war thunder forum germany sufferscaitlin rose connolly

For Centurion Mk.3 vs King Tiger H, The long 88 can kill the Cent before it can point precisely on its turret cheek. While German vehicles cannot quite match others vehicles in a drag race, this does not mean German vehicles are bad. Apds still has a low damage output. The only way the Germans can use their strengths to dominate such maps is with good teamplay. Scriptures from many world religions, science facts, safety & reminder tips, cuisine, sports, books, art, music, movies, TV. If you do spot him racing between the hills you will have difficulties to shoot him because the time window where he is the ope is rather short. Samuel Tito Pessa. The issue is not that German CAS is less capable of killing ground targets. While an M18s speed might allow it to get to a point a few moments before a Panther would, the M18s lack of armor and less capable cannon burden it if something like a Panther arrives shortly thereafter. If it's perfectly fine as a comparison, then why is CQC fighting the rulewhen GJ is designing maps,while we clearly can make it a more interesting battle if every nation can face their strengths and shortcomings on the battlefield. I can't even tell whether they even attempted to add the incendiary ammunition, like the phosphor round. The stock ammo misery for every leos and m48 etc. My guess, this is the reason some players dont like the Panther, because you can not get out of trouble fast. Not possible. The stock ammo misery for every leos and m48 etc, Stock ammo of the Leo 1 is the same as every other 105mm L7 at 7.7. Vehicles, #warthunder #warthundermemes #warthunderfunny #warthunderclipsTwitch: Twitch.t. In which I have to say no, it's not ONLY the Germans that have bad reverse speeds. And T topically blow up now if you go through the turret. If anything i insist you grind out to the T34 play about 100 games you'll tend to find that the two are rather close to compare. Its a fine argument, it fits into the"why would I drive over there to shoot them from 10 feet awaywhen I can sit here 1000+ meters away and kill them?" Is a panther really a good vehicle for flanking? I've been playing the Su-100P lately (pretty underrated, but could still use a lower BR to match the regular Su-100) and it baffles me how many pumas I am seeing from 5.7-7.7. I invite others to list other claims of alleged German suffering so that those can be talked about. I myself often wonder why German players don't just take out their CAS when playing against 5.7-7.7 brits for example, since most of the brit tanks at that level can be easily penned even by .50 cal weapons from the air. Another thing, soviet top tier vehicles are fully in meta, with T80B, T72A or T80U you get into action really fast, you have anti-panic shot armor layout, fast reload. And I've never had issues with the breach on a T series unless I've hit the outside of it or its well past 500 meters which is were the 88 will struggle you can still go through the hull of it but need to be more cautious as a whole. And just to be fair, the introduction of M41 to the German tree has improved the situation dramatically. Like I said earlier I think it's important to take a step back and realize what we are talking about here isn't just a drag race but definitely more complicated than so. The ATGMs aren't common place but considering germany doesn't get SS.11s until 7.7 it does show the extreme technology advantage the brits have. It is because most of those players dont have the skill to kill and so try to get some cheap points when if they survive the cap race. While the M18 can reverse much quicker, it also lurches about far more. Many people think that this is a huge advantage the Americans have over Germany and Russia War Thunder T26E1-1 was probably scrapped after the war. All these three things are in fact WT top tier meta. The real question would be if you can deny the enemy taking the capture point from long ranges, which would be a resounding no. Hard cover will always be superior to armor in WT. That is impossible, you need somewhat of a team. With a fast tank it is easier to get to places and to take advantageous positions. Spitfires can see the issue. First of all the amount of smoke the projectile generates when it strikes a target is ridiculous. An Panther however loses his main advantage of better armor. You can't aim when they shot in your direction. While German vehicles cannot quite match others vehicles in a drag race, this does not mean German vehicles are bad. encyclopedia. Armor. Slow speed handling of the Panther is also very bad, making it a bad brawler in CQC situations where you most likely would have to turn with the traverse to get on target in that tank. Maps in air battles are sometimes given to br.s that have no way of properly using them (I hear top jets get tiny maps sometimes) and low speed props get huge maps sometimes (even in jets some of the maps make no sense, why would I fly an Me262 for ten minutes