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46-year-old James Adams received 22 knife wounds in public toilets in, Eight-year-old Vishal Mehrotra was last seen by his family on 29 July 1981 on a crowded street near his home in, 36-year-old Carol Morgan, a mother of two, was attacked at the shop she ran with her husband in, A woman's naked and decomposed body was found dumped in bushes next to a country road near. Police investigating the fraud made a search of the grounds of Heath House for missing gold bullion said to be worth some 10 million, but none was found. Gary Hutchings, 23, was shot dead on Saturday 4 June near his flat on Camden Walk. Seven men were cleared of the murder of Dennis Radcliffe, a 23-year-old fatally stabbed in Campbell Road on Sunday, 25 August after he had been to a party. This mirrors the real-life abduction and murder of American pre-med student Mark Kilroy. . A SUSPECT appeared in court today charged with murdering missing mum Bennylyn Burke by bludgeoning her to death with a hammer. Their unemployed son was put on trial for their murders, with it being said that he had killed them after they had refused to lend him money and excluded him from their will in favour of his own son. 57-year-old Peter Hurburgh had a fatal heart attack when, along with another man, he was dragged out of his parked car and given a beating in the early hours of 16 December. Her diaries and personal belongings were missing from the scene, and her white, 14-year-old Lisa Hession was attacked and strangled to death on Saturday 8 December 1984 after being snatched as she walked home alone from a party. 36-year-old David Short's assailant struck his head with an unknown hard instrument after spraying an incapacitant into his face as he stood at his doorstep on Thursday, 22 September. A group of teenagers found the 26-year-old's strangled corpse in a ditch beside the Avon Causeway after she had been out the night before to celebrate a new job she was due to start soon. [1] They went to several pubs but eventually ended up at Teazer's Disco in Union Street, Dundee. Published: Mar. The victim's body was discovered two days later by his father after he failed to turn up for work at the family's wastepaper business. Police believed the attack to have been due to a burglary having gone wrong. She was a widow who lived alone and still did some part-time nursing work. Whitfield Dundee woman is on murder charge A 37-YEAR-OLD Dundee Carol Bowman or Gibb. The stairway was part of a block of flats located in Beaumont Gardens, off Chantry Road in. Rich died Saturday at his home in the Brentwood section of Los Angeles, said Lieutenant Aimee Earl of the Los Angeles County Medical-Examiner Coroner's office. Her body was found under a hedge in Shanks Crescent about half a mile from her home; she had been beaten and strangled. [27] A hair found on the black plastic sheeting used to transfer McCabe's body to the mortuary in 1980 was also found to match Simpson's DNA, with the test indicating the chances of it not belonging to him were 1 in 1,300. Mary had been strangled before the house was set on fire and it was found that she had died from strangulation and smoke inhalation. But in the short story, which was found in a book shop in London, Gallagher writing under the pen name Henry John Read described breaking into the house before being confronted by Mrs Wood. [6], Simpson's trial began in October 2007 in Edinburgh. Dundee in the Sixties. Witnesses reported seeing him in a scuffle with a young man in a toilet block some time previously, and Bryne may have torn the man's jacket. After this, the police said that the case was closed and they were not looking for anyone else. 24-year-old Rosalia Jones was murdered at her home on Layham Drive on 14 February 1986. KILLINGS in Scotland have hit their highest level since the year of the Dunblane massacre, figures revealed yesterday. In the Footsteps of Killers returns to Channel 4 at 10pm this evening and investigates the Templeton Woods murders of Carol Lannen (left) in 1979 and Elizabeth McCabe (right) in 1980.. An expert who examined the house afterwards concluded that three separate fires had been started there deliberately, merging into one as they spread. [22], The BBC reported after that the trial that "There now seems little hope of closure for the McCabe family, or for Templeton Woods to shed its association with unsolved murder. Shortly after his blood-splattered exploits in Dundee, he fled to Kent and committed yet another double-murder, this time targeting an elderly monk and his defenceless housekeeper, both of whom were battered so badly that the murder scene was described as resembling an "abattoir". Dr. Anthony Garcia was motivated by revenge after being fired, say prosecutors. The victim had had debts of up to tens of thousands of pounds at various times in his life, but hard evidence that he was beaten to death for failing to pay up has not been found. Maddocks was found dead inside a septic tank at a restaurant, with his killer having disposed of him there. 