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The runoff coefficient has a positive coefficient for T (T, NO3-F). A region's weather patterns, usually tracked for at least 30 years, are considered its climate. For A high concentration of sediment load can be modulated via investment in conservative efforts and treatment facilities at catchment scale. There is a relationship between latitude and temperature around the world, as temperatures are typically warmer approaching the Equator and cooler approaching the Poles. The Coastal Range allows for some condensation and light precipitation. The processes that create topography are usually geologic in nature; e.g. The aim is to provide a snapshot of some of the several techniques or approaches, or a comprehensive review paper with concise and precise updates on the latest Conceptualization, X.X. Revisions:1 However, few studies have reported that increased deviations of slope enhance the pollutant concentration in surface waters [19, 20]. The urban flow intensity model was used to analyze the outward function of industrial sectors in the urban agglomeration in 2020 (, According to the structural decomposition of the urban flow intensity of specific cities (, The dominant flow method is used to analyze the intensity of the urban flow of the three industries in each city, identify the industrial core backbone connection axis, and obtain the three industries first, second, third, and fourth most dominant flow directions (. Landforms The landforms of a particular area dictate the nature Finally, combined with the functional positioning of the Hexi Corridor, this paper proposes a coordinated and integrated development mode of economic space featuring interconnection, interaction, and complementarity among cities within the region, so as to provide a scientific reference for the improvement of the efficiency of resource allocation in urban agglomerations, enhancing the internal economic connectivity of underdeveloped urban agglomerations along the Belt and Road, and promoting the high-quality development of regional integration. Factors influencing global development Levels of development are determined by several factors: Physical factors some areas have a hostile or difficult landscape. G01296001). Distribution of Land Mass and Water Mass 3. Zhong, Z.-H.; Qin, C.-L.; Ye, X.-Y. articles published under an open access Creative Common CC BY license, any part of the article may be reused without Volume 12, Location and climate have large effects on income levels and income growth through their effects on transport costs, disease Weather can change from hour-to-hour, day-to-day, month-to-month or even year-to-year. When topography correlation analysis) were formerly reported by [28]. Climatic factors such as light, water, and rainfall, temperature, air, relative humidity and wind also affect farming in various ways. Klages-Mundt, A.; Minca, A. Optimal intervention in economic networks using influence maximization methods. A negative sign of the GDP coefficient for T (T, NO3-F) suggests that GDP is the driving force for decreasing the concentration of NO3-F, which may be due to a precision farming approach, which reduces irrigation tailwater discharges from agricultural lands [56, 57, 7071]. The nonlinearity of associations between CEWQ, and socioeconomic and topographic features were tested using an exponential model, quadratic model, cubic model, compound model and inverse model. The climate of any particular place is influenced by a host of interacting factors. Find support for a specific problem in the support section of our website. The human body reacts to high altitudes. eNotes Editorial, 15 Dec. 2015, ; Liang, C.-B. Huang, X.; Huang, X.-J. The response of PO43-F and PO43-UF to temperature is inelastic and relatively elastic, and site specific [28]. Africa's physical geography, environment and resources, and human geography can be considered separately. A general rule of thumb in understanding weather is warm air rises and cold air sinks. ; Yang, Y.-C.; Pan, J.-G. Spatial-temporal pattern and network structure evolution of western Chinese cities participation in the global and national competition. Large global datasets were used for 12 main water quality parameters from 43 water quality monitoring stations located at large major rivers. progress in the field that systematically reviews the most exciting advances in scientific literature. Climate, transportation costs, diseases, and Jinchang has a weak foundation for the development of the tertiary industry. Moist air will cool as it rises, and then the clouds release the water, causing precipitation like rain or snow. In order to detect the impact of topography on social factors, we selected the How does topography affect human life? This type of How does topography affect soil formation? Altitude or height above sea level - Locations at a higher altitude have colder temperatures. Liu, S.; Wang, Y.; Yang, P.; Chevallier, J.; Xiao, Q. Spatial correlation effects of the economic value of green infrastructure (EVGI) on social network: Evidence from China. Climate-induced variations in water quality have driven the idea to examine the sensitivity of water quality parameters to climatic drivers. Firstly, we introduce an elasticity approach (climate elasticity of water quality (CEWQ)) to characterize the response of typical water quality parameters to air temperature and precipitations (or their relationships). Topographical relief is a key factor that limits population distribution and economic development in mountainous areas. Some studies have reported that the mean slope and elevation are associated with