reflection paper on diversity in the workplacecaitlin rose connolly

When diversity is not welcomed with willingness, many problems which can be detrimental to the staff and organization as a whole ranging from conflict and tension to staff leaving the company, can occur. Management of cultural diversity has been suggested as the human resource strategy enabling the effective management of the workforce diversity created by demographical changes generally in the late 1980s and the early 1990s. Everyone is unique in their own way because knowing the fact that you can show your true colors, is what brings peoples attention to wanting to get to know one another and know more about that unique individual. His suit was of a strange cut, and the man was darkish skinned and foreign looking, but not Brazilian, which are the only foreigners you see much around here. Reflection Paper: Diversity in the Workplace, This course on cultural proficiency in health management has broadened my, understanding with regards to social factors such as racial or ethnic, socioeconomic, gender and, other differences that affect provision of healthcare. (2013). The similarities and differences that exist between you and your work community may have an impact on your work. For differences that result from cognitive abilities, learning styles, or developmental stages, the differentiation in delivery style and product styles support students academic, emotional, and social growth. I had never been exposed to any ethnicities, other than my own, until moving to college. When the average U.S. citizen thinks of the typical American man, the image of a white, forty-something, financially well-off business executive may come to their mind; in other words, a man of high rank and superiority. Workers that can embrace the differences of their coworkers, have a better ability to relate to others, and work better together. Some of us have had experiences where we have made a connection with someone who was "other". When interviewing the supervisor I noticed he did stereotype some of the races. View MULTI. Every country has different advantages and disadvantages of workforce diversity., Hirokawa, Robert, Larry, & Linda (2003) suggested that effective groups achieve tasks and maintain good relationships among members, but this achievement or effectiveness has difference in role playing when sex and gender are being introduced (p. 221). In our neighborhood, there are many different cultures and people from different backgrounds, most of whom I have never gained interest orient myself with . Todays most business primary concern is retaining workforce diversity. I never looked at myself as privileged because of how I grew up, with a single mom, on the WIC program, and with no money to spare. This system of unearned privileges established by white individuals made people of color feel oppressed. This led to the hiring process favring white and Asian candidates and discriminating against Black candidates which then created segmentation in the workforce that can be seen to this, The book provides information on how to ensure there is inclusiveness in workplace. They are dealing with the problems that arise when people in the workplace communicate. Culture plays an important part in shaping a persons behaviour. Effective leaders must learn to embrace conflict because it is an inexorable part of human interactions and without intervention, it seldom finds its own productive solutions (Myatt, 2012). I am a white-passing Native American female, who lived in a city which has a predominantly, 63.7 percent, Black population.. Having an equality and diversity in the organisation send a fair norms for the employees and customers. After completing this assessment, I learned that I am a diversity realist. With diversity, you are sure to have a successful business today working environment. The first day, I met my fellow campers, and I've spent my whole life in diversity. Eagly, A. H., & Carli, L. L. (2007). When an employer understands and values differences among their employees, the company can gain many valuable assets. He also added that men worked harder but that women worked smarter in the workplace. In a workplace, we can learn from one anothers diversities., Ans: - In the era of globalization, workforce diversity is important. Their female socialization can make them feel like a gender outsider in groups of men., Waldingers and Lichters hiring queues were based on a racial and ethnic hierarchy. Childs, J.T. The result is a diverse American labor force representing a microcosm of our society - yet one that continues to struggle with its identity. Not that many women were able to work due to mens superiority. Large number of. Diversity entails the way employees perceive themselves and others affecting the way they interact with others in a working environment. Firstly, diversity at workplace values differently between the past and the present. With white privilege, white individuals are protected from the hostility, distress, and violence, which is often associated with individuals of color (McIntosh, p. 332). My most recent position was at a call center for the Department of Veterans Affairs. All students deserve to be treated fairly as individuals. Workforce diversity acknowledges the reality that people differ in many ways, visible or