why baha'i faith is wrongsteve liesman political affiliation

6 Comments. I do not believe that religion is a man made concept. Just as there is no Second Coming of Christ. Your email address will not be published. Hi, Im new to this but I wanted to speak about my recent experiences with the local Bahai cluster, their activities and how I lost most of my friends after I decided to stop participating in their events. Similar to Pascal's wager, I present the following argument against the Baha'i Faith: If I, a Muslim, am right, then you, a Baha'i, will burn in hell for eternity. Since the Bahai Faith validates the spiritual teachings of many past traditions, and recognizes and honors all the world religions, it is rarely an issue. All who hold fast to the one reality will be in agreement and unity. Message and data rates may apply. 1 Comment. How Bahais are trying to capture the MiddleEast.. This was ruled by Shoghi Effendi, the last appointed head of the religion. But thing is to discover on our own reasoning is existing of god with what we see seeing us. Kathy Roman is a retired foster youth educator, aspiring writer, wife and mother of two who lives in Elk Grove, CA where she serves as the Bahai Public Information Officer. Such contradictions continued to mount for many years. Christian apologist Francis J. Beckwith wrote of the Bah teachings: The fact that the various alleged manifestations of God represented God in contradictory ways implies either that manifestations of God can contradict one another or that God's own nature is contradictory. All who hold fast to the one reality will be in agreement and unity. c. He abandoned his family in Baghdad and his son died because of no medical care (ie: neglect) Why the Bahai Faith Cant Keep its Converts? The Babi movement called for revolutionary social changes and championed womens rights. A bahai reads their own book & interprets in for themselves. Among the intelligent thinking Bahais trapped within its clutches, regular mental acrobatics have to be performed to justify their beliefs. Great subject matter. January 12, 2013 The religion began with considerable controversy. This I cannot accept. Then shall the religions summon people to the oneness of the world of humanity and to universal justice; then will they proclaim equality of rights and exhort men to virtue and to faith in the loving mercy of God. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. There's an instant trust. The itself is not dishonest, since those liberal teachings are actually present in Bahai scripture, and historically, converts into the Faith have been from among more open-minded and educated people. The followers of such sects are labeled Covenant-breakers, shunned, and viewed as enemies of the faith. As Egypt has faced ongoing international scrutiny of its alleged mistreatment of religious minorities like Coptic Christians and those of the Baha'i faith, Hammad says it's wrong for . o. Although I dislike religion and what my friends did over the past year, I was never traumatised or severely upset by anything that happened and I cant say I dislike any of these friends even if I disagree with them now. In a generation where feminists are struggling hard to bring about equality between both genders, Baha'ism is the religion that teaches equality between both genders in its very principles. why baha'i faith is wrong. Looks like you were interested in a Bahai woman who introduced you to the community, but that was not her intention to date you. Importantly, the Baha'i Faith first emerged in a Muslim culture in what is now Iran, so Islam could be said to be its parent Faith - in the same way that Judaism was the parent Faith of Christianity. One of the least understood aspects of the Bahai Faith by the general public is the central place administration holds in Bahai community life. k. Some laws are irrational and some cause extreme emotional pain to those trying to follow them [17], From 1980 onward, several well-educated Bahs left the religion and subsequently criticized it. [25] Jason Boyett wrote in 12 Major World Religions that, "The [Bah] condemnation of covenant-breakers is immediate, absolute, andin a religion promoting love and acceptanceprofoundly disconcerting. a. We were cautioned to not reveal at first that Bahaullah was a prophet and Bahai a religion but to say that Bahaullah was a social reformer and Bahai a social movement. True Science and True Religion must Correspond 6. [3][9], Christian author and missiologist Ed Stetzer rejects the Bah Faith as a syncretic combination of faiths,[10] while Christian author John Ankerberg points to discrepancies between faiths to contradict the idea of unity of religion.[8]. For a faith that is over 150 years old, it has gained little traction. It would be an embarrassment to reveal to another educated person that they belong to a faith that espouses gender equality, but ahem.. actually women are prohibited from the faiths highest governing body. Hypocrisy & members in denial about that Bahaullah came to unite the religions: Christ was the Prophet of the Christians, Moses of the Jewswhy should not the followers of each prophet recognize and honor the other prophets also? Your message was successfully sent to BahaiTeachings.org. He met with some prominent Bahai speakers. It is hardly surprising that some of them decide that theyve made a mistake. The Baha'i Faith provides the means for peace and tranquility through a progressive set of social teachings: I can understand why you would say that. You describe God as a selfish dictator that is all about it, not us. When I now contemplate such things as the Bahai World Faiths National Spiritual Assembly of the USA taking the Orthodox Bahai Faith to court in an attempt to prevent Orthodox Bahais from calling themselves Bahais, from using Bahai terminology in their religion, I can clearly see that the judge in the case didnt error in ruling against the Bahai World Faith, as well that he was right on to reprimand the National