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As you said, the Twitter speculation is like, is Mike Duncan a liberal or a leftist? Thats true, speaking of history being driven by mistakes rather than out-and-out genius. Theres this interesting thing in the Revolutions podcast, especially, but also in The History of Rome: what youre talking about is really the apex of politicalness. There have been a few times where a coup or some kind of uprising has worked, but was the French revolution planned? But the general public isnt going to enjoy reading those articles, and they arent written for the general public. But we really know, dont we? Especially coming out of The History of Rome, because there are lots of people that do listen to The History of Rome, and ancient history, classical history, is something that is often appropriated. Share with Friends Add To Playlist. But truly, when you look at how much people from a different area can be demonized so easily for the smallest things, that when this shit actually gets real, I think that is only going to blow up even further. I think, unfortunately, what is actually driving a lot of this is not liberty and justice for all kinds of movements. Well be fine. How does this connect? I consider those to be a revolutionary event, and I find it odd that revisionists managed to talk themselves into the English Civil Wars as not being a revolutionary event. Im a , whatever, an elder millennial of the Oregon Trail generation. One of the reasons that were so cranky about academic history is that it tends to be very siloed. The History of Rome, Revolutions. Well I appreciate that. Right, that is 100 percent true. Richard Duncan Expand search. Or do we try to go rigid and maintain what we have, and build the equivalent of sea walls around everything? Just got to be cagey about my politics. Why is this person behaving the way that they are behaving? Right? Another aspect of this is the period of time in which these events are happening is relatively short in terms of human history. I will probably be cagey about my own political beliefs. His award-winning series, The History of Rome, remains a legendary landmark in the history of podcasting.Duncan's ongoing series, Revolutions, explores the great political revolutions that have . He started with The History of Rome (the topic of his interview with Dan on Addendum). The . And also, I find it very, Its relatable because we, in the present day, also dont know whats going to happen, and taking this approach makes it clear that the position that we are often in is really similar to the position of people at previous points in history. Then they chopped the kings head off, and then Napoleon. So, I wanted to move into the modern world, and I wanted to move into some different topics. Mike Duncan's Revolutions podcast . Today, I would like to let you all know that I am working on a new course that will explain the present: How The Economy Really Works Now. So, to your point, I think when we look around at what is happening these days, it is impossible to ever plant your flag on something and say, Oh, well that was the end of that, or This is the beginning of that. I think that we, in our own timesI speak even as a historian who has some experience with looking for places to plant flags and dividesay, Oh, this is when it started, and this is when it ended, and this epoch divides from this epoch. Even in the modern world, we have no ability to figure that stuff out. Five hundred years is not that grand a chunk of human history. As we go through it, Im going to be constantly hopping between the perspectives of the anarchists, of the socialist revolutionaries, of the SRs, and then the left SRs, and the right SRs. Email: tours@revolutionspodcast.com. Those people all fled to the Netherlands, and then to England, or to Germany, or to Austria, most of those people actually survived the French Revolution. Now: The Russian Revolution Next: ??? Even if you have that democraticagain, small d democraticswamping of the current Republican Party, and you have the Democrats take the presidency and the House and the Senate and start turning bills into laws and start doing all of these things to address the major issues of our time, theyre going to wind up on the doorstep of the Supreme Court or the federal judiciary that has been packed for a generation with right-wing judges out of Federalist Society. Or look at what Im doing right with the Russian Revolution. A Current Affairs subscription is one of the best known ways to improve your life in a hurry. The podcast is divided into seasons, with each season focusing on a particular revolution. Theres a very famous thing where the debt load that Louis XIV left upon his death was greater than the debt load that was facing Louis XVI in 1786, when they said, Sir, the monarchy is broke. Thats something that I really notice when Im listening to these various revolutionssome issues are passe now, but a lot of things are really familiar. Ch*ngona Revolution. People are going to have to live in different areas. We can accuse the people who are mass migrating out of Florida. Its interesting to talk about debt because we just had, in 2008, a large, sudden debt crisis. And so, what Im trying to figure out, is time a flat circle? IlliterateJedi 5 mo. July Revolution 7. People know a lot about the French