in chemical equation h2+i2=2hi the equilibrium constant kp depends onhearne funeral home obituaries

0.093 M The value of the equilibrium constant (Kp) as represented by the first chemical equation is 2.00 x 10-2 at 730 K. Calculate the value of the . E. The reverse reaction is favored. D. ion-dipole A) [NH3][H2Se] / [(NH4)2Se] At 100 C and 1 atm, water is in which phase? Part B: Calculate the work done, w. [A 100-W lightbulb is placed in a cylinder equipped with a moveable piston. 82) You can get ready really for the Class 12 Chemistry Exam as they assist you with being comfortable with the sort of inquiries showing up in the test. The most easily measurable form of energy comes in the form of heat, or enthalpy. 28) Which reaction will shift to the left in response to a decrease in volume? A -253 Russia, (+ Q7. =1.33x10-3 M and [H+] = 1.33x10-3M The equilibrium constant, K eq, for the ionization of acetic acid at 25 C is _____. Equilibrium constant expression in terms of partial pressures Chemistry MCQ For Class 12 Chapter astute with answers PDF Download records are given here free of charge of cost. 234) B. HPO42- 224) D) 2500 C. 12.28 O-H 464 What is the standard free energy change (Grxn) for this reaction? C. HF Ukraine, (+ ..Keq = 6.2 x 10^2 C 185 The P-M AS-NM R chemical shift changes from -15.6 ppm ( 6 -hydrate) to - 1 1.0 ppm (anhydrous). where n represents the stoichiometric coefficients] 48) 9.64 From Midterm 3: E) none of the above, 15) Which of the following expressions is the correct equilibrium-constant expression for the reaction below? B) a decrease in the total pressure (T constant) Q: Assuming ideal behavior, what is the concentration of the solute within the solution in mole percent? [The decomposition of SO2Cl2SO2Cl2 is first order in SO2Cl2SO2Cl2 and has a rate constant of 1.46104 s1s1 at a certain temperature] Part A: How much butane is present as a liquid at 22C? [An object can possess kinetic energy, the energy of motion, and/or potential energy, the energy of position. A) decrease the partial pressure of O2 (g) is Keq = 2.80 102 at 999 K. At equilibrium, ________. Nepal, (+ 26) Which of the following statements is true? - A gas can be converted into a liquid by cooling. E) [NH3]2[H2Se] / [(NH4)2Se], 17) Which of the following expressions is the correct equilibrium-constant expression for the reaction below? Give the direction of the reaction, if K >> 1. Sweden, (+ [Calculate the freezing point and boiling point in each solution, assuming complete dissociation of the solute] K, start subscript, start text, c, end text, end subscript. D. 5.11 \end{array} c. Which metal in the list is most reactive? B. SiH4 +1251 J mol-1 [The decomposition of SO2Cl2 is first order in SO2Cl2 and has a rate constant of 1.46104 s1 at a certain temperature] Xd(s) | Xd2+(aq) || H+(aq) | H2(g) | Pt Asked by sumandeesinghrana | 12 Oct, 2010, 03:00: PM Expert Answer Dear Student For the reaction H 2 + I 2 --------> 2HI The specific heats of ice, water, and steam are 2.09 J/gK, 4.18 J/gK, and 1.84 J/gK, respectively. At body temperature (37C), Kw=2.41014] D. Xd + H+ Xd2+ + H2 + Pt 1.9 10-4 M C) slow the reverse reaction only 2NO2 (g) 2NO (g) + O2 (g) Albania, (+ C. State functions do not depend on the path taken to arrive at a particular state. Decreased? New Zealand, (+ 2 HI(g) H2(g) + I2(g) Kc= 0.016 @ 800 K Let "x" represent the change in concentration of the hydrogen gas. E. -1.35C. C) at low temperature and low pressure B) [SO2] / [SO3] D. 0.420 B. Xd + 2 H+ 2 Xd+ + H2 A. F2 7) E. All of these have intermolecular forces stronger than dispersion. 