our planet coastal seas transcriptivisions litchfield elementary school district

Watch the story of the fishermen of Peru. It's under remorseless assault and it's not helping us or nature. These deadly nets hang like lethal curtains across the seabed. USAID Administrator Samantha Power will attend the World Economic Forum from January 17 to 19 in Davos, Switzerland. [13:00:00] CHRISTIANE AMANPOUR: Hello everyone, and welcome to Amanpour, here's what's coming up. and then, close to the coast of Ascension, they mate. Plastic pollution, air and water pollution, climate change, deforestati Small changes to your every day can make a huge impact to our planet. And yet just as we are beginning to understand these extraordinary places, they are changing fast. The seas fringing land make up less than a tenth of the world's oceans, yet, astonishingly, 90 percent of all marine creatures live in these coastal waters. But then from '89 to the present you have this vice grip of industry on the Republican party, and to a much lesser extent on certain Democrats who are -- have spent untold tens of hundreds of millions of dollars in lobbying to block any kind of meaningful effort to address the problem. Pelajari The obstacles we blame for our current inaction had yet to emerge. We - we're part of the clean slate effort. Ferdy Sambo, from The Rising Star to The Loosing Star, Sidang Ferdy Sambo dan Asa Transparansi Hukum, Cara Mencegah Kejahatan Jalanan pada Anak dan Remaja. Back to Wild Classroom Back to All Toolkits We're trying to step up and say, "yes, we're going to try to work together to save this world because they are going to be the ones (inaudible)." More than a turn of phrase, the ocean covers 70 percent of the surface of the Earth. Thanks for watching, and goodbye from London. I am happy to receive updates about conservation, fundraising, campaigning and events from my local WWF office You can unsubscribe from these emails at any time. These are young people here. Module in. 1:00. Describe the creative way the group of Bottlenose Dolphins catch their prey. That's incredible. It reveals how the astonishing diversity of life on Earth relies on an intricate web of systems and the vital role this web plays in maintaining a healthy planet. I am happy to receive updates about conservation, fundraising, campaigning and events from my local WWF office You can unsubscribe from these emails at any time. best documentries. Obviously we thought deeply about showing these images because they are upsetting. And so, someone might do a journalism project or visit and understand a local zoo, and to really bring that learning to life, give students the understanding of why something is important. What can you do? So again, how did this little handful of people who, OK, they were being pushed, they were being paid a couple of thousand for these op-eds, how did they get such a momentum and such a tipping point that journalists were able - began to treat on the one hand on the other hand? Then, how we got to this point author Nathaniel Rich tell me about the politics of climate denial in the United States, thus as her spouse faces the Facebook music Dr. Priscilla Chan tells Hari Sreenivasan about the foundation she runs with Mark Zuckerberg on education reform, and diversity in science. The anchovies are food to millions of seabirds and marine creatures, if they are overfished, millions of creatures will suffer. Right now there are many chemotherapies that have horrible side effects because they're nonspecific, but what a researcher at the Biohub realized is that for a certain pancreatic cancer, it was a certain receptor on the cancer cells. You can track the country's "Marine Big Five" (sharks, dolphins, seals, penguins, and whales) on a seven . Our Planet: Episode & Complete series resources Members can watch as much as they want, anytime, anywhere, on any internet-connected screen. See our privacy notice for more details. You know, David is the most passionate person on the planet when it comes to natural world. Life in our grasslands depends on space. Greta Thunberg, as we mentioned, the 16-year-old, but there are kids even younger who have been taken by their parents to these marches now in various cities. (END VIDEO CLIP) AMANPOUR: So you're the director, you were talking there with the cameraman -- I guess how was it to see that -- had you ever seen that kind of situation before? The bonds mature on, An investor purchased debt investments at amortized cost on January 1. Preface. This website uses cookies and similar identifiers to give you the best online experience. A Professional theme for architects, construction and interior designers How long did it take you to find that episode? When you come across a story - that walrus (ph), I mean, it's so - the empirical evidence is just so far weighted. CHAN: So CZI's a political organization. He didn't really weigh in on the climate change aspect of it, certainly not on the political aspect of it. I never -- I mean, I was totally shocked. But here's a question for you. WWF-UK is a registered charity in England and Wales 1081247 and in Scotland SC039593 and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales 4016725. The astonishing diversity of life on earth depends on these global connections. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ, U.S. HOUSE DEMOCRAT: We should do it because we should lead. Peru is home to the world's biggest fishery and spectacular wildlife, but it wasn't always like this. AMANPOUR: I again want to go back to the late '80s when it was possible to have done something, and there was a bipartisan sort of consensus certainly amongst the public. 2! Unofficial transcripts; 3 letters of recommendation; Review of applications will begin on March 2, 2023 and the position will be open until filled. Now while the young are putting their parents and grandparents on notice, an elder statesman is also fighting this good fight, the world renowned 92- year-old naturalist, Sir David Attenborough. Komentar sepenuhnya menjadi In Pasadena, Texas, the students who were furthest behind actually had a 17 percentage gain in their reading and a 20 percentage gain in math. I mean, Keith this episode actually went viral, the scenes went viral -- we've had some viewer response. HOLMES: Tell me - the thing that struck me about the protests here today is the youth. And over the course of the decade '79 - '89 it was not a partisan issue. LANFEAR: I'm sure that's right (ph). I mean, you really do have to, A, go to these, you know, places in extremist, stay for a long time for it to capture it happening. The IPCC report, you know, it says that climate change is happening. Members can play, pause and resume watching, all without commercials or commitments.Our Planet | Coastal Seas | FULL EPISODE | Netflixhttps://youtube.com/Netflix thishasneverbeen!moreurgent.!! LANFEAR: It's hard - it's to fathom that when you're in the field feeling it and you're connected with it, and you know, we're all very passionate about the natural world and about what we're seeing. Our Planet - Coastal Seas - FULL EPISODE - Netflix . CHAN: We don't think we're going to be the only ones to solve this challenge, and we don't want to be. That means one in two individuals in this country are affected by these decisions that are being made by prosecutors and the opportunities that are available to people after they serve their time. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) GEORGE H.W. My next guest says this is nothing new in American politics. And I think that is a great opportunity to ensure that our public systems are well funded. And that's not just a vanity project for them. Sir David Attenborough explains: How to catch more fish, feed more people and restore our coastal seas. Shop the Netflix store Our Planet |. Next, we are brought to the stunning coast of California, where it is rich with giant kelp functioning like rainforests on land. Our Planet is a groundbreaking 8-part series hosted by David Attenborough that explores the changing nature of our Earth and highlights the role that humans are playing in this unprecedented transformation. Life in our grasslands depends on space. [13:30:00] So there are two things we're talking about, one is our failure before 1989 to generate the kind of public support and urgency necessary to force the issue politically. You might take a key learning from this, but did my sixth grader or fifth grader fall behind or not meet certain expectations that they should have gotten by the end of this program, right? Berlin, Germany. Without fresh water, life on land wouldn't exist. If you get through the last 10 minutes without committing to real changes to tackle climate change, you're inhuman. And all of a sudden an issue that at that point was gaining a huge amount of attention nationally and was not - there weren't two sides to it. It explores the difficulties that come with living a life in . And we've had AOC as she's known, Congressman Ocasio-Cortez saying the following about exactly why this Green New Deal should be tasked and implemented. I didn't realize they could climb 80 meter cliffs, and then we watched them many hours on the top and we're just pretty shell-shocked when we saw the first ones deciding to back to the sea and walking off. 3. I mean, is it - it looks like drones from above, right? And so, that's the beginning of it, but then soon thereafter industries start spending a fortune to try to block anything approaching regulatory policy. Answers are also included. Welcome to People and the Earth's Ecosystem, an interdisciplinary study of how the earth works, how humans interact with it, and how we can address the world's environmental issues. From Deserts to Grasslands: 24 question worksheet, 52 word Word Search & 52 word Word Jumble, Word for Word Transcript and all answer keys. What did it feel and sound like for you who were actually there? Speak to the role of youth in this movement. We've got about 10,000 people out here today. Our Planet shows how well so. What do you need to actually build a better system, do better work?" Throughout that entire time, none of them feed at all. And so, by understanding that we can actually understand how your body works, what happens when you're sick, and how to take care of it when things go wrong. That can't be right. TRANSCRIPT [Wave sounds] Dan LeDuc, host: Our blue planet. Sea otters nestle in these kelps, while sea urchins graze on the kelps but the otters, together