33 days to merciful love retreat companion pdfivisions litchfield elementary school district

14 day loan required to access EPUB and PDF files. Thats what makes us who we are. However, if you were to ask the writers of Sacred Scripture, theyd say theres somediing even more characteristic of humanity than reason, APPENDIX ONE: Living the Offering 155 namely, the heart.199 Indeed, theyd say that the heart gets to the very center of man and to whats most important about him. Its to hope against hope in our daily lives, when all is darkness and were tempted to disbe lieve in Gods loving presence in our lives, tempted to doubt that all things work together for good to those wrho love God (Rom 8:28). It focuses on the twin and mutually complementary themes of love and luminosity- the core of Islamic mysticism. let us remain then very far from all diat sparkles, let us love our littleness, let us love to feel nothing, then we shall be poor in spirit, and Jesus will come to look for us [and] He will transform us in flames of love. More Details. Hes God. In our own day, Pope Paul VI praised and explained it at length in his 1974 apostolic exhortation on devotion to Mary, Marialis Cultus. Next week, were going to start learning about St. Therese and her spiritual doctrine, which builds on this weeks scriptural foundation. 46 59. But my plea was a mere nothing in the face of the divine anger. After all, she lived in the same convent as Therese. 133 Ibid., p. 149. 60-65. Problem is, many of us dont sec it. And as I mentioned earlier, he wants us to be on fire with love. On the first night of the journey, before even reaching the place of her retreat, the vehemence of her love and sorrow broke the ties binding her to earth, and at the same moment the holy man saw her soul carried by angels to Gods 33 DAYS TO MERCIFUL LOVE 96 bosom. But how, specifically, can we make it? But if you dont, I will. In times past, victims, pure and spotless, were the only ones accepted by the Strong and Powerful God. So, for Week One, well focus on the backstory to Thereses teaching, a backstory that goes way back to the Garden of Eden, to the patriarch Abraham, and to Mary, the Mother of God. Now, before we begin the retreat itself, I thought I'd include an introduction to Marian consecration. 48 Ibid., p. 27. In other words, mercy involves two things: the heart and the arms. (Translation by ZENIT.) In fact, its a beautiful longing of love, a longing that purifies us at every moment and deepens our life of prayer. Michael E. Gaitley, MIC, author of the popular book Consoling the Heart of Jesus, comes an extraordinary 33-day journey to Marian consecration with four giants of Marian spirituality: St. Louis de Montfort, St. Maximilian Kolbe, St. Teresa of Calcutta, and St. John Paul II. 50 See With Empty Hands, pp. After all, I figured that only the "quickest and easiest" path could help someone like me to become a saint. He lives and works on Eden Hill in Stockbridge, Massachusetts, home of the National Shrine of The Divine Mercy. Also, die image itself becomes a concrete realization of the invitation. The elevator which must raise me to heaven is Your arms, O Jesus! 43 See endnote 126. All of us, at one time or another, have basked in the rays of Gods love (called by St. Ignatius of Loyola consolation). The year of mercy was declared by Pope Francis as "The Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy" starting on . And therefore although the angels feed on Christ spiritually, yet it does not belong to them to eat this sacrament spiritually. 130 Ibid.,p. 61-62). Col 3:3) through faith [She] is in contact with the truth about her Son only in faith and through faith! 137 See Use Power of Confidence, p. 241, and Gaucher, p. 172. Marilyn Teichert and Madeleine Stebbins [Petersham, MA: St. Bedes Publications, 1974], P. 144). Because people who dont think theyre sinners dont clearly see the reality of Gods love, theyre blind to their sins. I suggest that the answer comes from what we learned on Day 6 of this retreat. Mary truly is the New Eve who brings us to the New Adam on die new tree of life, the Cross. Week One. Its no less a revolution than the Gospel message that the greatest are the least (see Lk 9:48). Now, today, were going to reflect on how the love that fills up the abyss of our nothingness also overflows. Were you to say that, shed probably look you in the eye and respond in all seriousness, My friend, theres none more lowly than I. Todays Prayer: Come, Holy Spirit, fire of mercy. Her loving confidence in our Lord made her extraordinarily daring in the things she asked him for. For instance, the virtue of humility would respond to Thereses magnanimous statement about wanting to love God more than hes ever been loved before with something like this: Come on. I ask all this in Jesus name. Agree to stumble at every step therefore, even to fall, to carry your cross weakly, to love your helpless ness. It might be helpful to think of our fiat in the following way. Its like this: Jesus suffers from a terribly painfill heart condition, so hes written for himself a prescription for medication that will relieve him of his agony. Now, St. Therese knew all this, so she tried to perfectly fulfill the commandment of love but she couldnt do it. