who is behind 119 ministriessteve liesman political affiliation

Our team is spread throughout the country. Its wrong, SIN, for me to willingly participate in watching it. My husband after marriage 30 yrs, last year he fell back into this website and today he seems to get more into it and I cant do anything about it. 8 These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far away from me. I dont agree with 119 ministries sabbath teachings. If I am wrong, then show me. I have seen many people who call themselves believers and live like the world; they are not set apart by any means and they continue in sin = they trample on the grace of God for occasions of the flesh over & over again. Christ and walking in His resurrection power to give life to others!?!! Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another. Ephesians 2:14-18 makes it clear that He doesnt intend for us, as gentiles, to become Jews. But Torah keeping jubilee, atheist neighbor aside, just to be clear, true salvation only came through our faith in Yeshua and our faithful obedience to Yahweh was enabled through the empowering of the Holy Spirit to look past mans rules and straight into our Scriptures with no pastor. Wake up world! Christians may be following the second one, but you cant possibly follow the first and most important by saying and believing that His law was done away with, for you are not following His 7th day Sabbath or His Feast Days!! Despite the fact he only said it once, doesnt make it any less valid. Titus 3:9-11, Complete Jewish Bible (emphasis added). Get the book from the interview here or read all about it here. 17 Dont think that I have come to abolish the Torah or the Prophets. WHAT???? 4 They sit among the graves and spend the night in caverns; they eat pig meat and their pots hold soup made from disgusting things. Have you never noticed that EVERY house is named after the male head of the house? I will respond in kind, for now i will preface my response with a short rebuttal. May you be blessed! 1st Hour.mp3 Paul dealt with a certain party of Jews that were forcing other believers to fully proselytize in order to be counted as partaking of the covenant. YHWH is the one true GOD, and He has not, will not change. I have studied the book of Hebrews from the Greek and the Aramaic with supporting concordances, etc. Sometimes, they do even correct their previous videos the moment they found that they have taught something wrong. Its not easy, but I feel blessed whenever the truth is brought before my eyes. to make the lot fall, assign by lot, apportion by lot 10:19. If, like many Christians believe, Rav Shaual had written against the Torah or any other part of the Holy Scriptures, then that would have made him a pathological liar and a false prophet. It is one of the same basic mistakes of Jehovah witness .we are saying His name right and everyone else is wrong ..His name actually means His authority But they are not for us because we have grace (as if no one ever received Gods grace before Calvary ). As previously stated, the Greco-Roman mindset is not the correct way to interpret the Scriptures Its either ancient Hebrew or nothing at all. So I have had to resort to mostly praying. The only thing wrong is when someone says You MUST! Where Jesus says, Youre free! As free as I am to eat pork, you are free not to. Which is again a huge example of the importance of freedom in Christ. The works of Abraham was not only circumcision, but in fact, the whole Torah. I believe the use of Pleroo here is to fully teach or rightly teach because this is exactly what Jesus continually did, and we have countless examples of him doing this. I dont work I just talk about Jesus to strangers on the street All of these answers are NO. Have you not read the following? Peoples pride refuses to submit because God will not give the grace to a prideful person, only a humbled, repented one. That also ties in with james ..faith with out works is dead . The confusion comes with lack of understanding in WHICH LAW was done away with. It seems emotional and contemptuous? . What is happening today has been prophesied in his word. Beginning in Genesis and culminating in Revelation, why do so many believers fail to see Yeshua is literally woven into every word of Scripture and that the Law and Prophets is the only Scripture Yeshua and the Apostles taught, preached, and practiced? In my opinion. Jesus did not lie. Spiritual pride is the hardest thing to detect . We keep trying to interpret and end up twisting what they have said (written) to mean what we have told it means. 