camp chase civil war prisoner listhearne funeral home obituaries

register of passes issued to visitors, 1863-65, Roll 111 - Point Lookout, Md., Ledgers of prisoners accounts However, Union victories at Fort Donalson and at Island No. In April 1862, under the new administration, rules were tightened, visitors prohibited, and mail censored. 8;472 Apr.-July 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0106 General Registers of Prisoners:338 G.R. 23, 1865 136 A.R. 26, 1865 - United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865--Prisoners and prisons Notes - "List of Confederate soldiers buried at Camp Chase, Ohio": p. 1-51. Registers of paroled prisoners. 4 Register of Deaths of Prisoners, July 1864-July 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0068 Morning Reports of Military and Political Prisoners: 225 126 July-Dec. 1864 226 127 Jan.-July 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0069 Registers of Prisoners Money Received: 227 135 July 1864-June 1865 228 134 July-Nov. 1864 229 133 Register of the Disposition of Prisoners Possessions, 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0070 Ledgers of Prisoners Accounts: 230 137* July-Dec. 1864 231 138 Aug.-Nov. 1864, [ digital copy ] Reel 0071 Ledgers of Prisoners Accounts: 232 139 1864-65 233 136* Blotter to Ledgers, 1864-65 Check Stubs, FJrst National Bank of Elmra, N.Y.: 234 131 Aug.-Dec. 1864 235 132 Dec. 1864-June 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0072 Gratiot and Myrtle Streets Prisons, St. Louis, Mo. 1 Apr. 85;85 Statistical Reports of Prisoners, Dec. 1864-June 1865 207 A.R. Vol 133 No. Vol 126 No. Register of confederate and federal soldiers Control of the camp became a constant issue since both political prisoners from Ohio and Federal prisoners from other states were held there. 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0017 Stationery Returns, Mar. Roll 14 - Registers of prisoners, 1865 Registers of Prisoners: 410 299 1861-62 411 361* 1861-62 412 1 1861-66 List of Sentenced Prisoners, 1864-65 Lists of Prisoners Received and Accounts of Prisoners: 413 A.R. prisoners accounts and name index, 1863-64, Roll 63 - Vol 211 Name index to prisoners, register of deaths, and morning reports of prisoners, 1862-65, Vol 332-334 Ledgers of 16, 1863. Jan 1864-June 1865 1862 378 Register of Officer Prisoners in Various Prison Divisions, 1864 160 A.R. 2 1863-65 339 G.R. Washington: 1965 National Archives 3;121* Descriptive List of Confederate Prisoners Released, 1863-65 330 2; 117* Register of Deaths, 1863-65 331 H9 Consolidated Morning Reports of Prisoners, 1864-65, [ digital copy ] Reel 0103 332 123 Ledger of Prisoners Accounts, 1864-65 333 120 Receipts for Cash, 1864 334 118 Cash Book, 1864-65, [ digital copy ] Reel 0104 New Orleans, La. I, 3rd Kentucky Cavalry. Vol 120 No. Vol 138 No. Washington, La., June 1865, Vol 249 Various places in Louisiana and at prisoners of allegiance. The original capacity of the camp was estimated to be at 3,500 to 4,000 prisoners, but as many as 5,000 to 6,000 prisoners were often held there. Elmira and its Civil War Prison. 1865 126 A.R. addressed to prisoners, Nov. 1864-Apr 1865, Johnson's Island, Ohio, prisoners sent to Vicksburg, Miss., for exchange, and of prisoners Vol 15 Register of the effects of deceased 1864, List of expenses for stamps and stationary Vol 151 No. prison hospital, Jan-July 1864, List of clothing belonging to officers in the Vol 134 No. office, June-Aug. 1862, Lists of packages received for and delivered Lists of prisoners received, transferred, Registers of prisoners, Vol 83 Roll call book for the west half of the 25, 1865 138 A.R. Vol 170 Dec 1863-Apr 1864 1862. v. 45 Register of money sent to prisoners Founded April 8, 2000. Vol 214 Memoranda book, 1862 3;487 Jan. -Apr. Camp Chase was a major Union prisoner-of-war internment center at Columbus, Ohio, holding, in late September, 1864, upward of 5000 prisoners. Vol 185 Aug 1864-Feb 1865 1865 118 A.R. 1865 124 A.R. Coal and wood accounts Nov 1864-Mar 1865. List of Negro prisoners 8 Register of Deaths of Prisoners, 1863-65, [ digital copy ] Reel 0016 31 A.R. 2 1864-65 220 G.R. McHenry, Md., 1863-64, Vol 425-427 Registers of 1865 120 A.R. List of prisoners under sentence 1862-63. 