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J P MorganandKuhn and Loeb. This tell-tale blue light signature of a manmade earthquake proves that powerful geoweaponry is being aimed by the Pentagon at Americas unspoken enemies. Pascal Najadi & Attorney Todd Callender (MUST VIEW Video), As usual, political bolshevik and serial accuser Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is actually the perp who is stone-cold guilty of committing Stochastic Terrorism. The Russell, Coolidge, DeLeino, Forbes and Perkins families became fabulously rich smuggling Opium aboard their Clipper ships into China. If this is the true history of and these are the real connections behind Elon Musk, why has he [APPARENTLY] left the NWO reservation?! Instead of paying the Hessian solders with the 3 million dollars that was left to him by Wilhelm, he bet the money on his insider stock market tip. And 2017. Read this if you really want to know the truth about the blatant gun control hoax! What kind of cargo is really being transported by Ukraines so-called grain ships? Covid Cover-up Collapse: British Blame Game BeginsBIG TIME! Autopsies showing DEAD bodies have abnormally high temperatures which does not happen after death. Our Latest Propaganda! Only a hardcore Khazarian-installed Zio-Nazi regime could ever get away such warmongering chutzpah on the global stage. Was The Barely-Watched Golden Globes Deliberately Set Up As A Hollywood COVID Super-Spreader Event? A nuclear Ukraine is now virtually guaranteed if Kiev is not already armed with such WMD from Israel. Truth-Telling Scholar Physician Goes Full Bore, How does anyone conceal a $32 billion portfolio unless they were allowed to?! With advanced knowledge of the British victory, Nathan Rothschild spread lies that the British had been defeated, which caused a crash in the value of British Government bonds. Project Veritas Staffers Release New Statement As Whistleblowers Say They Stand With James OKeefe. Show all. Reuters and Thomson Reuters have no affiliation with the Rothschild family." Enraged citizens accused the Rothschilds of trying to control the worlds money markets. WTF!!! WOW!!! Congressman Bowman pointed out. Thomson Reuters, originally Reuters, is a Canadian information services company. Now lets see if Speaker McCarthy acts according to his word? The vast majority of UFOs, ET sighting and other mysterious space phenomena are manmade as in Made in the USA. Reuters ( / rtrz / ( listen), ROY-terz) is a news agency owned by Thomson Reuters Corporation. By 1823the Rothschilds were guardians of the entire papal treasure and took over the financial operations of the Catholic Church. This is what Khazarian-driven bolshevism looks like in Democrat-controlled big cities. It's years old, and wrong on every point. (Video), NWO Weather Warriors and Geoterrorists Team Up To Take Down Vanuatu With A One-Punch, The American People Must Draw Red Lines Now, Indias foreign minister blasts George Soros as old, rich, opinionated, and dangerous after billionaire says Adani debacle would weaken PM Modi. Khazarian-directed Pentagon misled public on drone strike that killed several children in Kabul during 2021 withdrawal. Exclusive CRYSTAL CLEAR Video of Rosanne Boyland as She DIED on Steps of US Capitol on January 6 WHY WONT THE POLITICIANS & MEDIA SAY HER NAME? She recorded her last meeting with the Principal Investigator of the trial. Reuters has nothing to do with AP.. Medical Doctor Skewers the Multinational Pharmaceutical Complex & Vaccine Cartels, CDC Confirms That Majority of Fatal Covid Vaccines Were Knowingly Sent to Red States (Video), INSTANT KARMA?! To avoid publicity, the Rothschilds made themselves invisible by creating and hiding behind two front companies. Rothschild's takeover of Livingstone, which provides mergers and acquisitions services and financing advice to mid-sized British companies, follows its acquisition in July of a minority stake in . Is the US about to TRY to Spread Democracy to Saudi Arabia? (Video), Mexican President Lights the Internet on Fire By Sharing Photo of a Creature He Says is a Mystical Elf Sitting in a Tree, Sacramentos Main Criminal Couple Brings California Corruption To New Lows, How The Ashkenazi Jews Conquered The West And Became The Hidden Hand Or The Deep State. Fearing for their lives, the Rothschilds retreated into the shadows and cast their eyes on the youthful USA. WOW!!! Together they formulated a plan to seize control of the worlds wealth. Mayer Amschel Bauer was the son of a goldsmith and loan-shark, called Moses Amschel Bauer, who hung a red hexagon shield over the doorway of his shop. This is how utterly devastating Khazarian-directed cultural marxism has become for the American family. The Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, (RELATED: Is Klaus Schwab Related To The Rothschild Family? LORI LIGHTFOOT ALERT! When the Chinese authorities tried to stop the Opium trade, the British sent in their Gunboats. Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy, 8. 360-Degree Surveillance: How Police Use Public-Private Partnerships To Spy On Americans, WOW!!!!!!!!!!! Biden Regime Systematically Violating First Amendment. 