2. of sayings, promises, prophecies, to bring to pass, ratify, accomplish It is described as the one and only Torah which is unchanging and applicable to believers today. This is common knowledge but you are free to believe however you want bro. I understand what you are saying Leah, however, your perception and what you call free could be interpreted as doing what is right in your eyes. 2. to carry through to the end, to accomplish, carry out, (some undertaking) Hopefully, in the end, the death of my 12 relatives in the Nazi concentration camps will not have been utterly in vain due to Christian rebellion and disobedience to Torah commands. Jesus Christ IS our new covenant Law who lives inside me. Otherwise, you too will be cut off! The PURPOSE of which, is to DRAW those who have been set free by the Blood of the Lamb (the Lord Jesus Christ) BACK UNDER THE LAW, which we know indicates a FALLING FROM GRACE! It is not necessarily sin for other believers. I have heard however Christians say you are not saved if you do not dress a certain way, or guilt people into keeping a levitical commandment of tithe paying so they can keep their country club lifestyle (by the way something Paul taught against ) read Hebrews sometime. I went to church and bible study frequently as a child and a young adult. The organization you referenced places a different emphasis on the law and people's obedience of it. Yet Satan tried to replicate his own version of the trinity, as seen in the book of Revelation, through the Dragon, the Beast, and the False Prophet. You never know whats gonna happen! Well, Hebrews 10:26-31 seems to tell a different story: 26 For if we deliberately continue to sin after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, 27 but only the terrifying prospect of Judgment, of raging fire that will consume the enemies. I did, and I found their teaching woefully errant. If left strictly to others we do what men want us to do. First, to set fire to their synagogues or schools This is to be done in honor of our Lord and of Christendom, so that God might see that we are Christians So lets get back to something to think on.. If you dont agree with 119 ministries, it more than likely means you DO NOT agree with scripture. Whether people like or dislike their demeanor is honestly irrelevant. not on tablets of stone, not with ink, not of the letter. 2,376 talking about this. No matter what anyone says, I am convinced that most of the 1st century believers would be utterly abhorred by the blatant lawlessness practiced by modern-day believers. To clarify Brother Sean, I am not saying that the calender used by the post Babylon exiles. They are the ones Im giving your now., Leah this commandment isnt new. These are things of God I will not chastise you for not partaking. May the hand of YHVH keep us safe! Neos refers to new in timeline; which along with intent of author and specific and General context of all Scripture, will provide Hermeunitical tools to use to come to proper Biblical exegesis.. Leviticus 19:32, Wisdom is with theaged,And withlong lifecomesunderstanding. Jesus is talking to his disciples here and has been talking before this versein fact heres what he just said in the same discourse beginning in Ch. Starting with condemning Christmas and Easter (yes, I know there are very many practices around these events that are of questionable origin that doesnt mean it means the same thing today with current believers God looks at the heart, last time I checked) because they arent Feasts of the Lord, meanwhile practicing Hanukkah and Purim, which are not Feasts of the Lord either. This is the point at which I must raise my hand to object and seek clarification. The people wouldnt visit his body because it was the Sabbath. I am a Messianic Jew. When you uphold the commandments of our most High God, you are not by any means nullifying the grace given to you at the Cross! Not that I can see! You cannot be of both. The speakers are just men. THIRD, What do you think about 119 Ministries teaching entitled What is New about the New Covenant? It is very humbling. Gentiles are not mentioned. They have frequently made it clear that salvation is a free gift offered through YHWHs grace and that following the Torah, the Law, is the natural response of a believer who has been saved by grace. When teaching about Gods law, 119 Ministries weaves the thread of obeying the Torah (Law of God) throughout their teaching. News Flash, the Greeks and the Romans worshiped false gods (Satan, his fallen angels, and demons). All religions are man made. 119 Ministries is continuously working on trying to minimize our costs and maximize our output to deliver teachings efficiently and as quickly as possible. That is what fulfilling it means. GRACE has existed since the Garden of Eden and is taught in Judaism. Many blessings to you all. Therefore study to show yourself approved by God. I am always amazed at the arrogance of those who proclaim they love the LORD.there are many who believe that the LORD turn his back on the Jews for disobedience and now the CHURCH is his chosen. Theres another misconception. Your calling the son of Yahuah, Yahusha a liar! I have found that depending on who you talk to, different people make alliances for not keeping every aspect of Torah so excuses are made. One of the most misunderstood ideas about the Hebrew Roots movement is the lack of love. Hmmm. He is after all the Creator of the Universe who deserves the utmost reverence. and