new york supreme court citation bluebooksteve liesman political affiliation

The "sentence" clause should be included only when the sentence itself is the subject of the appeal. As stated in article 23, title 27 of the Environmental Conservation Law . Avoid language that implies that a person as a whole is disabled (e.g. (a) Appeal by Permission of Appellate DivisionCertified QuestionNonfinal Order/Judgment, Appeal, by permission of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court in the First Judicial Department, from an order of that Court, entered August 10, 1995. However, in a criminal action with multiple defendants, up to five defendants may be listed in the title followed by an "et al." The judgment was entered upon an order of that court (Bruce Wright, J. Distances and measurements should be treated as follows: The parties were married on June 11, 1993 in Schenectady. 12. Federal Public Laws or United States Statutes at Large may be cited to refer to an enactment not contained in the United States Code or to indicate the addition, amendment, renumbering or repeal of a law contained in the United States Code. L.E. | 3d Dept | 4th Dept. . . : The Bluebook states the inclusion of the appellate district is optional but its inclusion in the parenthetical is required for the Basic Legal Research class. Cases or Court Decisions include the following information: title or name of the case (e.g., Brown v.Board of Education);; citation, usually to a volume and page of the reporter where published. Chaudhary v. Gen. Motors Corp., 649 P. 2d 224 ( Cal. Privacy interests of individuals should be protected by omitting irrelevant references to personal identifying information and redacting necessary references. The judgment convicted defendant, upon his plea of guilty, of attempted kidnapping in the second degree. ), entered January 31, 2000. Rich, Practice Commentaries, McKinney's Cons Laws of NY, 2011 Electronic Update, Limited Liability Company Law at part 3.8), (Patrick M. Connors, 2013 Practice Commentaries, McKinney's Cons Laws of NY, Book 7B, CPLR 3012-b, 2014 Pocket Part at 18). ), dated January 4, 2001, which, after a hearing, set Enzo Lanzi's basic child support obligation at $785 per month and required him to pay $452 per month for his children's educational expenses and 77% of his children's unreimbursed medical expenses. B. Citation sentence: N.M. Const. . next word). . Home; Current State Court Abbreviations; . To reference previously cited authority use a short-form reference or ", Subsequent references to a case in running text or within parentheses may use a shortened case name. Dec. 4, 1990). (R. Franklin Balotti & Jesse A. Finkelstein, Delaware Law of Corporations and Business Organizations on CD-ROM [3d ed 1998]), (Black's Law Dictionary 712 [9th ed 2009]), (Black's Law Dictionary [9th ed 2009], mens rea) [Note: online version], (1 Am Jur 2d, Accession and Confusion 2), (12 NY Jur 2d, Buildings, Zoning, and Land Controls 377), (8 Fletcher, Cyclopedia of Corporations 3890 [2006]) [Note: online version], (8 Fletcher, Cyclopedia of Corporations 3890 at 171 [Perm ed]), (Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged [Merriam-Webster 2002], contaminant []) [Note: online subscription version], (Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, contaminant []) [Note: online free version]. 2d (P.233) 6. . 84 at 153 [1991]) [Note: pre-1994], (1999 Ops Atty Gen No. E-books are cited as indicated in section 7.9. New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division: N.Y. App. Citation to Internet; Information Below is a list of State Supreme Court and Court of Appeals abbreviations. See the word list at Appendix 5. 2004]), (1813 Rev L of NY, 36th Session, ch IV, VI [1 Van Ness and Woodworth rev at 326]), (McKinney's Uncons Laws of NY 6266 [3] [Urban Development Corporation Act (UDCA) 16 (3), as added by L 1968, ch 174, 1, as amended]), (Emergency Tenant Protection Act of 1974 [ETPA] 5 [McKinney's Uncons Laws of NY 8625 (L 1974, ch 576, sec 4, 5, as amended)]), Abandoned Property Law 103 (a) (as amended by L 1944, ch 498), Nassau County Administrative Code 5-14.0 (L 1939, chs 272, 701-709, as amended), McKinney's Unconsolidated Laws of NY 8605 (Local Emergency Housing Rent Control Act 5, as added by L 1962, ch 21, 1, as amended), Consolidated Laws Service Unconsolidated Laws of NY chapter 249-A, 1 (5) (Local Emergency Housing Rent Control Act 5, as added by L 1962, ch 21, 1, as amended), Emergency Tenant Protection Act of 1974 (ETPA) 5 (McKinney's Uncons Laws of NY 8625 [L 1974, ch 576, sec 4, 5, as amended]), Urban Development Corporation Act (UDCA) (L 1968, ch 174, 1, as amended) 31-a (McKinney's Uncons Laws of NY 6281-a), McKinney's Unconsolidated Laws of NY 6266 (3) (Urban Development Corporation Act [UDCA] 16 [3], as added by L 1968, ch 174, 1, as amended), (Model