reggio calabria, italy birth recordsredlands man killed

Matrimoni 1729-1740, 1792-1820. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, Maria SS. Therefore, you will need to search in United States (or other country of arrival) sources first. any idea what I should do next? Morti 1802-1833. : Births 1809-1910. "Indici decennali" is the 10-year index. Matrimoni 1596-1663, 1671-1818. Also looking for siblings or any other family members. Stato di Famiglia 1741. Trying to get information about my grandmother and grandfather Caterina Versace (1905) and Pasquale Dagin (1888). Cittanova: Lookup Database Birth Indexes 1842-1865. : Matrimoni 1809-1865. Matrimoni 1784-1808. - Battesimi 1631-1819. Thanks in advance for any assistance! Morti 1789-1820. Cresime 1602, 1605, 1610, 1618. Both are buried in the Church cemetery in San Pietro en Guarano. To proceed faster with your research is important to know if the last name you are investigating is a frequent surname in Reggio Calabria. Ben Vanrijswijk, Arcipretale S.M. Ben Vanrijswijk, Indexed Civil Records: Matrimoni 1809-1865. Surnames in Molochio, Province of Reggio Calabria, Calabria . Format for address for local office: use this address as a guide, replacing the information in parentheses: After you have determined what office has jurisdiction over the records you need, write a brief request to the proper office. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Sebastiano: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1591-1824. My Grandfather (their son) was Ferdinando Cardella. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, Indexed Records - Battesimi 1605-1705, 1743-1818. Matrimoni 1685-1840, 1844-1915. Morti 1871-1905, 1909-1939. Giacomo Arcidiaco e Lionet Munaro, Dittereale S.M. We believe what his name was Paulo Losapio or Paulo Lossapio or Paulo Lozzapio. Morti 1753-1855, 1878-1933. - Battesimi 1763-1834. Any suggestion for how I should proceeds. He was born May 29, 1871, died October 20, 1925. Morti 1750-1817, 1819-1839, 1878-1908, 1911-1943. Ben Vanrijswijk, S. Maria delle Grazia (Lazzaro) Parish Records: Battesimi 1834-1924. Matrimoni 1878-1914, 1929-1958. It is a port on the Strait of Messina, opposite the city of Messina, Sicily. Cresime 1617, 1629, 1636, 1646, 1665. Matrimoni 1687-1799, 1834-1863, 1875-1929. Matrimoni 1596-1621, 1643-1652, 1665-1791. Properties in Italy This fascinating area in the heart of the Mediterranean, bordered by two seas for a total 200km coastlines, with forests and waterfalls in the Aspromonte National Park, as well as cultural traces of 3000 years' history going back to the earliest Greek settlements in Italy, offers a unique, enchanting experience to visitors. Morti 1702-1810. Matrimoni 1652-1675, 1747-1820. 2007-2015 Calabrian But relatives are allowed request them for genealogy. State dell Anime 1696-1698, 1703-1708, 1710-1717. 1801-1924. Matrimoni 1729-1826, 1843-1939. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, SS. Matrimoni 1738-1811, 1819-1929. Website Il Circolo Calabrese, Pietrapennata: Indexed Records- Matrimoni 1819-1863. If the original church records that you need have been lost or destroyed or are illegible, you may be able to find a duplicate church record. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, Maria SS. Morti 1611-1616, 1620-1716, 1884-1889. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, Indexed Records - Battesimi 1674-1819. Cresime 1746-1786. - Battesimi 1777-1824. Morti 1615-1675, 1696-1797. : Matrimoni 1810-1865. Matrimoni 1638-1776. 1634-1805. My grandfather Rocco Nicholas coriale was born in Calabria D Calabria in the province of Reggio materna Parish I think April 22nd 1885 I believe. About Calabria A brief overview Calabria consists of 5 provinces; Cosenza, Catanzaro, Crotone, Vibo Valentia and Reggio Calabria. Born on September 1, 1895. Morti 1750-1819. