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You can learn more about how we use cookies by visiting our privacy policy page. Regionalism was introduced to the Nigeria system by the Richards Constitution. National Mass Media Commission; 5. )other alcohols: 3.27 liters of pure alcohol (2019 est. It's Also the Solution. Students preparing for Government examination (WAEC/NECO/GCE) are advised to read ahead without been limited by a timetable. In 1999, a new constitution was adopted and a peaceful transition to civilian government was completed. The Armed Forces Ruling Council: This consist of the Head of State and the Commander In- Chief of the Armed Forces of Nigeria, the Service Chiefs, Inspector General of Police, the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of the Federation and the Secretary to the military Government. However, the Buhari Government was in power for just 20 months as Major General Ibrahim Babangida would later stage a coup on the 27thof August 1985 leading to the ouster of the Buhari-led Government. Economic Systems. ), improved: urban: 81.6% of populationrural: 41.4% of populationtotal: 62.3% of populationunimproved: urban: 18.4% of populationrural: 58.6% of populationtotal: 37.7% of population (2020 est. It was usually presided over by the Chief of Staff supreme headquarters. ), -$1.849 billion (2021 est. Nigeria, my country, blessed with the best brains and rains to grow our grains, operating a democratic system that guarantees political freedom, equality of citizenship, and more.. OGUNNAIKE, Sotu OMOIGUI and P.O. ), fresh water lake(s): Lake Chad (endorheic lake shared with Niger, Chad, and Cameroon) - 10,360-25,900 sq kmnote - area varies by season and year to year, Niger river mouth (shared with Guinea [s], Mali, Benin, and Niger) - 4,200 kmnote [s] after country name indicates river source; [m] after country name indicates river mouth, Atlantic Ocean drainage: Niger (2,261,741 sq km)Internal (endorheic basin) drainage: Lake Chad (2,497,738 sq km), Lake Chad Basin, Lullemeden-Irhazer Aquifer System, largest population of any African nation; significant population clusters are scattered throughout the country, with the highest density areas being in the south and southwest as shown in this population distribution map, the Niger River enters the country in the northwest and flows southward through tropical rain forests and swamps to its delta in the Gulf of Guinea, Hausa 30%, Yoruba 15.5%, Igbo (Ibo) 15.2%, Fulani 6%, Tiv 2.4%, Kanuri/Beriberi 2.4%, Ibibio 1.8%, Ijaw/Izon 1.8%, other 24.9% (2018 est. Local government must have specific powers to perform a range of functions assigned it by law. ), revenues: $12.92 billion (2017 est. The 109th senator comes from the federal capital territory, as only one senator can be elected from there. salary structure and wages, Government in all level must fight corrupt leaders, Immunity clause should be removed in the constitution of the federal ), total petroleum production: 1,646,900 bbl/day (2021 est. The Army has demonstrated its capability to mobilize, deploy, and sustain brigade-sized forces in support of peacekeeping operations in Liberia. At independence the country was divided into three regions: Northern, Eastern, and Western. It was Major Chukwuma Nzeogwu that officially announced the successful coup on Radio Nigeria in Kaduna. ADERIBIGBE/Benedict Elide ODIASEnote: adopted 1978; lyrics are a mixture of the five top entries in a national contest, total World Heritage Sites: 2 (both cultural)selected World Heritage Site locales: Sukur Cultural Landscape; Osun-Osogbo Sacred Grove, one of the largest West African economies; oil-dependent exports, revenues, and credit; COVID-19 and oil price shocks have resulted in slowing growth, high inflation, increasing unemployment; frequent disruptions due to political instability, especially in the north, $1.05 trillion (2021 est. [22] The army itself is governed by the Nigerian Army Council (NAC). Register or login to make commenting easier. The coup plotters attacked Ibadan, Lagos and Kaduna within a period of 2 days. British influence and control over what would become Nigeria and Africa's most populous country grew through the 19th century. )investment in fixed capital: 14.8% (2017 est. The Judiciary: This is headed by the Chief Justice of the country and various Judges of the court of appeal and high court. 4. The Nigerian Air force is currently headed by Air Marshal Isiaka Oladayo Amao. [32], In December 1983, the new Major General Muhammadu Buhari regime announced that Nigeria could no longer afford an activist anti-colonial role in Africa. Topic: Structure And Weaknesses Of Military Rule In Nigeria Government West-African Constitutional Development Nigerian Military Rule. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. On this date, March 4 in 1999, military government freed the remaining people imprisoned two years ago for . Politicians should learn how to avoid ethnic politics in order not to attract military rule. 1861-1914 - Britain consolidates its hold over what it calls the Colony and Protectorate of Nigeria, governs through local leaders. The legislature at the federal level is called the National Assembly of Nigeria. Nigeria is dominantly made of three prominent regions: the North (Hausa Fulani), the West (Yorubas) and the East (Igbos) with minorities in other regions.The military took over the leadership. These federal ministries are civil service departments responsible for carrying out different types of government services. (3) The composition of the officer corps and other ranks of the armed forces of the Federation shall reflect the federal character of Nigeria. The NDC is chaired by the president, and its members include the Vice President of Nigeria, the Minister of Defence, the Chief of Defence Staff, the Chief of Army Staff, the Chief of Naval Staff and the Chief of Air Staff, as well as others the president is empowered to appoint. The National Assembly serve as check on the executive arm of the government. However, the coup led to greater problems for the country. At the apex of government was the all-military Supreme Military Council (SMC), which was the lawmaking body for the entire federation. Anglophone ECOWAS members established ECOMOG, dominated by the Nigerian Army in 1990, to intervene in the civil war in Liberia. It The military are not trained in the act of governance. This system features the 3 tiers of government (also known as levels of government), the arms of government (or branches of government), with leadership structure identifying the top 4 citizens. The governor assigns public responsibilities to his commissioners and advisers, to help in serving the state better. )-$13.685 