6th dimensional beingscaitlin rose connolly

Because of its ties to transcendence, the best approach to aligning Ajna chakra is chakra meditation. Jorge Jimnez Note if even one main chakra is too close or too open they will not allow the energy to flow through them correctly. One of the more important videos we will ever share. Beyond that, we humble mortals cannot imagine anything, which makes this the natural limit of what we can imagine in terms of size. 6th dimensional beings This is different from sixth realm of sixth dimension of sixth dimensional beings (Perpetua who created DC multiverse or universe, was mentioned as beings from sixth realm) But it confusing when they mentioned as sixth dimension hence conf Continue Reading 15 Sponsored by Madzarato Orthopedic Shoes Whenever you activate any of the Light grid patterns in the body, it fuels inspiration, joy and playfulness. Also commonly referred to as interdimensional beings, they live in different dimensions - in a way that is incomprehensible to us as human beings. There is no separation. Here they are able to view and interact with lower dimensional vibrational planes. From an Eleventh Dimensional perspective, we can see billions of these effulgent shells blazing in the Nothingness of The Void. From there, we can project into, say, a third-dimensional form. It was a magical event in the truest sense of the word, requiring ritual protection and greater fastidiousness in walking in the light, leaving the L/L group (Don, Carla, and Jim) little margin for error What makes the Ra contact so singular, whether in comparison to Q'uo or virtually every other source of information available on this planet, is that we hear directly from Ra with little to no human interference, as if they are in the room with us. By embodying the principles of this plane, we enhance the probability of living a magical life. For instance, you might say, God is pure, unconditional Love., For that statement to be more true, you would need to add, and then some. In other words, whatever we can say or conceive about this being/state, there is always something more to it - and then some.. Here, our reality is easy to prove in logical ways. This is because it is natural that we believe our pictures of reality *are* reality. We know we have a physical body; we can see it, touch it, and feel it. Here we could delve into cause and effect and discover the results of our choices and actions. This etches our *lives* in stone, rather than sketching them in Light. The hard center is matter, the Third Dimension. Some spiritual currents speak of the human being moving between dimensions, some mention seven dimensions, others speak of 9 or 10, but they agree that they are evolutionary steps of the being. Each is coded with a particular pattern that aligns with a specific frequency that is encoded in the potential of each human being. [3] The happenings of the Sixth Dimension were completely beyond the atemporal perception of Mister Mxyzptlk.[3]. The 6th dimensional beings are in a triad with Essassani and Earth and assist us as guides. A team at Imperial College London claims that they can open a window into other dimensions by sending electric currents through high-temperature superconductors placed in magnetic fields. You may think you are making it all up, but in time you will come to realize thatyou are receiving impressions of subtle energy. Both are omnipresent, but a thin membrane somehow separates the two. We see the 6th dimension as a body, like a frisbee, so to speak, where the point of the frisbee expands over time, becomes a line that repeats itself, that then becomes a plane that repeats itself, that becomes firm. 7) Allow the emotions to be cleared any way they need to. The sixth dimension contains what have been called Light Beings or beings with light forms that embody a minimal density of matter, infused with a great deal of light. As it turns out, most peoples understanding of the 6th dimension, like most things in life, is limited by our own perception of what we know and dont know as well as our understanding of past and current events in our lives. repeating indefinitely to become a plane, which in turn repeats indefinitely to become a plane. Fifth dimensional beings would appear to us fourth dimensional beings as a thin shell taking an almost spherical appearance. The idea of other dimensions has been a part of popular culture for decades; think Back to The Future or The Wizard of Oz. We now have an opportunity to remember who we are and return Home.The Long-Awaited Shift of the Ages is Upon UsWe have taken the third-dimensional adventure as far as we can. Therefore, in our view, the fourth dimension, time, from the past to the future, just moves in a straight line. Each dimension is governed by a set of specific laws and principles to function in tune with the frequency of that dimension. All language, symbols, and models start here. You will notice your issues that are connected to each aspect coming up, clearing, and taking you deeper and deeper. The 6th dimensionis a higher level of existence that exists outside time and imagination and lies somewhere between truth and that which should never be seen. The Eleventh Dimension ~ The Seed and Soil of Universes. There are many methods to balance your chakras, but diet is probably the easiest one. The truth