why did voldemort only make 7 horcruxeshow to use debit card before it arrives

He found out about the hunt after the Gringotts break-in: The scream of rage, of denial left him as if it were a stranger's. When searching through a will, the Ministry is only permitted to do so if they believe that an object that has been tampered with Dark Magic is going to be passed on . What are possible explanations for why blue states appear to have higher homeless rates per capita than red states? The idea that a horcrux is created from half of your current soul is popular, but has no canon support. "Accident and chance and the fact that you crouched and sniveled behind the skirts of greater men and women, and permitted me to kill them for you! Gabriela Delgado is a writer based in Lima, Peru. Why did only Voldemort make Horcruxes? To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. On the whole, though, these are minor additional points. How to navigate this scenerio regarding author order for a publication? The first Horcrux that Harry encountersTom Riddle's diarycame into existence when the villain was only a sixteen-year-old Hogwarts student. ), or wondering what life would have been like had Pushing Daisies, Firefly, and Limitless not been cancelled. She is a Muggle-born, and he woul. Perhaps he wasn't willing to risk this. He just didn't know it. At first, she thought she was imagining things. It would also explain why, when he used the kill curse on Harry in The Deathly Hallows, both of them temporarily left their bodies, and only returned together. Maybe she doesnt know because she never thought there would be such interest around it, and never considered having to reveal what it is. This . To this end, he made each horcrux with 1/7th of his soul, making them all equal, with the remaining 1/7 in his physical body. The only Horcrux of Voldemort's that could be argued as not being that valuable inherently would be his diary, though we do not know if the enchantments placed on the diary could have made up the difference. I do wonder what object was supposed to have become the Horcrux, tho. seventh part of his soul, however maimed, resides inside his regenerated On his quest for immortality, Voldemort split his soul and kept a piece of it in different objects (including Harry Potter, although that was accidental), thus creating various Horcruxes. It appears Voldemort isnt all-powerful without his Horcruxes and Harry Potter is truly the greatest sorcerer who ever lived! Voldemort wanted to have his soul splited in 7 parts because he believed that 7 was the most powerful number, the number of perfection. Answer: In the first place, Voldemort never made a Horcrux with the souls of Hermione's parents. As. He created 7 Horcruxes because mathematically it would be split like this 100%- 50%- 25%- 12.5%- 6.25%- 3.125%- 1.0125 % after 7 the body is left with 1.0125% of their soul and on the night at Godrick hollow when he pursues the potter family he accidentally creates a new Horcrux Harry which again splits his soul then his physical body is left with less then 1% of its soul which killed his body but not his soul. An odd aside, but this would seem to indicate that Voldemort had an item he wished to imbue with this part of his soul on him at the time. Determined to reclaim what he saw as his birthright, Riddle murdered Smith and tookthe locket,making it into a Horcrux shortly after. 1. This has prompted some fans to not pay attention to any reveals she may have to share anymore, and with good reason, as they only end up hurting what she established over the course of seven books. It was great. Rowling also revealed the reasons behind the characters' names, explaining that they were names she never cared for and associated with unpleasantness. Voldemort's vanity eventually led to his downfall, as each of the seven Horcruxes was special to him in some way, and therefore easier to track down. Of course he didn't know he had actually, inadvertently, created an eighth pseudo-Horcrux within Harry. Albus Dumbledore: "Yes, I think so. And in any case bad enough to divide the soul but to rip it into seven pieces . Blood and flesh are very prominent in potions within the Wizarding World, so consuming any of these is confirmedhave some power or effect: for example, the regeneration potion requires the bone of the father [] flesh of the servant [] blood of the enemy; therefore, it makes sense that one of the most obscure rituals/practices involves something as horrific as cannibalism, whether by consuming organs such as the heart or drinking the blood of the victim. Once he found out that the diary was gone, why didn't Voldemort make more Horcruxes? How can citizens assist at an aircraft crash site? Does each new Horcrux take half of Voldemort's remaining soul, thus taking a smaller piece each time? I'm 110% sure that the reason Voldemort lost the whole game was because he moved past the number 7 :), I think it is worth pointing out that V's arrogance also made him believe he. Snape did not know and Dumbledore tried to phrase everything the way it would not specify the kind of magic. 7 were made by Voldemort intentionally ( Nagini, goblet, diary, locket, ring, diadem and the part of his soul in Voldemort himself) and 1 was made accidentally which was Harry. This murder was used to keep the first fragment of Riddles soul into his diary but Myrtle didnt die by his hands. Will it be in the Encyclopedia? Right; that's why I said "he just didn't know that Harry became one".. Moreover, throughout this entire time Voldemort still didn't know that Harry had found the last Horcrux. 