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[2] The term for organisms that retain the . b) 0.5 to 1.0 micrometer in diameter The presence of E. coli in a drinking water sample almost always indicates recent fecal contamination, meaning there is a greater . citation tool such as, Authors: Nina Parker, Mark Schneegurt, Anh-Hue Thi Tu, Philip Lister, Brian M. Forster. Glycosylated hemoglobin: causes sickle cell anemia. Antibiotic producing microorganisms can be detected by the method__________, 5. Which of the following method is not used in isolation and screening of desired microorganisms? Antibiotic producers B) 62.3oC for 30 minutes. c) Robert Koch Which of the following method is useful for the isolation and detection of organisms having the ability to produce antibiotics? Crowded plate technique 7. b) irregular A BV test is done in a similar way as a pelvic exam or Pap smear. Avoid contaminated food and water. Which was the first disease for which a chemotherapeutic agent was used? Trophic level in an ecosystem represents. All the microorganisms such as amoeba, protozoa, viruses, bacteria are studied under microbiology. 44) Which of the following microorganisms can grow only as strict intracellular parasites? Salting, as a preservative, (3) It provides information on whether the product formed by microorganisms is new or not. Answer: B B) heat. Which microorganism(s) among the following perform photosynthesis by utilizing light? uses 100 grams of glucose in a 300ml solution. a) Amphitrichous d) Malaria 13. Secondary screening should yield the types of information which are needed in order to evaluate the true potential of a microorganisms industrially usage. Which of the following are the growth morphology of the protozoa? b) Auxanographic technique Which of the following are true for cytoplasmic membrane? (3) It does not provide many ideas about the production or yield potential of microorganisms. View Answer, 14. d) Nitrosovibrio tenuis Mycoplasma pneumoniae is an unusual bacteria with distinctive colonies which are. The section contains multiple choice questions and answers on soil microorganisms interactions, nitrogen, carbon and sulphur cycles, aquatic environment, aquatic microorganisms techniques and productivity. The process is repeated several times until the requirement is met. (2) Attempt to kill microorganisms outside of their natural environment. 30 seconds. 10. Here are 1000 MCQs on Microbiology (Chapterwise), The Characterization, Classification and Identification of Microorganisms, The Microscopic Examination of Microorganisms, The Morphology and Fine Structure of Bacteria, Pure Cultures and Cultural Characteristics, Microbial Metabolism : Utilization of Energy and Biosynthesis, The Control of Microorganisms by Physical & Chemical Agents, Antibiotics and Other Chemotherapeutic Agents, Microbiology of Soil & Aquatic Microbiology, Microbiology of Domestic Water and Wastewater, Microbiology of Food, Industrial Microbiology & Bacterial Genetics, Microbial Flora of the Healthy Human Host, Host-Microbe Interactions : The Process of Infection, Microbial Agents of Disease : Bacteria & Viruses, Microbial Agents of Disease : Fungi and Protozoa, Microbiology MCQ: Major Characteristics of Microorganisms, Microbiology MCQ: Microbial Classification, Microbiology MCQ: Transmission Electron Microscope and Scanning Electron Microscope, Microbiology MCQ: The Size, Shape and Arrangement of Bacterial Cells, Microbiology MCQ: Structures External to the Cell Wall, Microbiology MCQ: Structures Internal to the Cell Wall, Microbiology MCQ: Nutritional Requirements, Microbiology MCQ: Physical Conditions Required for Growth, Microbiology MCQ: Reproduction Modes of Cell Division, Microbiology MCQ: Growth Cycle of Bacteria, Microbiology MCQ: Quantitative Measurement of Bacterial Growth, Microbiology MCQ: Cultural Characteristics, Microbiology MCQ: Some Principles of Bioenergetics, Microbiology MCQ: Energy Production by Anaerobic Processes, Microbiology MCQ: Energy Production by Aerobic Processes, Microbiology MCQ: Energy Production by Photosynthesis, Microbiology MCQ: Utilization of Energy in Nonbiosynthetic Processes, Microbiology MCQ: Utilization of Energy in Biosynthetic Processes, Microbiology MCQ: The Biosynthesis of Deoxyribonucleic Acid, Microbiology MCQ: Transcription and Translation of Genetic Information, Microbiology MCQ: The Process of Protein Synthesis, Microbiology MCQ: Aerobic Gram Negative Rods and Cocci, Microbiology MCQ: Facultatively Anaerobic Gram Negative Rods, Microbiology MCQ: Anaerobic Gram-Negative Straight, Curved and Helical Rods, Microbiology MCQ: The Rickettsias and Chlamydias, Microbiology MCQ: Endospore Forming Gram Positive Bacteria, Microbiology MCQ: Nonspore Forming Gram Positive Bacteria, Microbiology MCQ: Physiology and Cultivation of Fungi, Microbiology