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Best study tips and tricks for your exams. Traditional cultivation methods that are based on seasonal products are a good example of extensive farming practices. The macro environment of the company It can be defined a the total environment, which ha a direct or indirect relationhip with the operation of the company. Short generation interval between breeding, raising, harvesting. A friend of yours intends to buy five acres of land, on which he will maintain a personal dairy cow and a few chickens. Before knowing the advantages of extensive farming one has to know what it means. What are advantages and disadvantages of intensive farming? Create and find flashcards in record time. What country has the least arable land per capita? StudySmarter is commited to creating, free, high quality explainations, opening education to all. It becomes cheaper, as animals remove inputs from the land itself. The purposes are usually for marketing. Nomadic herding is an extreme example of extensive farming where herders move their animals to maximize on pastures from occasional rainfalls. Shifting cultivation, an extensive farming method. This is because intensive farming aims to provide the highest harvest per area of land. List of the Advantages of Poultry Farming. Keeping fish in close proximity increases the chances of disease. Retrieved on October 15, 2019 from FAO Press room: fao.org, Cerrillo, A. When pests find a place where their food source is plentiful, they will accumulate and multiply within that area. Practices like hand-weeding and dirt enhancement together with the mulch, corn gluten meal, garlic, and olive oil, table salt, and borax not just eliminate insects and weeds, but also assure crop quality. In the EU, officials have defined intensive farms as those carrying more than 40,000 chickens or 2,000 pigs. False! The need is met without generating additional expenses and bringing good results. Intensive farming causes environment pollution and induces major health issues due to poisonous agents. These organisms are beneficial and detrimental to society. Just how much time, money, and labor is a farmer forced to invest? Bid-rent theory suggests that the real estate closest to a metropolitan central business district (CBD) is the most desirable, and therefore the most valuable and most expensive. Create flashcards in notes completely automatically. It provides mineral as well as other nutrition by the assimilation from the mold. Since intensive farming focuses on using monocultures, each plant can go through the same standardized planting, maintenance, and harvesting process. An area of land (often a section of a forest) is cleared, turned into a temporary farm, then allowed to "re-wild" as farmers move onto the next section of forest. As the nutritional value of our soils continues to get more depleted, the crops grown on the land begin to reduce their nutritional value. 2: Shifting cultivation swidden slash burn IMG 0575 (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Shifting_cultivation_swidden_slash_burn_IMG_0575.jpg) by Rohit Naniwadekar (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Rohitjahnavi), is licensed by CC BY-SA 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en). Increase in deforestation for more cultivated land. Some of the disadvantages of fish farming, however, include the possibility of water pollution, the possibility of releasing infected fish into the wild and the question of whether farm . Poltica de Devoluo We have seen the benefits of fish farming in Nigeria, now let us see the disadvantages. Advantages of Extensive farming has a number of advantages over intensive farming: Less labour per unit areas is required to farm large areas, especially since expensive alterations to land (like terracing) are completely absent. 1. Hydroponics: In this method, plants are grown not in the soil but in water containing dissolved nutrients in greenhouses. Advantages Less labor per unit areas is required to farm large areas, especially since expensive alterations to land (like terracing) are completelyMissing: | Must include:Missing: | Must include: Disadvantages in Fish Farming Disease. Irrigation helps to maintain the condensation of the loam. Those climate conditions typically cannot support widespread intensive farming. Seja um Representante The biggest undesirable effect of pastoral farming is attack by pests and diseases. Fish farming can be integrated into the existing farm to create additional income and improve its water management. Knowing the different definitions, now it is time to understand some advantages and disadvantages of intensive and extensive livestock. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'greener4life_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_11',108,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-greener4life_com-medrectangle-3-0'); Intensive agriculture uses a single crop or livestock species, allowing to increase the output efficiency. But what you could do is maintain a small herd of hardy goats that could survive by grazing on desert scrub with relatively little exertion on your part. The most relevant difference between extensive and intensive livestock farming has to do with the fact that the former involves feeding livestock on the basis of the grass found on the land occupied by the animals. The production is high due to a large area but production per unit of land is low. It is an effective way to reduce over-exploitation of fish resources. If animals break loose, they may get into the crops and destroy them. There are researchers who argue that this type of livestock concentrates its efforts on offering welfare to animals; in addition, it seeks to use resources in a conscious way and preserve the natural heritage of a region. The resources of the area are used in such a way that the cattle can feed without problems in the meadows of the area. The removal of these areas results in a loss of the natural habitat and affects animal life. This technique eradicates diseases caused by soil organisms but the plant needs constant support, supervision, and is grown in areas where theres no soil. The company i not alone in doing buine. Have all your study materials in one place. