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Gaara's ability to manipulate sand remains even after Shukaku is removed from his body. Gaara becomes Suna's Kazekage by the start of Part II, signalling the success of his emulation of Naruto. [22] Kinshiki tsutsuki regards Gaara's taijutsu as being on par with Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, and Darui, stating that their skill in this particular style of combat is "first-class".[23]. He quickly kills Shigure with his Sand Waterfall Funeral, prompting Shigure's teammates to surrender their scroll in exchange for their lives. By adulthood, Gaara's Shield of Sand's defence increased tremendously, able to shrug off attacks that Sasuke Uchiha's Majestic Attire: Susanoo could not.[28]. When some of the current Kage expressed concerns about leaving the next generation to handle the threat they would soon face because these were peaceful times they were growing up in, Gaara calmly says each generation having little faith in the next one is not an uncommon thing. Masashi Kishimoto never says what Gaara's last name is. Gaara protecting spectators from the falling debris. Gaara, said Yashamaru, received love everyday, from both his mother - whose spirit controlled the sand that protected him - and from Yashamaru himself. As Shukaku's jinchriki, Gaara is able to manipulate sand. Main article: Naruto Uzumaki!! Gaara having a last name would take that away from him. Gaara is a playable character in the following video games: While Gaara often relies on his sand to fight, in the Clash of Ninja game series, he uses actual taijutsu in tandem with his sand techniques. 3. Despite Naruto and Sasuke's efforts, they are unable to stop Madara from casting the Infinite Tsukuyomi, trapping the world in a dream. After visiting Konoha, Temari learns that Shikamaru has gone missing during a mission in the Land of Silence. In the Japanese version of the anime, Gaara is referred to as; Sabaku no Gaara" which translates to Gaara of the sand. There isn't any real way to In the preliminary rounds, Gaara is matched against Rock Lee. If he needs more sand, he can either use sand from the surroundings or, if there isn't any, use his personal sand to break down minerals in the ground to create some;[24] these secondary sand supplies require more chakra to control. answer. Due to the speed of the Reverse Lotus, Gaara loses his Shield of Sand and parts of his Armour of Sand are broken away. WebGaara Gaara grew up hating the world, giving his life meaning by killing anyone he came across. He goes to Konoha to rest and, once he's recovered, returns to Suna with his siblings and Matsuri. He didn't manage to hit Boruto due to Sasuke's intervention, but managed to catch Sasuke in his fishing rod to steal some of his chakra before sending him to another dimension. As they carry Gaara away from Konoha they are confronted by Sasuke, who wants to finish their fight. The sign on gaaras head means Rate - 16% Rarity - Epic Troops sell for a third of their cost of deployment plus upgrades. He and Naruto have a similar background: he was rejected by his peers and fellow villagers for being the host of a tailed beast, Shukaku, a situation that Kishimoto describes as "very much like Naruto's". WebIn the Japanese version of the anime, Gaara is referred to as; Sabaku no Gaara" which translates to Gaara of the sand. Naruto, however, only sympathises with Gaara, having had a childhood that was just as lonely as Gaara's was. After being defeated by Naruto Uzumaki, a person like himself who found strength in his friendships, Gaara starts to become more like him. Gaara and Naruto are both the same weight and height by Part II. Matsuri is able to locate Neji Hyga, who stops the extractions by blocking Gaara's and F tenketsu. Initially introduced as a They both assume that he's on some mission for Konoha that is to be kept a secret. Gaara stops the transformation and later destroys Seimei's armour with a Spear of Shukaku and kills him with a Sand Waterfall Imperial Funeral. During the following month, Gaara and his siblings are informed of Suna and Otogakure's plans for an invasion of Konoha, set to begin during the Chnin Exams' final matches. [12] Due to his singular focus on himself, Gaara eventually learned to reign in his powers and became the lethal weapon of destruction Suna wanted him to be, prompting Rasa to stop trying to kill him and instead find a use for him. That night, Gaara is attacked by Dosu Kinuta, another finalist who wants to kill Sasuke himself. They leap at each other and Naruto punches Gaara again, claiming victory. The day before the finals, Gaara tracks down Lee at the Konoha Hospital and attempts to kill him, but he is found and stopped by Shikamaru Nara and Naruto Uzumaki. From that point onward he starts moving away from "Gaara of the Sand Waterfall" and starts emulating Naruto instead, improving his relationships with his siblings, making friends within Suna and without, and finding something that he's willing to give his life to protect. Gaara is disgusted by the news, which the Third Tsuchikage argues he can't understand simply because he's too young. Gaara and his siblings are teamed together under Baki's leadership and sent to Konohagakure to participate in the Chnin Exams. The Allies are inspired by his words and mobilise for battle; Gaara leads his Fourth Division to the border of the Land of Lightning. Later, Gaara and the other Kage observed the final round matches of the Chnin Exams taking place in Konoha. Rasa's third child, however, who would become Gaara, was compatible with Shukaku. The brothers simultaneously attack with their kekkei genkai and break Gaara's Shield of Sand, injuring him for the first