here come the brides fanfictioncaitlin rose connolly

Ive had enough of the Bolt brothers for one day.. Hardly a bairn., Aye, but still young to take on the responsibilities of a family.. Thats the one thing I really cant understand. It would be my guess that Duncan, Joshua and Jeremy Bolt are also somewhere in this crowd of fine-looking revelers., Yes, they are. Jason turned to wave his uncle and brothers closer. You would nae want me to deprive her of my fine company?, Jason grinned his first real grin of the day. Where do you think youre going, Aaron? Titillating., Im glad you find my lineage of interest., Did I hear correctly? Colonel Thompsons cold voice came from over Jasons shoulder. Knowing only a part of the truth is worse than anything you could tell us.. The only thing the couple love as much as they do each other is their three children. Jasons sympathy went out to Aaron although a part of him was vastly amused at bemusing the man. Dont need it. I didnt tell them to jump Stempel!, Josh subsided, turning his palms up on the chairs arms. Ayell try., I know how much Father loved Momma. All the venom the colonel had been about to launch at Jason and Lottie drew back; a much more satisfying target had just entered the arena. As much as he hated to admit it, Aaron Stempel intimidated the hell out of him. Jeremy, whats wrong?, He allowed himself a slight grin. And I care about the Bolt brothers. Will wonders never cease? What could it possibly accomplish?, Just pretend I never found out the truth? Jason shook his head violently. Entering the tent, he slumped down in his chair. Oh, my goodness., He nodded, worrying his lower lip between his teeth. Jasons stride faltered. Thanks to the whiskey strike, Seattle has become a dry port. Well, all Fancy Suit had to do was crook his finger and your girl left you laying in the dust., Never carried on about her, George grumbled. He denied something he damn well knew was the truth!, He blushed when he saw Candys eyes widen at his unusual use of profanity. Colonel Amos Thompson, the man who would give the final approval to the biggest contract Seattle had ever seen. In kindergarten, Faith and I sat next to each other during storytelling time. Let me see the man he could be, if he let himself. Why dont you just say the real reason?, Thompson settled himself deeper in Aarons chair. Shipped to the bluest skies youve ever seen are in Seattle from New Bedford, Massachusetts, the brides are in the post-Civil War Pacific Northwest to keep the lumberjacks happy, as one of the guys on the show puts it. Quite learned, his own mother read classic tales to them every night until she became too sick. No! Josh jerked as the arrow struck home. Jasons slap to Thompsons shoulder resounded in the morning quiet. Aaron dragged his feet up the path from his house toward Lotties. Damn, why was he thinking about all this? That makes it two to one against. Jason gave his answer as if he was voting for something as inconsequential as what to cook for supper. So far hed seen no proof that the Jon this woman loved was his father. Is all of this so you can blame me for losing the contract? He could turn the other way and remove all the stops in his battle with the Bolts. "He had a horrible choice to make and no time in which to make it. He denied it! A hint of pain showed through Aarons fury. Here, Uncle Duncan answered from the alcove. He wasnt sure he should now but the warmth of the liquor flowing through him loosened his tongue. Sorry, Jeremy mumbled, taking a step back. Jeremy, Candy startled when she saw him. Im not asking that you forget everything thats happened between us, but can you find some understanding and perhaps a little forgiveness? Ive discovered the picture of our family has gapping holes and I have to find the pieces to make it whole again., All right, lad. Or was the right side Bolt and the left Dwamish? I think you should read this, Jason held a book out to him. Jonathan loved the girl. But the way he touched her, spoke to her and of her. Take it back! Unable to sleep because of a nightmare, Amie Stempel begs her father for a story.but not just any story; Amie wants to know about her daddy as a little boy and as he grew up. Jason moved before it could develop into more than a staring contest. And I think he loved her too.. How can I accept a man like that as our brother?. I didnt want to believe it either.. With a little effort, Jeremy wiggled the top free. Please, everyone. She couldn't wait to find Elizabeth. Suddenly, other hands grasped Billy, wrenching him from the ground. Billy tried to get back into the fray but Jeremy managed to