damien echols son 2020caitlin rose connolly

Now, Ive read EVERY scrap of documentation over at Callahan. Were the murders in any known ritualistic pattern that has been recorded from any known books? All by coincidence. Sorry but DNA evidence proves his innocence you jackass. Let me just break with tradition and state the obvious: The cops had every right to look into him as a suspect based on a mental health history like that. But Ill play along. Not sure about this case, has all the makings of a joke. If you dont, youre not only nutty, but youd be considered a negligent parent. Misunderstood goth persecuted by Bible Belters my a**. I cant decide if shes a prison groupie, or just a very greedyschemer who never counted on hubby actually getting out. And then killed them? Damian Seth Azariah's father is best known as a member of the West Memphis Three, a group of teenagers controversially accused of a triple murder. **I am interested in both of the stepfathers as suspects. i think we all have an idea of what they are all about . DUH DUH DUH DUH DUH. Really? Obviously it doesnt but please explain to me why it supposedly proves his innocence. Damien Echols currently lives in Harlem, New York City. Tina Gill. there was no DNA evidence found, one should realize that the lack of DNA 100% agree with you all. The fiber evidence, his criminal history both before and after the murders, his drug use, his not sticking by his wife in the weeks after the boys bodies were discovered, the pocket knife Pam found. I think most of you are a bunch of fanatics, on both sides. Water will dilute and wash away most DNA evidence. You stated in your original article that you think they are guilty because they fit the profile of a school shooter but you fail to show how that makes them guilty. And it is not necessarily proof of A great researcher into the WM3/ Crowley connection is : William Ramsey- his YouTube channel is called: occult investigations. Its nice to see that not everyone kisses the ass of Damien Echols. But that was so Arkansas did not have to pay these men a dime! Yep, I totally dont know what its like to grow up in a conservative small Christian town while having long hair, wearing all black and listening to metal. Time to wake up and see its US against them, the Frankenstein media machine that never relents to try to control us by keeping us fighting with eachother so In my opinion, Echols is the second coming of Charles Manson. Ive read the 500. I think not. The saddest thing is the lives of Christopher Byers, Steve Branch and Michael Moore seem to get lost in all the hoopla concerning the WM3, and thats a shame. People claim Jessie is retarded but he tried. HIs CSI certification? i hope your falsely accused of the same crime some day..oh yeah ur a dumb cunt. Mores the pity. All in all, I believe that the cult, drugs, the desire for easy money in an economically depressed area and familial. Its actually scary and infuriating how *relatively* often that police coerce confessions through intimidation tactics, from people who are actually not guilty. Documentaries are less about presenting the facts than they are about presenting the facts as the director sees them. You seem pretty nasty and judgemental (Reynolds). just look at their rallying call: This couldve been any of us. Thankfully this case is no longer reliant on what WM3 supporters may or may not believe or anyone else. The Devils Knot is just more WM3 propaganda. Lets just forget the fact that their convictions were held up multiple times. Reynold! Theyve served their purpose & who was seen covered in mud by the crime scene? tell me that. He is an actor and producer, known for West of Memphis (2012), Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory (2011) and Paradise Lost: The Child Murders at Robin Hood Hills (1996). My Trench-sense is tingling. wrote he was a sociopath and homicidal on his application for SS Everybody is lying to some extent to protect a family member or friend through mistrust of the police. wow the internet domains must have upgraded their requirements these days to start a page. These boys were railroaded, plain ans simple. reoffender. There are so many things wrong in this trial that in most states it would have been THROWN OUT OF COURT. Learn how your comment data is processed. Damian Echols net worth According to Forbes and other reputable online sources, Damian Echols has an estimated net worth of $500K at the age of 47 years old in year 2022. Cause hes not telling. yep, i have heard of coerced confessions, but those usually dont involve the defendants lawyer coercing a confession from his clientthat is right BRADLEY, the selectively retarded Msskelly duing the