eris conjunct chironivisions litchfield elementary school district

By attempting to cause them to self-destruct from. Image: An illustration of the Justice tarot card via Wikimedia Commons. Stand your ground. Both Eris and Chiron encounter people who are determined to be dark, and unwilling to change. Image: Sagittarius image via Wikimedia Commons. "Until you make the unconscious conscious it will direct your life and you will call it fate." C.G. Those who have done the work, learnt all the lessons, and yet stayed soft, kind and pliable, may hit jackpot. They are able to work their way through any scenario and this is what irks pretend-friends, pretend-supporters, haters, frienemies and foes. In months prior, the North Node of Fate would have conjuncted both planets (Eris in November 2023, and Chiron in February 2024), shining a light on the more positive and redeeming qualities of Aries, and those planets expression in Aries. Eris issues are the things that people dont want to see, and they would rather be in denial over. In some way, you feel that you are worthy only if you climb the ladder and achieve a high position in the social hierarchy. And having to find the resilience to cope. This energy is not for the faint of heart because it is intentional to damage and fragment. Chiron is about initiation. She is a woman who has seen it all, faced many trials and tribulations in her life, and it developed and matured her; into the most powerful woman in the Tarot deck. There is this feeling of urgency with 29 degree planets, as if time is running out. One party balances the scales of justice, and the other fights to keep it out of balance. Eris elaborates on her emotional storms; the discord of the heart, and the strife in relation. We will have to guide ourselves through the stages; the shock, resistance, withdrawal and even the refusal of this pain. Afraid and intimidated by those who have star-power, wanting to influence others in relation to hate on the authentic, instead of loving them. Follow this link for an overview of Eris energy. This is a peak moment in the Mars retrograde process, with the Aries Moon highlighting all that's happening in Aries and making a connection to retrograde Mars and Eris the next day (early Saturday in the U.K. and all points east). To expose the authentic as some kind of fraud, perhaps with lies, chaos or obstacles, so they can control and block them with disrepute and smear-campaigning, and be a devilish negative Eris influence in their life. Eris and the North Node will conjunct in November 2023. Why? Fay writes that: "During this period of purging, while the establishment makes its desperate last ditch attempts to conserve itself, the powers that be use all the might of their resources to defend and justify the system as it is. Its the win-at-all-cost battles, due to jealousy, feeling intimidated, having many insecurities. To get out of denial and be truthful to self. Eris is about relationship dynamics. Being in denial of their own inner workings, unhealed heart, and shortcomings, and projecting it onto others in a covert attack. Eris transits started in earnest at the start of 2020 and will continue until 2028+. Your Betrayers Will Want A Seat At Your Table After Seeing How The Divine Has Blessed You! Agents of the devil attempting to get them to compromise their integrity, self-worth, or allow themselves to be controlled. People put others down and cause instability in their life, so they can feed their own ego, or get a feed through energy stealing, or feel better about themselves. When all is said and done, it is clear that despite all of the bad behaviour by polite society to disadvantage those with strong Eris or Chiron energy, it is clear that the collective do seek the wisdom, teaching, and maverick these people hold. It's in Aries for most of the people currently on Earth as far as I know because it moves so slowly, but the house position can be very interesting, and also close aspects to personal planets. Eris energy is highly pronounced between 2020 - 2028. Chiron is a mythological Centaur; the top half is man and the bottom stallion. Giving up the fight against the world. Perhaps betraying principles, integrity, morality or authenticity in pursuit of personal gain. In the book Eris or Proserpine? Both have an instinct to survive and persist despite the challenges. Eris square Pluto started in 2020 and by 2027, I hope that people will have made themselves well acquainted with lower expression Eris energy, so they can really start to appreciate Eris higher energy instead. This is why those who are attracted to them, like a moth to a flame, may approach them with stealth antics to butter them up, disguises, illusions, false pretence, projection, BS, or sneakiness, or worst case, forceful acts like spells or black magic, which are all unwanted energy exchanges. Makayla also explains why it is so important for society to understand Eris story, and her role in the birth chart, in order to be better equipped to handle life moving forward. When Eros and Chiron meet in the synastry chart, a deep sense of attraction can prevail. As the entire human collective will be experiencing the Eris conjunct Chiron aspect for about four years, those with the wisdom, teachings and ability to show new potentials, are going to be needed more than ever And those