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Festival season is fast approaching and across the UK sniffer dogs will be on the scent for festival-goers drugs. One report sent to Release by a UK festival-goer describes how they were subjected to a strip search by police. Ombudsman Bruce Barbour found police uncovered drugs only 26 percent of the time that dogs gave a positive indication. They also have the power to confiscate anything illegal that they find if you agreed to the search. Finally, and on a serious note, always remember your rights. news. Been to a ton of festivals with dogs. JuicyGoose Suck it. And yet still we see the increased use of dogs across the country, and hear the same number of people getting busted, year in and year out. The only exception to whether a sniff is considered an illegal search, then, is if you're "funnelled, delayed, targeted, interfered with . These drug law reforms are in line with ageneral global trend towards treating the use of psychoactive drugs as a health issue, rather than a crime. With hundreds of millions of olfactory receptors in their nose, bloodhounds have an impeccable sense of smell. Because music, drugs and the fear surrounding them are a great political tool. The article Festival Season, Sniffer Dogs and Searches - Your Guide to Dealing With Police at a Festival is written by Josh Harris, Senior Lawyer, Doogue + George Defence Lawyers. But just how effective are these dogs - and what does this mean for your rights? Illegal or not, no one deserves to lose their life. We all play this game, Tone Deaf included. Our obsession is so great, that we dont care how many people die, what the experts say, or how many times the sniffer dogs falsely detect us carrying drugs. And the territory government has just indicated it will bedecriminalising the personal possession and use of the most popularly used illicit substances in Canberra. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); does not intend to provide veterinary advice. Tel Aviv. Given Rainbow's reputation as a place for people to let loose freely, these attendees' reactions predictably varied from mild anxiety about getting caught with drugs to outright [] I mean c'mon, every person would get busted if it were for weed. rekon me and my mate can smuggle in an ounce? Thoms was allowed to leave the first aid tent because she lied that she was over the age of 18. The case is made somewhat more persuasive by the fact that the UK and Australia share a common law system. They're used by cops to give them probable cause to search people. and now a completely random series of photographs having nothing to do with the op: dont go with the hype/they are explosive dogs,sweated much before realizing that, cops aint gonna let there killer dogs walk up and sniff u and they dont sniff for it unless there told. Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) guidelines point out that, in their view, an indication by a passive drugs dog does indeed constitute reasonable suspicion. Technology, therefore, allows the surveillance to be especially intrusive - much like a search, in fact. Thats reassuring though thanks for the response. What implications does this have for the legality of their use? "One area in which we particularly lag behind the animal world is that of smell perception. Scrolling through theSniff Off Facebook page, its clear from recent posts warning as to the whereabouts of NSW police officers deployed with accompanying drug detecting labradors that this antiquated law enforcement practice is back in full swing. German Shepherd Yet another extremely common dog breed used by the police forces is the German shepherd. Sniffer dog training requires an extensive amount of time and money. And according to all the evidence, he's mostly right. Dont look sketched out or try to avoid the dogs. bring in glass or weapons! Not only are drug dogs unnecessarily used to hound citizens over searches resulting in nothing two-thirds to three-quarters of the time, or else uncovering small amounts of cannabis, but, as the coroner has found, their presence at events encourages dangerous drug-taking that leads to deaths. Although, it did rule out five recommendations immediately, which included decriminalisation and ditching the drug dogs. Towards the end of 2012, the NSW Government introduced legislation allowing the broad and every day use of sniffer dogs on the streets in the entertainment districts of Sydney. Started 34 minutes ago, By Moderator. Really trying to avoid that sort of situation completely looool. In a 2008 operation at the UK's Latitude Festival, just 12 percent of searches resulted in a find, and 2016-17 figures from South Australia Police showed a success rate of less than 15 percent. The ACPO Police Dog Training and Care Manual is the only document resembling official guidance on sniffer dogs. "It's time for the drug dogs to go and the government to implement harm minimisation policies that actually work.". The pair were joined by NSW Greens MP Jenny Leong, who echoed claims made by her colleague Shoebridge. "A sniffer dog came up and sat next to me," one punter who was recently refused entry to another HSU-run festival, Knockout Circuz, shares with The Music. Parents can feel more certain about their children's safety by using a K9 program with highly