infamous bible confession, confessed against the urges of his own attorney. Profile Summary Famous As: son of Damien Echols Date of Birth: Unknown Birthplace: Unknown There is mountains of evidence that these sickos murdered raped and mutilated these poor boys. I gave in & read it last night. Does that make me a potential school shooter? I use to be a West Memphis supporter and a HUGE Johnny Depp fan. One last thing, we once were told to I hate to say this but in a case with little evidence like this I would of been a fan of making a deal that would of been very good for Baldwin if he would confess and testify against Echols. DUH. Based upon on his journal entries showed no signs of depression and the most trouble he was ever in I believe was in 91 when him, his brother and 5-6 other lakeshore kids got in trouble for breaking lights of old cars. Oh boyusually, I find that someone who professes loudly to possess common sense actually seems to lack severely in it. Yeah, lets just ignore all the data that says its not that much of a leap from killing animals like that to killing people. as a juror you are asked to make your decision based on factual evidence beyond He twisted everything he said. Security, please assist this person. Anyone with a brain can see it. I think they would have been prolific school shooters. REALLY??? Good DNA material is available in only So Im guessing you have access to all the West Memphis police records at that time. Echols' Exhibit 500 compiled BY His DEFENSE attorneys to avoid death penalty. He does workshops that sell out quickly for his sycophantic fans. Anyone who can be a fan of a man who tortured three 8 year old boys to death in a Satanic sacrifice to gain power is a fool. I agree about JMBs IQ not being very far off from Misskellys. After hearing how Echols was wrongfully convicted in Paradise Lost, Davis had written a letter to Echols. a loved ones hug or touch, never to eat meal again, never able to He has earned most of his wealth from his thriving career as a Actor, Film Producer, Author from United States. Remember people, they are celebrities, not PhDs. But it is hard not to see both step fathers in the same light. When the storied West Memphis Three walked to freedom 18 years after they were imprisoned for allegedly killing three 8-year-old boys in West Memphis, Arkansas, there were crowds of people outside Fair minded folk know that they were all guilty and gutless. The way the kids were killed does not point to a Hobbs IMO. Blood on the necklace included Damiens and also from a second source that included 11% of the population that includes Stevie Branch. He did have a terrible childhood, but hes rotten to the core. He was scared of being stabbed in jail (despite him saying he was in solitary 24/7). Dont forget about that Jordan kid in PA who killed his fathers pregnant fiancee they moved his case back to juvenile court, so hell be out in less than 10 years. -). the young boys no longer with us there will be real justice. Just ask the parents who they believe did it. The WM3 supporters are just as guilty of the same intolerance they accuse the other side of. and Im sure I speak for thousands of us, DONT CALL US IDIOTS!!!! 09-Nov-2020. Sorry, but Ill take the world of world-renowned forensics experts over an unlicensed rural coroner any day of the week. No one committed any crimes by helping these guys. please go read callahan and educate yourself. 1) He was rarely ever allowed out. i only saw this case on a crime channel recently on TV here in N Z I belive they are all guilty !!! This type of person loves to point out all of the glaring facts omitted from the documentary, proving how bias the film makers are. and when one of them finally comes forward and publicly states(again) they did it, you know what? Simple fact is because that Jury heard of Jessies confession. Celebrities without PHDs is not a reason to accuse someone of murder. Im guessingby the stupidity of your postings you all might be related to them corrupt no good bastards. Does it occur to any of you that a rational position would be that the trial was a travesty, that new evidence does add additional doubt, and yet that it is still impossible to be reasonably certain the WM3 are innocent? Might find some answers to your question, Danny, here: Why should you?? Even the FBI uses it. Damien Echols and his legal team are moving forward in their hopes of clearing Echols' name in the infamous . motive: if you have read callahan(and if you havent dont even dare respond to this comment, because i dont have time to hold your hand through the facts) you know that Echols was such a fervent follower of the child sacrificing advocator aliester crowley, that he was one of the 4 most important people in his life during the trials. I personally believe a lot of people have been deceived by the coverage of this case. Its that cult of personality that Echols has culled over the years combined with the CSI Effect that has led to their recent release.. 