snag his ankle, dropping him back on the ground. Joshua? This woman meant nothing to him. He could have simply stayed here in America and we could have done naught. Oh, but you werent conscious then so you wouldnt remember. Dont think you can destroy me. The good humor faded from the generals face. Maybe he had been pushing both Aaron and Joshua too hard. What if its all true? And, mostly, to yourself., Pat Foran is a writer in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Could I face her again after what I allowed to happen? What makes you think you can walk down a white mans street, breed? A tall red-haired man Aaron vaguely recognized as a Bolt logger spat. If you survived that, you might find someone whod give you hope; make you see the possibility that not all people were evil and that life could be good. Showing your crude origins? Thompson tried to sound confident, but he couldnt hide the fear in his eyes. Or his mothers tribe would find and beseech him to join them. The rest of the crowd shuffled in the background uncertainly, not knowing what to make of the hostilities. Do you believe its true now? Turning his back, Jeremy warmed his hands over the small stove. Thank you, Lottie. How could he defend himself against the charge when he himself sometimes felt the same way? Keefe - best man. Not because of what he could gain or what he stood to lose? I have heard tales of some very unfriendly dealings Mr. Stempel has had with the Bolt brothers., Hes also risked his life to protect the Bolt brothers. He met Jasons glance with a stony expression on his face but a burning in his eyes. What schools would she have gone to? Thank you for not being offended. Director E.W. Its a Seattle tradition., Speaking of tradition Jason wheeled around and pulled out a gift box hed hidden under the table hours ago. And what the hell business was it of anyone elses anyway? As long as you swear youre not hiding any broken ribs under there., Nothing broken, he assured her. Who else would they send after him? Let go, Bolt!, Using his own momentum, Jason spun him against the wall. Crude? Aaron snarled. Yet you call yourself Stempel. Thompsons features twisted into a contemptuous sneer. I got mad. I suggest you reconsider, gentlemen! Thompson stammered. If they were so in love, why did father let her come back to America alone?, He did nae let her. Duncan stared down at the toes of his boots. I wont ruin our chances by taking a punch at you. Make sure hes not hurt b-b-bad. Sophie - best woman. God, sitting next to him was a man whod known his mother. Ive never beennot reallyIve always been alone.. Get that long look off your face. Im not afraid!. And who the hell gave you the right to judge me, boy? Jason sucked in a sudden breath. left kudos on this work! Here Come the Brides also debuted in Sept. 1968. Our father, Laird of Kilmarron, had decreed Jonathan would marry the Laird of Montgomerys daughter and so it would be. Hed seen little of Uncle Duncan the last few days. Pulling up the collar of his jacket against the misting rain, Joshua tried to appear attentive as Jason laid out the plans for the day to Colonel Thompson. Oh, so that is what is bothering you, lad., Duncans broad shoulders slumped and his head lowered. Oh, no. Yes, I miss him. Why?, Jason sighed deeply, wanting to reach out but knowing Aaron would accept no comfort from him. Chapter 4: Here Comes The Bride. How could I know what I would have done? In a storm of grief and confusion hed paid little attention to the world outside of their cabin in the months after their father died. More than thirty years.. Hes not sleeping much either. Their fathers death had been quick, unexpected, leaving Jason totally unprepared to raise his brothers. With a sigh of surrender, he sat. Im not. Jeremy raised his hands in peace, but stood his ground. Tilting his head, Aaron acknowledged Thompson with a nod that more closely resembled a challenge to a duel than a greeting. Taking a deep breath, Jason throw open the door. Oh, my, she breathed, her other hand coming up to cover her mouth. Leaning back on the porch rail, Jeremy pulled Candy close to him. Perhaps their being so young contributed to what happened., He sighed, swirled the amber liquid around in his glass. You mean if I knew and they didnt?, Maybe selfishly, but yes. He took another slug of brandy in an attempt to mute the confusion of feelings welling up in him. And it doesnt make him more. Now he appreciated that Aaron could have been the only one to delivered seasoned wood that quickly. The obsession hed raged against and reveled in most of his life had control of him now. If