Penal Code 210.2 [Proposed Official Draft 1962]), (Uniform Adoption Act [1994] 1-101, 9 ULA [part 1A] 20 [1999]), (Uniform Parentage Act [2000] 101, ULA Parentage 101 [2008]) [Note: online version], (Proposed NY Code of Evidence 506 [a] [1982]). N.Y.S. 01-03-00287-CV]), , 266 Wis 2d 1060, 668 NW2d 562 [2003] [table; text at 2003 WL 21537821, *3, 2003 Wis App LEXIS 634, *13-14 (2003)]), (Senate Introducer's Mem in Support, Bill Jacket, L 1996, ch 600 at 11) [Note: Bill Jacket cumulatively paginated]. Place the footnote number at the point where the parenthetical citation would appear if the parenthetical citation were placed in the body of the opinion. Add the date of the version being cited, and provide the word "CD-ROM" in a parenthetical if "CD-ROM" is not mentioned in the title. Appeal from a decision of the Workers' Compensation Board, filed June 1, 2001. . U.S. Reports: New York Times Co. v. Sullivan, 376 U.S. 254. . The official reporter is the United States Reports (US) and the two unofficial, parallel reporters are the. If the quotation contains language that is already quoted (a quotation within a quotation), the previously quoted language may be enclosed within single quotation marks ('). The Appellate Division (1) reversed, on the law, an order of the Supreme Court, New York County (Rena K. Uviller, J. . Respondent was admitted to the bar on April 24, 1974 at a term of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court in the Second Judicial Department. . 4.0 REGULATIONS, COURT RULES, JURY INSTRUCTIONS AND COLLOQUIES, 6.0 TREATIES AND INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS, 7.0 LEGAL PERIODICALS, TREATISES AND OTHER WORKS AND DOCUMENTS, 10.0 CAPITALIZATION, NUMERALS AND NUMBERS, DATES AND TIME, AND NAMES, APPENDIX 1 COMMON CASE NAME ABBREVIATIONS Additionally, it specifies for editors the format and typographical standards for the Reports. CPL, CPLR, ECL, EPTL, PRHPL, RPAPL, SCPA), citations of multiple sections of the statute appear as follows when cited within parentheses: (CPLR 5601 [a], [b] [2]; 5602 [a] [1] [ii]). Match. People v. Anderson, 493 P.2d 880, 881 (Cal. The second and any other sentences contain the balance of the information that summaries traditionally have contained, including relevant decretal portions of the appealable paper and of any orders or judgments brought up for review. eds., 21st ed. GENERAL PRINCIPLES. According to Constitutional Interpretation 43 (McKinney's Cons Laws of NY, Book 2, Constitution [1969 ed]) . Self-Represented Legal References . 2020). Tax Law 1132 (e) and 1139 (a) and 20 NYCRR 534.7 provide . Environmental Conservation Law 11-0529, Local Law No. The parenthetical "cleaned up," while perhaps unfamiliar, is being used with increasing frequency to indicate that internal quotation marks, alterations, and/or citations have been omitted from a . Titles of articles and chapters within those sources are set in italics. Legal & News; Types of law; . [F]irst quoted word of next sentence). Cal. New York State Law Reporting Bureau17 Lodge Street, Albany, NY 12207 phone: (518) 453-6900email us. Uniform Commercial Code 3-305, Comment 6, Volunteer Ambulance Workers' Benefit Law __. NEW YORK CITATIONS A. . ), which had granted defendants' motion for summary judgment dismissing the complaint and denied plaintiffs' cross motion to dismiss defendants' affirmative defenses and for summary judgment in plaintiffs' favor. Reporter containing cases from CA Supreme Court and Courts of Appeal . Cal. Test. The drafter may also use summaries found in prior Official Reports 2d or 3d series volumes for guidance, but should adapt the format of a prior summary to conform to these General Rules and Sample Forms. The modification consisted of denying that portion of defendant's motion seeking dismissal on federal preemption and primary jurisdiction grounds. The order dated December 20, 1999 denied defendant's motion to hold plaintiff and its counsel in contempt. Tense Summaries of appeals should be written in the past tense. . The Ultimate Bluebook Case Citation Guide. The decision reversed a judgment of the Supreme Court, Albany County (John Conner, J. The general rules of parenthetical and running text citation should be observed when referring to out-of-state statutes. Rptr. New rules illustrate the use of an ellipsis with a period (11.1 [c] [2]) and with other punctuation (11.1 [c] [3]). . Some suggested forms of citation of parallel hierarchy in running text are as follows: Subdivisions (1) and (3) of Town Law 199 provide . General references to "judge" or "justice" are not capitalized, except when referring to a judge or justice of a named court. a judgment of the [court and judge's name], which had convicted defendant, [upon a jury verdict] [upon a plea of guilty] [after a nonjury trial], of [name of crime(s), but omit the words 'the crime(s) of'] and sentenced defendant [description of sentence]." Judge Edward T. Bartlett of the Court of Appeals said . . A public domain citation is assigned by the court or the Reporter of Decisions and is not associated with a particular vendor or a particular medium of publication. APPENDIX 4 STYLE AND ABBREVIATION OF PARTICULAR STATUTES "Forty-five men were injured in the battle"). As noted previously, the New York State Bar Association uses the latest edition of the Bluebook form of citation. 