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But theres a system and construct that keeps leading to this sort of thing. But theres a system and construct that keeps leading to this sort of thing. I suspect that the revolution will come, if it comes at all, from below. The Lovejoy tv character was less of a creep than the book character. What could go wrong? I think that scale is a problem for the senior officers of any hierarchy. After speaking with my source, who is a member at Citizens, she informed me that the Halls & the Wimberleys were very close friends outside of church, were involved in the band together, and that there did not seem to be an imbalance of power in their relationships. He was also a member of the band Folk Angel, with worship pastor Isaac Wimberley, who is quite famous in his own right. That is bad. Their perceptions had little to almost nothing to do with what my thoughts or intentions were about a subject and didnt match me as a person at all. There was no alcohol in his system and he blew 0.0 on the administered breathalyzer. In some denoms, a lay committee works with the candidate all the way from the perceived call through ordination and beyond. Under the cover of grace, they cheapened the precious message of Christ to the people under their care. It all goes back to 2016, when Hunter committed adultery with a woman in the churchbut the story only began there. Why then, would we regard money with so much more reverence and importance than the souls of women and men? the men kept talking. Former Youth Pastor at Brewton First United Methodist Church. On Tuesday (7/30/19) we learned of a PATTERN of serious and grievous sexual sin that has required both the elders of Citizens Church and The Village Church to make a sober and serious decision. At my former church I came to see that our pastor was a liar. But its socks, always socks. What did He mean? "If Its Not Sex Abuse, Its Money, and Nothing Says Spend and Keep Quiet About It Like the SBCs North American Mission Board" New TWW post. The mainline denoms have been screening seminarians for decades, and also intervening when things go wrong. I dont know how fundavangelicalism does it, but it left me both extremely shocked and somehow not. It is so normalized it can obscure problematic behavior and tendencies, all hidden behind the name of God. It may be better to screen for these traits, and that might be more possible if the candidates are people who are known to the congregation for a long time. Sexually compromised leaders at a church formerly The Village Church - Plano Campus "I was recently contacted by someone who informed me that VERY BAD things have gone on over at Citizens Church Plano (formerly The Village Church-Plano Campus) which involved the campus pastor, Hunter Hall, and the worship pastor, Isaac Wimberley. And when you add God to the mix as Enforcer THAT is the real meaning behind Generational Curses.). I wonder how a psychologist would account for that while assessing a person for grandiose traits, specifically. By engaging in these terrible acts and being such terrible examples for their congregations, these pastors are opening themselves up to being disciplined by God (if, indeed, they even ARE truly saved to begin with and are Gods born-again children through Christ.) It didnt take long before the leadership at Citizens Church was made aware that there was more to the issue than they were originally told. We are committed to caring for you. Rev. Over the last several years they have been with us. emily honey: I notice grandiose statements in Christian schools and churches mission, marketing statements all the time. Your safety and health remain our top priority. Its perfectly manly for dads to wade into rowdiness or do any child-care chore. it wasnt like this a few decades ago. elastigirl: the belief system of The Village Church is complementarianism, in which God commands the husband to lead and the wife to follow. Phone: 281-283-2615Email: housing@uhcl.eduHunter Hall635 Bayou Road Houston, TX 77058-1002Office hours:Mon. I was recently contacted by someone who informed me that VERY BAD things have gone on over at Citizens Church Plano (formerly The Village Church-Plano Campus) which involved the campus pastor, Hunter Hall, and the worship pastor, Isaac Wimberley. Ive never looked at church folk the same. Hes going to be one of the pastors over there. Hall and Wimberley would certainly be in the running. If Hunter Hall or Isaac Wimberley try to weasel back into ministry again, lets hope some folks will do a Google search and find this blog post. Every Christian is anointed by the Holy Spirit with a gift. Call Us Today: (325) 673-6414 | (800) 588-6414. Leadership at Citizens Church contacted everyone involved and confirmed these allegations were true. heres a very mild example, of church culture hierarchy in general: i was with a group of friends from a previous church. Yes, and dont forget in churches operating under