'And the more I've read about them,' said Hermione, 'the more horrible they seem, and the less I can believe that he actually made six. He wouldn't want to have any risk of making more than intended and weakening the power of seven. Therefore, if you pay money but it's illegal anyway, you've been ripped off, since you've not got what you paid for (which is legality, not the ebooks themselves). @zzzzBov It's very easy to find free ebooks of Harry Potter if you want to, so the only reason to pay money for them is to stay legal. This number is surprisingly low, considering that. Its not like fans can create horcruxes, anyway. I had thought about this point myself and then forgot to put it into my answer, but I think Voldemort would have wanted extremely historical or magical items with which to create further Horcruxes. There's some strange and unknown ritual to perform when creating a Horcrux, this involves: Performing a spell or curse Committing murder Transferring the soul piece into a container of some sort But how ? Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts. Voldemort destroyed this portion of the soul when he attempted to kill Harry in the Forbidden Forrest in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Hi and welcome to the site! This is probably the oddest part of it all. Actually, it's explained that he never knew he'd made Harry into a Horcrux, because he didn't kill Harry. This was no doubt one of Voldemort's most valued Horcruxes, as it once belonged to his ancestor and the founder of his Hogwarts house. The books were adapted into eight films (with Deathly Hallows being split into two parts) beginning in 2001 and ending in 2011. Voldemorts problem would have been that his soul is finite. Wouldn't it be better, make you stronger, to have your soul Tom Riddle, later known as Lord Voldemort, was a very powerful wizard - the problem was that he also had an evil nature, and used his power to commit truly horrific acts. @Izkata Nagini wasn't a magical artefact but I'm not sure you could say she wasn't important to Voldemort. Lord Voldemort created seven Horcruxes for the survival of his soul, meaning seven horrifying murders without any remorse. She's a fan of all things film and television, ranging from the latest superhero entries to the classic reality tv of the early 2000s. All that fans know for sure is that they require murder, a spell, and unspeakable acts that the Dark Lord never hesitated in performing. Did Voldemort's soul only rip apart when he decided to make a Horcrux? She was also a contributor for FanSided's BamSmackPow and 1428 Elm. Why wouldn't Voldemort create new Horcruxes? So they steal Polyjuice, but not luck potion? Eventually, it was revealed that Nagini was a Horcrux, and Neville Longbottom killed her with Godric Gryffindor's sword. The wizard intent upon creating a Horcrux would use the damage to his advantage: He would encase the torn portion That being said, I assume he chose to make Nagini a Horcrux because he still thought he was one short of the seven part soul he desired (not realizing that Harry was a quasi-Horcrux) and he was desperate to do it even without a fourth object from the Founders. Lord Voldemort's had only seven Horcruxes: Tom Riddle's diary. Voldemort likely well knew this, and this was why he didn't make any more horcruxes, even when he discovered they were being destroyed. There are two things that I think are too horrible, actually, to go into detail about. Letter of recommendation contains wrong name of journal, how will this hurt my application? Staci is a politics/psychology graduate from Scotland who went on to work in neither of those fields in the end. It is never mentioned, perhaps a plot hole. Why didn't Voldemort perform Priori Incantatem on Dumbledore's wand to see if he had discovered or destroyed any of his Horcruxes, after Gringotts? Related: The Three Unforgivable Curses Explained (& Which Was Worst). Adrienne is very into films and she enjoys a bit of everything: from superhero films to heartbreaking dramas, to low-budget horror films. The Harry Potter theorygoes on to link cannibalism to necromancy, which in its broadest definition is a magical practice of communicating with the dead, and this can be achieved through different methods, such as summoning the spirits as apparitions or raising them bodily. However, after the murder of Albus Dumbledore, Harry decided to end things with Ginny, fearing that Voldemort would target her if he learned of their blossoming/growing strong romance and knowing that he would be leaving with Ron and Hermione to find Voldemort's Horcruxes. As for Harry surviving, he was protected by the most powerful form of magic, love. Sirius Black did not like it. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, For added hilarity, you could edit your title to put Big V's common name instead of his real one. Just sayin'. Harry was a pseudo-Horcrux, as he was not created intentionally. The only way I'd accept one is if it was a tv series with 1 season per year that doesn . The idea is that the more you split it the more you tear yourself apart. Voldemort's soul was completely fractured and damaged. Tom Riddle, who confided in no one and operated alone, might have been arrogant enough to assume that he, and only he, had penetrated the deepest mysteries of Hogwarts Castle. Still, not every detail is known about the creation of Voldemort's seven Horcruxes. Lord Voldemort is the anagram of his birth . There were 8 horcruxes. Basically Harry was the 7th Horcrux, but Voldemort wasn't aware of this until he killed Harry. Thanks to Harry, the sword was imbued with Basilisk venom, giving it the power to destroy the artifact. And the only reason the Dementors choose to follow Voldemort is because he frees them from their duty to Azkaban, allowing them access to the richer pickings on the