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LPOC Last Port of Call HMRU Hazardous Materials Response Unit (FBI) ZONE AH Special Flood Hazard Area inundated by the 100-year flood; flood depths of 1 to 3 feet (usually areas of ponding); base flood elevations are determined DISA Defense Information Systems Agency CROP Common Relevant Operational Picture The action you just performed triggered the security solution. AFGE American Federation of Government Employees DRAT District Response Advisory Team SECARMY Secretary of the Army 3) Disasters Emergency Committee OREMS Oak Ridge Evacuation Modeling System RFC River Forecast Center TAC 1) Technical Advisory Committee NIOSH National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health 2) Exercise Manual Please direct requests for additional copies to: USDOT United States Department of Transportation [ESF-1] PW Project Worksheet At 1 year post surgical recommendation no significant differences in constant or UCLA scores in those who had compared with didn't have surgery. Rate it: I. 410 ( 5177) Unemployment Benefit Assistance COLISEUM Community On-Line Intelligence System for End Users and Managers 2) Congregate Care Center SOS Status of Studies APSS Automated Personnel Security System NEI Nuclear Energy Institute NCPI National Committee on Property Insurance RADID Radar Information Display 6) Area Contingency Plan COBRE Carry-On Bag Remote Examination IMAAC Interagency Modeling and Atmospheric Assessment Center A-ROC Alternate Regional Operations Center HURCON Hurricane Condition MPD Maximum Potential Destruction CET Contraband Enforcement Team DASP Disaster Assistance Support Program 2) Contingency Plan NFDA 1) National Flood Determination Association OLE Object Linking and Embedding UCP 1) Unified Command Plan ATC 1) Air Traffic Control AGAR Alternate Governor's Authorized Representative ATDT Atlantic Daylight Time (GMT - 3) HIDTA High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area CASPER C-130 Airborne Sensor with Palletized Electronic Reconnaissance DPAS Defense Priorities and Allocations System 408 ( 5174) Federal Assistance to Individuals and Households 3) Environmental Management Review OGC Office of General Counsel Suggest. LEP 1) Leadership Excellence Program 2) Commander SAAM Special Airlift Assignment Mission DSWA Defense Special Weapons Agency 2) Drug Enforcement Administration AECB Atomic Energy and Control Board 2) Per Diem IASIR International Association of Security and Investigative Regulators CBRS 1) Coastal Barrier Resources System 2) Field Reference CSBG Community Services Block Grant CAE Command Assessment Element (for CBIRF) SBU Sensitive But Unclassified MC 1) Marine Corps Download Free PDF View PDF. 2) Computer-Based Learning 2) AntiTerrorism Contraband Enforcement Team LWR Light-Water Reactor CISM Critical Incident Stress Management Web. FYI For Your Information JRMPO Joint Regional Medical Planning Office IHC 1) Interagency Hotshot Crew PA-NST Public Affairs - National Support Team AEI American Enterprise Institute GPS Global Positioning System HADT Hawaiian Daylight Time (GMT - 9) 3) Association of American Railroads RON Remain Overnight FANMAP FEMA Automated Network Management Program EDE Effective Dose Equivalent PIPS Pre-Incident Planning System ADMIN Administration Q&A Question(s) and Answer(s) The action you just performed triggered the security solution. WAN Wide Area Network AOA Aviation Operations Area The list of 1.1k Fema acronyms and abbreviations (December 2022): 50 Categories. LNG Liquefied Natural Gas HDP Hurricane Destruction Potential RSPA Research and Special Programs Administration 2) Compact Integrated Narcotics Detector Instrument 3) Mobility Control Center FCP 1) Field/Forward Command Post PN 1) Part Number MIFC Maritime Intelligence Fusion Center NJTTF National Joint Terrorism Task Force PDSI Palmer Drought Severity Index RMM River Mile Marker 2) Department of Conservation 2) National Agency Check 2) Applied Technology Council NA 1) North American EPPC Emergency Prevention and Preparedness Council LSC 1) Legal Services Corporation FDSS Federal Drug Seizure System RAWS 1) Remote Automated Weather Station R&R Response & Recovery Looking for online definition of REHAB or what REHAB stands for? COMREL Community Relations ALC 1) Agency Location Code DISUM 1) Daily Intelligence Summary ECCV Emergency Command and Control Vehicle GCE Government Cost Estimate 101 ( 5121) Findings and Declarations SMO Security Management Office (DHS subdivision, affiliated with MGMT) Apps Applications FEMA NATIONAL US&R RESPONSE SYSTEM STRUCTURAL COLLAPSE TECHNICIAN 02-00 MODULE 1b - SAFETY SM 1B 4 SAFETY PLANNING The multi-hazard safety plan is a guide to the basic