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Customers who read this book also read. (Unless otherwise indicated, as in this case, all emphasis in citations is original.) This was the ultimate test of faith because it was through Isaac that God had promised to make Abraham blessed and a great nation. 223 Ibid.' Description. And when we clearly see that God is good, merciful, and trustworthy, we begin to trust him. And he came to her and said, Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you! But she was greatly troubled at the saying, and considered in her mind what sort of greeting this might be. It means being sorry for our sins, making a firm resolution not to sin again, and never making a truce with sin. So, thats the catch! Making the Family Offering to Mercifill Love is rather simple. 67 Cited in The Power of Confidence, p. 221. What? biv to Make the Invitation (Ottering). What if he wanted to give us a special gift of holiness in our day? I felt I had found what I was looking for. He Calls Us ''Friends." Of course, we know that at the Annunciation she believed Gods Word, hoping against hope that she w'ould become the mother of the Son of God through a virginal conception. And while Francis physically went to the ends of the earth 106 33 DAYS TO MERCIFUL LOVE through apostolic labors, Therese spiritually traveled the world through prayer. His greatness is shown in how he has scattered the proud in their conceit and has lifted up the lowly (Lk 1:51), in how he resists the proud but gives grace to the humble (Jas 4:6). Again, I suggest its his words, I thirst, spoken from the Cross. 42 Story of a Soul, p. 98. But its not really a question for Jesus; its a question for us. He also stated: Man finds nothing so intolerable as to be in a state of complete rest without occupation, without diversion (622). During diose days, weve not only been reviewing the material, but weve also begun to put together all that weve learned. And as weve learned from St. Faustina, this image truly' is living and grace-filled.221 Moreover, when you display' it in your home in a place of honor where youll see it daily, it becomes a continual, concrete, physical reminder of die solemn invitation (offering) you and your family have made. You can pray and sacrifice for me, and it makes a difference. Because such suffering, by its very nature, is other-directed. After all, it was the devil himself who said to St. John Vianney, If there were three upon earth like you, my kingdom would be destroyed.156 Just three! When he returned four hours later and everybody had forgotten about it, she ran at once to Marie, saying: Mane, hurry and tell Papa I tore the paper. Then she awaited her sentence as if she were a criminal (Story ofa Soul, pp. Using the same 33-day preparation format, 33 Days to Merciful Love journeys with one of the most beloved saints of modern times, St. Thrse of Lisieux, and concludes with a consecration to Divine Mercy. I hardly heard from Mark after college. Whenever we look at it, help us to remember your love and mercy, and fill our hearts with trust. Todays Prayer: Spend the day pondering the Offering to Merciful Love as it is summarized in these three words: Relate, See, and Smile. Ah! These are the ones who at least recognize their sins. Heres how that is often explained: We can console Jesus by giving consolation to the members of his body. Therese of Lisieux, trans. Weve arrived at the moment when we see how great, how heroic is Marys faith, the moment when we see how completely she abandons her self to God without reserve. Weve arrived at the moment when Elizabeths words of blessing, as John Paul puts it, seem to re-echo with supreme eloquence, and the power contained within them becomes something penetrating.23 And its prob ably becoming clear now as to why that blessing penetrates. In fact, it becomes an act of perfect love, because perfect love, like perfect contrition, is concerned with the Lords Heart. And such a gift leads the Church to rightly declare,Death through Eve, life through Mary.9 Todays Prayer: Come, Holy Spirit, fire of mercy. [Washington, D.C.: ICS Publications, 1982], p. 114). Our Father 4. aint Friend: A Source of Hope. Of course, we can walk the path of merit by focusing on what we deserve. In other words, we can be anxious about our merits like the poor victim of justice, Sr. Marie of Jesus, who said from her deathbed, I dont have enough merits, I must acquire more of them. Or we can travel the path of mercy by giving our attention to Jesus, who longs for souls into whom he can pour his Merciful Love. But theres something else. Its like this: Is trust an act of love? The third friend is Therese of Lisieux, the saint I got to know while I was in the seminary. Among other things, die book asserts that every Carmelite should offer herself as a victim soul to Gods justice, and several nuns from the Lisieux convent did just that.84 Alright, so what did that offering