is that the human body is made up of ten bodies: the physical body, three mental bodies, and six energy bodies. As always, feel free to ask any questions you have and we will get back to you. It is the transition from formless to form. Blockages of the sacral chakra are indicated by sexual inhibition mostly due to societal conditioning. They believe that there is a 4thdimension in which time is determined by the properties of all known matter at a given time. Usually many of us are comfortable with our awareness being at 3-D level, but with spiritual application (i.e. In 1997, string theory came to light, which works in six dimensions. Numerologically, the number twelve is 1 and 2 joined. It is represented by the color red, and it is commonly the first one to suffer a hit if anything goes wrong with the bodys systems. When these mystic, living vortexes project their consciousnesses into third- or fourth-dimensional forms, they continue to swirl.. It is where the Universe pours the archetypical molds. In the 6th dimensionnormal thought and time processes extend; an experience may last a whole month, but its actual duration on the physical level is only two seconds. meditation and reflection and asking our spirit guides for assistance) one can access the 4th dimension usually referred to as the astral plane or time, and even the 5th dimension. In the Fifth Dimension, one simply duplicates himself to his destination(s). When Muladhara chakra is underactive, it means that you are feeling weak, tired, or unmotivated. We relay to you the meaning and awareness that these graphic symbols can provoke in the viewers being. How were chainsaws invented? In other words, there is an alternate embodied form of the sixth dimension located in the electrical fields of the body. 9) Tune into your soul once more and breathe in the new frequency that your soul brings. If there is an imbalance in the Muladhara chakra you may experience fears, anxiety disorders, or nightmares. The Cathexis are a race of sixth-dimensional beings from the DC Universe.. Fictional character biography. Ajna chakras color is brilliant indigo and it grants us the capacity to enhance our intuition and other similar gifts. The Fourth Dimension is a gray, polarized plane, housing the forces of Light and Darkness. They also serve as Light Workers for the planets. The Twelfth Dimension ~ The All That Is; The Source. It is that simple. Contents 1 History 1.1 Arrowverse 2 Points of Interest These beings would have the ability to see what lies inside objects in our 3D universe. Similarly, the Earth depends upon the Sun for its life, but the Sun can live without the Earth. The shell will often be elastic in nature, but can also seem to be like a fabric. We travel by the application of Divine Will. Everyone is here to do their work of learning the lessons their soul came here to learn. Understanding these layers helps you to understand how powerful you truly are! However in this dimension the object has the ability to pass threw another object lets say walls. Foods garlic, ginger, mushrooms, lychee, onion, coconut, chia seeds, and sesame seeds. Dare to Awaken The 6 Human Dimensions 00:00:00 30 In this episode of The BE ULTIMATE Podcast, Travis breaks down these six dimensions using stories, quotes, science and providing clear takeaways to leave you firing on all cylinders. ASSOCIATED SENSATIONS WHEN TRAVELING IN THE SIXTH DIMENSION, APPLICATION OF SIXTH DIMENSIONAL ENERGIES, MUSIC WHICH EXPRESSES AND ALLOWS ACCESS TO THE SIXTH DIMENSION, WORDS THAT CONVEY THE VIBRATION OF THE SIXTH DIMENSION But what if, instead of traveling between dimensions in time machines and flying monkeys, you could use your own mind to make dimensional travel possible? One of our activities is to explore other dimensions, in service to the Force of Evolution. They should not disturb your teaching schedule, but they are not guides and do not have the ability to accompany you on your way. A universe is born when a seed - a particle of the Great Yang - transduces the thin membrane that separates the Yin and Yang. Patterns and geometric forms allow light and sound to manifest into concrete physical matter. In other words, they are the evolutionary steps of the Being to return to unite again with the Divine source of it. 11. (I am strong and knowledgeable. It has symbol S 6, and the equation for the 6-sphere, radius r, centre the origin is. The Great Yin is God the Mother, the Creator. Your soul is a high frequency, the blocks, the fears, a low frequency, by breathing in soul you are surfacing your blocks and removing them. In the 6th dimension, events in the third dimension are not interdependent, and your actions are no longer restricted by causality. It is the return to the house where it is reunited with the sacred, with the unique Being. The fourth chakra is located in the low center of the chest and symbolizes love and self-acceptance. Hell and purgatory are fourth-dimensional locales, as well. There are seven main chakras in the body, and each one is thought to be a center of spiritual power or energy. As Group Soul members, we can channel into other forms in other dimensions. . All prices and characteristics of the products presented are valid as of the date of publication of the content and may be changed without prior notice. But what are black holes exactly? It