time in several years. While they start discussing their apparent victory, Kimimaro emerges behind them and insists that he is not brainwashed. Gaara cries at the news and Rasa apologises for not being as good a parent to Gaara as his mother was. She confides her concerns about Shikamaru's recent behaviour, which has been cold and distant. In the anime, following Shinki and his team-mates becoming chnin, he sent the team to Konoha to observe the finals for their personal Chnin Exams for more experience. With nobody to connect to, Gaara grew up hating the world and looking out only for himself, giving his life meaning by killing anyone he came across. Lee lands several additional blows, causing Gaara's Armour of Sand to start chipping away, exposing an excited expression beneath. Despite his stoic demeanour, Gaara is empathetic and in touch with his emotions, freely shedding tears at Sasuke's refusal to change his ways, and at the revelation of his mother's love for him. His chakra levels are partly because he is the jinchriki of Shukaku, but even after Shukaku is removed from his body in Part II, there is no noticeable difference in his performance. Main article: Fourth Shinobi World War: Countdown The Third Tsuchikage is sent to provide assistance, but they avoid combat until the second day of the war. Just like before, however, Naruto's desire to protect his friends gets through to Gaara, as he does not argue with his participation in the war after accepting he made an error in judgement. Gaara is a sharp and innovative fighter. Fifteen years after the shinobi world war, Gaara and Kankur travelled to Konoha to participate in another Kage Summit. Before he can use it to destroy the Kage, the Impure World Reincarnation is released and Madara's soul starts returning to the Pure Land. If opponents are able to get close enough to attack him, Gaara's Shield of Sand automatically protects him from all threats, even those he is not aware of; the Shield of Sand is commonly thought to be Shukaku's doing, an act of self-preservation, but it is actually Gaara's mother, Karura, whose love protects Gaara even after her death. 3/10 His Family Was Afraid Of Him. He asks them to return, but Shigezane refuses and attacks Gaara; Gaara uses his Magnet Release to defend himself, counter, and hold Shigezane at his mercy. As revealed in Jin no Sho, Masashi Kishimoto's original prototype for Gaara was an elite 7-year-old ninja named Kumomaru (), who would have abused drugs to push his physical capabilities beyond their natural limits. His appearance and chakra signature are identical to Sasuke's but the man speaks of wanting to destroy Konoha, which Gaara does not believe Sasuke would do. F tries to help him, only to have her own tailed beast also start being extracted. His fellow Kage initially doubted his worthiness due to his young age, but come to respect him by the Fourth Shinobi World War, where he was appointed the commander-in-chief of the Allied Shinobi Forces' combat divisions. Gaara was raised in isolation during his early life, taught ninjutsu by his father and cared for by his maternal uncle, Yashamaru. However, he is able to use his sand gourd as a cushion for the attack, therefore avoiding any noticeable damage. The Mizukage immediately attacks the Tsuchikage, forcing Gaara to save him with a sand clone. After they exchange names, Gaara and his siblings depart. Gaara is able to keep Shukaku in check under normal circumstances by Part I. Gaara partially transformed into Shukaku. In 1880 there was 1 Gaara family living in New York. Might Guy then joins the fight against Madara and ultimately decides to use the Eight Gates Released Formation. Gaara's siblings were obviously terrified of him. Naruto's shadow clone, having defeated the Third Raikage, comes to join Gaara and the Mizukage, seeing them both, remarks that they make a good pair. 7. Who was Jiraiya's son? In order to prevent unsubstantiated rumours from spreading, Gaara asks that they tell the Sixth Hokage about this. In order to slow it down, Gaara secretly adds some of Rasa's gold dust to his sand which, when heated up by the clone's body, acts as the perfect restraint. The Council insists that their interest in seeing Gaara married is more of a recompense for turning him into a jinchriki years ago than it is a political matter. Gaara attacks with a Sand Sword, but rather than strike Shijima he hits Metoro, who faked his earlier death and has been following them so that he could take revenge; despite his attempts to conceal himself, Gaara has been aware of Metoro's presence the whole time. For that reason, Shukaku was sealed inside of Gaara by Chiyo before he was even born, when Gaara was still a fetus inside of his mother, Karura's womb. Gaara, Temari, and Kankur return to Suna, and when they arrive they are informed that the daimy have already authorised the Allied Shinobi Forces' formation. WebKankur () is a shinobi of Sunagakure and the second eldest of the Three Sand Siblings. Unable to argue out of the situation, Gaara accepts whatever marriage the Council decides to arrange for him. 9/10 Winner: Gaara, With Crushing Sand Rock Lee's ferocious attacks finally forced Gaara to get serious, and Gaara's bloodthirsty side emerged at last. Obito Uchiha. Gaara dies when Shukaku is removed from his body. Gaara uses his sand to protect the others and they pursue Sasuke back to the Summit room, arriving in time to see him teleported to safety by Tobi, the leader of Akatsuki. He doesnt have a surname And he is far from being the only one. Naruto is modeled after medieval Japan and normal people in medieval/ancient cultu Gaara's background is very similar to that of Naruto Uzumaki: both have been jinchriki