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[202], Both Curtius and Diodorus report a story that when Darius III's mother, Sisygambis, first met Alexander and Hephaestion, she assumed that the latter was Alexander because he was the taller and more handsome of the two.[203]. Though advised to use diplomacy, Alexander mustered 3,000 Macedonian cavalry and rode south towards Thessaly. [84] Darius fled over the mountains to Ecbatana (modern Hamadan) while Alexander captured Babylon. [220] He had great self-restraint in "pleasures of the body", in contrast with his lack of self-control with alcohol. [297], Pausanias writes that Alexander wanted to dig through the Mimas mountain (in today's Karaburun area), but didn't succeed. Origin: The name Alexander is the Latin form of the Greek name Alexandros. Anthropology. The gold series had the head of Athena on the obverse and a winged Nike (Victory) on the reverse. [148] In the second account, Diodorus recounts that Alexander was struck with pain after downing a large bowl of unmixed wine in honour of Heracles followed by 11 days of weakness; he did not develop a fever, instead dying after some agony. While he was sleeping, the goddess appeared and told him to found a city there and move into it the Smyrnaeans from the "old" city. [69] According to the story, Alexander proclaimed that it did not matter how the knot was undone and hacked it apart with his sword. In the spring of 335BC, he advanced to suppress several revolts. He succeeded his father Philip II to the throne in 336 BC at the age of 20, and spent most of his ruling years conducting a lengthy military Gender: Alexander is frequently used as a boy name. [117] The silver coinage had a beardless head of Heracles wearing a lionskin headdress on the obverse and Zeus aetophoros ('eagle bearer') enthroned with a scepter in his left hand, on the reverse. WebAlexander the Great, also known as Alexander III or Alexander of Macedonia, (born 356 bce, Pella, Macedonia [northwest of Thessalonki, Greece]died June 13, 323 bce, Babylon [near Al-illah, Iraq]), king of Macedonia (336323 bce), who overthrew the Persian empire, carried Macedonian arms to India, and laid the foundations for the Hellenistic world of [286] Alexander was used by these writers as an example of ruler values such as amicita (friendship) and clementia (clemency), but also iracundia (anger) and cupiditas gloriae (over-desire for glory). Thus, in Bactria and Sogdiana, Alexander successfully used his javelin throwers and archers to prevent outflanking movements, while massing his cavalry at the center. Leaving Egypt in 331BC, Alexander marched eastward into Achaemenid Assyria in Upper Mesopotamia (now northern Iraq) and defeated Darius again at the Battle of Gaugamela. [219], According to Plutarch, Alexander also had a violent temper and rash, impulsive nature,[220] and this could influence his decision making. The so-called "Alexander Sarcophagus", discovered near Sidon and now in the Istanbul Archaeology Museum, is so named not because it was thought to have contained Alexander's remains, but because its bas-reliefs depict Alexander and his companions fighting the Persians and hunting. I HATE ALEXANDER 23 T-SHIRT $35.00. Our Information Technology systems are continually tested and strengthened to ensure protection of all client information. The first refers merely to the Roman battle line and does not specifically mean that the men were armed with pikes, and the second bears similarity to the 'Marian Mules' of the late Roman Republic who carried their equipment suspended from a long pole, which were in use until at least the 2nd century AD. They went on to occupy the city of Elatea, only a few days' march from both Athens and Thebes. Possible causes include a drunken accident or deliberate revenge for the burning of the Acropolis of Athens during the Second Persian War by Xerxes;[90] Plutarch and Diodorus allege that Alexander's companion, the hetaera Thas, instigated and started the fire. [96] The Persian king no longer controlled his own destiny, and was taken prisoner by Bessus, his Bactrian satrap and kinsman. [149][152] The accounts were nevertheless fairly consistent in designating Antipater, recently removed as Macedonian viceroy and at odds with Olympias, as the head of the alleged plot. Trending. [284] Polybius began his Histories by reminding Romans of Alexander's achievements, and thereafter Roman leaders saw him as a role model. [22], During his youth, Alexander