slur urban dictionaryivisions litchfield elementary school district

The Sleestacks were stupid, slow, and apparently very lazy. Black/Mexican mix. They're dark-skinned, hence the "Nigger", and they're from places where there are coconuts. Sentiment that only Wasps are born with souls, everyone else God made from mud. Used by Jews to describe White gentiles or non-Jews in general. Similar negativity connotations as "nigger". Probably not a slur. Rap is visceral; hip-hop is cerebral. Take a hint, already, guys! Derived from the word "monkey." Words uttered when a gun is pointed at Blacks in old South Africa. Originally referred to Communist sympathizers - later as a general slur against all Leftists, including Communist Party members. A Mexican who has crossed the border illegally. Attributed to fishing heritage/large number of Greek immigrants to US with that trade. 16th Century term for prostitutes accused of witchcraft. Mosslems in India have been branded after Jihad. Combination if Tee-pee living and tom-tom usage. Usually light skinned mixed breed black and any other race. verb (used with object) to haunt; inhabit or appear in or to as a ghost or specter. Heard from the matriarch of a large Greek-American family. Meaning "Apes Obey!" They get stopped at all airport security checkpoints. Mexicans residing in the United States are used predominantly for manual labor. Read in National Lampoon. When an Indian gives you change at 7-11, they sound like they're saying, "Here is one dollar and bipty cents.". Derived from the 80's band that made the 1 hit, "And I ran". Derives from the joke that all Aboriginals steal red cars. Was probably redefined in the days of American slavery by the slavemaster's "Crack" of the whip. Not generally seen as derogatory. See Carlton or Zebra. British Blacks. Asian women who only date white men. It can also be a synonym of the word PERIODT. Origins in Chicago (particularly Italians). Also pertaining to Asian woman who sleep with numerous men in one night. New York origin, Washington Heights region. Popular slang used in the MiddleEast to describe the Malayalam speaking people from Kerala state in India. Used as a greeting between gang members ("Yo, G, what up?"). Comes from French Vietnamese "beaucoup dinky dau". Assumes that "Isaac" and all of its other incarnations are common names among Jews. Believed to originate in pre WW II Detroit. Approximates "Rolling Asian." Used in the movie Thunderheart. U.S. Marines have haircuts that look like lids on jars. Koreans are said to have large underbites. Represents the angle of their eyes (45 degrees). This term is said to have originated in England before the 16th century, refering to the lower class whose diet primarily consisted of "crackers", actually biscuits. During WWII, the Nazis would make soap out of the fat of the burned Jews (Dial is a brand of soap). Pronounced "we be", this refers to the inability of most blacks to conjugate the "be" verb, thus resulting in "we be" instead of "we are" when making references to themselves. The Irish are commonly drunk on mead and mead-derived alcohols. Could also just as easily refer to a Chinese/Indian mix. ", Rafting across the Atlantic to the illegally enter the US. Origin: "Boonga" is a native word from the Sydney area pre-1788 meaning anus. However, "kaek" is pronounced to rhyme with "crack. Aboriginal tribe name. 'Not quite an essay (see ese), but a paragraph.'. Used by Native Americans as derogatory for other Native Americans who are red on the outside but white on the inside. Slur used by Mexican gang members to degrade other members. Hooligan. Black people often want "something for nothing.". The use of that term vastly predates the racist term or its abbreviation. Used when talking about a third(black) person you don't know. Many Polynesian cultures have practiced head hunting. Not that common anymore. Filipinos (especialy women) tend to have raggy looking course hair. Sunnyside up has a white inside and yellow outside. A Gang known as the Bloods, say PRAAAAAP! Former United States president hailing from the caucasian sector of race. This can be directed at any race, but primarily used toward whites. Stands for "white guy groupie" or "white girl groupie". See: Homie, They are known often as this in a court of law. Refers to greedy, money centered nature of Jews. More stories from Canadian News. Full Blooded Indian. Spelled with a K, as in the Korn song of the same title. Used by Jamaicans towards white Americans. Derogatory term also used to suggest the toady behavior of Black civil servants. The Negro slaves addressed their Masters in this way. Black actor who sells out to get laughs from white people. Informal/derogatory term used by Hispanics, primarily in Mexico, to refer to Chinese people. The slur is also used by some Native Americans against whites: "moon" as in pale, and "cricket" as in whites have big eyes and gangly legs. Sounds like "book-book." Refers to what it looks like when a Filipino woman is in a gangbang. Blacks were regarded as property and openly bought or traded before the Yankees won. Alex was in hot water after she smeared cake icing on a server's forehead during her 35th party celebration. These are Blacks, usually male, that due to a life of hard substance abuse have the whites of their eyes turn a hepatitis yellow. Is generally used to refer to all foreigners/tourists of apparently northern European descent. Used to refer to fat Italians. It just means those who are not in whatever religion the Arabic speaker adheres to (Christianity or Islam). Combination of "Palestinian" with "simian", i.e. You see them all over campus, malls, and target. Two-thirds of American inmates are Black. Printers are generally white. Stands for 'Perpetrator In Training.'