992) E. Xd + 2 H+ Xd2+ + H2. (+ From Midterm Exam 2: Q: What is the value of the equilibrium constant, Kp, for the reaction? You will track down a rundown of Chapter wise MCQ Questions with Answers for CBSE Class 12 Chemistry here to start your planning. Saudi Arabia, (+ Denmark, (+ B. Sn(s)|Sn2+(aq)NO(g)|NO3(aq),H+(aq)|Pt(s), 3Sn(s)+2NO3(aq)+8H+(aq)3Sn2+(aq)+2NO(g)+4H2O(l), [Use tabulated half-cell potentials to calculate Grxn for each of the following reactions at 25 C] The majority of the boards that prefer the NCERT Textbooks can use these Solutions for getting a grip on the subject. For these conditions, what is the value of Kp for the reaction that occurred: Thus, by adding a small amount of I2, neither side would be favored since the constant shows that little I2 would be produced. A. D) increase the rate at which equilibrium is achieved without changing the composition of the equilibrium mixture [The heat of combustion of CH4 is 890.4 kJ/mol and the heat capacity of H2O is 75.2 J/molK] B. B) 1.9 10-14 2 HBr(g) H2(g) + Br2(g) Kc = ? Assume that the heat required for the vaporization of the alcohol comes only from the aluminum block and that the alcohol vaporizes at 25 C. Guinea, (+ B) reactants predominate Using the equilibrium constant calculated in 2, calculate . C) 7.07 Energy can be transferred in many ways, one of which is in the form of work. 230) D. CH3OH, D. CH3OH A reaction of the type 2A P has the following rate law: rate = k[A]2. C) 6.44 105 Provide your answer in units of coulombs (C). A. Determine the pH value at 25C for a 0.062 M solution of a base that is 100% dissociated. Provide an explanation. A.1.89 103 J 7) Bahrain, (+ 33) C=O 799 E. CP is always at a lower temperature relative to TP. 11.90 A 20.0kg20.0 \mathrm{~kg}20.0kg crate sits at rest at the bottom of a 15.0m15.0 \mathrm{~m}15.0m long ramp that is inclined at 34.034.0^{\circ}34.0 above the horizontal. Finland, (+ 968) B -423 NCERT CBSE KVS Class 12 Chemistry MCQs will assist the children with reinforcing ideas and further develop marks in tests and tests. Yes, our website is the one-stop search for all CBSE Board Examination related sources like questions papers, syllabus, exam pattern, sample papers, and Multiple choice questions papers. Determine the value of the missing equilibrium constant. D. 13.16 H2(g)+I2(g)2HI(g) , K=6.2102 Calculate the equilibrium constant In this case, you just need to observe to see if product substance HI (hydroiodic acid), appearing at the end of the reaction. Which metal in the list is the best reducing agent? E) The reaction is at equilibrium when Q = Keq. H2 (g) + I2 (g)-- > < -- 2HI(g) H=-10.4 kJ. -69.8 J mol-1 O=O 498 The people who need to get the passing marks in the CBSE class twelfth board test can use the Chemistry Multiple choice requests to practice. D) increase the value of the equilibrium constant United Kingdom, (+ Bond Bond Energy (kJ/mol) B. NaCl Equilibrium constant Kp is equal to the partial pressure of products divided by partial pressure of reactants and the partial pressure are raised with some power which is equal to the coefficient of the substance in balanced equation. D) at low temperature and high pressure 358) Initially, the vessel contains only X2 at a pressure of 1.75 atm. For both acid and base, 'strong' means fully dissociated. E. -91 kJ, Identify an element that is NOT in its standard state. C. The anomaly of carbon dioxide is that it has a CP but no TP. B. H2 (g) + Br2 (g) 2 HBr (g) C) roughly equal amounts of products and reactants are present A 250 mL sealed flask contains 0.65 g of butane at 22C.] Arsenic acid (H3AsO4) is a polyprotic acid with Ka1 = 5.510-3, Ka2 = 1.710-7, and Ka3 = 5.110-12. B) N2O4 (g) 2NO2 (g) HI(g)12H2(g)+12I2(g), The equilibrium constant is given for one of the reactions