matthew 20:16 adventure challengehearne funeral home obituaries

But Israel had no sense of their leprosy; and they valued not, but despised, their Messiah, albeit divine I might almost say because divine. He was never too busy to minister to individual needs. Little faith leaves us as fearful for ourselves as dim witnesses of His glory whom the most unruly elements obey. Whereas, on the contrary, there are other kinds of order that call for more profound thought and enlarged views, if we may speak now after the manner of men; and, indeed, I deny not that these the Holy Ghost employed in His own wisdom, though it is hardly needful to say He could, if He pleased, demonstrate His superiority to any means or qualifications whatsoever. What an anticipation of the walk by faith, not by sight, in which the Gentiles, when called, ought to have glorified God, when the rejection of the Messiah by His own ancient people gave occasion to the Gentile call as a distinct thing! And they said unto him, Because no man has hired us. It would require the credulity of a sceptic to believe that this is not the self-same fact that we have before us inMatthew 8:1-34; Matthew 8:1-34. Matthew chapter twenty opens with the parable of the laborers going out into the vineyard.And Jesus said. 20 Then the mother of James and John, the sons of Zebedee, came to Jesus with her sons. Who hires them? That is on the debit side of the account of the disciples; but there is much on the credit side. They may come at the beginning of their life, in their youth, in adulthood, in old age, or at the very end. Thus many are called by the preaching of the Gospel, but few are found who use their advantages in such a way as to become extensively useful in the Church-and many in the Church militant behave so ill as never to be admitted into the Church triumphant. The servants are clearly divided into two classes. Whether you love to hike, bike, paddle or simply chase waterfalls, we have an Adventure Challenge for you! Here again is found a fresh case of the same remarkable principle of selection of events to form a complete picture, which I have maintained to be the true key of all. That blessed One was here whom he knew to be God, who was to him the impersonation of divine power and goodness His presence was uncalled for, His word more than enough. why not sorrow and shame that they should have so little understood their Master's mind? "The ransom could not have been paid to God; it was therefore paid to the Evil One, who was holding us fast until the ransom should be given to him, even the life of Jesus." They looked for a conqueror; they received one broken on a cross. "I am certain that there is much about the scourging about Jesus that we do not fully understand. b. i. All other things, although important, are secondary. Can I not do what I like with my own money? The Jewish day began at sunrise, 6 a.m., and the hours were counted from then until 6 p.m., when officially the next day began. In Matthew 17:1-27 another scene appears, promised in part to some standing there in Matthew 16:28, and connected, though as yet hiddenly, with the cross. He didn't come that people might cater to Him and minister to Him, He came to minister to the people's needs. Secondly, We are all called upon to be labourers in this vineyard. They forgot His glory in their own anxiety and selfishness. The blessings of the kingdom are the same for all who enter, whether Jews who had worshipped God for centuries, or Gentiles who had just been saved from heathenism; whether scribes who had studied Gods law for many years, or tax collectors who had just repented; whether those who had served God for a lifetime, or those converted in old age. General Epistles 2. The amazing thing about Jesus is that he never lost patience and became irritated. Judgment will have early cut them off. (See Mt 19:30; 22:14). He promised to pay all the later workers fairly. All rights reserved. The delivered demoniacs are, to my mind, clearly the foreshadow of the Lord's grace in the latter days, separating a remnant to Himself, and banishing the power of Satan from this small but sufficient witness of His salvation. Using the term "elect," Titus 1:1 reinforces the idea that God separates some few from the many who are called: "Paul, a bondservant of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ, according to the faith of God's . It should also encourage us in reference to the hardships and difficulties of our work, that it is but for a day; the approaching shadow, which the servant earnestly desireth, will bring with it both rest, and the reward of our work,Job 7:2. His wounds are those which he receives in the house of his friend. (Spurgeon). And after the supper He took the cup, likewise and said, this cup is a new covenant in my blood, which is shed for the remission of sins, and as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you do show the Lord's death, until He comes"( 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 ). General Epistles It probably was no