linda kasabian daughter tanyasteve liesman political affiliation

St Circumstance saidOk- Ill be devils advocate. Where does light fusion into anything with Linda?As far as I'm concerned, every human being has something about them that is positive while at the same time being a container of darkness, regardless of the degree. Combat deaths were over represented by those white troops from the southern states. During his closing argument he actually tells the jury; "now, I am not saying, ladies and gentlemen, that Linda Kasabian deserves any medal, any award from the Kiwanis Club or anything like that; all I am saying is that there is a distinct possibility that she saved the life of a human being on the night of the LaBianca murders, and this act by Linda in deliberately knocking on the wrong door shows, along with all the other evidence in this case about her, that although she is not an angel~and we have never said she was; and she would be the first one to admit that she is not an angelYes, he distinguishes her essential character from those that killed, but he does the same thing with TJ, Paul Watkins and Brooks Poston.He also did point out about Sadie that he felt sorry for her and that he felt she had more remorse than the others. ' kill the white man'. She participated in terrible crimes, and then left her child with the people who she knew committed them.Then she flipped on those people too.Who could trust Linda? On a different note: RH- nice post. Low level of intelligence: thinking a socialist was going to turn the United States into an idealist utopia where college was free, black people got reparations and Marijuana grew wild for all to partake. I gotta disagree with you on that one. Dreath saidI don't believe she told the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truthThat could depend on what you suspect to be "the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Sorry, St. but there is nothing in that video where Krenwinkel talks about HS. Groups like the Revolutionary Youth Movement- Weather Underground and precursors to the SLA like those in the Revolutionary Union who support the strategy of urban warfare espoused by people like H Bruce Franklin and the leadership of Venceramos (sp?) Bugliosi did say that he had planned to question Susan later so who knows, it may have come up. She got lucky Atkins folded, leaving her the only game in town and she skated. I care less about her past as she killed no one! After the trials you have 'the' motive and it is in their best interest to jump on the band wagon. When her second marriage, to Armenian American Robert Kasabian, began to sour, Kasabian and her baby daughter, Tanya, returned to New Hampshire to live with Linda's mother. document.write(''); [Off course he goes adding a third objection. document.write(''); Linda purposely brought Sadie and Clem to the wrong door, and the mission was aborted. How's that? That matters to me, They have a need for HS to be wrong. Some things I read even suggested physical abuse. As we all know Linda Kasabian was born Linda Darlene Drouin on June 21, 1949. :-), "When they go low- I get high"or something like that lol. When her second marriage, to Armenian American Robert Kasabian, began to sour, Kasabian and her baby daughter, Tanya, returned to New Hampshire to live with Linda's mother. are with us in spirit if not in direct alliance. Lets say Charlie did orchestrate the crimes and he had some private or secret motivation only a very few were aware of. No other reason.". I gotta disagree with you on that one. Charles Manson and the Killing of Shorty Shea, Charles Manson Behind Bars: The Crazy Antics and Amazing Revelations Of America's Icon of Evil, Charles Manson: The Man Who Killed the 60s, Charles Manson. But I do think that atmosphere at the time contributed to the events. I believe it. Thank you, orwhut, for lightening the mood. document.write(part3 + ''); She had married a man named Robert Kasabian and given him a daughter with a second child on the way. Manson Blog Shines Light on Sassy Bottoms! She was in search of love, freedom and God. Life With The Manson Family Los Angeles Public Library The Manson compound on Spahn Ranch. (One) - wallet - brown plastic with misc. She participated in terrible crimes, and then left her child with the people who she knew committed them.Then she flipped on those people too.Who could trust Linda? Linda Darlene Kasabian, aka Yana the Witch, was born on June 21, 1949, in Biddeford, Maine, but she grew up in Milford, New Hampshire. My apologies Dreath. St Circumstance saidMaybe the pity you have for Linda- who walked away free (That She blew it is her own fault)- would be better served to the people affected by what she helped do?? But now and again one does sort of let something out that is interesting. Secondlyhow did the jury know she was different? I would have likely done the exact same thing. Dreath saidProbably move the goal posts was not the best turn of a phrase. Not so much today. So even if Kasabian was a Hippy, when pared down to essentials, Hippiedom was hardly presented as an advert for something wholesome. Pictured: Kasabian running errands on Tuesday View gallery The. MM said: About the license, it had to be expired.Good one. "I don't like what Hitler did or represents in the wider scheme of things but I can see the good side he had in terms of helping Germany back from it's collective knees after what happened with Versailles. In his testimony Clem part corroborated Linda's account and Susan part did to both Richard Caballero and the Grand jury and then later when she was writing her books.and yet, when one looks at where that apartment was, it seems like another kill two birds with one stone job. The Manson family threatened to kill her if she testified. BUT even self-hate can have positive results and be a driving force for good.Supposedly there has been ONLY one person planted on this earth who was ALL good, but even HE committed assault & battery on "innocent" victims. He said he surmised it was the reason. Who amongst us can judge? He also said that what was needed was corroboration and that it didn't really matter who ended up as the star witness.It's true that he had little to no case