to stress out about my 2 sec window to hit an a.i. (If you can tell us, ofc I understand you might not be able to.) at one point or another, with the severity of this problem varying widely. I've had heat go through and kill the guy that fired the round but never not blocked the shot. This and the blinding factor is a massive inbalance. Back to the topic/question, could someone explain to me why AB's german players are willing to leave matches that haven't even gotten to the real brawling yet. Theres no reason why being put this tank agains opponents which pens it easy and having slow rate of fire to fight them. They can give one of their 109s/190s a bomb and then fight for the skies, but then the potency of the CAS that they bring to the field is subpar compared to the allied standard. I have bought the Su-11it is not even funny how broken it is, as soon as my pilot had a bit of skill points accuired it did not pose a challenge to kill people in most situations with the plane. (and enjoy the performance of APCR). Theres was no reason to add them for almost every US tanks in War Thunder. Download Free PDF View PDF. pzkpfw ii ausf l luchs 37mm war thunder official forum. If he sees that you do dare to cap he will just rush back because he has the speed. Canon CAS is quite strong if left unchecked. Really? It also blinds the enemy which is quite useful(or annoying, depending on which side you're on). I "like" how you start out this topic with some kind of meme-theme, that there's nothing to it more than it being perceived as "suffering!" Just an endemic lack of knowledge of what assets are available to the Germans, 20112022 Gaijin Games Kft. By and large, Germanys main strength is firepower with armor being the secondary asset. (well until last update and the introduction of M41). Interesting, unless you are talking about the driving comfort of the crew I thought we had a couple of long discussions on here where you said main gun bounciness compared to stabilized tanks like the Sherman series are negligible. While the M18 can reverse much quicker, it also lurches about far more. Despite the hype, Allied fighter-bombers are not hypermaneuverable UFOs when they're laden with their payloads--they're easy meat for things like the Bf 109s and La-5s. so german jets are not useless compared to their opponents? For the record, I am always sporting a tank only line-up in ground battles, I just hate planes and helis in ground battles. Their is a perfect blend of fast paced numbers (Warcurse, Escalation) and slower, more groove-oriented thrash in the vein of Pantera's Cowboys From Hell, in particular Destroy What Destroys You. The first two points can be resolved by reforming the German tree to not have the jumps that it has and by requiring players to unlock more vehicles to progress to such higher BRs (as other nations have). In the early days I would have now I just think its better to grab a turtle and snipe, small and fast is for fun whenyou want to explore or get bored. East Germnay also has access to the BMP-2 as well. It is not a matter of belief, it's a matter of understanding that having a whole bunch of people brand new out of 3.0 in 5.X is a problem. And i find that the 88 one shots the T series rather easily now through the turret. All trademarks, logos and brand names are the property of their respective owners. Unfornatly the 105mm Tiger II was phased out. Absolutely you're right on that point, but let's turn the tables here for some perspective. Fires, backs up to cover from return fire etc, flanks if need be. Panther speedcross country on flat terrain is42km/h. Allied CAS has way more firepower than Axis one. An uptier will barely affect the performance of an M18. 2. The issue is that T__ are better than every heavy in game all the way up until the IS-3, and their BR should reflect that. Call me when it has the bombs and rockets just like the allies. It takes longer to aim for weak spot, than the Tiger II stopping and just point at your silhouette. Turret armor>>>hull armor for a number of reasons. You don't need to win the match in the first 5 minutes of the game, late games are a thing. This line comes up in many venues and references many things--but what does it mean? Actually you describe yourself what the effect of better mobility is at the end of your post. However, due to WT map design, with most maps being rather small and generally favouring brawling, this advantage is often countered by the allies more versatile vehicles. warrior412, February 10, 2020 in General & Upcoming. There is big IF in virtually every of your arguments. Also, let's not forget that Germany has a proper line-up of SPAAs till 8.0, if you discount the gap between 6.7 and 8.0, so 1.3BR gap. Despite the complaints about Germany's WRs, they're not bad really. panzer ii ausf l luchs mit bildern panzer panzer ii. He was 60 years old. The cas exists but people act like fighters dont exist in the German tree that can do as the same thing. At 6.7 the US T series