13,787]) [Note: decisions in volumes 1-49], (51 Ed Dept Rep, Decision No. Appellate Division and Appellate Term Cases and Direct Appeals to the Court of Appeals: "[First sentence. Where the location or content of an electronic source is subject to change, a "last updated" or "last accessed" date should be included. Include the city, village or town of the firm, legal organization or attorney(s) appearing for each party, when available. White & Robert S. Summers, Uniform Commercial Code 30-3 at 17 [Practitioner's 6th ed 2010]), (David H. Kaye et al., The New Wigmore: Expert Evidence 4.3.1 at 148 [2d ed 2011]), (9 John Henry Wigmore, Evidence 2450 at 163 [James H. Chadbourn rev 1981]), (17 Steven Plitt et al., Couch on Insurance 3d 240:1 [1995]), (ABA/BNA Lawyer's Manual on Professional Conduct 51:217 [2002]), (6 Eric M. Holmes & Mark S. Rhodes, Holmes' Appleman on Insurance 2d 34.1 [1996]), (1 Wayne R. LaFave, Search and Seizure 1.4 [d] at 119-120 [4th ed 2004]), (Alan D. Scheinkman, New York Law of Domestic Relations 2:20 at 87 [2d ed 11 West's NY Prac Series 2009]), (Daniel Finkelstein & Lucas A. Ferrara, Landlord and Tenant Practice in New York 4:149 at 4-63 [West's NY Prac Series, vol F, 2006]), (1 West's McKinney's Forms Civil Practice Law and Rules 2:203 [2007]) [Note: online treatise], (5-10 New York Civil Practice: EPTL 10-10.1) [Note: online treatise], (2 William Blackstone, Commentaries on the Laws of England at 429 n 30 [John L. Wendell ed 1847]), (3 Wharton's Criminal Law 381 at 457 [Torcia 15th ed]), (1 Howard Leventhal, Charges to the Jury and Requests to Charge in a Criminal Case in New York 5:23 [1988 rev ed]), (Siegel, NY Prac 184 at 323 [5th ed 2011]), (Weinstein-Korn-Miller, NY Civ Prac 8501.01 [2d ed 2004]), (7-5232 Weinstein-Korn-Miller, NY Civ Prac CPLR 5232.23) [Note: online treatise]. Besides, the department, district, or county is always . The judgments convicted defendant, after a nonjury trial, of depositing debris and/or waste materials on a village lot (Local Law No. Each Third Series record is hyperlinked to the full text of the decision on the Law . . Disciplinary proceedings instituted by the Grievance Committee for the Second, Eleventh, and Thirteenth Judicial Districts. ), entered April 11, 2001 in favor of the nonparty assignee reinsurer. Proceeding pursuant to CPLR article 78 (transferred to the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court in the Third Judicial Department by order of the Supreme Court, entered in Albany County) to review a determination of respondent Public Employment Relations Board. County . Kathleen M. Rice, as District Attorney of the County of Nassau, Plaintiff, v Milton Bialostok, Defendant. 39 [1991] of City of NY), (4th Rep of Temp St Commn on Estates, 1965 NY Legis Doc No. ), entered January 7, 2002 in a proceeding pursuant to CPLR article 78. A number of opinions not selected for full publication in the Miscellaneous Reports are published in abstract form in the printed Miscellaneous 3d Reports and in full text in the Slip Opinion Service and online Official Reports. Official New York Case Name and Citation Locator. "(NJ Stat Ann)"; however, in running text, either the abbreviation or the full name, e.g. Citations in legal writing serve two purposes: . Separate two authors' names with an ampersand. New York Official Law Report citations shall be included, if available." (Rules of Ct of Appeals [22 NYCRR] 500.1 [g].) In the Matter of Medical Malpractice Insurance Association et al., Petitioners, v Commissioner of Department of Health of the State of New York, Respondent. The Code of Federal Regulations is cited within parentheses as follows: Include date if greater precision is required, as follows: Federal Rules of Civil Procedure rule 4 (b), Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure rule 8 (a), Federal Rules of Evidence rule 804 (b) (6), Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure rule 9007, Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure rule 10. The judgment granted the petition and directed that petitioner's sentences be served concurrently. When emphasis in the source document is retained in a quotation and the author wishes to add further emphasis, use italics and add a parenthetical, such as: (additional emphasis added). When using the citational footnote style, citations that appear within textual