below. It will assist you with knowing regardless of whether your arrangement is continuing the correct way. Chemistry MCQ For Class 12 Chapter keen with Answers are a huge resource for the board test arranging. E. There is not enough information to calculate the Kw. A. [A] and [P] denote the concentrations of A and P, respectively. For a chemical equilibrium reaction H2 (g) + I2 (g) 2HI(g) write an expression for Kp (and relate it to Kc). Example: 4.00 moles of HI are placed in an evacuated 5.00 L flask and then heated to 800 K. The system is allowed to reach What will be the equilibrium concentration of each species? What is the boiling point of water at an elevation of 1.00104 ft ? C) The reaction is at equilibrium when Q < Keq. Osmosis is the process responsible for carrying nutrients and water from groundwater supplies to the upper parts of trees. D) a decrease in the total volume of the reaction vessel (T constant) A. What is the osmotic pressure of this solution at 25 C? 8) The equilibrium expression for Kp for the reaction below is ________. Finland, (+ E. dispersion. C-H 414 Belgium, (+ Hungary, (+ C) decrease the value of the equilibrium constant C-O 360 3) Which one of the following will change the value of an equilibrium constant? 348) 48) An aqueous solution contains 0.10M H 2S and 0.20M H Cl . D. 1-butanol 93) C. The value of pH is 6.65. Q: What is the mole fraction of hexane? A) products predominate Rating: 5 / 5 stars. E) 4 Fe (s) + 3 O2 (g) 2 Fe2O3 (s), 29) Which reaction will shift to the right in response to a decrease in volume? . 27) B. Q8. [Acid rain over the Great Lakes has a pH of about 4.6.] E. -24.5 kJ, Calculate the amount of heat (in kJ) required to raise the temperature of a 79.0 g sample of ethanol from 298.0 K to 385.0 K. The specific heat capacity of ethanol is 2.42 J/gC. 33) D. TP and CP are always at the same pressure. [A silver block, initially at 58.8 C, is submerged into 100.0 g of water at 25.0 C, in an insulated container. From Midterm Exam 2 : 2HI (g) H2 (g) + I2 (g) What is the best strategy while answering the Multiple Choice Questions for exams? [Nitromethane (CH3NO2) burns in air to produce significant amounts of heat. 64) Denmark, (+ An analyte containing 0.12 L of a 0.025 M solution of a strong acid is titrated with a 0.220 M solution of a strong base. Sweden, (+ B) Keq does not change with temperature, whereas Q is temperature dependent. A) Q does not change with temperature. Maldives, (+ If only COF2 is present initially at a concentration of 2.00 M, what concentration of COF2 remains at equilibrium? 44) Denmark, (+ Netherlands, (+ D. Energy is neither created nor destroyed, excluding nuclear reactions. From Midterm Exam 2: 992) United Kingdom, (+ 2CO2 (g) 2CO (g) + O2 (g) H = -514 kJ Phenomenon after H2 (hydrogen) reacts with I2 (iodine) This equation does not have any specific information about phenomenon. The Kc constant shows that the ratio of products to reactants is very small, indicating that a much higher concentration of reactants exists compared to the concentration of products. +238 kJ 31) D) only products are present D) only products are present Cambodia, (+ 31) D. 32.2 kJ mol-1 2 CH3OH(l) + 3 O2(g) 2 CO2(g) + 4 H2O(g) B. E. none of the above, What is the equilibrium constant for the reaction B(g)1/2A(g)? From Midterm 3: PART B: B. 2HI = H2 + I2 | Chemical Equation. United States, (+ After 203 s the concentration of A had fallen to one fifth of the initial value. Turkey, (+ 27) How is the reaction quotient used to determine whether a system is at equilibrium? E) [F-] / [HF], 19) The expression for for the reaction below is ________. D.2.08 10-2 J D. C2H3O2-/HC2H3O2 There is not a viable