mena, arkansas barry seal housecaitlin rose connolly

Barry Seal gunrunner, drug trafficker, and covert C.I.A. Mourn his victims. They were night hunting for deer in Bryant. Election Law Update, Heavy Lifting Ne NYC Cleans Voter Rolls Thanks To Judicial Watch. Barack Obama versus John McCain and Mitt Romney, the same. Humanity faces an unprecedented crisis with little effective means to stop what is coming. But when he asked his brother, Whos pushing this his brother, Dwayne Brown says, nodded over towards the Governors Mansion. From then on, until he left Clintons security detail in June, Dwayne Brown says, his brother was at a high level of despair. He says he had feared he might be suicidal. Seal's activities and associations at the Mena Intermountain Regional Airport in western Arkansas are now the subject of seven official investigations. Lets hope that Cruises high-powered version of Seal prompts an equally high-powered demand for disclosure of all government records on him, especially after his move to Mena.. The Contra dealers, principally Oscar Danilo Blandon and his boss Juan Norwin Meneses, both from the Nicaraguan privileged class, operated out of the San Francisco Bay Area and sold tons of cocaine -- a drug that was virtually unobtainable in black neighborhoods before -- to Los Angeles street gangs. Bush and Bill Clinton planned to pass the White House between the two of them, and between their respective political clans, thereby maintaining the New World Order for the long term. But the feds scraped a five year probe of Mena and interfered in local investigations The state police were taken off the case. Kevin Ives, 17, and Don Henry, 16, were found dead on August 23, 1987. So last month, we filed a lawsuit seeking a long-hidden report by the CIA inspector general into events at Mena. Mike Ruppert, who worked on the Perot campaign. Trumps choice of Mike Pence as vice presidential running mate should crush all hope for those who believe that a Trump White House would be free of the Bush poison. A Hillary Clinton presidency ensures this. When will the Bush-Clinton enforcers convince Trump to bend to the will of the syndicate? Indeed, Clinton had taken an active role in helping Brown. Brown and the co-pilot, who never exchanged any more than a few words, remained on board. I am asking your help in the tremendous task of information and alerting the American people.. Tips: [emailprotected], Investigative Bulletin is published by Judicial Watch. Global Research pays its respects to former president George Herbert Walker Bush who passed away in Houston at age 94. On 19th February, 1986, Barry Seal returned to his Salvation Army hostel at 6.00 p.m. As he parked his white Cadillac he was approached by a man carrying a machine-gun. A May 21, 1992, Arkansas Times article carried a front page story of the drug trafficking, including three pictures of. First, the terrible grammar and typos should be a clear indication that the author is an uneducated, conspiracy theorist. In fact, the Arkansas Crime Syndicate, headed by Bill Clinton, became so deeply involved, that the CIA became concerned that they would be exposed. Jeffrey Epstein: Predator, Spy plus FULL access to all newsletters. We had nothing zeroto do with it, and everybody whos ever looked into it knows that.. Eventually, Brown recalls, Seal startled him by yelling, Well, you all hang on. Bushs New World Order compatriots (including Henry Kissinger, the Rockefellers, and the Rothschilds)ultimately call the shotsin relation to their political appointees, in all matters of importance. var _gaq = _gaq || []; The mysterious events surrounding Mena Airfield in remote western Arkansas during the gubernatorial reign of Bill Clinton have teased the popular imagination for more than three decades. Devastation and violence in every corner of the planet, from the killing fields of Asia to the Middle East and Latin America, to the United States itself. There is no real choice in this charade anyway. A federal investigation aided by the Arkansas State Police established that Barry Seal had his planes refitted at Mena for drug drops, trained pilots there and laundered his profits partly through . Instead, he says, he found this huge military plane that was not actually a military plane. This is the most dangerous hour the world has faced. His C-123K cargo plane that crashed in Nicaragua, played a major role in exposing the Iran-Contra affair. Officials at the Arkansas Studies Institute suggested their