the beauty of complementarity, the men take the lead on everything. He very sternly called them out for tolerating the sin a sin so awful that even secular society would recoil, and went on to instruct the church to cast out the wicked person from among them. The concept of God is like rocket fuel for this. I love to cook but tomorrow we are going to Cracker Barrel which is amusing since Im a foodie. He, along with Hunter Hall, were members of the band Folk Angel, and Wimberley has gained notoriety for his spoken word presentations, most notably on the album Tell Us of the Night (Christmas album.) Straight out of Huxleys Brave New World. This one is about as sick as it gets. Hey! There is no restoration for immoral pastors. elastigirl: i think of jesus, who was expressly not about wealth and not about power and not about who gets to be first. Thanks, HUG a fascinating article. Ive known Hunter Hall since he was 16 years old. They need to repent, then find another line of work. Wimberley has also previously performed at Lake Pointes summer youth camp, Journey. So I suspect that if there is a brighter future for church, it will be in smaller groups. She also asked me to direct people from Twitter to her new post. They require three years of rigorous academic study. If they would avoid this bizarre obsession with calling preachers Gods special anointed and lifting them up so high, these men might actually retain enough humility to embrace the concept of working out your faith in fear and trembling. Humility before God and humility among your fellow humans would go a long way to change these horrible offenses. True. Unlike the demagogues, real leaders will tell you to hold close. Namely: improved focus and contextualization, multiplication, and a chance to embrace succession and allow it to succeed instead of resisting it. According to this sermon dated April 7, 2019, Chandler says hes known Hall since he was 16 years old. It doesnt seem like anyone is requiring the pastors to have any integrity. Students often hang out in these areas to study or catch up with friends. Thats the same structure that the Independent Fundamentalist Baptists have. I think a lot back to the college ministry I was in and where a lot of this stuff starts it was common for the boys and men to use women as scapegoats for *their * problematic behavior. I might work myself up to a 10-pack of Haines socks for something terrible, and stinky, sweaty socks for the truly awful. To your values, your most beloved. The technical skills can be learned as needed, but the human element, things like gentleness, grace and patience, in pastoral ministry is much harder to impart in the classroom setting. The meeting was cancelled and has yet to be rescheduled. Movies. Lewis wrote an entire essay on that, The Lure of the Inner Ring. He might have sidled up to the hostess and sought her opinion. Skip to content. Nine adults and nine kids (ages 1.5-7). Did you notice that unlike the usual TV mystery/detective series, it wasnt always a Murder Mystery? I was only insightful and wise when they wanted me to be and it fit their agenda. These are open ended questions that are yet to be answered. - Fri., 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. You might be wondering if this is case of clergy sexual abuse, and on the surface it might appear to be. Primarily when looking at cluster B disorders, especially NPD and Anti-Social PD. Where people are taught the signs of people they shouldnt trust? Safe and Affordable Living Options . Administration organizes but does not subvert agency. emily honey: I think a lot about how grandiosity traits are normalized in the socialization into evangelical culture and some of the doctrine. Maddy Morgan . past experiences with them all was reinforced at that moment, and I looked at them all and realized they all had been conditioned to do nothing until the pastor initiated something. (remember Dustin Boles? If we used that criterion alone for Christian leaders, we would have to empty numerous American pulpits. Outside that shes just kind of sitting there in his mind. It might help, but Im not sure how well it will work in the long run. If they are saved, then they will definitely lose eternal rewards they could have earned when Christ judges them at the Bema seat. Henry Hunter Hall, who was born on April 5, 1997, and is now 25 years old, has emerged as a promising newcomer. the expectation was that wed do something together afterwards. i marvel at how christian culture prizes itself on having all the answers to produce elite people, and how sad & inferior the results. Sovereign Grace Ministries The reason Im talking about that is because today is the last day Plano is going to be on our stream. If you are a first-year or transfer student, you may be eligible to receive a renewable Menu. It seems like seminaries and churches could do something similar. Yeah. You only have to decide which branch to follow (Hyles, Sword of the Lord, etc.). Max: some of the most godliest people in church are pew peons. There used to be a tradition of the loveable rogue who would steal from the honour boxes in churches and buy a round of drinks with the money he snagged. Sometimes reality is stranger than fiction! So I dont believe he was dumping sites to pass trash. . Then add to that the local groups with multiple sites: besides Village, we have Fellowship, Gateway, Watermark, Lake Pointe, even Prestonwood has two locations (and if they were really into the movement they could easily have several more). ishy: Can I start a revolution where mental health assessments are a key part of allowing people to be church leaders? Matt & Lauren Chandler are friends with the Halls they are not just obscure staff members. What we had here were two long term staff members of the The Village Church who were highly regarded, very popular and ready to be launched into an autonomous church body as leaders. Atheism Uber Alles. I could see this as an outsider (from Growing up Martian); what about some GUBA (Grew Up Born Again) immersed in Christianese Culture since conception with NO outside perspective or possibility of same? It came to light Tuesday that in 2016, Hunter Hall committed infidelity with another adult member of our church, which disqualifies him as an elder and staff member and he has therefore been removed from both of those positions. Kids started to get tired. For any questions regarding on-campus housing, email or call 281-283-2615. Pastor / Theology & Development. Wasnt Falstaff intended as a comedy-relief character? Satan branded himself to represent God: What did God tell you? Now, I get if the church has standards it expects just like any place of business, and I get if these men lost their jobs because because they violated those standards. Our diverse team of student and professional staff are here to help create a safe Before moving on I need to say again what I just shared, as it is difficult to process on Tuesday of this past week, the elders of Citizens Church were informed that Hunter Hall committed infidelity with an adult member of our church, resulting in him being disqualified as an elder and being removed as both an elder and staff member. And remember, Calvin was an accomplice to murder. Agency intact. how in the world did this happen? Where I live, mothers do still handle the greater burden of child care, but fathers are expected to pitch in as well. Dee, I would be hard-pressed to come up with the Top Ten Bad-Boy Preachers of 2020 there are so many worthy candidates for that infamous list!Hall and Wimberley would certainly be in the running. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. an email at for more information. More accurately, they have created a highly-toxic closed system that cranks out the results youd expect (and that any outsider could see). Is there a simpler way to describe it that isnt so technical? Most of these guys are. There are 18 gifts to function as church, pastor being one, all in lateral position with each other and under the authority of Jesus, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. If you are a first-year or transfer student, you may be eligible to receive a renewable $1,000 per semester scholarship for on-campus living at Hunter Hall. life, and maximize your UHCL experience.During your visit/stay with us, be prepared for a safe and healthy-conscious environment, rejection and threats of ostracization, let alone the fires of hell. Though these days its most visible manifestations are gangs and political cronyism. I keep wondering what pastors of mega churches think pastors do. Do it! If youre elect, then the P in TULIP teaches that youre never out no matter what. You know the old myth that celebrities die in threes, or something to that effect? or meal plans. The Lovejoy tv character was less of a creep than the book character. Though there are serious and difficult consequences involved, we are charged with ministering to the brokenhearted and giving the grace Jesus has given each of us. Excellent comment. 14,350 listeners . Bill Decker, Executive Pastor. Dont you know PASTOR Superapostle is a member of Gods Inner Ring, a PRIEST as far above us Laity as God is above a turd? They have effective safeguards for children and adults. I have to say Im not surprised this happened in a New Calvinist church as Ive said before, the movement is drifting toward antinomianism. the significant part is the wife becomes conditioned to be passive. Im convinced that New Calvinism is comprised of concentric inner rings, where young reformers pay their dues (idolize leaders buy their books, attend their conferences; tweet and retweet nuggets of knowledge from the masters; advance reformed theology in local communities; take over churches for the glory of the movement, etc.) So frustrating thinking about the number of damaged souls left in this wake. On the flip side, they bent over backwards to help out admitted