enhanced erosion rates, which subsequently speed up particulate material entry into surface waters [18, 21]. There are serious concerns that water quality impairment (fecal indicator bacteria, nitrogen and phosphorous) due to livestock grazing on public lands threatens human and ecological health [23, 24]. Primary concentrations of human population are limited to the regions of flat topography. The intensity of inter-county economic ties was calculated according to the modified gravity model, and the structure chart of the economic network in 2000, 2010, and 2020 was drawn (, In terms of the time evolution, the economic linkage strength of urban agglomerations has increased significantly, with the top 20 economic linkages increasing from 188.46 in 2000 to 1305.89 in 2020, increasing more than six times (, By applying SNA, we constructed an adjacency matrix with the economic connection strength of node towns to analyze the structure and overall characteristics of the economic spatial correlation network (, The network density reflects the overall development characteristics of the economic connection network [, In this study, we used the Arc GIS inverse distance weight interpolation method to visualize the spatial representation of the degree centrality (DC), betweenness centrality (BC), and closeness centrality (CC) in 2000, 2010, and 2020 (, We conducted a further comparison of the out-degree and in-degree centrality (, The development of urban agglomerations has roughly experienced four stages, namely resource concentration, driven development, cluster development, and mature development. In addition, the relative location of land cover and other landscape variables within a watershed might be more important than the weighted average of those variables as nearby land use has shown more impacts than distance land use on water quality. Li, J.; Qian, Y.; Zeng, J.; Yin, F.; Zhu, L.; Guang, X. This study will help in the understanding of site-specific characteristics of water quality response to climate environment on the background of climate change science. This led to the formation of city-states rather than a centralized "Greece". Based on the regional characteristics of the developed oasis agriculture in the Hexi Corridor and the current the research results, 18 industrial sectors were selected for research according to the Industry Classification of National Economy (GB/T 4754-2017) (, Dominant flow analysis is vital for studying the correlation axis and regional spatial structure [, The gravity model is a standard method to measure the intercity economic connection [, Social network analysis is widely used in studying complex network relationships in economics and geography. 2: 274. Geography doesn't just determine whether humans can live in a certain area or not, it also determines people's lifestyles, as they adapt to the available food and climate patterns. Global warming impacts the hydrological cycle [35], enhancing extreme events (floods and droughts) [68], which potentially increases water pollution problem at a global scale [911]. Topography is the relief of an area. The results demonstrated that precipitation elasticity shows higher sensitivity to topographic and socio-economic determinants as compared to temperature elasticity. 51509061), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Grant No. ; Yang, H.-N.; Yang, Y.-C.; Wei, W.; Pan, J.-H. Spatial and temporal pattern evolution of eco-environmental quality in Hexi Corridor based on coupling coordination degree model. The problem of instability can be modulated by encouraging conservative efforts such as grassy strips, planting trees, buffer lands, etc at basin scale [56, 80]. Sun, Q.; Tang, F.; Tang, Y. GDP is positively related with T (T, P-F). To find out more, see our, Browse more than 100 science journal titles, Read the very best research published in IOP journals, Read open access proceedings from science conferences worldwide, 2017 The Author(s). How does topography affect economic activities? A region's weather patterns, usually tracked for at least 30 years, are considered its climate. It depends on how close or how far it is to the equator. Water quality records were obtained from United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)/Global Environment Monitoring System (GEMS)/Water ( apart from for the MurrayDarling River in Australia ( Chai, D.; Zhang, D.; Sun, Y.; Yang, S.; Xiong, F. Research on the City Network Structure in the Yellow River Basin in China Based on Two-Way Time Distance Gravity Model and Social Network Analysis Method. affect farming. For more details on the CEWQ results refer to [28, 37]. Ariken, M.; Zhang, F.; Chan, N.W. Economic growth speeds up urbanization [62] where high population density contributes to phosphorous discharge through domestic sewage. Afed U Khan1,2, Jiping Jiang1,3, Peng Wang1,4 and Yi Zheng3, Published 11 October 2017 While they all share mountains as a basic geographic characteristic, they also have differences. The fact that the soil of Greece is rocky had a lot of economic implications. One of the most important factors in development is geography, where the country is in the world, and climate. We thank Kelly Hodgson from UNEP GEMS/Water Programme for the global water quality observational data and the South Australia EPA for water quality records in South Australia. You seem to have javascript disabled. Identifying the subgroups with frequent internal relations helps to reveal the actual or potential economic relationships of regional cities and promote the development of regional clusters and the development process of urban clusters. The vulnerability of karst and caves mechanisms, impacts on Karst and caves are extremely fragile environments and they are affected by specific hazards and impacts, largely related to their shape of the land (known as 'relief' or 'topography'). Wei, Y.; Wang, J.; Zhang, S.; Sono, D.; Xiu, C. Urban positionality in the regional urban network: Through the lens of alter-based centrality and national-local perspectives. The Greeks utilized the seas around their land to great advantage. It depends on how close or how far it is to the equator. These water quality parameters are the most common and important, and are richly monitored on a global scale. ; Lv, R.; Zhang, X.