52-year-old Phillip Saunders was beaten with a spade in the garden of his home in Anstee Court, Canton, on the evening of 10 October 1987. The couple were shot dead in Terry's Mercedes three days before Christmas after leaving their flat in, This page was last edited on 7 January 2023, at 20:29. In 1981, Brown raped and strangled 17-year-old Kimberley Stevens while she was walking a mile to her friend's house. His killer had strangled him and then beat him around the head. [23] At the time of his arrest in 2005 he was working as a part-time window cleaner in Camberley and had three children. [31] The defence claimed the DNA also was tainted because there were (at that time) only around three labs in the world that were advanced enough to carry out the techniques used to analyse the evidence, meaning it was difficult to check the results. [1] Three months before this McCabe had got into a car that she had mistaken for a taxi after a night out. They got nowhere. [23] However, the jury did not hear of these previous convictions as Scottish law prevents previous convictions being heard in court. Pregnant Mary Budworth and her twin toddler sons Mark and Leslie died at their home in Hindley Walk, Speke, on 22 April 1985. Your Help Is Welcome, 8th January 1990: The Murder Of William Howe, Worthing, UK, January 16, 2004 Orville Donovan Gordon. Harry Ashcroft,,,1817-08-Sept,Murder Of Father & Sons,Lancaster Ashcroft,David,,1817 (Summer A. A witness saw her talking to a man in the early hours of the day she was murdered. The murder of Elizabeth McCabe was the infamous murder of a 20-year-old woman in Dundee, Scotland in February 1980. Many years since the 66-year-old was beaten, stabbed and strangled, some townsfolk still fear returning to the beauty spot where she met her end. She was last seen going into her home on Mildred Street, Higher Broughton, Salford, by a neighbour at around 6, Suzy Lamplugh was a British estate agent reported missing on 28 July 1986 (aged 25) in. The men had been sharing the squat with her at the time of the blaze. Police have never been able to find a witness that saw her after she left the club. The two never married, even though the man was my mothers one affair of the heart. A woman has been charged with murder following the death of a 33-year-old man in Dundee. His case featured on, 23-year-old car mechanic Laurence Winstanley was last seen in his local pub in, 31-year-old Linda Suzanne Donaldson was from Liverpool. He said: This has made me feel really good to know after all this time that we got it right. Her mother, Christine, reported her missing when she failed to return home, and within a short space of time, the police called at her house in Bonnywell Road to ask her to make her way to Leigh Infirmary to identify a body discovered just before midnight in an alleyway near the house. A 100,000 reward for information leading to an arrest and conviction for his murder was still on offer as of October 2009. 70-year-old Percy's battered and stabbed body was found there on 2 August the day after someone probably known to him had attacked him with fatal consequences. You can be guilty, innocent or not proven. They issued the Photofit, they went looking for witnesses and registered keepers of such vehicles. Though the flame on the wick went out before it had burnt down enough of it to reach the petrol, a huge explosion was nonetheless triggered by fumes from the petrol causing an automatic dehumidifier in the cellar to come on and spark in the process. Nigel Bostock was found dead five days before Christmas in the semi-detached bungalow he lived in by himself. A woman in her 50s was jailed for murdering the two men, but the Court of Appeal quashed her conviction ten years later, in 1999. However, such hypothesis was strongly disputed by his father. They were wanted for the investigation of a fatal road rage incident that ended in the parking lot of Casey's gas station and convenience store at 700 South 8th Street (Route 31) kitty-corner from the West Dundee Police Department headquarters at Route 31 and Willow Lane / Strom Drive. Police investigating the murders of two young women in Dundee 25 years ago are making new inquiries into the cases following fresh leads from the public. Although her body has never been found and little clues exist as regards to her fate, the disappearance of 18-year-old Louise Kay has been investigated by police as a suspected murder. It is believed Gallagher is still alive and remains in Broadmoor Hospital. Why has nobody ever been brought to justice? Tracey's uncle was charged with her murder but the charges were dropped; he vanished from his home in 2001 to escape vigilante attacks and police believe he subsequently took his own life. [31] The doorman responded to Simpson by saying that he could not do so as did not know him and could not remember seeing him. [28] It was also heard at court that Simpson's taxi business in Dundee was amateurish and disorganised, and that he would often turn a blind eye when his drivers breached strict regulations on picking up fares. A possible motive for it was robbery (watches, jewellery and Connie's pension book were missing). Buy Dundee Final Football Scottish Fixture Programmes (1980s) and get the best deals at the lowest prices on eBay! Firefighters called to a blaze at a holiday cottage in. The case went cold in the following years. 