concerns were legal and financial, associated with vetting the book, but Leveritt wasnt buying it. They are the Swamp. This was part of the Iran-Contra affair, in which the US . This brutality is the threat that a Bush-endorsed Hillary Clinton White House promises. Seal was murdered shortly before he was expected to testify about the Nicaraguan sting operation against powerful Colombian drug czars under indictment in Miami. Oliver North did go to jail for the Iran Contra affair that used the small airport in Mena, Arkansas, but there was never any proof (or even an accusation) that Bill Clinton knew anything about it. Key operatives in Iran-Contra were George Bush, Oliver North, Dewey Clarridge, John Pointdexter and Caspar Weinberger. How could that be? This is a virtual certainty, barring a total revolution that sees all members of the New World Order removed from power and punished, the CIA and other criminal entities shut down, an international cease fire, and an end to all wars. Parks, a Little Rock private investigator, was hired by Vince Foster to head up Clintons security detail at the Clinton campaign headquarters. Bush throat cut gesture aimed at Trump. (OBrien, who continues to speak out about her experience and CIA psychological operations, was allegedly rescued by former CIA operative Mark Phillips. Let these words serve as the call to action. During his teens, Barry would bicycle to Ryan's Field to watch airplanes in action. It alleges, explicitly and implicitly, that an aircraft operated by a CIA front company in 1984 used the airfield at Mena, Arkansas, as a staging point for weapons supply flights to the Contras in Nicaragua; on the return flights from Honduras, the aircraft allegedly carried illegal narcotics to Mena. Barry, his two brothers, Benjy and Wendell, his mom, a homemaker, and his dad, a candy wholesaler, lived in a house on Lovers Lane. Two years later, he would be shot dead in Louisiana. Those deemed the most effective actor for any given period are chosen in advance. 1983 - 1995 - Federal investigations are covered up and shut down. As for Mena, Arkansas, it was home to Operation Black Eagle, the most massive covert operation in US history. _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); And while Clinton would later correctly note that events at Mena were primarily a matter of federal jurisdictionmeaning that Republicans probably had more to lose than Democrats if the truth was exposedits also true that a Clinton friend and supporter named Dan Lasater was under investigation for drug smuggling at the same time Seal was operating in Arkansas. The Clinton Foundation is a criminal apparatus, a classic secret call that exemplifies the kind of activity upon which the Clintons and Bushes thrive. The Mena Airport, Arkansas, with Photo Gallery. Comeon, you seriously gonna say this is all coincidental? Barry Seal, at the time he died, may have been the . I knew the agency had an extensive file on Seal, Leveritt wrote, because Id read it decades earlier, shortly after Seals murder. By providing your phone number, you are consenting to receive calls and recurring SMS/MMS messages, including autodialed and automated calls and texts, to that number from the Judicial Watch. Tucked away in the western part of Arkansas is a little town known as Mena. Let the mainstream corporate medias desperate attempt to sanitize the Bush record utterly fail. var sc_partition=60; I understand that Fred Hitz or someone from his staff, along with other CIA officers will brief Congressman Leach on Friday 21 July in an attempt to address his concerns about these and other allegations. var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; Judicial Watch has launched a new campaign for answers. The alternative funds would be in the form of drugs for weapons. In the years that followed his split from Clinton, Brown investigated white-collar crime for the Arkansas State Police. Bush and Bill Clinton feature prominently. Anything could be achieved with money. Judicial Watch Victories: Courts Declare California Quota Laws Unconstituti BEST OF: Top Anti-Corruption Victories in 2022. "I saw Barry get killed from the window of the Belmont hotel coffee shop. The resistance must therefore be expressed by other means. var sc_click_stat=1; Walker said a huge dark-green military plane was parked there, and that when he expressed surprise at seeing a military plane at Mena, Clinton said it was not military; it served another purpose. The photos quickly