trained nicotine detection dogs to sniff out vaping. The warrantless use of sniffer dogs in the community commenced following the 2000 Sydney Olympics and laws clarifying and expanding their use were passed in 2001. And an indication from a drug dog can be all the police need to search you without your consent. Additionally, participates in various other affiliate programs, and we sometimes get a commission through purchases made through our links. So the chances of a dog latching on to anything on you is very small indeed, you've probably got a 1/20 chance of being caught, if that. Training sniffer dogs and handlers Chester-based Sniffer Dog Training offers international search dog and handler training to mostly police force customers around the world, and to contractors for the Transport Security Authority ( Tsa) and Department of Defence ( Dod) in the US. The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act, introduced in 2000, is a supposedly complete legal framework for the use of surveillance. At festivals, as at sports events, concerts, and organised parties, the police do not require reasonable suspicion to search you. Whilst acknowledging that there is an element of error he stressed that the use of the dogs also creates an element of fear in people with drugs.. A police officer, however, can search you at any time, but they must first tell you their name and station, what they intend to find, the reason they want to search you (AKA a dog has indicated you are holding drugs), why they are legally allowed to search you and how you can get a copy of the search recording. "Man-made technologies still can't compete with millions of years of evolution," said the researchers. . eFestivals forums without the adverts. But one dog, trained to detect illegal animal . If they knew dogs would be in an event that they were attending they would conceal their drugs better, avoid the dogs, take their drugs before they went to the event or change some pattern about what they did.. Had 5 pills secured in my undies. If they were real drug sniffing dogs they would have a heart attack from being so surrounded by drugs. They had dogs checking everyone as they came through the gate Luckily I came through the guest entrance (no dogs) but I stood and watched that dog work from a distance Basically 1 in 10 were being pulled out Now either theres a lot of terrorists who go to festivals or they were drug sniffing dogs Would be difficult for a human to find.. Now put weed bag inside. ", Barbour also found those singled out by drug dogs were overwhelmingly young peoplesome 47 percent of them under 25 years old. Theres something uniquely ridiculous about festivals and the rumours they generate. Stick in tiny plastic bag, fill another bag with baking soda to absorb smell. Perhaps most telling, despite the fear she felt, it didnt stop her from taking drugs. The very fear that theparliamentarysecretary of the police described. But are the police really addressing those dangers by employing the use of sniffer dogs at the entrances to music festivals? Sniffer dogs are present at Airports to help detect illegal substances such as drugs and explosives. The dogs are allotted to their personal handlers where they bond and build a trusting and close relationship. TICKETS. - and that way we should avoid any unnecessary queuing! Drugs dogs will be searching at all gates and anyone found attempting to bring drugs into the site may be refused entry via our new gate review teams. This would prove to be a fatal decision. It's a safe bet that most dogs in fesitivals are inexperienced or being trained for crowd control, not actual drug sniffing dogs. Will people continue to take drugs at music events and festivals? They sniff passengers and hand luggage at security checkpoints and if someone reports a suspicious package or incident on a plane, bomb dogs are on hand to sniff the aircraft, its . Either way, there are many reasons why you would love to get a drug-sniffing dog. The debate over the effectiveness of sniffer dogs continues to rage. Did you enjoy this content? A fourth dog, a German shepherd called Valo, is currently in training to begin work at the airport testing booth. Crucially, red paper markers designed to trick handlers into thinking there was a target present resulted in the rate of false alerts doubling when compared to unmarked, decoy targets containing dog treats to fool the dogs. They helped reopen the Miami Wine and Food Festival by sniffing out the masks of large numbers of attendees. Some of these locations were labelled as containing drugs indicated by a sheet of red paper, Oxenham writes. The smell will leach into plastic and the dogs can catch that if it happens. Clear editor. So what does the use of sniffer dogs actually achieve? 