footnotes should not be placed within parentheses. Apply the following rules based upon the location where citational content would be placed in the traditional format. . Omit given names or initials of individual litigants (Rule 10.2.1 (g)) If the case is a consolidation of two or more actions, cite only the first one listed (Rule 10.2.1 (a)) Omit all parties other than first listed on each side, and omit words indicating multiple parties, such as "et al." (Rule 10.2.1 (a)) Szekeres v. The shortened form of the case name is usually the name of the first nongovernmental party (for example, ". Penal Law, article 80, 80.05 provides . Create a data table in an opinion by using a word processor's table formatting features rather than manually inserting spaces or tabs. Provide the case name, citation, court, decision date and docket or index number. . Appeals Transferred to the Appellate Division. ), entered May 2, 2001 in a support proceeding pursuant to Family Court Act article 4. For citations in court documents and legal memoranda, please refer to the Bluepages. Electronic services (e.g. Proceedings Transferred to the Appellate Division. 1974). The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation 1 (Columbia Law Review Ass'n et al. 8208 at 276 [1956]) [Note: pre-1978], (NY Dept of Social Servs Admin Directive 96 ADM-8 at 20), (Dept of Corr Servs Directive No. The model citational footnote opinion has been updated (Appendix 7). New York, 198 U.S. 45 (1905) (showing the Supreme Court's historical interpretation of the Due Process Clause as solely protecting an individual's right to contract), with McDonald v. Chicago , 561 U.S. 742 (2010) (incorporating the Second Amendment using the Due Process Clause), BMW of North America, Inc. v. Gore , 517 U.S. 559 (1996 . . Appeal, by permission of the Court of Appeals, from an order of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court in the First Judicial Department, entered December 28, 1995. (If there are multiple plaintiffs, only list the first party in each category). State court decisions with the The following samples cover basic citation format for secondary sources. The most noteworthy of the changes found in this Manual are: The Style Manual's section on omitting or altering language in quoted material has been reordered for clarity and revised to allow for more precise use of ellipses, to clarify the style where language is both altered and omitted and to provide guidance where emphasis is omitted. . As always, the staff of the Law Reporting Bureau deserves the highest praise for its absolutely meticulous work. . Include other punctuation (comma, semicolon, etc.) Figures may be used for dollar amounts of any size: $1, $50, $1 million. The citation formats adopted by these jurisdictions are listed below and the style rule governing these citations is found in section 2.3 (c) (4). Cal. (21st Ann Rep of Chief Admin of Cts at 15), (14th Ann Rep of Jud Conf on CPLR, reprinted in 21st Ann Rep of NY Jud Conf, ch 6 at 278, 293), (Governor's Mem approving L 1989, ch 750, 1989 NY Legis Ann at 326), (Mem of Off of Ct Admin, 1990 McKinney's Session Laws of NY at 2937), (1985 Rep of Advisory Comm on Civ Prac, reprinted in 1985 McKinney's Session Laws of NY at 3432), (Rep of Law Rev Commn, 1984 McKinney's Session Laws of NY at 2933-2934), (1995 Rep of Advisory Comm on Crim Law and Pro at 43), (Staff Notes of Temp St Commn on Rev of Penal Law and Crim Code, 1964 Proposed NY Penal Law [Study Bill, 1964 Senate Intro 3918, Assembly Intro 5376] 25.05 at 264), (Staff Comment of Temp St Commn on Rev of Penal Law and Crim Code, 1967 Proposed NY CPL 205.40 at 274), (Interim Rep of Temp St Commn on Rev of Penal Law and Crim Code, 1962 NY Legis Doc No. The order granted defendant's motion to dismiss the counts of the indictment charging him with kidnapping in the second degree. Appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Westchester County (Steven Pagones, J. the City of New York, Queens County; District Court of Nassau County, First District; Justice Court of the Town (Village) of Colonie, Albany County. Appeals from a final determination of the Workers' Compensation Board, filed September 20, 1983, bringing up for review an order of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court in the Third Judicial Department, entered May 5, 1983. Instead you might: This section is based upon New York State Judicial Committee on Women in the Courts. 897 (Sup. A short-form reference may be used for subsequent citations to the same statute. II. For any other case, use the case name found in standard citation services or formulate a name by applying citation naming conventions found in standard citation manuals. In addition, the relevant jurisdiction's designation of statutory divisions should be used. 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