are much more survivable when it comes to being hit. thx to the map design, germany tigers same as soviet mbts like t72/t64 donot fit the meta thats all. Puma 50mm Panzergranate has pretty low post pen damage on higher tier tanks. Does Germany suffer and from what? I am a guy who plays all nation with Germany being my single most played nation. What I don't get is the selective nature of it (hidden slope modifiers, HEAT-FS nerf). A T34 hull down has 200-300mm of frontal protection, 150mm-200mm of side protection, and 200mm of rear protection. German early jets are outperformed by pretty much by everything at their br. I've stated this before in another thread and you just stopped responding. They've been in the game for years so to state that they've dropped off the face of the earth is anything but true. This is why nobody takes anyone who believes in tygor syndrom seriously. Germany doesn't suffer at all, just a load of the players are awful and don't know how to angle a tiger etc. Lucky me you voided this argument by saying it wasn't the argument, really dodged a bullet there ^^, There is no if here, the faster tank is predictable this is a fact. He will retreat and find a way around you. Not being able to be constructive in any way seems key to yourself. And here comes the issue with uptiers. "situational" any map with a rock, wall, or building allows you to take advantage of the stabilizer. All trademarks, logos and brand names are the property of their respective owners. Also, most capture points are arranged such to allow for substantial firing work into/out of them from such ranges. It's just so effective and has a good size-able ammunition pool. One thing to mention is that german 6.7 is actually really good against soviet 6.7, it's the stabilized brit APDS ATGM throwers and impenetrable american T__ heavy tanks that really hurt. Download Free PDF View PDF. India. I've said that I'm looking at things that are perceived as suffering but aren't in the interest of finding and isolating the true examples for sake of fixing these things. Sidenote: chuckling at all the silly "confused" reactions haters are giving. While mobility has it's place, it's only one of the triad of armament, armor and mobility. I've recently been having a bad time grinding in German jet battles, and I feel like my grind is somewhat pointless. Thus then other nations get the impression that Germany is both OP, but still their players while about wanting better tanks. As someone who has played all nations, I have had the opportunity to play with and against German tanks. The Panther A apcr can go through a turret of a T series at 400 meters if I'm correct. And as I've tested myself it was consistent to take out the 2 crew members on the one side of the breach ay 400 meters. It is really frustrating when we can't have any machine guns on top of the panzers period. The likes of P-47s and Fireflies can make multiple distinct strikes against armor before working to secure the skies of the battlefield. Those things are a really easy kill as long as you see them first. According to the complaint, Germany suffers terribly under the weight of uptiers. Alternatively they could bring in an ground attacker with a better CAS loadout, but in turn be utterly outmatched when it comes to fighting for control of the sky. Manual Engine Control. It requires however quite some skill to shoot targets in RB from a far and you still lose if noone caps. All trademarks, logos and brand names are the property of their respective owners. Powered by Invision Community, Addressing Germany's real problems: finding the truth behind "Germany suffers!". Thats why the Germans tend to be passive. Germany's problem,at least when it comes to ww2 vehicles, is lack of brawling vehicles past 5.7. As for the Panthers' turret traverse, except for the D variant, all are quite well suited for engagement at medium to long ranges. Mobility is the aspect that most German vehicles are less focused on than their peers, but this is made up for by the Germans better firepower/armor than their peers. That being said I wanted to ask them to get answers, because for me it is important. Theoretically you can kill a Leopard probably even with KV1, it is just much easier to do so by suddenly appearing at a place where no one expects you at that time and this works the best with a fast vehicle. At 6.7 the US T series are much more survivable when it comes to being hit. (Saint Nicholas Bible, CIVIC Worship The Good Book, & Queen Elizabeth II Bible are the same book with 3 different For anyone who has ever played War Thunder and certainly for those who have perused the forums, the line Germany suffers! is probably something youve heard before. And I've never lost my barrel to 50s ever in all the time I've played German tanks. Furthermore, using simple math, after 2 Minutes the number of places where the M18 could be is much bigger than the number of places where the Panther could be. Germany continues to suffer in War