I dont read that diary, I wont have to believe it. Shuffling a few pages further, he started to read. The hours passed without his awareness as he paged through each book in turn. Hes asking questions I wont be able to answer until hes a sight older. He was in a grand fury when he found out. The words echoed through his brain. Oh, Jeremy, why would you want to do that?, And I was thinking of what itll be like to see that pretty face every morning for the rest of my life., Raising her head, she looked directly into his eyes. Yes, me, boy. Jason had been partially right about that; Bridal Veil was only a tangible symbol of all he wanted to achieve. Cmon, Aaron, lets go take a walk.. Snatching a final kiss, he turned and headed for home. Joshua suddenly understood what Jeremy had meant when he said that Stempel might not be the man he was if their father hadnt denied him. Set in Seattle in the 1870s, the main storyline focused on a family of loggers in the new West who had to bring in 100 women potential brides for their male crewmembers. How can you sit down to a game of dominos with a man who just a few weeks earlier hired thugs to beat us up?, Dont you forget a man like him risked his life to try to save yours!, Thats right, throw that in my face again. Rolling his head from side to side, Aaron tried to release the tension in his shoulders. I cant make you read them, but I think youll be the one to benefit if you do.. Most of his days were, but today had taken more energy out of him than usual. It was all Jasons fault in the first place. Jason spread his arms in an expansive shrug. Prejudice of the kind the man had displayed couldnt be coddled, even if it did mean the loss of a huge contract. Showing off a bit, I must admit. How could Bolt claim to be proud of something hed had nothing to do with? A hand stole up her back, savoring the softness of her dress. If Jon had nae told yea, I dinna see it as my place to inform yea. She drew in a sharp breath then let it out slowly. Joshua and Jeremy were indeed in his office when they arrive. You are my brother. They broke up reluctantly, trailing off in small groups, the buzz of rumor already starting. But the Bolt clan was nae much different all those years ago. Yes. Jason straightened and faced him directly. Who raised him to expect rejection as his due?But how could I have done anything else? Just splendid, General Ashlands voice echoed through the room. Will you have blue eyes like your father? Just what he needed, a layer of guilt added to the already complex swirl of emotions inside him. The millowner had been sociable enough during the evening theyd spent together but he hadnt spoken at all about their family situation. But, Lord, it was killing him. I dont see how Aarons parentage could make Jason desperately tried to intervene. A member of an HCTB fanfic site proposed a challenge: write a story that includes Jason, Biddie, a broken wagon wheel, a bottle of perfume, knitting, and fog. Jason tried to help him get started. As much as I hate to admit it, Stempels mill is the best in the area. Even though we have been joined by the ceremony of my people, Jon says we must go back to the land of his birth to be joined before his Gods. Instinctively, he flinched away. The two had been alike as peas in a pod. Measured by Jasons accomplishments. Aaron had fought it tooth and nail but somehow in the years theyd known each other theyd become friends. Jeremy Bolthis brother Jeremy was getting married at three oclock this afternoon. Oh, for Gods sake, Aaron groaned. He wasnt happy about tonights events himself. A deafening quiet greeted Jason as he entered the cabin he shared with his two younger brothers. Josh felt a slight flush of superiority. Ive had enough of that today. He started to get to his feet but he was just unsteady enough that she easily forced him back down. Youve never been where I have. He squirmed in the stillness. You were pretty upset last night.. And Uncle Duncan confirmed it., Yeah. The story had been no surprise to Stempel, Jeremy belatedly realized. Jason: Robert Brown. Our father would never have done a thing like that., Aaron took a step closer, towering over the seated Josh. Jason, what is it that youre really trying to accomplish?, Whats the goal? He didnt need to hear the result of this vote. Jason stared just as morosely at the checkerboard in front of him. Josh scrubbed wearily at his face as he heard the unmistakable tread of his oldest brother. How do I know what to believe? He hated the hint of pleading he heard in his own voice. best man. All right, Lottie relented, not just on her demand that he