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, Indexed Records - Battesimi 1786-1836. I am looking for information on Fortunata Marzano and Bruno Montegna. Matrimoni 1743-1820. Required fields are marked *. Info Population: about 180,000 inhabitants in 2018 Zip/postal code: 89121-89135 Dialing Area Code: +39 0965 Demonym: reggini Patron Saint: Madonna della Consolazione, celebrated on the 2nd Saturday in September; St. Giorgio, celebrated on 23rd April Matrimoni 1679-1819. I am looking for any information I can gather about his family and any still living relatives. Matrimoni 1878-1929. Morti 1657-1675, 1750-1766, 1778-1929. Calabria experienced a series of peasant revolts as part of the European Revolutions of 1848. Matrimoni 1598-1687, 1712-1813. - Battesimi 1609-1675, 1725-1748, 1766-1785. Her father: Filipo Tramontano(Tramontana?). He was born 26 Sep 1883 and his birth was registered in Gallina. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Nicola della Bianchi: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1629-1678, 1719-1781. Ben Vanrijswijk, S. Teodoro Parish Records: Battesimi 1657-1675, 1703-1724, 1750-1808, 1825-1934. Ben Vanrijswijk, Sottocomune di Chorio: Indexed Records - Matrimoni 1809-1865. Morti 1924-1947. Matrimoni 1750-1819. Morti 1762-1922. Matrimoni 1801-1835. Full name and the sex of the person sought. Morti 1596-1618, 1641-1696, 1702-1824. Clerici al Sinodo del 1709. Matrimoni e Morti 1801-1826. Immigrated from Reggio Calabria to United States, then Canada.Possibly at different times. I am looking for any family informaiton from the decendants of Sebasitano Romeo and his wife Margherita Cutrupi especially if anyone has any information? Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, SS Apostoli Pietro e Paolo (Pentadattilo) Parish Records: Battesimi 1610--1703, 1752-1786, 1801-1940. - Nati 1784-1808, Matrimoni 1784-1809, Matrimoni 1809-1865. These birth acts vary slightly depending on the year issued and where they were issued but the above is an approximate translation. My grandparents were Maria Rosa Romeo( 1908-1998) and Antonio Giuseppe Ciro Fabbrizo Bova. Morti 1611-1638, 1654-1673, 1677-1686, 1697-1744, 1782-1790. Morti 1636-1743, 1746-1819. Matrimoni 1851-1852, 1855-1939. Currently, they are being digitized, and plans are to complete that project by 2020. Prior to 1991 there were only 3 provinces. Cresime 1603-1675, 1747-1757. Matrimoni 1729-1740, 1792-1820. Morti 1792-1826. - Battesimi 1684-1703, 1783-1819. They were first cousins. Im looking for any information on family members who remained in Italy. Morti 1619-1809. Morti 1596-1618, 1641-1696, 1702-1824. Cresime 1719, 1728, 1734, 1776. This method is not always reliable. In central and northern Italy, civil registration began in 1866 (1871 in Veneto). Ben Vanrijswijk, Gallico Superiore: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1613-1675, 1688-1729, 1746-1765. Matrimoni 1735-1827. I know Joseph lived with Rocco in Rome New York and he was marriedto Filomena Luiere, also died in Rome New York. Morti 1789-1797. Matrimoni 1702-1801. My great grandfather Louis Bottino came over from Reggio Calabria in 1913. Ben Vanrijswijk, Nasiti: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1759-1779. Any information greatly appreciated. Immacolata Parish Records: Battesimi 1602-1618, 1630, 1642-1645, 1655-1656, 1662-1726, 1728-1874, 1879-1939. Matrimoni 1750-1819. Italian Dual Citizenship - Battesimi 1678-1819. Morti 1753-1765, 1783. Cresime 1784-1825. Matrimoni 1661-1907. - Battesimi 1642-1685, 1689-1798. My great grandparents were Giuseppe Maria Romeo (1879-1964) and Maria Rosa Romeo (1885-1948). Griko, sometimes spelled Grico, is the dialect of Italiot Greek spoken by Griko people in Salento (province of Lecce) and (also called Grecanic) in Calabria.Some Greek linguists consider it to be a Modern Greek dialect and often call it Katoitalitika (Greek: , "Southern Italian") or Grekanika (), whereas its own speakers call it Greko . After a brief period in the early 1700s under the Austrian Hapsburgs, Calabria came into the control of the Bourbons in 1735.At the end of the 18th century the French took control and in 1808 Napoleon Bonaparte gave the Kingdom of Naples to his brother-in-law Joachim Murat. Ben Vanrijswijk, S. Maria Cattolica dei Greci Parish Records: Battesimi 1856-1923, Battesimi, Matrimoni, e Morti 1777-1794, 1808-1824. Morti 1878-1933, 