billion (2019 est. The army took control of the government in Ni-geria in two coups d'tat in 1966. The House of Assembly of each state consists of 3 x the total number of seats that state has in the House of Representatives. )from petroleum and other liquids: 67.406 million metric tonnes of CO2 (2019 est. The coup plotters went on to elect Lt Colonel Yakubu Gowon as the new head of State. The Nigerian government structure in one piece that every Nigerian citizen should know. )services: 56.4% (2017 est. The military history of Nigeria since the colonial rule began precisely on the 1 st October 1966. )$1.014 trillion (2020 est. ), total: 65,313 (2020 est. The policies that govern the country cutting across the states to the lowest level of government are formed at the federal level. "The Politics of Nigerian Foreign Policy: The Ratification and Renunciation of the Anglo-Nigerian Defence Agreement." ), 104.494 million metric tonnes of CO2 (2019 est. )exports: 12,000 metric tons (2020 est. Conflicttriggered by political competition and communal, ethnic, religious or resource allocation rivalriesposes a major threat to democracy. Be the first to know about new content and opportunities, Reasons for Military Intervention In Nigeria, The Structure of Military Rule in Nigeria, The Weakness or Failure of Military Regime in Nigeria, The Military is hierarchical and centralised, It monopolises the instruments of violence, There is fusion of the executive and legislative arms of the Government, Involvement of civilians in the administration, Discipline and obedience to higher commands, Disputes over 1962 and 1963 census results, Allegation of corruption, nepotism etc among politicians, Low level of honest and reliable leadership, The Supreme Military Council (SMC); the Armed Forces Ruling Council (AFRC), Infrastructural developments e.g. Nonetheless, Ibrahim Babangida handed over to a civilian government which was headed by Chief Ernest Shonekan on the 26thof August, 1993. Aguiyi-Ironsi (January 16, 1966 July 29, 1966), General Yakubu Gowon (August 2, 1966 July 29, 1975), General Murtala Mohammed (July 29, 1975 February 13, 1976), General Olusegun Obasanjo (February 14, 1976 September 30, 1979), Major-General Muhammadu Buhari (December 31, 1983 August 27, 1985), General Ibrahim Babangida (August 27, 1985 August 26, 1993), General Sani Abacha (November 16, 1993 June 8, 1998), General Abdulsalami Abubakar (June 9, 1998 May 29, 1999). Three arms of government in Nigeria and their functions The Federal Executive The Federal Legislature The Judiciary Executive power President Visit the Definitions and Notes page to view a description of each topic. Constitution: Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. )-1.79% (2020 est. Unlike the Senate, the seats at the House of Representatives are not equally shared between the states. Although both the 2003 and 2007 presidential elections were marred by significant irregularities and violence, Nigeria is currently experiencing its longest period of civilian rule since independence. The state governments receive more than half their money from federal government and also collects taxes. )253.492 (2016 est. )2.21% (2019 est. 2. The federal government is the top notch level of government in the Nigerian government structure. There are five operational bases; five forward operational bases (with two more soon to come on stream), two dockyards located in Lagos and Port Harcourt and two fleets based in Lagos and Calabar. It is composed of the Head of State, Chief of General Staff, Minister of Defense; service chiefs of the Army, Air force and Navy, Inspector General of Police, Attorney General and all military Governors. By this, we hope to be able to raise enrollment numbers and reduce the poor academic performance of students and the drastic failure rates in exams while also working to enhance Instructional Practice among Teachers using familiar channels of interaction to train and empower them on the use and adoption of technology. In 2007, the Air Force had a strength of 10,000. Also Read: The history of Abuja How it was created. The future of Nigerian politics lies in tolerating civilian governance. The President of Nigeria functions as the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, exercising his constitutional authority through the Ministry of Defence, which is responsible for the management of the military and its personnel. In summary, we use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. It was an advisory body to the S.M.C./A.F.R.C. The Nigerian Air Force was formally established in January 1964, with technical assistance from West Germany. )carbon dioxide emissions: 120.37 megatons (2016 est. Provision of basic amenities like education, quality and affordable health care, good water, good roads, etc. Each state has its local government areas into which it is divided into. Each state has a governor that can serve for 4 years in a term. The Nigerian Armed Forces (NAF) are the combined military forces of Nigeria. The training command headquarters are located in Lagos, the commercial capital of Nigeria, but with training facilities spread all over Nigeria. Fundamental human rights should be respected by everybody in the country especially the politicians and military. Olusegun Obasanjo, who by 1999, had become president, bemoaned the fact in his inaugural address that year: " Professionalism has been lost my heart bleeds to see the degradation in the proficiency of the military. 1850s - British establish presence around Lagos. roads, airports, railways etc As a way of forestalling any coup, he quickly established Supreme Military Council which was to manage affairs of the country. All names, acronyms, logos and trademarks displayed on this website are those of their respective owners. These divisions are referred to as the 3 tiers of government and the Nigerian government is divided into three levels which include: Now, lets quickly talk about these three tiers of government in Nigeria. Class: Senior (SS3) )permanent pasture: 33.3% (2018 est. )beer: 0.73 liters of pure alcohol (2019 est. Register or login to receive notifications when there's a reply to your comment or update on this information. Some of these threats include the ongoing conflict against the jihadist rebel group, Boko Haram in northeastern Nigeria, which has been in effect since July 2009. )0.6% of GDP (2020 est. Nigeria needs to harness the potential of its burgeoning youth population in order to boost economic development, reduce widespread poverty, and channel large numbers of unemployed youth into productive activities and away from ongoing religious and ethnic violence.

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