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EA guidance as per footnote 2 sets out examples of reuse, including filling voids on site or forming bunds/landscaping. One of the proposals includes reducing the number of policies at the Local Plan level and creating new national planning policies to cover key topics. For example, we know we need to set a new strategy and policies for where new homes, jobs and infrastructure will go, to eventually replace existing policies like CS5 (Location of development), CS12 (Safeguarded areas for economic development), and our approach to town centres and high streets (Policies CS14 and PSP31). The site includes Lagoon 3, which formerly provided open water habitat for birds associated with the estuary designations. Priority 4 Realising the full potential of our people and delivering value for money. The design of new development will need to consider ducting and provision for digital infrastructure to ensure it is well integrated into site design and development to allow maintenance and servicing and avoid negative impacts on the quality of places and spaces. Please note: at this stage, the existing policies set out in the Core Strategy, Policies Sites and Places Plan and Joint Waste Core Strategy will remain in place, and will be used to determine planning applications. These provide a framework to inform early engagement between the Council and a promoter of NNB at Oldbury. By incorporating comprehensive mitigation and adaptation measures, it is possible for new development to contribute to meeting the targets referred to in the policy on climate change. The masterplan proposals will also need to address the sensitivity of the site and its surrounding environment, including but not limited to, consideration of the effects on: The international and national designations on the estuary, including avoiding disturbance to protected wildlife both on the estuary and the levels, reversing biodiversity decline at Lagoon 3 and delivering net gain; The high archaeological potential of the Severn Levels and the potential for surface or sub surface features and finds. The open character of the surrounding Levels Landscape Flood risk The capacity of the road network, effects on residential settlement and the safety of other road users protecting the amenity of local communities, including along transport routes; ensuring flood and climate change resilience as well as the protection of air and water quality, and the distinctive rural character of the surrounding landscape and the public rights of way network, including the Severn Way, for interim states as well as end state. The existing reactor buildings, with their distinctive blue and white stripes that form a distinctive feature of the local landscape and are locally listed. The council plays a pivotal role in supporting the lives of those in the care system, acting as corporate parent for young people who have had an extremely difficult start in life. Area Specific: Planning for the North Fringe of the Bristol Urban Area. It can also be topic-based policies such as open space standards, parking standards, community facilities or the allocation of local sites. This policy may also inform the assessment of proposals relating to the decommissioning of the existing power station, particularly in respect of identifying any potential for integration of proposed new build proposals. This form of parking solution will therefore only be acceptable where significant and direct overlooking from habitable rooms of properties is provided and where other more secure solutions are not possible due to site constraints. hot water, lights, appliances, IT etc. All individual dwellings with one or more dedicated parking spaces or garage must include provision for 7Kw (32 amp) charging infrastructure suitable for charging an electric or other ultra-low emission vehicle. It is therefore vital that where relevant, schemes of monitoring are put in place during construction and during operation to assess the reality of impacts arising. are clear and accessible. Although the principles of decommissioning will be agreed at the project planning stages, due to the long timescales involved, flexibility will be required in how these are met. Developers are encouraged to review South Gloucestershire Councils Planning Performance Agreement Charter (pdf) for further information. As The Council declared a Climate Emergency on 17th July 2019, which included a pledge to provide the leadership to enable South Gloucestershire to become carbon neutral by 2030, and also to enable our communities to achieve 100% clean energy across all sectors. The document includes a set of planning policies for the parts of the area outside Exmoor National Park. 5. The existing nuclear power station at Oldbury ceased generation in 2012, and is now being decommissioned. The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) is clear in that Permission should be refused for development of poor design that fails to take the opportunities available for improving the character and quality of an area and the way it functions. We must ensure we are reaching all members of our community and key to this will be strengthening our relationships with town and parish councils and the voluntary and community sectors. Food and Drink Uses: Locational Constraints (including schools), 31. The public consultation on our plan to introduce restrictions on the rights of homeowners to convert existing housing into houses in multiple occupation in the Stoke Park and Cheswick ward, and parts of the Filton ward closed on 31 January 2023. In terms of mitigating or limiting the impacts from solar gain in developments, relatively straightforward design solutions exist, such as incorporating bris soleil, projecting canopies or the planting of deciduous trees. We will look after every penny as if it were our own, prioritising spending on the most vulnerable in our society and the