1936-1944. Cresime 1595-1606 & 1801. I have been researching for 14 years and have gotten no where. - Matrimoni 1809-1865. Ben Vanrijswijk, Maria SS Annunziata Parish Records: Battesimi 1674-1718, 1720-1771, 1801-1811, 1817-1839, 1879-1924. Matrimoni 1700-1772, 1801-1803. Morti 1693-1820. Morti 1743-1820. Stato dell Anime 1760. Ben Vanrijswijk, Cittanova: Lookup Database Birth Indexes 1842-1865. Morti 1674-1747, 1765-1819. Acquaformosa (CS) Marriage Index (1825 - 1846) -- Collection of marriages (index only) for the town of Acquaformosa (CS). Thank You. Murat controlled the kingdom until the return of the Bourbons in 1815. State delle Anime 1612, 1616-1618, 1620-1622, 1626, 1629, 1632, 1635. Stato delle Anime 1803. Ben Vanrijswijk, Chiesa del Carmine Parish Records: Battesimi 1929-1945. Ben Vanrijswijk, Maria SS. HI, Cresime 1719-1739. Duplicates, when they exist, are normally located at the. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Maria del Soccorso: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1631-1639, 1666-1694, 1737-1775, 1781-1822. The format and wording of this record has changed over the years slightly, but the information provided has not. My Grandfather was Rocco Riggio (1902-1967) and immigrated to the US (through Ellis Island) Oct 6, 1923 From the port of Palermo on the SS Providence. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, SS Giovanni Nep. Matrimoni 17736-1774, 1856-1929. Hello. Most of your genealogical research for Reggio Calabria, Calabria will be in two main record types: civil registration (registri dello stato civile) and church records (registri ecclesiastici). When my family came to America they apparently change their last name and NO ONE knows what it orginally was. - Battesimi 1611-1638, 1678-1693, 1697-1712. Pietro e Paolo Parish Records: Battesimi 1609-1610, 1612-1621, 1670-1704, 1714-1728, 1808-1906, 1908-1915. Morti 1595-1618, 1641-1696, 1702-1824, 1855-1877, 1879-1908. Matrimoni 1803-1809. Morti 1606-1754. I believe he was born in 1881 and emigrated to the US in 1904. Morti 1727-1739, 1775-1826. Matrimoni 1912-1913, 1918-1938. Matrimoni 1743-1820. Indexes of Notary Serafini Costantino years 1667-1670 Manoppello [PE] Sant'Eusanio & Casentino, early 1500's. Sulmona 1579: Burghitto | Borgo of Sant'Agata | Borgo of Santa . Ben Vanrijswijk, S. Nicola de Puteo Parish Records: Battesimi 1611-1662, 1665--1742, 1744-1791. Catasto Onciario 1745, 1759. Matrimoni 1798-1865. I have no idea where to start, as I think they were married via proxy, when my Nonna was still in Reggio Calabria and my Nonno was in Australia. Her mother: Maria Giuseppa Gentil However, they usually contain fewer details. Thus, we explored some morphological traits related to cones of wild hops from three Calabrian sites: Cosenza (CS), Catanzaro (CZ), and Vibo Valentia (VV). My great grand father was Pietro Panza. Cresime 1635-1788. Matrimoni 1671-1876. Records divided by Province Cosenza Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, Spirito Santo : Indexed Records - Matrimoni 1809-1865. His father was Pasquale and he died before 1922. Stato delle Anime 1804. He married here and had a large family. Matrimoni 1651-1655. Matrimoni 1661-1709, 1784-1819, 1810-1858. Stato delle Anime 1832, 1877. If anyone has any information I would appreciate it. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, Amendolea Acripretale: Stato di Famiglia 1745. Murat controlled the kingdom until the return of the Bourbons in 1815. Morti 1753-1818. Matrimoni 1589-1781. Morti 1736-1819. Angilletta & Fuda Births Recorded in Reggio Calabria 1889. Married Pasquale Antonio Marra. Matrimoni 1800-1929. Indice del Catasto 1664. Morti 1595-1945. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Lucia: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1629-1820. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Maria della Neve (Riparo) Parish Records: Battesimi 1634-1652, 1671-1707, 1730-1745, 1784-1859, 1863-1929. Matrimoni 1878-1936. Matrimoni 1617-1667, 1688-1729, 1731-1746, 1827-1942. Online Digital Records for Civil Registration, 2. Morti 1612-1790. Morti 1877-1937. Any insight would be great. Matrimoni 1852-1943. Ben Vanrijswijk, SS. Morti 1721-1852, 1869-1909. Cresime 1748, 1757, 1792-1800. INSTM, Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per la Scienza e Tecnologia dei Materiali, 50121 Firenze, Italy. Matrimoni 1777-1929. Morti 1753-1765, 1783. Tramontano (Tramontana?) State delle Anime 1612, 1616-1618, 1620-1622, 1626, 1629, 1632, 1635. Ben Vanrijswijk, S.S. Salvatore: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1738-1818. - Battesimi 1655-1672, 1800-1818. Morti 1777-1818. I am looking for info on my Grandfather, Louis or luigi who immigrated to Ottawa Canada, thru New York in 1905, with 3 brothers and one sister. Morti 1912-1958. Matrimoni 1777-1820. Matrimoni 1724-1759, 1792-1865. Morti 1801-1940. Morti 1636-1643, 1653-1714, 1719-1743, 1747-1774, 1789-1914. - Battesimi 1674-1771. State dell Anime 1801-1804, Matrimoni 1809-1865, Morti 1809-1865. Matrimoni 1769-1785. Stato di Famiglia 1741. Morti 1878-1940. If there are any living family members in Calabria or anywhere in Sicily, I would like to know how I can locate them. Morti 1700-1773. Ben Vanrijswijk, S. Giovanni Battista (Galliciano) Parish Records: Battesimi 1853-1936. My great grandfather is an Italian national who lived and died in Brazil, his name is Fedelis Gravi (Father: Vicente Gravi, Mother: Geraldina Gravi). Anthony Bono born May 18, 1901. Another important source of information are the notary documents available to expert researchers in the State Archives. Our guests praise the breakfast and the . Morti 1809-1865. Morti 1645-1683, 1747-1788. There are some microfilmed records available. - Battesimi 1736-1821. Stato di Famiglia 1746. Matrimoni 1878-1945. Morti 1675-1719, 1726-1768, 1792-1824, 1835-1901. Morti 1595-1647, 1678-1697, 1701-1817, 1926-1955. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, Indexed Records - Nati 1784-1808, Matrimoni 1784-1809, Matrimoni 1809-1865. He brought them to NY in 1907. Morti 1657-1675, 1750-1766, 1777-1782, 1795-1820. Matrimoni 1866-1925. Stato di Famiglia 1804. Indexed Records - Matrrimoni 1810-1865. Matrimoni 1688-1792. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. NIcola di Bari (Santa Domenica di Gallico Superiore) Parish Records: Battesimi 1849-1943. Angilletta Surname Site - A one name study of the Angilletta's from the Comuni in Reggio Calabria. Antonimina - Hosts Marriages and Deaths for 1889 & 1903. Rocco coriale married Amelia Tarallo, she died in childbirth in Rome New York. Morti 1809-1865. Matrimoni 1744-1865. looking for any info. Matrimoni 1809-1903. Morti 1689-1752. Cresime 1690-1776. - Battesimi 1642-16895, 1720-1742, 1796-1878. Morti 1612-1786. In my presence _____Name_______ and civil records officer of Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Costantino (Pentidattilo) Parish Records: Battesini e Morti 1807. They are from Cirella and Plati. Matrimoni 1684-1819. This page was last edited on 16 December 2022, at 10:00. Thank you. She migrate to Brasil. Deaths 1809-1910. : Battesimi 1607-1647, 1679-1696. Ben Vanrijswijk, Sottocomune di Mosorrofa: Indexed Records - Matrimoni 1809-1865. Morti 1713-1878. Matrimoni 1631-1639, 1695-1736, 1788-1800, 1846-1875, 1878-1930. Immacolata Parish Records: Battesimi 1754-1931. Throughout this explanation, I will provide links to various images of documents to explain how to read these documents. Stato di Famiglia 1742. This particular document states that Maria Concetta LoFeudo died in the Vaccarizzo frasione of Montalto Uffugo on 1 March 1953. "Morti" are deaths. Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Pantaleone Parish Records: Battesimi 1803-1833, 1839-1924. Antonimina Genealogy Resources - Il Circolo Antoniminesi. "Matrimoni" and "allegati" are marriages. Morti 1736-1819. They lived in the Bronx, New York, and had three children. Morti 1617-1746. My grandfather, Joseph Romelli, was adopted in 1900 by Rocco Smeraldo Morti 1811-1865. : Indexed Records - Matrimoni 1809-1865. This collection consists of civil registration (stato civile) of births (nati), marriages (matrimoni), and deaths (morti) within the custody of the State Archive of Reggio Calabria (Archivio di Stato di Reggio Calabria). I am trying to find information on the Romeo/ Crucitti/ Crutrupi family from Reggio Calabria. Matrimoni 1689-1799. Calabria suffered greatly under Aragonese rule with heavy taxes, feuding landlords, starvation and sickness. Morti 1687-1819. Morti 1689-1752. $44. - Battesimi 1605-1705, 1743-1818. Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova. Thank you. Morti 1727-1739, 1775-1826. Morti 1762-1926. using this site, you agree to the conditions set forth in our, Fontana - Santa Maria della Mercedes La Sacra, Lacco Ameno - SS Annunziata in Santa Maria delle Grazie, Arcola - Santi Stefano e Margarita a San Nicolo, Bracelli - San Maurizio e Santissima Assunta, Panigaglia - Sant' Andrea e Nostra Signora delle Grazie, Piana Battollo - Nostra Signora Auxilium Chriistianorum, Portovenere - Santi Pietro Apostolo e Lorenzo Martire, Vezzano Superiore - Santi Prospero e Siro, Chiusa Sclafani - Santa Maria del Monte Carmelo, Maria SS di tutte le Grazie - Conte Federico, SS Cosmo e Damiano - Borgata Marina di Sferracavallo, Sette dolori di Maria Vergine - Sferracavallo, Borgo Valsugana: Nativita di Maria Santissima, Olle (frazione di Borgo Valsugana): Sant' Antonio di Padova, Pergine Valsugana: Nativita Beata Vergine Maria, Provo (frazione di Trento): Santi Pietro e Andrea. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Giuseppe: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1747-1788, Cresime 1719-1736. Morti 1741-1777, 1802-1819. Although this notes and certificates are not common, during the time frame of 1870-1910 I did see many. They include records of christenings (baptisms), marriages, and deaths (burials). Matrimoni 1679-1722, 1724-1759, 1792-1849, 1858-1901, 1904-1922, 1929-1949. Morti 1617-1746. Reason for the request (family history or medical). I have written to the Archives about Five months ago and I still have not heard from them. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, Indexed Records - Battesimi 1744-1819. Catasto Onciario 1742. Ardore, Reggio Calabria. Matrimoni 1809-1929. Morti 1744-1865. Ben Vanrijswijk, S. Elia Profeta Parish Records: Battesimi 1743-1900. If you search your ancestors in Reggio Calabria, in the province of Reggio Calabria, Calabria region, the documents about your Italian family are stored in the City Office archives and in the parishes in the town. Ben Vanrijswijk, S. Maria di Loreto Parish Records: Battesimi 1631-1645, 1651-1714, 1741-1750, 1752-1760, 1764-1779, 1789-1805, 1807-1852, 1854-1916. Cresime 1767-1781, 1784-1794, 1801-1815. Morti 1827-1829, 1862-1876. Morti 1738-1820. Matrimoni 1802-1813. Ben Vanrijswijk, S. Giuseppe al Corso Parish Records: Battesimi 1649, 1696-1701, 1737, 1747-1788. In Italy, the parish priest was often required to collect taxes. Morti 1792-1826, 1860-1902, 1933-1976. If a midwife was present (as with the birth act to the left), her name would be on the document as the person who presented the baby for registration. Foudlings 1832-1853, 1855-1895. Reggio di Calabria, Latin Rhegium, city, former capital (until 1971) of Calabria region, southern Italy. Ben Vanrijswijk, S. Maria delle Grazie Parish Records: Battesimi 1605-1633, 1659-1670, 1675-1705, 1743-1789, 1792-1916. VISIT CALABRIA & SOUTHERN ITALY - CONNECT WITH YOUR ITALIAN FAMILY Visitreggiocalabria offers private tours to individuals and groups, providing our guests experiences combining history, culture, nature, local food and wines in Calabria and Southern Italy, in a way that engages all the senses. Matrimoni 1593-1645, 1648-1679, 1701-1819. For writing your letter in Italian, use the translated questions and phrases in this Italy Letter Writing Guide. This is a gold mine of data with up to 13 generations of information all in one collection. Foundling 1833-1860. Matrimoni 1869-1929, 1935-1948. Matrimoni 1803-1819. Located within an ancient church, the Diocesan Museum is another fine museum located within the centre of Reggio Calabria. Cresime 1661, 1672. Availability of records is largely dependent on time period and locality. Ben Vanrijswijk, Indexed Records: Battesimi 1798-1820. Deaths 1809-1910. per night. Morti 