-B. More specifically speaking, topography aids in changing precipitation and temperature. The Greeks were forced to adapt these characteristics in specific ways. The current study is based on 43 water quality monitoring sites with long-term water quality time series based on 1239years of monthly observations. 4. There is a positive correlation between relief degree and elevation, and a much stronger correlation between relief degree and slope. It is concluded from the above discussion that, in comparison to precipitation elasticity, socio-economic and topographic factors cause instability in the temperature elasticity of water quality parameters in both climatic classes. Original content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Mountainous areas If you live in the mountains, you're likely to develop a particular culture that adapts to life at a high altitude. Africa has eight major physical regions: the Sahara, the Sahel, the Ethiopian The socio-economic data are derived from the Statistical Yearbook of the Cities of Hexi Corridor Urban Agglomeration in 2001, 2011, and 2021; the Gansu Development Yearbook; the China County Statistical Yearbook; the China City Statistical Yearbook, and the CSMAR Economic Geographic Database. (3) The primary industrys industrial core backbone connection axis is mainly based on the closed triangular connection between Jiuquan, Zhangye, and Jinchang. latitude,temperature,precipitation,topography,and elevation. The uncertainty of the regression results may be caused by spatial resolution, data range, and potential variable interaction. What role did mountains play in the development of Ancient Greek culture? Lu, Z.-H. Research on Spatial Economic Linkages of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomeration and Their Impact on Economic Efficiency. If an area is close to a body of water it tends to make milder climates. The above discussion shows that the temperature elasticity of water quality parameters is complex and its response to topographic and socio-economic factors is complicated. Topography The shape and features of Earths surface that affect the development of countries. Research on Cluster Development Mechanism of Industrial Parks in Hexi Corridor: Based on Grounded Theory analysis. ; Kung, H.-T. Coupling coordination analysis and spatio-temporal heterogeneity between urbanization and eco-environment along the Silk Road Economic Belt in China. The relation between water quality and climate change in different regions depends upon various biochemical and hydrodynamics processes occurring in waterbodies [1, 13, 14]. The concentration of DOC is higher in the above-stated climatic types, which may be due to higher anthropogenic activity and a high rate of decomposition due to elevated temperature [45]. Climatic factors such as light, water and rainfall, temperature, air, relative humidity and wind also affect farming. Furthermore, these findings, in combination with spatial analysis, will be useful in alleviating the problem of instability by restoration practices and employing stormwater management plans. 2023; 12(2):274. The topographic effect is the variation in radiance from an inclined surface compared to the radiance from a horizontal surface as a function of the surface orientation relative to the light source and sensor position. The Spartans had hundreds of thousands of helots, slaves, that were the backbone of Spartan economy. First, the relief modifies the temperature and moisture conditions, and this in turn leads to vertical zonation of climate, soil, and vegetation. Sparta, on the other hand, was a monarchy, with a line of hereditary monarchs. Nowadays, GIS-aided statistical analysis provides new tools to explore these relationships. Higher temperature enhances the application of irrigation water, which drains NOx-F through irrigation tailwater discharge accompanied by the mean slope enriching the surface waters [18, 21]. Each of these city states could develop its own social structures (contrast Sparta and Athens). The 7 main factors are latitude, elevation, nearby water, ocean currents, topography, vegetation, and prevailing winds. The precipitation elasticity (P, WQ) and temperature elasticity (T, WQ) are given by equations (1) and (2), respectively. Moreover, the increasing level of P (P, turbidity) and P (P, DOC) with increasing basin area is a multifactor context that depends upon population density, socioeconomic and topographic conditions, climatic conditions, treatment measures, etc. Do topographic maps indicate changes in elevation? The important geographical factors on the social and political development of Greece are the seas and mountains. The population density for the concerned watersheds was derived from the Gridded Population of the World, version 3 (GPWv3) (0.50.5 latitude/longitude) [32]. Ashfaq, S.; Tang, Y.; Maqbool, R. Insights of energy and its trade networking impacts on sustainable economic development. We evaluated the developed models and found many useful relationship patterns