who are experiencing difficulty with the energy, are going to have to become willing to get real with the psychological exploration of Self, stop with the pretence, take responsibility for their lives, and perhaps transform through the Dark Night of the Soul experience this may bring about for some. Sometimes you need to find the courage and endurance to prioritise yourself to feel whole. They fill their own cup. He thinks Eris is a brave and fearless warrior. To bring down the good, so that the devilish illusion can take its place. Quantum energy is providing the opportunity, despite chaos, to look with new eyes. This, Eris and Chiron individuals in the higher expression may eventually develop an acute distaste for. They are the maverick, brilliance and creative genius, shining brightly, living in true authentic Self, but they may have a target on their back. The issues at play take a desperate expression to solve the crises at hand. Eris in Aries may feel so marginalised because who she is triggers others all the time, that she feels the need to fight for her existence, and her right to be here, to have her preference. Out to take a gain and advantage, again. This person doesnt care! The importance of doing what sparks joy in the heart, has never been so evident as during CoVid lockdowns, when peoples sense of security and safety were highly challenged. deepest pain, buried in the core of our hearts. The audacity of a mere mortal inflicting these injustices on those of higher rank and superior qualities infuriated the three goddesses Hera, Aphrodite and Athena. Youre not just leaving the cage, youre busting it open, They Chose The Side Of Darkness, You Chose The Side Of Light, This person doesnt know how to let shit go, Unwanted Energy Exchange They See The Light You Bring, Who Ever They Chose Over You Has Completely Humiliated Them With This Betrayal! The end of an Eris transit, is the season for reaping the rewards for hard times. The Venus-Vesta Pattern, Including Mercury Conjunct Chiron. Personal experience of Eris in negative expression shows that they are there to hide behind a mask, with hidden agendas, to sabotage, derail or destroy your goodness. There is a powerful urge to purge what is rotten within, to unmask the demons and exorcise evil, often through violent challenge if not destruction and death. Growing confidence in Self, and trusting Self, are great lessons that people can learn during Covid lockdown. Chiron understood the benefits of rather being a misfit, than a brass piece of shit that hurt other people. Unstoppable and dedicated, despite great odds. And in her healing, transformation and Self-empowerment in the relation, ultimately resulting in her devotion to Self, emotional maturity, coming into her flow, and radiant higher expression. Being self-made, by their own right choices and investment in loving, caring for self, and elevating themselves above the bullshit. But there is also the fake Empress, who takes on the appearances of her energy, only to use social engineering, like mirroring; to manipulate, steal and defeat. People need to find coping strategies, spaces of refuge, healthy distractions, and above all, be kind to your Self and everyone else. Time is precious at . Its the peak in completing an important phase in the human collective, (before switching to the next sign of Aquarius) which relates to Plutos unconscious biases and behaviours, and achieving a transformation of abuse of power of those Capricorn establishments. Chirons comprehension is obvious and simple. Allowing permanent change to set in, and for fortune to turn in her favour. These people deeply understand human nature, motivations and may have compassion for them, yet may not be willing to tolerate that nonsense at the same time. When a person's natal moon forms a conjunction with someone's Eros, or vice versa, this can be a very sexualbut very intenserelationship. Eris is feisty, fiery and pushing everyone on the planet to look at how they deal with deep unresolved anger, and those things they had been in denial over. Trans-Neptunian and Kuiper Belt Objects and Dwarf Planets Eris, Sedna, Haumea and Others in Astrology, Psychology, Myth and Story Telling, Symbolism of the Lotus Flower, Karma, and Selfish Entitlement, The Foundations of Change: New Potentials and Alchemy Online Course, The Pentagram of Change: A Trans-Neptunian and Kuiper Belt Objects Online Course, who uses their position/situation only to prop up their own ego, Dangerous Liaisons, Power Imbalance, Falseness, Scandal, and Social Ruin in Astrology, clout chasing vanity appearances accolades frivolity hypocrites, themis greek goddess of divine law and prophecies, Discordia Roman equivalent of Eris goddess of discord and strife, false personas and fake facades in astrology eris goddess of discord and strife, the thin line between love and hate in astrology eris, character assassination in astrology Eris, post traumatic stress disorder in astrology eris, tall poppy syndrome australia new zealand astrology, defamation of character in astrology trolling scamming harassment, fortune hunters scammers copyright disputers copycats stalkers in astrology eris, vice and virtue in astrology eris goddess of discord and strife, bullying alienating discriminating malice in astrology eris, prejudice bias discrimination hostility preconceived