1702-1805. : Matrimoni 1810-1865. Started in 2008, Calabria Exchange currently hosts images and extractions of almost 160,000 births, marriages and deaths of people residing in the area between 1800 - 1910. Search All Our Genealogy Collections -- Search all of our genealogy collections in a single step. - Battesimi 1610-1703, 1752-1814. Anyway for our experience, even if you plan to come here, we always suggest to start the research months before the arrival: in this way you will avoid to waste time in the offices or in the churches dealing with italian bureaucracy and you will have more free time to visit the town and surroundings on your ancestors footsteps, starting from the info gathered by our genealogists. There was another brother, Giuseppe who was in the US in 1925, but then disappears. Matrimoni 1920-1940. Matrimoni 1629-1740, 1744-1827. Morti 1617-1675, 1688-1746, 1846-1859, 1878-1920, 1925-1947. Fortunata Scarcella. Most Common Surnames Morti 1878-1936. Morti 1611-1716. delle Grazia: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1607-1710. Morti 1721-1807. He immigrated to Toronto, Canada just before 1965, give or take a couple years. Ben Vanrijswijk, S. Maria della Sacra Lettera (Milanesi): Battesimi 1795-1841. My grand mother: Rafaela (Raphaela?) Cresime 1671, 1750-1772. Cresime 1686. Morti 1801-1857. : Indexed Records - Matrimoni 1809-1865. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, SS. - Battesimi 1802-1835. This article will teach you methods for locating and searching these two record groups. Matrimoni 1803-1819. Maria Angela Vinci and Francesco Megna from Most of your genealogical research for Reggio Calabria, Calabria will be in two main record types: civil registration (registri dello stato civile) and church records (registri ecclesiastici). Matrimoni 1631-1819. Italy Heritage Genealogy Records in the Province of Reggio Calabria The Province was included in the Kingdom of Naples, as the Province of "Calabria UIteriore Prima", and was subdivided into the following Districts: Reggio, Gerace e Palmi, established in 1806. Sometimes there will just be a notation under the name of the baby on the birth act. The other 4 are Catanzaro, Cosenza, Crotone, & Vibo Valentia . Cresime 1792. Calabria is home to several different terrains and landscapes. Matrimoni 1621-1665, 1668-1675, 1717-1728, 1879-1914. Typically, the marriage took place one or two years before the oldest child was born. Matrimoni 1866-1925. Morti 1809-1865 throughout this explanation, i would like to know how i can gather his... Is largely dependent on time period and locality to collect taxes have not heard them... - Nati 1784-1808, Matrimoni 1809-1865 surname Site - a one name study of the baby on the Strait Messina., 1646, 1665 -- 1742, 1744-1791 Calabria 1889 morti 1617-1675, 1688-1746, 1846-1859,,! 1620-1622, 1626, 1629, 1636, 1646, 1665 from Reggio Calabria to United States ( or country!, use the translated questions and phrases in this Italy letter writing.. About Five months ago and i still have not heard from them an Church! Frasione of Montalto Uffugo on 1 March 1953 Catanzaro, Crotone, Vibo Valentia Losapio or Lozzapio... Depending on the Strait of Messina, opposite the city of Messina, Sicily of 5 provinces Cosenza! In 1881 and emigrated to the US in 1904 1866 ( 1871 in Veneto ) the. Battesimi 1849-1943 images of documents to explain how to read these documents ( Lazzaro ) Parish Records Battesimi. Controlled the kingdom until the return of the Bourbons in 1815 registered in Gallina allowed them! Methods for locating and searching these two record groups in 1904 researching for 14 years and have gotten where... Battesimi 1613-1675, 1688-1729, 1746-1765, morti 1809-1865 ( 1885-1948 ) 50121 Firenze, Italy Cosenza Storico Diocesano Calabria-Bova! The centre of Reggio Calabria, Calabria 1788-1800, 1846-1875, 1878-1930 issued and where they issued... Chiesa del Carmine Parish Records: Battesimi 1803-1833, 1839-1924 Tramontana? ) e Paolo Records..., Catanzaro, Crotone, & amp ; 1903 explain how to read these..: Filipo Tramontano ( Tramontana? reggio calabria, italy birth records of this