was also acquainted with Persian exiles at the Macedonian court, who received the protection of Philip II for several years as they opposed Artaxerxes III. ABOUT US. [111] There was also considerable friction between Antipater and Olympias, and each complained to Alexander about the other. [152], The strongest argument against the poison theory is the fact that twelve days passed between the start of his illness and his death; such long-acting poisons were probably not available. Its meaning is derived from the components alexo (I defend) and aner (man). Then Philip, taking Attalus's part, rose up and would have run his son through; but by good fortune for them both, either his over-hasty rage, or the wine he had drunk, made his foot slip, so that he fell down on the floor. During the ensuing Battle of Chaeronea, Philip commanded the right wing and Alexander the left, accompanied by a group of Philip's trusted generals. [107], The foundation of the "new" Smyrna was also associated with Alexander. After the assassination of Perdiccas in 321BC, Macedonian unity collapsed, and 40years of war between "The Successors" (Diadochi) ensued before the Hellenistic world settled into four stable power blocs: Ptolemaic Egypt, Seleucid Mesopotamia and Central Asia, Attalid Anatolia, and Antigonid Macedon. WebAlexanders is still family owned, which means we can do business the way we want to, based on our deeply-rooted values and long-held traditions. ", "Alexander the Great poisoned by the River Styx", "Alexander the Great and West Nile Virus Encephalitis", "Why Alexander the Great May Have Been Declared Dead Prematurely (It's Pretty Gruesome)", "The Location of the Tomb: Facts and Speculation", "The Aftermath: The Burial of Alexander the Great", "Greeks captivated by Alexander-era tomb at Amphipolis", "Archaeologist claims opulent grave in Greece honored Alexander the Great's best friend", "Hephaestion's Monogram Found at Amphipolis Tomb", "Plutarch, Regum et imperatorum apophthegmata, ", "Plutarch, De Alexandri magni fortuna aut virtute, chapter 2, section 4", "CNG: eAuction 430. [59], News then reached Alexander that the Illyrian chieftain Cleitus and King Glaukias of the Taulantii were in open revolt against his authority. [191] This was due to use of terrain, phalanx and cavalry tactics, bold strategy, and the fierce loyalty of his troops. Alexander proceeded to take possession of Syria, and most of the coast of the Levant. [102] Pierre Briant explains that Alexander realized that it was insufficient to merely exploit the internal contradictions within the imperial system as in Asia Minor, Babylonia or Egypt; he also had to (re)create a central government with or without the support of the Iranians. FIRE DEPT. The advance was successful and broke Darius's center, causing the latter to flee once again. p. 75. [219][222] However, he had little interest in sports or the Olympic Games (unlike his father), seeking only the Homeric ideals of honour (tim) and glory (kudos). [245] The Roman era writer Athenaeus says, based on the scholar Dicaearchus, who was Alexander's contemporary, that the king "was quite excessively keen on boys", and that Alexander kissed the eunuch Bagoas in public. [104] However, when, at some point later, Alexander was on the Jaxartes dealing with an incursion by a horse nomad army, Spitamenes raised Sogdiana in revolt. WebTel: 540-443-9250 Hours: 8:00 4:30 EST M-F Email: Address: 104 Centre Court, Radford, VA 24141 This system is the primary tool for students, and is used for many of the Colleges administrative functions and services, including: Admissions apply to AC, check your application status. [62], After his victory at the Battle of Chaeronea (338 BC), Philip II began the work of establishing himself as hgemn (Greek: ) of a league which according to Diodorus was to wage a campaign against the Persians for the sundry grievances Greece suffered in 480 and free the Greek cities of the western coast and islands from Achaemenid rule. [122] A fierce contest ensued with the Aspasioi in which Alexander was wounded in the shoulder by a dart, but eventually the Aspasioi lost. Department of Image Collections, National Gallery of Art Library, Washington, DC. [118] There are both Greek and non-Greek aspects to this design. Custom promotional products for any budget. WebAlexander the Great, also known as Alexander III or Alexander of Macedonia, (born 356 bce, Pella, Macedonia [northwest of Thessalonki, Greece]died June 13, 323 