between socio-economic factors, topographic factors and CEWQ parameters, including water temperature, turbidity, DO, DOC, P-parameters and N-parameters. Many (but not all) of its ancient towns also had access to the Mediterranean Sea, because there are many island that make up Greece. In the case of Cambodia, civil unrest in the past had forced a large number of people to migrate from one province to another. interesting to readers, or important in the respective research area. By continuing to use this site you agree to our use of cookies. It determines how the land can be used and where utilities and dwellings can be located. In comparison to temperature elasticity, precipitation elasticity forms many linear models with topographic and socio-economic factors, as demonstrated by table 1 and figure 4. The results showed that socio-economic and topographic factors threaten the stability of CEWQ parameters and we should focus on alleviating the problem of instability by modulating nutrient runoff fueled by socio-economic and topographic variables to control eutrophication in surface waters. Yes. Wang, H.-H.; Zhai, L.-J. In the current study, we evaluated how the site-specific socio-economic and watershed topographic factors impact the response strength and direction of river water quality to climate factors at a global scale. This enabled the Spartan citizens to train in the art of battle. The greater the proximity to the center, the higher the proximity to other cities, and the less affected the city is by other nodes during the connection. Wu, K.; Fang, C.-L.; Zhao, M.-X. This means that coastal locations tend to be cooler in summer and warmer in winter than places inland at the same latitude and altitude. The Coastal Range allows for some condensation and light precipitation. They utilized these colonies to feed their population and improve their economic condition. There is a positive correlation between relief degree and elevation, and a much stronger correlation between relief degree and slope. Some points should be mentioned. These two variables did not capture spatial variability at the basin scale, which is its main limitation. How was citizenship connected to the Greek polis? Geography doesn't just determine whether humans can live in a certain area or not, it also determines people's lifestyles, as they adapt to the available food and climate patterns. HIT.NSRIF.2017060), and HIT Environment and Ecology Innovation Special Funds (Grant No. This is because of ocean currents that carry masses of warm or cool air to coastal locations. [1] There are four branches of economic geography. Due to economic globalization, the accelerated flow of production factors has given rise to a new form of production organization, the geographical level of regional competition has changed from city to region, and economic development tends to be integrated [1,2].As essential support for the unimpeded and revitalized Silk Road Economic Belt, the Hexi Corridor city Epirus is isolated by mountains. Rising air temperature accompanied by rainfall intensity can affect the mobilization of DOC [67]. Dai, J.-C.; Xie, F.; Na, K.-P. Research the characteristics of the urban information flow network along the Grand Canal based on the Baidu Index. Betweenness centrality (BC) measures the medium function of node connections. Based on the years 2000, 2010, and 2020, this paper studies the industrial function connection path and economic network characteristics of the Hexi Corridor through an urban flow model, dominant flow analysis, modified gravity model, and social network analysis method, and puts forward an economic synergistic development model. The topography of an area can influence the weather and climate. Impacts. We will accelerate the development of Dunhuang as a famous international cultural and tourism city, support the transformation and development of Yumen as a resource-exhausted city, expand Wuwei Qingyuan Wine Town and Zhangye Nijiaying Seven-Color Danxia Town, build the Guazhou agglomeration center, highlight county characteristics, and promote the integrated development of the urban and rural economies. Thus the elevation of Paris may bring a colder climate and may produce ice and snow and may result in cold and winter climate in Paris. How does topography impact land value? Watershed planners can take guidance on scenario analysis to introduce novel planning policy to modulate non-point source pollution originating from primary and secondary determinants. Zheng, B.-M.; Liu, A.-L.; Han, J.-L.; Ming, Q.-Z. Global distribution of temperature elasticity on five main water quality indexes. See further details. Typical regression of CEWQ with socio-economic and topographic characteristics on a global scale. GDP positively favors P (P, P-UF), which might be linked with urbanization. Altitude or height above sea level - Locations at a higher altitude have colder temperatures. Geography directly impacts economic development through its influence on transportation costs, diseases burdens and agricultural productivity. As the pressure decreases, the air molecules expands and the temperature decreases. The majority of small and medium-sized towns in the Hexi Corridor urban agglomeration should be included in point development to enhance the characteristic visibility and influence of small towns, which is conducive to strengthening the node-supporting role of cities and towns and integrating them into the urban economic circle. Social development-Because political structures and economic structures varied from city-state to city-state, we also see different social structures emerging throughout Ancient Greece. (4) Based on