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Wheeler's body was discovered New Year's Eve as it was being dropped from a Newark, Del., city Dumpster into the Cherry Island landfill in Wilmington. Delaware Crime Stoppers is offering a cash reward for information leading to the arrest of subjects responsible for the death of the victim. I dont see that, plus the ruling is homicide. Dill also reported a bare footprint. I thought I was the only one to think of this. The body of John Wheeler III, also known as Jack Wheeler, was discovered . "It was definitely homicide," she says. Grandmother with dementia died from face wound neglected by staff for days. He was stopped by police while driving a maroon 2020 Dodge Grand Caravan that was also sought by police, based on video reviewed by officers, authorities said. He appeared to be cautious of his surroundings as if he was scared that he was being stalked. In the garage surveillance footage, Wheeler seemed distressed and agitated. It is unclear how Wheeler wound up in that dumpster and if he was alive or dead at the time. ga('ads.send', { }); ga('create', 'UA-67136960-15', 'auto', 'ads'); "The sensational aspects of Jack's murder were what first attracted me. .css-gk9meg{display:block;font-family:Lausanne,Arial,sans-serif;font-weight:normal;margin-bottom:0;margin-top:0;padding-top:0.25rem;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}@media (any-hover: hover){.css-gk9meg:hover{color:link-hover;}}@media(max-width: 48rem){.css-gk9meg{font-size:1.125rem;line-height:1.15;margin-bottom:0.25rem;}}@media(min-width: 40.625rem){.css-gk9meg{font-size:1rem;line-height:1.2;margin-bottom:0.625rem;}}@media(min-width: 64rem){.css-gk9meg{font-size:1.25rem;line-height:1.2;}}@media(min-width: 73.75rem){.css-gk9meg{font-size:1.25rem;line-height:1.2;}}So, Which Band Inspired 'Daisy Jones & The Six'? Unsolved Mysteries Volume 2 explored the mysterious and violent death of Washington insider Jack Wheeler, which most believe was murder. window.googletag.pubads().addEventListener('slotRenderEnded', function(event) { What little spare time he has is devoted towards acting, role-playing, movie-riffing and sarcasm. } Wheeler's death was ruled a homicide, due to the intensive damage dealt to his body, which included a punctured lung, broken ribs and a wound on his head. Therefore, the authorities decided to retrace his last few days alive, which was initially thought to be relatively easy, since Jack rarely went anywhere without his cellphone and briefcase in hand. I think he might have pissed someone off, his wife Kathy told the Washington Post in 2017, and I think his movements reflected that. But the circumstances of his death are a mystery. He didn't, however, have a strong sense of direction and was often losing his car. He's also the subject of anUnsolved Mysteriesepisode. But you could say I came for the murder and ended up staying for the man, right, because he lived a really fascinating life," Volk says. Dis friends have said she referred to the doctor as the love of her life.. In addition to his work for Screen Rant, Matt is currently the Editor In Chief of Kabooooom.com and writes reviews for No Flying, No Tights a graphic literature and anime review site aimed at teachers and librarians. The investigation revealed several days of strange behavior leading up to Wheeler's death. We may earn a commission from these links. As mentioned in the episode, Wheeler's emotional distress and his death seem unconnected to each other. He told the people in the parking garage that his briefcase had been stolen. I mean this guy was extremely bright. This case is covered in the first episode of .css-umdwtv{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;text-decoration-thickness:.0625rem;text-decoration-color:#FF3A30;text-underline-offset:0.25rem;color:inherit;-webkit-transition:background 0.4s;transition:background 0.4s;background:linear-gradient(#ffffff, #ffffff 50%, #d5dbe3 50%, #d5dbe3);-webkit-background-size:100% 200%;background-size:100% 200%;}.css-umdwtv:hover{color:#000000;text-decoration-color:border-link-body-hover;-webkit-background-position:100% 100%;background-position:100% 100%;}Volume Two of Netflix's Unsolved Mysteries reboot. Scenario One: Wheeler Was Killed By An Outside Agency According to Today, the coroner's report said Murphy . He made it to Newark, crawled into the Dumpster to keep warm, and was crushed by the trash compactor. So, who killed Jack Wheeler? Wheeler considered the construction "sacrilegious" and was in the process of filing legal challenges against the homeowners. These Are the 30 Best True Crime Podcasts. "I think perhaps no one has been on the reward because they've already been paid," she told Slate. Cops say they don't know who killed Jack Wheeler or why they did it. Episode One of Netflixs Unsolved Mysteries Volume Two details the death of a former Pentagon official and presidential aide. It was,apparently (opens in new tab), not the only office building he went to; he also visited a Mitre office. Here's