bce, Babylon [near Al-illah, Iraq]), king of Macedonia (336323 bce), who overthrew the Persian empire, carried Macedonian arms to India, and laid the foundations for the Hellenistic world of Chemistry. The trilogy "Alexander the Great" by Valerio Massimo Manfredi consisting of "The son of the dream", "The sand of Amon", and "The ends of the world". The Macedonians quickly begged forgiveness, which Alexander accepted, and held a great banquet with several thousand of his men. He is known as 'the great' both for his Biology. [120], The fort of Massaga was reduced only after days of bloody fighting, in which Alexander was wounded seriously in the ankle. Alexander and his exploits were admired by many Romans, especially generals, who wanted to associate themselves with his achievements. [142] Alexander admired Cyrus the Great, from an early age reading Xenophon's Cyropaedia, which described Cyrus's heroism in battle and governance as a king and legislator. [298] Pliny the Elder adds that the planned distance was 12 kilometres (7.5mi), and the purpose was to cut a canal through the isthmus to connect the Caystrian and Hermaean bays. In the winter of 327/326BC, Alexander personally led a campaign against the Aspasioi of Kunar valleys, the Guraeans of the Guraeus valley, and the Assakenoi of the Swat and Buner valleys. Top 250 Movies Most Popular Movies Top 250 TV Shows Most Popular TV Shows Most Popular Video Games Most Popular Music Videos Most Popular Podcasts. Alexander followed close behind and captured the strategic hill-fort after four bloody days. [287], The Itinerarium Alexandri is a 4th-century Latin Itinerarium which describes Alexander the Great's campaigns. [82] Control of Egypt passed to Ptolemy I (son of Lagos), the founder of the Ptolemaic Dynasty (305-30 BC) after the death of Alexander. Alexander responded quickly and drove them from their territory. Macedonian losses were negligible compared to those of the Persians. [166] Natural-cause theories also tend to emphasize that Alexander's health may have been in general decline after years of heavy drinking and severe wounds. Omphis (Indian name Ambhi), the ruler of Taxila, whose kingdom extended from the Indus to the Hydaspes (Jhelum), complied, but the chieftains of some hill clans, including the Aspasioi and Assakenoi sections of the Kambojas (known in Indian texts also as Ashvayanas and Ashvakayanas), refused to submit. WebAlexander III of Macedon (Ancient Greek: , romanized: Alexandros; 20/21 July 356 BC 10/11 June 323 BC), commonly known as Alexander the Great, was a king of the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon. [258] This process can be seen in such great Hellenistic cities as Alexandria, Antioch[269] and Seleucia (south of modern Baghdad). [270] Alexander sought to insert Greek elements into Persian culture and to hybridize Greek and Persian culture, homogenizing the populations of Asia and Europe. Buy Now. [290], After Caracalla concluded his campaign against the Alamanni, it became evident that he was inordinately preoccupied with Alexander the Great. Commerce. [275] On the Silk Road trade routes, Hellenistic culture hybridized with Iranian and Buddhist cultures. As a young boy, Alexander was taught to read, write, and play the lyre. WebTel: 540-443-9250 Hours: 8:00 4:30 EST M-F Email: Address: 104 Centre Court, Radford, VA 24141 [233] Thus, rather than megalomania, his behaviour may have been a practical attempt at strengthening his rule and keeping his empire together. According to the ancient sources, the two sides fought bitterly for some time. [216], Alexander's legacy extended beyond his military conquests, and his reign marked a turning point in European and Asian history. [61], After an initial victory against Persian forces at the Battle of the Granicus, Alexander accepted the surrender of the Persian provincial capital and treasury of Sardis; he then proceeded along the Ionian coast, granting autonomy and democracy to the cities. [231] Alexander adopted elements of Persian dress and customs at court, notably proskynesis, which was one aspect of Alexander's broad strategy aimed at securing the aid and support of the Iranian upper classes;[102] however the practise of proskynesis was disapproved by the Macedonians, and they were unwilling to perform it. [51] Alexander spared Arrhidaeus, who was by all accounts mentally disabled, possibly as a result of poisoning by Olympias. For they were told that the kings of the Ganderites and Praesii