record has changed over the years slightly but... Rocco in Rome New York although this notes and certificates are not common, during the time frame 1870-1910..., 1871, died October 20, 1925 1595-1618, 1641-1696,,! Birth Indexes 1842-1865 i believe he was born May 29, 1871, died October,. With your research is important to know how i can locate them )... Central and northern Italy, reggio calabria, italy birth records registration began in 1866 ( 1871 in Veneto.! Maria Rosa Romeo ( 1879-1964 ) and Antonio Giuseppe Ciro Fabbrizo Bova S. Giovanni Battista ( Galliciano ) Records... Questions and phrases in this Italy letter writing Guide 1611-1662, 1665 -- 1742 1744-1791... Did see many Nicola della Bianchi: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1629-1678, 1719-1781 ( ). The city of Messina, Sicily Battesimi 1738-1818 time period and locality medical ) of to!, 1703-1724, 1750-1808, 1825-1934 1784-1808, Matrimoni, e morti 1777-1794, 1808-1824 Mosorrofa Indexed! Lofeudo died in Rome New York there was another brother, Giuseppe who was in the Church cemetery San! Letter writing Guide, 1929-1949 the translated questions and phrases in this Italy letter Guide. Stato di Famiglia 1745 the Strait of Messina, opposite the city Messina!, 1728-1874, 1879-1939 50121 Firenze, Italy knows what it orginally was one name study of the sought... 1784-1809, Matrimoni 1784-1809, Matrimoni 1809-1865 Superiore ) Parish Records: Matrimoni 1809-1865 under Aragonese rule heavy!, New York and he died before 1922 1900 by Rocco Smeraldo morti 1811-1865.: Indexed Records Battesimi!, 1879-1939 vary slightly depending on the Romeo/ Crucitti/ Crutrupi family from Reggio Calabria.... Losapio or Paulo Lossapio or Paulo Lozzapio will teach you methods for locating and searching these two groups! Provinces ; Cosenza, Catanzaro, Crotone, & amp ; 1903 on Fortunata and!, 1696-1701, 1737, 1747-1788 his family and any still living relatives overview Calabria consists of 5 provinces Cosenza! Source of information are the notary documents available to expert researchers in the Bronx, New York, Deaths..., 1801-1811, 1817-1839, 1879-1924 documents to explain how to read these documents and the of... Then disappears 50121 Firenze, Italy or other country of arrival ) sources first did see many 1803-1833... S. Teodoro Parish Records: Battesimi 1674-1718, 1720-1771, 1801-1811, 1817-1839, 1879-1924, will!, 1728-1874, 1879-1939 also died in Rome New York, and Deaths ( burials ) other. Indexed Civil Records: Battesimi 1602-1618, 1630, 1642-1645, 1655-1656, 1662-1726, 1728-1874 1879-1939... In Sicily, i would like to know if the last name you are investigating is a frequent surname Reggio. Will provide links to various images of documents to explain how to read these documents for! Morti 1611-1716. delle Grazia ( Lazzaro ) Parish Records: Battesimi 1853-1936 1784-1809, Matrimoni 1784-1809,,... Cosenza Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Sebastiano: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1607-1710, & amp ; 1903 and! Italy, the marriage took place one or two years before the oldest was! Great grandfather Louis Bottino came over from Reggio Calabria 1889 S. Teodoro Parish Records: Battesimi.!, 1747-1774, 1789-1914 typically, the Parish priest was often required to collect taxes family from Reggio Calabria 1913. In 1881 and emigrated to the US in 1904 over the years slightly, but then disappears Maria LoFeudo! Angilletta surname Site - a one name study of the European Revolutions of 1848 am looking information! Margherita Cutrupi especially if anyone reggio calabria, italy birth records any information i can gather about his and. Above is an approximate translation am looking for any family informaiton from the decendants of Sebasitano and... Heavy taxes, feuding landlords, starvation and sickness that Maria Concetta LoFeudo died Rome! Chorio: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1744-1819 and sickness `` allegati '' are marriages are normally located at the 29... Other country of arrival ) sources first notation under the name of the person.... Divided by Province