. Refers to the shape of their heads. Spanish slang for without color, or flavorless with no substance. They always work on in the field of construction, thats were Bull "Dozer" comes into play. White people that live in Africa are brighter than others at night. Cambodians did not trust them. Originated on TV's "The Beverly Hillbillies.". Coined by US soldiers during Korean War. A popular political affiliation among African Americans. Represents whites of mediterannean nations such as Greeks, Italians, Spaniards and Portuguese. Pronounced Oyee-bo. German/Irish person. Hispanics Who Are Attracted To Blacks. Not necessarily derogatory. Vandals were the Germanic tribe that . "Tago Nang Tago" It's a filipino thats an illegal alien. Used by Native Americans to describe people who are "non-native". In Spanish it means "guy". (See Schiendler's List), When a Jewish person gets a meal on a plane, it's from the kosher menu and a special meal not offered to regular passengers. Heard often in reference to folks from southern Ohio who moved from Kentucky or West Virginia. Canberra word for bogan. From a 1970s TV commercial for Calgon stereotyping all laundry services are run by Chinese immigrants (. BFI, the name of a waste disposal company, is on the side of their dumpsters. Its just as bad as any other slur, like the f-slur (used against queer people) or the n-slur (used against POC). Referenced by Groudskeeper Willy on the Simpsons, Comes from the French surrendering (whiteflagging) many wars. The first whites seen in China were sailors. Word defined as "an ineffectual, foolish, or contemptible person.". White and usually Mexican due to color of skin being similar to the coffee drink. Local housing estates in Scotland are called schemes. Because every Mexican who can run, jump, or swim is in this country! Advertise here for $5/day The J-slur In Star Wars Episode 1, the computer-generated character Jar Jar Binks was filled with stereotypical black behavior. All white people come from Europe, they claim to be American, but they are not, they are pilgrims. Southern Italians. Came from "Guinea Negro" and originally referred to any Black or any person of mixed ancestry. Started by the constant greetings of the clerks of a deli as they greet customers. Not copyrighted in any way, shape or form. From Kunta Kinte in the book/movie "Roots. Redneck kids who play in the ditches/streets. Mishweya for females. Thai + nigger. "sup mah nilla?") Sounding like "Cookie Moster" from Sesame Street. Also known as "suomalaine pekka", which means "Finnish Pekka". Sioux Indians. Reference to the ship called Mayflower. Normally refers to whites with a Native American heritage. Also: Raft Jockey, Raft Captain, Raft Monkey, etc. Based on the stereotype that Mexicans are lazy. Also a British new wave band in the 80's famous for their song "Everybody Have Fun Tonight" with the lyric "Everybody Wang Chung tonight!". Used mainly during the First and Second World Wars, and directed especially at German soldiers. Refers to a white guy that acts like a beaner. A South African term for Indians. Also perhaps from the French delicacy of frog-legs. Could also refer to the Gar, a fish similar to the piranha, found in streams in the Southern US and eating by many Southern Blacks. Combination form of Spic and Picaninny. From the common Slavic woman's name, used in Turkey and other countries to refer to East European prostitutes, and by extension to any East European woman, with the suggestion that they are all whores. Because Canada is on the north side of the U.S. Border. Thus, people who live in housing projects often sit out front to keep cool. Same as hillbilly. Like yuppie, but refers to blacks. Indians come from India, not North/South America. Reference to the 3/5ths Compromise, where the US Gov't decided that slaves (Blacks) only counted as 3/5ths of a person for population reasons. Often referred to Hispanics that drive Honda Civics. Same vain as Point-Six. Increasingly being used by the media to denote KKK members who sometimes display the Confederate Battle Flag. The facial characteristics of an Asian face are said to be very similar. They ain't white and they ain't black, THEY'RE IN BETWEEN. Almost exclusively used as a derogatory word for whites after the U.S. armed takeover of the Hawaiian Monarchy. Turf is peat moss, found in deep layers in Ireland. (American Indian Movement). Almost every Armenian resteraunt serves kabobs. Also spelled Patty. Some say their music sounds like etch-a-sketch. Only considered a derogatory term close to "kike" in Orthodox Christian countries.. in others it simply means "Jew. Americans who came to the Philippines at the end of the 19th century called Filipinos tailless monkeys because they were small, brown, and said to live in trees. The biggest city in South India used to be called Madras(now Chennai). 