were awaiting them with eighty thousand horsemen, two hundred thousand footmen, eight thousand chariots, and six thousand war elephants. on the country in which you live. [40] During the wedding banquet, a drunken Attalus publicly prayed to the gods that the union would produce a legitimate heir. The Greek cities on the western coast of Anatolia revolted until the news arrived that Philip had been murdered and had been succeeded by his young son Alexander. With Anthony Hopkins, David Bedella, Jessie Kamm, Angelina Jolie. [140], After three days, unable to persuade his men to back down, Alexander gave Persians command posts in the army and conferred Macedonian military titles upon Persian units. They refused to be sent away and criticized his adoption of Persian customs and dress and the introduction of Persian officers and soldiers into Macedonian units. [35] At Corinth, Philip established a "Hellenic Alliance" (modelled on the old anti-Persian alliance of the Greco-Persian Wars), which included most Greek city-states except Sparta. [194] Alexander placed the phalanx at the center and cavalry and archers on the wings, so that his line matched the length of the Persian cavalry line, about 3km (1.86mi). Suetonius, The Lives of Twelve Caesars, Life of Caligula 19. Plutarch's account is that roughly 14 days before his death, Alexander entertained admiral Nearchus and spent the night and next day drinking with Medius of Larissa. Its meaning is derived from the components alexo (I defend) and aner (man). [271], The core of the Hellenistic culture promulgated by the conquests was essentially Athenian. [102] However, Alexander's eventual decision to burn the Achaemenid palace at Persepolis in conjunction with the major rejection and opposition of the "entire Persian people" made it impracticable for him to pose himself as Darius' legitimate successor. The stronghold was heavily fortified and built on a hill, requiring a siege. [167][169] His successor, Ptolemy II Philadelphus, transferred the sarcophagus to Alexandria, where it remained until at least late Antiquity. Myelin is the fatty covering that insulates nerve fibers and promotes the rapid transmission of nerve impulses. On entering Persepolis, Alexander allowed his troops to loot the city for several days. on the country in which you live. CITY PARK. Left to fight alone, they were defeated. WebAlexander is a male given name.The most prominent bearer of the name is Alexander the Great, the king of the Ancient Greek kingdom of Macedonia who created one of the largest empires in ancient history.. Variants listed here are Aleksandar, Aleksander and Aleksandr.Related names and diminutives include Iskandar, Alec, Alek, Alex, Alexandre, [314], The Syriac version of the Alexander Romance portrays him as an ideal Christian world conqueror who prayed to "the one true God". [284] The emperor Trajan also admired Alexander, as did Nero and Caracalla. Darius fled the battle, causing his army to collapse, and left behind his wife, his two daughters, his mother Sisygambis, and a fabulous treasure. [311] In the Shahnameh, Alexander's first journey is to Mecca to pray at the Kaaba. Constantinople 1453: The End of Byzantium. Curtius Rufus, a Roman historian from the first century AD, who wrote the Histories of Alexander the Great, gives this account of Alexander sitting on the throne of Darius III: Then Alexander seating himself on the royal throne, which was far too high for his bodily stature. Therefore, since his feet did not reach its lowest step, once of the royal pages placed a table under his feet. Irish playwright Aubrey Thomas de Vere wrote Alexander the Great, a Dramatic Poem. [192] The Macedonian phalanx, armed with the sarissa, a spear 6 metres (20ft) long, had been developed and perfected by Philip II through rigorous training, and Alexander used its speed and manoeuvrability to great effect against larger but more disparate Persian forces. [44], In the following year, the Persian satrap (governor) of Caria, Pixodarus, offered his eldest daughter to Alexander's half-brother, Philip Arrhidaeus. City of Alexander, North Dakota 58831. top of page. Occupy the city for several days Alexander followed close behind and captured the strategic hill-fort after four days... Caligula 19 he is known as 'the great ' both for his Biology Elatea! Over the mountains to Ecbatana ( modern Hamadan ) while Alexander captured Babylon Image Collections National. 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