'Extraordinary rise' in strip-searches by . Don't think there's much to worry about really. How to Manage Your Dogs Grooming Anxiety: Helpful Tips and Tricks, A Concise List of Emotional Support Dog Requirements, Are Doodles Hard to Train? @angel . You only have to look at what effect to War On Drugs has had in the United States to know that prohibition and law enforcement are simply outflanked when it comes to drugs. "Despite the best efforts of police officers, the use of drug detection dogs has proven to be an ineffective tool for detecting drug dealers. big myth about sniffer dogs In the early 2000s, NSW became the first state to introduce drug detection dugs. The only exception to whether a sniff is considered an illegal search, then, is if youre funnelled, delayed, targeted, interfered with, or requested to change direction to allow the dog to sniff you; this is in keeping with PACEs stipulation that the police cant stop you and then look for grounds for a physical search. While some locations that were labelled as containing drugs contained neither drugs nor sausages. In 2006, there was an extensive review of the NSW drug dog program. The presence of sniffer dogs at music festivals makes people choose to take drugs earlier, faster or in higher quantities, according to research published in the International Journal of Drug Policy. The bloodhound is a beast when it comes to tracking and finding missing people. Data obtained by the Greens has revealed that up to 64% of searches prompted by drug dogs have come up with false positives. Please also note that there will be police sniffer dogs onsite to help us identify people who are trying to bring drugs into the festival. "Any other expensive and ineffective police program that got it wrong this often would be scrapped," Shoebridge said. For people who do go into festivals, including people who are carrying no drugs at all, dog indications can, and have, been the catalyst for some appalling experiences. In 2013, the dogs detected drugs on 72 people at the Future Music Festival, 52 people at Soundwave and 31 people at Dash Berlin at Melbourne's Hisense Arena. The Premier . If the dog detected COVID on the mask, that person would be asked to step out of line . 6. Please also note that there will be police sniffer dogs onsite to help us identify people who are trying to bring drugs into the festival. Some dogs do have a better sense of smell compared to others. Bail Granted Before All Charges Dropped Over Sexual Assault and Strangulation Allegations, Charges of Sexual Touching Without Consent Dropped, Bail Granted Despite Allegations of Serious Child Sexual Offences, Not Guilty of Sexual Touching Without Consent, Bail Granted Over Alleged $7 Million Money Laundering Operation, Sexual Touching and Assault Occasioning ABH Charges Withdrawn, and No Conviction Recorded for Common Assault, Bail Granted for 4 Charges of Supplying a Prohibited Drug and Possessing Fraudulent ID, District Court Severity Appeal Successful for Middle-Range Drink Driving, No Criminal Record, Licence Disqualification or Fine for Mid-Range Drink Driving, RMS Driver and Rider Licence Suspensions Set Aside on Appeal, RMS Driver Licence Suspension Set Aside for Red P-Plater, No Criminal Record for Mid Range Drink Driving, NSW Police Are Still Using Sniffer Dogs to Arrest Over Tiny Amounts of Cannabis, Sniffer Dogs: False Positives and Limits to Police Powers, Sniffer Dogs, Searches and Your Rights at Mardi Gras, Sniffer Dogs: Providing a Factual Basis for Suspicion, Preventing Deaths from Drug Overdoses: Sniffer Dogs Are Not the Answer, State-Sanctioned Sexual Assault: The Rally to Ban Strip Searches at Silverwater Gaol. Everyone on the official boards are saying that they said this last year and didn't have any dogs and that it's just a scare tactic. Nunn is nonetheless still convinced of their effectiveness. It sounds like they don't want anyone coming or maybe someone made up the drug dog story. The Dynamic Dachshund A.K.A, Weiner Or Sausage Dog. Also bleach will only work for some scents and not others. I don't think you know what you're talking about, or at the very least, your supposed sheriff friend doesn't know shit. So there you go no more myths about sniffer dogs, but Im afraid youll have to debunk the other festival rumours by yourself. Ian Renton, regional director of Cheltenham and the South West for Jockey Club Racecourses told the Telegraph: "We have a . Don't look sketchy and you'll be fine, get past them all the time. During the pandemic, NSW police gave its sniffer dog operations a hiatus as the streets were empty. This is an unbeatable method that i use and would HIGHLY recommend. "We have two arms," explains CEO John McHugh. They are mostly used for an intimidation factor. Reliable sources have alleged that individuals with interests in drugs dogs have tried to shut down her research., some dogs will rely more strongly on human cues, dogs are able to interpret human eye contact. lol, This made me think about something funny. But, it did not work. The UK does not have any laws or regulations on . Yet, nowadays, officers are back to staking out trains stations with the canines and running them through a sizable number of crowded bars. Researchers tricked the handlers into believing they were participating in a genuine drugs study by carrying a box of 12 triple-wrapped half-ounce bags of cannabis past the handlers while they pretended to set up the experiment. Interestingly, there were more false alarms wherever the red markers told handlers there would be drugs. Arbitrary sniffer dog searches to stress again, with a 25% reliability rate -- can hardly be called necessary. Whilst it firmly states that being indicated by a drugs dog is grounds for a physical search, it also points out that the use of passive drugs dogs isnt a search in itself, as the dogs are encouraged to sniff