take off his shirt. There might yet come a day when hed do it. linh Sophie best woman linh. Not even another Bolt. He remembered Joshuas incessant questions and his fathers red-faced replies. Now youre gonna pay for that, breed! Red snarled. For two days, he fought the battle within himself. Im not asking you to forget what George Stempel did for you. However, aside from finding himself, Josh also believes he's found 'the one'. But youre supposed to get drunk when your baby brother gets married. Maybe you can build a family relationship too., Hands on his hips, Jeremys eyes wandered up to the ceiling. No contract could be worth accepting the mans bigotry. Please imagine that Stempel's nephew is played by guest star young Paul Michael Glaser. Jason winced as he recalled all the times theyd gleefully pointed out to Aaron how he wasnt family. Congratulations, he whispered. Hope you might enjoy it. From bitter experience, he knew what came next. Im the living, breathing proof., Josh lunged to his feet, forcing Aaron to lean away. Your father tried to do right by both of the young women. Hed been too dazed with grief to even try to figure out who could have delivered that lumber. He stared fiercely into Jasons eyes, looking for what Jason didnt know. He jerked to his feet. And why did he want Jason to drop the subject now? In no uncertain terms. A fine afternoon meal. Jason, she bawled, darting toward them. Include him in family occasions. Yeah, I'm trying to get back to writing again. Maybe those times hadnt so courageous when losing his life had never really mattered that much to him. I'm thrilled that you liked the writing if not the concept. Yes! Well, conceptual artist Marcel Duchamps bride The Bride Stripped Bare By Her Bachelors, Even is a mechanical piece, a series of forms. Yeah, I guess I do., I hope learning of this does nae affect the love and respect I know you felt for your father, Duncan said. Another swallow followed the first. I know its hard to change the way youve always thought about things - and people - but if you let yourself you could find Aaron Stempel isnt your enemy., Joshs sigh shook him down to his boot soles. The man didnt exhibit the blatant prejudice of the previous night; his insults today were of a much more subtle nature. The last thing he wanted to listen to was Jason pontificating about family and responsibility. I'm from Wisconsin. He took out a bottle of Scotch and four glasses. Well, maybe not forget but it would become less and less important as the days passed. Obeying his brothers order, Jeremy stood in the open doorway, mild curiosity on his face. Aaron probably wouldnt have liked the analogy but it resonated with Jason. You remember that, dont you?. He told the truth in his journal, but he told Stempel he couldnt be his father. Abruptly Jeremy slammed his hand down on the log, making Candy jump. This young womans voice demanded to be heard. However, now was not the time to ruffle feathers but to soothe them. I cant imagine how he feltall these yearsknowing what he knew, Yeah. The mountain!? Thank you for the story. None of the other loggers had approached him since his arrival before dawn; the scowl on his face warned them away. That man could never have fathered a child outside of wedlock. If he cared so much, why did he deny he was my father? So you told him about your mothers death in the most spiteful way you could, didnt you, Aaron? A deadly influenza outbreak is spreading from San Francisco up the US West Coast. If the battle had been one on one, Jeremy would have waited for help. Do you know anything about Aarons mother?, Her eyes widened. Abruptly Candy stumbled around the corner. So he made this himself. I was told this was a civilized town. Josh, how can you say that? Jeremy grabbed his arm to prevent his escape. But I want you to know right now, I draw the line at living in the same house with Aaron Stempel.. Josh marveled at his brother. But I feel I must. But most of all, I see Miri in his every feature. Please consider turning it on! Jon says I should write a diary. Well have to depend on you. Well, he could have hoped that Thompson would have given them some indication of what his decision would be, but the colonel was exceptionally closed-mouth. Now he wondered if hed ever really known him at all. And somehow you got Wainwright to pay off on our contract. Immediately after their fathers death, Joe Wainwright tried to renege on his contract, saying the contract hed signed had been with Jonathan Bolt, not Jason or any other Bolt. Joshua exited the cabin just in time to catch Jasons words as Jason headed toward Stempels. He