replacement for reliable practice whether one needs to comprehend an idea completely or one needs to score better. D. all of the above Calculate the standard enthalpy change for the reaction A compound is found to have a molar mass of 598 g/mol. HC2H3O2 1.8105] C) [H3O+][F-] / [HF][H2O] Turkey, (+ Q: What is the pH of a 0.240 M ammonia solution? A. 5.99 torr A. Le Chtelier's principle predicts that the equilibrium partial pressure of CO (g) can be maximized by carrying out the reaction ________. - The relationship between vapor pressure and temperature is not linear, but rather, it is exponential. 2075 Donald A. McQuarrie, Ethan B Gallogly, Peter A Rock, Edward Atkins, Julio de Paula, Peter Atkins. CBSE MCQs for all the classes and subjects are provided online or you can view them on our site. D. - 1.23 x 103 kJ/mole. 977) }}+5y=26e^{3t},~~~~~y_{0}=1,~y_{0}^{^{\prime }}=5. Afghanistan, (+ \mathrm{Ag}^{+}(\mathrm{aq})+\mathrm{e}^{-} \rightleftharpoons \mathrm{Ag}(\mathrm{s}) & \text { voltage }=+0.80 \mathrm{~V} \\ H2 (g) + I2 (g) 2HI (g) What is the value of Keq for the following reaction? A) products predominate A) [HF][H2O] / [H3O+][F-] [An aqueous solution contains 32% HCl by mass] 10.9 kJ mol-1 y+4y+5y=26e3t,y0=1,y0=5.y^{^{\prime \prime }}+4y^{^{\prime D. +473 kJ 41) B. density What is the specific heat of benzene? B. Thusly, students who have started their board test course of action can include the NCERT Chemistry MCQ Questions for Class 12 with Answers. 34) The gases react to form l-l] according to the equation above. A 43.9-g piece of copper (C_Cu= 0.385 J/gC) at 135.0C is plunged into 254 g of water at 39.0C. Poland, (+ E. 2.11, From Midterm Exam 2: 263) B) The equilibrium partial pressure of BrCl (g) will be 4.00 atm. From Midterm 3: 2NH3 (g) N2 (g) + 3H2 (g) The value of pH is somewhat higher than 6.65. Tajikistan, (+ If the equilibrium constants for the formation of H S from H 2S is 1.0 107 and that of S 2 from H S ions is 1.2 1013 then the concentration of S 2 ions in aqueous solution is - JEE Main 2018 9. C. 0.00048 966) At equilibrium, ________. A. ethanol is Keq = 230 at 300 C. Germany, (+ For the reaction given in Part A, how much heat is absorbed when 2.80 mol of A reacts? For benzoic acid, Ka=6.5105. A. BF3 Consider the first-order decomposition of compound A according to Portugal, (+ B. A. C. OH- 32) A. PO43- B. XaO4-(aq) + 4 H+(aq) + 3 e-(aq) XaO2(s) + 2 H2O(l) . 64) 7) 32) 2 SO2(g) + O2(g) 2 SO3(g) A. Part A: Calculate the freezing point of a solution containing 12.2 g FeCl3 in 160 g water. 49) Georgia, (+ Tajikistan, (+ 2.35 x 104 kJ/mole C. surface tension 2A(g) + 2B(g) A2B2(g) Kc = 28.2. . B. Bahrain, (+ A) 5.71x104 B) 0.100 C) 1.75 x10-7 D) 1.79 x10-6 E) 5.71 x106 19) The equilibrium constant (K p) at 721 K for the reaction 2HI(g) H 2 (g) + I 2 (g) is 0.0198. A) 25 Detailed description of the questions is given by subject experts and you can use them as a reference during your preparation. HOCl(aq) + H2O(l) H3O+(aq) + OCl-(aq). 355) Note: Names of real elements have been changed to 'Xx' and 'Xa'. E) decrease the partial pressure of CO, D) increase the value of the equilibrium constant, 34) Consider the following reaction at equilibrium. D) 5.66 10-3 87.0C South Africa, (+ A. Propane has a normal boiling point of 42.0C and a heat of vaporization (Hvap) of 19.04 kJ/mol. Business, Finance, Economics, Accounting, Operations Management, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Chemical . 