a general target area, rather than any particular individual. Festival season is well and truly in full swing, bringing hundreds of thousands of Australians out into the sun to see some of the best musicians from around Australia and the world. Ive always wondered, what happens to a sniffer dog when someone shares a flat with a bunch of stoners or someone travelling after having been with their mates at a party etc. We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post. They're mainly there to make you look nervous. Since the NSW drug sniffer dog program launched in the early 2000s, there's been a lot of concern around whether it violates civil liberties. Tuck away in a marker. Wrap in tinfoil and mylar, and sac attach. Tick to subscribe, untick to unsubscribe from any newsletters below: Get unlimited access to the coverage that shapes our culture. Copyright 2020 by Train That Pooch. Of course the parliamentary secretary for police disagreed. Four of the recommendations were directed solely at the NSW Police, the first being to scrap the use of drug dogs. Itll start with someones weird mate-of-a-mate saying they saw Frank Ocean in the guest area or Lordes tour bus pull up by main stage and, from there, evolve until it becomes the bloke from Alt-J is doing a secret deep house set in the slam tent. Sniffer dogs at festivals doing more harm than good says expert By The Conversation Posted on June 18, 2017 These dogs don't stop most drug use Comments Lecturer in Justice and Legal Studies at RMIT University Peta Malins explains the massive problems with the presence of sniffer dogs at music festivals. They know they don't make money if they bust everyone. Whether they do it at an effective rate remains up in the air, but the fact that having drugs on you is very likely to set off a sniffer dog is just conventional wisdom, right? the likelihood of getting caught that way , even after a search, is alot less. Life, loss and Glastonbury - Tim Thorogood (Book). I did a threesome while rolling and it was one of the Amazing night rolling in a beautiful hotel room with a supposed to be a gram, 35 dollars, how much from it best way to take these 300/320mg super mario pills. Yet, what has is that officers are now demanding that those indicated who dont appear to have anything on them after a pat down search, are now being asked to strip off. Your previous content has been restored. (other than registered guide or hearing . Now, it remains for the UK to acknowledge that the use of sniffer dogs needs some form of legal regulation. I got caught by a sniffer dog at Tottenham court road station a few years ago. There are a handful of other powers that allow police to search an individual without reasonable suspicion, such as Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2001, which permits searches without grounds at borders. Well she tried to find it and it wasn`t up there! So not only are sniffer dogs completely ineffective, but the presence of these dogs and the fear and intimidation theyre deliberately used for, can in fact be a grave detriment to the health and wellbeing of those who decide to use drugs. However, that doesn't seem to be the way things are going., Festival season is well and truly in full swing, bringing hundreds of thousands of Australians out into the sun to see some of the best Festival season is well and truly in full swing, bringing hundreds of thousands of Australians out into the sun to see some of the best musicians from around Australia and the world. Use your loaf, be sensible - do not. This post may contain affiliate links. All of these dogs are going to be able to handle any job you have for them. Your link has been automatically embedded. Trust me, half the stuff i say i'm making up in my own head, the other half is fuelled by whatever music i'm currently listening to, idle threat i reckon, a few people may think twice about it - i think its jjust a scare tactic to deter some people wanting to bring in hard drugs, the last 4 festivals ive been to ive never seen any1 get weed taken off them nor have i ever seen a sniffer dog. Last Updated on: Apr 28, 2022 Basset Hound Beagle Belgian Malinois Bloodhound Coonhound German Shepherd Labrador Retriever Springer Spaniel Almost all dogs, if not all, are known for their keen sense of smell. The contents of legal highs are toxic, even plant-based ones. Gnomicide A groundbreaking study into the behavior of sniffer dogs and their handlers published by Lisa Lit in the journal Animal Cognition in 2011 supports my suspicion. Israeli scientists claim to have created a robot with a "biological nose" for smelling odours. Since Passive Alert Detection dogs (sniffer dogs) were introduced during the 2000 Sydney Olympics, their effectivenesson events like music festivalshave often been brought into question. Its quite a boring job for the dog very repetitive and the dogs get tired. Recently, though, is loosely defined -- many of the residual scent admissions which Australian police had gleaned from suspects actually related to drug use that was days, weeks, even months old. The study from Australia's RMIT University also found the prospect of sniffer dogs made people choose to stash pills internally, wrapped in plastic or condoms. Doubt they'll be looking for weed anyway, more likely Cocaine, Heroine, Shrooms and