0. who owns reuters rothschild. What caused the bright blue light that flashed multiple times in Turkey before massive earthquakes?! By Reuters Staff 4 Min Read The false claim that a testing method for COVID-19 was patented by Richard Rothschild in 2015 and 2017 has been shared online. It would also make them filthy rich. Ivanka Trump admits her fathers administration partnered with Moderna to produce mRNA vaccines BEFORE Operation Warp Speed, US encouraging terrorist acts against Russia ambassador, Ex-Russian president warns of nuclear scenario in Ukraine, 2023 will be make-or-break year for Russia. (Video). Rothschild controls the message of who really owns $500 trillion of hidden untaxed wealth equal to half of annual world GDP. US declares their main enemy in Ukraine an transnational criminal organization Figures. Speaker McCarthy Agrees to Release All Jan 6 Footage as Dems Seek to Keep it Hidden, Meet The International Banker Who Filed Criminal Charges Against The President Of Switzerland (Video), MODERNA CEO STATES 100,000 COVID VAX DOSES WERE MADE IN 2019 before the actual pandemic hoax was launched. Russian President Signs Law Suspending START Nuclear Treaty, The irrespressible anarchist Woody Harrelson is about to be cancelledFOREVER!!! Footage of the horrific moment fuel storage station of energy company Pertamina exploded in Jakarta, Indonesia, Biden Administration Targets Senate Judiciary for Constitutional Demise, Watch DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas mislead Sen. Hawley after attempted cover-up of Hunters laptop at hearing (Video), College Park, Maryland mayor is arrested on 56 child pornography charges, U.S. Our journalists work all over the world and are guided by the Trust Principles, which state that Reuters must report the. Her issues were omitted from Modernas submission to the FDA. Goldman, Sachs of New York, 9. More Zio-Anglo-American pipeline terrorism this time in Lithuania and Latvia. (Photo), A Damning Expos of the Khazarian-Directed and Funded LGBTQIA Agenda of Cultural Marxism. Khazarian-controlled federal courts dismissing legitimate gender dysphoria and trangenderism lawsuits brought by parents after laws clearly broken. (Photo), US-UK-NATO Terror Group Prepping False Flag Chemical Attacks In Ukraine, BOLSHEVIK BOMBSHELL! WOW!!! Shocking Condom Scavenger Hunt Part Of New School Workbook With Sexual Assignments, WW3 ALERT! Republicans Blast Biden During Utterly Farcical SOTU Theater Of The Absurd (Video), WE ARE ALL VICTIMS & We Must Never Forget And Never Forgive Until All Covid Perps Are Prosecuted To The Fullest Extent Of The Law And Receive Their Capital Punishment, WOW!!! More Khazarian-directed energy terrorism as a prelude to their long-planned WW3, World Economic Forum childishly reacts to Musk insult, New French Study Confirms Elevated Risk of Heart Inflammation with Covid Boosters, This is what a sniveling politician sounds like when theyre way behind in the polls for their upcoming election. There is no evidence the Rothschild family owns Reuters or AP. They control theLBMA, London Bullion Market Association, where 30 to 40 million ounces of gold, worth over 11 billion dollars are traded daily. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley outright lies to the whole world about US deep involvement in Ukraine War. America held in a Khazarian chokehold MUCH tighter that the Bolsheviks had on 1917 czarist Russia. The narrative is collapsing (Video), Beware because its entirely true: Scientific Research Papers now documenting the Acute Psychosis caused by COVID-19 Vaccinations, Kievs troops were among the test subjects for Pentagon-funded research in Ukrainian biolabs, Israel illegally attacks Iran and Iraq with drone strikes, YIKES! Cargo Ship Carrying Ukraine Peas Refloated After Running Aground In Bosphorus Strait. The US meat supply may soon be widely contaminated with mRNA proteins from biotech vaccines, FBI Official Who Investigated Trump Russia Collusion Arrested for Colluding With Russia. They of course are referring to the Rothschilds, a Jewish banking family from the 1700s who, at one point in history, owned about 50 per cent of all the wealth in the world. Is the Criminalization of Heterosexuality on the Agenda or Just the Denial of Equal Rights? Heres how the Regime of International Terrorism is run in one graphic. Now Canadas NOTAM flight safety system is down! My boss [Teaching Lab CEO Sarah Johnson] is a freaking psychopathShes running a non-profit but its for profit (Video), BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Bombshell in Late Friday FBI Data Dump MUELLER Claimed Seth Rich Not Involved in Russia Collusion Email Scandal Without Ever Examining Richs Work Laptop. who owns reuters rothschild. How the Khazarian Cabal has effectively controlled Ashkenazi Jewry so it can rule planet Earth. BEWARE if you live anywhere near lake Huron!!! Taft, Russell, Schiff, Haremon, Bush, Warburg, Guggenheim, Rockefeller, Stemson, Weighouser, Vanderbilt, Goodyear and Pillsbury were all members. This very smart Patriot just may be our next President if Biden doesnt outright steal another POTUS election! Ask your doctor WTF they injected into you. Whenever a POTUS gets press like this, his days are very short. Reuters is owned by the Thomson Corporation and the AP is a non-profit cooperative formed by various newspapers and broadcasters. Govt. The patent for a