elements of safety for a variety of incidents. PWR 1) Power CUREE Consortium of Universities for Research in Earthquake Engineering GNIS Geographic Names Information System MVGP Mission, Vision, and Guiding Principles 3) International Port Security ERT 1) Emergency Response Team DLL Dynamic-Link Library(ies) CJTF Commander, Joint Task Force TMARS Team Management and Rostering System 2) Chief Scientist [NOAA] COMCDTF Commander, Civil Disturbance Task Force LEVEL 1 EST Full EST activation level (NRCC) BDRP Biological Defense Research Program PAC 1) Political Action Committee Abbreviated Abbreviations Common. NOFA Notice of Funds Availability 2) House of Representatives 2) Environmental Impact Statement P&A 1) Price and Availability IMRD Information Management and Requirements Division IAM Incident Activity Manager NTA 1) National Technology Alliance (research partnership between government, academia and industry) NVMC National Vessel Movement Center UST Underground Storage Tank OTE or OT&E Operational Test and Evaluation OSTC On-Scene Tactical Commander Get instant explanation for any acronym or abbreviation that hits you anywhere on the web! GM Guidance Memorandum PSL Private Sector Liaison IMS 1) Incident Management System ZONE V1 to V30 Special Flood Hazard Area inundated by the 100-year flood; coastal floods with velocity hazards (wave action); base flood elevations are determined METOC Meteorological and Oceanographic 2) Joint ICE Center GACC Geographic Area Coordination Center 2) Emergency Minimal Repair 3) Congressional Relations CME Chief Medical Examiner PEO Public Education and Outreach OET Office of Emergency Transportation (DOT) TDY Temporary Duty NSFCC National Strike Force Coordination Center NHV Natural Hazard Vulnerability ESC Executive Steering Committee 2) Civil Applications Committee ASD 1) Allowable Stress Design LFEOC Local Federal Emergency Operations Center 2) National Governor's Association 3) Mountain Standard Time (GMT - 7) EIDA Executive Information and Display Area 2) Exercise Control Team AECM Aeromedical Evacuation Crew Members TLV Threshold Limit Value BSSC Building Seismic Safety Council NSHS National Strategy for Homeland Security 2) Cooperative Base Network FNF Fixed Nuclear Facility(ies) SDTS 1) Spatial Data Transfer Standard(s) ISCS International Satellite Communications Systems ANAD Anniston Army Depot EPS Encapsulated PostScript EOP 1) Emergency Operations/Operating Plan NMAS National Map Accuracy Standard CSH Combat Support Hospital 2) Program Control Team TIFF Tagged Image File Format RNMCB Reserve Naval Mobile Construction Battalion NGS National Geodetic Survey STARTEAM Specialized Target Area Registration Team COG 1) Continuity of Government DULL SWORD Nuclear safety deficiency NPSP National Pharmaceutical Stockpile Program COTR Contracting Officer's Technical Representative Previous 1-2 years Emergency Room Technician/EMT or equivalent experience preferred Knowledge of medical terminology, abbreviations and hospital procedures preferred Knowledge/Skills/Abilities RF Radio Frequency WTC World Trade Center (obsolete) 3) Civil Emergency Preparedness ISOO Information Security Oversight Office LOU Limited Official Use 2) Initial Response Team A/N Alert/Notification CTS Cooperating Technical State RCT Response Coordination Team DAC 1) Disaster Application/Assistance Center 611 ( 5196) Detailed Functions of Administration CIAD Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs Division EIRS Emergency Information Retrieval System NHC National Hurricane Center NGVD National Geodetic Vertical Datum LHA/LHD Landing Helicopter - Assault/ Landing Helicopter - Deck DAMAGES Disaster Accountability Management System NWR National Weather Radio MD 1) Management Directive NMC 1) National Meteorological Center NAERG North American Emergency Response Guidebook MAA Mutual Aid Agreement 3) Public Service Announcement 403 ( 5170b) Essential Assistance ORO Offsite Response Organization Most popular Rehabilitation abbreviations updated in January 2023. LEC Local Exchange Carrier MMWR Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 3) Coordination Center FCM Federal Communications Manager UPS 1) Uninterruptable Power Supply DEFCON Defense Condition RDOS Real-Time Disk Operating System For more information and training on nationwide recognized acronyms and terms go to the National Response Framework website. SNL Sandia National Laboratory ARA Aircraft Rental Agreement TROPAN Tropical Analysis Facsimile Network PPN Passport Number 2) FEMA Storage Center 2) Farm Credit Service SARA Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act SWAT Special Weapons and Tactics SST 1) Safe Secure Transport HPT Health Physics Technician The Licensed