24-year-old Rachel Applethwaite was found dead in Sumner Place the day after Marina Monti was in Shepherd's Bush, A murder hunt began on 30 January 1987 following the death the previous day of, Daniel Morgan was found dead with an axe wound to the head in the car park of the Golden Lion pub. She was crazy about my father, so crazy that she named me after him Henry John Reid. Premium content exclusive to our subscribers, She could have died: Ex-cop blasts Waid Academy for not reporting school assault to police, Waid Academy schoolboy knocked unconscious in fight on same day girl assaulted in Fife classroom, GEORGE CRAN: Call-off chaos at Dundee? [29][23] However, his defence argued that the DNA evidence must have been contaminated. Nilson carried out a murderous spree of near-unparalleled savagery during the late. 37-year-old Trendall was stabbed through the heart in her flat on Halloween in 1984. 28-year-old Keshmiri died after an arson attack on her home on 10 April 1982. Andrew Innes, 50, was accused of killing Bennylyn, 25, and her two-yea Mark and Leslie died from smoke inhalation; three other children who were in the house managed to escape. By Dan Heching, CNN. He was shot in the head and stomach (his pit bull terrier was left unharmed). Six members of the Alday family were brutally murdered by a trio of prison escapees, on May 14, 1973. Nine days after three inmates escaped from a Maryland prison they would end up at the home of. [32] Simpson himself claimed to have an alibi, saying he was either at home, ferrying fares around the Dundee area or at a local casino when the murder happened. (The statement also suggested that Anthony was targeted by them for mixing with black people.) We confirm that the owner/principal is not listed on the official state Sex Offender web site in the state in which the owner/principal of the company is located. Place: Templeton Woods, Dundee. The story of the Tallman family - and the inexplicable occurrences that happened in their Horicon home - is one of the scariest and most well-known tales depicted on "Unsolved Mysteries." 96 Balunie Avenue: Stewart Anderson Kidd (18), 57 Ballindean Road: Craig George Stuart (18). It comes after UK-wide hunt was launched for Bennylyn and Jellica after they were last seen in Bristol on February 17 then reported missing on March 1. [7] He claimed in a statement that the reason he had gone back was to try to steal from a car he had seen in the woods before. [42], In 2005, a dossier was reportedly given to Tayside Police by American police, sensationally claiming that the unidentified Zodiac Killer in California could have been responsible for the murders, saying that the killer had fled to Scotland and that the "Zodiac's last act" was the Dundee murders. Dundee Murders - Gordon Dunbar Scottish Murders True Crime TRIGGER WARNING - This episode contains gruesome details that some listeners may find disturbing, so listener discretion is advised. [23], Simpson, who was described as always smartly dressed and well-groomed, refused to give evidence at the trial. The only person who has been indicted for his murder, however, is his wife, who was with him when two men stabbed and beat him that night before leaving on a motorcycle. The film follows three American tourists, one of whom is abducted outside a nightclub. She was alleged to have stabbed the other girl for calling her a name, but in court she insisted that she was not in that park when Carol was knifed there and that her confession to being the killer to the police was false and due to coercion. Includes several Topps Gold 1993 (Maddox, Smoltz, Juan Gonzalez), etc.) Akron Ohio. Lewis died on 28 April 1988 after slipping into a coma. [101], Connie was last seen alive when she was returning home from a community centre on the evening of 27 February 1985. Two men were charged in 1990 over the 45-year-old businessman's murder, but the Crown Prosecution Service decided against putting either of them on trial. DC Thomson Co Ltd 2023. There are suggestions that. 73-year-old widow Constance Aris, known for short as Connie, died from several axe blows to the head in her house at 32 Roman Road. [28] Together, the combined odds of the DNA coming from someone other than Simpson were 1 in 40 million (Scotland had a population of around 5 million in 1980), and Dr Jonathan Whittaker who conducted the DNA tests testified under oath: "In my opinion, these DNA profile results provide extremely strong support for the assertion that the DNA recovered from the hair and blue jumper has originated from Vincent Simpson". The case was featured on, The murder of 43-year-old Geoffrey Gilbert, found stabbed to death at his flat in. [102][101], The investigation was re-opened in 2017, but without results. [19], In 2004, police linked to the murders of Lannen and McCabe together with five murders across Scotland as part of Operation Trinity, although police subsequently announced that the Templeton Woods murders were not linked to the other five cases and said in 2005 that there was no evidence to link the murders of Lannen and McCabe at that stage. Aristos Constantinou, co-founder of the fashion label. Eleven people were arrested but no one was charged over his murder. According to detectives, the murder bore all the hallmarks of a professional killing. Emergency services were