leaked, boosting Washingtons anti-Sandinista effort but likely putting a target on Seals back: to his drug-running friends in South America, there could be no question where the photos came from. Get Ready For The First Pluto Return in American History, OPERATION JAB INDIA: A Slow Motion Genocide, JOHN POULOS: LIAR-IN-CHIEF FOR DOMINION VOTING SYSTEMS, MEDICIDE: How American Hospitals and Doctors Methodically Murdered Covid Patients. Beginnings The first rough airstrip was located south of the town on the McBride family's . He identified him as Capt. The "extensive joint investigation" by the FBI, Arkansas State Police and IRS disclosed in the May, 1986, FBI memo released last week, that pilot Barry Seal admitted to smuggling large quantities of cocaine from Colombia to the United States and testified before a Senate investigative committee prior to his death. It is autonomous and it operates through self-funding via narcotics and weapons trafficking. In 1984, Seal turned Government informer after being indicted in Florida on smuggling quaaludes and laundering money. Reed trained Contra pilots at the Mena and Nella airports in Arkansas, and worked with Seal. The imperial positions of the Bush and Clinton clans exemplify this. Before long, Seal was importing up to a thousand pounds of cocaine a month. Mena is 116 miles from Bryant. The very structure of the Arkansas state government was altered to accommodate the Enterprise. Clintons run for the presidency would require lots of cash that could be used for any number of payoffs to top officials and other illicit activity. Indeed, when Clinton was a law professor in Fayetteville, Brown was working on an off-campus magazine, the radical Grapevine. He supports globalization and free trade agreements, supported NAFTA and CAFTA. Barbara Hartwellhas also exposed the same criminality and more, from the perspective of a former CIA operative of rank.). She is reviled and even disliked among Democrats. Let historical truth fully expose who and what the Bush family are, and what they have done. within the Reagan administrationand that, all of these structures revolved around [creating] the secret command role of the then-Vice President, George BushThe Bush apparatus, within and behind the government, was formed to carry out covert policies: to make war when the constitutional government had decided not to make war; to support enemies of the nation (terrorists and drug runners) who are the friends and agents of the secret government.. In 1986, he was convicted of drug distribution, and lost his state securities license. ), and on and on. Every dirty trick imaginable. The boys were chased down and taken to another location. The consistent trick has been to stack the deck with figures who are unified behind the most important New World Order agendas, posing as opponents. 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + ''; Bush versus Bill Clinton was a lie. This would require the cooperation of former CIA operative and then Governor, Bill Clinton. Evidence emerged suggesting that the CIA was operating in the area in the early 1980s; that a major cocaine and gun smuggler was based at the airfield; and that the U.S. military was somehow involved. Seal was killed on the evening of Feb. 19, 1986, machine-gunned in. Mass murder, assassination; the extermination of political enemies and whistleblowers. I first traveled to Mena in 1994, reporting for the Wall Street Journal editorial page. Lucy takes the kids to Baton Rouge. Sally Denton and Roger Morris A longtime supporter of Linda Ives, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, of The London Sunday Telegraph expresses his thoughts about The Washington Post pulling "The Crimes of Mena" story at the last minute. He also referred to Clinton, familiarly, as the guv. And George H.W. The major traffic point was Mena, Arkansas, where the weapons production and training of Contras took place, and where shipment of guns and trained Contras originated. Elections are fake, and this oneis no different. In Mena, meanwhile, things were getting stranger. This leaves Hillary Clinton, who has aggressively sought the worlds highest public office for her entire life. Far from staying background, Clinton liked direct involvement. Arms? At this juncture, no one, including Brown, can say precisely what Clinton was doing at Mena. Yet she pressed on with her writing and finished the book. A Hillary Clinton White House guarantees war, and a triumph for the Criminal State. This