against Leslie at that point, but Diane Lake changed that forever. So what's your point ? The question is why would Atkins leave Sharon, alive and alone, in the house to take this little stroll? Why?In the grand scheme of things, with all that was going on, perhaps for those few seconds or minutes none of them envisaged Sharon attempting to escape as she was roped up. She was roped up, struggling with it according to Susan.Even as you're describing all this, even if it all took place simultaneously or bit by bit, the time frame could not have been long. Reading through the court transcripts, what is often presented in HS as a dramatic moment is actually quite tame. [Bugliosi gives her the answer. The reporters ? You can correct me on that one. I think part of where our paths parallel instead of cross is training. Her parents separated while she was still young with Rosaire remarrying and moving to Miami, Florida. Pat didn't know {she's said that several times} and as far back as '69, even before the Grand jury, Susan said in an interview with Richard Caballero, "We were instructed to go to this particular house. The other day you were hating on people who never killed one single communist or burned one village, because they used their draft deferrments to wait out the war. I think it gives some fairly revealing insights into Kasabian's personality (disorder?) She told Richard Caballero that on LaBianca night, there were to be 2 death squads. She, like all of us, was/is a flawed person but not totally on the dark side. "Also as stated somewhere earlier, it didn't need some bogus story about a Lebanese actor to cover any Linda murder mania, not when 2 of the murderers had previously told police and other witnesses that she hadn't killed anyone.Given that no one was charged with even the attempted murder of or conspiracy to murder Saladin Nader, one might have to conclude you're chucking exhibits from that box of red herrings again.."The problem is Grim, Bugliosi painted a portrait of her as being different. It was mentioned but the actual 'only two who had one' argument to explain why Kasabian was sent was made at the Watson trial. I ended up running away at 18 and skipped the country. When she started testifying, immunity was not a foregone conclusion. There is no one inside. :). In March of 1968, Linda and Bob had their first child, Tanya. Her father, Rosaire, was a construction worker and the family faced financial difficulties. Hey, there are some similarities to Manson. She was the key witness in District Attorney Vincent Bugliosi's prosecution of Manson and his followers for the Tate-LaBianca murders. not long after the events in question. Now you seem to be hating on John McCain who enlisted, was shot down, and tortured at the Hanoi Hilton. I felt like Million dollar Mafiaoso Attorney as I pranced into the Lord's House for some good old American made justice.Thank You Clem: I won't tell ANYONE it's the clothes that make you judicially savvy. I have also enjoyed all of the comments related to this postlove all of the insights. You are all welcome. And let's take it a step further - let's only have sympathy for the good looking, and also for those making 100K.Saint, my ass. That makes Ms. Kasabian (as the key witness) a bit of pet project of mineWhat sort of things would you have done that weren't done by the defence ?There are multiple times where her testimony is not supported by the physical (objective) evidence Can you enumerate some of them ? Nothing new. It is amazing to me how many people express feelings such as sympathy about people like Leslie and Linda Good, bright people in some cases?? Linda and Robert had a daughter named Tanya in 1968. Sure, I see all that but what are the statistics for us on this site related to those issues? ?Everybody in this story represents the human side. So that is another mystery.All in all, I'd say what he could/should have been charged with doesn't add up to a life in prison and being America's poster boy for evil.I'll also say I don't think the case was handled properly and that he was used by various people for political and personal ambitions and while he is no angel, I don't think he is all bad and find him to be far smarter than the average idiot you deal with on a day to day basis. Manson's Lost Girls: Directed by Leslie Libman. So here comes the leading question.]Q. I did not mean to offend and apoligise if I did.You said: Do you mean by the jury ?Do you feel Judge Older was somewhat derelict in his duty by letting so many leading questions go through ?You know I swore I wasnt going to do this. It's doubtful she would have gotten a California license simply because she had no permanent address and moved around a lot, even from state to state. It was the general consensus at the end of '69/start of '70 that the prosecution had a very weak case. 'Best at the backhand slash' might not have sold well to the jury. It's questionable to anybody with an objectionable mind who can smell bullshit. She chose to be the way she was and then she eventually became the same kind of parent that Diane and Ruth had.So Sad. Later, in an effort to give their marriage another chance, she joined Robert Kasabian in Hippie Hangouts of Topanga Canyon, Los Angeles, California where he was friends with Charles Blackbeard Melton. But not every brain is wired the same - our neurotransmitters are just ridiculously different in everyone. Robert Hendrickson saidI wonder IF her previously hidden past was NOT fairly typical for many young folks brought up in almost meaningless environments all across America IF you actually take a peek behind the headlines - Oh what a different perspective you might findI think this is the case. She sounds very laconic and flat. For after she departed that gig, she took to the drug community like a fish to water.Florida changed her? Charlie out and free. What does that refer to ? ITS REALLY TOO BAD!! According to, Linda and Robert lived together for three months, however, they divorced when she was 17 years old. Linda Kasabian thought they were on another burglary attempt; however, she soon saw Charles Watson shoot and kill a teenager, Steven Parent, who had come to meet the housekeeper. var part2 = ""; Many thanks to you, Dreath. Now, give me an approximation.A. Right off the bat, any person with the capacity for critical thinking should question that. She stole money from her friends to impress people she knew for days. As they say, truer words were never spoken. Mr. Kasabian had abandoned her and their child in Los Angeles while he went off to South America. That the motive for these seven horrendous murders was not money, it was not burglary or robbery. Because certainly the message couldn't be, "sorry you're in jail bud, but we kicked started a global race war last night".Lol. And if so, in what context ? I'm not sure how the neglect of Ruth's teen years inures her from criticism but not Linda. This marriage too did not prove to be stable and Linda Kasabian returned to stay with her mother in New Hampshire. Her new family, though, was already falling apart. The involvement of Susan and Gypsy in the Shorty affair has come to light too. PS: according to her cross examination at the Watson trial she was also arrested in Haight-Ashbury in 1967. Memory is sometimes very specific and other times more general and at other times, not at all. I believe her when she says that she was not worried about Tonya's actually being in danger. How perfect did the stars align for the prosecutor that there was one angel among the group. That's 3 times in a week. She later became the prosecutions chief witness against Charles Manson and his followers after the 1969Tate-LaBianca murders. Crucially, Sadie came out, spoke, watched Tex hit Wogiciech then ran back in again. Fresh meat! A Conversation with Johnny Ussery- The Then 7 year old son of Clyda Dulaney! WELL, WELL, there it is folks - the PROOF - the spell of Charlie Manson's "hypnotic" POWER lasts FOREVER, or at least for a few years, depending upon how strongly you got zapped.Thanks Dreath,BTW: the Defense $$$ got had by Daye Shinn. I haven't been back to this thread in a couple of weeks. St Circumstance saidIf you read this post and think Linda is someone to pity and use positive phrases for, or defend- that is coolIt's more a case of trying to examine all the angles and conclude based on the myriad differences one finds therein. Some folk are just simply born under a bad sign, cursed with to much anger, desperation and bad judgement in their DNA. These savage murders were not committed to effectuate a robbery. His closing argument, like the closing argument of any attorney, is just that 'argument'. Like how about BILL Clinton. BUT Bugliosi said she (only she oddly) thought it was a creepy crawl mission. "I was a half-assed nothing". But NOW, "drunkenness" is considered to be the by-product of a DISEASE. I'd also add that having observed some of the workers over an 8 year period, some of them really should not have been in that line of work. Their efforts to improve their relationship proved futile. I gotta say I lean to the Saint here. How could you skip that? It Gets Charlie off the hookWhile getting Charlie off the hook may be paramount for "Charlie supporters" I've found piles more people who are not Charlie supporters, indeed, people who can't stand him or that think he's a shitbag and are quite happy for him to remain in or die in jail, that believe that HS is wrong.In fact, far more people think it's wrong than do, in my on line experience. We know very little of any consequence about what any of them were like or did prior to or after the murders ~ and to be honest, that's how it should be. AKA: Linda Christian, Yana the Witch, Linda Chiochios. I find some of the holes {depending on what one may see as a hole} lead to interesting places but still nowhere that dents her essential picture of what happened.Or for purposes of this blog do they show an alternative narrative to what is the official narrativeIn terms of why they were put away, I've yet to be convinced that the alternatives proposed have been what actually took place. var part1 = "deb"; There again, some of us have brothers, sisters, Dads, Mums, cousins, close friends etc that are in that vein and we still love them just the same and haven't yet abandoned them, though it may have been touch and go sometimes. That is cover something up, replace it with something dramatic to help my case.Bug said Linda wasn't involved in any trouble prior to being at Spahn, yet he forgets she did admit to dealing drugs. That was about all we had" speaks volumes, not to mention his thought at the end of '69 that Manson could well be acquitted and his feeling that it could turn out to be better for Linda to be tried & acquitted than testify against the Family.there are occasions too numerous to count in the Tate-LaBianca trial where he 'leads' his key witness to the answer he wantsTrue, but it's an answer that he wants already knowing that answer. It has positive aspects but often, is anything but.Linda is one person people on both sides can agree was no good personally.I wouldn't say that about anybody. Manson announced that it was time for Helter Skelter, the inevitable race war after which he and his followers would take control of America. It must have taken a lot of time and effort to research and put this post together. lovely Little Tonya ended up in State Prison for drugs. It certainly wasn't even a consideration when she gives her own point of view on why she recanted.All 5 Tate/LaBianca killers, when apart from Charlie told others he'd orchestrated the murders. On August 8, 1969, Linda was selected to drive the killers to the Tate residence because she had the only valid driver's license. [Kanarek realizes something is wrong but whiffs by making too many objections and making them in the wrong order. I am in the class of 1965 picture as a matter of fact. Not because she was some kind of sunshine superwoman, but because others {TJ, Ella Jo, Brooks P, Juan Flynn} did likewise and some of those that she helped condemn to death in the gas chamber backed her up on this, both before her arrest and after. Person with the capacity for critical thinking should question that ' might not have sold well to events. But i do think that atmosphere at the Watson trial she was also arrested in Haight-Ashbury in.... 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