1864 Little Rock, Ark., Military Prison 289 G.R. prisoners. Organized in the spring of 1861 as a place for recruitment and training for the Union Army, the camp was named after Salmon P. Chase, Secretary of the Treasury under President Lincoln and former governor of Ohio. 1 1862-63, [ digital copy ] Reel 0055 Registers of Prisoners, Compiled by the Office of the Commissary General of Prisoners: 190 OCGP 2 1863-65 191 OCGP 3;231 1864-65, [ digital copy ] Reel 0056 Registers of Prisoners: 192 A.R. Vol 248 June 1865 v. 45 Register of money sent to prisoners Ledgers of prisoners accounts 1865 119 A.R. 1864, Roll 54 - Register of prisoners released, escaped, and deceased 1862-63 22, 1865 Vol 29 1863, Roll 62 - Vol 210 Ledger of Vol 18 Mississippi, Arkansas, and Tennessee prisoners accounts, Name Index, and journal of accounts with prisoners, By mid-1863, all officers and political prisoners were transferred to Johnson's Island. 16, 1863. By the following March the number was down to 534. Original facilities for 3,500-4,000 men were jammed with close to 7,000. prisoners accounts, Nov 1864-June 1865, Vol 96 Register of Money 1865 133 A.R. Vol 93 Feb-Mar 1865 ILL., Military Prison, Vol 393-394 Registers of prisoners, 1862-65, Vol 395-397 Register of 1862 Lists of Prisoners Released: 62 A.R. List of effects of deceased prisoners 1862-63. The federal government purchased the site in 1879. received from prisoners 1862 14 Oct. 1863-May 1865 304 A.R. 1862 accounts: Vol 358 1863-65, Roll 120 - Vol 363 Register of Vol 101 Sept 1862-Aug 1864. In these camps, in the summer of 1864, were confined more than 25,000 Confederate soldiers, distributed as follows: Shoddy barracks, low muddy ground, open latrines, aboveground open cisterns, and a brief small-pox outbreak excited U.S. Sanitary Commission agents who were already demanding reform. Alton, IL military prison. general and receipts for funds and equipment 1862. 15, July 1863-Apr. Vol 106 1864-65, Roll 40 - Fort Delaware, Del., 3;150* Ledger A, 1861-63 14-15 151* Accounts of Prisoners, Ledger B, 1864, [ digital copy ] Reel 0139 Cash Books: 416 Oct. 1863-July 1864 417 l49 Aug. I861*-Apr. 1863-65, Vol 403-405 Journals of Nov. 1862-Apr. register of prisoners, July 1863-July 1863, Roll 101 - Vol 326-327 Registers of Vol 203 Aug 1862 Vol 225 July-Dec 1864 paroled Aug 1862-Mmar 1863, Reports of the number of prisoners present Military Prison. 1863-Dec. 1864, [ digital copy ] Reel 0094 Rolls of Confederate Deserters Received, Apr. 3. 1) A-L, 1863-65, [ digital copy ] Reel 0115 General Registers of Prisoners: 357 (pt. Washington, DC 1862-65. List of postage, express, and freight charges, 3 1864-65, [ digital copy ] Reel 0066 221 OCGP Register of Prisoners, Compiled by the Office of the Commissary General of Prisoners, 1864-65, [ digital copy ] Reel 0067 Registers of Prisoners: 222 A.R. 1865 343 469 Hospital Register, Aug. 1864- May 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0107 Newport News, Va., Military Prison 344 347 Register of Prisoners, 1865 Ledgers of Prisoners Accounts: 345 A.R. Georgia, and Alabama 1862-65 Records of individual prisons or stations - confederate prisoners. 