Spiritual Assembly of the USA for their attempt to quash the religious rights and freedoms of others. By understanding how things happen, people become more knowledgeable and this goes to show the importance of the harmony between science and religion. instead of deepening and developing their understanding of reality and relationship with God are likely to leave the Faith. Not everything they say is realistic, good, or in line even with the statements of their founders. How I wish that Bahais would have read their original books and not the trash dished out by the UHJ. Baha'i Faith: The "Ruhi Institute" is specially meant to brainwash the newly converted. In fact, Assemblies exist on paper that never actually meet because not enough of the people in the community are active. p. Tracking people by number It differs from, but may be associated with, excommunication . [1] Western academics have criticized the requirement for Bahs to seek pre-publication review when publishing on the religion[3] and the exclusion of women from serving on the Universal House of Justice. The Bahai religion is very paranoid and fearful about their reputation because they want people to join the religion. Learn about the meaning behind the symbols of the Baha'i . A fundamental tenet of the Baha'i Faith is the common foundation of all the world's religions. It asks us to consider if the present society is influencing us to examine the notion of human sexuality in a way that instead just leads us down a philosophical blind alley. The teachings of the Bahai Faith the unity of religion, the individuals right to investigate truth, racial harmony , and the agreement of reason and religion have a wide appeal. The most common reason for a Baha'i to be sanctioned is failure to have a Baha'i marriage ceremony, which requires the consent of all living parents. Abdul Husain Aayati was born in 8th Zilhaj 1287 AH in Taft. Thats interesting to know! The Bible says: Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage. d. Difficulty with withdrawal 2 Comments. The Baha'i concept of Jesus is based upon the revealed word of Baha'u'llah, and you believe his interpretation is true because he has said so. I grew up believing that I was one of the chosen. Baha'is, for example, embrace interracial marriage and education for girls. Love bombing is their pretty important tool in doing so. One example is that the public is told that Bahais do not proselytize; they merely teach the Faith as long as a person is interested. At the young age of 15 years, he came to Yazd and attended the school of Khan Buzurg. h. Isolation The Bah' Faith . Having read Will and Testament many times, it was a question in my mind that why Shoghi Effendi has not left any Will appointing another Guardian, while Will and Testament says that It is incumbent upon a Guardian to appoint another Guardian during his life time. I understand that I can withdraw my consent at any time. However, it is almost axiomatic among Bahais that half of the Faiths enrolled members are inactive. Although Christianity incorporates the same truths as the Jewish faith, they are two separate religions. b. Why do you oppose it. He was a polygamist with four wives (dont forget Jamaliyya, the one he married in his old age) Leave a comment. History of the Baha'i Faith - ReligionFacts Then the Baha'i arguments regarding homosexuality are dishonest. Kashmir Shaivism (Trika) I've always found some issues with the main idea of the Baha'i faith, for a few different reasons. This posting is a work in progress incomplete! He must not rely implicitly upon the opinion of any man without investigation; nay, each soul must seek intelligently and independently, arriving at a real conclusion and bound only by that reality. e. Hypocrisy write one thing and do another; not a good sign Abortion and the Faith 7 September 2009 Jonah 32 Comments The Baha'i Writings say that human life begins at conception. Dogmatic imitations of ancestral beliefs are passing. PART 1 IN SERIES 6 Common Misconceptions about the Bahai Faith. Abdul Husain Aayati lived amongst the Bahais for 20 years and served them through these years. why baha'i faith is wrong. The only truth that is Expressed through all prophets is, Instead, he joined a new religious movement, started by a young Iranian, known as the Bab. Seriously, it been around for a century at least.. Shunning can be the act of social rejection, or emotional distance. 2. The host was taken off guard when I mentioned the Bahai prohibition on proselytization, especially after the fine Doulabor folks agreed that a clear attempt to convert them had been made. The Bah' Faith was founded in Iran in the mid-19th century by Mirza Hoseyn 'Ali Nuri, who is known as Bah'u'llh ("Glory of . Please see my articles on http://www.bahaiawareness.com. I do agree though that the Bahai Faith, in all its various incarnations, is a cult. [26], Bahs have been accused, particularly by successive Iranian governments, of being agents or spies of Russia, Britain, the Shah, the United States, and as agents of Zionismeach claim being linked to each regime's relevant enemy and justifying anti-Bah actions. Read the entire article about Abdul Husayn Ayati, August 16, 2011 Unfortunately for them, the internet was invented and knowledge of their imperfection has spread. Also every person who rose against Abdul Baha and the UHJ and Shoghi was removed from the Faith. However, in order to appreciate his book Kashful heel it is first important to understand his personality. He has been teaching and pastoring for over 33 years at colleges . I was surprised therefore after giving a fireside one evening when a male guest asked, "Do all Baha'i men have to wear beards?" Why the Baha'i Faith is attractive The central tenets of Baha'i faith include the equality man and women and all races before the one true God, the creator of heaven and earth. A primary theme of Baha'u'llahs teachings is achieving world peace through the establishment of unity, justice and equality. The Baha'is