geographical proximity, the one axis, four circles, multiple points, and multiple channels synergistic development model, which breaks administrative barriers, becomes the endogenous driving force for the evolution of the economic network. As humans have migrated across the planet, they have had to adapt to all the changing conditions they were exposed to. Elevation has positive sign for T (T, PO43-F), which may be due to several reasons: high air temperature fuels the consumption of water for domestic purposes; high elevation is concerned with an enhanced rate of erosion, which favors the entry of particulate matter into waterbodies [18, 19, 33], and mineralization of organic matter, which releases P from deeper sediments stimulated by elevated water temperatures and biological activities [54]. The improvement of DO concentration in waterbodies may be attributed to tropical climate (A), where rainfall occurs all year long, and fresh surface runoff saturates waterbodies with oxygen [16, 69] due to the high sensitivity of streamflow to precipitation [27]. Please let us know what you think of our products and services. Jiuquan, Jiayuguan, and Zhangye, as multicultural heritage clusters, show regional solid competitive advantages and potential in cultural tourism, environment, and public service facilities. Winds will also be gusty and spotting is more likely. Yang, L.-J. Transportation, warehousing, and postal services; 7. wholesale and retail trade; 8. finance industry; 9. real estate industry; 10. education; 11. health, social insurance, and social welfare; 12. culture, sports, and entertainment; 13. scientific research, technical services, and geological survey; 14. accommodation and catering industry; 15. information transmission, computer, service, and software industries; 16. leasing and commercial services; 17. water, environmental, and public utility management; 18. residential services, repairs, and other services, The proportion of the value added by the secondary industry in GDP, The proportion of the value added by the tertiary industry in GDP, Per capita savings balance at the end of the year, Transportation, warehousing, and postal industry added value, Science, education, culture and health services, Agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, and fishery, Health, social insurance, and social welfare, Electricity, gas, and water production and supply industries, Scientific research, technical services, and geological surveys, Transportation, warehousing, and postal services, Information transmission, computers, services, and software, Water conservancy, environment, and public facilities management, Resident services, repairs, and other services. Culture. Mountainous areas tend to have more extreme weather because it acts as a barrier to air movements and moisture. Climatic Factors Affecting Farming. This meant different social structures, government systems, and military strategies., Xie X, Shi P. Dynamic Evolution and Collaborative Development Model of Urban Agglomeration in Hexi Corridor from the Perspective of Economic Flow. Moreover, the majority of climate models (two-thirds) have projected a significant increase in the annual average runoff [8, 55], which may increase NH4+-F concentration in surface waters. Urban network pattern in the Yellow River Basin based on Tencent population migration data. SMLR outputs for CEWQ on various Koppen climatic classes (A and C) are listed in table S6. Landforms might include physical features like mountains or oceans. The sensitivity of the streamflow to precipitation is higher in temperate climate class (C) [27], which dilutes the concentration of diffused pollutants from croplands. The literature shows that steep slope and high elevation are concerned with the elevated rate of erosion, which favors the entry of particulate matter into waterbodies via land runoff [18, 19, 33]. Article metric data becomes available approximately 24 hours after publication online. The concept of bivariate elasticity was introduced by Jiang et al (2014) in order to measure the response of water quality parameters to precipitation and temperature [28]. Sub-watersheds were delineated for each monitoring site (outlet) using DEM. Zheng, W.; Xu, W.-L.; Chen, Y. The developed patterns can be implemented in unmonitored watersheds to predict the approximate influence of socio-economic and topographic factors on CEWQ parameters. Geography was a major factor in Rome's early development. The culture and technologies of the Greeks were shared with the people from far away lands. Thirdly, we analyze and discuss how CEWQ stability is affected under different Koppen climate classes. Please note that many of the page functionalities won't work as expected without javascript enabled. A protocol assesses the planned transport network infrastructure. P-fertilizer has a positive coefficient for P (P, temperature). The runoff coefficient of the sub-watershed is positively linked with P (P, P-F) and P (P, turbidity) while negatively associated with P (P, NH4+-F). Rugged terrain restricts the concentration of population in any area. Generally, topographic features regulate surface water quality variables. Fukushima et al. Spatial Structure of urban Agglomerations Based on the perspective of flow space: A case study of the Pearl River Delta Urban Agglomeration. The Hexi Corridor is connected with Qinghai in the south by the Qilian Mountains and Inner Mongolia in the north by the Beishan Mountain system., Subscribe to receive issue release notifications and newsletters from MDPI journals, You can make submissions to other journals. 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