verify to the best of their ability the facts before purchasing materials or entering into a contract. In the event that the placement ends up being wrong, the PUC would likely side with the owner in a dispute about relocation costs because they would see it as the utility shirking its responsibility to exercise due diligence when it set the meter in the wrong location in the first place. Assuming the meter is the standard size, residential 3/4 x 5/8 meter, you will use the same rate structure for the irrigation meters since the water is the same treated water that is being distributed by your system. It is up to each customer to determine whether they must register as a business with the state or not. Amstelveen is a leafy, prosperous, family-oriented suburb close to Amsterdam, which has a growing population of international residents. <00AE> To Top. endstream endobj startxref And what if one or all of those new meters were located on the same property, but a half mile away from the end of your current line? Well get someone to demonstrate the rate template weve designed and provided to systems across the state. to TCEQ rules regarding elevated storage, the number of connections that are allocated to the tract will be four, because that allocation is determined on the number of meter connections. IQ-EQ | 110,749 followers on LinkedIn. Published in July/August 2020 (Issue 4 of Quench). -C BiOUuI jL33Vl4N2ZMA z&;~^*9KDzBW~Q(p7rp>dIi=7}%I~y[$+q_3i-#yzqwTxj/,Rz@S| (~x@dn <9E> <9E> <017E> /Supplement 0 A4INih9'uC0\!a;OKx[TJ2 7Kie This saves the systems from having to maintain multiple meters and make multiple service trips to disconnect and reconnect individual rental property meters, allows for a single water bill to be mailed, and saves the property owner money by not requiring them to maintain multiple lines across their property. ~A%b u;_K[O]u?__KVX?p5~5Ka%K}>k47Z=j{u__t <81> <81> <2022> Not sure they have a higher level." Yes, his is true but interestingly only since 4 September. All connections shall be calculated based upon its equivalency to a customary Equivalent Single Family Connection using the City of Houston's equivalency table. Requiring employees to climb ladders to get over fences or traverse 500 feet of property may not be reasonable access for your system and could be considered denial of access. Google Map, Tel: 512.472.8591 CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop The capacity requirement is driven, in part, by the maximum potential amount of water that could be pushed through that meter on a peak day. >> def Ive also not heard of a system providing a water commercial permit. Use of the word commercial by a water system is typically a reference indicating that it is non-standard service and not a regular residential service location. Not all the time, but it is usually pretty accurate unless another deed or court decree has been issued since the countys records were last updated. <8B> <8B> <2039> Q: One of our members has offered to read meters each month for free. Q: We have a customer who has his meter inside a fence. PUC rules also specify the requirements for language that must be included in the rental agreement regarding submetering, how the charges are to be calculated and how billing is to be conducted. The meter and/or wastewater connection is for the sole use of the Member or customer and is to provide service to only one (1) dwelling or one (1) business. Systems generally dont want to extend their liability onto or across private property to read meters or make repairs after dark within a private property on the off chance that frequent trips onto that property raises the chance of some type of accident or damage to the owners property or tenants. <9D> <9D> <2022> Service will be restored when a CSI confirms no health hazard exists, the health hazard has been removed or repaired, or the health hazard has been isolated from the corporations water system. <00AE> 12 dict begin In the case of choosing a meter read system, we suggest that the meter supplier provide you with a list of systems that uses their meters so your system can check out the pros and cons with other systems that are using the meters. 365 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<826B791C035DF141B5FC102546D7A1A5>]/Index[339 51]/Info 338 0 R/Length 113/Prev 168287/Root 340 0 R/Size 390/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream We have generally required individual meters for each unit, but one owner wants to know if they can put in a 2-inch master meter for all 10 units in five nearby duplexes. A: Yes, under Chapter 13 of the Texas Water Code you must provide service to the applicant if the location of the request for service lies within your certificated service area and your utility is privately owned or a nonprofit water supply corporation. <>/OutputIntents[358 0 R]/Metadata 360 0 R>> /CIDSystemInfo A: Your question is very common for all rural and some urban systems. The Commercial facilities are calculated by an Equivalent . What can we do if the owner of the membership denies that someone is living at the second residence? Q: We have been made aware of a customer who has installed an inline booster pump on their side of the meter. I was told the meter was installed when a relative lived in a trailer on the far end of the property, but the meter has not been used for many years. endstream endobj 1 0 obj<> endobj 2 0 obj<>/XObject<>/ProcSet 79 0 R>> endobj 3 0 obj<>stream <84> <84> <201E> <0D> <0D> <000D> Back in 2004, TRWA staff met with TCEQ to discuss several issues relating to their capacity regulations and interpretations. Does the one meter per residence apply in this situation? While this may have been more of an undertaking many years ago, most counties have modernized and this research can now generally be done from the systems office. <002D> What options do we have to address this issue? If your engineer has not approved the use of the booster pump or sized the lines and meters to accommodate the 60 rental homes, the customer is not in compliance with the terms of the agreement and your tariff. Either way, the system has to maintain these higher capacities of well production, storage tanks, pumps, lines and so on, or be fined for non-compliance for violations of 30 TAC Section 290.45 of the TCEQs rules. Present Ave. Daily Flow (B 6 + B 7 ) Single family - include all single family homes, mobile homes and seasonal dwellings in this category. These items became assets and therefore had to be maintained and upgraded at the expense of the water system. Public wells supply drinking water to municipalities. 0000000825 00000 n Others were due to leaks grounding out meters. Q: Can a WSC allow a homeowner to have an additional meter for the sole purpose of running the sprinkler system for their lawn and landscape? /Registry (Helvetica-ObliqueOPBaseFont5) 0 {e9Q $b@;l0$" Only the labor to reinstall the meter, a new customer service inspection fee, the BPAT test if there was a backflow assembly there before, and the refundable membership fees could be charged to the new applicant at that previously served location.

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