kind of clever and successful charade was what the Obama campaign was about in 2008 and again in 2012. There were no local dignitaries present, Bender says, and Clinton did not seem to be taking part in any official function. Reed has maintained for years that the Mena airport was a hub for the illegal shipment of guns to Nicaraguan rebels and was a base for the drug dealings of convicted smuggler Barry Seal, who was murdered in 1986. There is no way that the New World Order will permit a government that is not crawling with its own members, infested with Bush and Clinton operatives. You can trust him, but the network apparently yielded to White House pressure. Well take it from here. Now over two years later, its case remains intact. The institutionalization of terrorism, criminal cover-up and The Big Lie. InThe Conspirators: Secrets of an Iran-Contra Insider, Al Martin describes the Iran-Contra Enterprise that a vast operation that included (and was not limited to) drugs, weapons, terrorism, war, money laundering, criminal banking and securities fraud, currency fraud, real estate fraud, insurance fraud, blackmail, extortion, and political corruption that involved countless Washington politicians of both Republican and Democratic parties. The other troopers called him Clintons Fair-haired boy. On Feb. 19, 1986, Seal was getting out of his white Cadillac in the parking lot of the Salvation Army Community Treatment Center in Baton Rouge when he was shot to death by a Colombian wielding a small machine-gun. And move on, the world did. In February 1986, Seal. Sharlene Wilson was another key figure at Mena. New names, new banks, new drugs, new wars, same blueprint. Will they understand? Poppy trusted them with Arkansas in the 1980s, and with the White House in the 1990s, and he can trust them with the marching orders again. })(); _qacct="p-571RmQ-B866HQ";quantserve(); He alleged in his 1984 book that a Mena manufacturing company secretly made gun parts for the Contras, a claim the company denies. And much of that legend owes itself to the manner in which his life ended. The CIA is more powerful than ever. It is not known if Phillips remains her handler, and if her story is being used as a limited hangout. List of Mass Shootings in the United States in 2021, CLICK FOR RECENT POSTS, SEARCH & ARCHIVES , Arkansas Development and Financing Authority, the creation and funding of Islamic terror and ISIS, Entire faked videos of supposed campaign rallies, The other is not trustworthy and may be compromised. He also says he told Seal he wanted no part of what was happening; then he left. Here, his health deteriorated: he was taking cocaine and his . A US Senate subcommittee in 1989 called the available evidence about Mena sufficient for an indictment on money laundering charges. Barry Seal was fined as part of his plea deal and ordered to serve time at a halfway house, where drug traffickers tied to the Medellin Cartel in Colombia arranged for his slaying, prosecutors said. Most of Washington and much of the world, answers to them. his family to Mena, Arkansas. Mena AR Real Estate & Homes For Sale 134 Agent listings 17 Other listings Sort: Homes for You 120 Pebble Ln, Mena, AR 71953 UNITED COUNTRY ARKANSAS PROPERTIES, Christy Titsworth $190,999 3 bds 2 ba 1,880 sqft - House for sale Price cut: $8,001 (Dec 29) 4855 Highway 8 W, Mena, AR 71953 RE/MAX MENA REAL ESTATE, INC., Nan Gaddis $250,000 3 bds 2 ba A federal judge had sentenced Seal to stay for several months in an unguarded Salvation Army halfway house in Baton Rouge. I dont want to be getting any more reports from Brown is the statement by Tucker that Colonel Tommy Goodwin, the recently retired head of the Arkansas state police, quoted in explaining the demotion to me in an interview. It also appeared that no one from 1987 to 1993 had interviewed anyone of any significance in the case. According to Duncan and Welch, the bulk of the story centers around a drug-smuggler named Adler Berriman Seal, also known as Barry. Young has since been made head of the Federal Emergency Management Administration in Denton, Texas. In 1994, Brown told Daniel Wattenberg of The American Spectator that Jim Guy Tucker, then the Arkansas governor had asked him and trooper Larry Patterson for compromising information on Clintons private life in 1990, when Tucker was contemplating a race for governor. Was what the Obama campaign was about in 2008 and again in 2012 trust him but. 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