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. However, slash-and-burn causes temporary deforestation, pastoralism can spread disease, and ranching infrastructure can impede natural ecosystems. Agriculture, as a human practice, is something of a mishmash of natural forces and human labor capital. Disadvantages of Mixed Farming The capital investment is high in terms of buildings and equipment, and to buy the livestock. 3 - Maasai cattle intermingle with giraffes. Farms further from the city (and which consequently have less of a relationship with it) are more likely to be extensive. Which of the following best describes extensive farming's relationship with the bid-rent theory? Pesticides sprayed on crops not only destroy pests and contaminate the crops, but also kill beneficial insects. In extensive fish farming, economic and labour inputs are usually low. How much does a farmer leave to nature? Plantation agriculture is a type of agriculture where crops are grown on large farms. Which of the following best explain why extensive farming is likely to decrease in the coming years? Apart from this, it is also associated with farms that keep livestock above their holding capacity, which in turn leads to pollution, various diseases, and infections brought about by overcrowding and poor hygiene. Since the farmers will cultivate the same crop or livestock species, they can now use the same methods across their entire farmland. The resistance applies to many different species of weeds that are becoming more and more resistant also. The high amount of automation and machinery used in intensive farming has a high requirement on fossil fuels. Extensive farming disadvantages Yields of crops and livestock are much lower than in intensive farming systems so there is a much lower yield to hectare ratio and therefore the food produced is of a higher cost and can even sometimes due to its low productivity have a larger carbon footprint than intensive farming. A subsistence farm is not meant to generate an income. Explanation: The extensive farming or te extensive agriculture is mostly is associated with the production system and uses small inputs and outputs and related to the lands being farmed. Intensive agriculture has a real lack of biodiversity. But that requires that the ecosystem remain intact. Yields increased three times; Multiple cropping; Other crops grown which varied the diet; Surplus to sell in cities creating profit; Improving standard of living; A Robustec utiliza cookies para analisar o trfego do site, preservar a sua sesso e personalizar o contedo. Here, it can be noted that the area and the applied technologies make up the main differences. It is based on crops or livestock grown in large numbers in a small space, and it uses the latest technological advancements to help meet the global demand for food. Eventually, these chemicals are passed on to human beings, who consume the agricultural produce. Here are several benefits of integrated farming system: The integrated farming system boosts food security in Nigeria by increasing food production. Viewed strictly as an agricultural practice, there are a few obvious drawbacks to this system. Exceeding the use of pesticides affects the health of human beings severely, leading to skin allergy, physical deformity, and congenital disease. Less labour per unit areas is required to farm large areas, especially since expensive alterations to land (like terracing) are completely absent. Another advantage is that large productivity of food is possible with less amount of land. Extensive farming has a number of advantages over intensive farming: Less labor per unit areas is required to farm large areas, especially since expensive alterations to land (like terracing) are completely absent. Through extensive cattle raising, the aim is to maintain the landscape of the area used, influencing its structure as little as possible. Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. Which of the following statements about extensive agriculture is MOST accurate? Which of these animals are most associated with ranching? On the other hand, intensive livestock farming tends to generate more simplified landscapes, with less openness and, therefore, greater vulnerability to fires. The investment demand is lower, and it corresponds to 90% of agricultural activities in Brazil. Ranch variations include all of the following except: How does ranching relate to deforestation? What are the advantages and disadvantages of extensive farming? The transformation of animal waste and plants into organic manure cuts farming costs. Organic Farming: We are all well-accustomed to this concept of farming. (Source http://www.buzzle.com/articles/advantages-and-disadvantages-for-intensive-farming.html), Thanks for give a piece of some important informations. What is the advantages of extensive system? It affects the natural habitat of wild animals. Hence, fish reared under the extensive fish farming methods are quite affordable and not pricey. You can raise a variety of birds, including turkeys . Because of the larger area, we are not maximizing results here. Cultural tradition favors extensive agricultural methods. Advantages of Fish Farming. It is very difficult to pick a side in the debate regarding intensive farming. Cleaning robots have got produced to remove the waste from the stables promptly. On the one hand, it increased the yield of crops; on the other hand, it imposed threats to the environment. Commercial. The freedom and space that the beef herd needs are found here. The day after I was elected, I had my high school grades classified Top Secret.Ronald Reagan (b. Disadvantages include; possibility of low quality and reduction of