more than a grave though passing difficulty, which he desired to have cleared up with all fulness for their sakes, as well as his own. He was quite clear that there was a bitter cup to be drunk and did not hesitate to say so. If he will do it, it is not for us to gainsay; for he is in one mind, and who can turn him? It is not for such depending creatures as we are to quarrel with our Sovereign. (iv) These two blind men were not afraid to bring a great request. & Sanhedrim, fol. He here is predicting the fact that He is going to be scourged. What can have more evil in it? That they had reason to fear, lest they themselves should be found hypocrites at last; for many are called but few chosen. I'll be turned over to the chief priests. So, when those who had been engaged about five o'clock in the afternoon, came, they received 4 pence each. We can be assured that God will never, ever be unfair to us, though He may for His own purpose and pleasure bestow greater blessing on someone else who seems less deserving. It was just because of this that the orthodox religious people of his time could not understand him. Yet it shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant. Many of them bleed to death. All rights reserved worldwide. Perhaps, Christ here gives an intimation to Peter, not to boast too much, as he seemed to do, of his having left all to follow Christ; as if, because he and the rest of them had borne the burthen and heat of the day thus, they must have a heaven by themselves. Just the idea of Him being crucified was so shocking, that their minds in trying to absorb that, lost everything else He said after that. Therefore when He said, "this is my body broken for you", He could not refer to some bones being broken, but His body was broken open by this scourging that He received. A Roman coin was once found with the picture of an ox on it; the ox was facing two things an altar and a plough; and the inscription read: Ready for either. (Barclay), ii. In the next incident the force of the plea turns on God's goodness towards the wretchedness of man. But the mission is given here in strict accordance with what the gospel demands. For many are called, but few chosen." a. And you guessed it already its a quote from the bible \"so the last shall be first \u0026 the first last\"which of course made me think of a competition type challenge !!! Thus the old link with the flesh, with Israel, is now disowned; and the new relationships of faith, founded on doing the will of His Father (it is not a question of the law in any sort), are alone acknowledged. The discontent arose not because of any injustice in the landowner, but because of jealousy in the all-day workers (Matthew 20:9-15). Jesus blessedly answered their thoughts, had there only been a conscience to hear the word of power and grace, which brings out His glory the more. It is incontestably true, that God can do no wrong. They were not attached to any group; they were entirely at the mercy of chance employment; they were always living on the semi-starvation line. The best of the labourers, and those that begin soonest, having so many empty spaces in their time, and their works not being filled up before God, may truly be said to labour in the vineyard scarcely one hour of their twelve; but because we are under grace, and not under the law, even such defective services, done in sincerity, shall not only be accepted, but by free grace richly rewarded. This, of course, is not the moment to unfold it. It is clearly the failure of nature, the reversal of what might be expected. b. Thus, whatever the peculiarity of the new blessings, the old thing could be taken up, though upon new grounds, and, of course, on the confession that Jesus is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. There is no one cup for the Christian to drink. A daily dose of Christian quotes to inspire and encourage. He takes accordingly the title of the "Son of man" for the first time in this gospel. After this (what makes it still more unquestionable) comes the case of the demoniac. Accordingly, here we have, first, the Lord judging the wrong thoughts of "Scribes and Pharisees which were of Jerusalem." Ingratitude is the ugliest of all sins. The devil was tricked by God. Prophets People do not merit salvation either by works or by attitudes of trust. Help us purchase electrical generators for churches. Nevertheless, the Lord did not withhold the infinite boon, though He knew too well their thoughts; He spoke the word of forgiveness, though He read their evil heart that counted it blasphemy. He will never be less than fair, but reserves the right to be more than fair as pleases Him. But Christ does not explode at their obtuseness, or blaze at their blindness, or despair at their unteachableness. The Gospels Now notice, the mother is the one doing the speaking, but the boys are right there behind her. ii. That scourging was for you. Neither giveth he an account of any of his matters; nor is it fit he should. For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner: Like many of Jesus parables, this story is about an employer and those who work for him. Unfortunately, they have missed the blessing of knowing God, and serving God all their lives. i. Jesus asked this question with full knowledge that these men were blind. but it was far too much for the young man. Grant that these two sons of mine may sit: Asking on behalf of her sons (note to whom Jesus replies in Matthew 20:22-23), she wanted prominent positions for them in the messianic administration of Jesus. Parallel use in Matthew 19:30 where the closing expression of chapter 19 opens the parable in chapter 20. This, too, we ascertain from Mark 1:1-45, where there are clear marks of the time. [At the end of his parable about the Kingdom of Heaven being like workers hired at different times during the day, Jesus said,] "So those who are last now will be first then, and those who are first will be last.". The Old Testament The spirit, as well as the form, was alien. of their own children, or of strangers?" Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with what is my own? So Gregory of Nyssa has a strange idea. Now what is Jesus seeking to teach by this parable of sending forth the laborers into the vineyard? A man is not a Christian if his first concern is pay. They were greatly displeased: The other ten disciples mistakenly thought that a unique honor had just been bestowed on James and John. Many be called, but few chosen - The meaning of this, in this connection, I take to be simply this: Many are called into my kingdom; they come and labor as I command them; many of them are comparatively unknown and obscure; yet they are real Christians, and shall all receive the proper reward. In Matthew it is their mother. Does not this suit you, poor sinner you who never did serve him, you who could not, as you are, minister to him? He may therefore give or withhold his blessings, as he pleases. This done, with a word for the conscience appended, He takes up and pleads the cause of John. I have endeavoured, though, of course, cursorily, and I feel most imperfectly, to give thus far Matthew's sketch of the Saviour as the Holy Ghost enabled him to execute it. God hires labourers, not because he needs them or their services (for, if we be righteous, what do we unto him? [Note: Norman A. Huffman, "Atypical Features in the Parables of Jesus," Journal of Biblical Literature 97 (1978):209. Jesus uses a kind of gradation. God had given his soul a deeper, fuller sight of Christ; for the Gentile's words prove that he had apprehended God in the man who was healing at that moment all sickness and disease in Galilee. 2. The crown set before us is a crown of righteousness, which the righteous Judge shall give. This finds its fitting place, not in Luke, but in Matthew, particularly as the details here (not in Mark, who only gives the general fact) cast great light upon God's dispensational ways. Note, The unchangeableness of God's purposes in dispensing his gifts should silence our murmurings. There are a great many things which have to be done at the moment or they will never be done. Matthew 20:16New International Version. Friend, I am doing you no wrong. Try to discourage them from seeking Jesus. Higher proportionate rewards shall be given to them than to others. Christ had promised the apostles, who followed him in the regeneration, at the beginning of the gospel dispensation, great glory (Matthew 19:28; Matthew 19:28); but he now tells them that those who are in like manner faithful to him, even in the latter end of the world, shall have the same reward, shall sit with Christ on his throne, as well as the apostles, Revelation 2:26-3. The simple meaning seems to be: As those who did not come at the invitation of the householder to work in the vineyard did not receive the denarius, or wages, so those who do not obey the call of the Gospel, and believe in Christ Jesus, shall not inherit eternal life. Those that were priests in the house of God would not they at least receive their own Messiah? None are hired at the twelfth hour; when life is done, opportunity is done; but "while there is life, there is hope." And he ordained twelve, that they should be with him, and that he might send them forth to preach." i. (v) These two blind men were grateful. To eat with unwashed hands defileth not a man. This would not be a legal claim on man, but the scattering of good seed, life and fruit from God, and this in the unlimited field of the world, not in the land of Israel merely. We are, in fact, in the presence of that which John so loves to dwell on Jesus viewed not merely as Son of David or Abraham, or Seed of the woman, but as the Father's Son, the Son as the Father gave, sent, appreciated, and loved Him. Free Challenge: Mr & Mrs Smith. All through their history the Jews had dreamed of the Messiah; but the Messiah of whom they had dreamed was always a conquering king, a mighty leader, one who would smash the enemies of Israel and reign in power over the kingdoms of the earth. 