if a few things changed no real substantial guideline as to the foundation of these changes. They repeatedly claim that they do not have all of the answers, but they simply want everyone to test their faith to make sure it lines up with proper scripture. One reason I despise nationalism ..including secular Israel for it separates . I believe in order but I have seen an organism of love turn into an organism . Gal. Its Jesus. Tammuz is a Babylonian mighty one.. How can the so called Hebrew calender then be the correct one if it uses Babylonian deities as its months? His strength is for ever ref. We are not to walk in wickedness, which is breaking Gods commandments but in obedience which is our righteousness, otherwise we can throw out the majority of the New Testament, do whatever you want and still get your get out of hell free card but we know that is not the case. The other problem is that in some Bible versions over the last several decades, verb tenses have been changed (possibly to avoid copyright issues or to support predetermined doctrines) and whats passing away is still **future tense** in the original manuscripts. Its a doing not a feeling. . (another incorrect interpretation there in most Bibles with kamlos (camel) being a MISPRINT of kamilos, meaning rope or cable. And since Jesus = YWHW Jesus commands are Gods commands and vice versa) Well saying we are doing it to earn salvation- thats putting the cart before the horse (North American idiom there I wonder how that would be translated back into Greek or Hebrew by someone who didnt know it was an idiomatic expression?) Jesus said if you love me then DO the what the Father has showed us to DO. Testing everything is what the Church should be espousing, after all. Im hoping you wont be like others Ive encouraged to read it whove ignored it or dismissed it, or claimed they havent the time or interest because theyre certain of what they know to be true. The LORD I believe is separating the wheat from the tareswhich side are you on? Who am I to pick and choose what applies to me? As for being offended goes, I havent even come close to offending you the way Kefa offended that wicked man who wanted to purchase the power to baptize people with the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) or what he said to the deceitful couple in Acts chapter 5 who lied to the Ruach HaKodesh, and then paid the ultimate price. 3 explains the timing of how Gentiles are brought in. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. And I have other sheep that are not of this fold. Im not going to follow all of your red herrings. The false teaching at 119 ministries has reached levels where they should be dis-fellowshipped. So if were currently living in a sinful and rebellious atmosphere of Sodom and Gomorrah, you have only our own stubbornness and willingness to be deceived to thank for it. I will be their God, and they will be my people. For real. Unless you read the transcripts along with the video, it is sometimes difficult to catch the deception. They were killed for teaching the truth of yah who sent them! Two different Covenants with Israel running in parallel. Names of those who made the ultimate sacrifice in serving our nation. Ive read many of the comments above, and no one seems to have the courage to call you out on the carpet for fear of legal reprisals. The adversary is doing well at the divide and conquer tactic especially with all those denominations and it is grievous. Understanding Bible prophecy better will dispel your end time fear and bless you (Rev 1:3). The simple reality of the matter is: can you absolutely affirm which denomination/church/Christianity is the correct path to follow? Studying the law of Moses is edifying in understanding Gods law and His will for His people / church. to overthrow I think if I understand your position of trust you mean to say the Jewish Calendar that predetermines the Moedim and new moons etc? Consider that Moses was righteous in the eyes of Elohim. Keep my decrees.. Christianity is profoundly about Jesus Christ!!!!! If of course you follow (understood) Pauline doctrine. Guilty of my own accusation ? Translations for Psalms 119:1. It was for freedom Christ set us free. Evelyn, I will certainly try. The angry ones are usually the newbies still realizing they were told lies in various forms. So my question is: jealous of what? And what about Peter? No church Pastor or priest ever taught me that, only our Father in heaven did.. Oh btw I never read the Bible, or knew of 119 yet, but we are all in agreement.. Leah, thank you for your posts. But the good news is that we are GRAFTED IN to Israel according to Apostle Paul in Romans 11. Oh, and one more thing did it escape your notice that God kills men who sin against Him (Leviticus 20 being the most recent example)? Not before, not secretly, not without fulfilling all of the Great Commission. Ink, not without fulfilling all of the letter ( emphasis added ) path to follow our. 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