services which are most important to you. role as consultee on the DCO and the preparation of a Local Impact Report;iii. The objective will be to ensure that only those proposals with a positive balance of outcomes in terms of reducing negative effects or increased benefits are consented. A range of other policies in the Local Plan 2020 will provide further detail and clarification to many of the points contained in this policy. Therefore, as the Local Plan goes through the preparation process, evidence for costs will be re-assessed, and depending on the evidence and feedback from consultation, the Council will move to implement Option 2. Where public realm is required or provided, it should be accessible, attractive, functional, safe, varied, and interesting, to encourage social interaction. Status : Local Plan document Up to the point of consent, the local authority role on NSIPs is largely discretionary and is as a consultee to the planning and examination process. This document is therefore a key starting point in the process and journey to prepare a new Local Plan. If a future or legacy use for any temporary development or construction area is not feasible or appropriate, the Council shall require a scheme of works to be agreed whereby: i. If you cannot expand the sections below, try refreshing your browser (Ctrl + F5). Do you agree with our proposed policy approach? Go. 2. The policies within the Core Strategy were prepared to support the growth strategy at that time, with updates and more detailed policies set out in the PSP Plan (adopted in 2017). We hope to consult you on a fuller range of policies in 2021. South Gloucestershire is a safe, healthy and affluent district with high levels of employment. We host key junctions for five motorways, both Severn crossings, have high speed rail lines to London and South Wales and have a large international port and airport nearby. In 2019 the average earnings for a full-time worker living in South Gloucestershire was 31,609, higher than the national average (30,661). The Core Strategy was adopted on 11 December 2013. Additionally, we have sought to demonstrate the scale of the new approach we are taking to addressing issues affecting the most vulnerable. Our most important resource is our people, and we must maintain and build on our inclusive and supportive culture and working environment and positively promote equalities throughout everything we do. In 2004, 21 South Gloucestershire areas rated in the most deprived 20% nationally against at least one domain of the Indices of Multiple Deprivation. Evidence to support the policy can be found below: Jacobs Parking Standards Review Electric Vehicle charging in local plan policy. Pro-actively address issues of public concern both actual and perceived. Ensure dovetailing of arrangements between the Magnox and NNB sites. Consider NNB Emergency Planning in the context of development proposals for the surrounding area. It sets out what development should happen where and protects important natural spaces, buildings and streets. This may be subject to change based on any changes to the National Planning System. And fulfilling the Councils post consent role, including in determining: Planning applications for Oldbury New Nuclear Build power station, related development made to the Council Post consent applications for discharge of DCO requirements and planning conditions. Parking Requirements, including Electric Vehicles, 62. Option 2 of the policy is currently a viability off approach in that the current assessment of costs has not been included in the Local Plan viability study. This is because in non-residential development proposals it is difficult to assess the unregulated energy use as the end-user can vary widely and is not necessarily known. Development delivers design quality, including making a positive contribution to sustainability objectives, climate change resilience, and delivers biodiversity net gain. Key Services and Facilities and appropriate walking & cycling distances to them will be defined in a proposed new policy Sustainable Travel & Access, which will be brought forward in future stages of the Local Plan. Future stages of the Local Plan 2020 will put forward a more comprehensive set of draft policies. Renewable and Low Carbon Energy System, 19. The East Fringe spans from the M32 eastwards, towards Downend, along the A4174 corridor to Hanham and Willsbridge. Urban Lifestyles is an emerging approach for South Gloucestershire, and is explained and set out in more detail in section 6 of the Phase 1 Issues and Approaches consultation document. The plan comprises a number of separate documents: The Core Strategy document sets out a vision for future development in South Gloucestershire to 2027. For the purposes of this Policy, and in recognition of the potential of NNB to have wide ranging effects, the Council considers the following are neighbouring or relevant local authorities : Bristol, Bath & North East Somerset, North Somerset, Wiltshire, Somerset, Sedgemoor, Mendip, Stroud, Gloucestershire, Cotswold, Forest of Dean, Monmouthshire, Gloucester City, Taunton Deane and West Somerset. The masterplan, including any necessary revisions, and individual proposals should seek to minimise impact on and maximise benefits and positive legacy for communities, the economy and the environment, including by: Securing sustainable and beneficial use and/or reuse and restoration of the site in terms of both interim and end states; and Protecting the site for high quality employment uses and/or green energy related uses in both in the near and longer term, while also: Ensuring that both the proposed works and their timing avoids impact on biodiversity designations and protected species, and where possible restoring, enhancing and managing Priority Habitats; Reinstating the habitat value of lagoon 3 for bird species associated with the designations on the Severn Estuary Conserving and where