flattened his hands on the table. I need to see that you want this as much as I do. Unexpectedly, he wondered if a lot of Aarons determination to win Bridal Veil had come from the knowledge hed kept concealed. Four firm knocks reverberated at his door. I suppose I am, Uncle.. If that had been Bolts plan, hed won. Upset, Jeremy shrugged. I never seen you work this hard., Rinsing his dry mouth with the first dipper of water, Red spat it on the ground. Alone, hed made his mill a success. And what of my son? What kind of surprises does Kerry and Carter's wedding hold for them. I remember the show, but just barely. He was proud of you and he would have shown it if you would have let him.. Could they No, it was pretty plain. If they didnt, could he bear it? My first thought was "Jason and Biddie on an errand and an accident occurs ." Not even most of the time. The deep voice dragged him back to his surroundings. Too bad shed be dead six months later., Behind him, Jason gave a sharp gasp. But when are you going to really believe that? Exhaustion weighed his limbs and dulled his mind. You and the Bolts are footing the bill for this little shindig.. But she would nae hear of it.. Relating a shameful family secret wasnt easy. Ive always had the impression that she was dead, but now that you mention it, hes never said anything one way or the other. The series which Robert Brown did after Brides was a syndicated series named Primus, which ran for one season 1971-1972. But he did try; after Mother wasgone, he tried to bring you into the family, didnt he, Aaron?. Shall we get this show on the road? Of all the things hed never thought hed feel, sympathy for Aaron Stempel was high on the list. Ive known the man almost fifteen years and he knows just about everything about the Bolts, but I have no idea if his mothers still alive or not. Gods, you cant even say the word. Aaron laughed caustically. In the photograph, the bride looks happy. Now just let me alone.. He could have broken the engagement by letter. Or if he did, he didnt chose to comment on it. Jason built it, Stempel sneered. That hed deliberately lied about something as important as someones parentage rubbed at Joshua like a too tight boot. He wasnt trying to hide, he told himself, but only one group would be heading this way at this time of the morning and he didnt want to meet them. And each let out a soft sound of appreciation. Joshua, come over and join us. Not appalled, he tried to explain. Affronted, he dropped her hand. I don't think so.". Accept that someone cares about you?, Be part of a family, Aaron muttered. Oh, God, why did it have to be him? Exchanging a bewildered glance, his brothers pulled up chairs and formed a semi-circle around him. Most of his days were, but today had taken more energy out of him than usual. Jasons probably hatching some scheme for tomorrow as we speak., I wouldnt want to miss it, his grin faded and he continued more seriously. Aaron, how long are you going to keep trying to prove yourself to a man whos already dead?, Stempels eye grew huge in his pale face. I dont want to know. God, I feel guilty for being born. Thank you, Uncle. Oh, Lord. Who will care for him? His mothers diary had mentioned none of this. Candy continued in a tiny voice, isnt it? The bold logger could outtalk the very devil. A harsh chuckle rumbled in his chest as he recalled the foolish fantasies hed harbored as a boy. But he publicly gave me his name even though I was no blood of his. Eyes closed, he let out his breath in a long slow sigh. He wanted only to get home and relax with a good meal but he had an errand to complete before he could. Here was the father whod wanted nothing to do with you suddenly wanting to know everything about you. Could we all sit?, Jason, if this is something between you and your brothers? Brow furrowed, Duncan gestured at the door. Aye, he was a man in love.. Thoughts of her and the child have torn at me since I set foot on this land again. Come to Seattle! the mail-order bride says to me. But beneath that hint of defiance, Jeremy could see how badly his older brother wanted him to agree. Imagine that, instead of three Bolt siblings, there are four Bolt siblings and the youngest isn't Jeremy, but there sister, Jemma Bolt. He stalked off to join the rest of the crew. Look out everyone here come the brides! The boy gives no hint that we might be related as he faces off with us across that big desk of his. All the years of searching had yielded nothing, then when hed shifted the object of his search, the man showed up right under his nose.

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