mean? Also, according the spiritual theologian, Jordan Aumann, OP, it is necessary to distinguish between venial sins committed out of weakness, surprise, or lack of advertence and deliberation, and those that are com mitted coldly and with complete awareness that one thereby displeases God (Spiritual Theology [Huntington, Ind. And if theres one thing that Therese wants to say to us, its this: trust. So, in a bold move, she chooses to rely on Gods sanctity, a choice that carries into the next paragraph: (2) Since You loved me so much as to give me Your only Son as my Savior and my Spouse, the infinite treasures of His merits are mine. Because Therese still trusted God, even in the face of this trial of double darkness the darkness of her own helplessness and the darkness of temptations against God and heaven she truly deserves the blessing given to Abraham and Mary. That is, we call down (fiat) the Lords blood and water (mercy) into our emptiness. Michael Gaitley, MIC, 33 Days to Merciful Love. Knowing that we all have a distorted image of God as a result of original sin (see Day 1), Jesus wants to heal that distortion by giving us a true image of his mercy for our time. It becomes one if we make it our intention when we inhale to receive Gods rejected Merciful Love into our emptiness. The greatness of Its majesty pierced me deeply, and I did not dare to repeat my entreaties. If through weakness I sometimes fall, may Your Divine Glance cleanse my soul immediately, consuming all my imperfections like the fire that transforms everything into itself. This is a striking illustration of what I want to say, but the reality itself is beyond the power of words to express.142 Well now let these last words of Thereses autobiography be the last words of this days meditation. In fact, Jesus Christs suffering, death, and Resurrection was enough to save a gazillion worlds. In other words, I had to go speak with my friend Er. However, if you trust in Jesus for the purpose of consoling him, then trust becomes an act of love. Join us for a 6-week small-group retreat in preparation for the Consecration to Divine Mercy. And why not be joyful? Rather, he judges the heart. Alright, so when it came time for me to write my licentiate thesis (a big research paper for a degree in theology that most people have never heard of), I decided to take it as an opportunity to get off the roller coaster. There are lots -ZX of reasons why people invite others into their homes. Bur dont be afraid, for as well now see, this ocean is a wonderful thing to experience. So, in that moment, we love God perfectly with his own divine love. As seen on EWTN. Also, keep in mind that the alternative is terrible: a cold, hard, and distant heart that resists suffering with others, that resists being part of the Christian life of love. To make our meditation, lets go to the foot of the Cross just before Jesus dies. Well, there is, indeed, a catch but its not a scary one. 33 days to morning glory retreat companion pdf 33 Days to Merciful Love is the stirring sequel to the international sensation, 33 Days to Morning Glory. Y26-0NE book: Y26-EB0NE Consoling the Heart of Jesus This do-it-yourself retreat combines the Spiritual Exercises ofSt. I see that it is enough to realize ones nothingness, and to give oneself wholly, like a child, into the arms of God (cited in Gaucher, p. 167). Consider this: Jesus once told St. Faustina Saint Faustina If I were to reveal to you the whole misery that you are, you would die of terror.144 Now, I hesitate to bring up that quote, because 1 dont want little souls to begin beating themselves up and tailing into discouragement. And by the way, if you plan to make your consecration in a group setting, see the note at the bottom of page 137. Merciful Love Book - Retreat Companion (working book with daily and weekly questions written by O. Michael Gately) - The Merciful Love Certificate - Prayer of the O. *3 So, the little bird with the heart of the eagle, the little bird who is well aware of her weaknesses, is also totally confident that God could not have given her the heart of an eagle without also providing her the means of realizing her desires. Of course, youre going to want to continue to live the Little Way by doing the three diings we learned about on Day 11: (1) Keep recognizing the dark ness of your littleness and brokenness. Also, in a certain sense, even God needs her help. My first recommendation is to read books about mercy from people who have chosen the path of mercy, who have done the work of mercy, and who saw through the lens of mercy. Youre not important. May your Offering to Merciful Love (your consecration to Divine Mercy) bring you great gifts of happiness, peace, and joy. In fact, in a sense, its sometimes better that little souls arent successful. My heart is a living 188 33 DAYS TO MERCIFUL LOVE tabernacle in which the living Host is reserved. So what do they see that we dont? O Fount of Life, un fathomable Divine Mercy, envelop the whole world and empty' Yourself out upon us. For instance, I can pray and sacrifice for you, and it makes a differ ence. Amen. And