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(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address). Public notices affect rights, property and tax dollars. Directory. For questions about the board or our editorials, email As the News & Observers Colin Campbell reports, Republicans might want to wait on celebrating the DOJ probe of Biden | Opinion, The Kraken COVID variant is in Charlotte. else output += unescape(l[i]); Mecklenburg County Public Registry The terms ol tho sale are that the property wilt tie sold tor cash to the highest bidder and a cash deposit not to exceed the greater ot live percent (5) of the amount ot the bid or Seven Hundred and Filly Dollars ($750) may lie required at the time of the sate The proX!dy to tje ottered pursuant to this Notice of Sale Is being offered tor sale transfer amt conveyance As Is Where Is" The Coventry Neighborhood Association Inc does not make any representation or warranty relating to ttie title nr any physical environmental health or safely conditions existing In on at or relating to the projwiriy Iwiiig offered tor sale and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out ot nr in any way relating tn any such conditions are expressly disclaimed The property will be sold subject to restm linns and easements ot record any unpaid taxes prior liens and special assessments any transfer tax associated with the ten-closure and any tax required lo be paid by N C G S 7A-308(a(i) The sale will be hetd open for ten days tor upset bids as required by law That an order tor possession ol the property may be Issued pursuant to NCOS 45 2129 in lavor ot the purchaser and againsl the party or parties in possession by tho clerk ot superior court ol Ihe county tn wtucli the projxirty fe sold Any person who occupies the projierty pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October t 2907 may alter receiving Notice ol Sale terminate the rental agreement upon 10 days written notice fe Ihe landlord Upon termination ol a rertlalagreernent (tie tenant is liable fer rent due under Ihe rental agreement prorated to the effective dale of the termination Tfils Ihe 19th day of September 2010 POSTED: Sorters Hlnahnw Ayers Dortch 8 Lyons P A Attorneys fer Ihe Association By Charles E Lyons Witness lo Posting EXHIBIT A Being all of Lot 21 B ot Coventry ill Phase 1 Map 2 Subdivision as same Is shown on map thereof recorded In Map Book 41 at Page 67 in tho Mecklenburg County Public Registry Being Hie same property descntied in the deed recorded In Deed Book 22236 at Page 49 ol Ihe Mecklenburg County Putrtc Registry LP6496894 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE UNDER CLAIM OF LIEN RE )0-SP-6()02 UNDER AND BY VIRTUE ol the power grunted in the record nd Declarations and North Carolina law' (including NCGS Section 47F 3-1 1 6) which authorize ttie foreclosure ol tne Claim of Lien Hied against Jaime Urey by Covington at Providence Homeowners Association Inc (hereinafter "Association ) tiled May 4 20t()nnrf filed m Case Number 10-M 5506 in Ihe Office ot ttie Clerk of Superior Court fer Mecklenburg County and because of a laikire to make timely payment ot assessments and other charges levied by tho Association end pursuant to an Order entered tiv the Clerk nl Hie Suiwnor Court and pursuant to demand of ttie Association Ihe undersigned will expose lor sain at public auction to the highest tedder for cash at the usual place ot sale in the Courthouse of Mecklenburg County in the City ol Charlotte North Carolina a(-11:30 am on the 16th day of September 2010 all that certain parcel of real estate including any undivided interest in common area and all improvements and fixtures located thereon In Mecklenburg County North Carolina more particularly described in Exhibit A and Identified ns follows ADDRESS OF PROPERTY 4621 Grier Farm Lane Charlotte NC 28270 PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S) Jaime Urey BEING THE SAME PROPERTY desrntexi in the deed recorded In Deed Book 21934 Page 729 Mecklenburg County Public Registry The terms of the sale are that the property will be sold lor cash lo the higlmst (udder and a cash cfeiosit not lo exceed the greater of live ixjrcent (D'k-) nt the amount of Ihe bid or Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($750) may lx? . //

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