project looking glass us governmentsteve liesman political affiliation

Most of the problems associated with such bogus memes as Project Looking Glass arise from the poor education prevalent in modern times about real Science & Technology. With that out of the way, heres what else Dan said: Burisch talked often about a top-secret program called Project Looking Glass.. There was an opening that you could look into. Wells Program, Project Looking Glass, the plans of the Secret Government on time machines and Stargate devices, 17 January 2023 CTM Tonight Topic: The Plan: Requesting Action On Several Directives, Karen Attiah: Bostons grotesque sculpture represents how White America loves to butcher MLK, German government and BioNTech pushed Twitter to censor threats to Covid vaccine profits, Russian and Belarusian hackers announced the hacking of the central block of the US state tax service, Japan risks turning itself into Ukraine of Asia if it follows US strategic line, HUGE! Two-thirds. Theyre leaving those alone. You can say that some people are soul-less. Despite the posts brevity, there is much behind this highly classified project that is relevant to the QAnon movement and the efforts of the Deep State to marginalize it and remove President Donald Trump from power. #MilitaryPrecision@POTUS #QAnon #KAG #WWG1WGA #TheGreatAwakening #MAGA #Trump #Trump2020, Clark Petrounov ? Burisch examined them elsewhere and sent the report back to the place of origin. Among these was Preston Nichols, who was involved in a classified project called Montauk that was first publicly revealed in his 1992 book: Montauk Project: Experiments in Time. Election Fixing Ukraine K:Youve gotthe Illumination the one hand, youve gotthe Majesticon another. As I understand it there was significant movement of mass during that experiment, and it ended up with a rather gruesome death for the poor test subject. Now, so far all of this sounds pretty unbelievable, right? Great opportunity for the right person with opportunity for growth. Faith & Religion News FBI This is where Qs reference to Project Looking Glass becomes very significant. Burisch holds disconcerting great information about extraterrestrials, the time machines called Looking Glass(Orion Cube Stargate), the plans of the secret government and the extinction of the human race. Burisch examined them elsewhere and sent the report back to the place of origin. Project Looking Glass is a now inactive free software project under the GPL to create an innovative 3D desktop environment for Linux, Solaris, and Windows. Sportsman since childhood, he played basketball. Just not at all in the way that Dan Burisch presented it. Members of the WWABNCP network included: The Eastern Auxiliary (EAST Aux) and Western Auxiliary (West Aux) Command Posts were also part of the WWABNCP ("wah-bin-cop") network and were capable of assuming responsibility for Looking Glass as the anchor. across the United States since . In the next 25 years, a confrontation between artificial intelligence and humanity is possible. In the early 1970s the E-4A aircraft replaced the EC-135Js on this mission. Im discussing 24,000s. He says that the chronovisor developed by Father Ernetti was refined by the CIA, in collaboration with the then Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA/now DARPA). And, and Im all for it. [Dan shaking head no] Thats kind of I mean, its kind of more of a philosophical question, D:I dont know, and all I can do is defer to the creator on that , D:Its all of the above, plus information directly from Majestic.Looking Glass TechnologyK:Why isMajesticin a place to know that this actually happens or doesnt happen? its materialists trying to avoid mind itself. Underworld Civilization: The X-Files by Edward Snowden, Radioactive swimming: A man who took Uranium-235 lived without illness for 82 years, A girl from Wyoming said that she visited the intergalactic alien station. In the video, Wilcock discusses how the Looking Glass device apparently resembles what is depicted in the filmContactstarring Jodi Foster. To answer this question, my contact was not specific, saying only that cameras did not move, as mass does not change in its perspective to space time. Clif High, The language describing the Project Looking Glass concepts first came into public awareness in 1964 in an interview of George Van Tassel. Nichols explained what happened when the psychic Duncan Cameron sat in the Montauk chair: Duncan would start out sitting in the chair, then the transmitter would be turned on. Basically, psychics were placed in the Montauk Chair and were, in this way, able to peer into different historical periods to gain information of interest to their military intelligence handlers. The fact that the P-45s are wanting us, to, at their stage in their own development, have a disaster which, which justifies their own history, is being used as a means to an end by the Illuminati who would like to see that the population is culled so that they can gaingreater control. Receive notificactions when new content is available. This is his