textus receptus vs septuagintivisions litchfield elementary school district

The writing, inadvertently, I believe, gives the unfamiliar reader the false impression that Erasmus only possessed 7-8 manuscripts as a starting point. Im not. Erasmus also lacked a complete copy of the Book of Revelation and translated the last six verses back into Greek from the Latin Vulgate to finish his edition. The Textus Receptus book. Likewise, the footnotes betray a liberal bias. I find it ironic that these were the two versions that I was drawn to. The Textus Receptus: the "received text", Erasmus in the 15th Century AD, compiled the New Testament from Greek manuscripts (not using the Latin) utilizing as his main source the Byzantine Family of Greek texts which are later Greek texts from 5th to 12th C, but Erasmus only used 6 Byzantine texts from the 12th Century. Consequently, their New Testament relied heavily on the two earliest (nearly) complete manuscripts we have: Codex Vaticanus and Codex Sinaiticus, which well look at in detail shortly, Since these were the two oldest (nearly) complete texts available at the time, Westcott & Hort gave them tremendous weight. The Elzevirs were notable printers, and their editions of the Greek New Testament were accurate and elegant. You are saved by grace! Some lesser, non-salvation related doctrines are affected, but many of those are arcane topics that rarely if ever touch on the Christian life. The Bible: 66 books vs 73 and Why (the Apocrypha Explained), Lobegott Friedrich Constantin (von) Tischendorf, You can read Tischendorfs entire account of finding it in his own words here. Thus, I treat it as my personal opinion. This is a rather dangerous way to come about your convictions and personal opinions. Regardless of the third quotation they bring up, why is it ridiculous if thats what Erasmus explicitly stated he did, and included this statement in his annotations, and gave the reason why he included it in his annotations? Does it matter much if Paul wrote a owl vs an owl? Internal criteria (the context of the passage, its style and vocabulary, the theological environment of the author, etc.) Have you ever studied how many actual Bibles were copied/printed and used by the church between 100-1500? Greg Paulson wrote his 2013 thesis on singular readings in the codices Vaticanus (B), Sinaiticus (), Bezae (D), Ephraemi Rescriptus (C), and Washingtonianus (W) in the Gospel of Matthew, and he mentioned how many singular readings i.e., readings that do not recur in any other Greek manuscript each one of these codices has in its text of Matthew. I deal with people, mostly Jews, who see errors in the New Testament, so I must know how to defend Gods words. However, theres another problem thats far more practical. Thanks so much for all your analysis. That simply cannot be used as evidence to prove there were errors in the Bibles used by the church. I think this Bible has been changed significantly in the Revised English Bible (1989) translation to be gender inclusive. Being so dry, Egypt has an ideal climate for such preservation. But God, being rich in mercy, for his great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead through our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up with him, and made us to sit with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, that in the ages to come he might show the exceeding riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus; But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved); And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus: That in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus. They were originally written on either papyrus (essentially paper) or possibly parchment (animal skins) which have long since degraded with time and use. And so saying, he took down from the corner of the room a bulky kind of volume, wrapped up in a red cloth, and laid it before me. See their intro to the NT here: http://www.katapi.org.uk/NEB/NT-Introduction-1970.pdf. Try shaping your theology to the words of God, instead of what you are now doing, and I believe you will get a better understanding of just Who our Lord is and His power to save, even whores and people like you and me. Further, many of those differences are too subtle to even translate. These comprise over 75% of all textual variants, which means over 75% of textual variants have no effect on anything whatsoever. Now, lets look at the arguments against the Majority Text. Now you have five copies in five different locations, but no original. The fact of the matter is that the Critical Text of Westcott-Hort differs from the TR, mostly by deletions, in 9,970 words out of 140,521, giving a total of 7% difference. ----- SEPTUAGINT ALXX (Old Testament) + TR (New Testament) Accented + Strongs Numbers + Transliteration (Charles Loder Method). It is the indispensable means of salvation, and is the foundation of faith for all who believe. Textual critics want us to believe it needed an overhauled. We have more manuscripts of the Byzantine text type by far than the other two families combined. Not at all. In fact, it blatantly and grossly mistranslates at least one very important verse that will lead some into sin. Some doctrines are certainly strengthened in the Byzantine Majority text