Thunder! Some people apparently prefer that Germany suffer rather than see the problems seriously talked about and dealt with--quite sad. For the most part, this is a much slower song that focuses on being absolutely skull crushingly heavy, and it truly does succeed. It was introduced in Update "Red Skies". But be aware of your week side armour. The most disappointing part is that the 7.92s seem to always be under performing and relative to the 13mms too. but in a game where you play the same maps over and over again and know all the ways hideouts. The King Tiger has a high rate of fire, superior armor profile overall (weak cheeks that are very hard to hit if wiggled, better UFP and massively better LFP), better side armor (vertical 50mm on T29to sloped 80 mm on KT). It's very weak side armor also means that it's close to pointless to angle it, compared to the Tiger I. 5. The whole point of M18s are to use it as a flanker and high mobility vehicle. its a combo of bad general movility (its not only foward speed its also traverse speed and reverse speed) and bad gun handling (turret traverse speed and gun elevation speed) mixed with a terrible map design that make the game some kind ofcall of duty playstyle. Real German problem here---> East Germany, "Where's our tank? If they're not interested in moving the follow up question should be why they don't when in German vehicles. Germany has a poor tree layout that enables progression at unusual rates that hurts its players and deprives them of experience unless they actively (and wisely) choose to go the slower route. There's also the issue of the T__ having 6 crew all very well spaced apart, so if by some miracle I get lucky enough to do damage the T__ will just reverse away at high speed and repair. Interesting thing about predicting the predictable itshighly accurate. - During all that time you will be sitting in your spot hoping that the enemy pops up exactly where you predict it knowing that he could also pop up behind you. The majority of the 7.92 German ammunition types go seemingly unused in the game, especially all the high velocity variants of the bullets. Is a panther really a good vehicle for flanking? Panthers has not too much problems in their brs. Think a bit ahead. Oh and by the way, many people do drive BT5s and M18 on high tiers because they are freaking fast and their guns can pen flanks of more modern tanks. One advisory to all readers interested in posting: before you do post, be warned that, No matter how well you argue or what evidence you cite, you will inevitably be attacked by the people who cling to beliefs of German victimhood if you speak out against it--, Nuclear Sciences, Robotics, All Things Engineering, History, Click here to jump to that post. I want to see where you are shooting and with what cause even when i play the AMX M4 which has 215mm of pen btw I've never bounced off the side of a T series tank. Justifications for War and Peace in the Scriptures of the Abrahamic Religions. .50 CALs are overpreforming by a mile. It depends; the objectives can be just as deadly for lightweights too. I found German mobility fair as you already answered the Heavy amor and armament give them a huge advantage and if you play your cards right you can effectively cut off flanking routes to the enemy. There are many, many more ways in which Germany is claimed to suffer--these are just a few that I chose to address for this first post. Uptiers are a pervasive issue for every nation at one point or another, with the severity of this problem varying widely. Highly doubtful, Go-kart's wouldn't have their infamy if more people considered such a possibility, your also implying a M18 would hide and wait for their target to leave cover which wouldn't happen for two reasons. Still a lot more intuitive. Those things can shrug off even the 10.5 in close combat. Nobody likes uptiers and Germans are no exception--but theyre not suffering any more than anyone else. That ammo should not be stock! 1. ronica blake. Also we know the stories about the feared King Tigerpacks who slowly roam the map and suddenly appear in your rear. Sure, technically I can penetrate and get a critical hit, or I could be 1 pixel off and hit double thick armor, or my shot could get absorbed by the breech. And since most Panther drivers know that, they usually just camp. I can go grab the pictures if you'd like as proof. The problem with German CAS at most BRs is that US/UK CAS counters German CAS. Ugh. 20112022 Gaijin Games Kft. And if you talking about the swingfire it's not a good vehicle. There are things the T series better and the game tends to play to those advantages mord than to the tiger 2s but the differences between the two aren't much trust me on that one. Knowledge of what assets are available to the German tree has improved the situation dramatically of side protection, of... Useless compared to their opponents to yourself nations, I have to say no, also. 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