2HI(g) I, M 1.00 1.00 0 C, M -x -x +2x . Switzerland, (+ A reversible reaction can proceed in both the forward and backward directions. All reactant and product concentrations are constant at equilibrium. Consider the following reactions and their respective equilibrium constants: To calculate Kp, you first need to know the partial pressures of each gas in a mixture, then you simply put the partial pressure values into the equation you worked out earlier. A. 20) Thank you for your participation! From Midterm 3: What factors cause changes between the liquid and gas state? By this, you can dominate CBSE Class 12 Chemistry and play with words without any problem. We reviewed their content and use your feedback to keep the quality high. A. NH4+/NH3 Q: How long will it take for 15% of the U238 atoms in a sample of U238 to decay? 2SO3 (g) 2SO2 (g) + O2 (g) D. 4.60. 380) D. 12.79 A B + C Calculate K and Kp for this reaction. 268) 977) [The vapor above an aqueous solution contains 17.9 mg water per liter at 25 C] Determine the partial pressure of each gas at equilibrium. The equilibrium constant is given for one of the reactions below. Germany, (+ Understudies who wish to hone their insight into Chemistry. Tajikistan, (+ A. [Butane (C4H10) has a heat of vaporization of 22.44 kJ/mol and a normal boiling point of -0.4 C. Ukraine, (+ 973) 968) Calculate the change in pH after 15 mL of a 0.4 M solution of a strong base had been added to 100 mL of this buffer. 93) 90) 263) 268) The osmotic pressures required for this process can be as high as 18.6 atm . H2 ( g) + I2 ( g) 2HI ( g) A mixture of H2 and I2 was maintained at 740 K until the system reached equilibrium. 2.34 10-7 VITEEE 2007: For the reaction H 2( g )+ I 2( g ) longrightarrow 2 HI ( g ), the equilibrium constant Kp changes with (A) total pressure (B) catalyst (VITEEE 2007: For the reaction H 2( g )+ I 2( g ) longrightarrow 2 HI ( g ), the equilibrium constant Kp changes with (A) total pressure (B) catalyst (Tardigrade - CET NEET JEE Exam App. 966) If you have any queries regarding The Solid State CBSE Class 12 Chemistry MCQs Multiple Choice Questions with Answers, drop a comment below and we will get back to you soon. Swaziland, (+ A. B. Assume excess SiO2. [Butane (C4H10) has a heat of vaporization of 22.44 kJ/mol and a normal boiling point of -0.4 C. The total volume will change to half of the initial value at 1 bar. C. 12.54 Key points. E. Xe. Both TP and CP are located on the solid/liquid phase boundary. C. 22.1 kJ mol-1 E) shift the equilibrium to the right, D) increase the rate at which equilibrium is achieved without changing the composition of the equilibrium mixture, Chemistry: Chapter 13 Review: Properties of S, CHAPTER 17: ADDITIONAL ASPECTS OF AQUEOUS EQU. D. capillary action B. 12.72 Hydrogen iodide can decompose into hydrogen and iodine gases. The system is losing 115 J, while the surroundings are gaining 115 J, A. energy associated with the temperature of an object, D. energy associated with the motion of an object, D. energy associated with the position or composition of an object. 0.81 Determine the cell notation for the redox reaction given below. E. H3O+. CBSE MCQs lay a stronger foundation of concepts in students that can be useful for them in their later stages to prepare for any competitive exams. India, (+ E. In equilibrium, the ratio [P] / [A] is equal to k / k'. A) products predominate Cambodia, (+ E) only reactants are present. +206 kJ D. -150. kJ C. The value of K remains, but the equilibrium is shifted towards more reactants. C. The reaction mixture will contain equal concentrations of A and B. [The reaction X2(g)2X(g) occurs in a closed reaction vessel at constant volume and temperature. 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. 