3 Lists of Prisoners Transferred, Released, Escaped, and Deceased, 1862-63 65 A.R. Vol 298 1863-64, Roll 95 - Vol 300-304 Register of organizations in prison, divisions No's 20 and 45, 1864-65, Vol 158 Various southern state organizations Vol 91 Dec 1864-Jan 1865, Roll 35 - Vol 92 Jan-Feb 1865 Reports of the number of prisoners present June-Nov 1863 Camp Morton, Indiana List of Prisoners, 1863 - 1865 NARA NAID 5637765 Elmira, New York Clay W. Holmes. . With his arrival, the Federal Government assumed increased control over the camp and was finally able to keep Ohio Governor Tod from asserting state control of the prison. delivered to prisoners Mar 1864-May 1865 AHGP - Judy White. Express Co, July-Aug, 1865, Vol 188 Camp Douglas, Scraps from the Prison Table, at Camp Chase and Johnson's Island. 1862-65. prisoners and reports of prisoners discharged Mar-June 1862, List of non-commissioned officers of the 414-415 List of 32;408 No. Vol 409-413 Letters sent and registers of 3, July 1863-Apr. Registers of exchanged prisoners, 1861-65. 1863. Records relating to all prisoners. 37, 1865 2 Sept. 1862-Aug. 1864 102 G.R. Vol 205 Jan-June 1865, Roll 60 - Vol 206 Statistical 4, Mar 1865 1;460* General Register of Prisoners, Aug. 1861-Dec. 1865 List of Substitute Brokers and Bounty Jumpers Released, Mar. Vol 230 July-Dec 1864 Vol 56 1862-63. of allegiance. 2, Dec 1864-Mar 1865 Vol 228 July-Nov 1864 Vol 253 May 1865 accounts of money and effects of prisoners, 1861-65, Roll 86 - Vol 287-288 Accounts of prisoners accounts and petty cash account book, May-July 1865, Roll 109 - Department of the Ohio 425 1863 List of Boxes and Packages Received, Oct. 1863-May 1864 Registers of Prisoners: 114 53 June-Nov. 1863 115 A.R. Vol 223 Oct 1864-May 1865 prisoners, Aug 10 and Oct 1, 1862, List of prisoners remaining after releases and Georgia, and Alabama 1862-65 Records of individual prisons or stations - 27 No. Morning reports, Jan-July 1863. 9, June 1863-Apr 1865 As a result, the prisoners arriving at Camp Chase in 1865 were in poor condition health-wise. Vol 199 Register of sentenced prisoners, 1862 Memorandum relating to Dr. M. B. Jarrett, Roll 50 - Vol 176 Ledger of Ohio Prisoners at Andersonville, Ga., and Salisbury, N.C., Prisons, 1864. N.Y.: Gratiot and Myrtle 2) M-Z, 1863-65, [ digital copy ] Reel 0116 Registers of Prisoners: 358 1 1863-65, [ digital copy ] Reel 0117 Registers of Prisoners: 359 2 1863-65, [ digital copy ] Reel 0118 Registers of Prisoners: 360 3 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0119 Registers of Prisoners: 361 4 1865 362 6 Register of Prisoners Escaped, Released, and Deceased, Aug. 1863-June 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0120 363 5 Register of Prisoners Transferred From Point Lookout, Sept. 1863-May 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0121 364 3 (pts.1 and2) Register of Prisoners Transferred 1 and 2) to and Received From Hammond General Hospital, Oct. 1863- Apr. Register of prisoners confined under sentence Oct-Dec 1862. received for prisoners, 1865, Vol 210 Ledger of Vol 172 June-July 1864 7 Register of Prisoners Confined, Discharged, Escaped, and Transferred, 1862-65 A.R. Series 87, Civil War, Prisoners of War, Adjutant General, 1864-1865, is arranged roughly in alphabetical order, call no. letters received containing money and registers of clothing issued to Registers of prisoners, compiled by the office of the This newspaper would contain news from all 3 of the compounds and news from the outside. Consolidated morning reports of prisoners: Morning reports of patients and attendants in prisoners exchanged, paroled, and released, and of prisoners taking 27, 1865 140 A.R. military prison search of their quarters, June 1862, Letters received by the provost marshal's 28, 1865 Two years after the U.S. entered World War I, the Treaty of Versailles was signed in June 1919 to formally end the first modern war. The Union Army prison camp in Elmira, NY was officially named "Camp Chemung" but in the beginning it was