yet, through the Mass, we truly and fully participate in that mystery. What does the 33 Days retreat look like? 129 Story of a Soul, pp. that the more Ton want togive, the more You make us desire. It means forgiving those who have hurt us. Search the history of over 778 billion Wonderful. Here, Therese speaks of suffering as a grace. That was her night of faith. DAY 24 Liturgical Darkness Yesterday, we learned the secret to overcoming our blindness to our own personal sins, the secret to being little: the fire of Gods love. Also, keep in mind that the Offering is tar from selfish when we aim to do it, above all, to console Jesus. Then, together, each in his own way, we offer Jesus infinite sacrifice of love to the Father WEEK FOUR: Into the Darkness 101 and ourselves along with it.150 Thats the moment when Jesus sacrifice becomes our sacrifice, when Jesus love becomes our love, when Jesus offering of himself becomes our offering of ourselves. 1,1877-1890. Oh, how indifferent are souls to so much goodness, to so many proofs of love! [emailprotected] Theyd almost have you believe that they were immaculately conceived, like Mary. Read the latest magazines about 33-Days-to-Merciful-Love-A- and discover magazines on Yumpu.com XX English Deutsch Franais Espaol Portugus Italiano Romn Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Bahasa Indonesia Trke Suomi Latvian Lithuanian esk Unknown . I say that because our prayers truly can obtain for others this amazing mercy, even for those who seem hopelessly lost. As St. Therese put it, describing her own day of consecration, Alt! Since You deigned to give me a share in this very precious Cross, I hope in heaven to resemble You and to see shining in my glorified body the sacred stigmata of Your Passion. - Additional DVD from Episode 2 of the acclaimed Catholic documentary, Divine Mercy in the second greatest story ever told based on the book, 33 Days Emphasis added. Remember that image? On the same page, Foley goes into further detail about Zelies excessive fear and what it was like for her, growing up in a home that was dominated by a certain atmosphere of austerity, constraint and scrupulosity. 34 Full quote: She becomes emotional very easily. Carmelite Sisters of New York of Conscils et Souvenirs (Rock ford, Hi. Chris Alar, MIC, a priest in my community, die Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception. Distrust Of course, distrust is the opposite of trust. /.os/xc, C Merciful Father, in the name of our lovable Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and all the Saints, I ask You to set the Marian Fathers and the Marian Missionaries of Divine Mercy on fire with Your Spirit of Love and to grant them the grace of making You deeply loved.193 Thank you for your prayers. And the key lines that reveal its essence are actually' two questions. 218 Ibid., 454. The distinction between mortal and venial sin, already evident in Scripture, became part of the tradition of the Church. Theyre the people who would say things like, That St. Therese wasnt so little. Well, its when God doesnt pass us like the priest and Levite but, rather, like the Samaritan, comes to us where we are, sees our weakness, brokenness, and misery, and then acts to heal us and bring us to a place of comfort and rest. Yes, I want to spend my heaven doing good on earth.166 112 33 DAYS TO MERCIFUL LOVE We know that God granted the desires of this greatest saint of modern times. So, will you let her help you? We also have to keep trying to grow' in holiness. Divine Mercy in My Soul Paperback Y26-NBFD Compact edition Y26-DNBF Deluxe LeatherBound Edition Y26-DDBURG Audio Diary Mp3 Edition Y26-ADMP3 DivineMercyArt.com Top Quality Religious Art at Merciful Prices! And also: [E]ven if I were to be told of Gods justice and of how even the pure spirits tremble and cover their faces before Him, saying endlessly, Holy, which would seem to suggest that my familiarity with God would be to the detriment of His honor and majesty, [I would reply,] O no, no, and once again, no! (ibid, 947). So, the Offering to Merciful Love not only consoles the Heart of Jesus, but it also (paradoxically) heals our hearts by wounding them with love. But that darkness eventually became Thereses joy, WEEK FOUR: Into the Darkness 109 because she firmly believed and trusted that God would come down and raise her to the heights of heaven. If this happens, we need not . Stores . Its Gods being moved to compassion at seeing our suffering (heart) and then taking action to help alleviate it (arms). as our hearts awaken in compassion to the reality of Christs Mystical Body (die Church) suffering in both its Head and members. It means we have to keep striving to grow in holiness. Thats the key question. Consoling the Heart of Jesus Prayer Companion Y26-CHJ Y26-PCCHJ Contains the essence of Consoling spirituality and all the main prayers from the popular retreat. After all, only the merciful will be shown mercy (see Mt 5:7, 18:2135). Also, recall that Thereses words here are similar to something else she said, which we read on Day 15: What sweet joy it is to think that God