with sheephead wrasses, feast on these urchins to prevent the kelps from being overeaten by the urchins. Our Planet: Episode 4 - Coastal Seas Name: 1. We should do it, because that is what this nation is about. The seas bordering land make up how much of the world's oceans? And so, if the viewer wants to know more about a particular episode, it can go on the website and find out more, but that might stimulate them then to go back to the series. How does your project - how does your learning actually live in the world? Almost nothing stood in our way except ourselves. This series revealed that human activities are the main cause of coral bleaching, species extinction, climate change and the need to take action to conserve this beautiful planet. Which today has been cloud dark (ph) by a movement gaining critical momentum, it's called extension rebellion. You need to be able to lay out a project plan, track your progress against it, how to ask for help. CD44 that was what we needed to target. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. And the Chernobyl story, basically we have to leave it alone as we had to get out. It's definitely sending a strong signal. In the documentary Coastal Seas, one of the episodes of Our Planet series from, Netflix, the narrator takes viewers on a breathtaking journey during which he, describes ways of life of various marine creatures and highlights the devastating, In the beginning, we are shown a coral reef which the entire community of fish, depends on. You are purchasing 64 total pages. Our planet is a nature documentary series featuring wildlife in their natural habitats. THE CHALLENGE Coming spring 2020 David Attenborough: A Life On Our Planet Trailer MORE FROM OUR PLANET'S COASTAL SEAS EXPLORE HABITATS One Planet Frozen Worlds Jungles Forests Grasslands Which absorbs more carbon dioxide per area, sea grass or rainforests? Despite their importance to humanity, few are protected. And when that piece broke off, you know, you've got seven kilometer front of glassing. Our Hari Sreenivasan spoke to Chan in a rare interview in San Diego, where he also asked her about her latest project, education reform and tried to get her to talk about whether Facebook should be paying more tax. One of the things that sort of distinguishes the series and David Attenborough's other series is that you get the last few minutes talking to the crews. Their special way of hunting- enables them to have good servings of their preys, mullets. RUPERT REED, FORMER UK GREEN PARTY SPOKESMAN: Absolutely. The file you are buying is a zip file with an editable word doc file an a pdf, each document for each episode is 8 pages long. Belum ada komentar. Sea otter surrounded by giant kelp at the coast of California (Image via Netflix: Our planet: Coastal Sea). - Shallow seas are vitally important in the fight against climate change. AMANPOUR: Nathaniel Rich, author of "Losing Earth" thank you so much. You know, the first efforts - and this is the story of losing Earth - of a handful people, scientists and activists, a few political bureaucrats who tried to move from the sort of scientific arcane of theory to action. What is it and what kind of discoveries are you hoping that it leads to? It is a force not of this earth. They are places of superlatives, from ice caps that hold nearly 80% of our planet's fresh water to frozen forests that encircle the entire globe. Not only did we have this global treaty in the works, but there were 32 climate bills introduced in Congress in 1988 alone -- many of them bipartisan and in some crucial aspects some of them were more ambitious than when you see in the Green New Deal today, some of these bipartisan bills at the time. Tell me -- tell me what this means to have somebody this important actually weigh in on this aspect of it, not just on the beauty of our world? Fresh Water: 22 question worksheet, 52 word Word Search & 52 word Word Jumble, Word for Word Transcript and all answer keys. So they're there for families. Site terms I think very few people would argue that little kids connecting with their grandparents across the country is a bad use of their time. and find this tiny lump of rock - just seven miles wide - is a mystery. And so, I think if you don't show the behind the scenes people might not have the true appreciation of what it takes, you know, to get these stories. So I want to play this clip which is about Chernobyl, which famously in the 80s there was a massive meltdown of the nuclear plant there and the whole things was eradiated and people couldn't live and life couldn't live, et cetera, et cetera. It's about three or four people originally who are close to the industry and can be trusted to write editorials often for a fee, $2,000 a pop at the time - and start to speak to reporters. So when that tilts back and flips up and it's displacing all that water and all the ice is breaking up and it's - you can't - I mean, you can't convey. CHAN: The Summit Learning Platform is a software and professional development program that we've developed in partnership with the Summit Public Schools. And the drugs that previously treated that cancer had horrible side effects. Transcript "OUR PLANET" COASTAL SEAS. I mean, we don't want to have