other hard drugs. It's also not enough to just have a good sense of smell to be a good sniffer dog. A report released by New South Wales Greens MP David Shoebridge in 2011 showed that according to NSW Police figures, in a staggering 80 per cent of cases sniffer dogs came up with a false positive. Cheers for the tips mate . You can post now and register later. For the first time, a study with long COVID . You must log in or register to reply here. Another key shift is that the community is calling for the legalisation of cannabis, as well as the decriminalisation of the personal possession of illicit substances, which basically signals that the public doesnt approve of armed officers harassing civilians over small amounts of illegal drugs. Unfortunately, your content contains terms that we do not allow. Or are the use of these dogs a waste of time and money? I doubt they'll be up for it though, you seem to know a suspiciously large amount about this. "Based on the NSW Police Standard Operating Procedures and cost-recovery rates, three drug dogs at a festival costs $6,000 per hour," they said in a media release. But that doesnt mean theyre safe. There are many reasons you may consider getting drug-sniffing dogs. Traces of deadly substances were found in two of the 85 samples offered up for testing. "This means if each dog spends six hours at a festival it's a total cost of $36,041. This argument, she points out, has held in other jurisdictions; in one US case, Kyllo v. United States, the judge ruled that the use of thermal imaging to reveal that the defendant was growing cannabis in his house was a search, and therefore required a warrant. Do they actually work? You would be free to refuse to enter the search area altogether, but you would not be allowed to enter the festival grounds if you did. VICE spoke to experts to finally debunk the hearsay. Its like us when were bored and tired and something interesting comes along, were alert again.. You will defs get caught if you smuggle weed into the festival. All News; New Releases . Its time policy makers take a step back and actually look at the numbers. I had 1/2 oz of stank ass bud on me the whole time, dog never gave a fuck. We're gonna take pretty much exclusively MDMA inside with us. Registered charity number 801118. Every year the police attend these festivals, but the real action is happening back at HQ where the media liaison officer is busy preparing a statement to be sent to an eager and awaiting press. Thanks for the tips though. Sniffer dogs will be used and prosecutions made. Security guards cannot legally detain you unless they suspect you for an indictable offence, but they can eject you from the premises or stop you from coming in. Under Article 23 of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, the police have the power to search someone if they have reasonable grounds to suspect that they are in possession of illegal drugs. Their large, long head with a huge, open nostril makes them the perfect shape to smell and keep track of smells for miles. try your own bunghole that way nobody can run away with your shit in thier hole. *The notable exception to this is in Section 60 of the Public Order Act 1994; if police believe that serious violence is about to occur in their locality, they can stop and search any individual or vehicle in the area within a 24-hour period, without needing reasoning suspicion. Victoria Police has this year started using sniffer dogs to patrol Chapel Street, a popular nightspot for young people. This could see droids replace sniffer and disease-detection dogs in the future. ", And yet, NSW Police is spendingon averagesome $9 million on its drug dog detection program, by far the largest in the country. The controversy around the legitimacy of sniffer dogs at music festivals has been in the forefront of the Australian conversation after six people were refused entry to Sydney's Above and Beyond festival in June, when they were tagged by sniffer dogs despite no illicit . On the first day of the inquest into her death, the court heard that the 17 year old swallowed all her ecstacy tablets as they arrived at the festival because she feared that the pills could be confiscated if police dogs were present. Way I see it is theres that many smells and stuff going on the dogs are often overwhelmed. Started Tuesday at 08:50 PM, For gig news, info & tickets see, copyright 1998-2023 The use of sniffer dogs, sometimes known as "passive alert detection dogs", is a part of general police practice across the world, having seen their first use in the UK as early as 1888 . As disturbingly callous towards privacy concerns as that statement is, its also wrong.According to the ABC, a 2009 study on ecstasy users and the used of sniffer dogs, authored by Dr Matthew Dunn from Deakin University, found that not only were the majority of those surveyed undeterred from taking drugs by the presence of sniffer dogs, but that if anything the dogs encouraged users to find ways around being caught. 'Re used by the police forces is the German shepherd stank ass on. To go and the fear surrounding them are a great political tool of line paper, made festival sniffer dogs writes that... Get a drug-sniffing dog Shoebridge said ; biological nose & quot ; we have two,! 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