expertise in any single service, intensive competition may lead to failure, What makes semi-intensive system of livestock production more common? You can probably see where this is going. Specializing in such a specific area allows you to develop in-depth knowledge and direct experience on the livestock or specific crop type. Want to know even more about these and other issues relevant to your production? Soil organisms, like mites, earthworms, are essential to have a healthy soil structure and composition. In Sweden, this practice is called svedjebruk. Extensive farming can still pop up in climates that do support intensive agriculture, and in that case, it often boils down to cost-effectiveness relative to rent and real estate prices. Nomads are more likely to practice extensive farming than intensive farming. Farmers are physically/economically unable to invest the required resources necessary to make intensive agriculture feasible. Disadvantages of Intensive Farming Poor living conditions and hygiene for livestock. Organic Farming Introduction Extensive utilization of dried leaves and kitchen composts not only lessens the investment costs, but also guarantees the development of plants which are devoid of synthetic disturbance. The livestock and poultry are injected with hormones and other chemicals to increase the yield. By creating more food at a lower price, I could reduce the cost to the end consumer while keeping a higher profit for myself. In fact, most of the animals are indigenous to the region, and those that are not, have characteristics that allow them to adapt perfectly to the climatic and soil conditions of the space used. What are the advantages and disadvantages of extensive farming? The action you just performed triggered the security solution. You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. Social sustainability With the human population continuing to rise, it is vital that the agricultural industry becomes more sustainable to meet the needs of the growing population. Having this standardization allows higher yields at a lower cost. What is shifting cultivation called in Venezuela? Disadvantages of extensive fish farming system. These characteristics mean that extensive livestock farming is considered by some as less efficient in the economic, environmental and even social fields. Advantages Less labor per unit areas is required to farm large areas, especially since expensive alterations to land (like terracing) are completely3. The demand for more food at a lower price is the primary factor driving the need to create intensive agriculture systems. There is less pressure to be economically "efficient" the further you are from the CBD. It produces good quality food without using any chemical fertilizer or pesticides, helps reduce diseases, and lowers the environmental impact. Free-ranging birds are exceptional at keeping bugs in control since they eat various types of insects. 2) Profitability: Use waste material of one component at the least cost. The key to healthier produce is healthier soil.Dirt Poor: Have Fruits and Vegetables Become Less Nutritious? Some Local and Regional Changes of Modern Agricultural Practices: According to studies, one of the leading causes of unsustainable agriculture is presence of inadequate and inappropriate policies. In a different era, when forests were not also experiencing pressure from logging and permanent land-use conversion, slash-and-burn agriculture was extremely sustainable. Disadvantages. The less a farmer needs to spend to produce a crop, the more savings can get passed to the end consumer. Higher Yields. The further you move away from a city, the cheaper real estate tends to get, and the lack of population density (and associated cost of travel) drives profit margins down. Increasing global concerns over deforestation have caused some governments to question the long-term sustainability of slash-and-burn agriculture. Their cattle herds graze freely in and around the Serengeti, intermingling with local wildlife. With the introduction of intensive farming, farm produce, such as vegetables, fruits, and poultry products have become less expensive. In addition, the physical characteristics of the soil and a wide variety of plant types are needed to keep these organisms flourishing. Livestock management requires more work, and profitability also raises an issue. The technical definition is very broad, but colloquially, ranching is most associated with the very large beef cattle farms that are ubiquitous in Texas. Extensive Farming Advantages and Disadvantages Extensive farming comes with a number of advantages: Significantly less pollution than intensive agriculture Less land degradation than intensive agriculture Better quality of life for livestock Provides a sustainable food source or income in areas where other agricultural methods do not work Pigs may also be included, although the first two are the most common. The alpacas are on two acres of fenced pasture and are actively grazing. Many farms are still using fossil fuels to provide energy to the equipment since it is cheaper and more efficient than renewable sources. Polymer forms can be altered depending on their desired use. This practice has long put the Maasai at odds with local predators like lions, which may target the cattle. Produce such as fruits, vegetables, eggs, milk and meat are all readily supplied to restaurants and supermarkets to meet the demand of the growing population of the world. 1. The farmers, who follow these set rules help to provide an affordable, safe, and healthy produce to all alike. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. According to this researcher, the most intensive systems (those that produce more in less space) offer better returns in terms of the carbon footprint that is generated. If animals are grazed on pastures native to the locality, there is less likely to be problems with exotic species. By registering you get free access to our website and app (available on desktop AND mobile) which will help you to super-charge your learning process. The knowledge can be easily abused, resulting in greater risks. 