system that analyses. The United States of America Just Incurred The Worst KarmaEVER!!! Heres how nation-wrecker George Soros methodically overwhelms a targeted and vulnerable nation with a highly engineered migration crisis. Tucker Carlson (Video). Today, the most influential members of the CIA, the US Government, and big finance are Skull and Bones men. Rothschild caused a selling panic in the London bond consul market intimating to investors that England lost to Napoleon. It wasnt about tea. The only way this Khazarian-installed cultural marxist can be re-elected is by outright election theft after pulling the race card as she predictably just did. The Power Of The Rothschilds - rense.com Re-Investigation Of 9/11 Campaign Gains World Momentum: Italy Supreme Court Submits U.S. 9/11 Crimes Against Humanity To International Criminal Tribunal! * NBC: includes 13 stations, 28% of US households. Obamas 16 trillion, stolen from the FR-American people, went to prop up failing European Banks probably Rothschilds since he owns most of the banks likely the reason he selected and got the then unknown Obama elected. Will we do anything about it before its too late? IT WAS ALL PLANNED: Tactical Commander for US Capitol Police Admits During Testimony that Agitators Who Were Highly Trained Ripped Down Fencing Prior to Protest at US Capitol on Jan. 6, Another Twitter Files Drop: More Adam Schiff Ban Requests Twitter Deamplified Alleged Conservative Accounts They Say Were Linked to Q-Anon, Swedish Climate Activist Greta Thunberg Carried Away by German Police From Coal Mine Protest (VIDEO), Whistleblower Reveals Illegal Aliens In New York City Hotels Are Having Public Sex, Drinking All Day, And Spreading Diseases (VIDEO). The brothers helped finance both sides of Napoleons famous battle at Waterloo, between the French and the English. The Rothschild family is the most famous of all European banking dynasties, having had . Why were the Deagle population-by-country forecasts posted and then pulled so quickly?! In the process, our democracy becomes a joke. (Videos), ANGER EXPLODES as corporate criminal Norfolk Southern railway company a no show for East Palestine chemical catastrophe meeting (Video). Reuters owns the AP and Rothschilds own Reuters." It includes a photo of Lord Jacob Rothschild, the fourth baron Rothschild. (Video), Its been credibly reported that Biden blew up the Nord Stream II pipeline between Russia and Europe. Rothschild sold to drive the price down and then bought all the bonds back at rock bottom prices. (Video), This Is Disgusting: Ohio Senator Finds Toxic Chemicals In East Palestine Water (Video), A Shift Toward Statism: The US Establishment Doesnt Want Domestic Chaos Anymore Because Theyre In Control. Our Parent in Heaven: Liberals push for a gender-neutral God, Furious Project Veritas Donors Threaten Board Of Directors Over Reported OKeefe Ouster, US State Department Funding Secret Disinformation Crusade To Blacklist Conservative Media, UN condemns executions of Russian POWs by Ukrainians, NEVER FORGET: The Ukraine War Was Stealthily Engineered For This Very Purpose, Hospice Hell: The Dangers of Morphine (WATCH BEFORE SAYING YES TO HOSPICE! Folks, every resident connected to a municipal water supply needs to know about this database. Its headquarters are in Toronto. Thomson-Reuters is owned by Thomson, a Toronto based media company. Dont underestimate the numerous bombshells contained in the 41,000 hours of Capitol surveillance footage from the Jan. 6 riot. He eventually had a major stake in the 20th centurys major companies. In 1820 Samuel Russell bought out the Perkins syndicate and ran the Opium smuggling operation with his partner Warren DeLeino Jr. who was the grandfather of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The red hexagon shield was the symbol for the world revolutionary movement. If anyone in the Zelenskys Nazi regime tells the truth about anything , theyre toast or worse! ), Man Considers Suicide to Escape the Hell of AstraZeneca Vax Injury, We are about to witness the largest series of class action lawsuits in US history lodged against Big Pharma and Big Government. It looks like the vax gave at least 50M Americans heart damage. Fight, Solar Micronova & Galactic Electric Field (Video). Over the centuries, the Rothschilds have amassed trillions of dollars worth of gold bullion in their subterranean vaults and have cornered the worlds gold supply. Pfizer is clearly a Bio-weapons division of DARPA. Check out this nuclear title at TJP: Who wants an Israeli civil war? Even the World Government Summit in Dubai is talking about manufacturing global crises by which to conduct the Great Reset. Facebooks Race Blind Algorithm Backfires In Their Face: Finds 90% Of Hate Speech Was Directed Toward White People And Men, Elon Must just admitted to Jay Leno that he is a criminal. And its only gonna much worse before it ever gets better. In it, he laid down specific laws by which the House that bore his name would operate in future years. (Video), Doctors prove a Graphene like substance is being shed from the C-19 Vaccinated to the Unvaccinated, destroying Blood Cells & causing Strange Blood Clots (Photos), How Did the Michigan State University Shooter Get a Gun?

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