and the Textus Receptus, but no major, central part of the gospel is affected. the KJV] was not translated from any one printed edition of the Greek text. This is so helpful. We must receive the Gospel message under the gracious influence of the Holy Spirit which brings the faith that gives Salvation. They have several verses they use to support this (which well look at in a moment). I still have not settled on a position and am not sure I ever will. Its simplicity itself, but under-girding that simplicity is profound sophistication. The following is a quote from the (excellent) blog The Text of the Gospels, doing a comparison of Westcott & Horts original 1881 text (WH1881) to the modern NA27 (Nestle-Aland 27th edition) and NA28. Without an agreement on that important ground, our talk will go nowhere. the KJV], Scrivener in his reconstructed and edited text used as his starting point the Beza edition of 1598, identifying the places where the English text had different readings from the Greek. Do you stand on the position that it is impossible for us to hold the preserved Word of God in our hands? Nevertheless the Hortian text has not been overthrown. . Irenaeus in the 2nd century, though not in Alexandria, made a similar admission on the state of corruption among New Testament manuscripts. That alone changes things a lot. Bless you for all of your hard work, many Christians are highly caught up in fear of being misled by the written word. The vast majority of them (mostly 10,000 Vulgate copies) do not affirm the Byzantine text. In textual criticism the pure theoretician has often done more harm than good. But the Romans 16:25-27 and 14:24-26 text are identical. The NEB is an extremely loose paraphrase; even the NIV looks better from the little looking that I did. Its worth noting that Codex Sinaiticus is far longer than 130 pages. With slight variances depending on version, the TR has about 140,100 Greek words, and the CT has about 138,100. 30 But many who are first will be last, and the last first. However, theres a very big problem when someone makes a dogmatic doctrinal position without the support of scripture. One of the major arguments against the Majority Text by those who prefer the Critical text is the accusation that scribes added the extra content. Between these extremes, a medium or vulgate text exists. , NETS: New English Translation of the Septuagint, Sinaiticus.Net - Exposing Codex Sinaiticus, 191 Variations in Scriveners 1881 Greek New Testament from Beza's 1598 Textus Receptus, List of Bible verses not included in the ESV, Revelation 16:5 and the Triadic Declaration - A defense of the reading of shalt be in the Authorized Version, http://textus-receptus.com/wiki/New_English_Translation_of_the_Septuagint, 1. The Aland rules generally follow the Westcott & Hort rules with one major difference. Wow! In the Vulgate, we find over half of the Alexandrian readings. GNB NET NRSV, Great explanations of Varying Again, the odds of all those scribes making the same error is vanishingly low. However, you havent answered my question as you said you would, even in a short form as I did your questions. The Textus Receptus is the text that has been used for 2,000 years by Christians. because the next line also Again, this is because of his earlier is better philosophy. If the basis of your faith is the Westminster Confession of Faith, I would humbly suggest you move to a firmer foundation. James A. Sanders, founder and president emeritus of the Ancient Biblical . That her warfare is ended, Also, I am building my book collection and I wanted to see if you recommended any books that translate some of these Greek texts that should be considered when translating new bibles. No matter which copy or version you pick (since we dont have the original) then what about before the copy came into existence? So Sir Constant held counsel in his troubled heart, while the smooth voice spoke on as the path descended steeply to the lake-side, and the whole world was gray as the speakers cloak. The WEBs over her own head makes it sound like the woman must listen to no one but herself because she is under her own authority. They ignored all Byzantine readings and rejected them as being later and therefore not worth looking at. And, finally, when do you hope to see the church rediscover what you believe they have lost? For now, lets look at the underpinnings for the Majority Text theory. Though the earliest work was prepared by Desiderius Erasmus, his work was later revised by Robert Estienne (or, Stephanus) and further revised by Theodore Beza. I think Im gonna get either the NKJV or NASB. That covers the early manuscripts, but what about the later ones? Jesus is the Living Word, the Word Personified, the Word made flesh. This page was last modified on 5 March 2016, at 14:05. However, that is not the case, as Erasmus had been collating Greek texts for at least two years. Granted, unlike some of my brethren, I fully accept that the enduring words of God preserved in English can also be found in most translations, even the those that are Critical Text products but as one cannot separate the promise God made Abe from the word that Abe believed on, one cannot separate THE Word from the words of God that have occasioned and compelled our faith in Christ having done and doing what God said He would. The result is called a Critical Text. Notice, he specifically said the law. Wonderfully writteneasy for a truck driver to understandThe subject is like mind-candy for meIve read many articles on the topicI am biased because I agree with you on many pointsIll keep using my NKJV! Presumably the scribes didnt keep the errors because they recognized them as errors. I first read the NKJV cover to cover 2 years ago and then last year I discovered the NASB which I am now reading cover to cover. That means the only support for the Doctrine of (perfect) Preservation is the tradition of men. The Web sticks closer to the ASV text and the NASB says in its preface that it was following only the spirit and intent of the ASV. The scribes line of sight skips from the first instance of the word text to the second instance of the word text, accidentally skipping everything in between (the red text in the example). Some say Septuagint, and others say the Masoretic Text. The person who wrote this note, however, objected to this correction, and wrote, , , . (against more than 5,000 copies favoring the Textus Receptus). I havent heard a sound from the bedroom, but perhaps she suddenly learned how to be ninja-quiet? And all flesh shall see it together; This is the second longest article on this website (after the one on Revelation), but thats because its extremely complete. I find the whole thing to be disconcerting, frankly. 1 He also Further, the Byzantine texts went 1000+ years with manuscripts changing very little. Scrivener identifies 190 readings where the Authorized Version translators depart from Bezas Greek text, generally in maintaining the wording of the Bishops Bible and other earlier English translations. For context, a singular reading is a Textual Variant that appears in only one manuscript and no other manuscripts whatsoever. Your misunderstanding of the mysterious yet Biblical spiritual oneness of the Living Word and the written Word baffle me! The myth of Erasmus back translating is based on a misconstruction (to put it in the kindest possible light) of statements made by Erasmus in his Apologia addressed to Stunica of the Complutensian team, in his Annotations to the Apocalypse, the Book of Revelation, and in his replies to the criticisms of Lee. Their text was heavily based on the Codex Vaticanus and Codex Sinaiticus. Thats both amazing and very scary. Im so thankful that your article was one of the first I came across. This could be called the common sense side of the Majority Text theory. In the 480-page edition of the Trinitarian Bible Society Textus Receptus this would amount to almost 34 pages, the equivalent of the final two books of the New Testament, Jude and Revelation (Thomas Strouse, Review of From the Mind of God to the Mind of Man, November 2000). This isnt altogether uncommon with ancient manuscripts, but it does mean some places represent a 10th or 11th century version, not a 4th century version. It certainly agrees with the Byzantine Majority Text quite well, and the differences are not typically very large (though certainly some are). You can read the full list here, but it contains the actual Greek variations so youll need to know Greek to read it. The WEB is a revision of the ASV. So no, the entire Codex Sinaiticus wasnt going to be burned. Theres good reason to think its actually a very good document, and it aligns well with the Majority Text. Remember the verse before Jesus talked about how He wasnt going to destroy the (Mosaic) Law. A highway for our God. 10 Because of this, the woman is morally obligated to have authority on her head, because of the angels. She also causes rejoicing among the angels of God who are obedient and submissive to the authority of God. Please remember, the original Greek texts were all capital letters, so the translators added the capitals. There remains a persistent bias against the Byzantine Text type in Reasoned Eclecticism/Critical Text advocates. NASB95 and NKJV are by far my favorite, with ESV as the distant runner-up. That brings us to 30 total manuscripts. However, we dont have to guess, as Peter under the Holy Spirits inspiration explicitly applied this passage to Jesus. We have 5000+ manuscripts of the New Testament, though many are smaller fragments. Every translation in every language, and every manuscript on which theyre based, differs. Berean Patriot, You might just as well set yourself opposite of Gods very name, for He has magnified His Word above all His Name. In English the indefinite article a gets an n added when the next word starts with a vowel. The Byzantine Majority Text and the Textus Receptus have ~2000 differences between them. I found a scribal error and did not want it passed down for the next 100 generations. I am wondering why you say that it is a matter of less than 1% of the New Testament. Ive found this information in various books: I know you cannot hear tone in a text reply, so I can only hope that you believe me when I say that Im not trying to be difficult with you or that Im angry at you. Given its long history of transmission with very little change and the common sense idea that scribes will choose better manuscripts, I think that makes sense. 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