Revolution, or they think they know a lot about the French Revolution, or they have an interpretation of how the French Revolution dips into world history, or how it should be interpreted. Right? Current Affairs is 100% reader-supported. The monarchy went broke, so they called the Estates General, then the Bastille came down. Throughout human history, governments have fallen after dramatic upheavals within society. So what I can do is take all of that information that Im really interested in and convey it to the people, and thats a part of a longstanding tradition. From the start of the United States, there was a tension between liberty and slavery. After 10 years of dedicating his life to audio storytelling, historical podcaster and soon-to-be published author Mike Duncan discusses the American Revolution, those written out of history, and whether the United States is the new Roman Republic. Mike Duncan is a political history podcaster and author. I actually enjoy reading those articles. So, I do think that there is a connection between debt and the finances of an empire or a kingdom or a republic. Like, not even joking, that is a real debate that leftists are having. Revolutions. Was I successfully cagey about my political opinions? But there are political aspects to it, and political motivations to how that objective financial situation then leads to a revolution. Oct. 4 San Francisco @ Palace of Fine Arts. And if you empathize enough with the various actors, then, as you have noticed, I have fans from many different political backgrounds who can listen to the show and not be turned off about it, or think that Im just advancing one particular point of view. New Spain. And I am somebody who believes that climate change is real. Mike Duncan, a fish monger turned wildly popular history podcaster, wrote about Lafayette's story in his new book, "Hero of Two Worlds: The Marquis de Lafayette in the Age of Revolution." He . Different outfits. Probably the greatest meme that I have seen going around in the last year or two is Moe throwing Barney out of the bar. For the record, history has not ended. In order to focus on this upcoming book, Mike Duncan has put the Revolutions podcast on hiatus from April all the way to October. Are there going to be more revolutions? I mean it also makes it, I do not know, maybe Lyta you can weigh in on this too. with Cynthia Luois. But if you study the history, youll understand your own present society much better. Although, they have got compounds in New Zealand. But its a worthwhile question: are revolutions in the future going to look like revolutions in the past? Right? And during these mundane, often terrible parts of our dayslike when youre doing chores, and commuting, or exercise, nobody likes doing any of these thingswe can turn those periods of time into learning opportunities. . The false promise of billionaire space plans, the dangers of natural law, the politics of Dr. Phil's show, the history of Stalin's atrocities.plus a delightful assortment of amusements, from the Intergalactic Zoo to behind the scenes at Fox News! A self-described "complete history geek" [1] grew from an interest in ancient civilizations as a child, with a particular affinity for Roman history. Technical article alert, but for real you should read The Cry of Dolores. Do you think its remotely likely that well move more toward an open borders, more accepting society? I mean, probably my favorite season so far is the Mexican Revolution season, and one of my favorite parts of that is that I had the sense, Oh, I know about the Mexican Revolution. I have the people who I understand as being important and who I agree with or disagree with. So, I just spent an entire episode talking through the different ways that this could have actually gone. The way Duncan has broken it up into seasons makes casually listening very easy. Im curious to ask our podcast host, Pete Davis, whether he thinks Mike Duncan is a prophet, a mystic, or a sage. 87 Following. You may know Mike from a couple of podcasts. I got into podcasting after a couple of things happened at once: 1) I discovered history podcasting back in 2007 and started devouring every show I could find 2) I was simultaneously reading a ton of old Roman . So, I think you started to answer this, but I think one response to what you are saying is: well, yes, but thats what every historian thinks that they are doing. And they find my Twitter feed, and theyre like, Oh my god, he is one of them. So, at a minimum, if you were talking to a MAGA person, I am one of them, not one of us. Its pretty close. So, always keeping that in the forefront of my mind does help keep things grounded, I think, in a really healthy way. Erika Cruz. Duncan also wrote the New Yo. Stage West at the Duncan Theatre; Michael All Movies; 2019 Oscar Nominated Shorts - Animation . Michael Green invited me to discuss my book, The Money Revolution, with him on Episode One of a new book club he is launching on Substack. The ones who love to listen to the libertarian socialists. And I, just in conversations with my wife and with friends, you always have to talk about, OK, are we talking about climate change division or non-climate change division?. And its looming, it could happen again at any time. Oct. 29 Newark NJ @ New Jersey Performing Arts Center

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