everything we know about who killed Jack Wheeler, plus details on the White House aide and exclusive intel from series co-creator and executive producer Terry Meurer. Some type of black garment covered his upper torso area. gads_event = event; Then the theory of mugging comes into play, yet even that seems next to impossible, mainly as Jack had been carefully disposed of, and he still had some cash, his West Point ring, and a Rolex on his being when he was recovered. Somebody didnt want his body to be found. Netflix owes us answers after that ending. On the morning of Dec. 30, Wheeler is believed to have boarded an Amtrak train in Washington, D.C., headed for Wilmington. A person of interest in Murphy's murder and Dobb's disappearance was located in Missouri. }); }); Another relevant detail is that Wheeler suffered from bipolar disorder. }); But the question still remains as to why Jack was in Newark or a dumpster. During his mental break, he might have made a pass at one or both of the guys who was . At the time of his death, Wheeler was employed by the Mitre Corporation, a cybersecurity firm, but he was also an authority on chemical and biological warfare. When Michael Lawson contacted the New Castle Police Department after Wheelers body was found and identified on the same day, he was informed by one of the detectives that they were actually en route to Wheelers house to investigate a potential burglary. Episode One of Netflix's Unsolved Mysteries Volume Two details the death of a former Pentagon official and presidential aide. This does seem most plausible. ", 24/7 coverage of breaking news and live events. Heres how it works. "I think he might have pissed someone offand I think his movements reflected that. If there was a robbery, it was never reported and doesnt quite fit into a psychotic break. He is carrying one shoe. Witnesses and family members say that Wheeler arrived at the wrong parking garage in Wilmington as his car was actually parked in a different garage. Where the Cast of 'Boy Meets World' Is Now, Don't Despair, But 'The Last of Us' Is Nearly Over, 'The Last of Us' Season 2 Might Start Filming Soon, Facts You Didn't Know About That '70s Show, The Cast of 'The Mandalorian' in Real Life, 'The Mandalorian' Season 3, Episode 1 Recap, 'The Mandalorian' Season 3 is About to Commence. And since the trash surrounding his body was determined to be from there as well, it is plausible that it happened. He was trying to stay out of sight because someone might have been following him.. Then the compactor made it worse when it crushed the body further. Yes, he did have a second home in New Castle, Delaware, but Wilmington was a completely different area. eventCategory: event.slot.getSlotElementId(), Powered by WordPress.com VIP. 1. For what it's worth, Klyce believes her husband's death was a planned assassination. It's also believed that a professional assassin would have shot Wheeler from a distance, rather than beating him to death physically. Wheeler was buried at Arlington National Cemetery with full military honors in April of 2011. Ultimately, his cause of death was determined to be blunt force trauma, and his manner of death was ruled a homicide. Could be useful. After spending the evening and most of the day of December 30 in the basement of the Nemours building in downtown Wilmington, Wheeler was captured on camera leaving the Nemours building at 8:30 pm and was last seen walking past the valet station at the Hotel du Pont at 8:41 pm. At around 7:15 P.M., EST. Someone attempted to set the house across the street from Wheelers residence on fire that night. Given the nature of his work and the circumstances of his death, there are no shortage of theories regarding who might have wanted to kill Jack Wheeler, though the evidence in the case is wildly contradictory in regards to the most-likely suspects. }) The first episode of Unsolved Mysteries Volume 2 centers on the murder of Jack Wheeler, a Washington insider and former aide to . John 'Jack' Wheeler's body was found in a landfill His body was found 14 hours later on December 31 in a landfill after being dumped from a trash truck. Another theory (which is favored by Wheeler's wife) is that Wheeler was killed by a hitman in the employ of corrupt politicians in New Castle, whom Wheeler was close to exposing. He told the people in the parking garage that his briefcase had been stolen. Wheeler's erratic behavior before his death and his avoiding his home and cabs in favor of hitchhiking and traveling on foot could be taken as signs that he feared he was being stalked and that the thieves were hunting him to cover their tracks. Another theory is that Wheeler's strange behavior wasn't related to his bipolar at all. His once orderly life seemed to be unraveling in his last days, which has further befuddled. In the end, nothing about who could have possibly wanted to harm Jack in such a way was found. The former aide of President George W. Bush . On Dec. 31, 2010, Wheeler's body was discovered as a garbage truck was being