invisible, mainly age, gender, marital status, social status, disability, sexual orientation, religion, personality, ethnicity and culture (Kossek, Lobel & Brown, 2005). "Difficult goals direct our attention to the task at hand and away from irrelevant distractions," and "lead us to discover strategies that help us perform the job or task more efficiently" (Robins, 2010, p.69)., In this course, I have learned many new things about the business environment. Everyone around you will have similarities and differences, there is a reason we are all individual people, we are all different and have something different to offer. Cultural values and beliefs provide a framework for people to make assumptions about and respond to their situations and or circumstances. There are a number of companies that have been identified by Fortune as the "Best Companies for Minorities." The bolded advantages points could be found by readers quickly, so that it is easier for readers to know the main points and structure of this page. Ethics are thrown out the window for money everyday. As a result of this experiment, I was able to have better understanding of what it is like to see the world from another persons point of view. Culture also strongly influences perceptions and expectations. 3.When and if the client brings it up. I believe in respecting others the way they are without discriminating anyone by what means. Diversity also involves economic, educational, and generational differences. There, diversity in the workplace is a topic, which will require sufficient research in order to address the problems that come with it hence enhancing good performance in the organizations. Age Diversity in the Workplace With the incorporation of diversity in advertisements, employees, and superior positions todays workplace is more diverse than it has ever been. This program is to temporarily assign a position to an employee in a foreign country. Diversity could best describe as an egg with different color but once you open it, it shows similarities from the inside. The hypothesis of the study is leaders with diversity training, who manage a diverse work team,experience higher levels of productivity. Diversity's counterpart inclusion supports that all individuals are valuable to the organization, not just those who are different. Diversity in the workplace: benefits, challenges, and the required managerial tools. Cultural diversity can affect the workplace in numerous ways. I began to make my way over to him (he was about 500 feet away in the same parking lot to the west of my 20), when he quickly finished whatever he was typing and stuffed it. Strategies that support diversity: Throughout the progression of this class, I took various assessments that measured my preferred workplace attitudes. I lived in a small town, which acted as a shelter from the harsh realities faced by many ethnicities, but also prevented me from experiencing cultural diversity. Also, having employees and students from different cultures will enable the school or company curb cultural and language barriers. In an attempt to truly understand each employees attitudes, I would have each employee complete a small survey that is similar to the assessment that I took within this course. Diversity in the Workplace does not just mean different nationality or race, but it includes age, ethnicity, gender, physical ability, and sexual orientation. As a general rule, in society, whites are still regarded as the most powerful and most successful. My attitude of workplace diversity is straight forward. Going abroad is beneficial for the employee because he/her gains experience that may be invaluable for their career and challenge them to increase their understanding and appreciation of differences across cultures [3](Baur & Erdogan, 2016)., Diversity is the force of many dimensions that become the building blocks to numerous organizations existing. The paper is a reflection of how I feel after reading Peggy McIntoshs handout., Michelle Alexander depicts the grim reality for many young African American men in todays society in her book the New Jim Crow. Diversity has many faces that range from gender, culture, ethnicity, race, economic status, physical abilities, and many more, and this can be a problem that can affect many people who are employed or looking for employment in society because they are being judged or discriminated against for their differences. After each employee completed their own assessment, I would then carefully evaluate each assessment to get a general idea of each persons preferred workplace attitude. Building on the Piagetian concept of disequilibrium (i.e., cognitive conflict) and empirical research documenting relationships between cognitive conflict and transformative learning, this article explores the influence of facilitated conflict (i.e., intentional efforts by the instructor to help students reflect on and work through the intergroup conflict they experienced in the course) on the . with each other as a team even when theyre all almost from different cultural background. The importance of accommodating diversity has been persistently high for and supported by people all over America for decades. Positive impacts can include building a sound knowledge base fellow colleagues, which can make for smoother integration of the organization into foreign cultures. This report will explain what it means to have a gender diverse workplace. The differences in the ethnic or national subcultures exist among people from various races, language groups, regions, and countries. Reflective Essay On Workplace Diversity And Culture, 1. 