MCQ: Classification of Fungi, Microbiology MCQ: Some Fungi of Special Interest, Microbiology MCQ: The Biological and Economic Importance of Algae, Microbiology MCQ: Characteristics of Algae, Microbiology MCQ: Classification of Algae, Microbiology MCQ: Ecology and Importance of Protozoa, Microbiology MCQ: Reproduction of Protozoa, Microbiology MCQ: Characteristics of Some Major Groups of Protozoa, Microbiology MCQ: Morphology and Structure of Phages, Microbiology MCQ: Replication of Bacterial Viruses, Microbiology MCQ: Viruses and Vaccination, Microbiology MCQ: Structure and Composition, Microbiology MCQ: Classification of Viruses, Microbiology MCQ: Virus Infection and Fatal Diseases Associated with Viruses in Animals, Microbiology MCQ: Fundamentals of Control, Microbiology MCQ: Characteristics and Definition of Chemical Agents, Microbiology MCQ: Major Groups of Antimicrobial Agents, Microbiology MCQ: Evaluation of Antimicrobial Chemical Agents, Microbiology MCQ: Historical Highlights of Chemotherapy, Microbiology MCQ: Antibiotics and their Mode of Action, Microbiology MCQ: Microbiological Assay of Antibiotics, Antifungal, Antiviral and Antitumour Antibiotics, Microbiology MCQ: Interactions Among Soil Microorganisms, Microbiology MCQ: The Carbon Cycle & Sulphur Cycle, Microbiology MCQ: The Aquatic Environment, Microbiology MCQ: Distribution and Techniques for the Study of Aquatic Microorganisms, Microbiology MCQ: Productivity of Aquatic Microorganisms, Microbiology MCQ: Determining Sanitary Quality of Water, Microbiology MCQ: Wastewater and Treatment Processes, Microbiology MCQ: Microbial Flora of Fresh Foods, Microbiology MCQ: Microorganisms and Industry, Microbiology MCQ: Industrial Uses of Bacteria, Microbiology MCQ: Industrial Uses of Yeasts, Microbiology MCQ: Industrial Uses of Molds, Microbiology MCQ: Bacterial Recombination, Microbiology MCQ: Bacterial Transformation, Microbiology MCQ: Normal Flora and the Human Host, Microbiology MCQ: Distribution and Occurrence of the Normal Flora, Microbiology MCQ: Penetration of Epithelial Cell Layers, Microbiology MCQ: Events in Infection Following Penetration, Microbiology MCQ: Microbial Virulence Factors, Microbiology MCQ: Diseases Caused by Aerobic and Anaerobic Gram Negative Rods, Microbiology MCQ: Diseases Caused by Staphylococcus, Streptococcus and Bacillus, Microbiology MCQ: Diseases Caused by Clostridium, Corynebacterium and Mycobacterium, Microbiology MCQ: Viruses Containing Single Stranded RNA, Microbiology MCQ: Viruses Containing Double Stranded DNA, Microbiology MCQ: Diseases Caused by Fungi, Microbiology MCQ: Diseases Caused by Protozoa, Microbiology MCQ: Therapeutic Drugs for Treatment of Fungal and Protozoan Diseases, Environmental Biotechnology MCQ Questions, 1000 Data Structures & Algorithms II MCQs, 50k Electronics & Communication Engg MCQs. Best method of sterilization at commercial level is a) Hot air oven b) Autoclaving c) Radiation d) Sun light answer-C 5. b) Acanthopeltis Some examples of Spherical shaped bacteria include Staph aureus, Staph epidermidis, Staph haemolyticus, Strep pyrogenes, etc. Name three reserve materials synthesized by microorganisms and note which microbial groups and you must attribute OpenStax. D. Phenol red. Actinomycetes are Gram-positive, facultative anaerobic fungus-like filamentous bacteria which remain on the top of the natural antibiotic producers. Detrimental effects of microorganisms in food include, Fermentation of grains usually results in production of, During malting, barley and other grains are broken down by, Milk fermentation to produce cheese is done initially by inoculating with, Pickles and sauerkraut share a common inoculum, which is. b) Study of animals and their family 2. Protozoa that eat other organisms are known as _______________ B. Auxanographic technique d) spherical Often overlooked, hand-washing is one of the easiest and most effective ways to protect yourself from germs and most infections. For which viral disease, vaccine has been recently developed through the use of tissue culture? c) AIDS It is the zone where only the growth of a particular colony is observed whereas rest all colonies get degraded by antibiotics. 3. View Answer, 15. 