emptied at the Cherry Island Landfill in Wilmington, Delaware. Some investigators theorized he might have died after seeking refuge in the dumpster, but. UNSOLVED Mysteries viewers have raged at a 'major oversight in CCTV footage' from missing Jack Wheeler's case. Another theory is that Wheeler, either confused or making an effort to throw off his pursuers, sought shelter in a dumpster in Newark. True crime docuseries Unsolved Mysteries Volume Two, now available on Netflix, kicks off with a disturbing first episode. Wheeler's body was discovered December 31, 2010 in the Cherry Island Landfill in Wilmington, Delaware. Anyone with information can call Wheeling police at (847) 459-2632. Reportedly he was rambling about how his briefcase had been stolen. He left the Harlem home that he shared with his wife, Katherine Klyce, after Christmas, on December 28, 2010, but never made it back alive. The first episode of Unsolved Mysteries Volume 2 examined the curious death of Jack Wheeler. Wheeler's death was ruled a homicide. He feared somebody had broken in. An hour later, Wheeler shows up in security footage at a parking garage. Wheeler's autopsy also revealed that he had suffered a heart attack, but still listed the cause of his death as blunt force trauma. In the garage surveillance footage, Wheeler seemed distressed and agitated. On December 28, he left his home in the morning, telling his wife that he had to go to Washington D.C. for some important work, not unusual considering how busy he liked to keep himself. Surely he talked during that trip? "Whats puzzling about that case is it wasnt just a random assault or street mugging. Internet theories surrounding Jacks case range from a random downtown mugging to a secret government assassination plot. But Jack didnt inform the police or his wife about any of this. Wheeler's body was apparently dumped in a dumpster in Newark, Delaware, which was 14 kilometers from Wilmington. He said his cell was stolen but it was across the street. ", Related: How Shanann Watts' Family Feels About Netflix'sAmerican Murder: The Family Next Door: Her Brother Speaks Out. #unsolvedmysteries.". He appeared to be cautious of his surroundings as if he was scared that he was being stalked. As mentioned in the episode, Wheeler's emotional distress and his death seem unconnected to each other. ga('ads.send', { Most states require a written request for the autopsy report. And its just by the grace of God that his body was found.". Its not mentioned in episode. After Wheeler spent Christmas with his family in 2010, on December 28, he left New York to go back to Washington DC. The following morning, December 31, a neighbor noticed an open window in Jack and Kathys home, and went inside to make sure all was okay. But at this point, he said, police have no information about Wheeler's whereabouts that week. #UnsolvedMysteries. Wheeler lived in Washington, D.C. and part-time in the historic district of New Castle, Delaware. Come morning, Katherine tried calling him, but he didnt pick up. Her death was ruled a homicide. Theories ranged from a professional hit in relation to Jack's job, or one of his previous positions, to his neighbours being responsible.More #UnsolvedMysteries cases: JoAnn Romain: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlyvrBvUkLoTsunami Spirits: https://youtu.be/e4ohyRvcuxUAlonzo Brooks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vuJo7HDMeqoJoin the Internet Mystery Sleuths Discord server: https://discord.gg/QC36rVT But the latter part of this gets thrown away when his autopsy and injuries are looked into. As heard in episode one of Unsolved Mysteries, Jack Wheeler was murdered on December 30, 2010. Family, friends, and investigators express in the episode their hope that someone has information about what happened to Wheeler in his final days. Wheeler declines their help. Investigators struggled to tie the murder, burglary, and the smoke bomb incident although they could not dispel it as mere coincidence. Robert Dill, Jacks neighbor at the time, discovered Jacks second-floor window was open. 2023 Cinemaholic Inc. All rights reserved. His body was later crushed by the compactor of the garbage truck that picked up his dumpster, resulting in the blunt force trauma that caused his death. :) Yeah. This would also explain the heart attack Wheeler suffered, as he could have either had it during the night of December 30th and been left too weak to leave the dumpster when it was picked up or had it while his body was being crushed by the compactor. Klyce maintains Wheeler's death was a hired hit. Curious to know all the details? } "I think he might have pissed someone off and I think his movements reflected that. The next day, on December 29, Wheeler took a cab to theHotel du Pont in downtown Wilmington, Delaware, where he notified his employer by e-mail that his phone and briefcase had been stolen. A few days later, a neighbor noticed an open window and found Wheeler's New Castle home in disarray, with a copy ofThe Long Gray Line(in which Wheeler is featured) on the table. },false) John P. Wheeler III, (opens in new tab)known as "Jack," was a graduate of prestigious military academy West Point with a long and impressive resum: presidential aide to Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, and George W. Bush, a critical part of getting the Vietnam Veterans Memorial built, and eventually a consultant at Mitre working on classified information in cybersecurity. As listed in his report, a few of them are hemorrhage, contusion, punctured lungs, broken ribs, aspiration of blood, external neck injury, bruises to the face and orbital bones, and laceration. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. At the time of his death, Wheeler was a consultant for the Mitre Corporation, a not-for-profit organization in Virginia that manages federally-funded research and development centers that support various U.S. government agencies. Police ultimately ruled his death a homicide caused. The second season of Netflix's 'Unsolved Mysteries' opens with this case as it interviews detectives and expert witnesses involved in it and also talks to the victim's family to help decode what might have happened to John Wheeler, who was referred by most as simply "Jack." One Jack Wheeler theory was assassinated by the U.S. government before he could talk. Trash car drivers told investigators that it was fairly common that people would climb into a dumpster to find some warmth in the winter. document.querySelector("#google_image_div").addEventListener('click',function(){ Jack served in the Vietnam War and after he came back he began planning a memorial for all who fought and died there. That just sounds like a pro to me.. The high-profile murder of former White House aide Jack Wheeler is featured in Unsolved Mysteries, and while the 47-minute episode covers a lot of information, there are some details left out . At 6.42 pm the same day, Wheeler was seen at a garage trying to find his car but he was at the wrong garage. Some theories suggest that he was on the run from something or someone and had decided to climb into the dumpster himself to get some warmth for the night. Any ridge detail? The person driving the car panicked and hid the body in the nearest dumpster, that would explain the extreme injuries and that he wasn't robbed. Investigator Joe Salerno said that since Jack had a very strong network with the government, "he may have been a target of a murder-for-hire type situation. Steve Volk, an investigative journalist, said, "What we know is that at the time of his death, he was working as a consultant for the Mitre Corporation, which is a defense contracting firm. "What's important now is to establish the location of the crime.". The police have largely dismissed this idea, yet they have no explanation for how Wheeler's phone wound up at the arson site. The last footage of Wheeler was him wearing a dark hoodie, walking past the DuPont Hotel in downtown Wilmington. 'But Jack was a really brilliant guy, and Igave him a reading list.' Per the crime scene, Wheeler's body had ended up there because it had been in a dumpster in Newark, DEmiles away from Wilmington. Jack Wheeler was a 66-year-old former Pentagon official. Because of the way Jack Wheeler was found, it was evident that foul play was involved, so as soon as the investigators arrived, they secured the landfill and began combing through the tons and tons of trash for any evidence. Wheeler next appeared on surveillance camera in the Nemours building in downtown Wilmington the following day, on December 30. Some of the things listed in the medical examiners report included aspiration of blood, contusion, rib fracture, lung collapse, soft tissue hemorrhage, external neck injury, swollen lips, laceration and injury to the mouth. The cause of death was blunt force trauma.". He was the chairman in charge of strategy guidance for the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund and served as a senior planner for Amtrak. The show uses re-enactments and in-depth interviews with professionals and loved ones to retell the circumstances surrounding old cases that are, well, unsolved. Next up, Chris Watts' confession letters reveal he planned his family's murder all along. In addition, Wheeler's Rolex watch, West Point ring, and wallet with money were all left on him. THE JOHN F KENNEDY, JFK ASSASSINATION AUTOPSY: The Naval Ambulance arrived at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Md. "But it is just one aspect, it's not the focus of our investigation.". So, Which Band Inspired 'Daisy Jones & The Six'? They specialize in stuff like artificial intelligence, satellite systems for the military. Jack Wheeler did not have a known connection to the Nemours building, and investigators in Unsolved Mysteries believe his activities denote the behavior of someone trying to hide. Then, when the garbage truck came in the morning to dispose of the dumpster, the machinery man-handling him could have killed him, leaving him with wounds and contusions that resembled a beating. The first episode of Unsolved Mysteries shows evidence photos of the house in a state of disarray: there was a tree indoors, spices and broken dishes in the kitchen, and white Comet powder and Jacks West Point sword and shield on the floor. What robber is barefoot? That's why it is so sad and ironic, his friends say, that he himself would be murdered, and his body dumped with the garbage into a landfill not far from his home. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, murdered, and his body dumped with the garbage into a landfill, Wheeler's body was discovered New Year's Eve. Wheeler's body was discovered New Year's Eve as it was being dropped from a Newark, Del., city Dumpster into the Cherry Island landfill in Wilmington. After spending the day in Washington, he traveled to New Castle, Delaware, where he owned a house. Getty Images. According to aWashington Postarticle, Wheeler emailed his therapist after he emailed Mitre, saying after a fight with his wife he felt dazed, boxed in a corner. The office building he ended up spending the night at was one in which he had visited to request a consultation with a lawyer, although he left without getting counsel. hitType: 'event', Wheeler was wearing black pants and a white shirt. This content is imported from youTube. John "Jack" Wheeler, a veterans' advocate and D.C. insider, went missing in 2010. Content warning: violence. No. A lot of people claim to be patriots. He was blocks away from where he had actually left his car. At least, not directly. That was seemingly forgotten on the show. BTW, whose footprint was that on the floor? Additionally, it seems unlikely that Wheeler would have gone to ground without making some kind of effort to make sure his wife and children were protected if he thought he was being targeted by assassins as the result of a long-term investigation into government corruption. And how could it have happened without him? ", Klyce believes that Wheeler was in the midst of a bipolar episodebut also says she believes her husband was targeted for some reason. Your Privacy Choices: Opt Out of Sale/Targeted Ads. Unsolved Mysteries explored the Washington insider's 2010 death. The video footage and eye-witness accounts of encounters with Wheeler during his two days in downtown Wilmington would seem to confirm that something had happened to him, with some theorizing that he may have suffered a stroke or developed amnesia as a result of a traumatic encounter. John Wheeler, an attorney and businessman, touches the name of a friend engraved in the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, May 17, 1994. . The victim had very strong ties to the government which could be understood by merely glancing at his career. He is dressed differently from the day before. The neighbor called the police to report a burglary in the Wheelers home, but the police had just before been notified of Jack Wheelers beaten bodystill endowed with his West Point ring and Rolexwhich had been discovered in a landfill by a truck driver. Because he was such a well known figure people just dont want to accept that its not a conspiracy theory. Murphy was a 2018 graduate of Stevenson High School and lived with her daughter at the apartment building, Wheeling police said. Jack wandered around Delaware disoriented and unable to contact anyone for help. On the night before he died, security footage filmed Wheeler at a New Castle pharmacy. Investigators believe he must have left DC and went home to New Castle the same day as the smoke bomb incident. A Washington insider with an exemplary career as a soldier and security expert, Wheeler's beaten and bruised body was found in a landfill in Wilmington, Delaware. In the immediate aftermath of Unsolved Mysteries Volume Twopremiering on Netflix October 19, many viewers are puzzled and downright distressed by Wheeler's story. eventAction: 'click_image_ads' It also covers everything from homicide to tales of lost ones to paranormal activities, all the while encouraging viewers to provide information that might help bring it to a close. I don't deny he suffered from from a manic episode, but both him and Lam got murdered. How Shanann Watts' Family Feels About Netflix's, Love True Crime? MEAWW is an initialism for Media Entertainment Arts WorldWide. Some conspiracy theorists have connected Wheeler's death to various theories regarding government corruption in Washington DC. 3. On the one hand, some people say, as the result of a bipolar episode, Wheeler could have been confused and disoriented, and therefore made a seemingly odd decisionsuch as climbing into a dumpster for warmth in the middle of the night. His autopsy listed a rash of severe injuries, including a punctured lung, broken ribs, bleeding in the head, bruises to the face, orbital bones, temples . If you have information about Wheeler's death, visit unsolved.com. Jack's autopsy was performed the day he was found. ga('ads.send', { He didnt beat himself up.".

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