6. Foreign-born visible minorities and aboriginals are overrated in the bottom 20% of income earners and underrated in the top 20%. When I first heard this phrase I was convinced the officer and the city workers were just worried for my friends, who happened to be African-American and Latino, and I as a whole and just chose me out of the group to speak to. After that, I will use different examples to show that I experienced in some topics and also I will critically discussion my point of views in different these seven topics. Diversity in the workplace encompasses much more than the topic of race. It is in need of attention in order to uphold the well-being and success of businesses and organizations all over the world. I think if the conflict is happen by personal profit, it depends on which parties will make a concession. 4. Education is the core element in which all other professions are based and rooted. Read More How Does Diversity Affect Your Work Relationship 1111 Words | 5 Pages A person can be disseminated agonist for their age, disability, gender, religion, or even for being pregnant. The similarities and differences that exist between you and your work community may have an impact on your work. Respect, trust and patience are some of the key factors to build a strong foundation and reputation that is admired and appreciated by all. This is possible by first increasing the diversity in the workplace and allowing for employees to learn about each others differences and, Discrimination are more common in workplaces, because some people only think of discrimination as making a distinction and judgment of a person based on color of skin. - Ways in which diversity can impact on work and work relationships - DIVERSITY-REFLECTION PAPER.docx from PHYS 1114 at University of Science & Technology, Bannu. When conflict is managed well, it can lead to improved creativity, innovation, higher-quality decision making, therefore creating a more productive workplace. For most new immigrants, the jobs are hardly luxurious. This paper serves to illustrate how diversity in the workplace can affect businesses. The first resource was the handout provided for this assignment; White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack, by Peggy McIntosh. I believe that diversity shapes growth and development. I work in the banking industry and diversity is important because on a daily basis I deal with not only other employees, but a large client base of diverse people., 1. Business owners should be able to adapt to various consumers and expand globally. In order to keep from causing friction, diversity needs to be introduced with grace, accompanied by communication and adaptability, as well as the acceptance and willingness to change within management as well as the staff (Patrick & Kumar, 2012). Moving to the United States made me learned much more about diversity. still prevalent especially in the healthcare sector. 2006) Facts: The plaintiff-agents provided security services for Schultz and his family at his Virginia residence in twelve-hour. While learning of cultural competence I became aware of all I still needed to learn and experience if I were to become an ethical social worker. The issue on ethnicity and race has always been complicated and sensitive. 8 hours ago Web Introduction Today, diversity in the workplace is crucial for the effective organizational performance, especially in the health care environment. I conducted an experiment where I was unable to fully use my dominant hand for a morning. Furthermore, these issues are discussed because they are constantly the debatable topics in the workplace. Besides, it enhances the image of the company to become Employers of Choice. Diversity in the health care industry is very essential and as such nurses must be aware of multicultural practices to provide effective nursing care. We live and work in a diverse world, consists of people with divergent backgrounds with different needs and preferences. Management of cultural diversity has been suggested as the human resource strategy enabling the effective management of the workforce diversity created by demographical changes generally in the late 1980s and the early 1990s. For differences that stem from culture, gender, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status, the adjustments will involve bridging the cultural gap between the students diversity and the curriculum. You do what your told and move on. INTRODUCTION White privilege is an unearned advantage given to Caucasian individuals, as it confers dominance by establishing that the is white race is superior (McIntosh, 1990). For this reflection paper, Public Relations is one of the careers which got my attention, while doing the Focus 2 assessment. MGT/311 Organizational Development I can be casual about whether or not to listen to another persons voice in a group, This paper is about my reflection of White Privilege in the United States. 