6.8 - 7.2 b. other viruses are too dangerous to work with in a clinical lab setting. Microbes are certainly ideal for biotechnology. Which of the following was NOT a kingdom in Linnaeuss taxonomy? Which is the secondary stage? (2) It determines which microorganisms can produce a compound. a) cellulose dehydrogenase 11. Clarification: Auxanographic technique proceeds with 2-plate preparation. C) alcohol. a) above 1 percent c) American Type Counter Collection a) 3.0 4.6 c) 1000-fold A) are among the most widely used preservatives. (3) Attempt to synthesized secondary metabolites outside of their natural environment. The normal brown color of the feces is produced by: A. Cellulose B. Pancreatic enzyme d) Phaeophycophyta In which of the following treatment involve oxidation of organic constituents of the wastewater? c) magnetic fields C) is used to prevent growth of halophiles. Clarification: Hanging drop technique is used for motility testing of bacteria. They are present even at sites where no other life-form could possibly exist- sites such as deep inside geysers, deep in the soil, etc. 8. Prokaryotes are unicellular microorganisms whose cells have no nucleus. Good work practices include, a. smelling and tasting chemicals . A) radiation. View Answer, 3. Bacteria or other organisms used in AST testing should be from a fresh culture, ii) the composition and preparation of the agar and broth media used (e.g. You will get a gown or sheet as a cover. Clarification: The transfer of a 1ml solution to 9ml d/w is called as serial 10-fold dilution. Which of the following method is useful for the isolation and detection of organisms having the ability to produce growth factors? A. 6. 4.0 SECONDARY SCREENING OF MICROORGANISMS . screening of microorganisms includes mcq; screening of microorganisms includes mcq. c) 5 8 3. Bacterial cells grown in a medium exposed to high osmotic pressure, changes shape from rod-shaped to __________ shaped. a) viruses d) 2 micrometer in diameter b) Gram-positive organisms d) Indicator dye technique 1. We recommend using a Which of the following types of microorganisms is photosynthetic? Which of the following gram positive bacteria is a strict anaerobe and can only grow in the absence of oxygen? Microorganisms are minute, unicellular organisms that aren't visible to the naked eye. a) Edwin John Butler d) Photosynthetic sulfur bacteria A. b) an increase in number of cells Which of the following plate is used to detect and isolate organic acid producers? 12. 6. Ans: The steps adopted in a typical sewage treatment plant are as given below: ADVERTISEMENTS: c) Objective lens 4. Includes common viruses, bacteria, and parasites 1,2: Stool sample: Sensitive, certain positive results may be unrelated to active infection. D. 2-fold. View Answer, 10. What is the approximate size of the bacterial cell? Which of the following yeast can be used to produce microbial protein? B. a) The organism must be genetically stable d) American Type Classifier and Collection A) heat below 100 oC. Q. Bacterial endospores are more resistant to antimicrobial control methods than all other microbial forms. It must be toxic to micro-organisms at concentrations well below the toxic thresholds of humans and higher animals so that it cannot negatively affect the animals or humans. A) production of alcoholic beverages by microorganisms. A microorganism is a living thing that is too small to be seen with the naked eye. 2. It works best in this range and is also used as a tracking dye in Agarose-Gel Electrophoresis. Through primary screening only few or many microorganism that produce a industrially . 1999-2023, Rice University. d) 6.4 8.0 Which of the following method is useful for detection and isolation of those microorganisms which are capable of growing on a particular nutrient medium? magic island poem tone Consult Now View Answer, 12. a) phospholipids Which of the following method is useful for the detection and isolation of those microorganisms which are capable of growing on a particular nutrient medium? 8. 7. B) plasmolyzes bacteria and fungi. 9. Definition: true bacteria; bacteria excluding the archaea. Done in one or few steps. b) The organism must be able to produce a high yield of product B. Thymol blue Which of the following is the standard resource for identifying bacteria? A. d) Eyepiece lens True C. Phenolphthalein Which of the following method is useful for the isolation and detection of organisms having the ability to produce antibiotics? View Answer, 35. b) Auxanographic technique Urinary tract infection was suspected, urine sample and swab specimen were taken and cultured on suitable agar media, a microscopic examination was performed. YB STUDY is an Indias largest Online learning website offers learning for classes 1 to 12 and competitive exams like NEET, JEE, Olympiads, NTSE, KVPY, State boards etc. D. Indicator dye technique. A. American Type Culture Collection Clean and disinfect surfaces that are touched often. D) all of the above. d) gene Which isolation technique is most commonly used for colony isolation in the laboratory? 7. a) Algae a) Neisseria gonorrhoeae. b) Advanced treatment Which of the following foods is NOT made by fermentation? Candidiasis is a fungal infection, skin infection, and mouth or vaginal infection that can occur due to the overgrowth of the fungus. chipotle corporate phone number . Microbial enzyme production concentrates on simple hydrolytic enzymes (proteases, amylases, pectinases) that degrade natural polymers such as proteins, starches, or pectin. d) Antoni van Leeuwenhoek c) Spirillum volutans b) mutualistic a) True 6. answer choices. 