idea judgement in astrology eris, reign of terror in astrology eris goddess of discord, the love of money Mammon in the bible eris in astrology, Cinderella Amazon Camilla Cabello billy porter, jealousy envy bullying at work in astrology, soulless lost their soul to the devil in astrology Eris, antagonist protagonist dynamic in astrology, antagonist protagonist dynamic in astrology eris, shenanigans wolf in sheeps clothing in astrology eris, dangerous liaisons 1988 movie eris in astrology, disney cinderella lily james cate blanchett, investigators detectives law enforcers legal experts in astrology, utopian ideals and dreams in astrology eris, cruel intentions in astrology gaslighting narcism, Eris conjunct Saturn and the Alchemical Value of Growing into Maturity and Wisdom, Eris conjunct Chiron, Out in the Cold and Abundant Blessings of the Empress, Pluto at the Anarectic Degree of 29 Capricorn, emotional baggage and emotional integrity, extreme sleeplessness sleep apnea insomnia in astrology eris conjunct chiron, subliminal tactics in astrology eris discord and strife, brat behaviour in astrology eris discord and strife, being a brat in astrology eris discord and strife, Maleficent and Eris as Archetypes, Striving and Envy of Another's Things, receiving end because of their magnificence, witch in sleeping beauty maleficent eris in astrology. I know that I mention a lot of newly discovered planets, but Eris (discovered and named between 2003 and 2006) so magnificently qualified as the official '10th planet' that its discovery compelled astronomers to shake up their organizational model of the solar system, create a new category . Both Eris and Chiron also carry themes of toxicity in their stories, and how important it is to be aware, and not getting overwhelmed by toxicity, in Self and in relationship; putting your own life in order. Eris is chaos, envy, the tall poppy syndrome, character assassination, and stark polarities; its the narcissist creeping up in stealth on the empath, and the empath getting discernment, and clarity to dodge that bullet! To gaslight them into thinking that the enemy has their best interest at heart; to have them feel stressed out, not following intuition, mis out on opportunities and seeing their happiness and emotional satisfaction killed off. According to Greek poet Homer, the bloodiest battle in history, the Trojan War, went on for ten years. ( I have this with a current friend ERIS conj. The Greek Goddess of Discord and Strife energy will be around for many years to come, so a study of this energy is highly valuable. Much is known on the internet about Eris lower vibrational experience, the discord in her heart, and how that strife, anger and rage pass negative experience to others, fuelling bickering, feuding, win-at-all-cost warmongering etc. Trusting in Self as a sovereign being, integrating and growing in emotional maturity. They focus on themselves and they grow and flourish because of it. Suddenly snatched. This is a time of karma and payback, when evil-doers in powerful positions get their come-uppance.. For the sake of social status, corporate or political power, for profit, career advancement, job prestige etc. Or worst case, fuel the flames of anger, spite or vengeance, becoming further removed from a balanced state. The Eris square Pluto started at the beginning of 2020, bringing with it a massive mental imbalance with its lack versus abundance juxtaposition. With dominant ruffled feathers, he had the idea that he was in the right, now realising that that glory will have to be released. Another article dives into more detail on the nature of visceral experiences associated with Eris transits, and their intimate tie to biology. Buckle up sentient beings! Its the individuality, confidence or self-esteem that are stifled for some reason. To poke and prod. Perhaps disregarding someone or something, for another thing or person. You either have fortune or misfortune on your side, all depending on your state of being a good person in the past, or not. Which are: the specific aspect, how comfortable you are with navigating hurt and other touchy emotions, how willing you are to take responsibility for what you feel, and not wait for others to make you feel safe or save you from your pain, and if youre committed to allowing your awareness of unhappy energies and emotions in others and in the world around you, to unfold and deepen. There seems to be a pattern where highly authentic and individualistic (Eris and Chiron higher expression) people are viewed as a project - to be studied, or controlled - by inauthentic individuals or groups of them. Everything she touches turns to gold, so to speak. This quantum energy is providing the opportunity, through chaos, to look with new eyes, that eventually brings harmony. To deliberately injure, betray and inflict pain on another. And also being at the centre of a calculated power struggle and an entanglement between two hostile people. Also, people often refuse to consider her truthful discord. And stressed to the degree where they may see the person who had nothing but nurtured them, as an enemy. Yet in relation, also being a catalyst and providing potential for development of strength of character, love of Self and integrity in Persephone. Cinderella owns nothing but her work and the attitude with which she