designated as "Barracks No 3" and later in June, 1864 it officially became Elmira Prisoner of War Camp. deaths of prisoners. Vol 74 Roll call book for prisons no's 1 and 20;58 Ledger of Prisoners Accounts and Name Index, 1863-64, [ digital copy ] Reel 0063 211-Name Index to Ledger of Prisoners Accounts, 1864 Ledgers of Prisoners Accounts: 212 A.R. Following the Battles of Fort Henry and Donelson in February 1862, Union authorities detained numerous Confederate officers and enlisted men as prisoners of war at Camp Chase. A personal letter written from Camp Chase, Ohio, by Confederate prisoner of war Oliver N. King, Co. Vol 59 Mar-June 1862 list of sentenced prisoners, 1862. prison divisions, 1864-65, Vol 391-392 Register of Oaths of Allegiance 3 Descriptive List of Prisoners, in the Custody of the District Provost Marshal, Who Took Oaths of Amnesty or Allegiance, Mar. 1863 100 G.R. from: 1862 Coal and wood accounts Nov 1864-Mar 1865. The Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System currently includes information about two Civil War prisons: Fort McHenry in Baltimore, Maryland, once a temporary home to more than 15,000 Confederate soldiers; and Andersonville prison camp in Andersonville, Georgia, where more than 45,000 Union soldiers were confined. Search, View, Print Union & Confederate Civil War Prisoner of War Records, 1861-1865. Vol 159 Register of officer prisoners in Alton, IL military prison. Most people don't. Camp Chase Confederate Cemetery was once a Confederate prison. 10 and 11 and to Paroled Prisoners, ca. 7; H-R, 1862 A.R. 4;156 General Register of Prisoners, Oct. 1863-July 1865 308 2 Register of Prisoners, [n.d.] 309 5; 155* Register of Prisoners Transferred to Fort Delaware, Del., July 1863 310 A.R. The camp received 800 prisoners after Grant's victory at Fort Donelson. various prison divisions, 1864 Camp Chase was established May 1861 in Columbus, Ohio as a training camp for Ohio volunteer soldiers, a parole camp, a muster outpost and a prisoner of war camp. Salt Lake City, Utah: FamilySearch, 2013. Vol 14 Register of prisoners transferred from Point Lookout, Sept 1863-May 1865, Roll 121 - Vol 364-365 Registers of 30, 1865 1863-June 1864 312 G.R. 6;232* Order Book, Jan.-July 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0098 Memphis, Tenn., Military Prison General Registers of Prisoners in the Custody of the District Provost Marshal: 318 G.R. Camp registers of prisoners. various places The enlisted men captured at Island 10 were sent to both Camp Butler and Camp Chase in Ohio, while the officers captured at Island 10 were held at Johnson's Island, Ohio. Wells to former inmate William Long. Vol 20 Virginia, and North Carolina. discharged and released June 1863-June 1865. 6, 7 Jan. 1864-Jan. 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0092 Louisville, Ky., Military Prison General Registers of Prisoners:297 G.R. List of names and checks drawn. Vol 260 May 1865 2;461 Nov. 1862-Sept. 1863 286 A.R. It even had the nickname of "The North's Andersonville" was one of the largest Union Army prisoner-of-war camps for Confederate soldiers. Roll 21 - Bowling Green, Va., Vol 77 Roll call book for prison no. prisoners exchanged, paroled, and released, and of prisoners taking Vol 406-408 Register of prisoners and prisoners sent to Vicksburg, Miss., for exchange, and of prisoners 1863-Aug 1864, Vol 152 Alabama organizations in prison, 1862 power to receive their letters, money and packages 1864-65 General Registers of prisoners: List of non-commissioned officers of the List of stolen articles, June 1862 Vol 130 No. 12, June 1863-Apr 1865 The Elmira Prison operated for 370 days from 6 July 1864 until 11 July 1865. All that remains of the camp today is a Confederate cemetery containing 2,260 graves. prisoners at various military prisons, 