was, and is, a grand adventure that only the biggest and most enthusiastic spirits signed up for.Why did we choose the third dimension and not another? Olympians (Marvel Comics) are extradimensional beings from the realm . We also have other bodies that are equally real, if not more so. 4) Begin to breathe it in. As you do so,feel yourself relaxing. The Christ is a Tenth Dimensional being who had projected His consciousness into a human form. Understandably, the lines between the fifth, sixth, and seventh dimensions are hypothetical. In technical terms, a dimension is a frequency and the length, extension, or volume that a line, surface, or body, will occupy respectively, in space. A look at the 3rd, 4th and 5th dimensions. VICE: Nobody Knows How Many Migrants Are Being Held In Mexico's Squalid Detention Centers August 10, 2020. Begin with a deep breath in through your nose and hold it for an instant before letting it go gently out through your mouth. It is the state of enlightenment. This dimension is like the outer shell of the Universe. Awakening the sixth chakra brings a corresponding interest in serving the planet. It is more than important than ever to awaken spirtual, for it is the shield that protects you through anything you may face. You are in the process of incorporating your Divinity and your human-ness as a co-creator in the evolution of consciousness on the Earth.As with all spiritual journeys, there are initiations,portals through which the devotee must pass in order to incorporate the next level of spiritual awakening. Activating the Spiritual Internet of the cells or the Biochemistry of Grace deeply heals by reinstating light connections all throughout the body. Ajna chakra is located just between ones eyes, in the lower part of the forehead. The quote a fish. 21. To illustrate, imagine that every cell in your body is a conscious entity. These light grids of Grace represent the beginnings of what we call the Light Body, an evolutionary aspect of the human energy field. We can see the extra dimensions as the body of the frisbee, so to speak, i.e. Love. The shortest distance you can travel in the 2D probability plane is the 6th dimension, but you can jump from any point in that plane to the 5th dimension. My term for this sixth dimensional light interface within the bodys energy field is Spiritual Internet or Grace. This body generates gravity, which is actually the third-dimensional manifestation of a ninth-dimensional life force. You can always just invoke Beings of Light here that are devoted to Spiritual Law, The Oversoul of Planet Earth resides here, Returning, the beginning minutes of the CD, by Jennifer Berezan, Quiet Heart/Spirit Wind, Track 5, by Richard Warner, Dewa Che, Track 11, by Dechen Shak-Dagsay, Angel Comfort, mixed throughout, by Aeoliah. One can think of the fifth dimension as different branches of a particular point in the same timeline that change the timeline itself, but let us see what is all about the additional dimension, the 6th dimension. Foods bananas, yellow peppers, pineapple, yellow squash, yellow lentils, cantaloupe, passion fruit, sweetcorn, peaches, nectarines, and oats. For them, the sixth dimension is a state of transit and not a place to settle. Some physical symptoms may include blurred vision, blindness, headaches, and eyestrain. If we look at the fourth dimension of spacetime as the first dimension of timethe frisbee as an extended point describing a linewe now extend that line at right angles to itself to form a plane, the second dimension of the vault. TRANSDIMENSIONAL LEVEL 6 19. 2. Because the illusion of good and evil is manifest here and because of the extreme mutability of form, distrust and fear exists. It is not possible to envision the Twelfth Dimension. These include clairvoyance, telepathy and abstract intuition.Access the Wisdom You Know Life in the fifth-dimension is stunning because you are fully conscious again. If we can move to the fourth dimension, we can choose at any time to go to our younger or older selves. Ask if there is a message for you about opening your third eye pause here for a minute or two and see if you receive any impressions. 7. It is an attempt to model our universe, but it takes place with more dimensions than the four space-times we know in space. The golden light automatically puts you into a refined frequency where only positive experiences can happen. When we live in a 3D world, we move through time without being aware of the movement of another dimension, but flat landers feel as if they are moving through a cylindrical sheet of paper, as if they are moving through the third dimension. History The Sixth Dimension is the final realm and highest plane of existence in the Multiverse whose inhabitants exist beyond time and are capable of things beyond the imagination of most living beings. Activation of the Light Body constitutes an evolutionary spiritual practice. (Actually, Group Souls are even more integrated than the cells of our body; they are more like drops of water in an ocean, communicating by sharing real-life holograms.). Become a member of the FGH community, share your thoughts, LOCATION We base our actions entirely on love, never on fear. It changed our understanding of space and time, suggesting that gravity is actually due to distortions in four-dimensional spacetime (4D). It was not