Vocational Nurse is responsible for providing appropriate nursing care, as directed by an RN on the nursing unit. 3) Executive Secretariat PRER Peacetime Radiological Emergency Response We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe.If by any chance you spot an inappropriate comment while navigating through our website please use this form to let us know, and we'll take care of it shortly. FRPG Federal Response Planning Guidance CBL 1) Commercial Bill of Lading SSE Safe Shutdown Earthquake CRWRC Christian Reformed World Relief Committee DHA Disaster Housing Assistance RIC Recovery Information Center COTP Captain of the Port ASUFAC Airport and Seaport User Fee Advisory Committee, INS LSV Logistical Staging Vehicle RSC Remote Sensing Coordinator PACOM U.S. Pacific Command CSU 1) Clearing-Staging Unit OAFME Office of the Armed Forces Medical Examiner 306 ( 5149) Performance of Services LOC 1) Letter of Credit HHSEOC Health and Human Services Emergency Operations Center TEAM-CPR Thermal, Etiological, Asphyxiation, Mechanical, Chemical, Psychological, and Radioactive CAMEO Computer-Aided Management of Emergency Operations CEMP Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan AECR Achieving Extraordinary Customer Relations 2) Combined Federal Campaign EDA Economic Development Administration 2) Human Services Cloudflare Ray ID: 78bb64b4aa809fbc FSIU Field Support Intelligence Unit 2) Northeastern Area Download our glossary. EMSHG Emergency Management Strategic Healthcare Group WMD 1) Water Management District ACPSEM Advisory Council on Professional Standards for Emergency Managers DIFAX Digital Facsimile Second Stage Review. TBR Travel Business Roundtable We are ranked top in the nation for performance in neurosurgery, orthopedics, and heart . and SAAR Secretary's After Action Report CW 1) Chemical Warfare/Weapons STR Suspicious Transaction Report SOC 1) Statement of Concern 5) Public Assistance 3) Resource Allocation Decision FEFFLA Federal Employees Family Friendly Leave Act TRIP Transit (and) Rail Inspection Pilot (DHS program, affiliated with BTS/TSA) DOI Department of the Interior NAAE National Association of Agricultural Employees USFWS United States Fish and Wildlife Service NAWE National Association for Waterfront Employees DIL Derived Intervention Level GFM 1) Generic Financial Module (NEMIS) FBO Fixed Base Operator AMB Air & Marine Branch ESGR Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve 3) Delegation of Procurement Authority Sort. 3) Department of Corrections FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency [ESF-5] LRMP Long Range Management Plan CEU Continuing Education Unit. MRV 1) Mobile Response Van (or Vehicle) DU Dobson Unit PSWAC Public Safety Wireless Advisory Committee CDRDB Conventional Disaster Resource Database NMRI Naval Medical Research Institute 3) Intensive Care Unit OMB Office of Management and Budget TBD To Be Determined SSB Single Side Band NIMG National Interagency Mobilization Guide 2) metric ton 2) Computer-Based Instruction ABC 1) American Baptist Churches 3) Infrastructure Protection EMPO Emergency Medical Preparedness Office PNV Present Net Value OTRS Official Time Reporting System 2) Student Manual SLO State Liaison Officer CEQ Council on Environmental Quality 2) Chemical Agent 2) External Data Request 4) Department Operations Center FLIR Forward-Looking Infrared 2) Federal Response Subcommittee AARP American Association of Retired Persons HSEEP Homeland Security Exercise Evaluation Program MARAC Mutual Aid Regional Advisory Committee 2) Secure Passage Program 4) Synthetic Aperture Radar DMAC Disaster Management Advisory Committee MCA Multichannel Analyzer HUREVAC Hurricane Evacuation PVO Private Voluntary (or Volunteer) Organization IFG Individual and Family Grant LOMR Letter of Map Revision ITIC International Tsunami Information Center LeeTran Lee County Transit Authority (Florida) 322 ( 5165) Mitigation Planning 3) Operational Planning System CAT 1) Catastrophic LOSA Logistical Operations Staging Area EICC Emergency Information and Coordination Center 2) Program Management System 2) Chief Administrative Officer 413 ( 5180) Food Commodities CNR Center for National Response, The OVC Office for Victims of Crime PCC Policy Coordinating Committee DA PAM Department of the Army Pamphlet Light Metal Buildings . LA Legislative Affairs (see OLA) SIGINT Signals Intelligence IE Initial Elevation (Line) HSPD Homeland Security Presidential Directive 2) Electronic Privacy Information Center ("No fly" list; RNA Rapid Needs Assessment INES International Nuclear Event Scale 2) Operating Expenses 202 ( 5132) Disaster Warnings SLAR Side-Looking Airborne Radar

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