10 mexicans lined up side by side at the border. Originated from Spanish. . Commonly used by American minority groups (blacks, hispanics, asians) to refer to white people. Greeks use this word for Turks as many of them they usually don't take a bath for days. A phrase made popular by stereotypical Indian convenience store owner Apu on The Simpsons. Yiddish word used mainly by Orthodox Jews to describe non-Jewish women or a Jewish woman who doesn't observe all Jewish precepts. Van Dyk/Dijk/Dyke is also a very distinctive Dutch last name. Blacks sit out in the yard to keep cool. Also, Spudfucker. The Chinese use a harmful additive, M.S.G., in their food to enhance the flavor. Betch-key ko-new-sharey, Serbian pronounciation. Many Aboriginals are on welfare and spend much time waiting in a dole queue. Also reference to any tourist. the most prominent slurs center on accusations that lgbtq people and their allies are pedophiles, using the word "grooming," which the national society for the prevention of cruelty to children. Heard in Japan, used by non-Japanese. From the French habit of not appearing to bathe regularly. The blankets were also rumored to be infested with smallpox. A centuries-old word that has made a recent comeback, seems to be used mainly by blue-collar whites. Russians in WWII called Germans Fritzes, a common German name in those days (short for Friedrich). Macintosh users, typically caucasians, are often haughty and arrogant much like English lords of Olde. Also from a poem that starts: "Taffy was a Welshman, Taffy was a thief." Another explanation is that Taffy is based on an English pronuciation of the common Welsh first name, "Daffyd" (David). It turned into a hate crime case. Fell out of common use because of the association with whiskey, but now used occasionally as a derogatory term. Argentines refer to the poorer Paraguayan immigrants who live in Argentina as "Paraguas." Similar words for "black" exist in other languages (Spanish, for example, is "negro"). Used at the Battle of Valley Forge to describe the Black women who prepared the cannons. ", American pronunciation of "American", also a pubic wig, Morbidly Obese Bodies on account of Americans are mostly fat (also could be Morbidly Obese Bitches for women). Jungle is referred to their jungle origins and bunny is referred to some people saying that jack rabbits looked like 'lynched' black people. Derived from the joke - Q. Correctly spelled "Polak.". Referring to a popular Muslim headdress. Inability to win a war since Napoleanic times - loss of their colonies and their surrender of their homeland. A reference to the ghetto, i.e. Originated by the Spanish in the 14th/15th century as they were very exact in their racial classifications to determine a person's worth in society. Used in the film "The Royal Tenenbaum's", Dark African Americans who act better than White people. Tuning Out Blackness Race and Nation in the History of Puerto Rican Television. May or may not be derogatory, depending on your point of view. Probably the most popular and most mainstream Latin food company in the world. Refers to Irish Roman Catholic immigrants living in such large U.K. cities as Glasgow, Liverpool and Manchester. Term for unskilled Chinese workers, especially on U.S. railroads. A white female who dates black men. Another reference to the manual labor many of them do in the States. So is the paper that comes out of them. Rhodesian. Rerence to high murder rate. 2) A word used to convey dissatisfaction . As slanted as P-1 is a commonly used abbreviation for traffic collision reports for Party #1, Party #1 is normally the person at fault for a collision. Applies to people of non-Thai origin. Play off of "incognito". Translated into Farsi (Persian language) means "black". Possibly because of the grease they sometimes put in their hair or because of the types of food they make. But it didn't start to take on the racist connotation it has now until the early 20th century. Combination of 'Spic' and 'Nigger. Mainly, the children of a Jew and a Catholic. Said by American GIs to hide when they defecate themselves on the battlefield. Calgary is located in Alberta, Canada. Stovepipes from wood-fired stoves get encrusted with black soot, hence the association. Used to describe those who have lost the language, culture, etc. A caucasian, black, and asian person. Used during the Revolutionary War, because of the Red coats the British army wore. "Black Mans Wish," referring to BMW automobiles. To make a black snowman, you use niglige. Related to the familiar 'Yenta'. Stands for Black Family Inside. And, now, eight years later, the Disney streamer has censored one scene for its use of a racial slur. Used in the film Black Hawk Down (2002). Female circumcision is a common practive in some Arab countries, From the practice of female circumcision in some parts of the Arab world, Arab people always ask "Is dees right, Is dees right?" Mexicans are gardeners, thus always in the yard as well. (Possible connection tot the ghost like appearance of the KKK). Preiss is Austrian dialect for Preusse (Prussian) and a Sau is a female pig. Zionist Occupation Government - Written near the body of murdered radio talk show host Allen Burg in Denver, Co. KATUSAS - Koreans augmented to the United States Army, commonly referred to as Biscuit Heads by American GI's, because of their square heads. Also: Slopehead. Italian/Jewish mix. Taken from the Cosby show. Common last name among Navajos which is used in the derogatorily by whites. SEE MORE OTHER WORDS FOR slur 1 slight, disregard, gloss. Originated from blacks originally living in Africa and using blow guns. Stereotypical Aussie behaviour. It's like rigor mortis, except you're just too lazy to move. "Spota get a job. spic A. n. a. Non-Whites who date only Whites or have a strong preference for whites. Technically should only refer to Chinese, but used for all Asians. See J. Edgar Hoover's use. Used in China, it means "big nose." Illegal Mexican immigrants. It can also be a way to express your disatisfaction with a certain situation that is occurring. Not polite, but not taboo either. The slur means "stinky Romanian" and it originates in Transylvania where Romanians and Hungarians live together. Hungarians used to call Romanians this way, because most Romanians were primitive peasents lacking basic hygiene. Originated because of the national currency and it's origin. 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