1861-65. Both relatives were held for about one month and later transferred to the Camp Douglas, Ill union prisoner of war camp. prisoners transferred to and received from Hammond General Hospital and Civil War Camp Chase Columbus, Ohio Camp and prison. Both sides operated under a prisoner exchange agreement from September 1862 through the summer of 1863, resulting in relatively low numbers of prisoners at . Report of expenses of keeping prisoners The prisoners were assigned to quarters in small houses or shanties measuring 16x20 feet. transferred to Hammond General Hospital, 1863-65, Vol 376-378 Lists of of prisoners accounts, 1861-65, Roll 97 - McLean Barracks, divisions no's 9 and 10, 1865, Vol 153 Arkansas and Tennessee organizations front., plates, ports. Vol 349-351 Registers of prisoners and 1863-May 1864 Rf Testers of Prisoners, Compiled by the Office of the Commissary General of Prisoners:298 OCGP 1 Apr. The enlisted men were exchanged in September 1862 at Vicksburg, Mississippi. Vol 152 Alabama organizations in prison, 1862 44 191 Ledger of Prisoners Accounts, June-Aug. 1862 45 192 Register of Money Sent to Prisoner?-. Unidentified list of names 1862-63. Vol 254 Grenada, Miss., May 1865, Roll 77 - Jackson, Miss. 39, 1865, Roll 46 - Registers of prisoners unclaimed money and valuables belonging to confederate prisoners. Requests for funds sent to the adjutant 17 No. Vol 102 1862-64 hospital, 1864, List of clothing issued to bakers, Sept 1864, Vol 165 Register of patients admitted to the 1 1865 340 3 Register of Prisoners, July 1864- June 1865 341 A.R. 1864-May 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0111 Point Lookout, Md., Military Prison Letters Sent Relating to Prisoners: 352 245 Feb. 1864-Mar. Carolina Organizations in various prison divisions. delivered to prisoners: 7;220* Miscellaneous Orders and Reports,1863-64 List of Daily Rations, [n.d.] List of Men Transferred to the U.S. Navy and Quartered at McLean Barracks, [n.d.] 316 A.R. Vol 80 -- Vol 121 No. William Best Hesseltine . c1861-62. The camp was an enclosed barracks prison. money and of property of prisoners 1864-65, Roll 127 - Vol 379-385 Registers of Vol 94 Mar-Apr 1865 Vol 6 Records relating to public works, 1864-65, Vol 374-375 Register and 1862-1865. 2, Jan Vol 269 Hilton Head, S.C. prison camp Columbus, Miss, and Gainesville, Ala. When the first prisoners died at Camp Chase they were buried in the City Cemetery of Columbus, Ohio. records relating to prisoners, 1865, Vol 281-283 Registers of prisoners, 1863-65, Vol 284-286 General register of prisoners and May 1863-Dec 1864 According to figures compiled by an early-century historian of the Elmira prison, Clay Holmes, 27% of the camp's captives died. prisoners accounts 1862-64, List of small sums due prisoners, Dec 1863-May 1863-1865, Role 2 - Vol 2. Vol 68 Jan-June 1865, Roll 28 - Vol 69 Register of prisoners transferred to and received from Hammond General Hospital and 2 July 1863-Dec. 1864, [ digital copy ] Reel 0089 Louisville, Ky., Military Prison General Registers of Prisoners: 294 G.R. Descriptive Lists of prisoners Jan 1864-Feb 10, 1862. Eventually some rank and file soldiers would be incarcerated there as well. Vol 158 Various southern state organizations The camp was closed and dismantled after the war and the site has been redeveloped for residential and commercial use, except for the Camp Chase . Vol 88 Aug 1864-Jan 1865, Roll 34 - Vol 89 Sept-Nov 1864 prisons no's 1-3 and civilian prisoners, Dec 1862, Vol 74 Roll call book for prisons no's 1 and Gainesville, Ala. "Many of the volumes comprising this microfilm search of their quarters, June 1862 1863-65, Roll 135 - Vol 403-405 Journals of 15 Lists of Confined and of Escaped Prisoners, 1862-65 Monthly Returns of Camp and Garrison Equipage, Nov. 1864- Jan. 1865 Coal and Wood Accounts, Nov. 1864- Mar. attendants. Register of prisoners transferred and escaped 2 1862-65 Registers of Prisoners: 273 300 1862-63, [ digital copy ] Reel 0082 Registers of Prisoners: 274 1 1862-65 275 A.R. 25 No. Vol 28 1862 Vol 1 Records relating to all prisoners. Myrtle Streets Prisons. CAMP CHASE Camp Chase, located in Columbus, Ohio, was a training camp for newly inducted recruits, but it also became a prison camp for Confederate prisoners. 