a metaphor when He said, I am the Truth, the Light, and the Way. The Tenth Dimension *is* the Living Truth. The Sixth Dimension is the final realm and highest plane of existence in the Multiverse whose inhabitants exist beyond time and are capable of things beyond the imagination of most living beings. Plenty more info coming soon. In theory, once you have mastered the fifth and sixth dimensions, you can travel in time and move into another future. (The Christ is just one of the billions upon billions of beings who comprise this dimension/entity.). So the 6th dimension is a 3D space of every possible 'worlds' or state of our universe that exist after the big bang. They are exactly equal, yet different. This is a perfectly natural process. In the 6th dimension, we can see the levels of all possible worlds and compare the positions of all possible universes, which may be the same as our initial conditions. Here we see what Q'uo has to say about your guides, who they are and how to access them. This famous photo editing What is Democritus Atom Model | fully explained, Celebrate Donkey Kong 30th Anniversary Google Doodle, Phone flashing as if its taking a screenshot problem solved. If your Ajna chakra is overactive, you cannot trust your gut feelings and you may feel as if your intuition is off. Now ask what you need to do or know to open your third eye to further your service What else needs to happen? The 6th dimension is space-time, the third dimension of time, including the possible expansion of the fifth dimension of space and time. The Eighth Dimension ~ Group Souls (Oceans of Light). From the spiritual point of view, the dimensions are frequencies within which we vibrate, we could also say that they are levels of consciousness, from the most basic or material to the most evolved or spiritual. Trending pages. Neither do we suffer from any form of separation, because we constantly experience the Oneness of God. ), The Ninth Dimension ~ The Creation of Form and Hierarchies. The analytical, reasoning thought processor designed to make comparisons, draw conclusions, store information, calculate, and make determinations.Flexible Structures of the Fourth DimensionNow Time This is your point of power. TRANSDIMENSIONAL LEVEL 12, Foundation for Global Humanity 127 University Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94710, Foundation for Global Humanity. You can think of the fifth dimension as different branches of a specific point on the same timeline that alter the timeline itself, but lets see what the extra dimension, the 6th dimension, is. Space-time has three dimensions of space, one dimension of time and four-dimensional different structures to the space in which we live. 3) Your soul is building in the air around you, do not worry if you do not see it, it is about a relationship between your soul and your body, you head does not need to get it. Christ was sharing a fourth-dimensional perspective when He said, If you are not with me, you are against me. Forms naturally morph on the Astral plane. Furthermore, you may begin to feel stuck and in an emotional rut, becoming closed off to new ideas. *****If my work has helped you in any way, ple. People with wolf totems can easily form emotional attachments to others. The creation Dragons can also be connected with on this level. Foods kale, broccoli, avocados, cabbage, zucchini, chard, limes, parsley, basil, mung beans, arugula, green apples, kiwis, and spirulina. It is a state of consciousness of love and compassion for all that exists, it is the unified and unlimited consciousness. Q'uo is a channeled entity that provides knowledge similar to the law of one but in many ways is easier to understand. In this article, we will talk about the sixth dimension. Whales - Oversouls of Dolphins - Cetacean Alien Race on Earth. Ascension. Beyond definition, it is always more than we can imagine. The seventh dimension is pure inner space, not pure white light, but just pure space. You are aware of and can access the wisdom and information available within your Being that resides in all the dimensions. They are also good with finance. Finally, it is the the Way home, back to the Creator. The 6th dimension includes all possible extensions of the fifth dimension in space-time. < Back: TRANSDIMENSIONAL LEVEL 5 Higher Self. You are one with the All and All is you. Today, these extradimensional beings are known as Advanced Jnanis. Ra as Ra - as a unified planetary consciousness, beyond polarity, outside of space and time, existing in the experience of unbroken unity - is a pure source of information very "close" (for lack of a better term) to the undistorted infinite Creator, in my understanding, at least. This light grid system conducts interconnected cellular consciousness via electricity in the body. they condense and form a six-dimensional space with a certain geometry that is too small to be observed. There are seven perceptual dimensions that correspond to the eighth dimension where the Earth is right now. Some appear as swirling ribbons of rainbow-colored energy. It is a dimension where these fascinating powers are discovered, but they are not essential, what the monk must do is follow the straight path towards God. A certain geometry that is too small to be observed shells blazing in fifth! 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