contrived kind of scenes, but I think what you don't get from the main series is you don't get, like you say, the lengths you go to and the crews go to and, you know, the Siberian Tigers, the poor old camera man was stuck in the height and didn't (ph) get a single shot, but the camera traps did. I speak to the documentary makers of our planet. And so, yes. If you just leave it alone, though, it'll come back. What - and a scientist working on the Cell Atlas and single-cell sequencing have figured out there's a new cell type that no one knew of before and it's involved in cystic fibrosis. And so, we - of course that's something we believe in and we want to make sure that we deliver not just what is expected but outsize results. Konten ini menjadi tanggung jawab bloger dan tidak mewakili pandangan redaksi Kompas. Cut to today. Our Planet: Coastal Seas 1. See our privacy notice for more details. The episode presented several examples of how animals working together in groups can increase an individual's or a species' chance for survival. File previews. CHAN: They're -- my mom, is so -- are you a real doctor yet? [indistinct chatter] And if you leave nature alone, it'll bounce back. "Coastal Seas" is about the abundant sea life that occupies the coasts of the continents. Our poles are some of the earth's last remaining wildernesses. They even say they want to be here a couple of weeks. Go on an interactive journey across our astonishing planet. I'm going to play it, I think it takes place on the Arctic Circle around Russia, is that right? Watch New Discover Latest from Our Planet EXPLORE HABITATS One Planet Frozen Worlds Jungles Forests Grasslands Fresh Water Coastal Seas The High Seas How do we allow individuals who have served their time to actually have an opportunity at redemption afterwards? Very relaxed, and that includes the police as well who are staying well back, making no moves on this protest. By clicking 'Allow' you agree to our use of cookies in accordance with our Privacy Notice. 4200 SMITH SCHOOL ROAD. Coastal Seas 50m From fearsome sharks to lowly urchins, 90 percent of marine creatures live in coastal waters. This is what he addressed. RICH: Yes, well they moved incrementally and I should say that the treaty itself fell apart - the framework for the treat which will later be the Rio Summit in 1989 - independently of industry efforts. The 8-part series is the culmination of a 4-year collaboration with Silverback Films and the World Wildlife Federation. Target Calon Ketua Umum PSSI, Juara AFF dan SEA Games, Mampukah? [13:25:00] Nathaniel Rich, welcome to the program. And so we apply many tactics to ensure that we are recruiting a strong, robust, and diverse workforce. Coral bleaching (Image via Netflix: Our Planet: Coastal Sea). SREENIVASAN: Did having children change how you and Mark thought about the platform and your responsibilities? SREENIVASAN: You know, it's - one of the concerns when large organizations try to tackle education is, hey, this might be an experiment for you, but this is my kid's education that you're playing with, right? Everyone was just concerned and trying to figure out what to do about it, in 1989 you start to see pieces that are articles in national publicans that question whether the science is so established. SCHOLEY: It's extraordinary because we've gone global instantly, but the great thing is the shows are there all the time, and we have a really big website called ourplanet.com which can talk to the series. So we hope that we will start a conversation with the audience about the most important thing on Earth - nature. This series is narrated by the world-renowned environmental activist and conservationist- Sir David Attenborough. A parade of fluffy gray flamingo chicks,. But the key thing to understand is that the scientific question was settled already at the end of the '80s. [13:20:00] SCHOLEY: No, it's not, but it is a great lesson that nature is very resilient. In South Africa, One Planet crew members documented the largest group of feeding whales ever filmed. Untuk pengajuan iklan dan kerja sama bisa menghubungi: Diberikan kepada Kompasianer aktif dan konsisten dalam membuat konten dan berinteraksi secara positif. In order for things to room smoothly in the Delta, not only do the animals have to play their roles, so does the weather. But in a way (ph) we just felt the world needs to know this is what's happening. So we - there's still lots to be worked out about the mechanism and if we can take an advantage of it to actually treat kids with cystic fibrosis, but that's thrilling. Our Planet | Groundbreaking Series Winner of two Emmy Awards - Our Planet is a groundbreaking Netflix original documentary series. On January 1, 20x1, Entity A had the following general borrowings. I just wonder what you think about Netflix going through all the series and actually tweeting out or posting warnings to viewers particularly to animal lovers that if you feel, you know, that you can't watch certain scenes, at this point and this point and this point, turn away. Kepala Sekolah bukan Guru Penggerak, Rapor Mutu Pendidikan Merah, Mungkin Hanya Superman yang Layak Menjadi Ketua PSSI, Menakar Kemampuan Erick Thohir Menyelesaikan Persoalan PSSI. selanjutnya. The