18; 69 1862 209 A.R. List of white oak guards, 1862 Registers of prisoners accounts: Vol 65 List of prisoners transferred from Camp List of clothing issued to bakers, Sept 1864 2, Dec. 1864-Mar. 5;221 Order Book, May 1863-Jan. 1865 Register of Expenditures and Savings, June-July 1864 317 A.R. Roll call books for prisons no's 1 and 2. The stench that permeated the camp, mostly from the open latrines, was described as "horrible, nauseating, and disgusting". Vol 67 Apr 1863-July 1865 Vol 234 Aug-Dec 1864 Vol 51 Register of prisoners confined, of Florida, Louisiana, Texas, Missouri, and Kentucky, 1862-65. Bowling Green, Va., Vol 226 Jan-Dec 1865 prisons no's 1-3 and civilian prisoners, Dec 1862 Records relating to Registers of prisoners, compiled by the office Provost Marshall's Office Vol 48 Register of confederate prisoners He is buried in Rock Island's Chippiannock Cemetery. 1863-May 1864 Rf Testers of Prisoners, Compiled by the Office of the Commissary General of Prisoners: 300 OCGP 3 1864-65 Registers of Political Prisoners: 301 A.R. 23, 1862, List of prisoners at the prison, Sept 29, 1862, Vol 199 Register of sentenced prisoners, 1862, List of prisoners and civilians confined at Vol 16 Lists of prison camp records received, prisoners accounts and Name Index, 1963-65, Roll 134 - Vol 400-402 Ledger of 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0080 Johnsons Island, Ohio, Military Prison 270 A.R. Microfilm Publications - Microcopy 598 Selected Records of the War All rights reserved. Register of prisoners confined under sentence miscellaneous records 1864-65, Vol 409-413 Letters sent and registers of Unaccustomed to northern winters and stricken with epidemic disease, thousands of the captured men died. General Vol 18 Mississippi, Arkansas, and Tennessee 1862-65 of civilian squads. the prison hospital June-July 1865. Remains of soldiers that were buried at City Cemetery were moved to the new prison Cemetery. General register of prisoners, Aug 1863-Dec 3;277 Register of Deaths, Dec. 1863-June 1865 396 288 Stubs of Prisoners Receipts, Apr. 1862-65, Roll 11 - Vol. Cincinnati, Ohio Vol 202 July-Aug 1862 80 List of Prisoners Captured in New Mexico, Aug. 1862 Final Statements of the Number of Confined Prisoners, Aug. 10 and Oct. 1, 1862 List of Prisoners Remaining After Releases and Exchanges, Sept. 10, 1862 List of Prisoners Received From Corinth, Sept. 23, 1862 List of Prisoners at the Prison, Sept. 29, 1862, [ digital copy ] Reel 0057 Registers of Prisoners : 195 329 1862 196 A.R. : 259 105 May 1865 260 109 May 1865 Meridian and Grenada, Miss., and at Mobile, Ala. 261 107 May 1865 262 92 May 1865 263 106 Meridian, Miss., and at Livingston, Ala., May 1865 264 5 Meridian, Miss., and at Selma, Ala., May 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0079 Hart Island, MVY., Prison Camp 265 476 General Orders and Register of Letters and Telegrams Received, With Endorsements Sent, Apr.-June 1865 266 475 Special Orders, May 1865 Registers of Prisoners: 267 337* 1865 268- 1865 Hilton Head, S.C., Prison Camp 269- Receipts for Letters Containing Money Addressed to Prisoners, Nov. 1864-Apr. 1863 Reports of the Number of Prisoners Present, 1862 List of Clothing Issued, 1862 Regulations and Reports, Mar.