entire claim to credentials in the Black Projects. Dr. Dan Burisch has a PhD in microbiology and is a former employee of the United States secret military forces. K:Exactly. Eisenhower met with several extraterrestrial groups who warned the Earthmen to abandon atomic weapons to avoid a future nuclear holocaust. K:is basically the side that believes thatthe transitions going to occur from one timeline to the other. Dan Burisch is not a PhD as he claimed, and he only worked as a janitor at the S4 base for a very brief time. The time travel/viewing technology described by Van Tassel in his 1964 interview is very similar to what was decades later described by Lazar as Project Looking Glass which he said was also run by the U.S. Navy. General view of looking glass aircraft in the project looking glass historic district. World Politics, 2021 Jellyfish.NEWS | A Division of the John B. And so what he did is he handed them over and says, Oh, please, come into my country. He says, Look at my equipment to make sure that Im not making any weapons of mass destruction. Meanwhile, out the back door goes the two that Saddam actually had transferred over to him. K:All right. Since I was also told many years ago about an experiment that went very wrong in the early years of the LG project, involving a test subject of some kind. In this Exopolitics Today interview, with Dr. Michael Salla, JP describes what the Ant people intend to do shortly, and why they feel it important for them to reconnect with surface humanity, and introduce us to the true history of the planet. Dan Burisch, born in California in 1964, studied microbiology and psychology at the University of Las Vegas, Nevada. The people who. There was an opening that you could look into. 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Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker: More Than Just a Tanker. Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker: More Than Just a Tanker. In the book, Father Ernettis Chronovisor: The Creation and Disappearance of the Worlds First Time Machine, Peter Krassa, investigates Ernettis amazing discovery. Craziest part? What do time travel, magic cubes, and the CIA have in common? He invented Project Looking Glass here on earth from a formula supposedly given him by a Space Alien that landed at an airport he managed in the California desert. There were several attempts in the late 1970s, and 1980s, to bring the Integratron, the Time Viewer, aka Project Looking Glass, into the public, but none of these repeats of the idea gained traction. One of his most important statements is that related to the Stargates or dimensional portals. This network of specially equipped EC-135 aircraft would launch from ground alert status and establish air-to-air wireless network connections in the event of a U.S. national emergency. One of the most well-known examples of Remote viewing was to view the rings of Jupiter prior to NASAs Pioneer 10 flyby. Depending on the direction of the spin I am sure speed and tilt and a bunch of other factors must also have an effect time space can be warped forward or backwardsby long or short distances relative to the present. Because he smuggled J-Rod (an alien the government was holding prisoner) to Egypt and helped him escape through a natural stargate. Operation "Scope Light" for the Commander in Chief. Indeed, this is precisely what occurred, according to Andrew Basiago, a practicing attorney, who says he was involved in a Project Pegasus from 1967-1971 as a six-year old. Drugs [1] Once the device is tuned properly, images of probable future events are projected in open space within the fields, similar to a hologram. [5][6], The Strategic Air Command began the Looking Glass mission on February 3, 1961, using five specially modified KC-135A[7] aircraft from the 34th Air Refueling Squadron based at its headquarters at Offutt AFB, backed up by aircraft flying with the Second Air Force / 913th Air Refueling Squadron at Barksdale AFB, Louisiana, Eighth Air Force / 99th Air Refueling Squadron at Westover AFB, Massachusetts, and Fifteenth Air Force / 22d Air Refueling Squadron, March AFB, California.[8]. D:Right. Burisch worked directly under the orders of the Majestic 12. Today the Human Race is in serious danger of extinction due to many factors including wars and severe climate change. However, as indicated by retired Major General Donald Shepperd, speaking on CNN on September 12, 2007, the plane circling the White House on 9/11 resembled an E-4B which was likely launched from Nightwatch ground alert at Andrews Air Force Base. Lots of their language betrays the same intent as we get from the climate change freak-out agendagoing to the idea that humans are responsible & that we must change things. Below the speed of light, motion operates in three dimensions of space and one dimension of time. As bizarre as that sounds, the mind is uniquely equipped to navigate in time, which is able to access memories of the past, gain awareness of events in the present, conceive of future possibilities, and even imagine alternative events that did not actually happen. This text contains six major sections beyond the two introductions. These supposedly include 'Project Galileo', 'Project. Instead, its a vast field of probabilities, the results of which are determined by present actions. So they did, and they are/were good UFO & Woo pimps. He also claimed he was constantly hunted by Men in Black and Majestic 12 assassins. US Economy Themission transferred to the 38th Strategic Reconnaissance Squadron in August 1966, to the 2nd Airborne Command and Control Squadron in April 1970, to the 7th Airborne Command and Control Squadron in July 1994, and to the USSTRATCOM's Strategic Communications Wing One in October 1998. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site is about finding out who we really are. Stay up to date on the latests posts, videos and events. I mean, theyve got this its like a magic box to try to see into the future. James Rink is a super soldier, meditation practitioner, researcher, author, and video producer. According to Colonel Philip J. Corso (1914 1997) who wrote the book The day after Roswell, aliens are space-time travelers and those who led the hull that fell in Roswell had two brains, one of which was useful for controlling the aircraft. This project surrounds a "looking glass device" that is located at Area 51/S4 (level 4-2) on what is known as "Alice's Floor". D:Not only do they believe it will occur, they want to provoke it. Dr. Dan Burisch has a PhD in microbiology and is a former employee of the United States secret military forces. This is what Jordan Sather declares in his most recent video on his popular Destroying the Illusion youtube channel. other instantly. While I agree with Sather that Q and military intelligence community is using Project Looking Glass technology in a covert civil war with the Deep State, it is worth emphasizing that the Deep State has been using Project Looking Glass technology even longer than the US military intelligence community. Me or the AI? Note that I am not advocating this theory, but it has a strange connection to the freewill debate worth pointing at. By manipulating the frequencies, Ernetti discovered one could look into the past. Energy The first public reference to a Project Looking Glass came from the legendary UFO whistleblower Bob Lazar back when he first emerged into the public realm in 1989 when he identified it as one of the classified projects run out of the S-4 facility at Area 51. Much the same as the people behind Project Looking Glass. [laughing], M:I want to reiterate. Recreating Project Looking Glass | Viewing My Future - YouTube In this video I am going to recreate the Project Looking Glass Time Machine. However, its unlikely that the US military would do this in any transparent way, given the legal and political implications of supporting a posting board that many in the general public have been convinced by the mainstream media to be a venue for radical right-wing radicals. In a place called The bay of Galileo, Burisch could see different types of spacecraft. But in 1994 he was taken to an underground place called Century IV which is part of the Area 51, where he started working on the Project Aquarium. Merging Timelines, Call Groomers Groomers Because of Their Grooming and Because It Annoys David French, Goal Of Ukraine Operation Is To End US-Dominated World Order, Activists Demand Fed Gov Track Whom Scientists Are Sleeping with, Bidens Multiple Classified Doc Locations are a National Security Crisis, Not Even in the Glove Box, How Irresponsible. Dan Burisch learned of a copy of the agreement made by President Eisenhower with two races including the alien life forms called P-50 and then the so-called Orion or Orionian races. Well, one part of this story is at least partly true. the timelines change and this happens quickly ie. D:Yep. Of course theyre going to. (@fillasaufical) November 12, 2019. So they did what anyone else would do in their situation: They attempted to use this knowledge to manipulate the timeline in their favor. That includes also. Corso declared that the alien ship was the key to technological progress. Its your choice to make. They focus . He spends his time perfecting the Neo Meditation Device which is a chi energizer that helps users relax during meditation so that they can integrate themselves. There was some speculation that the "mystery plane" seen flying over the White House on September 11, 2001, was some newer incarnation of Looking Glass. According to Dr. Burisch, information on how to build the Stargates is in the Sumerian tables that they used to communicate with other extra-planetary civilizations. I was told to consider the multiverse idea combined with work by Richard Gott on cosmic strings. In 1986 he received an unexpected visit to the University of Las Vegas from the so-called secret government of the United States. But these people are also the ones who have their guaranteed positions in the safety zonesunderground facilities, etcetera. (Just like that, seriously!). 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