adulterers. elastigirl: there have been huge changes across the board in christianland. . WHO IS HUNTER HALL? Headless Unicorn Guy: Antinomanism? I bet you will. Yes, these men as individuals did these things. I think a lot about how grandiosity traits are normalized in the socialization into evangelical culture and some of the doctrine. Hunter Hall was a longtime staff member at The Village Church, most recently as the Campus Pastor of the Plano location (until August 2019). in christian church culture in which I grew up (which mingled between various denominations and traditions), women and men worked together and made decisions together. Even Racism is an Inner Ring of an ethnicially-defined In-Group; classic Gnosticism/Occultism/Conspiracy Crackpottery are all Inner Rings/In-Groups of Tnose Who KNOW Whats REALLY Going On. This book by Shannon Harris is scheduled to be released in August, about one year later than initially planned. But not anymore. Douglas Coupland. These people are holy. Wimberley was the worship pastor at the Dallas Northway campus before joining Hall at the Plano campus. Hunter is a recent graduate and loves investing in relationships. Mental health assessments DO happen in the ordination process. healthy human beings catch themselves at some point, and get themselves on a better track. @wartwatch @ThouArtTheMan Would be interesting to see the pay-per-view history from the NAMB guys staying in those rooms. To address the original question: Chandler himself said that he only adopted the other sites because they were running out of space at Flower Mound. Pastor Willie Hunter Jr. and Lady Shauna Cobb-Hunter, have been married over 20 years and are blessed with three children, Noah, Caleb and Leah. If theyre not truly saved and they continue to refuse to put their faith in Christ, they will suffer for all eternity for this and for every other sin theyve ever committed. email, with two to three preferred tour dates and times, to In August 2020, an announcement was made to the members of Citizens Church that there would be another meeting with an update concerning Hunter Hall. The Holy Spirit has done significant breakthrough in their lives at The Village Church. how did his namesake religion turn into narcissist-jacka$$-master-&-servant-neurotic-dysfunction central? i am justified in being critical (but i call it realistic). You cant go back and erase a bad reputation with outsiders and a failure to live above reproach (I Timothy 3:1-7). Two dads and all the women actively involved with the kids; other three men (including the dads of the rowdiest children) spent entire time chatting with each other at the table. This person believes that they are the worst of all sinners to ever live and they deserve nothing good that they have. Suffering Puritan? I provided the scripture above as the reason why. Then theyre perpetuated and enforced in those same dynamics and ideas in seminaries and churches when they leave their late teens early 20s. Are you not to judge those inside? Dont ask, dont tell? Instead of worshiping God, the evangel(ical) cult(ure) is leaders that claim to represent/speak for God & the followers that $tep in line, $toop to this idolatry & its myth. Trust me, that ego got deflated. Hunter Street Baptist Church, 2600 John Hawkins Parkway, Hoover, Alabama 35244 (205) 985-7295 ive invested my whole life in this religion, which turns out to be the silliest of all. Hall was immensely popular as the Plano campus pastor, and was slated to leadCitizens Church, after its roll off as an autonomous campus in late summer 2019. And everyone would find him tremendously good company. Enhance your degree plan with a minor. Some people may more just be on the spectrum but not a full blown PD which goes back to the question if its the environment and ideology messing with people who otherwise wouldnt be that way or is it something already in the person like elastigirl mentioned. They have limited their online presence on social media and blogs. . How come its the men wife swapping! The 18 gifts are not the charismatic Pentecostal off-the-rails magic show. The first floor of Hunter offers a gender inclusive restroom. Evangelicals would all excitedly say Yes! lol But to answer yes is a sign there may be grandiose traits within a persons personality and way of relating to people around them. (A lot of men werent like that but it was definitely a pretty high percentage who were) A few women seemed NPD, too. The Apostle Paul personally wrote a letter to the Corinthian church when he heard what was going on with the sexual sin that had infected it. Houston, TX 77058-1002Office hours: Mon as it gets that the Independent Baptists! It that isnt so technical to study or catch up with friends the flip,. The pastors over there to repent, then find another line of work backwards to help out adulterers... Sermon dated April 7, 2019, Chandler says hes known Hall since he was 16 old. 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