971) This buffer has a pH = 4.74. Given: [Benzene has a heat of vaporization of 30.72 kJ/mol and a normal boiling point of 80.1 C] CH3Cl(g)+Cl2(g)CH2Cl2(g)+HCl(g), H=105.8 kJ, Use the standard reaction enthalpies given below to determine Hrxn for the following reaction: E) [H+][HCO3-], 18) Which of the following expressions is the correct equilibrium-constant expression for the reaction below? - A liquid can be converted to a gas by cooling. Nepal, (+ B. Xx+(aq) + e-(aq) Xx(s) , B) N2 (g) + O2 (g) 2NO (g) 93) [Like all equilibrium constants, the value of Kw depends on temperature. A) N2 (g) + 3H2 (g) 2NH3 (g) C) 2 SO3 (g) 2 SO2 (g) + O2 (g) D -511. Mauritius, (+ C. 5.25 J/(g C) The vapor pressure of a certain sample has been measured at two different temperatures and the results are P1 = 160 kPa at T1 = 240 K and P2 = 840 kPa at T2 = 270 K. Determine the molar vaporization enthalpy, Hvap, from these results. Part B: If the butane is warmed to 25 C, how much liquid butane is present? - A gas can be converted into a liquid by cooling. Le Chtelier's principle predicts that the moles of in the reaction container will increase with ________. Strong bonds break and weak bonds form. From Midterm 3: A. (i) The value of K increases as the system approaches equilibrium. Match each term in Column A with its corresponding description in Column B. adulthood. O2(g)+2H2O(l)+4Ag(s) 4OH(aq)+4Ag+(aq). Based on the freezing point depression constant for water, Kf = 1.86 K /(mol kg-1), what is the freezing temperature of the mixture. United Arab Emirates, (+ 995) At equilibrium the total pressure in the container is 1.300 atm. In chemical equation H2(g) + I2(g)2HI (g) the equilibrium constant Kpdepends onSee more. Ghana, (+ B) at high temperature and low pressure (R = 0.0821 L atm/ (K mol)) A. 52) A. 57.0 kJ A. D. +653 J mol-1 (look up phase diagram). Which of the following is TRUE if E sys = - 115 J? Sweden, (+ 46) D. 0.117 M 380) 41) Q: Find the volume of methane measured at 298 K and 1.72 atm required to convert 0.620 L of water at 298 K to water vapor at 373 K. The enthalpy change for converting 1.00 mol of ice at -50.0C to water at 70.0C is __________ kJ. 46) Hrxn = ? A 250 mL sealed flask contains 0.65 g of butane at 22C.] 2A+B2C+2D 2 NO(g) + O2(g) 2 NO2(g) Hrxn = ? E. methanol, Give the major force between ethanol and water. - The relationship between vapor pressure and temperature is linear. These various decision inquiries for twelfth class Chemistry will help you to improve calculated and subject information abilities. New Zealand, (+ (Hint: Start with calculating the pH as if this were a monoprotic acid.) D) only products are present The lightbulb is turned on for 0.015 h, and the assembly expands from an initial volume of 0.90 L to a final volume of 5.89 L against an external pressure of 1.0 atm] B) reactants predominate 7.2 10-5 M Moreover very advantageous for the promising new kids in town have completed their outline for the term 1 test 2021-22. Q > K p so too many products are present & reaction shifts left to attain eq Rxn shifts , thus products decrease (- signs) and reactants increase (+ signs) . Equilibrium is when the rate of the forward reaction equals the rate of the reverse reaction. E. The value of pH is 2.13. In each table, there may be one statement that is false because it contradicts the other three statements. E) in the presence of solid carbon, 35) The effect of a catalyst on an equilibrium is to ________. Comprehend the ideas and practice Objective Type Questions for twelfth Class Chemistry however much you can to score well. B. Intramolecular forces Use the following reactions and given H values. N2(g)+O2(g)+Br2(g)2NOBr(g). Q: What is the theoretical cell potential assuming standard conditions? 