approaches it. Eris and Saturn will conjunct two times due to retrograde motions, and by the time this happens, Eris conjunct Chiron (2024- 2028) would have been raging for a while. But instead of each of the three goddesses honouring the beauty and value of each other, they showed their greed, vanity. Both Eris and Chiron are feeling, visceral and sensing, and has to do with the one person being ostracised from society, or a group of people, deliberately, for being different. Some evolve, mature and move up in life, and some stay in kindergarten. Pluto has an orbit around the sun of 248 years, where for Eris it is 558 years. We can only sustain what is authentic to us, otherwise it is inauthentic. People who carry these energies in the extreme, doom others who associate with them, with their noxious energy. When we grow up around people who have this toxic Eris and Pluto energy at play, but we often dont realise that we take these dynamics into adulthood, and new relationships in the workplace. Early Monday, the Sun aligns in an exact conjunction to Eris. The dates are: Personal planets will continue to stir the trigger points with conjunctions. Eris will be in conjunction with Saturn May 2027 - April 2028. You might have a fear of abandonment and rejection lurking in the back of your mind at all times. It is like venom, that slowly paralyse, disadvantage, or corrupt the other, with a slow action. The Full Moon is conjunct Chiron, which will . Both in the brutality and abuse of power against Eris. Both Eris and Chiron have to do with individuals being ostracised, deliberately, for being different, for triggering something in others that are unwelcome, unwanted, unloved. Opportunities, offers and manifestations come to her life. Both Eris and Chiron suffer some abuse, closed-mindedness or experience being used by those who think they have social license to pick on them, steal from them, or discredit them. The opportunistic become willing to do anything to get ahead; make false accusations, make ill alliances for clout, stir up drama, ride the fastest lane to victory, trampling over others, selling their soul, etc. We will have to develop coping mechanisms to deal with grief, pain and loss, and that includes dealing with the financial problems that are going to be huge for many in the collective. Chiron coming behind Uranus and Eris presents an opportunity to bring wisdom to all the outrageous and terrible things that have happened," he said. And having to cope with sudden, new experiences, trauma, and having to use other senses and intuition to survive. And the sorrow of those around them, who missed out on a bountiful harvest, due to bad choices made (Eris), and the resulting spiritual breakdown. She is waking up the truth and will use her voice to tell it. This entails discrimination and refusing to allow in the fresh air of change. They dont indulge in unforgiveness, instead, letting it go. Neptune is in its domocile (home sign) of Pisces where its energy and expression is very strong. Eris and Saturn will conjunct two times due to retrograde motions, and by the time this happens, Eris conjunct Chiron (2024- 2028) would have been raging for a while. She makes people feel warm and welcome. Resistant to total change Eris show many signs of psychological growing pains, in learning to find her way to balance and brilliance. Those who allow the process of going into the underworld, learn to be present, mature, stable and joyfully open-hearted. By choice. These are the coldness, selfishness, devilishness, and the desperate measures that will preclude Eris conjunct Chiron, and influence the experience of it. They experience great losses and failure, yet persevere, to do what they want to do anyway. Online resources describe gang stalking as organised covert harassment of one person by a group gang mob for the purpose of destroying the person's life, through psychological distress. And how small the prospect of healing, forgiveness and recovery really was for scorned goddesses Hera and Athena. If you were the person who hurt another, and you want to heal a broken relationship and ask for forgiveness; you better be ready to forgive those people who screwed you over in the first place, otherwise you will keep repeating the pattern, bestowing what is in your dark heart, onto those who dont deserve it. Eris is the battle between our lower self and our Higher Self, true inner heart-connected beauty and those who want to fake inner beauty because its all ego facade. Owning much but doing nothing, they envy her way of being and going about things. Both Eris and Chiron are feeling, visceral and sensing, and has to do with the one person being ostracised from society, or a group of people, deliberately, for being different. An overview of Eris energy is providing the opportunity, through chaos, to look with new eyes it. And trusting Self, and projecting it onto others in a covert.! Psychological growing pains, in learning to find her way to balance and brilliance the rewards hard. Honouring the beauty and value of each other, they envy her way being. The things that people can learn during Covid lockdown new eyes, that slowly paralyse, disadvantage, allow. Denial over someone or something, for another thing or person according to Greek poet Homer, Trojan. 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