is Just, i.e., that He takes into account our weakness, that He is perfecdy aware of our fragile nature. And by now, how could we forget the blessing? Read 4 reviews from the worlds largest community for readers. Thats why Jesus asked St. Faustina to paint an image of Divine Mercy with the signature, Jesus, I trust in you.78 Its because in this present WEEK TWO: The Little Way 63 time of mercy, Jesus wants to work the great miracle of forming the littlest of souls into the greatest of saints. Saint Therese herself points this out in a remarkable passage at the end of her autobiography, a passage that weaves together her favorite truths of the Gospel the truths that she has rediscovered:58 I have only to cast a glance in the Gospels and immediately I breathe in the perfumes of Jesus life, and I know on which side to run. March 14 - Day 3 3/33. You have too much fear before the good God. 70-71. I want to work for Your Love alone widi the one purpose of pleasing You, consoling Your Sacred Heart, and saving souls who will love You eternally. My Heart drinks only of the ingratitude and forgetfulness of souls living in the world. 33 days to morning glory retreat companion pdf. Product Key Features. 105 Yes, Therese actually used the word easy to describe her Little Way: My way is all love and trust. Now, according to Therese, we dont fully borrow the Lords perfect love until we get to heaven by heaven, I mean both heaven-heaven (where we go when we die) and heaven-on-earth (where we go on Sundays). But what else did she believe that merited a blessing? And by that, I certainly dont mean its easy to avoid because its easy to go to hell! Of course, regarding that latter heaven, Im talking about the Mass, which is where we can love God the Father through, with, and in the Sons own perfect love (and even see that love in Sacrament). They have time for every thing, but they have no time to come to Me for graces.217 My daughter, take the graces that others spurn; take as many as you can carry.2181 want to give myself to souls and to fill them with My love, but few there are who want to accept all the graces My love has intended for them. The bold petition is remarkable: Therese asks the Lord not only to take away her freedom to sin but to cleanse her from the stain of any fails as they happen. Love is not loved! Its to allow our hearts to become more like the heart of Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta, who attentively listened to Jesus painful cry from the Cross: I thirst!98 Its to allow our WEEK THREE; The Offering to Merciful Love 77 hearts to be healed of indifference toward the pain and suffering of our neighbor. Well experience times of excruciating darkness and even agony, and well wonder, Where is God? Well not understand his ways. You can, then, in one instant prepare me to appear before You. Todays Prayer: Come, Holy Spirit, fire of mercy. If the priest cant make it, perhaps you can ask him to solemnly bless your image (with others from the parish) on Divine Mercy Sunday. 73 Therese believed she would become a great saint, but her faith and hope in this regard was not based on pride but, rather, humility, as is clear from the following passage: I considered that I was born for glory and when I searched out 182 33 DAYS TO MERCIFUL LOVE the means of attaining it, God inspired in me the sentiments I have just described. But more than a spiritual genius which she certainly is St. Therese is a prophet. Todays Prayer: Come, Holy Spirit, fire of mercy. Finally, through the grace of such heart healing, youll become an even more effective channel of Gods mercy' to others. In fact, it made her so filled with confidence in God's love for her that she concluded the manuscript as follows: aHow will this story of a little white flower' come to an end? Yes, I believe. 141 APPENDIX ONE: Living the Offering. 153 APPENDIX TWO: Family Offering and Divine Mercy Image Enthronement 169 Endnotes 177 Resource Pages .. 203 In Gratitude First off, Id like to thank Fr. She kept trusting throughout the darkness. o o O O O xo o O u O O O bro bro bro o o O o O o 0 O O O o o O o u o o o . According to then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (later Pope Benedict XVI), [A] prophet is someone who tells the truth on 62 33 DAYS TO MERCIFUL LOVE the strength of his contact with God - the truth for today 76 Now, St. Therese of Lisieux is such a prophet. 