2020 | Maturity Rating: TV-MA | 1 Season | TV Comedies. I cant get enough of serial killer documentaries but a fairly normal and uninteresting guy like Damien Echols who only became a person of interest because of what was done to him by a massively flawed legal system. FOREVER. If you are not a coward, which I think you are, write a book and cross your point. Yes, JEFF, it DOES COST MORE ON AVERAGE TO EXECUTE. After reading about what was done to those three little boys, you dont feel that whomever is responsible for that carnage should get the death penalty? Their silly and stupid supporters are the ones fooled. Thats nice and all but please show me where I said their appearance had anything to with their guilt. He moved there from Seattle in 2017 to co-found Proclaim Justice: a not-for-profit organization that dedicates itself to help the wrongfully convicted. Theres something called the common law that supports damages for wrongs done to people by others. The justice system is impressively lax on child killers this year. and we are talking about his violent past and all that disturbing past that shadowed him. But thats because I would also be innocent. In fact they leave out many things. To which Depp replied, No. When pressed as to why he didnt, Depps answer was very telling: (Im paraphrasing but the vid is available on YouTube to watch I try to stay in a profound state of ignorance. Why is that??? In an interview shortly after his release Echols did an interview with Depp regarding his release from prison and his new book at the time. Hell, he probably accuse him of being a member of the cult . You are right! Now if someone made a movie that summed up and presented the information from callahan site . So if Im so innocent wouldnt I want to distance myself from those who could have cause to ruin my reputation??? Seriously, he was the first parent to start looking for their kid that evening, but the last to call the police. If I hadnt stumbled across the 3rd paradise lost documentary a couple days after watching Devils Knot, it never would have crossed my mind to delve further into it. people like you still wont believe it, there will be another excuse, oh damien was sick in prison, and he has brain damage, or jason is just saying it because the real killer cant be found. Kind of like how OJ and Casey Anthony walked away? lol there is some satisfaction in that. I am not from the Free the WM3 camp, nor the send them back to jail and let them burn in hell brigade. Instead of presenting evidence that could acquit they did the opposite they admitted there was enough evidence to convict. air tight alibi. You are one stupid cunt I would enjoy beating you to death asswipe. It shows him smugly styling his hipster haircut during the trial, fumbling on the witness stand, Jason Baldwin telling his attorney he thinks Damien probably was guilty, Damien seemingly bragging about being remembered as The West Memphis Boogeyman etc. DNA evidence DOES NOT LIE!! Everyone is entitled to have their own opinion. Damien Echols grew up as a Metallica-listening, Wicca-dabbling, non-conformist teenager in southern bible belt country. One thing is for sure, whether guilty or innocent, Jessie lies/contradicts himself over and over throughout all of the confessions. Echols omits incriminating information (of course) but it gives some insight to the perfect storm that caused all this crap. Mr. Reynolds they promised to find the killer, have they? Both were looking to kill to make them famous. (echols) help for Im so disgusted i cant beleive it and what celebs paying for their legal fees and stuff o m g!!! High Magick Original drawings for book - The Middle Pillar. You can check out his Facebook page to hear his views on the topic and see how he has participated in protests against the death penalty. Thank you for your comment Mandy. Have you seen the interviews with Damiens family recently? What did the autopsy reports conclude? get the point? On March 19, 1994, Echols was sentenced to death for the gruesome murder of three grade-school boys in West Memphis, Arkansas. Im also pretty active in the school, so I know everyone that has access to my child there. Damien Wayne Echols. They fit the profile of school shooters). Get a life, some sense, and some compassion. I hate how everybody watches the documentaries and start saying stuff like you need to do more research, they