astonishing diversity of life on earth depends on these global connections. Transcript. SCHOLEY: It absolutely is. I'm a pediatrician. We are excited about criminal justice because there are folks on both sides of the aisle that are excited about improving the criminal justice system. So what you're seeing is that these haul out sites (ph) they call where they come to rest on shore, are becoming much more overcrowded and there's a lot less space. The sea ice is losing, you know, rapidly in the Arctic. Because you mentioned George W. Bush, of course (ph) as he was running for president he basically said the following -- he wanted to be sort of, Mr. Imagine ice seven kilometers long. Our Planet: Coastal Seas Your notes: - The Everglades has a diverse environment. Students can quickly answer these questions without being too distracted from the video. And that's the very beginning of it, but then the industry almost seemed surprised by how successful this effort is and they keep pushing it. AMANPOUR: And an urgent conversation, indeed. Its power drags a great bulge of oceanic water in its wake. Beaches, from the white sands of the Florida Keys to rocky stretches of California coastline, are the windows to the expanse of the rest of the sea. One viewer said episode two of "Our Planet" is one of the most upsetting things I've ever seen. Or just use the Word Search/Jumble as a filler activity for a sub. AMANPOUR: You know, it's funny as you say it's not as tragic in terms of casualties, but it will be if the seas rise and all the low-lying cities and many, many, even the U.S. military are very, very concerned about that. - People aren't allowed to fish commercially in the park. One Planet: 29 question worksheet, 47 word Word Search, 47 word Word Jumble, Word for Word Transcript and all answer keys. What are you hearing from the young people and from the organizers. CHAN: I'm so excited about the Cell Atlas. The investor's interest income for the year would be higher than the annual. Is that the response that you want? CHAN: At CZI we are a big believer that we need to have diverse talent to be part of building that better future for everyone. On October 1, 2020, Beondegi Company purchased as debt investments at fair value through profit or loss, P100,000, 14% bonds of Samjang Company for 99 plus accrued interest and broker's fees. That if David Attenborough says something, the world takes it as the truth -- so he's always had to be very careful to make sure -- and he also needs to be sure of his facts. " Official Netflix synopsis Cast and Characters David Attenborough as the English narrator Episodes One Planet Frozen Worlds Jungles Coastal Seas From Deserts to Grasslands The High Seas Interestingly, the series talks about humans, right? . SREENIVASAN: How much of this informed by your own background as an Asian- American child of immigrants? (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) PRISCILLA CHAN, CO-FOUNDER, CHAN ZUCKERBERG INITIATIVE: I'm really excited to announce a new program at University of California, San Diego and U.C. But for those who want to give back, and we should be really thoughtful about ensuring that we aren't a single voice. These are places that feed our imaginations, places that seem to be borrowed from fairytales. Well, that's what we're trying to do here. The first thing is rather than engaging with people from the head as we often do with data, and facts, and charts, and figures -- I have to engage with people from the heart. Our coastal seas are a rich community of plants and animals working together, all of which are vital to the health of our planet and humanity. They don't have permission to be here. Does that sort of defeat the purpose? SCHOLEY: You can put crews in for a few days - AMANPOUR: Ah, the crews. It'd be less work for CZI to do if schools were better funded. SREENIVASAN: So you know, one of our previous guests (Inaudible), I remember him -- he had a book out for a while, and one of his premises is the world would be better off, existentially if you and your husband, or other billionaires had less not more. COMMISSION HEARING ROOM. CHAN: I think screen time is a fascinating question. The effort put into the making of this documentary series is worthy of praise. AMANPOUR: And you've been doing this in various different platforms and ways for many years, and worked with David Attenborough. So this series we definitely wanted to show people the wonders of our world, because we've still got them but they are going very, very fast and it's -- yes, it's a wake up call that's we have to do something now if we're going to keep it, and if (inaudible) we're going to keep the whole biosphere functioning as we've had for four millennia. Question was settled already at the coast of California, where it is Rich with giant kelp at end! Excited about the abundant sea life that occupies the coasts of the most passionate person on the Planet it... Sounds ] dan LeDuc, host: our Planet: episode 4 Coastal! Worthy of praise Mark thought about our planet coastal seas transcript protests here today is the youth Ascension, they mate fish feed. A filler activity for a sub are places that feed our imaginations places... 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