4) Which of the following expressions is the correct equilibrium-constant expression for the equilibrium between dinitrogen tetroxide and nitrogen dioxide? E. none of the above. [When 1 mol of a fuel is burned at constant pressure, it produces 3455 kJ of heat and does 12 kJ of work] Egypt, (+ D. Nothing can be concluded about K from Ecell. Ag+(aq)+eAg(s)Co2+(aq)+2eCo(s)Cu2+(aq)+2eCu(s)Pb2+(aq)+2ePb(s)Zn2+(aq)+2eZn(s)voltage=+0.80Vvoltage=0.28Vvoltage=+0.34Vvoltage=0.13Vvoltage=0.76V. Which statement is true of an endothermic reaction? A2 (g) 2 A (g). What is the osmotic pressure of a solution made by dissolving 45.0 g of glucose, C6H12O6, in enough water to form 225.0 mL of solution at 36.0 C ? In chemical equation H2(g) + I2(g) 2HI (g), the equilibrium Kp depends on (a) total pressure (b) catalyst used (c) amount of H2 and I2 (d) temperature class-12 Please log in or register to answer this question. Oman, (+ Ukraine, (+ \mathrm{Cu}^{2+}(\mathrm{aq})+2 \mathrm{e}^{-} \rightleftharpoons \mathrm{Cu}(\mathrm{s}) & \text { voltage }=+0.34 \mathrm{~V} \\ 351) [Nickel and aluminum electrodes are used to build a galvanic cell. (a) total pressure(b) catalyst used(c) amount of H2 and I2(d) temperature, (a) 2 10-4(b) 4 10-2(c) 2 10-2(d) 1 10-2, (a) bar min-1, bar2 min-1(b) bar min-1, bar1/2 min-1(c) bar1/2 min-1, bar2 min-1(d) bar min-1, bar1/2 min-1, (a) 9 times(b) 4 times(c) 16 times(d) 8 times, (a) NH4NO2 N2 + 2H2O(b) NO + O3 NO2 + O2(c) 2NO + Br2 2NOBr(d) CH3CHO CH4 + CO, (a) mol L-1 s-1(b) s-1(c) mol-2 L s-1(d)mol L-1, (a) (i)2, (ii) 1(b) (i)2,(ii) 2(c) (i) 1, (ii) 1(d) (i) 1, (ii) 2, (a) temperature of the reaction(b) extent of the reaction(c) initial concentration of the reactants(d) the time of completion of reaction, (a) Rate = k [O] [O3](b) Rate = k [O3] [O2]-1(c) Rate = k [O3](d) Rate = k [O2] [O], (a) zero order reaction(b) first order reaction(c) second order reaction(d) third order reaction, (a) order of a reaction(b) molecuiarity of a reaction(c) fast step of the mechanism of a reaction(d) half-life of the reaction, (a) the order and molecuiarity of the slowest step are equal to one(b) molecuiarity of the reaction can be zero, one or two(c) molecuiarity of the reaction can be determined only experimentally(d) more than one reacting species are involved in one step, (a) the order and molecuiarity of the slowest step are equal to one, (a) the rate of fastest intermediatestep(b) the sum total of the rates of all intermediate steps(c) the average of the rates of all the intermediate steps(d) the rate of slowest intermediate step, (d) the rate of slowest intermediate step, (a) temperature(b) mechanism of reaction as well as relative concentration of reactants(c) molecularity(d) pressure, (b) mechanism of reaction as well as relative concentration of reactants, (a) inversely proportional to the concentration units(b) independent of concentration units(c) directly proportional to concentration units(d) inversely proportional to the square of concentration units, (a) 2 10-2 s-1(b) 4 10-4 s-1(c) 20 s-1(d) 2 10-4 s-1, (a) EaR(b) Ea2.303R(c) 2.303Ea.R(d) Ea2.303, (a) mol L-1s-1(b) s-1(c) L mol-1s-1(d) L2mol-2s-1, (a) triple(b) increase by a factor of 4(c) double(d) remain unchanged. Consider a cell that is built using the following two half-reactions, A. The equilibrium constant K will increase above 2.010-3. B) 1 / [HF] 0.183 D) At equilibrium, the total pressure in the vessel will be less than the initial total pressure. Explain this phenomenon, keeping in mind that sound is reflected from the surface of the water and that the temperature of the air just above the water's surface is usually less than that at a height of 10m10 \mathrm{~m}10m or 20m20 \mathrm{~m}20m above the water.

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