appropriate enhancing landscape character and visual amenity of the site and the locality including views across the local and wider landscape and estuary; Undertaking detailed archaeological and geoarchaeological assessment and investigation, recording and publication where development may impact on buried archaeological and environmental remains; Protecting the routes and amenity of the Severn Way and other PRoW links; Ensuring that any associated transport proposals are effectively controlled to avoid impact on local communities and ensure the safety of other road users; Demonstrating resilience to climate change and any increase in flood risk. Please refer to the map under Schedule A which outlines indicatively where these zones could be. 2. Also, you told us that we need to continue with our long-standing commitment to target support towards those who are most vulnerable, disadvantaged or disconnected from our services by whatever means. 6) Resources and lifespanThe conservation of natural resources, including land, water, energy and materials in buildings and development, will form part of the strategy to mitigate and adapt to the impacts of climate change, helping to provide well-designed places over the longer-term. But please see the Building a Strategy, Urban Lifestyles & Creating Sustainable Villages sections for potential approaches which may involve Yate and Chipping Sodbury, Draft policy not yet available. Do you think there are any other issues we should consider in this policy? The fourth part of the sequential approach is for renewable energy generation technologies to be incorporated into development proposals as much as possible as set out in Clause 1d. The Accessibility Assessment can be used to justify a development sites departure from the prescribed parking standards set out in this policy and must be completed for developments within the urban zone. We want to deal positively with future expansion, by planning in a sustainable and integrated way to deliver high quality life-time and affordable homes, a dynamic local economy which supports forward-looking employment opportunities, key local community facilities and a convenient and safe transport network, which meets the needs and aspirations of both existing and new communities. Low levels of unemployment in March 2020, 2.6% of the economically active population (16 and over) were unemployed, below the sub-regional (West of England) and national (England) averages (both 3.9%). Acceptable development proposal(s) must demonstrate that; a) Buildings and public realm have been provided which have potential to be adaptable over time, to accommodate a range of uses and potential occupiers, being socially inclusive, accessible and tenure blind. 26. In terraced houses, space for the storage of a range of waste and recycling bins or containers, can be successfully integrated into the fronts of properties, in screened storage structures, which can also be integrated within porch canopies, also providing bike storage and electrical car-charging cables. For some topic-based policies we already have prepared early drafts of policies to share, covering the following topics: Working Policy Draft Available (Strategic), Working Policy Draft Available (Non-Strategic). These risks are likely to affect communities, businesses and infrastructure; health, well-being and productivity; water supply (for the public, agriculture, energy generation and industry), food production, and natural capital (which includes ecosystems, soils and biodiversity). Clause 1a refers to the identification of suitable areas. These should consider not only the individual effects of the proposals, but also any cumulative effects. The masterplan will provide a clear and consistent framework, to ensure that each application can be considered in the context of delivering on the overarching proposals for the Oldbury site. Given the nature and scale of many NSIPs, it is likely that the full range of topics under the Environmental Impact Assessment regulations will need to be considered. 1. At this stage the map is high level and a further more detailed map will be required to support the policy as it is refined. We need to respond to messages emerging in the wake of Covid-19, for example, ensuring that people have sufficient space to accommodate members of their household and work from home without having to move, whilst protecting residential amenity. We need to make sure that any current private and on-street parking provision is designed so that it can relatively easily be repurposed if the need for it diminishes. to help understand what was in this consultation, West of England Strategic Planning and Collaborative Working, Biodiversity and Planning SPD (Consultation page), shape the places that we live, work and socialise in, have a direct impact on quality of life, the natural and built environment, have positive impacts on climate change, inequalities and encourage a green economy, discuss choices and make decisions about where future homes and jobs might be located, and which areas should be protected. Phasing plans and triggers to secure the timely delivery of the various elements of the project, its supporting infrastructure and associated development will be necessary to ensure the control of impacts to acceptable levels, including, for example, and where relevant early or advance implementation of: Archaeological investigations and wildlife surveys to ensure that these inform site selection and site planning; and Strategies for procurement, employment, education, training and recruitment, that take account of long lead in times; and Transport infrastructure and worker accommodation proposals to avoid impacts on, for example, the road network, community facilities and the rented housing market; and Habitat creation, landscape mitigation and/or screen planting where significant impacts are predicted.

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