since the day they were born, both were hated by almost everyone in their village, and both were raised without a parent's love. Gaara and Shukaku attack Madara with Wind Release: Sand Buckshot, slowing his movements so that the other tailed beasts, Killer B, and Naruto can attack him. Gaara tried to find solace in the fact that Yashamaru had been ordered to kill him, but Yashamaru insisted, lying to Gaara, that he volunteered and that he'd always hated Gaara for causing Karura's death. In 2019, Masashi Kishimoto revealed that he was going to give Gaara the name Kotaro (), before his editor suggested Gaara instead. Gaara's mother. On arrival, Gaara remarks that Lee is slower than when they last met, which Lee indicates to be because the injuries he received from Gaara were very severe. In Part II, Gaara wears a long-sleeved crimson coat and full-length dark trousers with a pair. Gaara starts carrying Naruto to Minato, but his life is rapidly fading. Ten days later, the Sixth Hokage visits the village and requests that Suna shinobi guard Konoha on the day of the wedding, to which Gaara agrees. Who is Gaaras mother? Gaara on Gaara has completed 34 official missions in total: 0 D-rank, 9 C-rank, 8 B-rank, 14 A-rank, 3 S-rank. Though he outwardly appears calm, "Gaara of the Sand Waterfall" is deeply unbalanced, completely unmoved by others' pleas for mercy and, in certain situations, driven mad with bloodlust. 6. When Shijima proves willing to kill Gaara and herself so that Hakuto and Shigezane can escape, Gaara asks why she didn't kill him earlier when he was unconscious. When the Sixth Hokage later reports that Naruto is on the moon, Gaara and the other Kage decide to delay the Moon's destruction to give Naruto a chance to save them. Matsuri, however, is curious about him and asks to train with him. Although Gaara would ordinarily be content to leave it at that, he remarks that Shikamaru is too important to the Shinobi Union's future and thus gives Temari any resource she requires to find out what Shikamaru is up to. Masashi Kishimoto never says what Gaara's last name is. Gaara and the other Kage visit the Blood Prison to interview her and see if she is suitable for the responsibilities. Having been trained since infancy as Suna's "ultimate weapon", Gaara was exceptionally strong even as a child, effortlessly killing the countless assassins sent after him. Main article: Shikamaru Shinden: A Cloud Dancing in Forlorn Falling Petals Gaara is pleased, filled with the same happiness he experiences when he tends to his cacti. He was then escorted back to the village for treatment by Yodo and Araya. Gaara takes him to the Fifth Hokage so she can provide medical assistance, but she sends Sakura Haruno instead. Hidden Leaf Village Grand Sports Festival! Gaara is surprised to see his mother. Naruto swore he would handle the matter as it was needed to be done. Shukaku's Daughter (Gaara Love Story) 8 pages October 15, 2017 Red Flame. Gaara decides Kimimaro has been brainwashed and uses his sand to drag him deep underground. Gaara wakes up after several hours in the underground cavern that Shigezane drew his water from. Regarded as a monster by the village, and with nobody to love him. Gaara was one of the series' most formidable villains when he debuted in Naruto, but he's become a fan favorite character ever since. He is not upset by this as he never intended to force Hakuto to marry him, but at the same time he, the Kazekage, can't let them abandon Suna. Gaara's superlative leadership abilities lead to his posting as Regimental Commander of the Aliied Shinobi Forces. The One Tailed Shukaku was sealed into his body on the day he was born, a procedure that resulted in his mother's death. As Urashiki began revealing copied techniques like Gaara's sand manipulation, Gaara and Chjr managed to capture him in a trap, only for Urashiki to reveal his Rinnegan and escape. Gaara is frightened to see his own blood for the first time and cancels the transformation. WebGaara is an Epic Outfit in Fortnite: Battle Royale, that can be purchased in the Item Shop for 1,800 V-Bucks or with the Gaara & Hinata Bundle for 2,400 V-Bucks. Because the Mizukage is protected by a genjutsu, Gaara uses his sand to locate the giant clam casting it so that the Tsuchikage can destroy it. His father, Rasa, believed these niceties were impeding Gaara's development as a jinchriki and as such had both taken from him: he ordered Yashamaru to try and kill Gaara and, if he were to fail, to tell Gaara that neither he nor Gaara's mother had ever loved him. Many people (now) call him Gaara-sama when he is Kazekage. At some point, Gaara discovered Shinki who was unable to control his power. They fight, but Naruto breaches Gaara's defences and convinces him that that he won't back down, prompting Gaara to retreat. As talks about the boy's fate began, Gaara voiced his personal feelings of not treating the boy as a weapon, having personally experienced that dread as a Jinchriki. He has a wide leather band from his left shoulder to his right hip with which he carries his sand gourd and around which he wraps his forehead protector. Nobody knew that Shukaku had a daughter, but the second she was born, she was sealed in a scroll until the day her father was sealed inside the Fourth Kazekage's child. WebGaara is an epic unit based on Gaara from Naruto. Madara and ultimately decides to arrange for him their scroll in exchange for their lives 's of... Third child, however, is curious about him and asks to with. Matter as it was needed to be done the world, giving his life is rapidly.... For not being as good a parent to Gaara as his mother was prompting Gaara retreat! 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