called to a property in Whitfield Avenue at about 23:00 on Monday, following a . Shortly after his blood-splattered exploits in Dundee, he fled to Kent and committed yet another double-murder, this time targeting an elderly monk and his defenceless housekeeper, both of whom were battered so badly that the murder scene was described as resembling an "abattoir". Prior to the police being informed that a body lay at that spot, numerous people had passed it but simply assumed it was a sleeping vagrant, with one man who was not traced perhaps even capturing it on film when taking a photograph there. Nothing had been stolen from the flat, she hadn't been sexually assaulted and there was no sign of forced entry, and Dimitri was found only lightly dressed on a chair, implying she had let her killer in willingly. The understandable theory was that after leaving the nightclub the lady had got into a cab. The intruder beat Sarah about the head and opened some drawers in her home but police were unable to establish if anything was stolen. Murderer Henry Gallagher spoke about his upbringing in Dundee in the short story. Her body was discovered in the kitchen there and had severe head injuries. Accounts estimate the distance between where her body lay and where Ms Lannen had been placed was not more than 150 yards (138 m). He was about 5ft 9in and had brown hair. Published: Saturday 24 March 1990. He was described as being white, about 25, of slim build and with spiky brown hair. Barry Thomas Stuart (21). She had not been injured but the cops set up road blocks and tried to trace the driver and vehicle. The pair's estate was worth 250,000. * We take your privacy seriously. (Freedom of Information request from Thames Valley Police), List of unsolved murders in the United Kingdom, disappearance and suspected murder of Louise Kay, "Parents of murdered student Jessie Earl hope end may be in sight after 28 year hunt for her killer", "Brutal murder of Hounslow girl Patsy Morris remains a mystery almost 40 years on", "Levi Bellfield: obsessed with schoolgirls and sexual violence", "Whiston boys' 1980 Murder: Police Investigation 'Lacked Thoroughness', "Whiston boys' 1980 murder: Police investigation 'lacked thoroughness', "Derek Grain's unsolved murder: The true story of a horrifying Halloween killing in Bristol", "Horror crime files reopened as sex monster jailed for life", "Undetected Murder Data GMP- Undetected Murders 1980 to 1990", "As the Newgate Hotel is being demolished, the unsolved 'Room 101' murder of a businessman remains", "Thirty unsolved Bradford district murder cases in 40 years is highest in county", "Paedophile ring allegations: police are failing us, murdered boy's father says", "Vishal Mehrotra: father wants son's murder case reopened", "Carol Morgan: Two arrested over 1981 cold case murder", "Unsolved murders information - Annex A - Bedfordshire Police", "5 of the most horrifying unsolved murders in Sussex", "Cold case rape and murder of Scots schoolgirl could be solved by Scotland's leading forensic scientist", "Central News East: 24.11.1988: Unsolved Gypsy Murders", "Response to FOI request re Northamptonshire's unsolved murders", "The haunting information provided to police investigating the 'Angel of the Meadow' murder", "Woman's bones found in a carpet in Manchester TV appeal", "NO SAFE HAVEN; UNSOLVED: MOTiVELESS MURDERS", "Murder hunt reopened 28 years after pensioner killed", "The women and girls brutally murdered in West Yorkshire whose killers are still at large", "The unsolved murder of beaten dead woman who still hasn't been identified after 40 years", "Undetected murders - South Yorkshire Police", "Murder of innocent bookseller battered to death in city centre shop re-investigated three decades on", "Bid to solve 1982 Gurcharn Singh Landa taxi driver murder", "Central News: 09.11.1982: Murder of Andrew Stevens", "Appendix - Undetected Murders in Kent - 1960-2011", "My little girl should be 40 today..instead she lies in a grave, her killer unpunished", "Vice girl who was tragic victim of city's sex trade", "Martlesham/Coggeshall: New details emerge in Diane Jones murder case 30 years after her death", "BBC Crimewatch: What happened in the Janice Weston murder case? Research by the Evening Telegraph has unearthed a short story by the convicted killer, which describes the events which led to the horrific killing of Dr Alexander Wood and his wife Dorothy. Police investigating the murders of two women in Dundee 25 years ago have appealed to four men to come forward. Jack Christian, 74, was battered to death on 89 June at his home. I hope he never gets out. Eleven-year-old Thomas Hunter was found . The 62-year-old Italian banker and chairman of. Similarities between the cases have led to speculation that this murder is linked to that of. The home of men had been strangled before the house was set fire. The Alday family were brutally murdered by a trio of prison escapees on! 28 April 1988 after slipping into a coma, but without results being white about. Was my mothers one affair of the heart 4 June near his flat in being white, about 25 of... Dundee 25 years ago have appealed to four men to come forward the Dunblane massacre, figures yesterday... 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