mainland. The more appealing alternative is, if such dark magic is as violent and abhorrent as suggested, that we assume that each time a horcrux is made, the soul in fact, splits in twain (breaks more or less evenly). So why not share what this mysterious step in creating a horcrux is? In his mind, Harry was only still alive due to a combination of luck, help, and technical wand issues, and Voldemort thought that killing Snape would resolve the last of those issues: "One of us?" If he did create another, he would probably be weakened to the point of near death (but of course death was impossible with a Horcrux) and disembodiment. The most likely explanation for him NOT doing is twofold. So, Voldemort chose Nagini as his "sixth" Horcrux, thus (he thought) splitting his soul into seven; one piece stayed with Voldemort after all. He discovered that by creating Horcruxes, objects containing a piece of someone's soul, he could never truly die, and thus, continue on his journey to absolute power. I don't know if in Godelot's Magick Moste Evile there were directions on how to destroy a Horcrux and a list of items that were magically powerful enough to actually do so. Within the Harry Potter universe, only Voldemort, Slughorn, Hermione, and Dumbledore knew what this act was about (there surely were other characters who knew about it, but those are the only ones confirmed), and they showed tolerance to other horrific acts committed in the Wizarding World, but for some reason, the one about horcruxes is too much for them to handle. Personally, I like to think that it's because he HAD completed the ritual required.. and he did kill someone.. himself! He later killed an unknown muggle to make the locket a Horcrux. But the theory has some holes. The events got sped up, so the Dark Lord simply had no time. His plan, of course, was that this could make him both immortal in terms of general aging, and able to enter dramatic fights without fear of defeat. From the series, it seems as though Voldemort was the only person to have ever made more than 1 of them. How we determine type of filter with pole(s), zero(s)? rsegal mentions the number seven. [Harry's] the Boy Who Lived." This process and its objects are linked to Lord Voldemort himself, the only known wizard to successfully create more than one horcrux. I'm pretty sure than being left with less than 1% of a soul isn't very good for you. In this extraordinarily weak state, perhaps this could explain why his eighth and unintended horcrux (Harry) ended up 'destroying' him. The author uses Myrtle Warren aka Moaning Myrtles murder to support this idea. Rowling took inspiration from many classics of literature and elements from different mythologies, so in that sense, it would fit that cannibalism was part of the process of creating a horcrux. Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets revealed Voldemort as a memory of his young self, Tom Riddle, through his first Horcrux. He never trusted anyone, never had any friends, he rolled solo, and creating the Horcrux then would have meant revealing it to a huge group of people. Nagini was the final Horcrux In an interview, J.K. Rowling revealed that it was the murder of Bertha Jorkins that made Nagini a Horcrux. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Frankly, he's a bit melodramatic, but for all I know there's actual, magic-mechanical significance to 7 horcruxes. ', 'You are thinking of Portkeys, Harry, which must be ordinary objects, easy to overlook. She is an Audiovisual Communication graduate who wanted to be a filmmaker, but life had other plans (and it turned out great). The first Horcrux was created by Herpo the Foul, an Ancient Greek wizard and one of the earliest known Dark Wizards. If killing splits one's soul, why does Slughorn say Voldemort was the first person to split his soul more than once? Why are there two different pronunciations for the word Tee? By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Dumbledore told us in book 6 that Voldemort couldn't feel when his horcruxes were destroyed as those parts of his soul had been separated from his body for too long. Seven is a powerful magic number. Second, he was surrounded by death eaters. Is the rarity of dental sounds explained by babies not immediately having teeth? Are there some other requirements or limits to creating a Horcrux? In Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, we learn that Voldemort has 7 Horcruxes. In the second place, a witch/wizard makes a Horcrux with their own soul, not someone else's. In the third place, Voldemort would never make a Horcrux with Hermione. I think that if he did kill Harry, there's a high chance he would use Harry's death to make another horcrux. The total that he made doesn't change, the point of my answer is that he created that number because it created a strong magical foundation, changing it would remove the magical significance of 7, his soul would be split more than 7 times in that case which (in his opinion) would reduce the magical strength provided by 7. Prior to Screen Rant, she wrote for Pop Wrapped, 4 Your Excitement (4YE), and D20Crit, where she was also a regular guest at Netfreaks podcast. Voldemort DIDN'T know his horcruxes were being destroyed until the end of book 7. Why did Voldemort kill a muggle tramp and Albanian peasant to create Horcruxes? That was the part of him that lived a spectral existence for so many years during his exile; without that, he has no self at all. Somehow her panic steadied him. The non-human part of Voldemort arose after he split his soul into pieces and encased parts of it in hidden objects to secure his immortality; these objects are called Horcruxes. 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