are among the most persecuted religious minorities in the world. The Baha'i Faith is monotheistic and you have a very non-theist view of Buddhism that is shared by many. 11 Comments. I was briefly involved with my local Bahai community. Baha'is have also been discriminated against in Yemen and in Egypt. , This is the cycle of maturity and reformation in religion as well. d. Laws the legalism of the Bahai Faith is outstanding. January 17, 2023 by Henry Karlson. I want to expand on and write about all these items. Throughout his life, Bah'u'llah penned over 100 volumes in Arabic and Persian. Alcohol use can cause alcohol-related psychosis (delusions and hallucinations , paranoia etc), and can also increase relapse frequency and severity for those suffering from schizophrenia. It took over ten years to recover from the brainwashing Id been through. , Baha'i World Center in Haifa, Israel, which is at bahai.us, under the topic of bahai-teachings-homosexuality, Be generous in prosperity, and thankful in adversi, Since Bahais dont take part in partisan poli, When calamity striketh, be ye patient and composed, When I first learned about the Bahai Faith year, Be unjust to no man, and show all meekness to all, Accustom your children to hardship the B, Bahaullahs revelatory experience in the B, 6 Common Misconceptions about the Bahai Faith, Eco-Caskets: The Spiritual How - and Why - of Green Burials, Dr. Anthony Lee and the Excavation of Buried Racial Narratives. Bahai Faith- BAHA'IS AND BIBLICAL PROPHECY. h. Prayerbooks interfere with directly talking to God (ie: prayer) Shoghi Effendi has emphatically stated, regarding the Revelation of Baha'u'llah, that: voir une cigogne signification / why baha'i faith is wrong. Filed under Bahai Faith, Why I Left Bahai Faith, March 26, 2017 Marketing strategies Hinduism has had many prophets throughout . I made friends with a number of Bahais awhile back. j. https://www.reddit.com/r/exbahai/comments/60619t/what_make_you_leave_the_faith/, January 11, 2015 The Bah' Faith What Bah's Believe Overview He Who is your Lord, the All-Merciful, cherisheth in His heart the desire of beholding the entire human race as one soul and one body. I used to tell myself this too, but now I think it is obvious that the problems start at the top, with the UHJ. Zackery M. Heern does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment. The year was AD543. His father was Allamah Haaj Shaikh Mohammad, famous as Haaj Aakhwant Tafti. I remain very interested in religions but will never subscribe to one again. With social media and many alternate media sources, the truth will always reign supreme. It was a momentous event in my life, yet one I did not see coming. His most well-known book is The Hidden Words, which is composed of short poetic statements that get to the heart of his spiritual and ethical teachings. You will see lots of items which Bahais tout as their own actually came from Islam. Baha'u'llah, whose name means Glory of God in Arabic, was born in Tehran in 1817. Bahais believe that intermediaries such as pastors, priests, mullahs or rabbis are no longer necessary for learning about and communing with God. The Bahai scholars say that if there are any cases of conflict, then it is because of human miscalculations as everything on earth is supposed to be in unison. The National Bahai Center in Wilmette, IL claims that there are 140,000 Bahais in the United States. 2 - Belief in the transmigration of souls, and that reward and punishment happen to the soul only. As a reality check against this tricky and wrong contention, this will totally clarify both why the Baha'i Faith is focused in Haifa . So while Bahais have no clergy at all, an elected Bahai administration does exist. In fact, the reality may be even worse than that. Can you please point me in the right direction where it appears so that I can correct it. Im still just getting started with this blog and will have a lot to add to this posting, but for now, Ill list a few ideas that are coming to mind as I do my research. I attended one meeting in Creston BC where members of the Doukabor community were invited. pros * -Instant community- people are genuinely welcoming and unified in most places of the world. Do not give incorrect information please. They followed a marketing selling tactic exactly like any pyramid scheme. Baha'is who are married before conversion don't have to face this, but for those who marry afterwards will not be recognized as being married unless they do so in a Baha'i ceremony. Baha'u'llah encouraged Baha'is to cooperate with their governments and engage with the followers of all religions in a spirit of fellowship. It has been the fastest growing religion in percentage terms since World War II but from a smaller base on initial believers. I attended, we only discussed the societal potential of young people and by the end of the day some older youth I met had already signed me up to start the Ruhi Institute books despite the fact that Id never heard of them and they didnt show them to us or tell us what they were about. I think the Baha'i Faith is a good religion, and that the Baha'i writings are a good collection of writings to base one's worldview on. There are abundant stories on the Internet that tell of Bahais leaving after an encounter with a Counselor or Auxiliary Board Member (ABM). Bigotry and dogmatic adherence to ancient beliefs have become the central and fundamental source of animosity among men, the obstacle to human progress, the cause of warfare and strife, the destroyer of peace, composure and welfare in the world. Even in Persian language, in which the word for God is not "Allah", the Bahais use the word "Allah". I dont think Bahais know who the fraud that Bahaullah actually was how he took what he wanted from Islam and created his own trash which is now known as the Bahai Faith. Yet Baha'is in Iran, who are the largest non-Muslim religious community, continue to face persecution. 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