140 Cited in Gaucher, p. 186. And I believe that this is a kairos: this time is a kairos of mercy. Its a longing that prepares us for the martyrdom of love. The martyrdom of love is rhe sweet martyrdom through which little souls can hope that God will come for us at the very 122 33 DAYS TO MERCIFUL LOVE end of our lives and manifest his love for us in such a way that it will cause us to die of love. I desire, in a word, to be a saint, but I feel my helplessness and I beg You, O my God! Upon realizing this, Therese was moved to such a profound compassion for Jesus that, for the purpose of consoling his Heart, she invited him to give her all the mercy that other souls reject. Thats all well and good, but I dont always feel full of praise and thanks, especially when its hard to be grateful because of lifes hurts. Isnt that the truth? We see this kind of freedom, for example, in the saints particularly in those who gifted the Church with major spiri tualities. But theres something else about trust a key ingredient that will help us better understand what it is, an ingredient that comes from our father in faith, our father in trust: the patriarch Abraham. DAY 9 Discovery of the Little Way Yesterday, we learned that Therese Martin was a little soul, indeed. She chose mercy, and so, even Gods Justice seemed to her clothed in love." Indeed, her time in the convent truly was a hidden life full of the daily darkness we all experience. Dont worry. Amazon. Alright, so heres a most important question: Do you want to help save the world? 63 Ibid., p. 113. Third, Im grateful to all those who read drafts of this book and offered comments and suggestions, especially Sarah Chichester, Ann Diaz, Jane Cavolina, Chris Sparks, Felix Carroll, and David Came. I answered her, It is well that you have told me this, Sister; I will pray for you. And I spoke a few words to her about how much distrust hurts the Lord Jesus, especially distrust on the part of a chosen soul. Will you be, as St. Therese put it, his happy victim by letting him pour into your soul his waves of infinite tenderness? But this was not the kind of justice that Sr. Febronic sought. They simply need to try sincerely to turn away from sin, invite the Lord into their home, and receive and share his Merciful Love. 33 Days to Merciful Love. But heres something we didnt cover earlier, something that pushes us forward along the Littie Way as a way of life, something that also forms our conscience: The choice to see through the lens of mercy." Make the Sign of the Cross 2. Maybe we want people to have to pay more for their sins. 89 Story ofa Soul, p. 180. Well learn more about diat part tomorrow. Trust Recognizing our weakness, brokenness, and sin can be a difficult thing. Now, Therese was deeply affected by Jansenism during her younger years. : TAN Books and Publishers, 1997), p. 80. Well also remember that she didnt give in to the darkness, that she eking to God with the light of faith. It just takes you and me and maybe one other person. Now, while Jesus promise of grace applies to evert' Image of Divine Mercy,192 I highly recommend the recently restored Vilnius version (see above, center), which is die original image painted under St. Faustinas careful direction. 93 To further help us understand how Jesus actually needs us and that we can give relief to his Sacred and Merciful Heart, see the first section of Appendix One, How We Can Console Jesus. 94 Diary, 367. Now realize this: Each inhale can be a spiritual communion. Shes actually quite big! And then theyd go on to describe how heroic she was in her sacrifices, sufferings, virtues, and desires. DAY 10 Discovery of Divine Mercy Thereses discovery of the Little Way a straight, short, and totally new way to die heights of holiness for litde souls is really a discovery of Divine Mercy. So, her aim is to love God with his own perfect love. A: Pray for us. While our prayer program ofdaily pondering the text has helped us digest some of the information, we can still go deeper. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. The day of your offering FINAL FIVE DAYS: Synthesis and Review 125 is just around the corner! Michael Gaitley) Consecration to Merciful Love Certificate; Prayer of Consecration to Merciful Love prayercard; St. Thrse card (limited-edition card with a photograph of St. Thrse) Most Blessed Trinity, I desire to Love You and make You Loved, to work for the glory of Holy Church by saving souls on earth and liberating those suffering in purgatory. It basically consists of making a prayer of desire to receive Jesus in Holy Communion. Jesus was sleeping as usual in my little boat; ah! During her life, she wasnt famous or well known. Let me explain. Before her profession of religious vows, her wedding day, Therese made a retreat. He promised to give great graces through the image,191 and its become a source of healing for tens of millions of people throughout the world. We stop feeling its rays. Carmel July 16 June 19 St. Mary Magdalene July 22 June 29 St. Alphonsus Liguori August 1 July 12 St. Maximilian Kolbe August 14 July 13 The Assumption August 15 July 20 Queenship of Mary August 22 August 3 Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta September 5 August 6 Nativity of Mary September 8 August 10 Holy Name of Mary September 12 August 13 Our Lady of Sorrows September 15 August 27 St. Therese of Lisicux October 1 September 2 St. Faustina Kowalska October 5 During a leap year, when February has 29 days, die starting date is February 21. Scriptural foundation, by its very nature, is other-directed we forget the blessing Y26-EB0NE the... Col 3:3 ) through faith [ she ] is in contact with the truth about her Son only faith. ( Rock ford, Hi he wants us to remember your love and trust that moment, can. 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