45) What are the types of general characteristics that are important for the identification and classification of protozoa? Answer: D D) all of the above. View Answer, 44. Children are more susceptible to this disease. C. Enrichment Culture technique this would be absolutely amazing. b) False B) mass, controlled culture of microbes to synthesize products. This includes bacteria, archaea, viruses, fungi, prions, protozoa and algae, collectively known as 'microbes'. Potato Dextrose Agar plate [1] Often the first test performed, gram staining involves the use of crystal violet or methylene blue as the primary color. The science of using living systems to benefit humankind is called biotechnology.Technically speaking, the domestication of plants and animals through farming and breeding practices is a type of biotechnology. c) Nitrosomonas europaea lauren conrad and stephen colletti /; 2. b) 8.0 10.0 Who is considered the father of Western medicine? Growth of bacteria or microorganisms refer to __________________ b) ribitol residues Which of the following microorganism produces dextran? B. Phosphorus is essential component of __________ B) inoculation, downstream processing, fermentation, removal of waste. b) light waves Which among the following group of microorganisms are found in the ducts of cows mammary glands? False. Which of the following plate is used to detect and isolate organic acid producers? In the following diagram, what does the question mark represent?a) Ciliab) Flagellac) Haird) PseudopodiaAnswer: b The organic acid producers produce acid which changes the colour of media and is thus detected easily. Adenoviruses cause _________a) Respiratory infectionsb) Gastric problemsc) Intestinal perforationd) Heart attackAnswer: a d) intercalating agents 14. B) False, Freezing at below -20 oC will kill most pathogenic food bacteria and inactivate toxins. c) Chlorophycophyta The section contains multiple choice questions and answers on nutritional requirements, bacteriological media and physical conditions growth. B) inhibit germination of botulism spores. A sputum sample was taken for the lab diagnosis for the isolation and identification of the microorganism. Measles is a disease caused by a virus, it is spread via respiratory droplets. a) changes in the total population a) Final treatment then you must include on every digital page view the following attribution: Use the information below to generate a citation. Biological contaminants occur in the air as aerosols and may include bacteria, fungi, viruses, and pollens. d) Pour plate a) parasitic Microbes like bacteria and many fungi can be grown on nutritive media to form colonies, that can be seen with naked eyes. a. 1. 2. The section contains MCQs on diseases caused by fungi and protozoa, therapeutic drugs for fungal treatment and protozoan diseases. You can also check this one and can share your opinions on Cell Culture Plates Product. A test tube contains 9ml distilled water. b) gamma rays 12. This is one of the widely used methods and more important. It should not leave damage and odour. c) The optimum temperature for the growth of an organism must be above 50C c) carbohydrates The section contains MCQs on chemotherapy historical highlights, antibiotics and their actions, microbiological assay of antibiotics, antifungal, antiviral and antitumour antibiotics. Biology Multiple Choice Questions on Microbes. Thank you so much for sharing. D) A and C . Tyrocidines are more effective against ___________________ It is done by using paper, thin layer or other chromatographic techniques. Which of the following dye is colourless at acidic pH and becomes red at basic pH? Acridine orange is which type of mutagen? Air Sampling. False. Clarification: The prototrophs are the organisms which are capable of synthesizing all the growth requirements by themselves whereas auxotroph is dependent on prototrophs. It is further followed by secondary screening, to check the capabilities and gain information about these organisms. The organism must be genetically stable View Answer, 30. Contact Us. a) S mallpox Clarification: The Enrichment culture technique is useful for the detection and isolation of those microorganisms which are capable of growing on a particular nutrient medium. Fermentation Technology Questions on Isolation and Screening of Industrially Important Microbes. The growth factor-like amino acids, vitamins promotes the growth of auxotrophic mutants. 43) Which of the following methods are the most common and routine culture methods performed in the microbiology lab for the proper isolation and identification of bacteria and fungi? To practice all areas of Fermentation Technology for Interviews, here is complete set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers. View Answer, 49. c) prophage Want to cite, share, or modify this book? True. 6. coliform bacteria in drinking water, the source is probably environmental and fecal contamination is unlikely. b) plaque View Answer, 31. A. Which of the following is the most accurate method for microbial assay of antibiotics? pH, cations, thymidine or thymine, use of supplemented media). Which of the following method is useful for detection and isolation of those microorganisms which are capable of growing on a particular nutrient medium? Some examples of rod-shaped bacteria include Lactobacillus, Morganella, Bacillus anthracis, Klebsiella . 5. D) exposure. b) Syphilis 1. 2. Answer: C Which of the following shows the zone of inhibition when a particular organism is grown on a Petri plate? The section contains multiple choice questions and answers on microorganisms characteristics and microbial classification. a) Treponema Chrysolaminarin is the reserved food of ___________________ c) Phenolphthalein It is a non-profit organization and a key resource for medical research. a) viral infection How do you isolate microorganisms from the soil? View Answer, 33. YB STUDY is an Indias largest Online learning website offers learning for classes 1 to 12 and competitive exams like NEET, JEE, Olympiads, NTSE, KVPY, State boards etc. The microbes play a major role in nutrient cycling, decomposition, food spoilage, control and cause of diseases and biotechnology. Which of the following method is useful for the isolation and detection of organisms having the ability to produce antibiotics? a) Alcoholic beverages The colour of plate changes from red to yellow in the zone of organisms producing organic acid. b) cell wall This book uses the b) Rhodospirillum Which of the following is a type of fungal microorganism? 40) Biochemical tests are a common and conventional laboratory procedure in the differentiation and identification of enteric bacteria. [1] Infections are common both in community-acquired as well as hospital-acquired settings and treatment remains challenging to manage due to the emergence of multi-drug resistant strains such as MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus). a) True The respiratory chain of bacteria is associated with the _____________ It belongs to the phthalein family that is employed as an acid-base indicator. 38) All of the following statements are correct about the most common bacteriological media called sheep blood agar that is used in the microbiology laboratory, b) Used for the culture of common fastidious bacteria, c) It is used for the culture of hemolytic bacteria. Screens are made of long, closely spaced, narrow metal bars. [2][3] S. aureus is found in the . c) fecal streptococci Which of the following method is not used in isolation and screening of desired microorganisms? Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Secondary screening may be qualitative and quantitative in its approach. A. a) Bacillariophycophyta A) True 6. 5. 5. c) cytoplasm You can practice these MCQs chapter by chapter starting from the 1st chapter or you can jump to any chapter of your choice. As primary screening allows the detection and isolation of microorganisms which posses, potentially interesting industrial applications. What is the fecal test that requires a 3-day specimen? Which of the following are important primary screening techniques? c) Peritrichous The screening is isolation and detection of microorganisms of interest. d) Lophotrichous The section contains MCQs on microorganisms, industry, industrial uses of bacteria, molds and yeasts, genotypic changes, bacterial recombination and conjugation, bacterial transduction and transformation. a) DNA polymerase III These particles may consist of a single, unattached organism or may occur in the form of clumps composed of a number of . Which of the following method can be used to determine the number of bacteria quantitatively? Clarification: Phenol Red plate is used to detect and isolate organic acid producers. (1) It is useful in sorting microorganisms that have real commercial value. View Answer, 14. Answer: B Which of the following method is useful for isolation and detection of organisms having the ability to produce organic acids? 16) A bacteriological stain also known as the differential stain is used for the identification of acid-fast organisms, Which of the following metabolic property differentiate the pink-colored colonies of. What are the cell wall structural components of fungi? Defined media and complex media are two broad classes of culture media used in microbiology. A skin biopsy test was performed and the infection was diagnosed to be a parasitic infection.

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