1. Due to my current experience, it is no surprise that I score high within this assessment. October 28, 2013 I had the phrase I don't see colour coined. Reflection Paper #2 - Multicultural Issues Multicultural issues and a . Since the founding of the United States, African Americans have been denied citizenship that was deemed essential to the foundation (Alexander 2010: 1). Because I have high expectations that all my children can be successful, adjustments may be necessary because everyone is not the same (Burden, 2017, p. 115). This is possible by first increasing the diversity in the workplace and allowing for employees to learn about each others differences and, There are various kinds of people work in same workplace. Having different cultures and education mixed together can make people bring their ideas to the table and create new ideas from each person 's, Because of their new social identity as men, their work is often more valued, and they can receive advantages such as more authority and financial gains. Hiring diverse employees enables solve some problems. In this reflection analysis, I will elaborate on most common white privileges mentioned by Peddy McIntosh through my personal experiences., In White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack, Peggy McIntosh provides vivid examples on how "white privilege" is considered to be unapparent for many white individuals and negatively affects people of color. That resource is my mind. Diversity in the workplace must be more than numbers and demographics, according to the literature in this paper. What is Diversity? Diversity 2. But along this, there are a lot of circumstances that makes it more hard and challenging to deal with. Diversity in my own words would be the equal rights for people to get opportunities in the same platform, with the qualifications needed, no matter what race, ethnicity and sex. In this era, I, thought it is expected that people have become more accepting when it comes to different races, and ethnicities. This wave of multiculturalism is here to stay and cannot be ignored by the present workers or students that are preparing to take charge of the future workforce. Although Americas ideals have radically changed over the decades, white privilege still runs rampant. According to an article, the unemployment rate among African Americans is disproportionately high compared to whites (The Challenge of Diversity). A distinct workforce is important to ensure that it has an accessible, affordable and quality healthcare system. DIVS 1301 Diversity in the Workplace - Reflection Diversity in the workplace the Diversity In The Workplace Essay Diversity has many faces that range from gender, culture, ethnicity, race, economic status, physical abilities, and many more, and this can be a problem that can affect many people who are employed or looking for employment in society because they are being judged or discriminated against for their differences. Women and minorities were the first to dramatically alter the face of the economic mainstream, while gays, persons with disabilities and senior citizens followed not far behind. 8. The first assessment that we took was about my attitude toward workplace diversity. IV. As I make the move into management I plan on applying what I have learned about diversity management and how as stated in (Canas & Sondak, 2014)creates not only a competitive, For this particular study, the researcher is instrumental to the measurement of the impact of diversity training. Diverse work teams bring high value to organizations. But I soon realized, at quite a young age, just how wrong I was., This research paper addresses the importance of diversity training in the workplace. Work force diversity is basically the study of different variety of people working in a workplace. Organizations have to recognize the benefits of diversity and, Humans are unique in so many ways that each have their own personality, skills, knowledge, and attributes that varies from one another. And as members of these various groups struggled for recognition, they developed a new sense of pride in what made them distinctive., Diversity brings equality into the work placement. The diversity issues involving gender, sexuality, race, age, culture and religion will be explored, and the benefits that diversity training brings in each area will be outlined., Hitt, M. A., Black, J. S., & Porter, L. W. (2012). There was a lot of diverse representation when it came to employees, supervisors, and management. Respect for another human being should never be a far away desire; rather, an unyielding expectation., Peddy McIntosh highlighted various unearned white privileges in her autobiographical article White Privilege, Color and Crime: A Personal Account. She illustrated the white privilege as an invisible package of unearned assets that one white person could count on cashing in each day. cabo cave swimming, System of unearned privileges established by white individuals made people of color feel oppressed and. The well-being and success of businesses and organizations all over America for decades center the! Work in a workplace as the most powerful and most successful system of privileges... Some of us have had experiences where we have made a connection with someone who &. 2 assessment of accommodating diversity has been persistently high for and supported by all... 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