- Apr. all prisoners. Many of the prisoners taken to Camp Chase in late December of 1864 and early January of 1865 came as a result of the Battle of Nashville, Tennessee. Vol 60 Descriptive list of prisoners Feb-July 12;396 No. Registers of burials: Vol 192 A-H, 1862 Percentage list, June-July 1864, Roll 49 - Vol 173 Ledger of 1865 95 24 Apr.-June 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0036 96 31 Register of Money Received From Prisoners, 1862 Statements of Funds Remitted and Received, Sept. 1862 List of Volunteers Reporting at the Post, Nov. 1862 97 14 Register of Receipt of Articles Delivered to Prisoners, Mar. 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0140 Division of West Mississippi Registers of Paroled Prisoners: 418 1 1865 419 2 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0141 Division of West Mississippi Registers of Paroled Prisoners: 420 3 4865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0142 Division of West Mississippi Registers of Paroled Prisoners: 421 1865 422 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0143 District of West Tennessee, Provost Marshals Office 423 Register of Paroled Prisoners, 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0144 424-Register of Prisoners at Fort Delaware, Del., Fort Lafayette, N.Y., and Fort McHenry, Md., 1863-64, [ digital copy ] Reel 0145 425 307 Register of Prisoners at Various Military Prisons, 1861-65: Covington, Ky. Fort Delaware, Del. 1863-May 1865 319 G.R. Vol 70 Reports of prisons and hospitals and of List of balances of funds transferred to books June 1863-May 1865. Consolidated morning reports of prisoners Vol 136 No. Vol 50 1862-63 Vol 236 Descriptive list of prisoners confined 5;464 Apr. 2 General Register of Prisoners, 394 Register of Prisoners, 1862-65, [ digital copy ] Reel 0132 395 A.R. Roll 20 - Vol 41 Guardhouse prisoners accounts 1862-64 military prison As many as 150,000 Union soldiers and 25,000 Confederate prisoners passed through its gates from 1861-1865. register of passes issued to visitors, 1863-65. It was named Camp Douglas and was one of four large prison camps in Northern Illinois. Roll 9 - Vol 14 Register of 3; Register of Deaths, 1862-65 153* 276 A.R. prisoners, Aug 10 and Oct 1, 1862 Camp Chase, four miles southeast of Columbus, Ohio, began in May 1861 as a mustering center for units entering Union service during the American Civil War. 1 Nov. 1862-July 1863 293 G.R. Registers of prisoners, Camp Chase Confederate Cemetery is located in Franklin County, Ohio, six miles west of downtown Columbus. Brownsville, Tex., June-July 1865, Roll 76 - Vol 250 Columbus, Miss., 4 1862-64 Fort Columbus, N.Y. 103 304 Register of Prisoners, Mar.-Sept. 1862, [ digital copy ] Reel 0038 Department of the Cumberland, Nashville, Tenn. 1865 94 18; CC l4l Mar.-Apr. Roll 244 Alexandria, and general register of pprisoners, 1862-64, Vol 272-273 Register of Vol 97 Register of receipt of articles 21;63 1864, [ digital copy ] Reel 0064 Ledgers of Prisoners Accounts: 213 A.R. The clusters were seperated by narrow streets or pathways. expense accounts, July-Aug 1864, Vol 184 Register of Allison became the new commandant. Reports of clothing issued to prisoners. : Regiment affiliations aside, with the end of the war, Randolph McCoy signed (by mark) an Oath of Allegiance and was released from Camp Douglas on July 16, 1865, thus ending his mysterious service in the Confederate army. Named for former Ohio Governor and Lincoln's Secretary of the Treasury Salmon P. Chase, it was a training camp for Ohio soldiers, a parole camp, a muster-out post, and a prisoner-of-war camp. July-Nov 1862, Vol 180 Register of prisoners accounts 1865 307 G.R. Vol 156 Virginia organizations in prison, Dayton National Cemetery oversees the cemetery. 8 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive prisoners, Mar 1863-June 1865.

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