4. e T. Bab. Then inside the house we have not only the Lord explaining the parable, the history from first to last of the tares and wheat, the mingling of evil with the good which grace had sown, but more than that, we have the kingdom viewed according to divine thoughts and purposes. A reaction might especially be expected when Jesus said He would be betrayed. He could not bear to see them idle. He came to occupy not a throne, but a cross. Had Peter confessed who the Son of man really is? He is talking about, no doubt, the scourging that He was going to receive, because it could not be that any of His bones should be broken. In Matthew we have no distinction of their call from their mission. Pauline Epistles All men, no matter when they come, are equally precious to God.". That the recompence of reward will be given to the saints, not according to the time of their conversion, but according to the preparations for it by grace in this world; not according to the seniority (Genesis 43:33), but according to the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ. Now a penny was a denarius and it was just a day's wage, the average day's wage. And I pray to God that we will never lose this concept of the ministry, that we are the servants of all.It is so important that we maintain, because Jesus said. It is the man who will not be kept from Christ who in the end finds him. Modern disciples of Jesus should view heavenly rewards the same way. And when he had agreed with the laborers for a penny a day, he sent them into his vineyard ( Matthew 20:1-2 ). Matthew 20. He has His rejection before His eyes, as well as the presumptuous unbelief of this sordid, and self-confident, would-be follower. (E) They will condemn him to death 19and will hand him over to the Gentiles to be mocked and flogged(F) and crucified. And he went out about the third hour ( Matthew 20:3 ). Verse 4 seems quite adverse to the idea that great multitudes were witnesses of the cure; for why "tell no man," if so many knew it already? Usually they hated and despised them, and hoped for nothing but their destruction. No doubt the tempest was great; but what harm could it do to Jesus? When it gets to where I have to sneak in the back door at the last minute, and sneak out before things are over, then I need to find something else to do, when you can no longer take time to minister to individuals.Now these men of course do give to us a very beautiful picture of people who are blind in sin, and there is the spiritualizing of the text, crying out for Jesus. Envy is unlikeness to God, who is good, and doeth good, and delighteth in doing good; nay, it is an opposition and contradiction to God; it is a dislike of his proceedings, and a displeasure at what he does, and is pleased with. iv. Matthew 19:1-30 brings in another lesson of great weight. Deuteronomy 15:9; 1 Samuel 18:9). (Carson), ii. The Spirit of God has been pleased to cull and class facts otherwise unconnected; for here follow conversations that took place a long time after any of the events we have been occupied with. As the elder brother, in the parable of the prodigal, repined at the reception of his younger brother, and complained of his father's generosity to him; so these labourers quarrelled with their master, and found fault, not because they had not enough, so much as because others were made equal with them. b. For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother." Thus He sets forth both the past, the present, and the awful future of Israel, before the day of His own coming from heaven, when there will be not only the return of idolatry, solemn to say, but the full power of Satan associated with it, as we see in Daniel 11:36-39; 2 Thessalonians 2:1-17; Revelation 13:11-15. In truth, this was Emmanuel, God with us. Then the mother of Zebedees sons came to Him with her sons, kneeling down and asking something from Him. In our gospel we have not seen the apostles called and ordained. 13 But he answered one of them, and said, Friend, I do thee no wrong: didst not thou agree with me for a penny? The first of these lessons is, "Many first shall be last, and last first." Other parables also teach that He will not (e.g., Matthew 25:14-30). Note, It is good for us often to consider what it was that we agreed with God for. "This man blasphemeth." This tested their thoughts of the glory of Jesus. In him there was a spiritual force far beyond that found in the leper, to whom the hand that touched, as well as cleansed, him proclaimed Israel's need and state as truly as Emmanuel's grace. Even when they were bluntly told that there lay ahead a bitter cup, it never struck them to turn back; they were determined to drink it. And as they departed from Jericho ( Matthew 20:29 ). What Jesus Did! For him the cup was martyrdom. With God, as nothing is impossible, so no one, small or great, is despised: all is seen and put in its just place; and grace, which rebukes creature pride, can afford to deal divinely with the smallest as with the greatest.

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