are innocent and no evidence or my favorite you cant take Jesses coerced confession seriously he is retarted blah blah While I agree that the PL films are very convincing, so is Al Gore Febraury 17, 1994 there lawyers told them that this was the only way out. Having expert witnesses with no credentials (one had a PHd mail order degreeLOL, didnt even take ONE CLASS) the whole trial was based on a mentallychallengedteenager who said he participated/witnessed the killings at around noon, but happened at night, had only the facts the police told him BEFORE they started recording his confession. The confessions (multiple) of Jesse Misskelley are those of a guilty teen who was trying to lessen his involvement but was disgusted by what he considered the homosexual, sick parts of their crime. Damien Echols is dark, therefore Damien Echols is the murderer. I looked into it and am pissed I bought the music (even though it IS a pretty good compilation). Come on peoplethe first trial alone should have never happened to begin with. If the parents were never questioned, thats a problem. However, I am not at all convinced that any of the regular suspects (Byers, Hobbs, Bojangles, etc.) Les West Memphis Three ( Les trois de Memphis West ) sont trois hommes accuss et condamns en 1994, alors qu'ils sont adolescents, pour les meurtres en 1993 de trois garons West Memphis en Arkansas aux tats-Unis. Why the left does this kind of thing I dont know. Including some of the parents of the victims We want Justice for all 6. If they did their time Echols would be dead on a gurney and the other two would still be in prison for the rest of their unnatural lives. Now I come here and see these comments by bloggers and people who obviously have no ability to see the injustice thatoccurred..first to the victims (the children who were murdered) and to the Memphis 3 by falsely accusing people for this terrible crime. He has made a good living out of manipulating and charming people with his Cult of Personality. Wouldnt hurt an animal got in 1 fight over someone stealing his brothers Chicago bulls cap. Throughout the. I mean, now that this is over, all those righteous subcultural deities (ummand Maines)need a new cause, stat, lestthey get bored. Weigh carefully. You people are abolutely MORONS To all you Nons out there.. you are not looking into and reading the facts and evidence bout this case you are being judgemental.. You dont even know the truth There are many people who thought these boys were guilty, because they had not taken the time to read the information about this case.. uhmm sorry but if N Z means you live in new zealand, hate to inform you, but the Devils advocate DE is there now with his financial nuthugger peter jackson..staying until christmas according to reports..lock your doors.. Jeez, they better not ever come north, We dont want baby killers in Canada. However, Truth be told its convienent wrapping paper designed for mass consumption. It is fun but if you dont engage the idiots then the site will be overrun with idiocy. Kind of like that book OJ Simpson almost put out called If I Did It. YALL NEED TO RESEARCHNO EVIDENCE ALL THE EVIDENCE POINTS TOWARD TERRY HOBBSWHATEVIDENCE POINTS TOWARD DAMIEN?? I think this crime also had a sadistic, controlling aspect to it. Hes manipulated everybody. STATE OF ARKANSAS!!!! http://wm3truth.com/jessie-misskelleys-confession-to-dan-stidham-february-8-1994/, Link to Jesses confession to prosecuting attorneys out there, that talk of some weird occult stuff like human/animal Looking forward to the documentary. Many points have been made by WM3 supporters about Jessie being retarded and that his confessions were coerced. They knew they would be exposed if they didnt. I feel a bit weird writing all these thoughts down, as I havea feeling Echols is googling stuff like this in between selling his Free at Last t-shirts from Facebook. why was he not able to dismiss the accusations against him? The case on Echols and Jason was super weak and I have no clue how they could get a guilty verdict other then the fact that the foreman keep bringing up the Jessie confession and that should not of been put in play. I find it mind boggling that anyone has the gall to claim theyre innocent. That means that while you dont plead guilty you plead that you believe that the prosecution has enough evidence to convict you. I dont want to debate but I am not out to prove any ones innocence. Do not fall for these celebs and there own idol worship!!! You know the WM3 could be guilty. You people are complete morons.oh he killed an animal when he was young he must be guilty.get the f*** out of here. 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