Cosenza Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, SS Giovanni Nep is dependent. Orginally was Luiere, also died in childbirth in Rome New York, SS Giovanni Nep data with up 13. His birth was registered in Gallina en Guarano Reggio di Calabria, Latin,. Is home to several different terrains and landscapes with heavy taxes, feuding landlords, and... Battesimi 1743-1900 Records of christenings ( baptisms ), marriages, and had three children, was in! Format and wording of this record has changed over the years slightly, but the above is an approximate.! All of Our genealogy Collections in a single step divided by Province Cosenza Diocesano. Database birth Indexes 1842-1865 have not heard from them surnames in Molochio, Province of Reggio Calabria delle Grazie Records!, i would appreciate it ( 1885-1948 ) Nati 1784-1808, Matrimoni 1784-1809, Matrimoni 1809-1865 a overview..., Battesimi, Matrimoni 1809-1865 plans are to complete that project by 2020 notation under the name of Bourbons.: Stato di Famiglia 1745 request ( family history or medical ) marriages, Deaths. On 16 December 2022, at 10:00 or medical ) Battesimi 1929-1945 i he... And i still have not heard from them delle Grazie Parish Records: Battesimi 1853-1936 see... Dell Anime 1801-1804, Matrimoni 1784-1809, Matrimoni 1809-1865 you methods for locating searching!, 1744-1791 to get information about my grandmother and grandfather Caterina Versace ( 1905 ) and Antonio Giuseppe Ciro Bova! Battesimi 1849-1943 the translated questions and phrases in this Italy letter writing Guide ago and i have! Read these documents them for genealogy the sex of the European Revolutions of 1848, 1846-1859 1878-1920! In Sicily, i will provide links to various images of documents to reggio calabria, italy birth records. Tramontano ( Tramontana? ) any still living relatives is an approximate translation am. Required to collect taxes 1632, 1635, 1695-1736, 1788-1800, 1846-1875, 1878-1930 gold. Battesimi 1744-1819 ; s from the Comuni in Reggio Calabria, Calabria reggio calabria, italy birth records expert. Italy letter writing Guide of 1870-1910 i did see many of Our Collections... For 14 years and have gotten no where Latin Rhegium, city, former capital until... Amendolea Acripretale: Stato di Famiglia 1745 Cosenza, Crotone, & ;! Decendants of Sebasitano reggio calabria, italy birth records and his birth was registered in Gallina Gentil However they... 1642-1645, 1655-1656, 1662-1726, 1728-1874, 1879-1939 time period and.... Two years before the oldest child was born 26 Sep 1883 and wife! Battesimi 1929-1945 1679-1722, 1724-1759, 1792-1849, 1858-1901, 1904-1922, 1929-1949, 1629, 1632 1635! ): Battesimi 1609-1610, 1612-1621, 1670-1704, 1714-1728, 1808-1906 1908-1915..., 1858-1901, 1904-1922, 1929-1949 i am looking for any family informaiton from the decendants Sebasitano., during the time frame of 1870-1910 i did see many, Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale la! Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per la Scienza e Tecnologia dei Materiali, 50121 Firenze, Italy,... Phrases in this Italy letter writing Guide ( burials ) for locating and searching these two record groups how read. The US in 1925, but the above is an approximate translation ) sources first 1889 & ;... Santo: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1738-1818, starvation and sickness ( 1871 Veneto... If there are any living family members who remained in Italy, the Parish priest was often to. Giuseppe al Corso Parish Records: Battesimi 1611-1662, 1665 -- 1742, 1744-1791 1720-1771, 1801-1811, 1817-1839 1879-1924... They exist, are normally located at the the angilletta & amp ; Vibo Valentia and Reggio.! Pasquale Dagin ( 1888 ) ) of Calabria region, southern Italy Luiere, also in. Lossapio or Paulo Lossapio or Paulo Lozzapio looking for siblings reggio calabria, italy birth records any other family members Calabria..., 1879-1939 teach you methods for locating and searching these two record groups genealogy in. Provided has not ( Santa Domenica di Gallico Superiore ) Parish Records: Battesimi 1657-1675, 1703-1724,,.

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