4. This is not universally the case, but purely from an efficiency standpoint, intensive agriculture usually comes out on top. The main benefits of intensive farming include sufficient food supplies at affordable prices. It results into increase in sedimentation towards downstream side of river. What are the disadvantages of biodynamic farming? Yes, the alpacas are grazing livestock being raised in a pasture. Aquaculture is nearly a multibillion-dollar industry. Most extensive agriculture cannot support modern population sizes. Some regions are seeing a 90% loss of some species. In India, it is almost absent except in some states such as Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, and Haryana. Let's say you had an acre of land somewhere in North Africa: you couldn't grow 25,000 stalks of corn even if you wanted to. Nomadic communities are more likely to practice extensive farming than intensive farming. As mentioned earlier, all credit goes to the second agricultural revolution that shifted . 1. Intensive farming practices produce higher amounts of cheaper food per animal and acre of land. Less use of pesticide Less POPs in environment Less defforestation Less disturbance to soil No loss of biodiversity Protection to wildlifes Protection of watersheds, Fish Farming Advantages & Disadvantages The Fundamental Problem. These advancements have allowed people to take on a wider variety of occupations while lowering food prices and helping to give rise to urbanization. The dyexecutive yndrome It i a et of ymptom - communication problem, communication, cognitive and behavioral deficit, change in leep pattern - that arie from alteration in the executive function of th All Rights Reserved warbletoncouncil.org - 2023, Crimean War: Background, Causes and Consequences, Linus Pauling: biography, contributions, awards and quotes, Macroenvironment of the Company: Factors, Analysis and Example, The professional and his ethics in the exercise of leadership, Dysexecutive syndrome: characteristics and symptoms, "Extensive livestock" in Plataforma for extensive livestock and pastoralism. Generally speaking, intensive farming has higher labor (and cost) inputs and higher yields than extensive agriculture. One drawback to non-organic foods is that you may be consuming higher levels of pesticides, antibiotics or hormones, and your food may be coming from growing conditions that are not as highly regulated as organic products. Modern Technology Saves Time in Farming As we all know, the main purpose of technology is to save time for people working. 1983 clearly shows that in cotton monoculture, populations of 13 different pest species increased [6]. Farmers also buy one thing in a higher bulk. As a result, many farmers in Northern Europe practice extensive slash-and-burn agriculture. The introduction of intensive farming allows the space, equipment, and other requirements for farming to be less and more economical. Extensive agriculture, on the other hand, employs larger tracts of land and lower quantities of labor and resources. There is an increasing amount of evidence suggesting that the sub-therapeutic use of antibiotics in food animals can pose a health risk to humans.Antibiotic Debate Overview www.pbs.org. Set individual study goals and earn points reaching them. One of the most widespread methods of shifting cultivation is slash and burn agriculture: an area of the forest is slash and burned, with the charred remains left to infuse the soil with nutrients before farmers plant. 5. The USDA defines any farm with more than 1,000 cattle, 2,500 pigs or 125,000 chickens as a Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) or intensive farming system. A blueberry farmer that allows visitors to harvest their own berries may limit the number of bushes on the farm to allow for a more scenic experience. Although it wa wan Linu pauling (1901-1994) wa a renowned cientit and chemit of American nationality who alo tood out a a political activit. 1. This is due to the fact that plantations are typically large pieces of land that are dedicated to growing crops. Performance & security by Cloudflare. Animals reared in intensive systems are more environmentally 'efficient' than extensive ones that is, more food (meat, milk, eggs) is obtained for a given quantity of emissions or land used. Extensive farms are more likely to revolve around livestock rather than crops. This leads to economies of scale and directly contributes towards meeting the ever-growing demand for food supplies. The single defining characteristic of extensive farming is that it has less labor input than intensive farming. An alpaca rancher who generates more money from tourism than fiber sales may prioritize alpacas' friendliness over fiber quality. Top 10 Organic Farming Pros & Cons Summary List. Intensive livestock works with a smaller area, allowing daily and approximate monitoring. Extensive farming comes with a number of advantages: Significantly less pollution than intensive agriculture, Less land degradation than intensive agriculture, Provides a sustainable food source or income in areas where other agricultural methods do not work, Prioritizes sustainability and cultural tradition over pure efficiency. 2 ) Profitability: use waste material of one component at the least cost to... Pollution and induces major health issues due to poisonous agents defining characteristic of extensive farming practices produce amounts. Following except: how does ranching relate to deforestation a wider variety of birds, including turkeys Technology! Economically `` efficient '' the further you are happy with it the fact plantations. Intensive farming hence, fish reared under the extensive fish farming, farm,! About these and other issues relevant to your production farming, economic and labour inputs usually. 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